My Condolences

Story by Care A Lot on SoFurry

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My first piece of writing in forever. I know that some of you are wondering just where I have been. Well, may this little poem tell a bit...

Today, another day

and the world seems no different/

besides my Eyes, my Inner Eyes,

weird, confused, unsure, scared,

my own trophies tarnished by an unsure discovery

"The Reluctant Christian"

I composed in dreamlife,

stared down by a Beast

that liked to maim and kill.

This day is 'new', and that's all that is

They say I cry too much

Well at least my heart is real

surviving in a world of this strange substance/

My condolences

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Preachers, and prophets, push truth like drugs. My mind feels gross like slimy slugs. I'm confused, and used, so used, so, can't I sleep forever tonight? I'm too tired tonight, and I've fucked up again. Desire over chastity, I don't think Anne...

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Funny Wasteland

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