King Takes All - Part 3

Story by Randomsquidborn13 on SoFurry

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#3 of King Takes All

Sorry it's short but I've got to run to work in a few minutes and I didn't want to leave this as incomplete. I hope you liked it, or at least found it interesting.

Next time he's going to have to deal with the cubs... we'll see if Nala will be among them.

All Characters Canon & Semi-canon © Disney

Story © Me

Part Three: To Approach The Others

As much as dealing with the two oddest female cubs in the pride had been relatively easy, Scar found that the adult company of the three other cubs was near impossible to get near. With Sarabi starting to get a little suspicious and not allowing the cubs to visit Scar alone, the chance to being around the three pale cubs was very difficult as even Sarafina and her sister were still very unhappy about what had occurred with the hyenas. In order for Scar to get in the heads of those three girls, he'd have to get to their mothers and thankfully, Nadra and Sabini's mother, Safi, was easy to isolate when she was in guard duties.

One afternoon, Safi was strolling along the borderline, swearing to herself about the hyenas when she heard the sound of another animal approaching her. She froze in surprise, anxious that it might be another hyena who would report her to Shenzi and arrange a beating. Safi had tangled with the hyenas before and they were not easy to get away from, she'd gained a scar to her shoulder from her last tangle with Shenzi after hitting one of the clan youngsters for stealing her food. The last person Safi had expected to turn up though was Scar and sadly her instinct had already taken over and caused her to lunge forward and pin the king to the ground.

"OH MY..." Safi began, standing proud and strong over her king's chest but with eyes wide and her jaw hanging. Scar was quite startled, Safi was already straddled over him and he almost thought this might be an easy job, but she was quickly off him and blushing heavily. She attempted to apologise but the dark lion just remained on his side and gave a soft chuckle.

"No need my dear; it's obvious why Mufasa always thought of you as the best guard in the pride." What a shameless flatterer Scar could be! He had to admit that he'd always had a real fascination for Safi and Sarafina, but whereas the elder sister was more elegant and beautiful, Safi was tougher and on the whole a more prickly customer. But there was no doubt that his comments had affected her and the embarrassment of the situation was evident. "Tell me Safi, how are things with your daughters and your sister? Kula's mother mentioned a few things I couldn't quite believe."

As much as Scar was lying, the sudden look of shock upon Safi's face made him smirk on the inside. He ladies were such gossipers, it was so easy to pit them against one another and Safi was much more sensitive to criticism then Sarafina. There was also another point he could play with - Sarafina and Safi had been notorious hyena killers and if Scar made a point of threatening the daughters via the hyenas, Safi would be as malleable as mud beneath his paws.

"She did." Safi gulped nervously, but she checked about herself in expectation of a fight from the hyenas. Overall the lionesses of the pride were concerned that Scar would indeed use the hyenas to kill them off, one-by-one or worse, but to find none about Safi was concerned. She knew Scar had always been a loner but she did not imagine a king as weak looking as him to be so bold. Then she thought over what Kuwinda might have said to him and her stupid comment the previous night of Scar being weird for his interest in hyenas instead of lionesses... a comment she'd made after he'd rejected her affections in their youth. "I didn't mean what I said about you my lord, I was just joking."

"Oh dear Safi, you can complain and comment on me all you like. Don't you remember how close we were as cubs, I would never silence you or scold you for being that feisty fire-tongued girl you always were?" Scar chuckled, suddenly realising that Safi might be easier then he thought... she was an old fan-girl and he could make her one again. But even as she sighed in relief and failed to note the condescension in his tone, he decided that the best thing to do would be to go straight to the point. "I'm afraid though it's more regarding your daughters then anything else."

Safi's eyes widened in fear and straightaway Scar was reminded of how Safi had 'found love' with a rogue who had then perished helping her get back to the Pride Lands after a messenger mission had gone badly. He knew that her daughters meant more to her then anything because of that foolish infatuation and he knew exactly what to say as Safi's jaw trembled in anxiety.

"Kuwinda mentioned that Nala and coaxed her cousins into bullying one of the hyena cubs, making some claim about Sarafina and yourself being killers. Shenzi has mentioned how much aggression you have been showing and she's concerned. In fact, Kuwinda mentioned overhearing one of the hyenas on her way into my den last night stating that an accident would be planned if the girls didn't know how to show respect." Scar paused for a moment, letting the severity of the situation sink in and Safi's expression to become one of true horror. He knew that she would realise the lack of hyenas was in order to protect her and so thank him for it, but Scar had to introduce his plan. "I was hoping that tomorrow evening the girls could join me for dinner in my den like Kula and Tama have, showing the hyenas that I protect the cubs. But I also want to keep you protected."

At these words, all rational sense in Safi's mind was washed away by the fear of what might happen. Scar gently stretched a paw to stroke her face kindly and Safi found herself leaning against it, thanking him and agreeing that she would arrange it with Sarafina if she could. Scar was amused, he was guaranteed this way that Sabini and Nadra would join him in his den for a bit of grooming, but he had to deal with Safi. Indeed, he was feeling a really tight and insatiable hunger within his stomach, a growling in his loins and a desperate need to pin her straight to the ground and take her straight here.

"What can you do to help me then sire? You know I will do anything to protect my cubs from the hyenas, but what if they think you would not be able to keep the girls in check? Oh dear... I sound and feel so confused, I don't know what to do!" Safi muttered fearfully and Scar was pleased by her naivety. To his great joy a few hyenas were strolling nearby, including Shenzi and Safi noticed them. Her eyes widened again and she prepared to run to find and rescue her cubs out of fear the hyenas might have heard and would still react, but to Scar this gave him the best opportunity to get what he wanted? The hyenas wouldn't think her a threat if she was humiliated in front of them.

"Play along Safi." Scar whispered in a sneer and Safi gave a confused noise before she was suddenly pushed over. The hyenas paused, staring and grinning in interest to see their king bully a lioness. Scar straightaway grabbed Safi by the scruff and sat her up slightly, Safi scrabbled at the ground and made growls of confusion until she noted the hyenas watching and made a rough guess that Scar would pretend to humiliate her. But he hooked his legs behind hers, bit her shoulders and back, as roughly as he could without piercing the skin and his cock swelled and slipped out at the scream of pain Safi gave. Once he realised she was looking scared, Scar pushed a paw forward, pinning her face against the dirt and causing her to lift her back end slightly. Immediately Scar hooked his claws around her shoulders and the lent in to whisper in her ear. "Sorry... but they're not dumb, know that I don't do this willingly - if I hurt you then you are welcome to hurt me in return."

As Safi gave a little whine of upset at the realisation that she would be mated, Safi could not prevent herself from screaming, scrabbling and trying to roll on her side to get him off as his barb penis was stabbed straight into her femininity. She wanted to gallop away at the rough scratching of her inside, the heat within confusing her into believing she might be bleeding from it already. But Scar hooked his paws around her and began to shift himself about, casually dragging himself to the edge of her entrance before hammering back in and gaining a scream with each stab. As he became faster and noted the sudden loosening and softening of her pussy around his hard shaft, Scar began to grin visibly and began to speed up as the screams became moans of pleasure - so Safi liked it a bit rough huh?

He began to slap himself against her as she tried hard to not drool into the dirt and cry as she felt pleasure from him. The sensation of the scratches within her moist tunnel, scratching deeply to catch her breath and encourage her pleasure was unbearably wonderful. If Safi were honest as the musty smell of her king poured over her and she felt his pre fluids rinsing her blood and juices down the passage, Safi had been bored in her first sexual encounter. The male had been so small and so gentle about it all she'd barely known anything had happened, especially when he had fallen asleep on top of her when it had finished. It was not that she had not loved the male, did not respect him, but this sudden practical rape was the most exciting and thrilling thing she'd ever experienced. Her cunt was being stretched to fit his whole length and her clitoris was being thumped down against his barbs with each thrust. She wanted to cry in pain and joy and in frustration that Scar would be the one to make her feel so good and so alive.

When Scar felt himself come to the end and Safi already howled her pleasure and poured herself onto his length, the king gently growled and gave a low shuddering wheeze as his hot spunk squirted into Safi. He was startled by how pleasant it felt to feel her throbbing warm cave tighten about his edge, squeezing it out and she trembled with exhaustion from her excitement. Scar had never really made a noise upon releasing before, he'd always maintained his control, but the initial resistance he had felt was exciting and Scar wondered if he might be able to take one of the other lionesses, one of the golden virgins perhaps, in such a violent manner for more of a thrill. But how could he arrange such a thing?

"Oh... oh spirits my lord... I... I..." Safi began but Scar put a paw to her mouth, silencing her as he remained inside until his junk had sagged a bit and he could escape. Even so he still seemed to be giving a few hot squirts and as he began to withdraw, Safi gave another holler of ecstasy as a second orgasm was triggered by the slow withdrawal and the barbs tapping her clit. When Scar dismounted, he was followed by a stream mixed with blood, semen and her own special cum. The sweet scent of her juices was intoxicating, but he noticed he hyenas were still staring at them in shock. Scar just shook himself and turned about to stare at the exhausted, collapsed lioness with a sneer.

"Clean yourself up... female!" He snarled and strode away, past the hyenas looking proud. When they cowered at him he turned to look at them, he made sure to eye them up, to look at a female just a little too long that she would sit herself down. Scar then chuckled and moved on, leaving Safi to sort herself out - surprisingly the lioness even started to cry because of how bittersweet the orgasms had been.

King Takes All - Part 4

Part Four: A Little Jealousy Scar's attempts to explain it all to Kula however was practically impossible. First she'd burst into tears and then she'd begged for a cuddle and then become angry. Scar tried hard to insist that it was all a matter of...

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Good Boy

**Part One: My Girl** His name was Saxon, he was a young and rather excitable bullmastiff and he was a very strange animal indeed. Perhaps it was because the happy brindled animal was the baby his owners couldn't have together... well it was...

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King Takes All - Part 2

**Part Two: His Little Angels** Scar's plan was already wearing on Kula by the time they settled down together. She wondered briefly for a little while if he was giving her such affection and tenderness because he might be her father... but Kula...

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