The Slip Into WoW

Story by KitFox on SoFurry

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#1 of The Slip into WoW

I've had a number of people ask me where I get the inspiration for my stories from. Mos...

I've had a number of people ask me where I get the inspiration for my stories from. Most of it comes to me in my sleep. Literally. Welcome to dreams. A tiny scene or a snippet comes from there and then the story is fleshed out around it. In the case of this one, a dream scene of moonfiring a furred dragon before realizing that it didn't behave like a normal mob. A stroke on her side creating a desperate desire to save her life. Everything else grows like a crystal from this tiny seed.

I'm sorry to all the folks who watch me, desperately hoping that sometime I'll post something new. When life is busy, writing sometimes takes a back seat.

I'm also sorry to anybody who thinks that this will be focused on WoW itself. If you expect to see hot tauren/gnome sex, you'll be sorely disappointed. The main characters are from completely outside the WoW universe. However there is enough WoW terminology that it may be kind of hard to understand for non-WoW players. In that case, just read on until you get to the sex and enjoy that. And trust me, this one has some seriously OMG sex.

  • Edited February 6th 2015 to repair SoFurry damage to the story.

It was just a flash, a tiny glitch in the nether. It was the area of not-existence where the Watchers kept an eye on the boundaries between realities. Infinite variations on worlds and universes, some far apart, some so close that they came through as ideas to each other. Some say things about monkeys and typewriters creating all the literary works that ever were and ever will be. The Watchers knew that all of the worlds and stories in those books existed in a reality somewhere as well.

With that many possibilities and that many realities, it was a tough job keeping everything sorted sometimes. The wrong item in the wrong reality could cause confusion, or it could cause havoc. The flashes in the nether showed when something went from where it should be to somewhere else entirely. Whether it be a dragon suddenly finding itself crushed in the depths of a fully water-filled universe or an entire planet becoming a speck of dust on a record elsewhere, they would reverse the change and put things back to rights.

Unfortunately, this flash was so small that the Watcher didn't even notice it. After all, such a transfer has no way of actually happening. The conditions necessary to cause that kind of transfer were so astronomically improbable that the chances against neared infinite. None of the Watchers really paid attention to that region of the nether because of that. Thus it was not unusual for the flash to be missed.

It was unusual for the flash to even happen of course. It was much more unusual that the flash would not be the only one...

* * *

Celera peeked from her hiding place. The strange creatures still seemed to be ignoring her, thankfully. She had no idea where she was. She had been cleaning her den when suddenly the world had just vanished. She tumbled through nothingness for a short time before taking what felt to be a few feet worth of fall onto the floor of a cave.

Immediate panic set in as she realized she was surrounded by strange creatures and she ran to find a place to hide. She was especially worried because there was quite a lot of carnage going on. Evaluating her options, she managed to locate an out of the way alcove with a number of boxes that she was able to squeeze into a small space behind.

She was left watching in horror through a small space as two strange creatures waged a mini war on another group of creatures. This entire situation was extremely odd though. The first two creatures, one very small, and the other even smaller and with bright pink hair, seemed to have free range of the area. The rest of the creatures in the cave wandered around for the most part in the same general area and for the most part, she was shocked that they did not help their comrades even though they should be able to obviously see the attackers and the battle just across the cave.

The small one wore thick plate armor that looked impossible for him to actually support, given his body size. She saw him casting spells on occasion... or at least it looked like it. He'd toss his hands up, or sit and wiggle his fingers THEN toss his hands up, and some flashy effect would occur. For the most part, he was busy getting beaten on though. His endurance was astounding.

The much smaller humanoid was wearing brightly colored robes that looked horrendously gaudy and doing a similar finger-waving approach, always in the same stance and always ending with precisely the same motion to launch various bolts of doom at the creatures. Even though she looked extremely easy to kill in that cloth, they all focused their attacks on the plate-wearing one.

The losing side of this whole mess was a whole bunch of things that looked like dragons to a degree, except they had humanoid bodies atop feral dragon lower bodies that were very badly built. They had no fur, just scaled skin like a snake, and wore various kinds of partial armors, but they all looked identical.

In fact, as she watched the unnatural slaughter further, she realized that this was all more wrong than she originally thought. All the creatures involved moved unnaturally. There were a variety of actions, but they repeated. Precisely. Not in the same order, but Cel could see that when they started something, like a weapon swing, it would be one of only a few variations of that action.

"Do you see that Celera mob behind the crates?"

Cel's heart skipped a beat. The smaller one had mentioned her name. It was an odd-sounding language, but she could understand it somehow.

"I can target it, but it's always out of line of sight. It must be a quest mob or something. Or it's bugged."

Cel shied back as the plated humanoid ran up to the crates. Then she boggled as he literally ran against them, sliding from side to side with his feet moving along the ground though he went nowhere. He even tried jumping a few times, but couldn't get onto the relatively low box. She had no idea how he was jumping in that armor though.

"Leave it," the tiny one said. "I have to log. I'm hearthing." She starting doing the finger-wiggling thing again with little green leaves and swirls around her hands before she made that same exact motion as cast the other spells and vanished when she did. The other one soon started the same process and after an identical amount of time, he vanished too.

Cel looked out at the carnage and bodies strewn around, watching in shock again as the bodies literally just faded away to nothing. Worse, new creatures just appeared and started wandering randomly in the same small areas, doing nothing else otherwise. She curled her thick tail around herself and hunkered down behind the boxes to think. This was all wrong. What kind of hell had she been brought to? And that brought her to the present.

There was a lack of any more humanoids, and these things did somewhat resemble dragons, even though they had no fur like any proper dragon did. Maybe they knew something about this. She was a dragon herself, so they hopefully wouldn't attack her, even if she was humanoid. She carefully climbed out from behind the crates and approached one of the females to a small distance.

"Excuse me?"

The creature ignored her completely, continuing to wander on its random way. She frowned and waved her hand before moving much closer. "Hey, over here?"

The creature suddenly spun in place, focusing on her, and started doing the hand waving thing again, a black glow around her hands.

"Hey, stop that!" Cel exclaimed, "I just want to talk!"

The thing finished the spell quickly and cast it at her, striking her with a bolt of dark energy that definitely stung a bit. Cel panicked again and ran back to the crates, the creature following until she ducked back into her hidey hole. Then the creature just literally lost interest, running back to where she had been standing before and starting to wander again.

Cell was frightened. Apparently the things didn't like her and would attack if she got too close to them. She needed to find a way out of this nightmare, and fast.

* * *

"gr8 raid! lol! pwned him and only 3 dead."

Steve frowned at the words on his screen. He really wished his guildmates would bother to type better. Ahh well, it was a raiding guild. Not the most intelligent people.

"I have to go," Steve typed. "Got work tomorrow."

"nite mutox" was the typed response as he hit the icon for his hearthstone.

Steve sighed as he leaned back in his chair, waiting for his hearth to cast. World of Warcraft was fun and all, but he really needed more of a life than WoW and work. Well, that and the world wide web. That was way too many w's, he mused. WoW was fun though. He played a Tauren druid, balance specialty. He was decently geared and provided utility as well as a good bit of damage.

He glanced at his casting bar as it neared the end. He'd go repair his gear and then log for the night. When the casting bar reached the end though, the entire real world twisted around him and he blacked out. He screamed. Wait... How could he scream if he was unconscious? He wasn't. Just everything around him was black, and not there. No chair for him to sit on, no computer for him to touch. What the hell?

A few moments later he felt his feet on solid ground. Wasn't he sitting before? He looked around in shock, realizing that he was in a cave and there were things moving all around him. Worse, he had a feeling of déjà vu. Staring around at all the centaur-like dragons, he backed away. They towered over him by quite a lot. He glanced behind himself, noticing an alcove with a bunch of boxes in it, and stepped back into the alcove.

Then the answer came to him in a flash of inspiration that literally knocked him flat on his ass. This was the same cave of dragonkin that he helped one of his lowbie friends in just yesterday. Woah, this was really wrong. This was part of the game, yet it felt like he was actually standing in it. Did he fall asleep and start dreaming? Maybe it was time to take a break from WoW.

He heard a hiss from beside him and spun to see the pat that came by here. It was a caster and her attention was focused on him. Somehow he knew that she was casting a shadowbolt, and exactly when it would finish. "Aw crap," he muttered as the bolt flew through the air to hit him.

Sunnovabitch! That actually hurt! It didn't really hurt that much comparatively, but it really did hurt! He thought pain in a dream was suppose to wake you up. She was following up the shadowbolt with another one, but that never finished. She suddenly stopped casting and wove in place as a forsaken rogue appeared behind her, killing her in two swipes of his weapons. Well, this was a very low level cave.

"Hey, how'd you get so weird-looking?" the rogue asked, walking over. Steve frowned. Watching toons move when he was playing the game was one thing. Watching it from INSIDE the game was just odd.

"What do you mean? What the hell's going on?"

"You're a Tauren druid, but you look like a really scrawny human," the undead said. "In a t-shirt and jeans even. You don't look anything like a normal human character. I can see your armor when I inspect you, but what's making you look human?"

"I'm a druid?!" Steve asked in shock.

"Oh, I gotta run, raid summon," the rogue said and just suddenly vanished.

Steve was left boggling in confusion. He was a Tauren druid, but he looked like himself? If he was a druid, shouldn't he be able to cast spells? What the hell was going on though. That shadowbolt HURT. He pinched himself and winced again. If this was a dream, this was really seriously screwed up.

He considered for a while as thoughts solidified in his head. He had mana. He knew that. In fact, he knew he had exactly 18,798 mana. Could he cast spells? When he was playing, he just hit the button, but now he was IN the game. Well, maybe if he just willed it? All he could do was try. Lessee... Focus on that dragonkin over there... Hold his hands like this maybe...

Cel blinked as another two-footed creature appeared in the cave. This one was twice the height of the taller of the first two though, and much skinnier. The things it wore were odd. No armor really, just a shirt with short sleeves leaving bare-skinned arms showing and coverings on its oddly shaped legs that were blue in color. Its legs were the same shape as the two short things she saw earlier, not proper legs like hers.

Shortly after it appeared, its scent came to her and told her it was male. At least it had bare skin... well, a little bit of fur there, and hair on its head... his head, she corrected herself... not scales like the other things in here. She wondered why he was wearing what was apparently-decorative things though. This was an odd place to be decorated instead of armored.

She was about to dismiss his presence and go back to thinking about her own problems when she realized that he didn't more at all like the other things in this world. She watched from hew hiding space as he backed toward the alcove she was in, then literally fell over backwards. Maybe he had bad balance? Wait... He seemed to be as confused as she was.

She hissed in surprise when the smelly other thing killed the dragon that had attacked this new creature, then blinked when that smelly thing vanished. Well, that seemed par for the course here. The smelly thing did move like the other things in this world.

The new male creature seemed unsure of himself as he looked across the room at one of the bigger beasts. He looked at his hands, then held them close together for a moment, trying to concentrate. Suddenly his hands glowed and after an instant, he thrust them in the direction of the creature he was watching and a crashing green ball flew from them and collided with that creature, killing it instantly. Cel's immediate observation was that the male looked utterly shocked by this.

Steve stared at his hands. Did he just do what he think he did? He wrathed the thing! So he COULD cast spells. He thought about himself and tried another, his hands glowing green for a few seconds before his heal hit him. Oooo... That was tingly. Okay, this was kind of cool and kind of freaky at the same time.

Cel wasn't sure what was going on still, but this creature looked much more aware than any of the others and moved like a real creature. He also looked very confused. Sure, he wasn't a dragon, and he was a good bit shorter than her, but maybe if she was really lucky, he could help her.

She crawled carefully out from behind the boxes and smoothed her charcoal fur to try to look more presentable. Her tailtip curled around her shanks. She was definitely nervous. It wouldn't do to become too nervous or her wings would show, or worse, she'd shift, which wouldn't fit well in this cave.

"Eh... excuse me?" she stuttered, opening her mouth slightly to show him she was friendly. She knew that most other intelligent creatures feared dragons badly, so she hoped she wouldn't scare him away.

Steve spun on the sound behind him and gawked. The thing behind him had to be at least eight or nine feet tall, standing on two legs. It resembled a bipedal dragon in a way, but was covered with smoothly-shiny fur, with nothing else on it all. Its legs were animal-shaped and a thick tail protruded from its back end, similar to the humanoid dragon guards that he had fought in various places in this game.

He had never seen anything like this in the game before. The first thing he noticed though was wicked talons on both hands and feet. Then its mouth opened, displaying needle-sharp teeth.

He did what he always did when he got surprise attacked by something. He moonfired it.

If Cel thought the spell from the dragonlike thing was bad, whatever hit her suddenly was a hundred times worse. A bright light came down on her from above and tore at her horribly. She could fight, and she could use dragon magic, but this was worse than anything she had ever experienced before. She dropped to the ground with a yowl of pain and realized that the burning wouldn't go away.

"It hurts! Oh it burns!" she cried, curling up on her side, trying to hide away from the pain that wracked through her body.

Steve watched in amazement as the mob fell over onto its side and curled up. It wasn't dead though, but the ticks from his moonfire were sure to kill it, based on what he knew of its health. Something was odd about this though. He'd never seen a mob like this, and it didn't move like any of the other creatures in the game. That and the fact that it spoke in a deep but female voice, complaining of pain.

Something made him pause before launching a bolt of wrath at it to finish it off. Moreso, something else made him suddenly focus his attention on it and quickly cast a lifebloom. He was shocked that the spell hit. He couldn't heal agro mobs! But he also couldn't hurt friendly mobs...

His stunned mind finally put two and two together. Unfortunately, it came up with something around seven, which was the best it could do given the circumstances, but his lifebloom was quickly followed by another, and then a rejuve, to keep the creature alive. Finally the ticks from the moonfire wore off and the lifebloom bloomed a few moments later, restoring the thing to full health.

Cel winced as differing energies flowed through her body. One was the painful burn that she felt would kill her, but the other came when the odd creature raised his hand and a green glow appeared for a moment. It was soothing, easing the pain, though it didn't feel like it was undoing the damage fast enough.

She squinched her eyes shut, gasping for breath before a second wash of healing energy flowed over her, and then a third. Soon she could feel that the warm energy was working faster than the burn inside, and after a while the burning went away. She was still sore until a sudden explosion of good-feeling energy welled up inside her all at once and left her in perfect health.

"I'm going to die here," she whimpered miserably, "and I don't even know what this nightmare is."

Steve was glad he saved this thing. It definitely wasn't a mob. Mobs didn't curl up on their sides or cry. They just evaded and reset, and went about their constant wandering or patrols. The main part of that seven he came up with earlier was that if this wasn't a mob, perhaps it was in the same predicament he was in. The main problem was that he knew it definitely wasn't from earth. The only things on earth that talked were humans, and this certainly wasn't human.

"Are you okay?" he asked quietly. He reached out on a daze, running his hand down the fur on its side. It was shockingly soft, almost unrealistically so. There was no positive sign from it, so he moved closer and leaned over it carefully, kneeling beside it and resting his hand on its shoulder. "Hush, you're not going to die."

Cel felt a touch on her side and shivered. She heard the creature ask her if she was okay, but she was too distressed to answer. Then she felt him move closer. Her eyes blinked open and she realized she was staring at his belly, and he didn't have his arms or anything else but the thin cloth covering it.

This was a strange creature. It wasn't a dragon, that much was obvious, yet it willingly exposed its belly to one at close range? That was a thing normally only other dragons would do, anything else would be too frightened to.

Did he trust her, or did he just not know? Nothing trusted dragons. Not their fault the dragon form was stolen by the eaters. Only a dragon could tell a true dragon from an eater, so everybody else just kept their distance for safety. Admittedly, dragons were dangerous to be crossed as well.

Would he submit to her in trust? She hoped she had a friend in this place. She had to find out. Carefully though.

He started to back out of its way as it moved, but its hand caught his shoulder lightly and it looked up into his eyes pleadingly. He moved back down with the gentle tug it gave him as it lifted its head and nuzzled up his chest. He placed a hand gently on the back of its head to comfort it as he felt its warm breath on his throat, tilting his head back lightly to give it room...

Then he froze, stone-still as its jaws parted and took his entire throat between them, teeth closing very lightly against his skin and putting just enough pressure to let him know they were definitely there and definitely sharp. Had he saved this thing only to have his throat ripped out by it? How much damage did a throat rip do anyway? Would he have to make a corpse run?

The jaws never closed into his neck though. There was a warm breath from its own throat before its soft tongue licked across his skin and it released him, suddenly moving to wrap its arms around him and hug him close against its furred chest. Good lord, that fur was soft. It was almost too enjoyable. His heart was pounding, but he felt relieved that he still had a throat.

She clung to the odd creature strongly. He submitted to her! He already seemed friendly enough, trying to soothe her with his words, but he trusted her. His throat had been hers. She felt he might be her lifeline in this frightening place.

She had already seen his power. His green bolt killed that other creature instantly, and she knew the healing energy that saved her from that burning shock came from him also. After hugging him tightly for a moment, she carefully pushed him just a little bit away and raised her own chin, exposing her throat to him. She felt the backs of his fingers stroke her throat several times, acknowledging the gesture, but he made no effort to require her submission.

She gazed at him happily. He wasn't a dragon, but if he were, he'd be her first conquest. Maybe he was her first conquest? She didn't know for sure if it worked that way for non-dragons. She hadn't met any non-dragons who didn't run.

"Where are we?" she asked.

"Um, I think we're actually in a video game called World of Warcraft," he said, sounding worried. The terms meant nothing to her.

"You know where we are, but you act like you shouldn't be here either."

He nodded emphatically. "No way I should be here. It's just a game after all, it's not real."

She considered. "I don't know where it is, or what this game you speak of is, but it seems real enough to me, and dangerous too. Can we get out?"

"I don't know how I got here," he admitted. "I don't know how you got here either, or even what you are."

"I don't know what you are either," she told him. "I'm a dragon, my name is Cel."

"Sell? My name is Steve, I'm a human."

"Yes, Cel. It's short for Celera. What is a human? I've never seen anything like you before."

The male looked at her oddly. "My name is short for Steven. A human is... well... me. Well, and other people who are human. I guess it's like a shape and a species. I didn't know any dragons had fur though. It's really soft. Though the game says I'm a Tauren druid. I don't feel like a tauren, definitely. I'm still a me-ish human. Which is kind of odd, because there are no dragons in the real world, but you're not a dragon from the game either..."

Most of what he said made no sense to her still, though she was pleased with his acknowledgement of her fur being well-kept. From what she could tell, he wasn't completely sure about what he was saying either. "There are no humans where I come from, so I think we both came from a different place and ended up here together. We need to get home, but right now we need to get out of this cave. Those other things are dangerous."

"Those are dragonkin. They're very low level, so I can get us out of here with no problem."

"Those are nothing like any dragons from my world. I'm a dragon. Get us out of this cave."

He nodded and carefully pulled away from her, though she was almost reluctant to let him go. She knew she had to though, or he couldn't get them out of the cave. If he was her conquest, she didn't want to lose him.

Steve was reluctant to move away from the dragon's fur, but the last thing he needed was the pat to respawn and surprise them. He carefully stood up and the dragon did also, standing much taller over him as he looked around to get his bearings. Soon he was moving small bits at a time and flinging druid wrath of doom at the dragonkin in the cave, his own friend dragon following him closely. He made his way to the entrance in short order and they stepped out into the night air outside.

Looking around, he got his bearings again. It seemed to be a similar time as it was in the real world. He glanced to the side as Cel walked past him into the open field. Now that he had a chance to look at it better... wait... Celera? That combined with the voice indicated it must be a her.

Now that he had a chance to look at her better, he realized she was quite interesting. If he ignored the deadly natural weapons, her form was strangely appealing. He had never thought of himself as a creature-lover, but goodness, that fur was heavenly. Her body was strong and lithe as well. If it weren't for the name and voice, he wouldn't have known she was female, since she had no breasts. His eyes dropped to the apex of her legs, but her back was turned to him and her thick tail obstructed any view there. Darn. Wait. Darn? What was he doing trying to sneak a peek of a dragon anyway?

He started to take a step toward her when suddenly her back exploded with massive wings. They were leathery, like bat wings, but covered with a fine layer of fur from what he could see. As she stretched them out, he realized that they were definitely very large, but that made sense. No small wings to support a dragon.

She glanced over her shoulder at him before turning to the side. Then the wing explosion was nothing by comparison.

Cell peered down at the human male. He seemed to be quite in shock about her transformation. Sure, she outmassed him by a huge amount now, her mouth large enough to swallow his tiny body whole, but he submitted to her. He shouldn't be afraid of her now. Then she remembered that he said he didn't have any dragons on his world.

She turned her massive body carefully and folded her wings better, settling down to her belly and dropping her head down to his level to give him a careful lick with just the tip of her tongue in an attempt to reassure him. "Do humans change form too?" she asked conversationally.

He placed his hand on her nose for a moment to steady himself, but appeared to calm down more, as he left his hand there once he was stable. She was very happy with that.

Steve wasn't sure what to think when he suddenly found himself staring at a massive dragon. She was similar to a western dragon, with four feet on the ground and a larger body between a long neck and tail, though her body was very streamlined and he couldn't think of any dragons that had fur.

He got a bit of vertigo when a head that could chomp him in an instant dropped down to just inches away and an enormous tongue swiped up his body from his knees to his face. He hoped he was safe enough, since it was still Cel. He had to put his hand on her nose for a moment to steady himself, hopefully not offending her. She seemed to not mind though, and he was once again astounded by her fur, no less soft in this massive form, so he left his hand there for a moment.

"Humans don't change form," he said. "Druids do, though. Huh... In my world, I can't, but maybe here I can."

He took a step back and bent his mind around the concept, and... Poof!

Holy crap in a handbasket! Okay, he had to try the jumping thing... Or... maybe not. Bear form bouncing was not as funny to be in as it looked in the game. Another twist of his mind as he found his stance lower to the ground, looking through cat form eyes. Once more and his spotted fur gave him an indication and a chance to have a bit of fun running in two quick circles.

Moonkin form just felt odd though. Too much to wrap his mind around all at once, so he changed back to caster, unsure of whether or not to be disappointed that he remained human in form, not Tauren.

Cel watched his changes with interest. Strange shapes that gained fur, and one that gained feathers and fur. Three of them were four-footed like a proper feral-form dragon, but the last both looked and smelled odd. Nothing with wings, and nothing really getting even close to her size though. If she hadn't seen his power with magic, she would have been worried that her first conquest was weak.

She blinked. Her conquest was what she just thought. Well, he did submit to her, and didn't require her to submit in return. He was a male, according to his smell, though she wasn't sure beyond that because of the cloth he wore. She had no others. If she was stuck in this world, and maybe going to die here, she wanted a conquest. She made up her mind. She was going to see if he would be hers.

She got to her feet and looked around. "I know others come here, I saw two before you and also that stinky one you spoke to. I also see others of those dragonkin around. We need to go someplace better." She reached for him carefully and scooped him up with a foreclaw before he could complain, then spread her wings wide and looked up.

"This is Azeroth though, we can't fly he...EEEEEEEEEeeeeeere!!!"

Obviously he was wrong. He watched the ground vanishing below very swiftly. He halfway wanted to cling to her, but his arms were pinned against his sides. He had been worried at first when she grabbed him. She had stared at him so intently before speaking. Her hold was very gentle and careful though.

He realized that the world here looked a lot like the game, and yet very different at the same time. He could see off into the distance and he could see the creatures that roamed the land below at with no artificial cut off. The details in everything were so much more vivid.

Cel carried him quite some distance and landed at several clear areas to sniff before taking off again. Finally she took to light on a high hilltop between zones and sniffed again. She was apparently satisfied with this and set him carefully back on his feet.

"Take that material off your body," she said. His mouth dropped in surprise and he thought about protesting before he realized that one does not argue with something that has teeth the length of your forearm.

She watched as he looked concerned for a moment, but he began to comply. She was worried that maybe there had been a misunderstanding, that humans worked a different way, but he was following her request. He might be her conquest after all. A conquest would be much better than just a friend in this odd world. Well, in any world honestly.

He removed the top and had to take some things off his feet before removing the bottom cloth, revealing another layer of cloth that just covered his midsection under that. "Take all of the cloth off," she murmured when he seemed ready to stop after the top layer.

He followed her request still, strangely though his face changed color a little, turning somewhat red. As the cloth was slid down off his legs, she got her first confirmation that he was male, though his anatomy was strange. It was soft right now still, but it was hanging outside his body, not tucked in like most creatures had.

She focused her energy and shifted down to den form, pushing a little extra size reduction from her change so she was only about a head taller than he. If he couldn't become dragon-sized, then she would meet him and claim him in den form. It wasn't unheard of. Another twist and her wings vanished, leaving her with more ground mobility. Then she approached curiously.

His blush burnt at his face, but the air here was not uncomfortable. He was amazed at the fact that she not only managed to stuff all that mass into her tiny form by comparison, but also her size now was closer to his than it had been in the cave.

She went to his discarded pile of clothing first, picking up and examining each piece as he fidgeted a little in the night air. She finally dropped his shoe and approached him directly. He wasn't sure what to do, so he stood there as she examined him as well.

She sniffed him all over, licking a few times and causing an occasional giggle when her tongue hit a ticklish spot. She even proved that she could be quadrupedal in this shape as she dropped to her arms and legs to examine the lower parts of him. When her sniffing and licking suddenly focused on his crotch though, he was stuck between being red-faced and a small squeak of pleasure at the drag of her soft tongue across his flesh. He felt guilty at first about getting excited by it, but she wasn't a beast, she spoke and was intelligent. She was... well... a dragon. A very soft one.

Her exposed back beckoned and his hand reached out to stroke it, finding the fur just as delightful as he remembered. So not only did he have a dissuasion to argue with dangerous creatures, he also had the strong persuasion of her attention to his sensitive spots and the extremely powerful draw of her soft fur quickly melting away his blush. The consideration that a single moonfire from him would have killed her entered his mind for a moment, only to be chased away with great prejudice.

Her attention to his maleness brought confirmation that she wanted. It didn't take long for the soft flesh to become rigid, his scent taking on an obvious undertone. He still seemed nervous, but soon she was delighted at the touches on her back. He was reciprocating!

She stood up partially, sliding her arms around him and pressing her body close to his, eliciting a moan from him. She wasn't sure what the sound meant, but she thought it might be a good thing. His heartbeat was faster and his breath was deeper as well.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" he asked after a moment.

She had no idea about that word. "I want to claim you," she murmured, just in case he wasn't aware of the process.

"If it involves more of your wonderful fur against me, then please, claim me."

Her own heart instantly sped. He just gave her direct permission to claim him as a conquest! She hadn't needed to encourage or fight him. She also realized with a bit of surprise that a rumor she heard as a youngling was probably true. His form was similar to her den form, and she could see how in den form, she could be dominant instead of presenting and hoping he accepted her claim.

Claim? Whatever. The fur was perfect! He never would have thought that so simple a thing could be so delightful. He enjoyed the strokes he graced her with before, but the sudden full body contact had him addicted in an instant. He had been worried about his arousal before, but the soft assault of her body drove that away. Dragons didn't randomly screw humans anyway, right? His state was just a side effect that he could ignore as he enjoyed her touch. It must be a ritual with friends.

She moved around him, in full contact with his body the whole way, eliciting another moan from his lips. He was in heaven. Then he found himself suddenly scooped into her arms. He squirmed a little as she dropped on her legs and set him on his back on the ground, which was thankfully grassy and soft.

A moment later found her straddling his waist and dropping her body against him again. He wrapped his arms up around her as even his legs got to enjoy her tail brushing over them. Her breath was warm on his shoulder and up his collar before he realized that she was breathing more deeply as well. She was enjoying this too?

The two and two went together again, though this time the result was somewhere around fourteen as he realized just what her position was and the fact that if she had any anatomy below like a human, then maybe he was wrong about dragons and humans. His breath caught in his throat as his throat was caught in her jaws once again and his suspicions were swiftly confirmed at the touch of very warm, moist flesh against his.

Cel was ecstatic. In large feral form, claiming would require the male to partially mount her before she took his throat to demand his compliance. Even then it was up to him to perform. The throat bite was ritualistic anyway, it couldn't force the issue since the throats of dragons in feral form were far too armored beneath the fur to be pierced by another's teeth.

This was a true claim. She could feel the pulse of the blood in his throat and the flow of his breath as he sucked it in suddenly. His throat was soft and tender and her teeth posed a real mortal threat. The performance was hers to take, not his to give. She was in full control! He had his arms around her, accepting her dominance completely and even holding onto it.

She burrowed her arms behind his back to claim him in another manner, holding him firmly and close as she repositioned her hips from the initial nudge of his tip against her body. She writhed against him for a moment, drawing another one of those sounds that she now knew without a doubt to be a good thing. The raw power of knowing his life's flow passed through her jaws trustingly and the pure claim she was accomplishing ignited a fire in her as she found her mark and plunged herself down onto his flesh.

If there was a way to go from the heaven of her fur against his body to somewhere that made heaven itself look like the lowest slums of the earth, he just accomplished it. It was originally just a hope, but it built to a deep-down knowledge that he was safe in her jaws. The powerful teeth that pressed against his neck were offset by the gentle caress of her tongue. But all this was just fuel for the sudden sensation he experienced far below.

The heat, the slick silkiness, the tight, rhythmic pulses from her body as she drew him deep inside utterly ruined him in a heartbeat for any mere human woman. As she pulled off him, only to claim him into her body quickly again, he realized that any prospect of stud-like stamina was gone faster than the ground that they left before under the beat of her massive wings.

His arms tightened around her and hers around him in response as she rode him toward his ecstasy. Only an hour ago he had been ready to hearth and shut down his computer in preparation for another night's sleep and another day's work. Now, here he was, trapped in a game world and making love to a dragon from a different world entirely. No, not making love, but straight, passionate, carnal joining here.

Her fervor and the awe of every tiny factor combined into one explosive whole brought him to the edge faster than he ever knew was possible.

She had never claimed, nor made a claim before. She knew that first claims were often awkward, but this strange creature and opportunity smashed any awkwardness and left her with a blaze in her belly and a roar in her throat as she felt her spirit latch onto his suddenly in his peak. Only then did her jaws leave his neck to let her voice her echoed pleasure to the whole of this strange world.

She was fully aware of the intensity of the claim and the power it would create as she felt his flesh throb within her. The cataclysmic explosion of pleasure that caught both of them in its blast left them aware of their surroundings again only when the gift of his fluids to her body had dwindled to a dribble. Panting, they each clung to the other in desperation for the solidity they provided. Her claim was made and consummated. He was utterly hers.

Her head jerked up as she became aware of another presence.

"I can't do anything to them at all," somebody said nearby. "Not in the database, not registering on the system, and I -know- we don't have any models or animations like that."

A thought suddenly filled her head.


She looked to her male in confusion, only to see his eyes widen in panic as he uttered, "Oh, shi...!!!"

The end...?

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