Own Goal

Story by danath on SoFurry

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Ray's friends discover he had something other than sports on his mind when he invited them over to watch the games.

Own Goal

By Danath

Characters © Riveren

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"So you haven't talked to Ray in a week either?"

"No... I really hope we don't show up and it's one of those hoarding cases or something."

Zoe laughed. The unicorn's voice was low, despite her feminine appearance, thanks to her seven-foot-tall figure. Her hide was mostly white, splotched with gray in places, including under her chin and over her neck and shoulders. She was attractive, though intimidating, thanks to her solid build. Chestnut brown hair hung down past her shoulders, framing her long white muzzle. Bangs draped around the opalescent spiral horn protruding from her forehead. Dressed casually in a spaghetti-strap top and a pair of tight rump-hugging blue jeans, she lifted her hand to knock at the door of the house that she stood in front of with Larry.

Larry, for his part, was dressed in a red, white, and blue t-shirt full of stars and stripes. His shorts were baggy red gym-style. He held a case of beer under one arm and a smartphone in his free hand, eyes glued to the soccer game currently being played between two countries he hadn't heard of two weeks ago. He was a World Cup junkie now, but only recently discovered his love of the beautiful game. The German Shepherd's brown and tan pelt was of standard appearance for his species, as was his lean, fit build and six-foot-two height. Hazel eyes distinguished him, as it was uncommon for Shepherds to have anything other than brown.

After Zoe knocked, they waited on the front porch for a few moments. Ray's house was large: two stories, four bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms, four-stall garage, and a couple acres out back. He lived out on the edge of town. Part of the reason for the large house was that it also served as his workplace. The company he worked for allowed him to do his research projects off-site and telecommute to work when necessary. Ray was so good at his job, the company couldn't really afford to say no to him.

The door opened, revealing Ray: an athletic saber-toothed tiger with his black hair pulled back in a tight ponytail. Heavy incisors jutted past his lower lip, curling slightly at the end. He smiled at Zoe and Larry and stood to the side, holding the door for them. He wore a pair of khaki shorts and a blue polo shirt with his company's monogram above the right breast pocket.

"Hey, guys! Come on in! Game's already on the television."

Larry's eyes didn't leave the screen as he walked in, heading automatically for the living room near the back of the house. Zoe went with Ray into the kitchen.

"How've you been, Ray? Haven't seen you in a while."

"I know! I've been a real shut-in lately. Work is driving me nuts."

The tiger smiled again and poured some blended margaritas.

"Nothing you can talk about though, I suppose?"

"Nope. Here, have a drink."

From the living room came shouts of dismay. "This goalie sucks!"

Zoe rolled her eyes at Ray as they headed into the living room to join Larry. The German Shepard was on the edge of the couch, eyes going from his phone to the television, watching as the screen showed the replay of the just-scored goal.

Zoe flopped into the large recliner next to the couch while Ray settled in on the cushions next to Larry. The German Shepherd's paw took the proffered margarita automatically as he fixated on the screen. He took a sip, then paused and glanced over at Ray.

"Wow... this is really good!"

The saber-tooth purred. "New recipe I'm trying out."

Zoe nodded her head, bobbing her horn up and down. "It works. You'll have to share!"

Ray stretched his arms out before leaning back into the cushions and taking another sip from his glass. "Well, the ingredients are kind of hard to get..."

"I'm tasting... what, strawberry? Tequila? What else?"

Ray grinned and sipped his drink. "Oh, you know, a tiger's got to have some secrets..."

Zoe rolled her eyes. "You and your secrets. Last year we weren't even sure you had a job, then you go and buy this place out of nowhere."

The tiger laughed. "Yeah, sorry about that. Work is pretty confidential, though."

And it was. Ray worked for a biotech company on the cutting edge of modern medical research. The projects he helped develop could be worth billions.

"Shhhh! Game..."

Zoe lifted her glass towards Ray, ignoring Larry's plea for silence.

"Well, here's to you, Ray. Thanks for hosting this get-together."

The three watched the game in silence until the half, when Ray refilled their margaritas and put Larry's case of beer into the fridge. The unicorn and tiger talked together in quiet tones, only being shushed occasionally by the enraptured German Shepherd. By the end of the game, however, conversation was minimal. Zoe plucked at the front of her top, a flushed look to her white and gray hide. The unicorn was warm, almost hot, despite the living room being cooled by a state-of-the-art air conditioning system. Ray's muzzle hung open, his pink tongue hanging out over his lip between his large front fangs, while Larry barely seemed to notice, as caught up in the game as he was.

"Whew! I think those margaritas must have been a little strong," Zoe said. She picked a magazine up off of the coffee table in front of the couch and used it to fan herself. The top clung to her chest as she leaned back, long legs going straight ahead of her.

"Might have had a touch too much alcohol," Ray admitted. "Should pass quickly, though."

Larry stood up. "Well, that game did not go how I wanted it to. I need four points to win this group."

"How much money do you have riding on this pool?" Zoe asked. Larry had a bad habit of making bad bets on sporting events, which made him very popular with his co-workers.

"Only a hundred. Well, and twenty with Bill. And another twenty with Rod. But that's it."

Zoe rolled her eyes again, but didn't move otherwise. She found it hard to focus. Like there was a weight pressing down all around her, keeping her locked into her chair. It didn't feel bad... in fact, she felt pretty amazing. Her head rolled to the side so she could look at Ray.

The tiger's head was back against the couch, arms and legs spread, chest rising and falling rapidly under his shirt, which clung to his fur. The tiger's lips curled in a blissful smile. He also, Zoe couldn't help but notice, had a raging boner in his khaki shorts. She giggled, a bit loopy.

Larry fell over, half-draped over the arm of the couch, legs hanging down to the floor, in very real danger of simply falling off entirely. Ray's purring filled the air as the next game's preview show began.

"What... was in... the drinks?" Larry gasped, clutching at his chest. He also sported a major erection in his baggy gym shorts.

Ray didn't answer. He couldn't - a wave of pleasure washed over him, making the lithe tiger's hips lift from the sofa. His shoulders pressed against the back as his hips pushed out, shoving his bulging shorts into the air. He moaned, long and low, and collapsed back into the sofa. The fabric of his polo lifted as a pair of swells developed beneath. The outline of his nipples pressing against the fabric was clearly visible.

Zoe's head rolled back the other way as heat filled her from her hooves to her ears. She panted hard, gasping, as her hips jerked, as though shocked with an electric current. A series of small gasps escaped her lips, each one accompanied by a lewd movement of her hips.

The German Shepherd, meanwhile, rolled off the couch entirely, onto the floor on his side. He curled up, drawing his knees closer to his belly, while moaning with pleasure as a similar heat to Zoe's filled him. His brain raced, though thinking was impossible, as not one, but two sets of swells pressed out from his chest. The canine's blunt claws dragged across the A-cups, though at the rate they were growing, the twin sets of breasts wouldn't remain that way for long.

"Raaaay... what... what did you dooo... unngggg..."

Zoe could barely get the words out as the pressure keeping her locked into the chair intensified. She curled her fingers into the arms, gripping them so tight her fingers went whiter than usual. Her legs spread as something pushed outwards from within the denim. The smooth lump filled out, growing larger, longer by the moment, pushing down the left leg of the pants. The unicorn shuddered, gasping, unable to even moan as the unmistakable outline of a thick equine shaft jutted obscenely through the fabric. The zipper and button strained as the length filled out steadily, growing rapidly.

Ray, again, didn't answer. The saber-tooth tiger's chest developed rapidly. Not one, not two, but three sets of breasts stretched the polo shirt outwards. The tiger's paws went to them, clutching at each of the six mounds in turn. His muzzle formed a small "O" of pleasure as he squeezed and rubbed them feverishly, each hard nipple aching abominably beneath the shirt. Between his legs, more changes. The tiger's breath caught as a second throbbing erection gently pressed upwards, alongside the first, equal in size.

Larry, from his spot on the floor, pressed both of his paws into the sides of his head, just below his ears. He whined, hips shivering, body shaking, as a pair of onyx dimples broke through his pelt between his ears. They began small, but the jet black horns grew quickly. They curled over on themselves, forming circles as they grew larger and heavier. Soon, a pair of massive ram horns rested on top of the German Shepherd's head. He closed his eyes tight, gasping, both paws squeezing around his belly. When they opened again, his hazel eyes blazed a fearsome red shade.

Zoe's pants stretched and stretched as the long, thick horse cock growing from her crotch extended down her pant leg, reaching almost to her knee. She still couldn't move, but her whole body was tense. Something warm and wet dribbled down her leg, soon soaking through the denim, causing it to cling to her skin. The scent of potent, masculine pre-cum filled her flaring nostrils as her heavy breasts swelled. The unicorn's fingers clutched at the chair as it shrunk beneath her, though she realized, even in her feverish state, that it wasn't the chair shrinking, but her body growing larger.

Ray's head lolled to the side, drinking in the site of his two friends undergoing their transformations. The saber-tooth tiger grinned, shuddering with pleasure as his paws roamed all three sets of breasts growing in under his shirt, threatening the seams with their size. The tiger rippled, moaning with pleasure, and seized up as his twin erections throbbed angrily in his shorts, making a mess as they expelled healthy doses of pre-cum. The tiger's orange and white ears turned a distinctive black shade, save for some orange highlights and a patch of white at the very tips of the ears. The black fur continued to grow in over his head and down his neck and shoulders. Bright orange streaks remained where formerly black stripes existed on the tiger's pelt. He cried out, unable to help himself, as a surge of hot new pleasure overwhelmed him. Between his legs, the no-longer-all-male tiger could feel the delicate heat of a virgin pussy soaking into the couch cushions. Need arose inside of hir, but shi could barely focus on keeping hir paws working over hir heavy new breasts.

Larry's head tipped back as shi went through similar changes to Ray. The German Shepherd's pelt turned black from ears to toes, save for shocks of deep, resonant red on hir belly, between hir breasts, and around hir muzzle. Hir flaming red eyes opened wide as shi tossed hir head back, letting out a thunderous howl, drowning out the noise of the television for a moment. Hir chest flung out, straining against hir shirt, new breasts aching. The large ram horns surrounding hir head added to hir demonic appearance. Hir gym shorts strained outwards, showing off the full size of hir growing erection and the massive knot at the base. The fabric clung to the shaft, especially once it started spurting thick gouts of clear, heavily-scented pre-cum.

Zoe's body flushed with heat as a wave of blackness rolled outwards from hir groin. The unicorn's formerly white and gray skin became a supple shade of night. Hir eyes lost color, becoming deep black pools, while hir opal horn similarly turned a deep shade of onyx. The horn twisted, curving slightly, becoming more threatening, like a scimitar. The only color on the dark unicorn's entire body was the tip of that horn, a bit of scarlet at the point. The unicorn's body continued to grow, thickening, lengthening, getting bigger all over. Shi grunted as hir jeans squeezed hir hips tightly and hir shirt pulled hard around hir chest, which ached with the weight of the heavy teardrops inside. It lifted up, shrinking as the unicorn grew, revealing hir hard, flat belly. It was with some relief that the seams gave way on the shirt. First the spaghetti straps went, then the side-stitching. Both heavy breasts spilled out, each black orb capped with a fat, shotglass-sized nipple.

Ray's body grew as well, though not as big as Zoe's. The tiger retained hir litheness, though slightly firmer all around. Hir polo shirt stretched to the breaking point, eventually tearing down the center, freeing all three pairs of C-cups. The upper pair sat where a normal pair of breasts would go, with the lower pairs butting up against them from below, running down into hir belly. Hir hips thrust into the air rhythmically, causing hir rump to flop back into the cushions each time, as hir creaking khakis struggled with the girth of the twin sheaths inside. The zipper gave out first, popping open; both lengths fought to be free, pushing against each other to get through the small opening. The button flew off next, allowing the flaps to go to the sides, and the two shafts flopped over onto the tiger's black fur. Still trapped in the shorts were hir heavy, grapefruit-sized nuts.

Larry, meanwhile, was still on all fours. Hir feet kicked, knocking off hir shoes. They came off quite easily, since shi no longer had toes. Instead, the German Shepard had cloven hooves, large and heavy, powerful enough to kick through a solid door. Hir tail was next to show signs of change as the fur shed, revealing dark green scales beneath. The prehensile length lifted, flitted about, a large red spade at the end of the emerald length.

Zoe finally found the strength to lift hir hands from the chair's arms. Hir fingers went to hir breasts, grasping them, holding the DD-cups. Each orb felt so full, so heavy... shi panted, moaning, as hir palms stroked across the shot glass-sized nubs, before wrapping hir fingers around them and pulling. The pressure relief was immediate as thick, white cream dribbled from each teat, warm and scented. The unicorn's black skin flexed around hir svelte body as shi slouched into the cushions, muzzle open in a soundless cry. Hir jeans exploded a few moments later as a forty-two inch erection flung it's way free of the fabric, leaving it in tatters around hir legs. The massive horse-stalk swung up into the air majestically before falling backwards, between the unicorn's heavy breasts. The huge tip prodded Zoe's muzzle, splurting a bit of pre-cum over hir nose and lips. It was thick as a mason jar, with a pair of balls to match: each huge nut was big as a bowling ball and hung over the edge of the chair, nearly reaching the ground. The huge testicles roiled, thick black skin creasing in places, fueling hir coming orgasm.

Ray let out a deep and guttural moan of pleasure as four winding, snakelike tentacles spread out from hir lower back, just above hir tail. The tentacles were very dark green, nearly black, and covered in tiny, fine, diamond-shaped scales, causing an iridescent shine to roll across them as they moved in the light. Ray's moans increased as the tiger tried to control them. They sensed heat, however, and wrapped around the tiger's twin shafts and three sets of breasts, sliding amongst them, squeezing, stroking, smearing pre-cum and, eventually, warm, fresh kitty milk.

The German Shepherd now appeared to be purely a creature of Hell. Red, glowing eyes, a reptilian tail, cloven hooves, and huge horns created a fearsome appearance. Hir dark black fur and red accents shifted as shi stood, hooves stomping against the floor, both paws wrapped firmly around the base of hir massive canine erection, squeezing and toying with the knot. Hir twin sets of breasts, D-cups at least, jiggled and bounced off each other as shi thrust into the air, hips aiming off to the side. Pre-cum ran down the length, soaking into the heavy, black-furred testicles hanging over hir thighs, eventually dripping from them into a puddle between hir hooves on the floor.

As one, their transformations both completed and pushed them over the edge. All three experienced the single most intense orgasm of their lives. Zoe's hands broke the arms off the chair in which shi sat as gallons of unicorn-cum shot like water from a hose from the tip of hir fat stalk, dousing hir head and chest in goopy seed. The hellhound's hips thrust into the air, forcing hir cock out and up, so that several of hir bursts splattered over the ceiling before dripping back down. Ray, for hir part, brought hir feet up, the flexible feline using feet and paws together to massage and stroke hir twin shafts, each erupting mightily as several of hir tentacles shifted and squeezed between them, rolling up and down with smooth, slick tension, milking them until the tiger was triggered all over again.

Zoe couldn't believe the pleasure shi felt. Nothing could compare as shi opened hir mouth and leaned forward, just able to wrap hir lips around the huge, slightly flared crown of hir length. The unicorn's throat bulged as shi drank deeply of hir own seed, tasting the masculine fluid and loving every drop. Shi couldn't last long, though - the flow was simply too great. Shi alternated hir hands between hir taut breasts and massive length, even shoving hir hips up and down to work that cock between the heavy orbs for a self-propelled titty fucking.

Larry was the first to finish. The canine's knot bulged, huge and fat, lined with heavy veins. Hir erection remained, undaunted despite the size of the hellhound's orgasm. Shi flopped back into the couch, gasping as hir chest jiggled, and let hir paws roam over hir body on autopilot, exploring and squeezing every pleasurable new feature, even dipping down between hir legs, under hir oversized testicles, to explore hir aching feminine sex.

Zoe and Ray both recovered in time as well, though Zoe's leaking, oversized horsecock continued to dribble thick white cum down its length. Shi pushed it away, letting it hang out over hir knees and heavy balls, before turning hir head to glare at Ray.

"You son of a bitch!"

Ray laughed, then moaned, then giggled. The black-furred tiger's body shifted, coiling, vaguely shadow-like in its movements. The sabertooth's long white fangs gleamed as he grinned at the unicorn, having to lean forward to look past Larry's breasts to do so.

"This is why I've been a shut-in," he said. "Took a while to work out this trick."

Zoe's fingers clutched at the base of hir massive horsecock, squeezing her hands into the thick flesh. "Is... is it permanent?" shi managed to gasp.


"Fuuuu..." was Larry's only contribution; the hellhound had figured out how to milk hir thick nipples.

Nobody said anything for a while. The only noise, besides the constant cheering of the television, was the sound of their labored breathing.

Eventually, Zoe spoke up again.

"You could have asked us first."

"But that would have spoiled... the surprise..."

Larry shuddered. "To be honest... I think... I'm okay..." Hir paw disappeared under hir testicles again and a high-pitched whine crooned out of hir muzzle. "Yeah... I'm okay..."

Zoe shivered and pressed a hand flat to the backside of hir more than three-foot-long erection, feeling it throb nicely back against hir. "Me too. I think. But still, Ray! Not cool!"

The tiger laughed again. "You like the demon theme? It was this or... well, I shouldn't say. I might still spring it on you sometime."

Zoe's growl was thunderous. The tiger hadn't known unicorns could make a noise like that. He stared as shi rose out of hir seat, ten feet tall, wide and powerful. Hir erection hung straight out, curved slightly at the end, while hir DD-cups dripped thick milk down hir fresh black skin. The unicorn's eyes narrowed, black pools focusing on the tiger.

Larry noticed and turned hir attention on the feline as well. The hellhound's reptilian tail swept up and around, wrapping around Ray's wrist. The tiger tried to pull away, but instead hir paw was pulled closer to the former German Shepherd.

Ray's eyes took on a slightly panicked look as the hooved hellhound's paws wrapped around the back of hir head, pulling hir down between the black-furred thighs. A meaty canine shaft slipped over Ray's cheeks, smearing cum into hir black fur. The angry red length was hard as ever, with a knot almost as big as Ray's whole head at the base.

"Open up... you didn't think we wouldn't get you back for this, did you?" Larry growled.

Ray didn't, but couldn't say so in words, as the hellhound chose that moment to push hir muzzle down around the thick canine shaft. Ray's cheeks bulged.

Zoe clomped around to the other side of the tiger, who was laying across the couch, legs hanging off over the arms at the end. The unicorn snorted, nostrils flaring, as shi stared down at the feline's plump rump. The four tentacles sprang away from the tiger's backside, sensing a massive source of heat, and slithered around the unicorn's massive horsecock. Zoe groaned in surprise as the smooth lengths caressed hir, stroking hir, building up tension in hir massive testicles. Shi leaned forward, wrapping hir hands around Ray's waist, as the tentacles did the work of guiding the tip of hir length under the cat's tail.

The unicorn did not waste any time. Hir iron thighs flexed, straining, pushing hir forward, as hir hooves dug into the floor for stability. The tip of hir forty-two-inch length curved, unable to penetrate for a moment. The feline's body jerked, hips shaking, legs kicking, muzzle stretching around Larry's canine cock, muting any protests, as Zoe kept the pressure up, forcing hir flat, flared cock head against Ray's rump. The black tiger's cheeks spread, then hir hole. Gritting hir teeth, Zoe claimed the feline utterly.

Ray went tight the moment shi felt the bent shaft straight, surging into hir body. It was so massive... so huge... shi squeezed around it helplessly as it pumped deep into hir body, stretching hir open mercilessly. Fitting, considering their new appearances. Larry's fingers grasped Ray's ears, pulling the tiger down firmly, forcing hir fat shaft deep into the back of hir throat.

Zoe groaned lewdly as shi ground almost two feet of horsecock as thick as Ray's bicep under hir tail. The tiger's tentacles were going mad, wrapping around and around the horseshaft, tugging it in deeper, squeezing at hir balls, acting like several sets of paws. Zoe loved it. Shi tossed hir head back, making hir black mane slap side to side, as shi pulled back and surged in again, going deeper, feeling the tiger's body stretch around hir invading length.

Larry's feet lifted and pressed flat against Zoe's thighs. The hellhound squeezed Ray's head between hir legs as shi forced the tiger to deep-throat hir length, until the tiger's lips pressed into hir knot. Shi growled and moaned, teeth bared, red eyes wide, as hir paws roughly manhandled the tiger, forcing hir muzzle up and down, up and down, over and over...

It didn't take long for the over-stimulated herms to orgasm again. Zoe was first, with a shout and a stomp. Hir massive testicles emptied, bloating Ray's belly to the point the tiger looked pregnant. Hir triple sets of breasts swelled further, gaining a full cup size, as the unicorn's unholy load pumped steadily into hir guts. Larry's thickness throbbed deep in the saber-tooth's throat before doing the same from the other end, though hir quantity was quite a bit less than the oversized unicorn could produce. The hellhound's toes curled against Zoe's thighs as shi leaned back, squeezing one paw down on the back of Ray's head to keep hir down, the other roaming hir breasts, squeezing hir four new nipples, milking them for added bursts of intense pleasure.

Zoe groaned as the tiger's tentacles wrapped around hir heavy balls, lifting and squeezing them, urging more of the dense horse-cum into the feline's bloated body. The unicorn grinned, long face showing off hir flat teeth, and wiggled hir hips around. Shi could feel the black-furred tiger clenching, wriggling, but knew the herm couldn't help but love getting the horse-cock so nice and deep.

Larry grasped the back of Ray's head and pulled. Hir wrist-thick doggy-cock came out slowly as the tiger's lips tightened, suckling out every last drop of canine cum shi could get. Seed rolled down the tiger's plump lips and chin, into the couch and the fur of hir chest.

"Hmmm... do you think shi learned hir lesson?" Zoe asked. Hir voice sounded low and dark.

The hellhound's response was gravelly. "I doubt it."

"Maybe we ought to flip hir over and try again."

Ray's muzzle finally came off the sixteen-inch doggy cock, which flopped back against Larry's belly with a wet slap. The feline collapsed, head on the hellhound's thighs, breathing hard, utterly exhausted, barely able to move. He didn't resist as paws grabbed hir, then the unicorn's hands. Zoe shoved hir hips in nice and deep, making Ray cry out, before they spun hir over, turning hir on the massive horse cock so that it rotated around inside hir belly.

On hir back, Ray presented quite the sight. Milk and cum plastered hir thick black pelt around hir six heavy breasts, each approaching D-cup in size. Hir belly was round, like a balloon, absolutely plump with cum. The bulge of the flared tip of Zoe's length occasionally jerked upwards, further stretching the feline's pelt.

"Open wide, Ray, because your punishment is only just starting!"

The tiger's eyes went wide as Larry straddled hir head, pointed hir cock down, and shoved in hard, filling the feline's muzzle anew. The hellhound leaned over, meeting Zoe above hir belly for a juicy kiss. Their broad lips met, then broke away, so that the hellhound's face could lean forward further, attaching to one of the unicorn's stiff nipples.

Thrusting commenced, and continued for quite some time. The soccer game was over by the time they finished their second round. Ray looked like shi was carrying septuplets after Zoe's unflinching second orgasm. The tiger, however, didn't seem to mind hir distended belly sloshing with seed. Hir breasts grew even larger, adding to the feminine appearance of the former male, getting up to DD-cups in size. Hir hips were wide, thick, with a waspish waist and muscular rump. Shi was about ten inches tall than before, but much wider in all the right places. The saber-tooth's twin erections were each twenty inches long and thick as beer cans; even the feline's tentacles were bigger and stronger around, as though the tiger's body was feeding off the cum pumped into hir body, altering it and using it grow hirself bigger yet. Odds were the same thing would work on the other two as well, and the saber-tooth made a mental note to see if that were true. Plus, shi wanted to know what the hellhound would look like with a nice, plump belly...

Zoe slumped into hir chair, cock hanging over hir thigh, semi-hard now. The head reached down hir leg past hir calf, dumping splurts of cum onto the floor. As the chemicals alleviated their rush of pleasure in all three, thinking became easier. The urge to mindlessly rut gradually left them, though enhanced libidos were, of course, part of Ray's design.

"You realize you're buying me new clothes, right?" shi said, leaning over to stroke the black-furred tiger's fat belly and bulging, roiling nut sac.

The bloated herm just moaned in response as gallons of cum gushed from hir twin shafts, hir orgasm unrelenting as hir body worked all the excess seed out of hir however it could.

The hellhound chuckled, hir voice low and deep. "And you're gonna pick up a few other things, too... for some reason, I'm in the mood for leather..."

The end

A Matter of Inches: Episode 8

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A Boyfriend is a Boyfriend

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