Working Moose

Story by assilsasta on SoFurry

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Mouse Bait03 Working MooseBy Assilsasta & Cormenthor »-(¯·.·´¯)->August 12, 2013<-(¯·.·´¯)-«»-(¯·.·´¯)->Morning Routine-(¯·.·´¯)-«Daisy held the small kangaroo mouse close to her body as the warmth radiated between them under the comforter. The two of them barely used any of the queen sized bed as they slept in eachothers embrace. She felt the mouse shift in her grasp as Cecily readjusted trying to remain comfortable with the awkward cast on her arm. Daisy drifted on the edge of sleep as she thought about what happened at the sex shop that caused the mouse to react so badly. The revelation that Cecily had given her that evening still troubled her as Lilliana's words echoed in her head, 'just tell me what I need to know.' Just as she felt herself drifting back into the state of obliviously blissful sleep the sound of a bugle call echoing through the halls of the still nearly vacant house caused her to shoot up to a sitting position.In her state of half waking sleep she heard the sound of Cecily rolling out of the bed and walking across the room. "What the fuck was that?" Daisy said blinking rapidly. "Reveille," Cecily said flatly, the sleep still apparent in her voice as she apparently moved more out of response to the sound than intentional action. "We have about thirty before Hank sounds the Assembly call for the morning workout." The mouse walked over to the new standing dresser as she opened the lowest drawer and began to pull on a simple spandex fitness outfit that Daisy had seen before but the mouse had never worn. "You might want to get out of bed before they get you out." "Morning workout?" the moose herm asked groggily as she pried herself from the warm inviting bed. "What the hell are you talking about trail mix? When the hell did this shit start?" "I guess they feel that

we are settled enough to pick it up again," Cecily said as she continued to drone along trying to get the tight halter top over the cast. "We all have beds now and we got a good nights sleep, time to work the lazy off as Lilly put it." As she spoke they heard the door swing open and bang against the wall.Daisy looked over, still rubbing the sleep from her eyes as Lilliana walked into the room. The liger tossed Daisy an outfit much like what Cecily was struggling to put on, "Try this on mouse bait. It should fit okay, and hold all your parts in the right place if you know what I mean." Daisy gave the two pieces outfit a quick once over. The shorts looked about the right size to fit around her waist and extend down to her mid thigh, and the top wasn't much more than a sports bra with a horse and rider logo over the left breast. "You really expect me to wear this?""Would you rather have one that doesn't give you the extra breast support? I'm sure hank will part with a shirt or two until we can get you something," the liger said as she leaned against the door. "I don't know about you, but I don't like it when they get in the way. And that set on you could knock a man silly if you swing them the wrong way."Cocking an eyebrow at the liger Daisy replied, "no, I guess this will do, but ... ahh fuck it what ever." Throwing the covers off herself Daisy began to wiggle the tightly fit shorts up her legs. "Fuck I've put on a wetsuit that wasn't this fucking tight Jesus." As she tugged the garment into place, she eyed the top cautiously as she stretched the fabric between her paws. "Okay Sisy, after I squeeze myself into this thing what's next?""Figure out where they are forming up, and hope they don't go for a run," Cecily said as she tried to tie the running shoes, still struggling with the rigid bent arm. "Then again I think I can get out of most of it with the cast. Doc said minimal jumping, I can't really do push-up or anything that takes both arms. So that leaves sit-ups and ab workout.""And they do this shit how often?" the moose herm asked as she stretched the top over her breasts. "Hang on and I'll got those shoes trail mix."As Daisy knelt down to help Cecily

with her shoes, the mouse answered, "Just during the week, Tuesdays and Thursdays are usually run days. Fridays are sports, Mondays and Wednesdays are muscle failure if not average workouts. Being that its been two weeks since we got here I am guessing light upper or lower body for today.""Okay, ummm well maybe they won't kill me," Daisy said as she finished tying the mouses shoes, leaning back and dropping to the floor to slip on her own sneakers. "Guess I'm as ready for this shit as I'll ever be, lead on short stack, I'm right behind you."As the pair walked through the hall toward the front stairs Susan walked up beside them and said, "Light duty for you Squeaker, just meet the old man in the great room for some stretching and lessons on scratching through that evil cast." Then she looked at Daisy with a smile as she added, "you're coming with me." The chinchilla lead the way as Daisy and her walked out the front door and into the grass of the side yard where Alex, Hank and Lilliana seemed to be waiting. "I got the straggler. I think we're ready." The group was all dressed in a similar outfit, sharing the horse and rider logo, even on the loose t-shirt and shorts that the otter wore in the place of his normal overalls. "Good, lets get started with some stretching then we'll do pyramids until we break someone," the liger said with a smile. "we'll keep it informal, lets just get in a small circle for today." The group formed a circle as directed leaving an obvious gap for DaisySusan leaned over to her and said, "Just follow along and try to keep up. But whatever you do, don't pass out.""I'll try, but I haven't done this kind of shit since the fourth grade," Daisy said as she took the vacant spot in the circle. She followed along, mimicking the stretches of the others as the loosened up for their exercise session. She noted that they concentrated on their chest, arms, and abs as they stretched, only giving their legs mild attention. Lilliana looked at Daisy and said, "As the youngest you get to pick a number between one and ten. Chose wisely."Not having a clue of what the liger was up to Daisy considered her choice for a moment before answering, "five, middle of

the road."Reaching into the waistband of her shorts Lilliana pulled out several index cards and counted through them, "One... Two... ... Five." She flipped the card over and showed a thick black fifteen hand written in the center of the card. "Okay, Because I am sure they didn't do this in the fourth grade, heres the deal. We are going to do this at our own pace, starting at one we are going to one push-up followed by one sit-up,then two push-ups and so on until you get to fifteen, then reverse it. Up one side of the pyramid and down the other, or until your face hits the ground, whichever comes first."Hank looked at Daisy for a moment before he said, "Why don't we go easy on her and just go to five. Two hundred and twenty-five of anything is a pretty big number for someone not ready for it."Alex raised her hand as she offered, "'ow 'bout we go 'alfway an' say ten. Dats a todle a one 'undred.""But she picked five fair and square,"Hank replied, "Lilly is just trying to be an ass."Looking at the moose with an even unreadable expression on her face, Lilliana asked, "Which do you think is fair mouse bait?""I picked five, so I guess that's about as fair as it gets really so just go with that," Daisy replied, quietly hoping she didn't end up in a knot by the time it was over."Fair enough I guess,"Lilliana said as Hank winked at Daisy, "Considering we should really start off slow for her anyway. Everyone else up to ten mouse bait go as far as you can until you get shakey."As the group started their solo escalation of sit-up and push-up repetitions Hank leaned over to daisy and said, "The trick is to take a sixty second or so break between each set. The most you do in one stretch would be five, but even that can be a little hard considering you would have already done a total of fifteen and your body is not used to the workout."Taking Hank's advice Daisy started to follow along with the group as she worked her way through the prescribed sets. She kept

thinking in her mind, 'The most I am going to do in one set is five, this should be easy.' As she went through things started out easy enough, but to her surprise the last two of the sets of five push-up and sit-ups were harder than she expected and the difficulty only seemed to get worse as she worked her way back down the sets, her final push-up sending her into a state of full body quivers as she struggled to maintain the same form the others used. She hovered inches from the ground as her arms refused to extend further, but she refused to give up with the group watching. She struggled, squeezing her eyes shut as she tried to will herself to rise farther from the ground only to have her arms give out on her dropping her into the grass. Breathing heavy from the extra exertion she moaned as the sudden realization that both her arms felt like jelly and her gut hurt from the sit ups. With the moose in a panting heap Lilliana leaned down and said, "Not bad for your first day. Maybe in a week or two you might even do them right." Daisy could hear her stand up away from her as she added, "Okay, personal hygiene and breakfast. Hit the showers." Daisy rolled onto her back and looked up at the slowly brightening sky as she said, "They're trying to kill me." to what she thought was a vacant yard."No one expected you to get as far as you did," The male voice said as Hank came into view above her. She watched as he thumbed through a small stack of one dollar bills before he reached down to help her up. "It's not easy coming off of just maintaining your body with daily activities, and jumping into this kind of thing.""No shit," the moose herm responded, "holy shit that was like three months worth of gym classes in one day.""You'll do fine, Daisy, just keep up the stubborn moose attitude and they will eventually back off." After Hank helped her to her hooves and walked toward the house he offered one last piece of advice, "Just whatever you do, don't pass out." »-(¯·.·´¯)->First Day of Work-(¯·.·´¯)-«Daisy pulled the Charger into the space outside the Flour Shop bakery. The small mom and pop confectionary had expanded over the summer taking over two of the adjoining vacant

storefronts in the strip mall. The flying squirrel that owned the shop had called her only four days ago to offer her the job after one of her other employees had stopped coming in without notice. With the short notice Ms. Graham had set her up to work several days for the last week before school started. As she walked in she saw a young jerboa with an apron on behind the counter. She thought the girl could not have been more than fifteen years old, but then thought about her own girlfriend and the common mistake in her age. She stood about five feet tall with long blond hair. Daisy shivered for a moment as she saw the girls tail, though a good two feet shorter than Cecily's, but the ever present fluff on the tip. The mouse girl pushed the glasses up her snout as she looked up to the ring from the small bell at the door. "Oh, hi," the girl said with a smile, "You must be Daisy, Jessy said you would be starting today. My name is Sunshine." The girls bubbly attitude almost forced Daisy to smile at her greeting, "Come on, lets get you a uniform and see what we can get you started on. Jessy won't be in for another hour at least.""Okay," Daisy replied as she followed the the girl towards the back of the shop. Looking over her shoulder as she dug through a box of aprons Sunshine asked, "You ever work at a bakery before?""No, this is my first job actually," Daisy said as she watched the other girl search through the box. "This one should fit," She said as she stood up and spun to face Daisy. "And don't worry, this place is great, and Jessy is an awesome boss" She paused a moment and glanced from side to side in the empty storeroom before adding, "And there are a lot of cute guys that come around. Awesome eye candy to go with the cakes and brownies." As Daisy put the apron over her head the girl continued, "It's really easy, We start up the fresh donuts and muffins in the mornings. Those sell out fast with the coffee and morning rush. Then it's mostly icing cakes and munching on snacks the rest of the day."The jerboa squeaked as the sound of the bell rang out from the front of the shop followed by a voice calling out, "Sunny, has the new girl made it in yet?""Yes, ma'am," Sunshine replied, "I was just getting her an apron and telling her about what we do."As they spoke the middle aged squirrel joined them in the storage area. "It's good to see you again Daisy, and thank you again for being so willing to start on such a short notice. I still can't believe that the other girl just up and left like that. Anyway, let's get you started Daisy."Daisy spent the next few hours following the squirrel or mouse around as they showed her how to use some of the industrial sized devices and recipes for the house specials. Jessica Graham explained that everything was mixed from scratch the night before and baked first thing in the morning. "Now Sunny is only fifteen so I can't have her stay late enough to set things up for me in the morning so that will be your job on the days you work once school starts. You think you can handle that after a week of training?""Yes ma'am, I think I can probably handle that okay," Daisy said, "from the way it looks and what you've described I think I'll get the hang of it quick enough..." As Daisy slid the last tray of cookies into the display case next to Jessica the sound of the doorbell and a now familiar, slightly dreaded voice filled the customer area, "Oh my fucking god, its tiny cakes. Check this shit out Boomer, they're bite size even. I'll take five dozen of these things in every flavor you have."The squirrel stood up with a smile as she said, "Hello how can I help you?" She looked down at the crouching Moose as she added, "this looks like a perfect time to show you how to take a custom order.""I'll take these little cakes," the liger said as Daisy stood up, her head hung in defeat as her last chance to have a day away from the group shattered."The cupcakes, ma'am?""Holy hell, they even have a name. Do they come in rum cake?""Yes Ma'am, we can make them any way you want," Jessica said

with a smile, "I'll let Daisy take your order, I'll be watching as it is her first day, just to be sure everything is right.""Hello, what would you like to order today ma'am," the moose asked in a slightly forced cheery voice.The liger and eagle smiled at each other for a moment as they looked back at the moose. The liger said, "I'd like a rum cake, hold the cake," followed by the eagle saying, "I'll take one Kreppel, two Apple Frittahs, suma dem chocolate 'clairs..." The liger interrupted her as she said, "You keep eating like that and you'll get fat." The eagle glared back as she rebutted, "An ya gonna try and get sum rum by say'n 'old da cake, ya lush.""Ladies please, this is a family establishment," Jessica said, "I understand that there might not be any other customers here, but I do intend on maintaining that standard with my under age employees. Now, please be serious with your order or I will have to ask you to leave.""It's okay," the moose said with a slight sigh, "Jessica, allow me to introduce Lilliana Fargo, my guardian, and Alexis Hawkins her associate. These two ladies," she said emphasizing the word slightly, "are both members of the Dark Rider House. And they came in to give me a hard time. Lilly, Alex, this is Jessica, the owner of the bakery, and my boss."Lilliana smiled over the counter as she said, "Actually we ran out of cake and that store brand shit isn't cutting it. Jenny said this was the best bakery in town, you just happened to work here." She reached over the counter to the squirrel, "It's a pleasure to meet you Jessy.""Oh, you didn't tell me you were part of that group. They've been in the news a few times." She took the liger's paw and shook it with a smile, "I thought I recognized you, but Ms. Hawkins looks so different without that fancy dress on.""Anyway," Lilliana said with a smile, "Back to tormenting mouse bait." She looked at Daisy and said, "Bring home something worth eating, Squeaker said she's not going to bake if you're working at a bakery all day.""Alright, I was already thinking the same thing, it's not like she can

really bake with a broken arm Lilly. So seriously, is there anything in particular you want me to bring home or luck of the draw?" Daisy asked somehow without rolling her eyes at the ligers antics."You're telling me. She has Hank doing all the work while she sits at the bar reading her newest cookbook." Lilliana said with a smile. "Good thing she knows what she's doing or we might starve to death." She paused for a moment as she looked up at the handwritten, multicolored chalk menu. "I think you can just bring home what ever you think tastes good, If you get it wrong we'll try again." She looked back at the squirrel as she put a fifty on the counter and said, "Don't worry, she'll be bringing in at least as much as you're paying her, we have a few sweet tooths among us."As the two left Sunshine leaned over to Daisy and said, "Wow, you really live at that creepy old house? What's it like?""The house isn't so bad, it needs a lot of work and that's getting done. Living with that pair and the rest of the Dark Riders... thats kind of hard to explain. They have their own unique way of doing things, and they take a little getting used to."»-(¯·.·´¯)->August 17, 2013<-(¯·.·´¯)-«»-(¯·.·´¯)->Mild changes<-(¯·.·´¯)-«Daisy rolled over in bed, thankful for the Saturday of rest from the weeks exercise routine, Between the physical torture the Liger inflicted on her and the rest of the group, who seemed to complain about it just as much when Lilly was not in earshot, and the training and learning at her first real job, she was exhausted. The thought of sleeping in for one day was more welcome than anything. She wrapped her arms around the warm body of her lover as the mouse cuddled close after her movement. Her eyes opened slightly as the light from the sun invaded their makeshift nest on the queen sized bed. She wondered just how long she had managed to sleep, not quite remembering just how she had gotten from the bakery to the bed last night. She found it even harder to sleep when the smell of a nice hot breakfast infiltrated the air around her She felt Cecily move in her arms, apparently to the same thing she had just noticed as the sound of a grumbling belly emanated from her small body."Was that me or you?" the soft sleepy voice of her love asked in a near whisper."Pretty sure it was you Sisy, but hell if I care right now. Which ever one of us it was, and what ever it is someone is cooking I could care less, I didn't have to cook it, and it smell nothing like donuts or cake," Daisy said as she carefully stretched out, her hooves and paws breaking free of the linens. "I bet it's Susan," Cecily said as she rolled to the edge of the bed, "She asked me to set everything up for a good breakfast last night. And I think I am starving." As her paws hit the floor her stomach rumbled again. The two put on enough nightgown and house coats to not flash Hank and Detlev and proceeded to follow the scent down the back staircase and into the great room, where places were set at the bar that separated the room from the kitchen. As Daisy sat in front of the hot steaming bowl of oatmeal mixed with fruits, she hung her head close and inhaled the sweet scent deeply. As Daisy picked up a spoon she froze. Both Susan and Alex stared at her with broad smiles on their faces. She glanced down at the bowl and back up at the two spectators. As she started to form the question in her mouth a paw reached around her and took the bowl away, replacing it with another. Daisy tuned to see that Hank had taken the time to swap the dishes as Susan said, "Damn it, you just have to ruin all our fun." as the chinchilla and eagle walked away to leave the moose and mouse to eat in peace.Eyeing the bowl before her from several angles for a moment Daisy said, "I'm not even sure I want to know what that pair were up to this time." Realizing she probably looked a little foolish scrutinizing the bowl that Hank had swapped she took a bite of the steaming oatmeal. "Are they always up to shit or is it just because of me?" she asked the small mouse."Well," Cecily said as she took a bite of her own breakfast, "at least they are working together."The two finished their breakfast and went about their usual routine of helping with what they could for the renovations. More often than not Cecily was sent to rest up and not hurt herself as she resigned to sketching, thankful that it was her left arm that was broken. Daisy

walked about in a bit of a haze as everyone repeatedly sent her to check on Cecily until she took the hint and sat on one of the futons in the great room with the small mouse. Daisy was jarred awake as Lilliana kicked the futon she had apparently fallen asleep on. "If you don't get your ass moving you'll be late for work. I hope you enjoyed your nap." Glancing down to see that she was already fully dressed, though she didn't quite remember when she had changed she tried to focus a little better as she asked, "how close to being late am I?"Hank tossed her keys at her as he walked through the room and said, "you might make it if Officer Summers isn't waiting for one of us on the corner.""Shit," the moose said as she forced herself off the futon and to her hooves. "I'll see you when I get off work, keep an eye on trail mix while I'm gone." Daisy nearly ran out the door and to the Charger, firing the engine to life the same instant her rump touched the drivers seat. "Don't need to be late this soon into a new job, come on lady luck, hold out just a little longer..." As if her prayers were answered she seemed to make almost every light on the way with almost clear traffic. Daisy tossed her apron over her head, nametag still in place from the days before, as she briskly walked into the bakery. From behind the register Sunshine started to say, "Umm... Daisy..."Not letting the girl finish the moose blurted out, "Yeah I know I'm running late. I dozed off for a bit." As she heard several snickers from the customers in line."That's not what I was going to say," Sunshine voiced with a little bit of a giggle, "I was going to ask why you were pink." As the jerboa finished the statement a few of the customers lost control and started laughing out loud."I'm WHAT!?" the moose screamed as she looked down to her paws to find that she was indeed a rather lovely shade of pink. "How the hell?" Running into the restroom she stared at the pink hair and face that stared back at her. Pulling the neck of her shirt out she found that apparently every inch of her had somehow been

dyed a nice baby pink. "Goddamnit, Hank...Susan...Alex... fuck they were all in on it."Soon Jessica came into the bathroom to check on the moose after hearing the commotion from the kitchen. "Is everything Oh..." She stopped mid sentence as she slapped her paw over her muzzle to hold back the laughter."I'm sorry about this Jessica, I should have known that bunch was up to something this morning with the whole swapping bowls crap," Daisy said rubbing her temples."How?" the squirrel couldn't formulate a full question as she slapped her paw over her muzzle again. She turned and walked of the bathroom only to let out her own giggles as the door closed behind her."Honestly I have no damn idea, I was brown when they ran me off to keep an eye on Cecily, and pink when I got here," Daisy said still staring into the restroom mirror. "Christ, I don't even know how long it'll take for this crap to..." she paused, twisting the water taps on and scrubbing her paws together in the stream of water. "Crap, it doesn't wash out.... Oh My God!" she said, her eyes going wide. "School starts in two days... and they dyed me pink...."From the other side of the door, the still giggling squirrel asked, "Do you think you need to take the rest of the day off? I'll give it to you as a sick day... a sick joke day." Daisy herd the squirrel's body thump against the door with a renewed burst of laughs. Doing her best to stifle the laughter she added, "When I was in college the sorority dyed one of the lynx pledges rainbow from head to toe, but the look on you is just..." she stopped short as she started laughing again."God this is..... I'm gonna slap someone stupid for this eventually," Daisy nearly growled into the mirror. Shaking her head she said, "no, there's really no sense in going back to the house, they'll just start giving me crap sooner if I do. Besides, with school starting, this crap isn't gonna be gone by then and I'm gonna hear laughing for days anyway.""Okay dear, if that's what you want to do." Jessica said more composed than before. "Take your time and come out when you're ready."»-(¯·.·´¯)->Laughter among Friends<-(¯·.·´¯)-«After what felt like the longest four hours of her life, Daisy finally returned home. As she walked through the back door she was greeted by Lilliana who said, "I'm actually surprised you stuck this one out. Pink moose at a bakery, I guess we should change your name to cupcake. Any way, Squeaker is up in your room she wanted to show you something when you got home."Daisy continued her way up the backstairs, slightly surprised that Lilliana didn't even crack a smile or snicker that entire time. When she opened the door to the room that She and Cecily shared, the small kangaroo mouse was on the bed with a laptop. As she approached her lover, the mouse said, "I need to go to the bathroom, but you have to see what I found online" as she pointed to the laptop before leaving for the large bathroom that was connected to their room. Daisy dropped onto the bed and stretched out yawning. She then reached for the laptop and turned it to look at the monitor with a live multi-video Skype session going.As she stared wide eyed at the screen of the laptop the sound of uproarious laughter burst from the small speaker. "Yea, yea, yea, laugh it up fur balls. I love you fuckers too," the moose said before collapsing face down on the bed. "Jesus fucking christ even the mouse was in on this shit," she mumbled into the mattress.Daisy forced herself up to a seated position on the bed as she turned to face the laptop, the group of her friends that had gathered to say good bye filling the small squares of the shared skype video call on the screen. All of them seemed to be having trouble not falling from their chairs as they laughed at her present state. As she watched the one empty square as suddenly filled with brown fur a the bison boy Brad returned to his desk, a plate in one paw, and a huge glass in the other. As he sat in his chair he froze for a brief moment, his eyes going wide at the sight of the moose on his screen."Ummm, Daisy.... darlin' is there something wrong with your web camera, or are you pink?" he asked with barely a grin on his broad muzzle."What the hell do you think horn head?" Daisy asked with a hint of aggravation in her voice."Ummm, I'm sorry cute stuff," the bison said as his grin began to grow wider. "But I think this is funnier than the time we caught Harry passed out at Jimmy's and super glued horns on his head and that god awful fake beard on his face.""Fuck yea it is," the puma said between snorts and cackles. "I told ya then moose lips that payback was a bitch. God I wish I had been there to see your face when you found out you were pink, that had to have been fucking hilarious.""Fuck you Harry," Daisy retorted. "So, ummmm. how... how the hell did they pull this one off?", Aren, the black wolf boy asked through the paw covering his muzzle in an attempt to stop laughing."I have no fucking clue," the moose herm answered, "all the hell I know is I woke up nearly late for work, fully dressed and didn't even realize it untill Sunny told me I was pink.""Wait, wait, wait," the Husky girl Sherry began, "they dyed you this color, and you didn't notice it until after you drove to your job and got inside? You never even looked in the rearview mirror to check you hair or anything?""NO!, I was running late and all I was thinking about was getting to work on time," Daisy replied. "I've only been working at the bakery for a few days and I didn't want to get canned for being late.""HA HA HA HA," Chuck laughed so hard he nearly toppled out of his chair again before he could compose himself enough to speak. "So you work at a bakery? And they died you pink... sounds like a fun time there cupcake.""I'll cupcake you pouch boy," Daisy said in return, beginning to giggle slightly herself finally."So, ummmm, yea... is it just your face and arms or ummmm..." Brad stammered through his attempted question."No... it's ... fuck it's all over as far as I can tell" Daisy

replied. "I mean how the fuck did they even get it to take like this shit? It's not like you can dye a brown moose..." she trailed off as the thought hit her that it would be nearly impossible to just dye her formerly brown fur this shade of baby pink. "Holy hell... how long was I out for? Shit they had to have bleached my fur before they could pull this shit.""I don't know... I mean mmmmmmmm," James piped up suddenly. "Think about it guys and gals, Daisy Daniels in the fur, pink fur. Oh baby I bet you're even sexier with that look goin on hot stuff. Besides, you're the one that was always givin' peeps shit about you being a girl and if they didn't like it they could fuck off. I think it makes you look more girly than those hot ass shorts do sweet cheeks."Before she could form a reply, Cecily climbed onto the bed next to her and said, "She's sexy no matter what color she is." The mouse situated herself in Daisy's lap as she looked at the monitor. "And she is pink from head to hoof, Boomer wouldn't do it halfway.""That's funny as hell moose lips, so how long you have before the school year starts out there to let that shit grow out?" the skunk girl asked still giggling madly."Two fucking days, I have to show up for the first day of my senior year looking like this," Daisy said scrunching up her face. "Fuck me sideways I'll never live this shit down.""Oh shit," Brad said, his eyes going suddenly wide. "That reminds me, I don;t know if you've heard from your mom or not since they got home. But she checked him into the Tennyson Center. You told me to keep an eye on both of the brothers and I don't want a pissed off pink moose stomping my ass..."Daisy cut him off at the comment on her color, "just get to the damn point wise ass.""Okay, okay... anyway, so first off Ralph is doing okay. He and that pretty little panda girl of his are gettin' settled in that house of theirs, you should see that damn thing. But yea he's okay and gettin' along alright. Paul... fuck that boy is in some seriously weird shit girl," the bison boy said with an odd look on his face.""What do you mean weird shit Brad? What the fuck is going on with my baby brother?" Daisy asked, obvious concern in her voice at the bison's comment."Well.. at first I couldn't get shit on what was going on with him. Those people at that place are as closed mouthed as they come. Friggin anal about sayin anything at all. But that girl he has the hots for, ummm... Jada, yea that's it. Anyway she got hold of your mom and got on his visitors list. His counselor decided it would be a good thing for them to meet and talk or some shit. Anyway, it got me a way into the place to see him and check on him. He's doing okay I guess, looks good enough and seems alright. But I gotta tell ya moose face, the shrinks in that place have some weird ass ways of doing things.""What do mean? What the hell are you talking about Brad?" Daisy asked, the concern in her voice growing deeper."Well, right off he had Paul and Jada have a sit down at the center. Had that girl tell Paul how she felt about him and had Paul tell her about what he did on that cruise. Gotta say I never thought Paul could do shit like that. But the thing is... according to your mom the girl flipped the fuck out. Not so much about what he did to that girl of Ralph's, not from what your mom said. She made it sound like Jada was more pissed that he didn't do it to her instead," Brad said, a look of confusion on his face."Say what?" several voices could be heard saying in unison, Daisy's amongst them."Yea, from what your mom told me she flipped out because she liked him all this time and he went off and did someone else first. Is that some weird shit or what?" the bison asked."Hold the fuck up," Daisy said tersely. "You're telling me Jada got pissed about Paul not doing her first... and that was more of a deal to her than him as raping his brothers girlfriend? Are you shitting me?" Daisy asked, the others having fallen silent as the bison boy had began to tell the tale."Yea, I've had trouble wrapping my head around that part myself. I mean really, what the fuck here. He tells her he raped a girl and she's more freaked that she wasn't

his first piece of ass... sorry bad pun in there somewhere," the bison boy said with an odd look on his face."Fuck me, just fuck me every Tuesday," Chucky said offhandedly. "God damn Daisy, I thought your brothers were normal, Ralph is gonna be a daddy and Paul is a feaky fucker, what the hell?""Paul needs help," Cecily said as she adjusted herself in Daisy's lap. "And Jada may not fully understand what's going on with him. I mean, She is a young infatuated girl kind of blinded by her feelings for him, the situation may just have not completely registered with her. If her blindness to that holds up, it might help him deal with things better.""Maybe, hell if I know," the bison said flatly. "Either way I'll keep a close eye on both of the brothers Daisy, you know that. If anything else comes up for either of them I'll let you know as soon as I can.""Thanks Brad, I knew I could count on you, that's why I asked you to do it. It sounds like the place he is is like everyone else when it comes to you big guy. It usually works to your advantage when everyone thinks you're just a big dumb jock," Daisy said with a slight grin on her muzzle."Yea, I know and you can bet I'll make use of it where the little one is concerned. I can't put my paw on it yet, but there is just something really wrong about this whole mess with Paul. I mean hell we all grew up with those two brothers of yours hanging around, and this shit just don't wash with the way he always was around us."Your right," Aren chimed in. "Paul was kind of a trouble maker towards his brother, but none of this shit makes any sense. Anyay, don't know about your guys but I gotta haul ass outta here and get shit done. Dadis up my ass about the lawn and cleaning up the garage. Daisy, good seeing your pink ass... I mean good seeing you girlfriend. You take care of yourself and ummm, maybe you should sleep with one eye open for a while, later," the wolf said before leaving the group call."Yea, good hearing from you moose face, you take care of half pint there and don;t forget to call me damn it," Jenny said, "later babe.""Okay, before I head out," Jimmy began looking straight into this webcam, "listen Daisy, Brad on't be the only one keeping an eye on things back here. I don't like what he's telling us about this mess with Paul, so me and the rest of the crew will be watching out for the brothers too.""Thanks guys, I appreciate it," Daisy said as the rest of the group dropped from the call one by one after saying their goodbyes until the only remaining member of her close knit group was Sherry the husky girl."Daisy, listen, I wanted to wait until the others left but there's something I think you might need to know about. I didn't put much stock into the rumors until Brad mentioned Ralph. With the way he and Mark are connected and all..." the girl said trailing off in thought for a moment. "There have been rumors around town, and Mark doesn't talk about it at all. But the rumors say that he was mugged right after they got back to town. I'm not buying the mugging shit, not with him and especially not with Ariel supposedly with him like they say. But something is up and that I'm sure of. The thing is... they say it involved some half crazy liger woman, and there just aren't many liger's in the metro area that I know of. It may all be just bullshit that someone is spreading to make Mark look bad or some shit, but you might want to feel Ariel out about it when you talk to her.""Mark... mugged in Winter Creek? Yea I'm not buying that one either," the moose herm said with a scowl on her face. "Thanks I may just do that, something sounds off as hell about that. Listen It was good seeing all you guys, and thanks for not making too much fun of me for the pink thing. I have some chores I need to get done here, I miss you guys Sherry, and we'll talk again soonish. Take care poof tail.""Yea, I need to go too moose lips, you take care of that girlfriend of yours and keep an eye on that crazy family you got yourself wrapped up in, bye," the husky girl added before ending the call with her friend.As Daisy leaned back and fell to the mattress she said, "Mark mugged by a liger, and Lilly was in Winter Creek to get those papers signed by my parents... no way that shit is a coincidence. What the fuck could she have wanted to talk to him about... shit."As Daisy looked at her girlfriend a heavy shopping bag landed beside her on the bed. She looked up to see lilliana standing just inside their door as she said, "Take care of that hair issue cupcake, I'm not going to be seen in public on my first day on the job with a pink fluff puff." "Hair issue my furry bro... pink ass," Daisy began "I didn't have an issue until you crazy bitches dyed me pink damn it. I don't care who was involved, as far as I'm concerned you're all guilty as hell," she said as she turned to face the liger. "If it wasn't for the looks on my goofy ass friends faces, and the fact that after that shit at work I've had time to cool the fuck off..." Daisy paused for a few brief moments before she continued. "Ah who the fuck am I kidding, there's no way I can possibly get even with you fuckers for this one. And in hindsight, it is kind of funny as hell that you all went through the trouble to pull something like this off. So fuck it on the dye job I guess, part of the price to pay for being a tag along. But seriously Lilly, what the fuck is this shit about you mugging Mark Jameson? The mugging part is obviously bullshit rumors from the locals back home, but why Mark? Mom and the asshat I can understand but what does the puppy have to do with anything?"Looking the moose in the eyes Lilliana said, "I had a question for him your brother left unanswered. If you want to know more, just remember two things, plausible deniability, and ignorance is bliss. I went and got a signature and had lunch with your mother, didn't even see your father. Spent the one night there enjoying the wilderness with a night under the stars.""What was the term Ralph said the Bells use..." Daisy said as she pressed her paws to her eyes. "Don't ask... don't tell, yea that was it. Okay I get the hint Lilly, shut up and stay out of it moose face. I can deal with that, but at least I have an idea how to handle things when Ariel calls and starts telling me about it, which she will even if she has no idea that the liger was you." Daisy sat up and dragged the shopping bag closer as she asked, "so what's this, purple and green this time or what?""As close to your natural color as you will be able to get coming off pink," Lilliana said over her shoulder. "And if your puppy friend asks, tell her what ever you want. I mean, who is really going to believe a school teacher went out to a remote mountain town to mug one of their

influential teen citizens? Doesn't make much sense to me." Then closed the door as she left the couple in the room.

Diner at his Place

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