Time to Spare

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#1 of Iron Author 2014

There are few bonds stronger than that between a mother and son, except perhaps an incestuously amorous mother and son caught in the fury of a potent heat cycle.

This story was written for Bloodgod245 on FA, and is story #1 of my 2014 Iron Author challenge! :3 It contains M/H sexual acts between consenting adults, and incest.

Time to Spare

There was precisely an hour before the taxi was due to arrive. Chris and his mother had been looking forward to this dinner at one of the most posh, well reviewed restaurants in town for weeks, and they'd been saving for months prior in order to afford the luxury menu from which they were soon to be choosing.

And yet now that the day was upon them, and the time had almost come for them to get into their very smartest clothes and prepare for an evening of the finest fine dining, the last thing either one of them wanted to do was to leave the elder dragoness' home.

"Oh, m-mom..."

This day had been a long time coming.

It had always been a risk, they'd both known that from the start. But ever since Lita had first embarked upon the incestuous affair with hir grown up son which continued to this day, they had promised one another that no matter what they did together, they would always be safe. Pills would be taken if necessary. Condoms would be worn if necessary. And should they still be intimate when the dragoness came into one of hir rather unpredictable, infrequent heats... they would have no choice but to keep away from one another until it was over.

That would have been fine, except for the last few months, Chris had been spending more and more time socially with his mother; choosing not just to associate with hir at family events or when one or both of them had a sexual itch that needed scratching, but actually relishing hir company in general social situations. The pokemon hybrid had stopped simply loving his mother, and started liking hir too. And thus, there had been no chance for Lita to warn hir son about the prickling fever that had been bubbling under the surface of hir body for the past few hours. No chance for hir to realise what was happening and call him in advance to warn him.

Chris had been at hir door, and letting himself in with his key before shi could even pull hirself from the bed where shi had been lying, writhing and gasping in hormone enforced masturbatory bliss, all morning. He had heard hir moans long before shi realised that he was in the apartment, and not realising the seriousness of the situation, Chris had simply crept up to the bedroom door and peered in... eager to catch his mother in the act of self-pleasure, and to have hir catch him watching so that he could join in as soon as possible!

Needless to say, what he had seen, and smelled, and suddenly come to know in that first moment after he laid eyes upon Lita, had told the red furred pokemon just how big a mistake he had made by coming hire unannounced. His mother was a beautiful creature, and a highly sexed one too! But what he saw then... the shiets sodden with the juices and fluids of countless back to back orgasms, the sweat glistening upon the pink scaled hirm's body, the abject lust and horror in hir eyes as shi heard him gasp in shock, and lifted hir trembling head from where it had been buried in a pillow as shi ploughed hir pussy with the fingers of one hand and massaged hir swollen, ribbed draconic cock with the other, was clear evidence that he had stumbled upon something far beyond what they had ever agreed to share.

But something from which he was now helpless to escape.

Dropping the bag with his clean, neatly pressed suit in it onto the hallway carpet, Chris had been through the bedroom door and onto the bed, tearing off his own clothes even before his mother could get hir claws into him, before either one of them could even comprehend the situation they were now locked into.

Pheromonal compounds rich in the thick, musky air of the bedroom worked their way rapidly into Chris's brain, stealing away all that remained of the pokemon hybrid's inhibitions and fears about what he might do with his mother... what he might leave inside hir fertile womb if he pleasured hir on a day such as this.

And then, they were fucking.

With his mother flat upon hir back, arching and writhing and screaming in bliss, Chris held Lita tightly by the hips as he ploughed into hir with rough, unrestrained thrusts. He grunted and gasped as hir hot depths milked his raging hard-on, never having felt such heat or wetness, nor indeed such a vice-grip around his aching member. He stared down at hir with lust and love of equal measure, watching hir ample breasts bounce and jiggle with each thrust he delivered deep inside hir, and listening to the sobs and shrieks erupting left,right and centre from hir maw as his thick cock pummelled and pleasured hir oh so sensitive innards.

Shi came hard and fast, hir body having already endured countless climaxes since shi had woken that morning with hir body already gripped by the now fully realised fever of hir heat. In fact, the more shi had spent hir time masturbating as morning wore on into afternoon, the more desperately horny shi had become, rather than less as hir fatigued mind had hoped. The fire of hir heat might have made hir body burn with the need for pleasure, but it knew the difference between a toy or some fingers, and a real, live man who could provide Lita with that which hir body currently craved.

The hot, hard length of a rigid cock.

The rich, fertile seed of his manhood.

The potential for a child, which was what hir hormone ridden body craved more than anything in the world right now... and was precisely what Chris's body now sought to deliver to his beloved mother.

"Mom... g-gonna cum!"

Lita may have cum countless times from hir own and now hir son's actions, the bed and Chris's crotch flooded with hir feminine juices whilst shi painted hir own stomach and chest with yet more ropes of cum from hir rampant erection, but the hirmaphrodite dragoness had yet to feel hir son's own orgasm explode within hir. For obvious reasons then, shi reacted strongly to his frantic, feverish declaration. Hir legs wrapped even tighter around his back, dragging him tight against hir so that his deep, powerful thrusts were reduced to short, sharp bucks of his hips. Hir back arched, thrusting hir buttocks down into the soft, damp bedding to ensure that shi could fit every last millimetre of Chris' substantial arousal inside hirself. One trembling hand rose from where it was clutching at the bedding, and wrapped itself around hir already twitching, spurting cock, and squeezed hirself tightly; desperate to make certain that when Chris reached the dizzying heights of his own orgasmic pleasure, shi was right there with him.

"Yes... oh, oh, Chris! Yes! Do it. M-make me a mommy again! H-help me make you a little b-brother or sister! Oh god. Oh god, yes!"

Those few, frantic words seemed to be all it took to send Chris over the edge. His eyes widened as he realised the implications of what his pleasure-drunk mother was saying. That he could be the father to his own siblings. The bold truth of that statement cut through the haze which Lita's pheromones had held Chris under throughout this wild, sudden romp, and brought him to a stunning realisation about this whole incestuous affair which he and his mother had been engaged in for as long as he had been old and horny enough to do so.

The realisation that if shi became pregnant... that if hir body swelled and bulged with life as a result of his seed... he would be happy.

The pokemon hybrid gasped breathlessly, and hunched over, clutching savagely at his mother's body with violently shaking hands as he began to cum; to flood hir fertile womb with his hot, copious seed. He cried out, deep and powerful and manly, and shi screamed back at him; clutching, cumming, writhing, utterly overwhelmed by the joy and ecstasy of feeling hirself finally flooded by the hot cum hir heat stricken body so desperately needed.

For almost twenty five seconds the two lovers writhed and shook in mutual orgasmic glee together, before collapsing in a heap upon the bed, panting and moaning as their climactic afterglow set in... and slowly but surely, permitted their conscious, intelligent minds rise back out of the lustful mire in which they had been trapped.

At first, neither mother nor son dared speak, for fear that anything their lover said in response would be the opposite of what they each wanted to hear and believe.

Eventually though, just a few minutes later, Chris could maintain his silence no longer.

"I... I love you, mom..."

As if on cue, his still mostly erect member twitched within Lita's depths, and shi shuddered violently, letting slip a soft moan of joy and relief.

"I love you too."

A gentle pair of lips came to rest upon the end of the dragoness' scaled snout. They retreated for just a moment before seeking out hir lips, kissing more deeply, more intensely.

Hands caressed hir smooth scaled body. Touched hir breasts. hir flanks. hir round, slightly plump rear end.

Mere minutes after their last session had ended, Lita groaned in delight and fatigued dismay as shi felt Chris's hips buck against hir. Once, twice, three times in gentle but rapid succession.

Shi whimpered softly to hir son... always so full of energy, just as he had been when he was but a child.

"A-again? So soon? B-but... we need to... t-to get ready for dinner."

Chris just growled happily, and continued to thrust, entirely ignoring anything else his mother had to say.

Closing hir eyes, Lita tried to think clearly; to rationally explain why they couldn't just lie hire fucking for the next few days until hir heat fully wore off. Unfortunately, the male's resumed thrusting was already making hir feel so good that all the dragoness could achieve by way of communication was to moan happily.

Forget dinner.

Forget getting all dressed up and enjoying a long, romantic, sophisticated night with hir lover... hir son.

This was what shi needed. Or rather now, what they both needed.

A hot, steamy night of passion as lovers, never mind parent and offspring.

A wild marathon as intimate companions. As equals.

As mommy and daddy.

No sooner had that thought, Chris as the father of hir future children, ran through the dragoness' mind, hir eyes widened, hir back arched, and shi found hirself shrieking anew as a fresh orgasm crashed over hir.

"Oh Chris... yes... yes!!"

By Jeeves

~ 1801 words

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