Red and Blake (12)

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#6 of Red and Blake

Here is chapter 12, I hope you all like because things are starting to get a little steamy. Please give SweetKitten some love.

If you missed the first chapter, here it is:

And here is chapter 13:

As always we both would appreciate any votes, comments or favourites, so please enjoy.

Red and Blake Ch.12

By: Wolfie Steel and Sweet Kitten

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Unheard by Red I let out a slight chuckle at his father's antics, oh sure I knew that Red must feel so embarrassed that he probably wanted the floor in front of him to open up and swallow him whole, and judging by the blush upon Red's face, you could probably fry eggs on it, but for me that just added to his charm.

This guy though he is the real deal, because he then makes me blush just as much as he is by telling me how handsome I look, this is the first time ever in my life that I have ever been called handsome, and to add a little more to my blush he makes a mention of my stutter, 'Damn my nerves, I really need to get a grip', in truth when teaching a class, no matter what size, I am a confident dobie, there is no one or any situation that I can't handle, but when it comes to my private life and being complimented I just go to pieces and I become a nervous school kid again.

I finally get some semblance of control again as Red pays the bill for the meal, it is then that we both realize that his dad has now left the restaurant and so he has no way of getting home, well I was not going to let him walk home since I had brought my car to the restaurant, and so I felt that it was only right that I should take him home.

As we arrive at the door the valet heads off to collect my car, hehe, well it is actually a Ford Explorer truck, yes I know that it costs me the earth to pay for the hire, but I have always been one for trucks instead of cars, I have never really thought of myself as someone that would drive something like a Mini or some other compact car.

The valet arrives in my gleaming pickup truck, he gets out of the driver's seat and then hands me the keys, I slip the valet a ten dollar bill for his trouble and then I lead Red to the truck. We arrive at the passenger door which I dutifully open; hey I am a dobie not a chauvinist, I stand and watch as Red climbs into the truck, the perfect vantage point for me to get a sneaky look at his fine butt, and let me tell you, this guy does not disappoint.

With Red securely seated I clamber into the driver's seat and we head back to Red's place, as we pull up to the house I am instantly blown away by how nice it looks, from the manicured lawns to the pristine paintwork, I see a mailbox out front painted with pictures of daisies, it fits so well with the rest of the house.

Out of respect I remove my boots and stand them by the wall, the carpeting inside the hallway looked as though it was expensive and well cared for and I would not soil it with my boots, the house seems to be filled with an expensive taste, this much I realize as the chandelier over head chimes and glistens.

Red leads me to the living room and then heads into the kitchen to prepare the desert, as he heads out of the room I catch a sweet glimpse of his tail and butt, again I cannot stop my Doberman pride from making its presence felt, "Who am I kidding here? I can _'t deny my feelings for Red any longer, when he comes back from the kitchen I want him to see the effect that he has on me_", if this were another time and place then I would have covered my crotch with my paws, but I am through hiding things.

Red enters the living room from the kitchen carrying a tray with the two deserts on it, he lowers the tray to the coffee table and then like the perfect host he hands me mine first, "Damn homemade apple pie, there is only one thing that I find sexier than homemade apple pie and that one thing is holding my piece of homemade apple pie"

I'm brought out of my thoughts by Red asking me why I wanted to become a teacher.

"W-well Red, it really is pretty simple, I wanted to give students a better chance in life, the chance that I never got as a pup, not many folks know this Red but I was a complete failure at school, and my ass was beaten red raw by my father because of it, he wanted me to be everything that he was, but he never gave me the tools to do it, but every other night he would still strap my butt because in his eyes I was not worthy of carrying the Doberman bloodline or continuing to use the Winters name"

I finish my desert and replace the empty plate back onto the tray, I can see that Red is nervous, hell he is not the only one, but I make a decision and I act upon it, I stand from the sofa and kneel down next to where Red is seated, from this position I am almost certain that Red can see the tent in my pants, even if that fails then he will most certainly be able to smell the strong musk that I am giving off.

I then do something that will change things between Red and I forever, I lean in slowly and give his left cheek a soft but meaningful lick.

"Thanks for desert Red it was really tasty, now I know that you are nervous but I don't want you to feel that way, we both know that there is more to us than meets the eye, and I won't deny my attraction to you any longer, I just hope that I have not been reading the wrong signs. There are two ways that this can go, route A is where we both allow our defenses to fall and to start getting to know each other more....intimately, or route B which is where I have got completely the wrong end of the stick and as of tomorrow evening will be kicked out of a job and put on a plane back to England with the authorities using the term Sexual Deviant to put me onto the sex offenders register, route B would have a lot of consequences for both of us"

I then gently take hold of Red's tail and begin to stroke it, hopefully by the end of tonight I will be seeing more of his beautiful fur, I just hope that I haven't gotten my wires completely crossed.

Red and Blake (10)

Red and Blake Ch. 10 By: WolfieSteel and Sweet Kitten After handing my car keys to the parking valet I begin to head into the restaurant, just before I head in through the door I notice that the glass frontage of the restaurant is mirrored and so I...

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Red and Blake (8)

Red and Blake Ch. 8 Written by: Wolfie Steel and SweetKitten _"....It's a glorious Saturday morning and the time is seven am, now we head over to the news room for the latest news, weather and travel"_ _ _ My paw lands on the off button of my...

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Streets paved with gold (3)

**Streets paved with gold.** **By: Wolfie Steel.** **_Chapter 3_** **_ _** It is the following morning and I wake up in a stranger's bed, it takes me a while for my still pretty tired brain to get itself into gear, but once it does I remember the...

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