The Hunters and the Herd

Story by FakeMan on SoFurry

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A Commission for the very creative gotommax (

Two fathers convince their sons to come back from college to go hunting as a family like they did back in the good old days. They find a huge buck that slowly changes all of their minds about what should be done when they find another stag.

Disclaimer - In case you haven't herd, this work contains copious amounts of male on male relations, animal transformation (oh deer,) and interfamily amorousness. If this doesn't sound like what floats your boat, then I highly recommend you try finding a different part of the linguistic ocean instead. (This is a work of pornographic fiction. Please do not read if it would be illegal for you to do so.)

The Hunters and the Herd

Hunting was something that both Jeremy Canter and Alan Smith remembered doing when they were younger. But It had been years since they both went off to college, and to be completely honest, neither one was looking forwards to returning to the wilderness with their fathers. Jeremy had loads of classwork to finish, and had never much liked fruitlessly tromping through the wilderness with a rifle for hours on end anyways. Alan simply had better things to do, he was missing practices for the college intramural soccer team, and would much rather be back in town spending the weekend with his recently acquired girlfriend.

And yet, they both found themselves in the same ancestral campgrounds that their families had been coming to for what seemed like forever. Although the campsite hadn't changed much, their families had. Alan's parents had broken up a few years back, so his mom wouldn't be accompanying them this year, but at least that meant that he wouldn't have to listen to their arguments when inevitably Mrs. Smith ended up being a better shot than any of the guys were.

Jeremy's father, Mr. Canter, had received a promotion since the last time they were here, and he brought along his shiny new RV with him. It had all of the conveniences of a well equipped modern home, all the way down to a shower and an automatic ice maker, but the growling gasoline generator outside seemed very out of place amidst all of the tall firs and pines. But even with the slick new wheels, Mrs. Canter had never been a fan of the wilderness, and so she had opted out of this particular adventure. Both Jeremy and Alan were sleeping in an old maroon pop-up tent outside; it'd be weird to all pack onto one couch and one bed. Actually, it was already a little weird for each of them to see their fathers decked out in orange green camo and their old hunting gear, Mr. Canter looking like a disgruntled office worker with his wire framed glasses, while Mr. Smith looked more like some kind of unshaven combat hobo. For the most part, the two old friends were just wearing their summer clothes with the requisite orange vests, although Alan did sport a massive bowie knife clamped onto his belt, his only explanation being "why not?"

The weather was a little cold for this time of the year, with that crisp bite from the winds blowing off of the mountain despite the heat of the sun. They managed to set up camp faster than anyone remembered doing, but whether it was because of the RV, or just because everyone was old enough to figure it out themselves, nobody knew for sure.

"So Ron, you ready to actually shoot something for once?" Mr. Smith shouted back over his shoulder as he took a beer out of the old dinged up blue plastic cooler full of ice. Although they did have a refrigerator, it just wouldn't be camping without the old Blue Beast.

"Hey, if I remember correctly." Mr. Canter replied. "Neither of us managed to bag anything last time. It was like this place just got cleaned out last year, let me tell ya." He turned to explain to their sons.

"Sure it was dad." Jeremy rolled his eyes, taking out the copy of The Origin of Species that he was supposed to finish by Monday and leafing through the pages.

"Not this year though, let me tell you, the guys have been up here, and I've heard stories." Mr. Smith turned, raising his can of Rainier as he spoke. "There's a monster of a buck out here this year, an eighteen pointer that must weigh like half a ton!" He embellished his story by spreading his hands wide, spilling a splash of beer in the process.

"Then why didn't someone just shoot it huh? If it's that big, then no one could miss it." Alan sighed, taking out his knife and idly carving into the old gray wood of the picnic table by the fire pit.

"It's a wily one by the way the boys described it. Never with a harem: just a lone buck that you hardly get a glimpse of before it's off through the trees!" Mr. Smith finished off his beer and grinned wildly. "And that's why we're gonna sneak up on it. Just imagine everyone's faces when they see that I brought down a beast like that . . ."

"Unless of course, I get to it first." Mr. Canter interjected. "Now that I've got this Sauer 303, I can hardly miss, and let me tell you, if I see it first, with a gun like this, it's dead." He hoisted up the long barreled gun from the back of the truck.

"Eh. It still just shoots bullets. Isn't that right son?" Replied Mr. Smith, looking back to where their old used Remingtons laid on the table.

"Whatever." Alan shrugged as he replied, thinking of the long, mostly fruitless hours they spent when he was younger. "It's not going to matter if we don't actually find any elk . . ."

"Then I guess we'd better get going then!" Mr. Canter cheerfully laid down his rifle and swung around his camping pack. "Just make sure you bring enough water along. I've got some trail mix and a GPS in case we get lost . . ."

"Fuck, Ron. You'd think with as many years as we've spent out here you'd have it down by now!" Mr. Smith slapped his knee as he chortled.

"Always be prepared." Mr. Canter shot back. Brimming with cheerful rivalry.

Jeremy and Alan rolled their eyes as they picked up their gear and followed their fathers off out into the breezy late spring woods.

* * *

As expected, they were all three hours into the great hunt, and still no elk. There were some signs of them: hoof prints, droppings, and some shredded up tree bark, but nothing that made either of the boys overly optimistic. This fact was obviously starting to grate on both of their fathers as they dealt with it in their own particular ways. Mr. Canter was getting more and more desperately optimistic, claiming that a big buck had to be just over the next hill (they'd looked everywhere else.) At the polar opposite end of the spectrum, Mr. Smith was becoming increasingly gloomy, complaining a little too loudly that this was all the fault of some family of redneck assholes who came in and shot indiscriminately even though they didn't have any licenses.

Jeremy and Alan were mostly just hanging back, rifles hung over their shoulders with the safeties on as they had both given up any hope of actually accomplishing anything with this particular escapade. Instead, having already said everything worth saying, they both just silently watched the surrounding greenery with the bright afternoon sun filtering down in through the trees while they smelled the fresh clean scent of the pine forest; it smelled the exact same way their memories of childhood did, and both wished that they could just be back at camp relaxing in the nice weather.

Walking over the next shallow angled ridge, they all stopped as a sudden burst of motion went hurtling through the underbrush not twenty yards away from them. It was impossible to tell in that split second, but it was large and brown, and they all heard the sound of heavy hooves pounding against the forest floor.

Acting on a combination of adrenaline and desperation, Mr. Smith raised his rifle and took a shot, report echoing through the trees as the heavy thundering gallop continued. Following the instructions of his gun's manual to a T, Mr. Canter lined up his shot, looking through his scope at the seemingly impermeable wall of jostling greenery before squeezing the trigger. There was a sharp crack and a high pitched animal squeal, and then the thunder of hooves slowed, followed by a thud as the beast collapsed into the sea of green in the distance.

"Hah!" Cried Mr. Canter. "I told you this was the gun that would do it." He flicked the safety on his rifle with a satisfied click. "I think I saw quite a rack on that one. Maybe it's the beast your friends told you about eh?"

"Nice shot dad." Jeremy nodded, honestly a little surprised at the sudden burst of activity.

"Yeah, nice shooting Mr. C." Alan nodded. It had all happened so quickly . . . Usually they got to get a good look at what they were stalking before really going for it.

"Eh, looked a little scrawny to me." Mr. Smith replied dismissively. "But let's go and see it." He was obviously excited as well, the exhilaration of the hunt still pulsing through his body. In honesty, he hadn't seen exactly what it looked like, but if it ran like an elk, and sounded like an elk . . .

They all hurried forwards, sons trotting behind their fathers as they swatted prickly pine boughs from their way while rushing towards their eminent prize. Getting close and closer, Mr. Canter, as he was in the lead, stopped suddenly as the others bumped into him.

"Oof! What'd you stop for you big idiot. Someone's liable to get . . ." Mr. Smith trailed off as they both looked down at the corpse that lay before them. It was indeed an elk, but its head was smooth and barren of antlers, and its shaggy coat was mussed against the bush it toppled onto, blood slowly leaking from the almost imperceptible hole in its broad bushy furred neck.

"Dad, I don't think that's a buck . . ." Jeremy began as he caught up, looking at the huge animal's swollen midsection. It was illegal to shoot a cow during the season . . .

"Oh god, I didn't know. I just saw it and . . ." Mr. Canter began to stammer.

"Then why'd you take the shot?" Mr. Smith interrupted him, eyes wide and darting as he took in the implications of their actions.

"Because_you_ did. I thought you'd only take a shot if you'd seen a buck. I just assumed that . . ." Rambling, Mr. Canter began to pace back and forth.

"Uh, isn't this like . . . against the law? I mean . . ." Alan scratched at the back of his head. This had never happened when they were younger.

"Oh god yes. There's a thousand dollar fine and you get your licenses revoked." Mr. Canter rubbed at his face with his hand, eyes wide as he spoke. "Oh Jesus. The guys at the office will never let this one go. Look we've gotta do something about this or . . ."

They all paused, looking down at the now lifeless bleeding body of the huge shaggy brown furred hoofed creature before them. its wide dark eyes were still open, one of them tilted up as if it were judging all of them, reflecting the dappled light filtering through the trees.

" . . . What body . . ." Mr. Smith spoke the question as a statement.

"Huh?" The rest of the group looked towards him.

"Look. There's a lot of other hunters around here. We just stumbled across this after we heard the shots . . . right?"

He stepped away and slung his rifle over his shoulder.

" . . . Are you sure about this?" Jeremy asked, getting the idea while looking down at the game animal that couldn't be a trophy. "I mean, there's probably just a fine to pay if we just tell them that we accidentally . . ."

"No no." His father cut in. "Tim's right. I mean, my record is spotless, so . . . let's just get out of here and say it never happened."

There was an awkward moment where everyone just stood looking at the tragically inanimate body of the female elk between them before they all slowly walked away, following Mr. Smith's lead as he shuffled back with a pace that was slightly too fast, betraying his guilty conscience.

They didn't speak much after that as they trudged back to camp in silence. Even the conversation over their dinner of steak and baked beans was forced at best as Alan tried his best to talk about how his soccer team was doing, and Jeremy told them all about the fanatic zealot who'd been preaching around campus with a big "The End is Nigh" sign.

But really, all of them were just thinking about the Elk and its wide staring eyes, still seeming so very alive as it lay there on the forest floor. But although all of them were thinking about it, no one spoke a word of their misdeed as they all watched the sun go down. Once the light was dim, the two fathers retreated back into the RV while their sons unzipped the reddish fabric of their tent, and they all called it an early night, far more mentally exhausted than physically.

* * *

The silver light from the moon filtered through the drapes of the RV's windows as Mr. Smith silently rose off of the sofa-like bench he was sleeping on. Making as little noise as possible, he tugged on his hunting gear, closing off his sleeping bag behind him so that it looked like he was still in it. Listening to make sure that Tim wasn't awake, he quietly opened the door and left out into the night, bringing his rifle with him as his feet crunched crunched though the pine needles in the dim moonlight.

Although loath to admit it, it bothered him that Mr. Canter had been the one to bring down that doe, even after he had taken the first shot, and so he was out to redeem himself. He was going to find that big old buck his friends had spoke of and he was going to bring it down single-handedly. The moon was bright enough that his eyes adjusted pretty quickly. Knowing that some elk stayed out in the early part of night, especially in this part of the season, he carefully looked for any signs to follow. He made quick time, completely oblivious to the sound of the RV door opening a second time in the far distance as he kept walking.

Feeling worthless for shooting a doe and not being able to come to terms with it, Mr. Canter also stepped out into the night, fully geared out with his expensive rifle in his tight grip. He was going to find a real buck to bring down, and maybe then he could forget about the doe and her glassy eyed stare.

Mr. Smith had a good head start though, and his pulse rose and he felt a rising exhilaration as he somehow knew he must be on the right track. There was just a smell in the air, a musky animal stench that could only belong to the nearly mythical animal that he could practically see in his mind's eye. He licked his lips slowly as he walked on, eyes peeled for signs of movement. Lungs taking in deep breaths full of animal odor, he thought to himself about leveling his piece and shooting down the yet unseen multi-pronged animal, but it just seemed wrong . . . No, that would be almost too easy.

His thoughts were getting muddled as he trudged onwards, not even feeling the chill of the night as he knew he had to be right on the big buck's trail. He didn't even want to gun the dumb beast down at this point, instead, he felt like he could just take it down with his knife, or even wrestle it to the ground with his bare hands, show it who the real boss was, really prove that he was the true man around these parts.

As his mind wandered, then there was suddenly a short rustling, the snap of a branch broken under a cloven hoof, and Mr. Smith froze, panting in the musky air, making a decision as he rested his gun against the side of a nearby tree, fingerless gloved hands clenching and unclenching as he ran towards the brush at the edge of a nearby clearing, blood boiling with impossible confidence. Bursting through into the moonlit meadow, he stopped for a second in awe, looking at the silhouette of the largest buck elk he had ever seen, standing tall in the moonlight and seeming to look straight back at him. Its coat was shaggier around its thick neck and belly, and smoother around the rest of its immense body. The myriad points of its horns stood straight up into the moonlit night like a miniature forest of their own.

If the animal's staring was a challenge, Mr. Smith accepted it with relish, growling a wordless snarl as he launched himself towards the beast. It lowered its head, interposing its horns between its massive body and the comparatively small man charging it with seemingly reckless abandon. Oddly, the elk didn't seem like it was going to flee at all, as most of its ilk would do in this situation. Instead, it moved very confidently, as if it were entertained by the very absurdity of the situation it was witnessing.

Nostrils flaring, Mr. Smith's body surged with confidence as he ran through the glade and grabbed a hold of the huge beast's antlers, feeling like he was taking on the world as the animal snorted and shook its massive head, pulling back, grunting as the man held on. The hunter tried wrenching the buck's head to the side as if he were in a surreal rodeo, but had very little success as his jerking motions barely moved the beast's solid body. Stepping back and to the side, the gigantic buck seemed to grin as the man followed, pulled along, almost acting like a lesser stag trying to lock antlers with it.

The buck shoved the man back against gentle rise in the grassy floor of the meadow and he fell back, hands still locked around the tines of the creature's impressive horns. The heady musk in the air was getting stronger, making the man's senses swelter at the close proximity to this masculine king of beasts. Although Mr. Smith resisted with all his might, the huge elk pressed him down on his back with his arms spread out, braced against the points of its rack. The animal's huge shaggy head pressed in towards his own until he could feel its hot breath huffing against him curiously, smelling like earth and fresh cut hay. The hunter gasped in strained exhaustion as the beast's broad mouth opened, and it licked out across his cheek with its wide hot wet tongue before sliding into his mouth.

Too surprised to know what to do, Mr. Smith felt the huge tongue fill up all of the space in his jaws, slightly rough texture making his cheeks bulge out as it writhed around inside his mouth, making his wide eyes water. His thoughts were all jumbled as he panted through his nose, smelling the beast's potent musk at this close proximity. He wanted to take down this animal . . . to prove his prowess, to smell its pungent odor and drag his fingers through its shaggy coat . . .

Feeling a tight throbbing pressure in his pants, the man moaned as the bull elk pulled back and licked up the side of his head in one long sloppy stroke, mussing up all of the hair on one side. Mr. Smith's mouth hung open in a daze as he looked into the massive animal's dark cervine eyes, feeling the tips of his fingers click against the beast's massive rack of smooth strong antlers.

Wait . . . click?

Holding his hands in front of his face, he saw his fingers begin to darken and pull back, nails spreading out into a black hard substance that looked almost hoof-like. He pushed himself back against the small rise of earth behind him, hyperventilating, taking in more and more of that deep animal scent that just made his cock throb harder and harder, uncomfortably tight against the taut waist of his jeans. Eyes staring through the huge buck's front legs, he saw something long and pinkish bobbing beneath it, throbbing and pulsing. His eyes traced the slender tip of the animal cock all the way back to the beast's musky sheath, where its heavy pendulous ovular testes hung, jostling as it sniffed down against his chest, wide cervine nostrils flaring, taking in the hunter's changing scent.

Thick brown fur began to grow in along the underside of Mr. Smith's chin as his jaw began to press out longer. He ran his tongue absentmindedly over his teeth as they flattened and thickened, points becoming blunt and heavy. Thoughts twisting, he tried to pull his mind together. Mr. Smith was here for the buck . . . there was a voice in the back of his head telling him so. It wasn't just that he wanted to bag the massive buck, he wanted to be just like this towering pinnacle of masculinity. He couldn't take his eyes off of the creature's throbbing tapered animal erection as it nibbled at his jacket, the dark fur on Mr. Smith's chin beginning to grow out, spreading up the sides of his head and down under his clothes which were becoming strangely uncomfortable as his body began to bulk up almost imperceptibly.

As his chest began to barrel out, the big buck tore at his straining clothes right as they burst at the seams, revealing his shaggy broadening body to the cool night air. Mr. Smith clenched his fingers as the feeling in them changed, no less sensitive, but somehow moved back to resonate through his entire body as his digits merged into broad cloven hooves and his thumbs pulled around into small black dewclaws on the backs of his forming forelegs.

The voice in the back of the hunter's head was growing louder, telling him just how much he wanted to be a strong and sexy stag. The animal scent that hung in the air burned into his senses as his nose flattened out, becoming broad and velveteen as the large animal huffed down at him, snuffling across his stretching face with rubbery lips before licking at the top of his head while his hair darkened into a plush furry pelt.

The big buck sucked and nibbled at his head as the changing man felt a pressure building up under his skin, like a sinus headache that also made him impossibly hard, a dark patch appearing on the front of his pants. He let out an animal bellow as two white sharp bone-like protrusions bloodlessly broke through his toughening skin, pushing out as the great elk licked in at the base of the new stag's forming antlers. The almost wordless hypnotic voice rang out in his mind, seemingly resonating through his new horns, assuring him of how beautiful he was as a big gay elk, a nearly perfect pinnacle of masculinity wanting nothing more than to be fucked by the leader of his herd.

There was still some part of his psyche that felt like it should resist, but it was quickly drowned out as his neck swelled with muscle, cracking out in length and girth, tendons bulging under his thickening shaggy furred skin. His hoofed forelegs pawed at the moonlit night air as his pants were now impossibly constrictive, making him squirm in discomfort. He wasn't sure why he ever put them on in the first place; a good slutty elk would never have any need for such things. The big buck pressed in against his mouth again, and they shared a genuine sloppy cervine kiss, Mr. Smith's tongue thickening and bulging out as his new flexible velveteen nostrils flared. They explored each other's massive mouths with hot luscious strokes before the large dominant elk licked up and nibbled at the once man's ears as they pulled out and twisted, flicking again and again as they tugged into long furry points that wriggled in animal bliss.

A sudden rustling broke out from the far side of the clearing as Mr. Canter broke through the treeline, stumbling out into the moonlit meadow having followed the same strange allure that Mr. Smith had. He felt a little light headed, which he thought must have been from the measly two beers he drank earlier, but in actuality was from the raw animal magnetism drawing him to this very place. Hearing movement, he looked and was able to see the buck, as tall as a man at the shoulder, countless pronged horns lowered as it grunted out a pleased animal sound, tussling with something . . .

Readying his rifle, Mr. Canter's bespectacled eyes squinted in the gloom, wondering what the massive beast was doing as he noticed the bright orange of Mr. Smith's gear, muted in the moonlight. What could he possibly . . . was that crazy bastard trying to steal all of the glory for himself!? He obviously wasn't using his gun, and Mr. Canter wasn't going to be the one to take the shot this time. He felt like he could do anything at the moment, even wrestle what looked to be a six hundred pound elk using only his bare hands. He inhaled the heavy animal musk in the air as he rested his rifle at the edge of the clearing and then charged toward the indistinct figures, shouting as his legs brushed through the tall grass of the placid meadow.

The big buck's ears perked up, and it pulled back from its kiss with the transforming hunter under its legs, licking its lips and turning around slowly to face the man racing towards him with an eager animal grin. As it did so, it lowered its rump down, pressing its musky backside against Mr. Smith's developing muzzle, enveloping him with his scent, and letting out a cervine bugle of pleasure as his new protegee began to lick out across his loose furry sack, rubbing the side of his now shaggy head against the wonderful stag's heavy oblong orbs, making its cock leak out a hot dollop of overwhelmingly fragrant elk pre onto the ground between Mr. Smith's lengthening legs.

As Mr. Canter charged forwards, filled with a vigor he'd never felt before in his life, his eyes locked with the huge buck's and he felt like he couldn't look away as he got closer and closer, lungs huffing in the heavy air, steps faltering until he was inches away from the big beast's huffing nostrils, staring into its hypnotically round and calm eyes, mind roiling with all kinds of new stimulation as his desire to hunt and kill the magnificent animal began to twist inside of his psyche.

Its long furry snout nuzzled against the side of his head, knocking off his glasses. Mr. Canter's jaw hung slack open as the creature rumbled and huffed, groaning out as the unseen Mr. Smith lavished its testes in long hot strokes, jostling and squeezing the tightening flesh even as his body continued to change, cock lengthening, pressing slowly up out of his jeans, tip becoming pointed and incredibly sensitive as the pressure mounted before the waist of his pants suddenly tore open, revealing the fuzzy roll of flesh forming at the bottom of his lengthening member, hefty testicles beginning to swell out into cervine ellipticals below it.

A pleasant voice whispered in the back of Mr. Canter's mind as his thoughts became warm and sluggish. He wanted this buck. He wanted it so badly that he couldn't begin to enumerate the feelings. Was it that he was going to take this glorious animal home, to show everyone else . . . No that wasn't quite right. He let out a nervous chortle as the big buck licked over his ears, which curled up, thickening and growing longer, waggling about unbeknownst to the confused man.

The regal animal's small fuzzy tail stood up in pleasured surprise as Mr. Smith's wet heavy cervine tongue scraped up its taint, wide nostrils huffing in his heady male musk before the changed man ran his fleshy pink length around the edges of his herd leader's ass, making the ring of muscle clench and the animal trumpet out a huff of pleasure, grinding its massive rear back against the head of the eager young stag under him.

Mr. Canter still hadn't looked away from the beast's eyes as it bellowed suddenly, skin twitching as it leaned forward, enveloping his mouth with a hot wet sloppy kiss. The beast's maw was cavernous, and its tongue all encompassing as Mr. Canter's body went slack, mind reeling in pleasure as the bull elk grunted, feeling the tongue of the younger buck under him roughly teasing around the edges of his tailhole. As their kiss deepened, the smell-struck human's nose began to flatten as his face pressed out, nostrils heaving as they darkened, surrounded by a smooth short brown velveteen coating, making the virile male odor in the air that much more potent while his tongue swelled out and began to wrap around the big buck's own.

On his back under the big sexy leader of his herd, Mr. Smith's legs lengthened, his boots falling off as his toes pressed together, merging into a thick split hoof as the legs of his pants began to tear around his bulging thighs. His entire body was covered in shaggy hair and loose skin as his entire existence was devoted to pleasing his leader, ravishing around the edges of his musky ass before pausing, tongue pressing taut against the tight flesh for a second before forcing its way through, tasting him from the inside as the strong buck's passage clenched tightly around him in pleasured spasms. Mr. Smith's own cock swelled out longer into a spear-like cervine tool of penetration, becoming pink and glistening, thin tip bobbing with every powerful beat of his heart. He grunted, eyes squinting as his backbone twitched in a moment of discomfort before a shaggy tail burst through the remnants of his clothes, shredding the signs of his former humanity save for a few elastic tatters here and there, his rear legs pedaling in the air, surging with new found strength.

The voice that spoke in Mr. Canter's mind was now at the forefront of his thoughts, telling him what a sexy stag he was becoming, encouraging him to give in and bathe in the glory of the huge buck's masculinity. His eyes rapidly blinked as he tried to get his bearings, jostled slightly as the elk stood up fully, removing his shaggy rear end from Mr. Smith's face as the new cervine's tongue slid along his testes one last time before the fresh new stag clumsily rose to his hoofed feet, slowly at first, but then becoming used to the sturdy feeling his hooves planted in the grassy earth gave him as he rubbed in against his strong new leader's body.

Face going pale, Mr.Canter stuttered. "T-Tim . . . is that . . ." He couldn't even form words as he looked at the slightly smaller animal rubbing up against the big buck, both of their shameless erections throbbing about below them as they turned and approached him. "This isn't. It can't . . ." His words trailed off as the voice in his mind cooed about how good it would feel, to be another member of the big buck's gay harem, to lick and rub against his powerful body. It told him to look at the happy elk that had been his friend as both creatures began to slowly circle him, the big elk walking around behind him with its long ponderous legs while it encouraged the eager new herd member that was Mr. Smith to go and introduce himself to the frightened man: show him how good it felt to join their musky masculine herd.

Resisting, the man held his hands in front of his face as the elk that used to be his friend nuzzled in against him. He tried calling out to the transformed human, but the amorous beast didn't seem to care. Meanwhile, the big buck's flexible lips teased at the back of his pants. Mr.Canter raised his chin as the smaller elk licked in at his neck, even as he tried to press it away. Then, with a sudden jerk from behind him, the large dominant buck grabbed the waist of his pants and gave them an inhumanly powerful twisting tug. The thick fabric tore with a loud noise as he was toppled forwards onto his hands and knees, feet tangled in the remnants of his pants as his now bare ass was exposed to the chill of the night air.

The huge sets of antlers of the two elk bobbed around him, seeming almost silver in the light of the moon. The big buck lapped over his thighs as they began to bulk up as the newer elk nibbled at the nape of his neck, snuffling in at his changing scent as his skin thickened and prickled as a thick new pelt began to grow in. His mind rang with reassurances, telling him just how good it felt to give in, to become so big and strong, and animal. Images of the trophy buck flooded his thoughts, but they were rapidly changing, instead of being mounted on his wall, he could imagine the huge beast mounting him, its heavy weight bearing down on his shoulders as their musky lovemaking overwhelmed the both of them.

The more he thought about it, the more he changed, his shirt and jacket ripping off as his chest barreled out through them, encouraged by his old friend as the younger elk's thick pink tongue licked over his body. Clenching at the grass beneath him, his hands began to convulse, nails darkening, spreading larger as his fingers merged together, blindingly sensitive as his arms stretched out, pushing his new broad fore-hooves against the yielding grassy ground of the meadow. Mr. Canter groaned out, voice changing as his throat thickened and his neck cracked out longer, feeling his rock hard erection pat against his now shaggy belly. Behind him, the big buck sniffed around his exposed rump, licking roughly against his inner thighs, making the changing human's senses light up as brown fur cascaded down his legs.

As the fresh nubile elk in front of him licked at his head, matting his hair, it made a bizarrely pleasurable pressure build up, causing Mr. Canter's brow furrow as the sharp tips of a pair of antlers pierced through his skin, egged on by eager lapping as he shifted his weight from side to side, his feet stretching out longer, tendons tugging as his toes clenched and solidified into perfect cloven hooves, bearing his increased weight as his body continued to get larger and much more appealing.

While his forming shaggy haunches tensed, the big buck licked down between his legs, teasing his testes with its flexible lips and then lathering them in hot cervine affection. Mr. Canter felt his balls change and writhe under the hot ministration as they began to swell, pressing out into thick heavy ovals that stretched his scrotum taut before it grew larger and relaxed, letting them sway with a heavy full pendulous sensation, teased this way and that by the talented stag behind him as his antlers began to branch out into a full magnificent rack, matching his blooming sense of proud masculinity.

Without missing a beat, the big buck's broad thick animal tongue scraped up Mr. Canter's taint, heavy breath huffing in his developing animal scent, so virile and distinctly male. His haunches clenched as the wet hot lavishings rose up and scraped past his anus, causing his body to clench as his spine cracked out, pushing from above his taut animal hole as a furry plume of heavy fur covered his short cervine tail that stood at stark attention as the big buck sloppily licked at his tight stretched tailhole. Entire hide rippling with new sensations, he leaned forwards as the stag in front of him pressed in for a kiss, muffled groans of pleasure ringing out as they eagerly explored each other's long sensitive muzzles while the big buck ravished his backside.

Mr. Smith was so jealous of his friend, but he knew that if he was a good and eager stag that eventually the leader of the herd would choose him and he'd get to feel that hot throbbing shaft plunged deep inside of his clenching rump. But for now, he was more than content just to help, bending down around Mr. Canter's side and licking at the base of his member, teasing the thick furry sheath as the once hunter's cock pulsed out longer and longer in a gentle arc, base swelling out broad and taut as the tip dwindled to a graceful point, meant only for the pleasure of other sexy bucks.

Mr. Canter's entire body shuddered as the herd leader's tongue shoved into him, writhing around as his tight new cervine ass needfully clenched around it with strong tugs, making his breath come out in labored panting heaves. The massive pink oral organ twisted one last time as the beast's hot breath tickled the sensitive underside of his tail before it pulled back with a sloppy squelch, leaving only the teasing lapping underneath him as the other smaller elk coaxed his cock out to its full massive cervine potential. His ass ached with the sudden emptiness while his cock dribbled out a thick squirt of musty elk pre and he looked over his shoulder with obvious need in his dark round eyes as the big buck grinned back at him, soothing his nerves and promising to reward him for being such a sexy gay little member of his herd.

The great elk ran his chin over Mr. Canter's freshly changed haunches, pushing with his powerful rear legs and sliding up onto the new elk's sturdy back, thick belly ruff rubbing against him as he grabbed in at his waist with the insides of his forelegs. The weight was immense, but the new elk's body bore it easily. They were all now huge powerful animals, filling the glade with odoriferous anticipation even as Mr. Smith kept his friend's shaft painfully erect with teasing nibbling laps. Mr. Canter could feel the regal elk's breath at the base of his powerful neck as it pulled itself tighter on top of him, making him giddy with the very honor of being chosen by the virile leader of their all male herd. The tip of the big buck's tapered shaft brushed up, jostling Mr. Canter's heavy furred testes before dragging up his taint and resting against his needy clenched ass.

Eyes dilating, the new elk's head reared back as the massive stag slid inside of him, stretching his clenched hole wide as it shoved in impossibly far, making his anus quiver and contract in pleasured bursts of eagerness. The leader of the herd pushed forwards, building up a fervent rhythm as it bellowed out in pleasure, feeling the bliss radiating out of the young buck underneath it as he was filled to the brim with the thick cervine cock that he so desperately desired.

With coaxing authority, the big buck grunted down towards Mr. Smith, even as his shaft was clenched at by the tight supple ass of the eager stag below him. Mr. Smith licked his furry lips as he trotted to the front of his changed friend, following the leader's suggestion as he awkwardly reared up, hooves clattering against Mr. Canter's antlers before resting on his stalwart shoulders, pressing the pink glistening tip of his pulsing neglected shaft inches away from the new elk's panting face. If he liked having one throbbing hard elk cock inside of him, he'd love two.

Letting out a surprised bleat, the center elk tossed his head as his glorious leader sank all the way inside of him with a wet thud, making their heavy balls slap together as the larger elk's orbs began to tense and churn while the entire length of his member was enveloped in wonderful tight heat. Mr. Canter's mouth hung open in disbelief at the divine pleasure, and Mr. Smith took the opening to rock his hips forwards, shoving his hot glistening cervine shaft into his old friend's mouth. The taste of the slippery pulsing flesh lit up his senses anew as he suckled at the pointed shaft, blunt teeth rubbing over it as his lips grasped around the thin skin needfully. Mr. Smith's tail stood straight up as his penis ground against the fleshy back of Mr. Canter's throat, the vibrations of the tender new elk bellowing out in pleasure around his cock making his body shake.

They slammed into each other with happy reckless abandon, rutting like only proud sexy stags can. The big buck's cock made lewd noises as it pistoned in and out of the tight virgin ass of the elk under him that wrenched and tightened around him in little paroxysms of pleasure, causing the thick rod to jolt out little bursts of pre into his clenching insides. All the while, Mr. Smith shoved his member further into his buddy's long muzzle, and the new elk took it easily, happy to pleasure another member of the herd, tasting his musky male pre leak down his throat as he licked over the pulsing shaft.

The big buck's forelegs clenched tighter around the stag under him as his tail stood straight up into the air, muscles all clenching at once as his testicles boiled and seethed with tight pressure before he jolted out hot thick ropes of musky elk essence into the hot clenching confines below him. Simultaneously, the once human at the front of the spit-roasted elk let out a keening bellow as his own cock began to arc up and erupt a fountain of potent maleness down his herdmate's throat. Mr. Canter's mind was lost in the waves of animal pleasure, feeling both other elk grind into him as he shifted his weight from hoof to hoof, his own long cock bobbing and brushing against his furry belly before jerking up suddenly and unloading wave after wave of delightfully musky elk seed onto the grassy meadow below him.

Their orgasms carried on, each driving the others on to wild edges of lust as the air was rife with the scent of male virility and filled with their pleasured keening wails. After a small eternity, the two elk pulled away from the male they had sandwiched between them, and they all stood huffing in deep breaths of the night air.

The two new stags were both thoroughly exhausted, and even their big leader looked slightly winded, but as their shafts began to retreat into their loose furry sheaths, the big buck was there, licking along their cocks with his expert tongue and keeping them both rock hard. The regal elk taught his two new proteges to do the same to him, instructing them on all of the cervine tricks of teasing their long hard members, nibbling at their taut testicles, and licking their hot exposed animal tailholes.

After a few minutes of learning from the master of their harem, all three bucks were completely horny again, panting around and rubbing against each other's massive bodies, pleasing the big buck with their quick eager study. But something wasn't completely right, their herd was still so small. They all agreed on this, and the two new additions informed their wonderful leader where they might find some more sexy young stags to add to their growing ranks.

* * *

Back at camp, the moon hung low in the sky, shining down on the maroon nylon of the two college students' tent. The fabric door hung unzipped and ajar as Alan had stepped out into the placid night to relieve himself. Although they were in the wilderness, he was still civilized enough to walk out into the sea of dark pines before making water behind a particularly broad fir. As he finished up, he heard the keening cry of bull elk ringing through the night air and chuckled to himself. Even after their hours and hours of searching, it sounded like they were a whole lot closer than he'd thought they were. Maybe their group was just looking in all of the wrong places . . . He still couldn't believe that they'd shot and killed a doe. Maybe their families should just stop the whole hunting thing all together. It's not like he'd really wanted to come out here in the first place . . .

The young man's melancholic thoughts were interrupted as he heard a sudden rustling behind himself. Turning quickly, he was surprised to see two full grown bucks wandering towards him, wide eyes looking down at him with curious mischief as their long legs crunched through the underbrush. Standing stock still, he could smell their heavy animal scent as they approached. On one hand, he wished that he had his rifle with him right now as both of the animals were great looking bucks with full racks that gleamed in the moonlight, even if they were a little bit skinny. But on the other hand, it was kind of nice just to see these wild animals without any kind of buffer involved. They were just so big and majestic . . . and . . . surprisingly inquisitive.

Generally, when they were stalking game, any sign of movement within a hundred yards would spook their prey. But these two elk didn't seem perturbed by his presence at all as one of them pressed its heavy muzzle in and sniffed at him with wide fuzzy nostrils. It was almost like being in some kind of petting zoo. There was something about its eyes that seemed very familiar to Alan, but he couldn't quite place it. He watched with curiosity as the other buck bent his head down below the one that was sniffing him. Curious, he craned his head down and looked to see what it was doing and his jaw dropped as he watched the other elk lick up the side of the closer one's mammoth erection, making the long tapered shaft tense up and bob below him. In fact, both of them sported these animal protuberances, and they both acted shamelessly as Alan shook his head.

What the fuck? This was not something that he ever expected to see. It seemed totally unnatural. He laughed nervously as he thought to himself: Gay elk, wait until he told Jeremy about this. The potent smell of the two animals was just so pervasive, it was impossible to not take it in and get lost in it, even as he stepped backwards slowly, wanting to go get a camera or something to prove he wasn't dreaming. But as he backpedaled, he bumped against something heavy and solid, and he turned around with a sudden jolt to find that there was another elk behind him. This one was markedly larger than the other two, with a larger impossibly huge rack of antlers, in fact, it was probably the biggest elk that he'd ever seen, with a cervine member to match, making Alan's mouth start to water as the potent male musk in the air seeped into his senses. Gay elk . . . Big sexy gay elk . . .

He was about to shout out, jaw hanging open for a second as the other two deer hoofed mischievously up behind him. But as his lips opened, the big buck pressed forwards, licking across his face, making his shout turn into a short giggle as the slightly rough hot wetness scraped over his cheek. He felt the other two bucks nuzzle in behind him, licking at the nape of his neck and the sleeves of his shirt. His outburst of laughter turned into a deep hum of pleasure as the large elk's tongue pressed into his mouth, and he reciprocated almost instinctively, licking around the hot hay flavored jaws, tongue playing over the flat capped teeth absentmindedly.

Alan's mind was filled with shifting imagery, his thoughts of his girlfriend slowly changing, getting bigger and more muscular, with strong hooves and a heavy rack of antlers, with a raised cervine tail and a tight hot ass for him to lick and nibble at. It felt so good as his body began to change, and the smaller elk pulled at the neck of his nightshirt, splitting the fabric as his chest began to barrel out, growing a heavy coat of deep brown fur, just the perfect shade for a sexy gay young buck like himself . . .

* * *

Yawning, Jeremy rubbed at his eyes, wondering exactly what it was that had woken him up. It sounded almost like tearing fabric, but was probably just some kind of nocturnal animal scrabbling in one of the nearby trees. Looking over, he saw that Alan was missing and that the flap to the tent was left undone. He'd probably just gone out to use the restroom, but, there was that noise again, and it was accompanied by the sound of something rustling against the brush.

Just to make sure his friend was okay, he called out Alan's name, softly at first, but then louder. There was no response, but he did hear the wailing cry of some nearby elk. It was odd that they would be out this late into the night . . . He decided that he'd go out and check on Alan, just to make sure. Slipping his bare feet into his boots as he yawned and trudged through the flap of the tent out towards the strange noises.

It was the antlers of the three elk that he saw first, one set noticeably larger than the other two. It was dark under the trees, but he could just make them out, almost luminescent in the darkness. And so he started walking slower, trying to make as little noise as possible. Alan had probably just stopped to watch the elk. That made sense. It was really odd to see so many bucks in one place, usually the rut would have them all off to find their own harems. But something was off about this . . . As he carefully crept closer, the noises grew more distinct, and he saw that the great animals were gathered around something in the middle of them, something that moved and writhed as they licked and nibbled at it. Something wearing flannel Pajama bottoms that looked just like Alan's . . .

He broke into a sprint, not having any clue what was going on, but wanting to save his buddy from whatever it was. "Alan!" he shouted as he covered the distance, barely avoiding a few low hanging branches. Getting closer, he couldn't believe what his eyes were telling him, and his footsteps faltered as he wondered if he was dreaming.

Each of the three buck elk sported a massive throbbing animal erection as they circled around the creature in between them. They were licking and nibbling at something that still stood on two legs, but could hardly be called human at this point. The tatters of Alan's shirt lay on the ground as the elk licked over his skin, raising up waves of thick brown fur as he made out with the big buck, face pushing forwards into a blunt proto-muzzle. The changing human's ears were twitching, growing out longer on the sides of his head as two velvet covered nubs began to sprout between them, forming developing antlers that pressed out with every beat of his heart. The air was redolent with the smell of animal musk that made Jeremy's nose twitch as he shook his head. This was impossible.

"Alan . . . What the fuck!? Alan!" Jeremy shouted as he watched the two elk engulf his hands, licking between his fingers as they pulled back into blunt cloven hooves while his arms swelled out into long skinny but muscular cervine forelegs, covered in a robust earth colored pelt.

"Jeremy.Mmmm," Alan's voice was deeper, and he spoke as he fell forwards, front hooves hitting the ground with a heavy sense of finality. The big elk nuzzled against his sprouting light brown velvet covered antlers as they grew out longer and forked into jutting protrusions.

"What the hell is going on, man!? We have to get you out of here." Jeremny's voice cracked as he spoke, trying to take stock of the situation, but unable to come up with any kind of rational explanation. As he fumbled around for words, the two smaller elk sniffed around at Alan's pants, tugging them down around his ankles and revealing his swelling thighs and shameless erection.

"Don't yoooou want to play with us Jeremy? And be a sexy part of our herd?" Alan's voice was barely human as he crooned out, moaning in pleasure as the two smaller elk walked behind him and leaned in, one licking across his testes as they began to swell and the other grinding his tongue across his exposed anus as his spine cracked out into a tail. Why anyone would ever try to resist this was beyond Alan. He couldn't think of anything better than being a content member of the big buck's all male harem, licking and sucking against the others' cocks just like the slutty little elk he was becoming.

Alan paused, poised to run back to the truck and call someone for help, but Alan turned towards him, wincing in pleasure as the elk licked all around his swelling body. "Please just . . . just stay with me." He had a pained expression on his face, as if his friend leaving him would be the worst thing he could possibly imagine.

Jeremy didn't want to abandon his friend, but he didn't know what to do. How could he possibly help him now? The changing human's feet were condensing into heavy black hooves as his thighs tensed, no human flesh visible anywhere on his body. Jeremy watched as the larger buck circled around Alan, rubbing its furry bulk against him before leaning down and licking in at the base of his new tail, velveteen nostrils huffing as it lapped out with a wet lewd sound, making Alan moan in pleasure, his voice not even sounding remotely human as it bellowed into proud cervine volumes, but after his outburst he managed to pant out four last words before his vocal chords finished changing: "It . . . Feels . . . So goooood."

The big buck stared directly at Jeremy with its dark proud eyes as it pushed itself up onto Alan's now strong broad back. It was almost as if it were telling him just how good it felt to be a sexy elk, as if no position in the world could be more admirable, than being under his heavy body, and feeling his colossal member sinking deep inside of you.

Alan's braying bugle of ecstasy snapped Jeremy back from his thoughts as the big buck sank deep inside of him in one body rocking shove, stretching his cervine ass wide, making his still human cock below him pulse and swell out with every beat of his pounding heart, turgid length growing to match the other's impressive sizes, becoming long and tapered as his swollen pendulous testes clenched and tightened. The changing human's fuzzy velvet coated antlers forked out in short bursts as the two smaller elk on either side of him licked in along his now large animal member, lapping up the pressured spurt of hot musky pre from his quivering tip as he clenched his ass around the beautiful buck's cock that shoved further and further inside of his needy depths.

Tossing its head, the leader of the herd signaled his two followers to go help Jeremy with his confusion. Alan bellowed out in animal bliss as Jeremy's eyes watched, round as saucers. His breaths came in short hot heaving pants, taking in the earthy smell of the rutting animals as they shamelessly fucked in front of him. The thoughts of saving Alan stayed fixed in his mind as he remembered what a nice body his friend had compared to him. He'd always been a little jealous of Alan's fairly ripped physique. Jeremy remembered him taking off his shirt before they went to bed, revealing his broad chest . . . covered in . . . in dense dark fur, and his wide black hooves at the end of his powerful legs, and especially his long tapering shaft and heavy ovular balls that he just wanted to taste as he huffed in their musky odor . . .

No . . . He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. But the two other elk were now rubbing in on either side of him. As he pushed one inquisitive head away, large lips pushing toward his face, the other nibbled at the top of his head from behind, mussing up his light colored hair as he felt a delicious pressure build up in his mind. Hard fuzzy lumps broke through the skin, the nubs of his velvet covered antlers pressing out even as the elk behind him sloppily licked over his ears while they stretched out and grew a thin coating of brownish fur. All the while he could still hear Alan bellowing in pleasure as the big buck rammed into him.

Jeremy turned to stop the animal behind him only to have it lick over his face while the other nibbled at the nape of his neck. He had to admit . . . it did feel nice to have their hot rough tongues sliding against his body. Trying to think clearly, his neck began to bulge and thicken, tendons standing out under his skin as his clothes felt tighter and tighter. Alan . . . He was trying to save Alan . . . But what did Alan want? It was quite obvious; Alan wanted to feel the herd leader's cock lodged tight inside of his needy ass, to be a gay slutty member of their all male harem, and he wanted Jeremy to come with him, to lick and tease, all horny and proud until the end of the season.

Jeremy's mind was hazy as he huffed in the heady male pheromones around him, but he knew what he wanted now. Leaning forwards, he kissed the deer-like face in front of him, pushing his tongue past the animal's velveteen lips as they explored each other's mouths. It almost seemed like the elk he was making out with was family, and that seemed to make sense, they were all just one big happy herd. He could tell as much my listening to Alan's pleasured bugling as the big buck rammed into his tight hot needy rump, obviously getting very close.

His nightclothes tore at the seams as his body surged out with cervine strength, the presence of the four other musky animals expediting the process as his face ground forwards, his antlers forked, and his huffing velveteen nostrils pulled to either side of his developing snout. The two other members of his herd lapped down his arms as they began to stretch out longer, each clever mouth enveloping his fingers in their hot balmy muzzles as they formed into perfectly split dark hooves that clacked against their blunt capped teeth.

Alan felt the big buck pull himself in tighter against his back, cock fully thrust inside of him, stretching his ass taut as their balls slapped together. He watched his friend transforming, slowly changing into a handsome young buck as his chest barreled out and his pants burst open with a long drawn out ripping of fabric. He moaned out as he felt the larger male's elliptical testes clench and churn before the huge animal screeched out, cock arcing up inside of him as it jettisoned out hot ropes of thick elk seed into his desperately writhing insides, ramming into Alan's prostate as he too began to cum, long member jerking as it spattered the forest floor below him with hot gouts of male lust.

Jeremy couldn't take his eyes off of the whole menagerie of lust. He wanted to be in their position, even as his legs began to bulge out with corded muscle while the twin elk licked in against his inner thighs. Their expert oral ministrations moved in to scrape across his balls, lavishing them with affection as they welled out into prominent pendulous cervine testes, nestled in a thick furry scrotum that jostled as they nibbled and sniffed in at his developing musky scent. A fat furry roll of loose flesh bunched up around the base of his cock as the two naughty stags licked up his member, sandwiching it between their tongues, pulling it out longer and longer as the base swelled and the tip dwindled into a graceful point while he watched the big buck slowly dismount from his friend with a heavy lurch.

The stags all surrounded Jeremy as his changes rushed onwards, the big buck nuzzling and licking at his ass as it firmed into a tight animal ring of muscle, the two bucks that had been their parents coaxing the fur down his hind legs and teasing his toes as they condensed into lovely hooves, and the well-used elk that was Alan walking in front of him and licking up the amazingly sensitive velvet on his antlers as they grew out to be tall and fuzzy, just like his own. Bulging with strength, his now huge body shifted its weight from hoof to hoof as he bellowed out in cervine pleasure, every inch of him desiring release, as he looked over his shoulder back at the herd leader behind him.

The big buck's huffed in animal amusement, telling his new herd member to turn back around. Jeremy did so to find Alan's well used ass pressed just in front of his snout, still leaking some of the herd leader's fragrant pearlecent cum down his furry taint. Knowing exactly what he wanted, Jeremy licked up the errant spatters of seed with his hot heavy cervine tongue, savoring the heady flavor, making his slutty friend shudder as he teased his taut asshole with long lavishing strokes, causing his short tail to jerk and tug in bliss.

Encouraged by the infectious passion of the others, he pushed with his rear legs and pressed himself up onto Alan's back, cock wobbling wildly as he squeezed in at his friend turned lover's sides with his forelegs. Arching his spine, he walked forwards awkwardly with his rear hooves, the big buck lapping in at his balls behind him in encouragement as he lined himself up. The two other white horned bucks licked in under Alan's sides, lapping at his taut cock that was tired, but still so very ready for more.

Jeremy and Alan both bellowed out as the newest member of the herd crashed forwards, stretching out Alan's ass in one long hot shove that took him almost to the hilt, every inch bringing them both an impossible surge of pleasure as the more submissive elk's cock jerked out a tortuous jolt of pre that the others below him lapped up eagerly.

The big buck licked in at Jeremy's ass as it clenched wildly, his heavy balls pulling up as he built up a wild rhythm, shoving himself in deeper and deeper to his friend, tongue lolling out as he felt Alan's ass go wild, squeezing at his shaft with spasmodic fits of strength. Musky lust filling the air, the herd leader shoved his hot wide tongue into Jeremy's rocking virgin rump, making the new elk's eyes widen as he finally thrust forwards all the way, his sheath flush with Alan's stretched rump as his entire body clenched, hooves bracing, tail raising, and ears pulled back as he began to cum, white hot jizzm flooding into the ass of the needy elk under him.

Their rolling orgasm was egged on to new heights by the mischievous mouths of the elk around them as they rocked together, fucking under the watchful eye of their leader, each lost in a heady scented wonderland of masculine bliss as Alan's own member jerked and again painted the ground with his thick cervine desire, clenching muscles of his ass going ballistic and milking Jeremy for every last ounce of his potent seed.

It seemed like hours before they finally pulled apart, Jeremy sliding off the back of his favorite herdmate as they nuzzled against each other affectionately. As their members started to recede, the big buck was there, licking along their shafts and instructing the others to tease their testes and well used asses. The new fuzzy antlered bucks learned to do the same thing, keeping their growing harem happy and unbelievably horny as one perfectly content herd of seductive maleness.

The group of five content bucks stepped through the empty remains of a human camp that seemed to very foreign, all of them still almost painfully erect due to their constant sexual play. One of the smaller elk turned over the old beat up blue cooler, biting at the cans that tumbled out and lapping up the spume of fizzy amber liquid that poured out, the others joining him before they all enjoyed a night of drunken debauchery, more intoxicated by their heady lust than anything else.

* * *

Weeks later it was nearing the end of the season, and their ranks had swelled, bolstered by the gradual addition of more humans that they convinced to join their brigade of perpetually hard and needy bucks and stags. The felt had just recently come off of Jeremy's antlers even as Alan's stayed cute and fuzzy, more becoming for his slutty submissive nature. The once bookish student had continued to grow over time as well until he was pound for pound as large as their herd leader, and his long bobbing cock rivaled the big buck's own.

As their family grew, the head buck decided that they might need more than one leader, and so this was the day that he raised his tail and looked back at the proud stag that was Jeremy, bellowing in pleasure as his protege leaped at the opportunity, mounting him and making him bellow as their herd closed in around them, licking at the topping stag's exposed anus and heavy testes, and nibbling along the now co-herd leader's massive throbbing shaft.

They both erupted, bellowing out their jubilation as the big buck was fucked for the first time that season, both of their orgasms exploding out with musky force as their charges excitedly pressed in around them, antlers clacking off each other in a sea of animal ecstasy that no human could ever even hope to imagine.

Gay Werewolf Sex

Disclaimer - Contains a broken Atari 2600, terrible shag carpeting, and Gay Werewolf Sex. (This is a work of pornographic fiction. Please do not read if it would be illegal for you to do so.) Gay Werewolf Sex Columbus Day has quickly become the day...

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Learning from a Lioness

Disclaimer - This is a work of erotic fiction, please do not read if it would be illegal for you to do so. Learning from a Lioness Well, I was supposed to come out here to find myself, which is really an odd thing when you think about it. As far as I...

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My Foxy Toy

Disclaimer - Strange and bizarre don't even begin to describe it. This is a potentially offensive romp with transformative rubberized furry sex. If you are not looking for such a thing then you might just want to leave this one where it lies. (This is...

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