Dragon Rental Services: A Trade of Skills

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art and Wemd - Wemd

Writing and Styreks - Runa!

Little something to give me the appropriate kick in the ass to get back into writing. Short, but I feel the brisk word count fits the brisk nature of the experience, don't you!

Read the story to understand WHY the title is what it is, maybe.

Dragon Rental Services: A Trade of Skills

Wemd was a dragon of simple tastes. He liked art, eating, his collar, friends, and fun-times with said friends. He liked to travel the world, exploring different cultures and meeting new people with new interests that he'd never enjoyed before. One of his favorites was a friend named Red who discovered an amorphous blob in a cave that could form itself into tendrils to explore and prod at all parts of the body - any body, all bodies.

But on this day, Wemd was on a ship headed out to a remote beach island off the coast that was home to a well-known gryphon who was seeking the dragon's aid in one of his own personal endeavours.

As an artist, Wemd was respected enough that he could make a living off the paintings he'd done, and Ceylon - head feather and CEO of NoThEn Labs - noticed his talent and had sent a messenger bird with a summons and enough coin for the dragon to travel to the gryphon's home from anywhere in the world.

It was a massive honor to be considered for such a task for such a highly influential figurehead, so of course Wemd was nervous as could be. He had no idea what he was expecting. Did Ceylon expect him to paint a canvas across a cliff face? A ceiling with idols of the Gods in between every arch way? Was he being summoned to design new ads for NoThEn Labs' new division in Veneisse? He didn't know, so he spent the entire three day trip on the boat worrying himself about just what was expected of him.

For that reason, he was shocked to see that, when his boat docked at the resort's only pier, there were only two waiting for him: Ceylon himself and a massive aqua-scaled dragon following in behind. He was not familiar with this dragon, and he'd never seen a dragon carry himself like that. He walked on two legs, hunched over like a raptor but with wings that flared out with every few steps for balance. Was he a dragon? A Raptor or other form of lowborn dinosaur? Weren't those subspecies wiped out?

He shook the thoughts from his head as the harbour master tied the boat to the pier, eventually laying the board down so that Wemd could meet up with the gryph that summoned him.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Ceylon greeted him, the larger scaled beast's head bobbing side to side as he walked behind. "Sorry there wasn't more fanfare, but I just have a few things to discuss, beyond that you are free to explore the island and enjoy your mini-vacation at the resort."

"Vacation?" Wemd asked, head cocked to the side. He was under the impression this was a business trip, not a vacation.

"Of course. I just want you to do a few personal pieces of art for my estate to add to my collection, but I'm going to pay you handsomely so that you can enjoy a week or so without having to worry about your life. Think of it as your handsome per diem on an all-expenses paid business trip."

Wemd remained confused and a little distraught at how worried he'd allowed himself to grow on the trip before finally shaking enough of his doubt to extend a talon to the gryphon. "Well then, pleasure doing business with you, sir."

"The pleasure is all mine." Ceylon assured him, neck feathers splaying out in contentment as the dragon hopped around behind the guest.

Wemd kept an eye on the dragon as he and the gryph continued to shake talons, a mere formality at this point. Before he could ask about the seemingly feral dragon, the aqua-scaled beast leaned down, spread his wings, and buried his snout underneath Wemd's tail, sniffing and nuzzling with enough force to pull the biped up off his feet!

"I see Styreks likes you. Well, I suppose that's to be expected, he has affections for anyone with scales, be they dragon or any other reptile. Natural affinity, I suppose. Just let him have his go at you and don't let it get to you, okay?" With that, Ceylon turned and walked up the dock, snapping his fingers gently to have Styreks follow in tow.

Wemd rubbed at the underside of his now-dragon-breath-moistened tail and moaned a bit as he felt his longing bubble up in his loins. The trip to the island had been a long one, with only crew aboard, he was lonely and needed some companionship. Sensing his host and the pet Styreks were getting away from him, Wemd jogged forth until he was in step with Ceylon on the other side of the dragon pet. "So, what is it in particular you want from me, art wise?"

"That's up to you." Ceylon said simply, shrugging his shoulders and clicking his beak. "I just want something from you, I like your style and I like what you have to offer. I think a piece or two from you would fit well in my gallery."

Confused, Wemd squinted one eye. "Well, I need some form of guidance. I don't know what you like, I don't know if you want something classy or erotic - I only ask because I do both - and, I don't know, sir. Is there anything at all you can do to guide me at least in the right direction?"

The gryphon chuckled a bit and slowed his step, letting both Wemd and Styreks to pull ahead of him, a clear line of sight between the two. "Tell me, dragon artist, do you paint pet portraits? I get the distinct impression Styreks here could be some fine inspiration for a horny dragon such as yourself!"

"W-what?" Wemd stuttered as he came to a stop, catching sideways glances at Styreks' peach undercarriage and the thick red scales lining the flesh of his sheathe. Not sure he wanted to be seen admiring the genitals of some feral beast, he quickly looked away. "S-ure, I can do portraits, what did you have in mind?"

Ceylon turned from Wemd and slapped Styreks on the haunches before walking away up a set of stairs to his home. "I didn't have anything in mind. I think I'll let you and this big guy here do some brainstorming. Just show me when you're done and I'll be sure to pay you for your time and services. Ciao." he hopped up a few stairs, leaving Styreks to cutely nuzzle at Wemd before turning. "Oh, and is your name pronounced Whemmed, Wem-med, wheemed, or what?"

With dragon snout in his belly, Wemd was unable to respond immediately, but then just blurted out, "Just Wemd." before having thick, muscled dragon tongue lick between his legs. Nervous and still not quite as into the whole idea of being taken by such a beast, he tried to chase after the gryphon up the steps, but was tackled off the path from behind by Styreks, who eagerly licked at him like a happy puppy.

"I told you he loves other dragons!" Ceylon called out before finally disappearing into a cave under his estate.

This left Wemd completely unsure of what to do next. He needed the companionship, but he didn't know this Styreks creature at all. All he knew was that he was some scaled pet of the gryphon that owned this island. His scales were smoothe and the color of well salted seawater with a pale crimson on the ridges that adorned his snout, spine, and talons. His belly was a peach color, and his sheathe had three Thick, red scales covering it, like protective armor. He also saw the tip of the beast's cock poking out from that very sheathe, and he could see the dragon pet was as excited as he was.

Wemd rolled onto his back and lightly pawed up at the dragon's chest, gently pushing it away with his hind talons before being overpowered and squished beneath the dragon's throat. He could feel the dragon's warmth on his crotch, so he stopped struggling and relaxed, spreading his legs and taking in a deep breath.

Styreks could see he'd won and dominated the bipedal dragon, so he pulled off and started licking at Wemd's belly, nuzzling with his pointy snout ridges while still being careful not to stab as his long, tapered tongue lapped a bit lower with every lick.

It was very clear where this was headed, so the dragon Wemd relaxed enough that his own member eased its way out of his sheathe, the textured head of it splaying out with fluids as it escaped its confines. His balls both grew and swelled beneath, though they were normally tucked up inside.

In response, Styreks sniffed at the air and licked at the emerging member, careful not to bite or nibble at the meat, which seemed to mean he'd done it before and been punished for it.

"Good Styreks." Wemd cooed as he pet the beasts head, tickling at the frills to elicit a series of fluttering churrs from his eager dragon's throat. As he looked down, he noticed a deep orange shimmer reflecting off a thick shaft between the dragon's legs, the deep evening sunlight reflecting off its moist surface.

Hunger. That was what Wemd was feeling. It was a hunger and desire to be stuffed, but not in the traditional sense. Nourishment was to be had, in the form of creamy protein, but not meat or iron. Oh, why bother with the euphemisms, he wanted that cock in his mouth. He wanted to swallow every bit of this drake's seed. He'd need to be careful, though.

Carefully, he slid out from under the beast and got to his knees, scooting forward until he could reach the very tip of it, and he cradled it in his palm, wrapping his fingers around it. He could feel Styreks stop moving entirely as the beast leaned into an all-fours position with his tail raised and wings spread to cover and protect Wemd's form. "Good, good boy." The dragon cooed at Styreks, slipping ever closer on his knees until he was cradling the thick, heavy knot in his palm, the tip of it leaking gooey pre-seed in the crook of his elbow.

What an absolutely massive cock. Wemd couldn't help but fantasize about feeling that heavy, bulbous mass of flesh parting the underside of his tail to swell inside and pump him full. But no, first he wanted a taste. The last thing he wanted to do was waste that seed in his rump before he got a sample of it.

Immediately as the thought flashed through his mind, he had to stop and think about just what we was contemplating. Wemd was an artist, not some whore to be sold, nor was he usually the type to just bend over for some powerful scaled beast.

Not usually anyway.

Something about this island, the thick moisture in the air, and the cavalier way Ceylon dismissed what little objections Wemd had about such an encounter made him feel like something was afoot here. In fact, the more he thought about it and reflected on his trip here, he remembered he was too anxious to worry about any sort of arousal, he wasn't horny or needy at all until the island itself crested the horizon. He even caught himself lusting over a feral beast of a low-born dragon within minutes of stepping onto the docks.

Something was amiss here, and it wasn't too hard a stretch to imagine that Ceylon was performing some sort of experiment. Perhaps a pheromone mist around the island.

Wemd had his thoughts interrupted by the pointy tips of Styreks' muzzle ridges as the beast grew bored of waiting for more attention. The smaller, distracted dragon had stopped massaging the crimson rod that swayed between powerful hind legs.

Regardless of his hesitation, Wemd found himself desiring that cock, be it in maw or rump. It didn't matter to him, all that mattered was that he get his fill. He'd enjoy it for now and confront Ceylon later when the passion and desire subsided. No problem. With his focus repositioned on Dragon cock, he leaned into the musky scented flesh and gave the tip a lick, recoiling a bit due to how powerful the flavor was.

He was about to pull away and reconsider his position, but before he could give another rub or squeeze, Styreks rose to his hind legs with his head to the sky before falling on his back, using wings as a sort of cushion between him and the grass and sand, smaller front claws folded up on his chest. His tail was wagging and blasting bits of sand all over the place as he gaped his maw open and panted heavily as if to ask "Well, what are you waiting for, rub something!"

There was a moment of pause before Wemd accepted the offer and laid down beside the bestial dragon, cuddling into the underside of his wing while leaning over to suckle at the tip of the cock, careful all the while to ensure his teeth weren't snagging on bits of flesh that were sticking out and flaring out with each muscular contraction.


It really wasn't anything special, just a cock (albeit a rather large one), yet as the desires he had felt sated, it made the occasion seem especially erotic to him. He was cuddling up to a larger, more powerful beast in styreks, with the top of a knobby cock resting on his tongue and bits of pre-seed dribbling down his throat, so he did the next logical step by arching his spine and pressing his own cock tip against the meaty rump opening on the beast's underside.

It was an odd angle, of course, so he barely managed to get the tip in when Styreks pulled away, roaring gently and curling his tail up to slap at Wemd's chest.

"Okay, okay!" He protested, giggling a bit before returning to suckle that meaty, juicy cock that was throbbing in front of him. He wasn't shy about sucking it back deep and hard, the tip of it sliding over his tongue to press at his throat. Wemd chose this opportunity to slyly snake his tail tip over Styreks' own tail, poking at the soft underbelly scales before finally meeting at the beast's rump.

Styreks' maw closed as his innocent amber eyes widened. He was clearly not used to getting this kind of attention, so this could go either way for the horny dragon. The beast could enjoy it, or he could lash out with a bite.

Rather than go forth, Wemd paused and waited for The beast's reply. The very tip of his tail was resting gently just inside the dragon's rump, so he gave the end of it a flick, and that's how he got his response.

A deep rumbling growl reverberated through the beast's body before he laid his head back, talons folded up on his chest as he allowed Wemd to play with him. His muscles relaxed and his cock throbbed as his tail swished back and forth, once again bating idly at the sand beneath them.

With Styreks lounging lazily at the beachfront vegetation, it actually was a bit of a surprise when Wemd felt a warm stream of sticky cum blast into his throat in a series of brisk eruptions. He happily swallowed it all, relishing the flavor as it slid down the back of his tongue, but he was careful not to bite, as he didn't want to hurt such an oddly sexually liberated feral.

The culmination of the setting and the dragon's inordinately high arousal level made the next step simple. With his tail still inside the dragon's rump, he pressed his own cock tip against the plump anal flesh and applied just the right pressure as his tip slipped out, giving just enough to have his cock slip inside, replacing the tail. Styreks didn't seem to notice, so he pulled his maw away from the beast's cock and thrust ever so gently until his own knot was pressed to the underside of the feral's tail.

Wemd was careful to keep watch of Styreks' reactions to ensure the post orgasm bliss wasn't effecting him negatively. Luckily, he was still writhing in pleasure as his cock deflated, knots shrinking and the slickened flesh wrinkling as it returned to its crimson-scale-protected sheathe. It didn't take long at all for Wemd's own pleasure to hit a sort of plateau just below a true climax yet still enough to cum. The surprisingly warm flesh of the dragon's canal throbbed around him and coaxed a tiny bit of seed, leaving him needy but too spent to finish up.

He grumbled a bit and stumbled to his feet, giving Styreks' sheath a gentle rub before huffing off. His own cock was still dangling, half-erect, as he stormed away. This was rather peculiar, an odd side effect of whatever weirdness was being concocted here on the island. He'd cum and felt the familiar post-coital bliss wherein he got exhausted to the point of being unable to continue, but it felt like his balls were tensing up, still on the verge of eruption. A form of blue balls.

This would not do.

As he stormed up the walkway to the cave Ceylon had disappeared into earlier, Styreks got up, licked himself clean, and followed. Wemd gave some powerful knocks as the door was locked, so when Ceylon finally answered, he got an earful. "I don't know what you're doing here, gryphon, but I need some help. Please let me finish!"

"Finish what?" The gryphon prodded with a sly grin. "Art, already?"

"No, but I do think I have the inspiration to start." Wemd revealed.

"Glad to hear it. Come on in, we'll get you the supplies you need. Just hold onto that inspiration." With that, Ceylon guided his artist friend into his abode, not letting him climax until the art was done, and the experience between dragon and dragon was proudly hung in the gallery of the gryphon.

Free Range Fun

Damn that dragon. She was supposed to be here by now. I had some fun planned for her and if she didn't arrive, I wouldn't be able to take advantage of what was a very time-sensitive opportunity for some very specific activities. She did this to me all...

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The Eternal Lover Chapter 1

The horse-drawn carriage rocked and bounced along the dirt path, shaking up the two riders and their goods. Bottles clinked against one another, boxes full of produce rumbled, and metal buckles clanged gently through the cross country path linking...

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the Eternal Lover Chapter 2

"Okay then, careful here." Ruco warned as he slowly slid the raw pizza off the pan and into the wood oven. He closed the door and watched happily as smoke billowed out the stack. Proud of himself, he turned to Vaulix and smiled. "Now that the pizza's...

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