
Story by Yure16 on SoFurry

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Requested by Orion89.

  yure16 your task is to study the mana in the environment and delevope special skills for our adventurers to use. You will also need to determine the elemental chart and which element is strong against which other element. For low level research all spells will only have a 1X multiplier and be available for level one adventurers to use. We will need 6 spells to start with.Here is an example:Spell: AwesomeElement: CoolMP Cost: 3Multplier: 1X (Special X Multplier = Damage)Level Required: 1Yure's little report. Preamble. These spells were created to be used by explorers, as part of our project of colonization. In this wild world of unseen beasts and places, we must be ready to defend ourselves, heal and, sadly, kill. I'm not responsible for the misuse of this document or the spells I created, as they are completely amoral, as tools they are. If one of these spells is used for evil purposes, the spell-caster is the one who should be punished. In any case, I have a rhetorician to defend me in case of unfair accusations. The mana and it's strength. Mana is the magical energy that flows underground. It's existence can only be felt: mana can't be seen, heard, smelled, tasted and can only be felt by those who have a special sensibility to para-physical substances, such as the ether. To the process of extracting such energy to the body in order to cast a spell is given the name of "mining", in reference to the practice of those who extract noble minerals, such as gold, giving an idea of the importance of mana among the circles of spell-casters. I noticed that the mana in this place is rather low. To provide you stronger spells, I would need to mine more mana, which is beyond my skill at the moment. Using weak spells is hard and using stronger spells can be too draining for the spell-caster, considering that mana mining is a demanding practice. On the elements and their relations. There are six elements in the world: light, fire, air, earth, water and ether. The light is the last element and is made of photons, it's the element responsible for the sight, mainly, and luminous energy. Fire, air, earth and water are the secondary elements, composed mainly by atoms. The first element is the ether, the substance that composes the thoughts and is composed by monads. In this place, the elements relate in a strange way. You would usually expect that fire spells are specially weak against defenses based on water, but that's not what happens: they are equal, maybe because of the scarce amount of mana, keeping us from making further experiment, or maybe it's an unknown condition. I made this chart to make things easier to understand. The element at left has advantage over the element at right.


Fire, Air, Earth, Water.



The biggest shock is that Light has advantage over the secondary elements, that have advantage over Ether. Ether, as compensation, has advantage over Light. The secondary elements have no advantages among themselves. Spells developed. The following spells were developed to aid those who will engage in dungeon crawling and monster extermination. Refer to the Preamble for a disclaimer. Spell: Globe of Light. Element: Light. MP Cost: 2/hour. Multplier: 0x (not an attack spell). Level Required: 1. A globe of light appears hovering the spell-caster, providing light in dark places. Cancels penalties related to darkness over sight. The light can be sustained by paying 2MP per hour. The light illuminates a circle (four meters of diameter) around the floating globe. The light can not be touched and doesn't deal any damage. Spell: Lesser Fire Ball. Element: Fire. MP Cost: 4. Multplier: 1x. Level Required: 1. A globe of fire appears in front of the spell-caster and is pushed towards a target. The spell is passive of missing. Once hitting, it explodes, the adjacent living beings (two meters of diameter) around the point where the ball hit will be hit with the explosion, receiving half of the damage dealt to the hitting point. Spell: Lesser Flight. Element: Air. MP Cost: 1/second. Multplier: 0x (not an attack spell). Level Required: 1. The spell-caster flies about one meter from the ground level and can freely move in any direction, except up. If he flies and moves forward, over a hole or depression in the terrain, he doesn't lose altitude to compensate the terrain. It can be sustained by paying 1MP per second. The speed of the flight is half of the spell-caster's running speed. Spell: Growth Speed Up. Element: Earth. MP Cost: 3. Multiplier: 1x (not an attack spell). Level Required: 1. This spell is used to speed up the growth of a seed in order to have vegetables or fruits to eat soon. The speed of growth is increased according to the table below.

Special x Multiplier.

Time until the seed is fully grown.

0 - 10.

Twelve hours.

11 - 20.

Six hours.


Three hours.

When the seed has reached the state of fully grown plant or tree (giving fruit), it's safe to rely on it for food supply. After being hit by the spell, the plant or tree will die overnight, becoming useless. Spell: Healing Bath. Element: Water. MP Cost: 4. Multiplier: 1x (healing spell). Level Required: 1. The spell-caster enchants a water body (such as a lake, pound...) and the water gains healing proprieties. Those who bath in it are "targets". For each hour bathing in the enchanted water, the target recovers an amount of HP (or decreases Damage Meter) equal to the spell-caster's multiplied special. The healing proprieties of the water will be gone overnight. Spell: Lesser Memory Recovery. Element: Ether. MP Cost: 3, rising by 4 at each failed attempt. Multiplier: 1x (ailment). Level Required: 1. The spell-caster can have access to the target's memories of what happened in the previous 24 hours. The target has the right to resist using the proper mental attribute against the spell-caster's multiplied special. If the spell-caster fails, he can try again, but the MP Cost will be 7 and will rise by 4 at each failed attempt. He can try again for a cost of 3 after eight hours of continuous rest. Conclusion. Because of the limitations of my body, I couldn't make further experiments, I would like to develop more powerful spells, but it's impossible being a cub. Mana mining is far too hard for me and I would like to have help from someone who is strong and healthy to experiment with the mana. But I think that the spells I developed, albeit basic, will be very useful to those who explore the depths of the ground, since we don't have plans to explore the skies above just yet.Yure T. Kitten.


[18:39]Alamar: now you can pee your undies again :p [18:40]Yure: Pretty much. [18:42]\*Alamar sits and waits :D [18:42]\*Yure drinks a whole lot of water. [18:44]\*Alamar offers him more, along with soda [18:45]\*Yure drinks and drinks, until he...

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Axel (pt_BR).

Estavam ali Yure e Axel, deitados sob o teto da casa da árvore. Yure é um gato azul gordo, com uma cauda absurdamente longa e uma juba ao redor do pescoço. Axel é um tigre regular. Os dois são filhotes. Não havia muito o que fazer e ambos os felinos...

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Axel (en_US).

Yure and Axel were there, laying under the ceiling of the tree house. Yure was a blue fat cat, with an absurdly long tail and a mane around his neck. Axel was a regular tiger. Both were cubs. There wasn't a lot to do and both felines were bored. It...

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