Girl From Equestria Chapter 1

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#6 of MLP

How Equestrian Girls should have been

Girl From Equestria By Admiral Q

It was a typical day in the Crystal Empire since it was pushed forward in time my it's former king Sombra. With the help of the Elemental Bearers the last surviving member of the Old Royal Family Princess Cadance now sits on the throne with her husband Shining Armor and rule with peace and justice as the Empire is now a protectorate of Equesrtia. However the day is not as normal as it seems. At the train station where goods and people travel between Equestria proper and the Crystal Empire we see six mares getting off together and many would still ignore this but for one fact. One of the mares had both a horn and wings. "Oh so nice to be back to the Crystal Empire! Oh those fabulous sparkles! I could just die darlings!' Rarity said as she viewed the heart of the Empire from the train station. Twilight just smiled at her friend's antics and commented. "You think you brought enough luggage Rarity? Poor Spike can barely handle it." She could barely see the baby dragon under all that luggage. "But dear you can never have enough. If I don't have all my materials for a outfit you need in a jiffy I be devastated and my Spikey Wikey has got it under control. You should more concern about the conference princess. This is the first ever Princess Conference ever and you need to be ready." Rarity then look at twilight's mane. "Your highness please tell me you didn't leave your crown behind?" "Rarity would you please stop with the titles. I don't want them from you or my friends. I'm still Twilight to you and my crown is in the bags. I'm not comfortable wearing much just like these wings. Heck I'm lucky I didn't kill myself with the glide during my coronation. What a way to start being a princess, face planting right into a wall. That would have looked good in the papers. I'm just not worthy of the title girls." "Now that's just rubbish Twi." AJ commented. "You earned it fair and square with everything you've done. Trust us when we say we're proud of you sugarcube." They rest of them nod causing Twilight to smile. "Thanks girls." Pinkie Pie wraps a hoof around her. "Ah you're just neverousited." "I'm what?" "Neverousited, neverous and excited at the same time." Twilight just looked up and shook her head and mentally said. 'Ah Pinkie.' The group finally walked to the capital and withing the city limits they all begin to sparkle as they are within the average shield of the Crystal Heart. They all take a minute to get use to their new look before continuing on and they are allowed in the castle proper. In minutes they were lead to the throne room and saw Cadance sitting on the throne with Celestia and Luna at her sides. But as soon as Cadance saw Twilight cheered. "Twily!" She raced to the younger pony and they both did their signature hoofshake before nuzzling. "How are you my dear sister in law?" "I'm good Cadance just happy to see you again." Luna and Celestia approach then and greeted the group. "Good to see you all my little ponies. I hope this conference will be enlighting and bring many successful ideas. Now go ahead and unpack and meets us for dinner. You must be hungry." The group admits they are and quickly unpack in their rooms before being escorted down to the dinning area. Where they other were waiting and Twilight greeted her brother and diner was on and the talked between bites catching up on eachother and the occasional joke but as day gave away to night the trip showed it's wear on Twilight and company so they bid ado and headed for their rooms. Twilight was doing some last unpacking which included her crown. The crown was a modified version of the tiara she wore when wielding the Element of Magic. She placed in on her head and looked in the mirror for a couple minutes before sighing at the image. "What is it Twilight?" She turned to look at him. "Spike Cadance was given the Crystal Empire to rule and now that I'm a Princess does Celestia expects me to rule a kingdom? I'm not one to lead people Spike." "You would be a good leader Twilight but remember it took Cadance years before she got the Crystal Empire. I don't think Celestia would throw that much at you right away." "You're probably right Spike. She always tasked me with something when she felt I was ready but I'm certainly not ready for ruling anything right now. But I'm tired so good night Spike." She places the crown on the nightstand and enters the bed. She sighs as she tries to relax then. FFFROOOMMMP! A wing pops up and she frowns trying to get it back to her side but it refused to stay their. FFFROOOMMMP! No the other one was popping up! She grunted as she struggled with both wings. "Twilight?" She hears spike ask. "It's my wings Spike. Just trying to get comfortable that's all." She manages to get them to her sides and gets the cover on. She lays there for a few seconds then. FFFFFROOOOOMMMMPPP! And Twilight groans. Hours later a door to another room opened and a cloaked pony came out. She silently walked the corridors and dodge the Royal Guard patrols, checking the rooms looking for something. Finally the pony found that she searched for. Although she hasn't seen it before she heavily research Celestia's records and defiantly caught up on some reading when she returned a couple days ago. The Element of magic. The most powerful of the Elements of Harmony right there in the open. She carefully sneaked past a baby dragon and got close to the night stand. A light blue aura of magic surrounded the Element and she carefully placed it in her cloak's pocket. With a smug smile she walks away, only to be tripped by the sleeping dragon's tail. 'Ah horse apples.' She thought as she hit the floor. Twilight was in a dream when she heard and clatter and a "Oommph!" That woke her up and she rubbed her eyes and saw a pony flee out the door with something gold in her cloak. "Wha..?" Then Twilight noticed her crown was not on the stand. She fully woke up and raced after the pony. "THAT PONY HAS TAKEN MY CROWN!" The ruckus has woken her friends who look out their doors to see two ponies running past them. Twilight was closing in on the pony and leaped as the pony went into a a room and they collided and fell to the floor and both grunt and Twilight heard a clang of metal hitting the crystal floor and saw her crown bounce of a couple items before disappearing in a mirror. "What in Celestia?" Frowning she looked at the other pony. With the cloak's hood knocked off she had a good view. The other was a unicorn mare with yellow gold fur, a red and gold mane and bluish green eyes. The unicorn looked at her with a smug look. "Sorry Twilight, nothing personal." The unicorn got up leaped over Twilight before disappearing into the mirror as well. It was then that her friends and the royal sisters. "What in the hay is going on Twi?" Applejack asked. "A unicorn mare just stole my crown and both she and my crown went through this mirror." Celestia recognized the mirror and looked seriously and asked. "Can you describe this unicorn Twilight?" Twilight did and Celestia closed her eyes and sighed. "it is her. Twilight, that was Sunset Shimmer. She was a student of mine just before you. She had great magic potential and was quite resourceful and intelligent. But she was impatient and became very interested in this mirror. I got it when Star Swirl passed away. He said it led to another world but I never tried it. I have just read his observations which Sunset took great interest in. She eventually went through it and I waited for her return. When Cadance took over the Crystal Empire I decided it would be good to split the magic artifacts stored in Canterlot to here and it seems the mirror was among those moved." Celestia then looked seriously at Twilight. "There is no telling what the Element of Magic would do in that world. Out of all the Elements it's the one that can operate alone easier then the rest. Twilight you must get it back. Gather anything you might need for I can't tell you what to expect." "Alright we'll get our stuff to." Applejack said and began to head for her room when Celestia declared. "You will not." "Are you out of your mind your highness. If Twilight's going we're going." Rainbow Dash stated. "You can not go with her. It's bad enough that Sunset Shimmer and now the Element of Magic are there but to add you all. That could be very dangerous. No Twilight must do this on her own. I will only risk it if things become dire." "I understand Princess I'll go get ready." Twilight finally said. "You girl's be ready if I need you." She was about to head out when Celestia interrupts her. "Twilight the portal remains open for seven days before it closes again for every three months. We don't know how long it's been open right now. If it closes before you're done then wait till the next opening and either return with your crown or send a message. If I receive none then I'll send your friends." Twilight nodded and went to gather her supplies. Twilight filled her saddle bags with gems for currency a compass, and a blank book and a handful of food and returned to the room. "Good luck Twilight Sparkle." She nodded took a deep breath and stepped through the mirror. She vaguely heard her friends yell. "SPIKE!" Then everything got distorted and she blacked out. When Twilight woke up she noticed a chill and the wind felt different then she has felt it before. "Twilight?" She heard a familiar voice and opened her eyes. In front of her was a dog, a golden retriever she guessed but it's green eyes held a familiar look so she took a guess. "Spike?" The dog nodded. "But you're a dog?" "Yeah I noticed trust me. It's certainly going to be interesting being your number one assistant now." "Is that why you disobeyed Celestia's orders?" She manage a shrug with his new body. "Couldn't let you do it alone, but enough about me. At least we know what I am. I have no clue what you are." Twilight raised her fore hooves to discover they weren't hooves anymore. They were claws....blunted claws covered in skin with no fur. She had only seen that a couple of times with doctor's operating in an area with no medically train unicorns. She fiddled with her digits getting use to them then took stock of herself. She was fur less all over accept a patch near her pussy and her teat have moved forward just below her neck and on top of mounds. She touched them and that caused a pleasant feeling. She also noticed her mane. It was more black than it normally was and didn't see the usual pink stripes it had. She glanced behind her and didn't see her wings or tail. It also seemed her saddle bags had changed to a single large bag but everything inside was okay. She also noticed the bag still had her cutie mark and went to check if she still did and she did, smaller then usual but they were still there. Since she had claws she figured that her body was like Spike's dragon form and tried standing. She was wobbly but manage to stand and looked around. She was in a park if she was to judge. Next to her and Spike was a stone block with a statue of a large earth pony rearing back. It reminded her of Celestia with out her hair, horn, and wings. She saw towers in the distance and dark clouds in the night sky. She started walking the path, or tried to. She tripped herself and landed hand on the stone walkway. "Twilight you okay?" She gritted her teeth to the pain and replied. "I will be just trying to get use to this body." Her knee bleed a bit and throbbed as she tried to stand again. "Just take it easy Twilight. One step at a time you only have two legs now." Slowly she got a handle of two leg walking but the wind has picked up and she heard the rumble of thunder. "Great I pick a night they scheduled a storm." Then it began to rain and she REALLY missed her fur. She was pretty soaked as the storm hammered the town when she exited the park. She saw a house at the edge of the park. With a shrug she ran to it and knocked on the door. From inside she heard a muffled male voice. "Now who in the heck knocks on the back door?" She saw a face peek out of the door before it opened. The male then looked at her in shock and blushed. He wore a pair of clothing. One covering his torso the other his legs. "Sorry to intrude but the storm and it's so cold." "It would be without clothes come in come in." He looked down. "And you dog to. I hope he's house trained." He stepped aside and allowed them both in. "Oh Spike is very house trained." "Good wait here a sec." He disappears for second before showing up with a pair of towels. "Hear dry up with these and all be back again." She took the towels and he disappeared again and she dried herself off and he came back. "Here some clothes. They won't fit you properly but will comfortably cover everything needed and I'll heat up some food for you." He took off and she and she spent minutes figure out how to put the clothes on. Using what she saw of him as a guide she finally manage to get it on. The top article was red with a galloping pony in black and a pair pf leg coverings also in red. Now covered she walked further into her hosts house. She walked into a hallway with a couple doors and a stairway and saw him come around the corner at the edge. "Ah good your dressed follow me." She did and ended up in the living room with a fireplace going. He helped her to a chair near the fire and that felt nice and warm. He then went back to the kitchen and returned with a bowl of delicious food. "What is it?" "An old family favorite, chili. I'm Spirit Cimarron." "Twlight Sparkle." Spirit nodded. "Interesting name, well Twilight what are you doing out in a stormy night naked? Good thing the police didn't see you. They arrest you for indecent exposure." "I was looking for something taken from me and issues happened as a search thus my current situation." "Why not go to the police?" "This is something I have got to do on my own." Spirit stared at her for a minute making her feel uneasy till he finally said. "Okay, so do you have a place to stay?" "No I don't, I'm new to the area. I don't even know where I am. I just followed the trail." She took a bite and loving the taste. It wasn't like anything she had before. "Well you are in Canter City a small but growing city in the United Colonies of America and I have plenty of room for you and company will be nice." "I'm from a place called Equestria and i'll take your offer. I need all the allies I can get." He smiled. "Good the room upstairs on the fare right is mine but the other two bedrooms are open. Tomorrow I'll take clothing shopping so you can get your own clothes. Got any cash?" Twilight opened her bag and took out a couple of gem stones. Spirit whistled at the sight. "How many of those you got?" "A few." "Well then keep a couple and I'll take you to the bank to get some cash and open an account for you. Then clothes shopping." he left her to finish her meal and she yawned. And she heard him chuckled. "Long day?" "You have no idea." "Well get some rest and i'll see you tomorrow." She nodded and manage to get up the stairs without too much of a problem. Once up the stairs she was in a small hallway and went to the nearest door. She flung her head back and walked forward. Right into the closed door. "OW!" She rubbed her head and noticed her horn was gone. "You okay?" She heard from downstairs. "Yeah I'm okay." 'Just lost my ability to do magic that's all.' She said mentally. She used her claw and opened the door, to a bathroom. It was then she felt the need to relive herself and did so with only a little hassle. She tried the next room and found a bed a dresser and an empty closet and a desk. 'Good enough.' She put her bag down and strip. And sat on the bed. Then she noticed Spike. "Hey spike did you get something to eat?" "Yeah Spirit gave me some carrots and a water dish. So what's thew plan?" "Well do what Spirit suggested then start looking for clues to where the crown is and get it before Sunset does if she doesn't already have it." Spike yawned and finished. 'Well that's for tomorrow goodnight Twilight." "Goodnight Spike." She pulled the covers on herself and wonder how her friends were doing and how she was going to find her crown in the strange new world with no magic to wield. Luckily her wings won't be bothering her sleep.

Girl From Equestria Chapter 2

She awoke the next morning with the sun shining in her room. She stretched and got up grabbed her clothes. She opened the bedroom door and peaked out. Not seeing Spirit and went to the bathroom and after some relief she decided to try the shower....

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Night's Children Chapter 5 No Choice Left

Nightmare Moon basked in the moonlight, feeling it's caress against her as she laid on a rock ledge attached to the mountain. She dreamed of the near future. She defeats the Princess of the Sun who ignored her plight and shunned her proposals. She...

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Night's Children Chapter 4 Princess of the Night

Luna just looked on in shock with her head yelling, 'Nononononononon' as her alter ego is given new form. 'By the heavens Darkmoon why have you done this?' Meanwhile the former Darkmoon reveled in her new power. 'Yes, with this power I shall protect...

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