Love in the eyes of a beast

Story by Shaon the Kozo on SoFurry

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#2 of Heart of a Trainer, Soul of a Pokémon

Martin rubbed the head of his large canine companion and sighed softly. Lately, his Arcanine had seemed rowdy so he had scheduled an appointment with another breeder. It had been alright at first, his large orange-red companion marking his territory, but it had gotten outta hand when his friend started trying to grab on his leg and hump him. So it was either get his buddy neutered or find him another one of his kind to calm him down. And the thought of mutilating his friend's balls made his own crotch hurt. He could never stand doing that to him. Sensing his trainer's dismay, the dog whimpered and went to wrap his paws around his trainer. However, Martin was wary of the paws and pushed them away. If he got grabbed by his friend it would be hard to get him off.

"Don't worry, Mayne." Martin told the dog that gazed down the cliff like he did. "Where we're going, you'll like it. I promise, okay?" His edgy friend seemed reluctant to accept the words but consented, closing his eyes and panting happily as the boy ran his fingers over his friend's pale mane and rubbed his fur. "So let's go, off to Solaceon Town!" His friend howled out, the sounds echoing off the mountains as Martin threw a leg over the furry back of the canine. Once Martin was on, Mayne bolted forward, sliding down the mountainside and bounding from one rocky pillar to the next. The ragged wind blew through his fluffy mane, pushing the golden fur into torrents in the wind, his tail blowing wildly in the breeze as he bolted alongside the large face.

Martin clung close to his friend, the cold air stinging his face and bare arms as they descended the large cliff. His Pokémon roared down the rocks and boulders as his claws raked against the gravel beneath his black claws, propelling him forward like a bullet through the air. Martin rose his hands, grabbing onto the torso of his friend with his thighs. He let out a howl along with his friend, the feeling of the wind rushing past them as they flew through the air made his heart flip and dance within his chest. Mayne angled his front paws downward as the pads spread, preparing for impact. Sensing their brief flight was over; Martin grabbed hold of the mane again, bracing himself as the graceful mount beneath him thudded onto the large pillar.

Ever since Martin had gotten his friend as a Growlithe, he had been amazed by his agility, his loyalty and loving nature. He had liked the dog, been able to run his fingers across all the stripes on the dog with one hand, instead of now where it took a long time to groom him and fix his fur. He had been unsure of whether or not he should use a fire stone when he had bought it at the local mart. After all, it was his friend. He had heard often the Pokémon changed after their trainers evolved them. Mayne had been his friend, his charismatic bark always made him happy, even when the pup was chasing Meowths across the streets. As time went on, Martin had given the choice to his friend. Be a pup forever, or a full fledged hound dog. Times like these made Martin he allowed Mayne to make the choice.

As he looked down into the canyon below them he gazed across the sky, its blue painted scarlet near the horizon.

"We better set up camp soon." Martin told his friend, squinting into the hazy clouds. Mayne barked softly and heeded the words, slowly rolling his shoulders and bouncing off from the pillar, his large forepaws hugging the air as they dove forward, downward into the depths of the canyon until they reaches a flat near the riverbed. Martin grinned and rubbed his Arcanine's head fondly. "Good boy." He cooed in the loving voice that swelled with adoration for his companion. As he dismounted, his friend padded after him, sniffing out a cave. "Geez, you're just finding all sorts of things today, aren't you, boy?" Carefully, he stepped in, shifting the green pack on his back. He wouldn't need a tent tonight. As his trainer unpacked his sleeping bag and pot, Mayne trotted to the river and lapped eagerly from it, panting. He has run all day and was exhausted, but happy.

His bushy tail wagged as he panted, watching his trainer take out a pot and set it down next to some wood he'd packed in case they were stuck in an area without trees. It was not enough to keep the fire burning for long, but enough to boil water while his trainer heated himself something to eat. "You going to go out looking for anything?" Martin asked his Arcanine. The dog barked and came back into the small cave-like overhang, nuzzling his trainer and whining gently. "Alright, alright, I'll give you some of the soup tonight. But I'm running out of things to cook with, you better hunt tomorrow, alright?" He grinned at the wagging tail and happy tongue that greeted his words.

Martin dug through his bag as Mayne licked his cheek with his large tongue, spreading a thin layer of his slobber all over Martin's face. Paying it little head, Martin pulled out a loaf of bread he had bought from the last Mart they'd stopped by, as well as some dried Ponyta meat and vegetables. Mayne stepped aside as his trainer flicked out his army knife and chopped pieces into the simmering soup. The smell filled Mayne's nose and made him pant, squirming as more was added. But he waited patiently. Martin was never happy when he sampled the food before it was done.

"Cheers, buddy." Martin murmured, too distracted by his food to say more as he dug in while his Arcanine lapped his portion up within minutes. Martin breathed softly, the warmth of the food filling his chest, despite it being somewhat hot that night. The heat felt better inside of him than on his skin. Curled up as he treasured the feeling, Martin looked up into the starry sky. The little white stars winked gently in the dark, cloud laden sky, making Martin drowsy. Licking the tip of the metal spoon, Martian stared up at them until a bright flash sliced through the air. A shooting star! Make a wish, he thought to himself, thinking hurriedly as he nibbled on the steel utensil. He looked to the large dog beside him and smiled gently, watching his oblivious friend snooze lightly at the entrance to the overhang. Without a second thought, he wished for his friend to be happy and closed his eyes, lying down on the top of his sleeping bag. Not bothering to cover up because the heat, he closed his eyes and dozed of, hoping they would reach the town by midday tomorrow.

The next thing Martin knew was something warm and constricting against him, pressing down on him, making it hard to breathe. He tried to pull himself up but found himself restricted by a force above him. Terror lanced through him as he tried to scramble away, but found it futile. Adrenaline rushed through his shaking frame as he tried to buck up against what ever was holding him down in the darkness. To his horror, the thing bucked back at him. Stilling, he tried to make sense of the situation, trying not to panic as he felt a steady thumping against his back. He was about to call out to his friend before hearing the panting above him, knowing instantly what it was. This did nothing to the horror, as he recognized the hot pressure pushing against his back and rear.

"Get off!" Martin yelled, trying to pull himself free as his Arcanine humped at him. He trembled as he felt the member find his ass and push at it. Luckily, he was still wearing shorts. In irritation, Mayne whimpered, pushing harder but only bunching the pants. "Mayne stop!" Yelled the trainer, trying to free himself from the tightening paws as the dog bucked his hips harder, his cock pushing at Martin's back again. Martin yelped as he felt something wet touch his skin from under his shirt. Finally, Martin freed his legs and kicked as hard as he could. His shoe slammed between his Pokémon's legs, making him yelp and let go, crumpling slightly and huffing, whimpering and growling.

Martin scrambled to his feet, wildly grabbing for his Pokéball to return the creature. Reaching into his bag, his hand groped around, searching for the container. With horror, he realized it wasn't there and stumbled back as Mayne's tail swished menacingly. Backing up, Martin slowly stepped away. He shouldn't have stopped for the night, he grimaced. Stepping back, his foot rested outside the overhang. He saw his Arcanine stop and whimper, lowering his ears. "Bad." Martin hissed into the air. "Bad dog." Mayne yelped at him, withering and lowering his head, shrinking down and barking softy again. With another step back, Martin saw the dog crawl forward on his belly, wuffing softly with his rear in the air, licking the air and whimpering.

Furiously, Martin's fear of being raped by his Pokémon turning into rage, the trainer threw one of the forks at his friend. The Arcanine yelped as the handle hit his nose and whimpered, crawling forward slightly. "Get away from me!" The boy screamed, backing up to run. Before he could gain his footing; however, his foot slipped on the bank and he tumbled down into the river. Martin cried out as the muddy bank tossed him mercilessly into the river. The current was not bad, but he flailed regardless, spluttering and swinging his arms. Mayne watched, bolting to the bank and howling for his trainer, whimpering and pacing on the bank, barking and quivering.

Meanwhile, Martin grabbed onto a branch, trying to cling to it as the cold water, in contrast to the hot air, tore at his sensitive skin, stinging it with its icy waves. Shivering uncontrollably, he tried to reach the bank on the opposite side as his Arcanine. Just a little more, he thought as his hand grazed the muddy shore of the land, bringing a chunk of dirt and rock into his hand as he tried to reach. The water seeped into his clothes, soaking them and weighing them down as Martin threw himself at the land he so desperately needed to reach. His arms grabbed it tightly as he tried to shimmy onto the shore. Mayne barked as he saw the trainer's shoe slide futilely against the mud, throwing him back into the unforgiving waves.

Martin choked as the blue waves swallowed him, pulling him away from the warm night air and plunging him into their icy hands. His eyes clenched closed as he desperately tried to surface, able to gain enough head on the water to gasp a breath, but not before the angry water pulled him in. It might not have been so bad if Martin could swim. But as he furiously paddled against the Canyon's river currents, he could only sputter for breath, the cold numbing his tired body. His lungs ached as he coughed, the water pushing against him and tossing him around like a doll. At times his mind began to fade until he heard the desperate howling of his friend. He tried to reach for it but could do nothing as the white foam wrapped around his wrists, pushing him into the churning stream, pushing him downward and out of sight of the twinkling stars above. The trainer's kicking grew feeble until he had nothing more. His shoulders and arms stung from his flailing, his lungs screaming for air as they throbbed within his shuddering chest.

Even in the moments he could not see, blinking furiously into the crystal waves. He thought he must surely be dying because a flash of orange covered his vision, pressure slamming down on him like a tidal wave, knocking the wind out of him. Water rushed into his awaiting mouth, flooding his throat with its icy presence. Terror lanced through him once more as he started coughing, only to pull more water into him. He was drowning. This was not a peaceful death like he thought, this was agony. No more fighting, he thought as he swallowed desperately, eager to speed the painful death. To his surprise air filled his lungs and his coughing fits continued as his water logged eyes opened, staring at the starry skies, the cold water still clinging to him as he felt damp fur rub against him. He looked up into his savior's brown eyes.


Martin clung to the moist fur, coughing and hacking water as he felt the beast paddle toward the shore, reaching the muddy bank. Unable to get up with one paw wrapped around his trainer, Mayne gently grabbed his trainer's shirt collar and set him down where he was safe, pulling his soaked body up after him. Not bothering to get farther from his trainer, Mayne shook his bushy body out, a spray of water coming from his body. Satisfied with his now water-free form, though he was still somewhat wet, he leaned down and licked his trainer's face. The boy coughed and choked and the Arcanine became worried, whimpering and sniffing at his chest. He smelled it, the water within his trainer that was not supposed to be there. Gently, he pressed down on Martin's chest, trying to coax the water out.

Martin's eyes winced close and tears poured down his cheeks as he felt a push on his chest, making the water flush out in torrents. He couldn't breathe or cough as he felt it pour out. His chest heaved, body frozen as his fingers raked through the mud, the goo trailing between his fingers as he hacked, coughing up the remains of his fall. Once the water was gone from his chest, Martin moaned softly, his throat pounding with unease. He heard the whining as a furry, wet maw pressed against his neck. Martin threw his arms around the nose and kissed it, holding it. "Good boy." He murmured, rubbing his head against it, his black hair against the pale fur of his friend's. The dog huffed softly and nosed his trainer, his pink tongue rubbing through the boy's hair and across his face. "I'm fine now, you've done enough."

Not content with this answer, his Pokémon continued to bathe him, making Martin yelp softly when he pressed his nose under Martin's shirt to lick at his stomach. Squirming as the warm tongue pressed against his cold skin, he whimpered. Mayne paused as he heard the cry from his trainer's mouth. Looking down to his shivering body, he gathered the body in his paws, curling himself around him to keep the pale trainer from freezing. The warm air was a great deal of comfort to the wet friends, but not as much as each others' company. Mayne was the first to doze off, his eyes closed as he wrapped his friend close. He had been so afraid to lose him, he didn't know what he would have done if he did. "I'm proud of you." His ear flickered as he heard the voice while he dozed off. "I know you don't like the water. Thank you for saving me..."

"Alright boy, just get out of this canyon and we'll be there soon." Martin told his friend the next morning, both of them now dry and perfectly fit for another day's travel. His mouth let out a yipping howl, making the boy laugh from atop him. "Yup. So let's go!"

The day traveled on as the wolfish beast panted, the fur tossing his fur in a majestic fashion when he turned his mane in the breeze to find any inkling of the city. Martin, however, was more preoccupied wondering if the mating for his friend would be okay. How long would his friend's desire to mate stay after he'd been with the other dogs? Would it hurt him at all? his mind felt clouded with thoughts. Being only in his mid teens, he was still very sketchy to how everything worked. What if the other Arcanines hurt him? Mayne wasn't the oldest of his species, he surely wasn't the biggest Arcanine in the world. He ran his fingers through the black and orange fur gently, hoping it was the best thing for his buddy.

Seemingly unaffected by the worry, Mayne bolted down the mountainside happily, seeing green. And where there was green, there were paths, trees, forest, animals to hunt, and from what his trainer said, a village. The moment the grass touched his paws, he bolted faster, his orange body a blur as he felt Martin struggle to keep hold. Mayne wove through trees, ducking under branches and kicking over logs, hearing the angry caw of Spearows and Starlys as he dashed past them. "Slow down!" the voice behind him called and he ruefully paid heed, prancing gracefully the rest of the way until they were in the open again. "Now stay on the path, and we'll be there soon."

They were, which Mayne was happy for. But soon the humans started talking. He quickly became uninterested until his trainer shooed him off and he was fenced in a large pen with the other side of the cage not visible. He turned back to Martin, huffing softly. "It'll be okay." The boy promised, and he pressed his fingers to the cage, brushing the dog's fur. The girl next to him spoke and it was not until Mayne saw another Arcanine, a female, and then he knew what this was about.

"So it won't hurt him?" Martin asked worriedly, watching Mayne catch interest in the larger female in the pen, sniffing among the grass.

"No, Dancer is very gentle. Plus, she's in heat, so she'll be alright. They may bite at each other a bit, but they won't do anything too bad." The girl said, her blue hair falling over her shoulders and coming to a fan behind her head. She looked on with adoration for the majestic Pokémon, her eyes watching them carefully. It made Martin uneasy how she watched them, almost as if she expected something to go wrong. No, he told himself, he was just being over cautious.

"How often has Dancer mated...? How often do Arcanines need to mate? Will Mayne be alright after this?"

The girl, whose name was Scarlet, laughed. "Dancer has mothered more than a dozen litters of pups. She's an older gal, but one of my finest." She watched intently as Mayne stepped up to her Arcanine, sniffing her rear cautiously. As always, Dancer raised her tail, exposing her sex to the other dog.

Martin was uneasy as he watched his friend lick at the sensitive sex of the female. Mayne was only a few years old, how old was this female? It filled him with unease that his friend might be with another dog at least three times older than he. He quivered slightly as Mayne pressed into the flower before him, nosing it and clearly interested. Trying to distract himself, he continued talking to Scarlet. "So are you a breeder?" He asked the girl, shifting uncomfortably. It was hard to imagine something younger than him having sex. Though, he knew, Pokémon often aged sooner than humans. Dogs mated more often, anyway.

"I guess you could say that," Scarlet told him, brushing her blue hair behind her ear. "But I only breed Arcanines and Growlithes. You see, I supply them to the Officer Jenny Police Force. This is to ensure that they have a steady supply of pooches. It keeps the Arcanine happy, and ensures all the puppies find homes and loving trainers." She watched Mayne dig his nose farther in, lapping eagerly at Dancer, running his tongue over the soft flesh repeatedly, pushing it in occasionally and lapping against her. Martin, the young trainer, sad nothing more to her as they both watched in anticipation. Mayne seemed to be taking his time though, licking and pushing at her with his large tongue and not actually mounting her. "Your dog must be a slow learner, or new to this." She told Martin.

Mayne, at last, reared up and pushed his hips at the female and nipped at her neck. The Arcanine growled partially as Mayne bit her neck. Martin watched, never having seen Pokémon mate before. Suddenly, Dancer pressed herself to Mayne's wolfhood, and Mayne stopped. He dismounted, huffing in agitation. Dancer looked back and murred, rubbing up against him. Mayne snapped at her, growling and baring his teeth. Dancer, in reply, suddenly did the same, snapping at him.

"Dancer!" Scarlet called. "Stop it!" Dancer did not; however, and fire rose in her mouth as she howled. Martin screamed out his friend's name as the flames gushed forward, setting the grass alight. Red plume danced up from the blades beneath the two dog's feet, both them growling. Both the trainers cried for the two to stop, but it was clear neither had the intention of doing so as Dancer bolted forward, maw opening. Mayne snarled back, matching her speed and ramming his smaller body into hers, his jaw coming around the female's chest. Dancer roared, bringing her dagger-like teeth into Mayne's neck. Both flailed and grappled, paws slamming against sides as the two rolled along the burning embers off the ground. The sparks flickered in the air, bouncing off their sheen fur and onto charred grass.

Scarlet watched in horror as the two fought, blood trailing through the air, clinging to teeth as Mayne pulled away first, howling out as blood clung to his furry yellow neck along with Dancer's mouth. A flicker of fire came to Mayne's howling maw and slammed down into the female gouging out his throat. She shrieked as she jumped away, the flames clinging to her fur and dying down as she landed onto a patch of fresh grass. The blades curled up beneath her feet as she snarled, some turning to ash and staining her paws black as she suddenly disappeared, reappearing behind the male. Mayne turned in time to see the wicked flames dance off the ridges under the female's eyes. He was transfixed as the reddish orange spires screamed out toward the sky, licking the air around them before Dancer's body ignited with fire and she tackled him to the ground, snarling like a beast of magma.

Mayne rolled over, but not before the larger female was atop him, her forepaws pressed against his neck, her hind legs standing on either side of his, squeezing his thighs together to keep them from moving. Mayne bucked, trying to free himself before the paw pressed down into his neck, drawing a hacking, guttural snarl before his tongue lolled out of his mouth, his breath dragging as he tried to breathe. His paws clawed desperately at the air, raking the fur, some sinking into flesh and drawing ribbons of blood across his face as he tried to scramble away.

Dancer snarled, baring her fangs as him as he choked beneath her until a sharp pain hit her side and she turned, snarling viciously. Martin stood there, one of his knives imbedded into her side. Red droplets seeped off the silver blade and onto the grass, the steel imbedded deep within Dancer's sensitive stomach. "Get off him, you bitch!" He screamed, grabbing another knife. "Don't you touch him!" Dancer jumped from Mayne but bolted at Martin instead, her large jaws reaching for his fragile torso. Martin ducked, the jaws barely missing him, crunching the air with a deadening snap as he rolled around under the dog, trying to flee from her large paws as she tried to grab him and tear him to pieces.

Martin panted, scrambling along the quivering grass, fear wild in his eyes as he scrambled away, the smoke making it hard to breathe as he crawled away, trying to draw himself to his feet before he could be spotted. However, Dancer's hearing was just as good as Mayne's and one large orange ear swiveled toward him, her body fluidly following him. Martin screamed as he saw her snarling face, knowing he had nowhere to run. She could outrun him, and he was trapped by walls of fire. Turning, he saw all his escapes were blocked by mounds of scorching fire, reaching up from the burning ground and casting their gray shade into the sky.

Dancer crouched like a cat, her lips pulling back to reveal her blood stained teeth, her shoulders rolling back as she snarled, her growl almost pulling into a laugh as she gazed at the easy kill in front of her. Martin wanted to scream, but the cry fell in his throat as he watched the giant dog launch toward him. Her left forepaw slammed into him, knocking him down and making his vision narrow as he felt warmth spread all around him. He couldn't see. He couldn't feel. He couldn't pull in a breath as he felt the hot blood spatter around him and pool onto his neck and chest. Pain in his temples tried to arouse him to awareness but only served to push him farther into the darkness, away from the killer beast flailing atop him, and farther from his beloved Pokémon and friend, Mayne.

Crying. He heard crying. But he could not move his fingers. There was the sound of sobbing and an insistent whining, something warm against his frozen fingertips. And there was pain, a lot of pain. It hurt, his lungs hurt, his head throbbed and his body felt heavy. Heavy with ache through its bones and muscles. The hoarse whining continued and the warmth against his fingers continued, coming back. The warmth, it felt so comfortable, so right. Tiredly he opened his eyes, staring at white. It made his eyes hurt and he closed them again. The more he came to, he could recognize a bitter smell and the white above him turned into glowing lights and white ceiling paneling. Finally, when he came fully to, he sat up, grimacing as he felt his back crack. A whine instantly greeted him, a warm tongue pressing to his cheek. The boy laughed softly, reaching a sore arm around to hug the muzzle beside him.

"Martin!" His eyes pulled away from his friend toward the blue haired girl, her eyes glistening with tears. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over Dancer." Her tone quivered as she spoke, the tears spilling from her eyes, down her nose and pale cheeks. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean for you to get hurt, you or Mayne."

"Mayne...hurt...." The young trainer blinked and looked to the large dog whimpering beside him.

"Dancer was about to rip you to pieces..." Hysteria layered the girl's voice, though Martin only looked to his friend, looking at the soft, worried eyes greeting him. "But Mayne lunged forward and got to you just in time and downed Dancer. He fixed his teeth around her throat and well...Dancer ended up worse than Mayne did. He wouldn't let us get near you, and kept dragging you away from us. It took us awhile to get you here."

"Here..." He squinted away from his friend, looking around the bland room with pink stripes n the walls. A few flowers lay in vases, and there was a tray beside him. As he tried to look around more, he noticed a breeze on his chest and froze. Looking down, the white sheets had fallen off his chest, revealing a few bandages wrapped around his chest and arms. From the bed, it was hard to see out the window, but it looked about Midday. "Where is here?"

"A Pokémon Center." Scarlet answered, frowning at him. "You've been here a few days. You've really healed up. You could probably leave today, although you should stay for a few more da--hey! What are you doing!?" She cried to Martin, who was already sitting and reaching for his black, button up shirt.

"You said I can leave, right?" He asked, reaching for his pants and ignoring her confused sputtering and he pulled them on, looking for his bag. His sides and arms felt sore, but other than that he felt mostly fine. He saw no reason he should stay here longer. Especially since it seemed to be making Mayne uneasy. "Don't worry boy." He kissed his hound's nose and fluffed his mane. "We're gonna leave this place, okay? Go out and get you some fresh air, huh?"

"Martin!" Scarlet cried, scowling. "You really shouldn't go! What about your health?"

Martin grinned, walking with only a minor limp toward the door as he massaged his arms and looked to her. "A real trainer will always be fine as long as he has his Pokémon with him. As long as me and Mayne are together, I'm not afraid of anything." Scarlet became true to her name and turned, looking away and crossing her arms. "Sorry about Dancer, though." Honestly, he was. He felt bad, Mayne got hurt because of him, and his buddy was probably even more stressed from the whole ordeal. He didn't wait for Scarlet to say anything, bidding a farewell and thank you to Nurse Joy before leaving.

Martin yawned, curling up next to a tree in his sleeping bag. His Arcanine lay across the field from him, snoozing in a patch of thick brush as the remains of the fire died out between the two, flickering its last embers before blanketing them in darkness. Martin closed his eyes, thinking of how much stronger Mayne had gotten since they had last battled. And he thanked all the stars in the universe that he and his friend were still alive.

He was mostly asleep when he felt something shift above him, the familiar presence. It didn't scare him this time, but it filled him with unease. "Please Mayne..." he begged, pushing himself out of his sleeping bag and reaching for his shirt. "Don't..." But the furry arms wrapped around him, the furry mane engulfing him as Mayne hugged his back, whimpering. "I'll find another breeder...please be patient." After his words he heard the yipping whines of his friend as he held him closer. It sounded pained, desperate. Slowly, he felt the dog release him, and he turned around in the furry paws, looking up into his friend's eyes. "What's wrong boy?" He asked quietly, running his fingers along the dog's muzzle.

Mayne licked Martin's neck and buried his nose in his trainer's chest, a wailing cry coming from his friend. "Don't you want to mate?" His friend nodded his head and Martin frowned. "Then why...? That Arcanine in the center, why?" His friend whimpered and lowered Martin, setting him on his stomach and resting his head against the trainer's bare back. Martin froze and felt his heart throbbing against his chest. It quivered with worry and fear, realization pulsing through him. "You mate me?" The whine above him confirmed it and Martin tried to crawl away.

The paws hooked him and Mayne pressed his furry balls to Martin's rear, pleading. "Mayne..." Fear hit Martin. His dog was too big, it'd rip him apart, it would hurt. Plus, this was wrong; Mayne was a dog, not a human. This was was sick. "Mayne no..." his words came out as pleading and the Arcanine stopped, whimpering and licking his friend's neck, his head, everywhere. "Please..." he almost cried, quivering in the dog's grip, "please don't...please wait..." His friend huffed softly and laid atop his back, setting none of his weight on him. He grumbled softly, almost like a purr, trying to reassure his trainer. Martin whimpered beneath the dog, knowing Mayne wasn't going to let him away this time. His insides squirmed uncomfortably at the thought of this dog mounting him. "Please be careful..." He begged, the last words he could think to supply as the dog ground his hips against Martin's rear.

The sensation, even if unwanted, made him groan as the fur tickled and teased his sensitive flesh. He felt the furry balls rub against his own as Mayne murred, licking his neck, trying to ease the fear he knew his trainer had. The feeling, no matter how Martin hated it, made him shudder and lean into it. The round, furry sack rubbing against his own pale ones, a tingling running through his body as he nearly bucked into the feeling. The trainer quivered, trying to forget this was his Pokémon, moaned softly, feeling the sheath rubs against his rear, something hard and hot begin to peek out of it. The Arcanine tried his best to remain calm, gripping the waist of his trainer in his large paws and spreading his legs more, to ease his weight off his trainer.

The trainer gasped, feeling himself aroused, as testament as the hardening and pleasure radiating from between his legs. Guilt washed over him, this was not a human. This was an animal, and he shouldn't be enjoying it. His thoughts of this came back again as he heard the panting above him, the muzzle brushing along his back as the large tongue stroked his back and neck. As he felt more of the length along his rear and back, he squinted his eyes closed. Why was he enjoying this?

Because Mayne was his friend, and he loved him.

It was then Martin realized there was little he could object to. Who cared if Mayne wasn't a human? Who cared if they couldn't hold hands and kiss each other and do other things human couples did? He loved his friend, more than maybe anyone else he knew. He was happy when Mayne was, he was sad when Mayne got hurt, if Mayne was in trouble he'd save him, if he were in trouble, Mayne would save him. Moaning as he felt the warm tip of the member touch his tight entrance, he braced himself and whispered. "I love you, Mayne."

His words were nearly cut short as he grimaced, feeling the pressure in his ass as the length pushed gently forward, then was gone, only to be replaced again. It made him pant, and it was painful being stretched out from the outside first. He whimpered as his Arcanine pushed more of himself in, the stress increasing and his body shuddering beneath the dog. He yelped as Mayne bucked into him, but pleasure greeted the pain. The large, throbbing mass inside him pulsed around the tight walls, making him moan and arch his back into the large dog. He felt the veins run through him, something wet inside of him. Martin braced himself as his Arcanine began to put more into humping him. He heard the soft thudding, moaning as the length slid in and out of him, not very far in yet, the furry balls rubbing against him, over him, between his legs, making him buck toward the ground slightly. The movement made Mayne growl partially and he pressed harder, slightly faster, into the boy below him.

Mayne was trying not to bite down on his trainer as he felt the hot walls, so tight, around his length. It shuddered, pre dripping out into him, making it easier to push. His whole length begged to be taken in as he pressed harder, hearing a moan from below him. He held Martin tighter, resting his chin on the nape of they boy's neck, pushing harder than he did the other times. More of him slipped in as he jerked his hips forward and back, the cock slipping in farther and being sucked in by the tight walls around him. The Arcanine barked softly, humping harder, burying his length inside his trainer, forcing his large length into his trainer's body with a powerful thrust, yanking himself forward and his trainer back to meet the red appendage.

Martin cried out, feeling the entire length slip into him. Pain swelled from his abdomen, making him clench up, his body freezing as he felt the head push painfully against his insides, the length filling him completely. He panted, body shaking from the intrusion. But as his Arcanine pulled back, he felt emptiness where it used to be whole, and whimpered. No, he wanted the feeling again. And his wish was granted when his Arcanine thrusted forward again, the cock arching the right way inside of him and setting his insides alight with ecstasy. Martin's mouth parted and a long, heated moan escaped his mouth as he felt the pleasure swirl through him. Delight filled him as he felt the throbbing in him, in out, in out, making his own crotch alight with the feeling. His groin burned with the feeling as the heat ran in and out, slamming down harder into him, making him pant and moan, bending to the large dog atop him as he growled softly, bucking harder and harder, pressing himself as deep as he could go into the human's body.

They both felt the large cock, shuddering with passion, run along all the ridges of Martin's insides. They both moaned when it pressed farther, more pre dribbling out and making the tight walls slick, easier to thrust and buck into. Cries echoes from both of their mouths as Mayne's paws tightened around Martin, his thrusting increasing and arching upward, both howling out as the hot flesh ran over through the tight passage, the pre slicking under it and around it, building up the heat and lubricating the entrance so the bucking could be harder, stiffer, and deliver with more power.

There was no pain anymore as Martin screamed; his body dripping with sweat as he nearly begged for more, the pressure inside him feeling like something he'd never had before. It made him howl and moan like another dog, pant as he lusted for it, feeling the ridges, the warm veins, the soft head, and the throbbing, hard length run through his body, the fur rubbing up against his sensitive body, the hairy balls slapping up into his sex. He moaned as he heard the yips above, the pushes making them both tired until Mayne tensed up and Martin knew what was coming.

Mayne shoved himself as far as he could, except for the large knot had swollen uncomfortably above his sheath, quivering with the need to be caressed like the rest of his wolfhood, into Martin. With a howl, he released himself into his friend, the hot seed spiraling up through him, making Mayne tense up with another buck, spraying the hot warmth into the boy.

Martin's moans became nearly shrieks as the hot, sticky liquid poured into him pushing up where the member could not fit, the large cock pressing the seed into his sensitive walls, making him lean into the dog, the heat dribbling through him, causing a pleasure to roar to life inside him as the seed continued to spill into him, filling the rest of him up. Horror at the thought of it being over was replaced with gratitude and pleasure as his Arcanine continued to buck into him, his cum dripping out of the tight hole, trailing down into Martin's sex and dripping onto the floor, matting the Arcanine's fur as well. He howled out, thrusting harder now that the passage was fully lubricated, every vein pressing into a heated ridge, every inch of Martin coated with a layer of the sticky juices, making slapping noises the faster and harder Mayne pushed. The juices spilled out and Martin looked down to see, gaping at the sight of his own throbbing erection. He winced his eyes closed as Mayne thrusted quicker and harder into him, his body surrendering and his own climax reaching him. Martin's fingers dug into the ground as he screamed, the jet of white cum shooting from him, the joy and wonder in him burning through his body, making him weak and yet powerful as his insides throbbed, the seed pooling on the ground and his sleeping bag, some splashing their heat against his arms and along his stomach, causing him to moan into the humid air, the tongue above him reaching down, lapping at the seed and making the dog push forward farther, the head ramming into Martin and causing them to whimper and howl. Mayne's knot bumped against his trainer's rear and they both moaned out at the thought of it being able to fit in another time, but for now both screamed, howling each others' names in their respective tongues, bending to the other and screaming out in pleasure as trainer and Pokémon became one.

To be a Trainer

"Lucien...." Lucien's long blue ears twitched as he heard his trainer call his name. He padded softly to her as he stood, his body quick and silent. As he knelt by her, a frown worked onto his blue muzzle with the black stripe down his nose. She was...

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