The Sound Of White - Part 2

Story by Faora on SoFurry

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#5 of Fae's Christmas Music-Themed Special!

Hello furballs, and welcome to Fae's Christmas Music-Themed Special! Christmas falls on a weekday this year, today, and I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate and give the furry community something than with this; five stories, one new one each day. Yes, five smutty days of Christmas, delivered from me to you!

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, have seen the upload of a short story. There's going to be another short story tomorrow, too! The plot's a little thin if really there at all, but there's plenty of smutty goodness in store for readers of those stories. Each story of this special is titled after andor inspired by one of my favourite songs (with lyrics and a link to it provided after the story), thus this being a Music-Themed special. Nope, none of these stories are really Christmas-y, but there's going to be plenty of reindeer sex and fun under the mistletoe uploaded from a lot of people. The gift doesn't have to reflect the season completely, after all! Or at least, I hope it doesn't; this could be a colossal failure of a project if it does.

However, today I've done something a bit bigger! I tried my hand at writing a decent length romantic story, but honestly, this didn't come out the way I planned. If it had, it would have probably ended up twice this length, would never have been finished in time, or would have just become too monstrous a project for me to want to work on it. I have a hard time writing sex scenes (which incidentally is iwhyi I do them), and with the sheer volume of it in this story and what it could have had, it would have frustrated me into abandoning this whole Christmas special. But the story is done, if not to original spec, and is ready for your reading and enjoyment. For a LOT of your reading... and hopefully a proportional amount of enjoyment.

So! Merry Chrissie, all you furballs! Here is your Christmas Day gift, and I do hope you enjoy it!

NOTE. This is part two of a two part upload. Yiffstar doesn't like such a long story with so many tags. Part one can be found HERE.. I'm going to talk to mods later about this, too.

  • Ol' Saint Fae

It wasn't until the next evening that Cameron found his phone ringing, the sound and vibration against his leg jolting him out of a light nap. The tiger had snapped awake and quickly answered, and a smile had spread broadly across his face as the caller identified himself as Ryan. The two had had a pleasant little chat, which culminated in the tiger seeing some photos of the wolf's work. Cameron had been blown away by the paintings that he'd seen, despite them only being photos uploaded online. Ryan had seemed to be a little uncomfortable with the praise, but the tiger had enjoyed hearing the smile on his voice.

Before the wolf headed off though, he had told Cameron that he had some free time on the mountain Thursday afternoon. Eager, Cameron had told Ryan that he would happily meet the wolf up at the top of one of the mountain's chairlifts. A part of him thrilled at the prospect of private instruction, but the rest of Cameron's mind focused on the simple fact that he would be seeing Ryan soon.

What Cameron hadn't counted on though, was his instruction that morning. The tiger had, with great pride, mastered basic control of the skis strapped to his footpaws. That didn't mean by a long shot that his body had grown accustomed to the toll of energy skiing took out of him. The feline could make it safely from the top of the mountain to the bottom, presuming he took some safe routes, but he still just wasn't used to how exhausting it could be.

He'd told Ryan as much when the wolf arrived at the top of the chairlift. Ryan just laughed and shook his head, telling Cameron that he would quickly grow used to it. While the tiger grumbled quietly to himself at that, Ryan had quickly assured him that he would start off nice and easy, and let Cameron set the pace. All of his pride at doing so well in his lessons that morning rose to the surface though, and the tiger boasted that he could handle more than just the basics.

The afternoon wore on, filled with crashes and face-full of snow after face-full of snow. Ryan never backed off in the slightest. "Bend your knees further," he would say. "Swing yourself about your poles." "Turn sharper." "Crouch lower." "Stop crossing your skis; you're not a kitten, so you're not going to ski like one." All of those admonishments Cameron would have expected to hear from the older otter that instructed him, but with Ryan coaching him, every word was patient and warm.

Under the wolf's guiding paw, Cameron managed to make more progress in that afternoon than in the three days of instruction previously. Ryan warned his pride off, saying that things would only get harder from there on out, and that it would take months more of practice before he could be ready to take on some of the harder runs, if even then. Cameron didn't care too much, though; he was simply happy to have improved so quickly.

The two stood close in a queue for the chairlift, and Cameron turned to Ryan with a wide smile. "You know, I don't think my instructor would have gotten me this far with an extra week of training," he said as the two shuffled forward. "You're a hell of a teacher, Ryan, and I don't quite know how to thank you for it." He glanced forward, watching the line ahead of him as he chuckled.

Ryan smiled a little himself, turning briefly to Cameron before shifting his eyes forward again. "Ah, it's nothing, so don't worry. I enjoy doing this, and you're a nice guy." He smirked as he shot a sideways glance at the tiger. "Besides, you paid for a much more expensive meal than I did, and for Sammy's to boot. I still think I owe you."

Cameron paused for a moment as a thought came to him, and he turned to Ryan. "Well, if you want to make it up to me, we could make this our last run tonight," he suggested. "I wouldn't mind heading back to my cabin and having a nice, lazy night." He shrugged slightly, smiling a little wider as he looked over Ryan's face. "I'd really like having some nice company around, though. There's food around, or we could pick something up before we head over there, and I've got some drinks if you're interested...?"

Chuckling quietly to himself, the wolf only nodded as they moved forward and towards the chairlift. "Sure thing," he replied warmly, glancing back over his shoulder as the chairlift came around behind them. He fell silent as they sat back on the chair, Cameron grunting as it slapped the back of his legs as Ryan swung the bar above down and over their laps. "Just give me a minute, and I'll call Sammy to let her know what's going on. Unless..."

Smirking and rolling his eyes, Cameron shook his head. "Of course she can come if she wants to," he replied, forcing aside the mild twinge he felt. I hate being the nice guy, he thought, though he added, "She's good company. I enjoyed her being there at the restaurant the other night, and if she wants to come up too, that's fine by me." It was true, more or less; Cameron had come to accept the truth of things in the previous couple days, and if Ryan was only going to be his friend then there was no reason why his girlfriend couldn't be, too.

The tiger fell silent as Ryan nodded and unzipped one of his pockets, pulling out a leather pouch. From the pouch he withdrew his phone, waving it at the tiger briefly with a smile. "Gotta keep it dry," he explained, before he punched in a couple digits and lifted it up. "... hey honey, it's me. ...oh, not too bad. Listen, I'm here with Cam. He wants to know if we want to come up to his cabin tonight to just hang around. ... when did that happen? Are you alright?"

Cameron's ears perked up at that, though he kept himself silent as he listened to Ryan. The wolf's tone changed, concern entering it as he leaned into the phone. "Then you probably shouldn't be getting out of bed, then... no, no, I can come back home. ... no, you're not well. ... Sammy, if you're feeling sick, I don't want to be out having a good time. I want to be..." Ryan sighed softly and closed his eyes. "Yes, I want to go. But I also want..." He paused, dropping his phone from his ear and frowning at it for a moment before glancing over at Cameron. "She hung up on me," he said, voice sheepish.

With a nod, the tiger turned to look at the snowy ground beneath them. "It sounded like something was wrong," he said slowly. "Is Sam okay?" For a moment he was silent, before adding, "We could always do this another night. It doesn't have to be tonight."

Ryan just shook his head, though. "She's okay... just come down with a nasty cold or something. She was still asleep when I left this morning, and wasn't feeling too hot last night, either." He shrugged as he tucked the phone back in its pouch and slipped it back into his pocket. "She apparently woke up too late to get to work, and hasn't been able to keep any food down so far today." The wolf chuckled quietly. "I had something similar a couple weeks ago. She said she was lucky she didn't get it from me then."

Nodding again, Cameron glanced back at Ryan. "We don't have to do this tonight," he said again with a shrug. "We could do it in a couple days time, or something. There's no rush, if you want to spend tonight with her." Despite his offer, Cameron already suspected he knew Ryan's answer from the half of the phone call he'd heard.

His suspicion turned out to be correct as the lupine shook his head. "No, she'd be upset at me if I did that, now," Ryan replied with a sigh. "She gets like that; if I've made plans, she won't let me break them for anything. It's nice of her, but I wish she understood that I wanted to be there for her, too." Even as Ryan chuckled though, Cameron could tell that he was still more worried about the vixen than what he was going to do for dinner.

Regardless, Ryan turned to the tiger and smiled. "So I'm still going to be at your cabin tonight," he announced firmly, nodding once. "And no, I'll hear no argument against it from you, now." The wolf cut himself off as the chairlift levelled out, tipping his skis forward and nudging for Cameron to do the same. He lifted the bar and grabbed his ski poles carefully, before shoving off as he felt his skis touch the ground.

Cameron was slower, as he always was compared to the wolf. The chair nicked his backside as he slid away from the lift, drawing an over-the-shoulder glance at the machine before he skidded to a halt beside Ryan. "Those things have it in for me," he muttered, patting his backside. "If it's not those slippery t-bars, it's chairlifts that want to trip me up!"

"You'll get used to them," Ryan promised as he clapped his paws together. "So, here's my proposed plan. You give me a two minute head start down the run. I'll head to the Malherbe, pick us up some nice burgers and the like. You head right to your cabin from here. Last one to the cabin has to pay." He smirked. I might be faster, but I have to get the food, and make it down to your cabin."

"Well, you'll just have to trust me not to cheat then, won't you?" the tiger said with a smirk, nodding. "Alright, you've got yourself a race, buddy." Rolling up his sleeve, Cameron glanced down at his watch. "Alright, wolfbutt. Two minutes head start. Off you go!"

Almost before the words were out of his muzzle, Ryan was off. The wolf all but skated across the snow on his skis, pulling a pair of orange-tinted goggles from his forehead down over his eyes as he moved. Cameron watched in amazement as Ryan picked up significant speed even across flat ground, then shook his head with a laugh as the wolf sharply turned and darted down the steepest part of the run.

In the light snow that started to fall as he watched Ryan slalom down the mountainside, it took barely half a minute before Cameron had lost sight of the wolf entirely. Still he patiently waited, eyeing his watch closely as she shuffled his skis across the snow. A part of him thought back to the call that Ryan had made and felt guilty, but as he watched the seconds tick past, the tiger shook his head and dismissed it. Like Samantha said, he reasoned, if Ryan wants to spend time with me, he should be able to. Despite himself, Cameron felt legitimately bad for the vixen regardless what was wrong.

Cameron's watch beeped as the two minute mark came up, and immediately the tiger planted his poles in the soft snow beneath him. Taking a deep breath and bracing himself, he pushed off and turned down the slope. Almost immediately he felt the wind pushing at his back, and carefully the tiger broke into long, slow curves. He made his way down gingerly even as he moved as quickly as he dared; it was a race, after all. All around him were other skiers and snowboarders, making their own way down the mountainside. Cameron worked around and away from them, focusing on his skis as he skidded gracefully across the snow.

At the point where the mountain's proper run veered off and down a little ways to the base of the chairlift, Cameron paused for a moment. He looked as hard as he could, squinting his eyes as he sought out the shape of the food court building, but try as he might there was no sign of Ryan from his vantage point. With a hopeful smile, the feline pushed off again and headed down a narrower, flatter run into the trees.

In the days before, it had taken Cameron ten minutes to pull his footpaws free of the skis and walk from that point down to his cabin. He simply hadn't felt comfortable enough to ski the path by himself. With his instruction that day going so well though, and his spirit buoyed by the company that he would soon have, Cameron eagerly took to the path. Still he took it slow, and concentrated on his skis. His body leaned into each curve as his skis stayed close together, a pair of parallel lines in the snow behind him the only evidence that he'd passed by. For a trip that took him ten minutes by foot, he arrived at the cabin in barely three minutes.

When he pulled up to the front door of his cabin, Cameron looked around for any sign of Ryan. There were no footprints, there were no ski tracks, no sign on the soft, white ground that anyone had been bear his cabin. Grinning wide, Cameron unlocked and opened the door, unclipping his boots from the skis and kicking the snow from them before stepping inside.

Immediately the feline froze, looking confused at the sight of Ryan standing in the middle of his cabin's living room, a pair of steaming bags in his paws. Cameron turned around, looked back out the door before closing it quickly to keep the hot air inside, and turned back to face the wolf. He continued to stand there, smirking. "How?" was the only word Cameron could bring himself to speak.

Ryan just chuckled and gently set the bags down on the couch before unzipping his ski gear. "Ted at the Malherbe knows I come down there around that time every day after work," he explained as he slipped out of the bulky ski gear. "I was a little late there tonight, but my food was waiting, like usual." The wolf blushed a little. "A couple at one of the tables is going to have to have waited a bit longer for their burger, but I was able to swipe yours right away and get over here."

Nodding, half distracted by the undressing wolf, Cameron started to strip out of his own gear. "That doesn't explain how you were able to get into my cabin," he said quickly, pausing a moment as he tripped over the leg of one of his pants. "Ugh... or, for that matter, how you got in without leaving any tracks."

With his navy blue gear completely off, Ryan slipped over to a coat rack by the door and hung up his outfit. "Oh, that was the easy part," he said with a smile, reaching into a pocket of the ski gear and withdrawing a key. "Master key for the back door. All staff have them, but we're told not to use them unless it's an emergency." He winked. "Don't tell my boss."

"Your secret's safe with me," replied Cameron with a quiet chuckle, the tiger slumping down on the couch beside the bag of food. "Though you did cheat, after all; you used staff rights to win the race."

Ryan turned around as he chuckled. Beneath the wolf's ski gear his clothing was much more simple; his pants were track pants of the same navy blue as his uniform, and a black t-shirt covered up his chest. "I simply used all my available resources to kick your tail," he replied with a smirk, flopping down on the opposite end of the couch as he pulled the food bag into his lap. "I did something similar back in college; oh, Tim was pissed..." Ryan paused for a moment as if in thought, before smiling a little wider and poking through the bag.

Cameron cocked his head to the side as he watched Ryan, smiling himself now. "Okay, come on, then," he invited the wolf, snatching his burger out of the air as the lupine tossed it to him. "You just can't leave me hanging on something like that. Who was Tim, and what'd you do to him?"

For a moment it seemed like Ryan was going to resist answering the question, focusing instead on the tightly-wrapped burger in his paws. Finally he smiled wider and turned to face Cameron. "Tim was my best friend while I was studying," he explained with a chuckle. "Did everything together, went everywhere together. We had a bet on one night to see if he, a marathon runner, could beat me to the library one night."

Leaning back against the couch, Cameron chuckled. "I take it you didn't follow the rules then, either?" he suggested, laughing as he took a bite out of his burger.

With a roll of his eyes, Ryan chuckled. "I followed the rules exactly!" he replied, his tone filled with mock-indignation. "The trouble was, I was helping out with the library night shift for a few months there. I was able to go right there, and take the back door then, too. Tim had to go around and through a dozen corridors, even after he gathered up everything he was meant to. I beat him easily." Laughing quietly, Ryan took a bite out of his own burger, smiling smugly over at Cameron. "So don't feel bad," he added, his voice muffled by the food filling his muzzle.

With a shrug and a smirk of his own, Cameron quickly gave Ryan's foot a short, light kick. "I'll feel plenty bad if I want to," he replied after he swallowed his mouthful, chuckling as the wolf recoiled from his kick. "So, what were you racing for?" he asked, eyeing his burger and waving it at Ryan. "Good food? Nice burgers?"

Cameron might have missed the blush completely, if it hadn't been for the way Ryan's ears had twitched back. The wolf's ears themselves burned, and the flattening of them just gave Ryan away. "Yeah, something like that," he replied with a smile.

The tiger didn't believe him though, not in the slightest. "You're not a good liar, you know," he commented, pointing at Ryan's ears with his burger. "Course, if you don't want to talk about it, that's alright, too."

"It's not that," Ryan said softly, his eyes turning down as his shoulders drooped slightly. "Nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to feel bad about... just you learn to keep it quiet in a town like this. Attracts the wrong kind of attention from some, and even worse from others." He glanced over at Cameron and chuckles. "But you'll be leaving in a week or so, maybe less, so there's nothing to really worry about. Tim was my boyfriend. It was a race to see who got to be on top that night."

Cameron simply nodded, the implications of the statement not sinking in right away. "Oh!" he crowed with a grin. "So that was what you and he were racing... for." Realization hit the feline and he looked up at Ryan again, noting the worry in the wolf's face. "He was your boyfriend?" he asked, looking a little confused. "But aren't you with Samantha?"

Some of the tension seemed to leave Ryan, his shoulders straightening up even while his ears remained flat. "I am now," he answered with a nod. "Have been for five years or so. Tim and I were together when I was in my second year... I didn't meet Sammy properly until my third. She never knew about Tim... or about any of the other guys I'd been with." One of his ears perked up slightly as he looked Cameron in the eye. "You don't mind, do you?"

For his part, Cameron could just laugh and shake his head, leaning back into the chair and taking another bite of his burger as he regarded Ryan. "I'd have to be a pretty impressive hypocrite to be able to find a reason to dislike you for being into guys," he finally replied, "Seeing as how I am, too." As Ryan's eyes seemed to light up, the feline prodded himself in the chest with his thumb. "Gay. You?"

"Oh, just bi," Ryan replied with a nod, relaxing considerably more into his chair. "Haven't been with a guy since Tim, though. I kinda miss it..." Ryan's eyes widened as he realized what he'd said, and immediately clamped his lips shut. "I'm sorry; you don't need to hear about that sorta stuff from me."

Shaking his head, the tiger waved a dismissive paw. "Are you kidding?" he asked, laughing quietly. "I don't mind in the slightest. And if you're as repressed as you seem to be, judging by how stressed you just were, then I'll sit here and listen to you go on. In graphic detail, if you need to. Especially if you go into graphic detail."

Laughing softly himself, Ryan just shook his head. "I'm not repressed," he replied with a smile, "I'm just happy with what I currently have. I don't exactly associate with the few gay and bi guys in town, I don't get to know many of the tourists, like you..." The wolf shrugged. "I don't know. Things were just simpler for me before I met Sammy."

Cameron had to contain a whimper as Ryan continued. "I'd been with Tim about a year before we broke up... wasn't exactly the cleanest split possible, but we stayed friends while we were both still at college. Anyway, even after Tim, I planned to stay out in the city. Was going to stay with a few friends during and after college, and focus on my art." Ryan shook his head and sighed a little, eyeing his burger thoughtfully. "If I'd not met Sammy, I probably would still be there, making my art."

The tiger had no illusions about the way he'd come to feel about Ryan, or the fact that he was still keeping them to himself. No good will come of it, he kept repeating to himself as he studied the reminiscent lupine. "But here, you have her love and companionship," Cameron suggested with a slight smile. "A future with someone you care about, a family... isn't that something worth having?"

"Sure, it's great," Ryan replied after taking another bite of his burger. "The problems come up when you start to think about what you want to do with your life... what you really want to do with your life... and see that the choices you've made are standing in your way. That because you've done something, or not done something, what you want in your life is just out of your reach." Sighing, the wolf dropped one hand to his leg and tossed the rest of his burger down onto its wrapper. "I wouldn't change what happened, but that doesn't mean I don't wonder if I'd have been happy if I stayed."

With a sigh, Cameron knocked the bag of food off the couch and to the floor and slipped into the middle of the couch, putting his arm around Ryan and pulling the wolf close. "Don't think like that," he said softly, "Not ever. You still have your art, just not the market for it. I could maybe help with that... but you have someone here who loves you, and cares about you. You've got your girlfriend, and you've got more than me."

Even as he leaned in against Cameron's side, Ryan looked up at the feline. "What do you mean?" he asked quietly. "Nice looking, nice guy... why don't you have a boyfriend?"

Pursing his lips, Cameron started to rub over Ryan's side as he replied. "I had one," he said, eyes closing as he remembered. "Steven. A lynx I'd known for the better part of seven years, and had been with for six. He was..." Cameron sighed. "I loved him very much. I always had, and I was always there for him. Unfortunately, I didn't discover until last week that I wasn't the only one there for him. Or the only one under him, more accurately."

Leaning against the tiger, Ryan's flinch was easily felt. "Ouch... I don't quite know what to say, man." His voice was quiet, though sympathetic. "It's never happened to me, but I can't imagine I'd handle it too well at all..."

"I didn't handle it well," Cameron explained, the sadness in him being swiftly replaced with bitter anger. "I still don't like thinking about it, and you're the only person I've told, or will tell for some time. I walked in on him with a friend of ours, actually." He shrugged and leaned into the couch, squeezing Ryan against him a little tighter. "I asked them how long it had been going on... it had been about a year. I demanded honesty from Steven, and he said there had been others for the last two years. Four others, not including the friend I found him with."

He glanced down at Ryan and chuckled, shrugging a little. "Essentially it's why I took this holiday. I told him to clear off, that I didn't care where he went as long as it was nowhere near me. That I didn't want to see him in my house when I returned, and that I wanted him to leave his key with a friend I could trust. If he's still there when I get back, I'm not going to be a very happy little kitty."

At that Ryan chuckled a little, and even Cameron couldn't help a smile forming on his lips. "But that all has to be sorted out once I get back there... certainly not before. There's absolutely no way I'm opening that can of worms back up until after I get back." He smirked as he rubbed up and down the wolf's side. "Hell, I could bring you with me for a couple days if you like. I know a couple of art dealers in town that could use a fresh face, if your work's good enough... and I know from those photos I saw last night that they certainly are."

Almost immediately Ryan's head jerked up, his wide eyes locking on Cameron's. "Are you kidding?" he asked, almost breathless with excitement. Behind and beneath him, the wolf's tail started to thud against the couch rapidly. "I don't really have the money to make a long trip, but I could scrape enough to go if Sammy doesn't mind, and if you want to take me around..."

Cameron held up a paw and shook his head. "Now, hold on a moment," he said firmly. "Firstly, you're not going to be able to scrape up enough money for a flight on a plane leaving in under a week. I'll pay for that, not you." The tiger smirked at the shocked expression on Ryan's face. "Secondly, I'm not kidding you. You're really good, Ryan. I think you could do well, if you just had a chance. I have another friend who has the same problem getting her work noticed as you, except she refuses to take my help. If you'll take it, though...?"

With a quick nod, Ryan wrapped his arms tightly around Cameron. "Yes, yes! Any help at all is nice, but... this is incredible! Thank you, thank you so much! No one's ever done something like this for me and my art before! I... I don't know what to say!"

"Well, you're welcome," Cameron replied with a chuckle, holding the wolf tightly against himself. "It's about time one decent artist or other accepted my help." He pulled back and looked down at Ryan, his voice growing serious again. "But you need to talk to Sammy about this. You can stay with me or I can put you up in a hotel while you're up with me, I can worry about your food and whatever you need, but you need to get your girlfriend's okay before you leave. Okay?"

All at once, most of the excitement drained away from Ryan's body. His grip on Cameron loosened as he nodded sitting back down just lightly against the tiger. "Yes, of course," he replied with a nod, the barest hint of a sigh escaping him.

Again, Cameron looked confused. "Okay, it's not just lies... it's anything that bothers you," he said, leaning down and looking up at the wolf's face. "What, don't you think Samantha will let you go? Something like that?"

The wolf shook his head, lifting it up to turn to face Cameron again. "No, it's not that," he reassured the tiger. "Sammy wants whatever would make me happy. She always has... and it kinda drives her crazy that she makes me happy, but being stuck here doesn't. She'd let me go to see how it works out..." Ryan shook his head again. "But she's going to wonder why I'm going, when I'll be back... or if I intend to move out that way, if things go well."

"Well, you wouldn't have to move out into the city if you'd rather stay here," Cameron reasoned, shrugging with a smile. "Be nice for me if you did; then I could have your company considerably more often than just when I take a skiing holiday. But a few of the art dealers I know have clients scattered all over the country. They travel a lot, but they live where they please."

Ryan slowly nodded, chewing his lower lip. "But... what if I did want to live in the city?" he asked quietly. There was almost a hint of pleading in his eyes, as if he wanted Cameron to tell him what to do. "I love Sammy, but she won't come with me... and I really would like to be out of here for a while. What if I wanted to move out that way... you know, with you?"

That time, it was Cameron's turn to be taken aback. "Well, I could give you a place to stay, certainly," he replied with a smile. "At least until you found a place of your own, or decided you wanted a roomie like me. I could introduce you to some people, probably get you a job to start you out somewhere if you wanted it..." He shrugged a little, reaching up to grasp Ryan's shoulders tightly as he leaned in, looking into the wolf's eyes. "But... you need to talk to Samantha about this. You can't just-"

The tiger found himself taken further aback as he was cut off, Ryan's lips crossing the distance between their too-close bodies to press against Cameron's. The tiger just froze for a moment as Ryan kissed him, his body unable to react to the move made. Almost despite himself did Cameron melt forward and against Ryan, his paws slowly reaching about to wrap around the wolf's middle. He returned the kiss, leaning up and into it as he held the lupine tightly.

The kiss wasn't to last too long; Ryan's eyes snapped open a few moments later as he truly realized what he'd done, and slowly the wolf drew back. Once again his cheeks and ears burned with the intensity of his blush, and hew chewed again on his lower lip. "I... I'm sorry, Cam," he stuttered, shaking his head vigorously. "I don't... know what came over me."

Licking his lips, Cameron slowly opened his eye and nodded, slipping back a little along the seat and away from Ryan. "I guess it's... okay?" he asked, still more than slightly off-balance by the wolf's forwardness. With a blush of his own the tiger folded his paws down over his lap, hoping that it would hide the rapid tenting of his pants as his sheath swelled beneath them. "But... ah... maybe now's not a good time to be continuing this kind of... well... talk."

"Right!" Ryan nodded instantly and stood up, and Cameron couldn't help but notice the bulge in the wolf's pants; obviously the tiger wasn't the only one who'd been a little excited by that kiss. "I'll, uh... I'll come by tomorrow afternoon after work, or something." He nodded again, as if trying to make sure he'd remember. "Yeah, tomorrow afternoon. I'll speak with Sammy, and... and I'll let you know."

Cameron nodded softly himself as he fought his hormones under control, his malehood retreating back into his sheath by sheer force of will before he stood up himself. "That's a good idea," he said, walking over to help the wolf don his ski gear. "Not just that, but..." He paused. "Ryan, you're a great guy, and I like you plenty, but... you've got someone you love and care about. I was just cheated on, and it still hurts." As much as he hated it, the tiger forced himself to continue to speak. "Not that I didn't like that kiss, but... I don't think we should do that again. Or... y'know..."

"Or anything more than that," Ryan finished, nodding as he zipped up his outfit. "No... no, you're right. I shouldn't even have done that." He sighed, shaking his head as he leaned against the door. "If Sammy knew I liked guys, then... I'd tell her that just happened. But that would be a bit much at once, wouldn't it? 'I like guys, I am going to the city with a cute gay guy, I might not come back, and I kissed that guy.' That's a bit of a blow... a bit too much of one right now."

Cameron nodded, keeping his head low to try and hide his own blush as the wolf called him cute. "It really is," he said quietly, watching Ryan effortlessly slide his boots back on. "But... just talk to her. Try and work something out. We can put this off for a little bit if you'd like to, and we'll see what we can do if you want that."

Reaching out, the wolf placed his paw on the doorknob and turned to Cameron. "I'll talk to her tonight, or tomorrow morning before we both go to work," he agreed, pulling the door open slowly. After a moment of hesitation he reached around Cameron, hugging the tiger with one arm briefly. "... Thank you, Cam," he said, his voice muffled by the feline's shirt. Before Cameron could think of a reply to make, the wolf had let him go and slipped out the door, closing it behind him.

The tiger stared at the door for a brief moment before he stepped back and sat himself down on the couch with a sigh. He could almost feel his lips tingling from when Ryan had kissed him, and the wolf's taste lingered even after he'd left. Licking his lips, Cameron glanced down himself as he felt his sheath swelling again. With one paw he idly reached down to start stroking over the crotch of his pants while his free paw pulled his phone out of his pocket. He began to browse through his contacts list, hoping to find someone in there he could talk to that might distract him from Ryan.

Instead, one name in his contacts list stood out to Cameron, the wolf's eyes drawn to the name immediately as he scrolled through. After a few more moments of thought though, it became clear to the feline that there was really no one else in that list that he could really use in that moment. Shrugging to himself, Cameron hit the call button, lifted the phone to his ear, and waited.

"... Hiya, Jamie? ... yeah... want to come up to my cabin for a while?"

The rabbit had only been too eager to come on up, telling Cameron that he would get ready quickly and be right there. Cameron had been surprised that Jamie's number had been in his phone's contacts list, but Jamie had told him that he'd entered it himself while the tiger had been drunk. Just in case he wanted someone to call, he'd said.

In the time since Ryan had left, Cameron simply hadn't been able to keep a control of his hormones. His shaft stood erect, fully free of his sheath, and the whole cabin seemed to smell of the wolf. Ryan's taste was still on the feline's lips, and he could still hear his voice echoing in Cameron's mind. Knowing that Ryan had someone, that he loved someone else, the tiger new he shouldn't, indeed couldn't, make a move on him. Still his shaft throbbed for attention, and rather than risk thinking with the wrong head while Ryan was around, Cameron decided instead that there was an appropriate person to vent to, in a manner of speaking.

He'd stripped down well in advance of the slutty bunny's arrival. There was no doubt in Cameron's mind that Jamie'd be up for anything he wanted. Even the tiger didn't quite know what that was at that point; the night had taken most of everything he'd known since he'd arrived at the resort and turned it around. A part of Cameron even wondered if calling Jamie and inviting him up was a good idea. When the knock came at the door however, at least the tiger's malehood still seemed eager to greet him.

He strode over to the door and pulled it open, keeping himself behind the door and out of the cool evening air blowing in. Jamie strode inside slowly, glancing around at the cabin as Cameron shut the door behind him. "Whew, this is a nice place!" he commented as he looked around. "You certainly do have enough money to afford the good stuff, kitty... whoa."

The last word of the bunny's sentence had been directed at Cameron directly as Jamie turned about, finally laying eyes on the naked and erect feline. "Whoa?" Cameron asked as he cocked his head, smirking to himself. "You've seen it before. What's the 'whoa' for?"

Jamie's eyes seemed to be locked on the tiger's shaft, his tongue flicking out briefly to trace over his lips. "I... when you called, I know what I hoped you wanted, but... I never expected you'd change your mind so soon." As he spoke, the rabbit started to strip out of his warm clothing, discarding his jacket and pants quickly. He looked up at Cameron with a grin. "Couldn't resist me, could you?"

Rolling his eyes and smiling at the rabbit's ego, Cameron simply shrugged. "Does it matter?" he asked, gesturing down at his shaft as he walked over to the couch, dropping down onto it and spreading his legs out wide. "I called you to come up here to help me with a problem."

"And a sizable problem it is," Jamie muttered as he followed Cameron over, slipping down to sit on the floor between the feline's legs. "Mmm, and hello you," he murmured as he leaned forward to nuzzle gently against the underside of Cameron's malehood.

A shiver ran through Cameron's body as he felt the little rabbit's tongue slide out from between those lips to lick up at the underside of his shaft. Any concerns he'd had about actually playing with the rabbit still left in his mind were swept quickly aside, buried beneath the pleasure of feeling that warm tongue sliding over his flesh. His legs spread a little wider, offering Jamie all the room he needed.

The rabbit shifted up onto his knees as he kissed and licked at the tip of the tiger's shaft, his hands slowly sliding up and along Cameron's legs. He murred softly and let himself nuzzle down over and along the feline's length, letting his fur and whiskers tickle over it as Cameron's pre dribbled out and matted down his cheek fur. He grinned up at Cameron and winked. "Do I get to know what's got such a beautiful kitty cock so desperate for attention?" he asked, his voice husky.

Cameron just shook his head, smirking as he watched the rabbit nuzzle and nose all over his shaft. The sudden increase in stimulation after the previous half hour of constant hardness set his tip leaking his pre far more than usual, and his musk quickly filled the room, drowning out all else. "Do you really need to know?" he replied, the tiger's voice a little shaky as he felt Jamie licking down and around the base of his shaft.

With a shake of his head and a widening of that grin, Jamie sat back for a brief moment. "Nope," he answered with a soft giggle, his eyes shifting back to the throbbing length of flesh before him. "I got all I need right here." And with that he parted his lips and pushed himself down, tongue running along Cameron's length as he swallowed down every last inch.

Immediately Cameron's lips parted in a gasp, his legs twitching and shaft throbbing. His hips jerked, pressing up to drive his length deep into the rabbit's muzzle, forcing Jamie to swallow down around his filled mouth. The tiger's sheath tickled Jamie's lips as the rabbit's throat muscles squeezed around the head of his malehood, before he drew back to let the little bunny catch his breath.

Instead, Jamie pushed himself forward again. One of his paws came up, wrapping around the base of Cameron's length as he panted heavily through his nose, warm air washing down over the tiger's saliva-slicked flesh as he drew back. Slowly he worked himself back and forth, lapping eagerly over Cameron's tip as he began to bob his head.

With a sigh of pleasure, Cameron simply leaned back and let the slutty rabbit beneath him do as he pleased. He braced himself against the couch, paws pressing down into the cushions as his head lay back, eyes closing. Images of Ryan drifted back into the tiger's mind, and this time he didn't bother trying to banish them. Instead he welcomed them, letting them tempt and tease him even as his malehood was engulfed in the damp warmth of Jamie's muzzle.

A moan slipped free of the rabbit's mouth, muffled by Cameron's malehood as he worked himself down more firmly over the tiger's length, his tongue curling about and teasing it as he moved. His fingers squeezed tightly at its base as the bunny dropped his other paw down between his legs. With a tight squeeze he grasped his own malehood, stroking over it slowly as he filled his mouth again and again. He arched his tongue, pressing the tip of Cameron's length up against the roof of his mouth as he let his teeth run down along it.

The motions of the rabbit were rewarded by a burst of pre and a moan from the tiger above, his hips twitching as he held himself back from simply humping up into Jamie's face. Cameron's fingers dug into the cushions of the couch as he moaned louder, his sounds mixing with those of the rabbit's lewd slurping and noisy, happy murring. His breaths came long and deep, the intoxicating scent of their musk in the air only spurring him on further.

Jamie only suckled harder, deeper, bobbing his head firmer and swallowing down around Cameron's shaft as he pushed himself as far down as he could go. Beneath him, his own length was drooling a copious amount of pre onto the hardwood floors. The rabbit lost himself in the taste and the texture of the tiger's malehood, exploring every inch with his tongue and lips, swallowing it eagerly and gulping down each spurt of his pre. He moaned quietly once again as he suckled hungrily on the feline's length, his eyes closing as he started to bob his head up and down faster.

A twist of the rabbit's head sent pleasure tingling down Cameron's spine, the tiger purring deeply as he felt those lips shifting as they pressed over his slick flesh. The sensation was rewarded with a fresh spurt of his pre, his fluids rolling over Jamie's tongue to be eagerly swallowed down. The sheer lust of the rabbit, his hunger and his desire seemed to bleed over into Cameron as the feline's shaft vanished again and again between those lips, as that soft tongue caressed his malehood in ways no one else had before. He bit his own tongue gently to try to keep himself quiet though another whimper of pleasure broke through, the sound only seeming to spur the rabbit beneath him on further.

The rabbit twisted his head this way and that, to the left and to the right, gliding his lips over and around and up and down Cameron's length. His tongue curled around and lapped over the tiger's tip, collecting the feline's pre as it dribbled out and allowing him to sample Cameron's taste directly from the source. Every drop of the slick fluids enticed him further, cultivated his need to feel the tiger above him let go and fill his mouth. As he pawed himself faster, Jamie worked himself harder and faster along Cameron's length, desperate to taste the feline's seed.

The moment where he would rapidly approached, as Cameron found himself less and less able to control himself. He felt the need growing inside him as he groaned, panting heavily as he held himself back as best he could. The tiger knew he couldn't last much longer, his hips twitching and grinding up against the bunny's face the way they were. His body wanted to give Jamie what the little rabbit was so hungry for, and for as good as it felt to have him working so eagerly on his shaft, Cameron knew that the end was coming up far faster than he'd like.

Jamie could tell that Cameron's control was strained. His eyes opened briefly to the sight of the tiger above him leaned back, back arched in pleasure as his fingertips curled into the couch, claws threatening to rip the fabric. Almost immediately Jamie's eyes squeezed tightly shut and he pulled back off Cameron's length, his own twitching and jerking as his orgasm struck him unexpectedly. He grunted and moaned around the feline's tip, barely able to keep his teeth from grazing across that sensitive flesh as his seed splattered the floor. His fingers trembled against both his malehood and the base of Cameron's, and the rabbit's tongue quivered as it lapped over the head of the tiger's shaft.

The rabbit's shaky fingers started to work up and down along Cameron's slick length, rubbing firmly against his flesh and trying his control further. The images of Ryan had left Cameron's head by this time; the only thing in his awareness was the bunny beneath him and the pleasure he felt from Jamie's efforts. He shivered as his hips pumped up and down, sliding his malehood between those warm, slick fingers. White-hot pleasure tingled along his flesh, coursing through his veins and shortening his breath. Cameron found himself completely unable to hold back anymore; he needed to spill his seed far too much to want to hold himself back. He felt as though he had to erupt, and Jamie's muzzle was right there and waiting for it.

As Jamie's climax wound down and the rabbit prepared to sink his mouth back down over Cameron's shaft again, the tiger beat him to it. Above him he heard the feline crying out in pleasure as he wound his tongue around Cameron's length, feeling the tiger thrusting up against his face and sheathing his malehood once more within Jamie's mouth. With renewed vigour he started to suckle again, tongue rubbing back and forth along the underside of Cameron's shaft.

The pulses of pleasure Cameron felt as Jamie worked along his malehood shot through him, fraying the remains of his control. He could detect in the air the scent of the bunny's load, already spent, mingling with the smells of sweat and sex. A long, deep groan built up in the tiger's throat as he felt himself reaching the edge, his whole body shaking as he humped up between Jamie's lips, shaft throbbing firmly against the bunny's tongue.

The first burst of the tiger's seed shot across the rabbit's tongue and right down his throat, swiftly swallowed down. Jamie's fingers tightened around Cameron's shaft, squeezing it firmly as he lapped vigorously over and around the tip. His moans mixed with those of the climaxing feline above him, Cameron's louder cries of pleasure drowning out his own. Pulse after pulse of Cameron's fluids washed over Jamie's tongue, a thrill running along his spine as he greedily drunk down every single drop. Not even a hint of it was missed or wasted, the bunny's expert tongue and dexterous fingers wringing out everything that Cameron could give him, draining him dry.

With the last of his seed pumped up and into Jamie's mouth, Cameron could only squirm and moan against the couch. His whole body tingled in the wake of his explosive orgasm, eyelids fluttering open slowly as he panted deeply, trying to catch his breath. "Where," he breathed softly, "Did you learn... to suck cock like that?"

Seeming reluctant to let go of the tiger's malehood just yet, Jamie took his time in responding. The rabbit let his lips drag all the way to the base of Cameron's shaft, his tongue lapping once more over the full length of it before he drew back. He murred quietly, leaning back down to kiss the tip after pulling off it before even glancing up at Cameron's face. "My brother," he finally replied with a wide grin on his face. "And later a few other guys... I know plenty better, but none as... eager... as me." He giggled as he glanced down under himself. "As evidenced by the puddle under me right here."

Even as Cameron blushed, Jamie slipped up off his knees and sat up on the couch beside the tiger. He lay himself down across Cameron's lap and grinned even wider, nosing and nuzzling at the feline's spent shaft as it retreated back into its sheath. "I'm gonna guess you saw him today," he suggested with a giggle as he rolled over to look up at Cameron's face. "You and Ryan met up again, mmm?"

Cameron simply nodded, laying his head back as he finally controlled his breathing, settling it down. "Yeah, we did," he replied with a smile, a soft purr slipping free of his lips. "And I was a bit... excited with him around. Won't go into why..."

"And so you don't make a move on him, you decided to vent your sexual needs out on me," the rabbit finished as he giggled again. "Mmm, I'm rather flattered... I got to be your substitute Ryan-muzzle." Jamie licked his lips slowly and winked up at Cameron. "Poor Ryan doesn't know what he's missing out on... you're a sweet, tasty kitty. Ah well. More for me, I guess!"

The tiger blushed brighter as he raised his eyebrows, glancing down at Jamie briefly. "What makes you think that this wasn't a one-time-only deal?" he asked, honestly curious at the rabbit's response. It was fun, Cameron admitted to himself, and the bunny's a hell of a cocksucker... probably as good at the other end, for that matter. But do I really wanna do this with him again?

Jamie just shrugged and grinned wider. "Nothing," he replied with a giggle. "But it only took you a couple days to find my number and call me up, simply cause you wanted me to blow you. You're here for how much longer? Bet you're gonna want to do it a whole lot more, now that you know I'm good at what I do. All guys do." He winked. "And you already know that if you invite me up to give your cock a servicing, I'll come immediately. I like you, kitty, and I'll spend as much time on that cock of yours as you want me to."

Cameron shook his head a little though. "I don't think I'm going to want it again, Jamie," he protested quietly. "I just needed a little something right now, to make sure I don't do anything to mess Ryan up." He blushed a little brighter as he leaned back deeper into the soft couch. "Last thing I need is to think with my dick when he's around, you know?"

"Oh, I understand quite fine!" the bunny replied with a grin, as his pants started to beep for attention. He reached out to grasp at them, pulling them up as he continued, "You don't need to worry. It was just a nice, good fuck, that's all. And you know you can fuck me anytime you need to." Jamie's voice turned sultry with that last sentence, the tone sending a shiver down Cameron's spine. Out of the pocket of his pants Jamie fished a phone, and started hitting buttons. "Hmm."

Unable to see the display from where he was, Cameron cocked his head to the side. "What is it?" he asked, genuinely curious.

The grin stuck across Jamie's muzzle seemed to broaden significantly as he stuffed the phone back into his pants and sat up. "My lucky god-damn night," he crowed, swinging his legs off the couch and standing up, starting to slip his pants back on. "Oh, how I wish you'd wanted to stuff my ass, though; I'm going to need a warming up for this!" He paused, and a giggle emerged from his mouth. "Course, just letting Brett stretch me out should be fun enough on its own."

The confusion at who had left the rabbit a message became clear, and a slight twinge ate away at Cameron. "Heading off already?" he asked, though he was certain he knew the answer as soon as the words escaped his muzzle.

Jamie only nodded vigorously, his grin widening. "Kitty, I'd love to get you up under my tail all night, but I got the impression you weren't up for any more fun after that." He shrugged and patted the pocket with his phone in it. "Brett is a horse I know in town... great lay. Oh, I'm gonna be sore tomorrow. So gonna be worth it. Gonna head out and meet him at his place."

The twinge turned into a slight ache, and Cameron nodded softly. That's all you wanted, Cam, he reminded himself firmly, just a quick, good time. "I don't suppose I could tempt you to stay, could you?" he asked, "Have a quieter night, some friendly company, that sorta thing?"

The offer seemed to confuse Jamie slightly. "Sounds nice and all, but I'll have to pass on that," he replied with a smile. "I got a big boy who'll go at least four times tonight, all in my ass if I'm lucky; I could use a good stretching and breeding. If he'd not messaged, maybe but... it's a bit quiet for my taste. I prefer my nights to be a bit stickier."

Plastering a smile on his face, Cameron nodded. "Well, fair enough," he said, laying down on the couch. As good as the playtime with the slutty rabbit had been, knowing that Jamie was leaving to go play with someone else right away certainly drained his afterglow and good mood away. "Have a good time, then. You don't mind letting yourself out, do you? I don't feel like getting dressed."

Already pulling on his jacket, Jamie smirked and shook his head. "Nah; I'm used to letting myself out." He waved over at the feline, who lazily waved back. "Have a good night, kitty. I look forward to hearing from you again soon." With one last wink Jamie pulled open the door, and disappeared into the snow outside.

The closing of the door drowned out the sound of Cameron's sigh as he sprawled out on the couch, rubbing up and over his face. "That... was a stupid thing to do," he muttered quietly. Though his body was still warmed from his orgasm and remembered pleasure still tingled his nerves, the tiger couldn't help but feel bad for what had just happened.

Despite his attempts to stop it, the tiger couldn't help but feel like a hypocrite. He had contacted Jamie himself, with the open intent to invite him out for sex. He'd gotten what he'd wanted, and then Jamie had left to go and get more sex elsewhere. It wasn't that Cameron felt bad that he'd gotten the bunny to suck him off, but that it really hadn't helped very much at all. Ryan was still in his mind, and while drowned out by the scents of the recent acts that had gone on, the wolf's scent was still in the air.

Still, it didn't cause the feline's sheath to stir. A slight sense of shame washed through Cameron, and the tiger pulled himself to his feet with a sigh. "Gotta take the good with the bad, I guess," he mumbled softly. With a groan he stretched himself out, sighing as he felt his back crack. Glancing around the room for a moment before rubbing his face anew, the tiger headed off towards the shower. It wasn't company he could talk to about everything with, but at least the warm water would be of some comfort.

Though he'd expected to hear from Ryan the next day, the wolf never called on Cameron. The tiger had gone through his lessons, actually impressed his instructor with his sudden improvement, and headed back to his cabin for a quiet day and night. The wolf had made no contact though, and Cameron had decided to retire early.

Saturday brought Cameron no lessons, but the tiger headed up to the mountain anyway. He put himself through everything Ryan had taught him even as his mind centered on the wolf. While only half-focused on the mountain, the tiger managed to ski well enough to impress himself, and feel a warm tingle of pride at what he'd learned. He knew most of the other skiers on the mountain were even better than him, but for someone who never knew how to ski only a week earlier, Cameron was more than pleased.

However, Saturday too offered no call from Ryan. When Sunday rolled around, a day which Cameron set aside to not ski and let his body recover, the tiger felt sure he'd receive a call from the wolf. The whole day passed, and as the sun began to set Cameron was certain that he'd not see Ryan then either, unless he took action of his own. With only a handful of days left before his flight out on Wednesday, the tiger picked up his own phone and dialled Ryan's number.

Cameron lounged on his back atop the couch, phone to his ear as he listened to the ring tone. For a good half minute, there was no response to his call. Finally, and just before the tiger cancelled the call, he heard the click of someone on the other end answering. "Hello?" The voice was Ryan's.

Despite his concerns and worries, a smile spread across Cameron's lips the moment he heard the wolf's voice. "Heya Ryan; it's me, Cameron," he said as he slowly sat up. "How're you doing? I haven't heard from you in a few days, and my flight out's coming up."

"I know," came the soft reply, and even through the tinny little phone speaker, Cameron could discern a tone of sadness in his voice. "I'm sorry, I should have spoken to you about it yesterday. I've been doing a lot of thinking and... well, do you think I could come up there? Speak to you in person about this?"

Immediately, Cameron felt a little worried himself. What's happened? he wondered as he leaned into the phone. "Sure you can come up," he replied, nodding to himself. "I'll jump in the shower and clean up a bit. You coming up now, or a little later?"

There was only the barest hint of a pause before Ryan's reply came through. "I'll come up now, if that's alright," he said, his voice already sounding a little brighter. "Will that give you enough time, or should I start heading out in a couple hours, or something?"

"That's plenty of time, Ryan," Cameron replied, standing up slowly and heading off towards the cabin's bedroom. "Leave when you're ready, and I'll be ready myself once you get here. See you soon, then?"

"Soon it is," came the reply, and Cameron ended the call. He tossed the phone on his bed and rubbed over his face slowly, looking down at the still-lit display. A thousand thoughts ran through the tiger's mind as he tried to figure out what was wrong with Ryan, why the wolf hadn't gotten in touch with him. Those thoughts didn't stop when he took a shower, or when he changed into cleaner clothes afterwards. They continued as he sat on the couch, tending and watching the fireplace before him.

The knock on the door actually surprised Cameron, the tiger jumping a little on the couch, so lost in thought was he. Taking a moment to breathe, he strode over to the door and pulled it open to reveal Ryan, the wolf wearing the same clothes he'd had on when they'd first gone to the restaurant in Pine Valley. "Heya there," he greeted, smiling warmly and stepping back, "Come on in."

A seemingly forced smile formed on Ryan's lips and he nodded, stepping in and hanging up his coat near the door. "I'm sorry I didn't call," he apologized over his shoulder before turning around. "Life's been... well, it's been different since you made me that offer. Some good, some bad... more good, I guess, if you want to know."

"I want to know," Cameron replied, nodding in affirmation as he walked over to the couch and sat down. He petted beside him invitingly, saying, "You're my friend, I like to think. I certainly like you, and care about how you feel." He smiled warmly up at the wolf. "How about we start with the good?"

Ryan nodded as he sat down on the couch, leaning against the opposite corner Cameron sat back into. "The good," he began with a more genuine-looking smile as he glanced at the tiger, "Is actually pretty good. I was talking to Sammy about me heading out to the city with you. She actually thinks that it's a good idea for me to do it, to get out and about a little more. Explore a bit, you know?"

As Cameron nodded his agreement, Ryan continued. "She didn't want to come with me, though. I almost begged her to, to be pathetically honest about it." A slight blush briefly tinged the inside of Ryan's ears before the wolf folded them down. "I suppose it's more good news though that she's not coming... kinda feels like bad news, though. I don't know..."

At that, Cameron looked a little confused. "How's that a good thing and a bad thing?" he asked quietly, cocking his head to the side. "It's not a good thing to have to be separated from the person you love, is it?"

Ryan shook his head. "Of course it's not," he agreed. "No one wants to be alone in the world. But the bad runs a little deeper than that." He paused again, glancing away from Cameron and towards the flickering light of the fireplace. "It's kinda hard to explain all the details. I know you're patient and you'd listen to them all, but what it just comes down to is that Sammy and I have been having problems in the last few months.

"Don't get me wrong... we love each other dearly, and we want our relationship to work. We've been together for a few years, after all." He shrugged, eyes closing as he leaned back into the couch. "There's things missing though, things that just make it so much harder. My art... I can't do it here. If I could, if I could stay here and paint and make my way with it the way I want to, then it wouldn't be so bad. But... there's just more to it than that."

Hesitating a moment, Cameron finally spoke up. "Is it the bi thing as well?" he asked tentatively. While most of the tiger's friends outside of work were either gay or bi, he imagined it must be a much harder thing to deal with in such a small town as Pine Valley.

His suspicion was confirmed with the nod Ryan gave. "Yeah, that too," he replied, slowly looking back up at Cameron again. "Would be a hell of a lot easier if I wasn't into guys, or if I was just into them, I guess." The blush returned to his cheeks as he glanced away from Cameron again. "Which is also a part of why it's a good thing that Sammy wanted me to go."

When Cameron raised an eyebrow questioningly, Ryan smiled and shrugged. "Normally, I wouldn't ever consider it, and wouldn't want it at all. But when I told her about going up to the city, she told me that she didn't want me to be lonely up there. She told me that we'd just be on a break while I was away... that we could see other people."

With those words, both of Cameron's eyebrows lifted with surprise. "That's... a huge concession for her to make," he commented, his expression growing more confused. "You love her, and she loves you. It's plain to see in both of you, even with the brief time I spent around the two of you. Why would she do something like that for you?" A thought occurred to the tiger and he frowned slightly. "Did you tell her that you...?"

But Ryan shook his head. "No, I didn't tell her I liked guys," he replied quietly. "But she knows from years of experience that I'm an emotional sort. I get attached to people, and I like to feel close to someone. It was how she and I hooked up so fast, actually." He shrugged a little. "She's the same way, and I know she might get lonely here, while I'm away. Do you think I'll be gone long?"

It was Cameron's turn to shrug. "I don't honestly know," he replied, shaking his head slowly. "It depends on how much work you can bring with you, how many places we go to, and who decides they like your stuff. If things go bad for the art, you might only be gone a week. At the longest, barring a decision to stay of course, it could be a few months of work."

"A week or two wouldn't be quite so bad," he said, leaning back on the couch and folding his paws over his belly. "Anything longer and I might get a bit clingy or attention-whore-ish. And I don't really have to worry about any sex or anything... though I'd have to tell Sammy when I come back if I did anything, as she would." He shrugged again, closing his eyes. "And ordinarily I wouldn't consider anything like that, but... well, you know..."

With a soft smile, Cameron nodded his understanding. "No, I understand exactly what you mean. I actually have a friend of mine, Josh, who had to go through something similar. Kept hiding himself from everyone else, trying to live one way. When a chance came along for him to take a risk, to do something different and be the person he wanted to be, he gave it a shot." The tiger's smile broadened a little. "It didn't work out perfectly, not by a long shot. But he grew a lot for doing it, and he came to terms with aspects of himself he'd previously driven off. It was a good thing."

Nodding along with the tiger's words, Ryan asked, "What's he doing now?"

"Josh?" Cameron had to actually think for a second; he'd not seen the fox for at least a couple weeks before he left for the holiday. "He got himself out of an abusive relationship last year, and then he went and made himself over, in a manner of speaking. Did something he was afraid of doing and actually hooked up with a guy on the fly." He laughed as he shook his head. "Got himself a new job as well, a couple months ago. He's still with his boyfriend, too. Some people just get lucky right off the bat like that."

At those words, Ryan smiled a little wider and nodded. "Hopefully something like that can happen for me," he said, stretching out as he leaned back deeper into the corner of the couch. "I really could use a bit of a change. I don't expect to have something quite so drastic happen to me, but you know... I don't think I could be too upset if it did."

Pursing his lips, the tiger watched the wolf closely. His tail twitched back and forth, trapped against the couch cushions. "And what about Samantha?" he asked slowly. "What about her, if you meet some nice boy in the city that you become interested in, in a more than fleeting way? You can't tell me that you'd not think about her. You love her, don't you?"

Ryan vigorously nodded his head, his expression shifting to surprised, as if he didn't think Cameron could miss that fact. "Of course I love her," he replied, tone almost indignant. "You know that, Cam. And you know I don't want to leave her."

"And I know that even despite how much you care about her, something is missing in your life," the tiger countered gently, sighing and shaking his head. "Something you know she can't give you. I'm not saying you don't love her, and I'm not saying you couldn't live a very happy life with her." Taking a brief moment to make sure he actually wanted to say it, Cameron added, "I'm not taking you with me to indulge your repressed gay side, or something. I'm taking you with me because I think you're a talented guy with a lot of potential that's being wasted because of location. I'm taking you with me because I like you, and I can actually help you out. Anything more you get out of this is a bonus... but I'm not doing this with any want to ruin a good, strong relationship you have with your girlfriend."

That gave Ryan pause, though the wolf just hung his head. "That's the problem, Cam," he replied quietly. "It's not a strong relationship. I'm off because I want to explore, I want to see new places, and I want to be able to pursue my art. And yeah, I want to try being with a guy again, too. She's off because she sees me content but not happy, and it brings her down, too." He sighed quietly. "Cam, I don't make her happy because I'm not happy here. We've both known it for some time, but we care too much about the other to want to end what we have. Even now we're not ending it. We're just... leaving ourselves open to happiness, if this opportunity opens a door to let it in."

For a long moment Cameron simply studied the wolf's face, looking for any hint of a lie on his face. Finally he nodded, content with Ryan's answer as he sighed. "I'm sorry to be so harsh like that, if it seemed that way," he apologized softly. "I really like you, you know. You're a great guy, and I just... want to help you out. I don't want to take you away from something that obviously means a lot to you."

"It means a lot to me, yeah," Ryan agreed with a nod, "But I let go of a lot as well. I came here with Sammy, and we were together... and I lost my art, and I lost any chance to be with a guy again. I sacrificed a lot for what I have, Cam. Some stuff I never thought I'd have to, or want to, sacrifice. I have a chance now, thanks to you, to experience some of the things I've lost." He smiled softly as he shrugged. "How many people get the chance to take one path, after they steered their life down the other? How many people get a second chance at the fork in the road?"

With a smirk, Cameron shook his head. "Not very many; I know I'd like another crack at a few, myself," he admitted. He nodded as he turned to the fire, reaching down to a small pile of wood and grasping a couple pieces before feeding them into the fireplace. "I can't guarantee you're going to be happy up there with me," he warned as he sat back down again, his voice cautioning. "I can't guarantee your art will be shown, and I can't guarantee you'll have everything you hope to have there. I can't make you any promises, aside from that I'll do my best to make sure you're welcome and cared for the whole time you're up."

With that, Ryan nodded and smiled. The wolf scooted across the couch and wrapped his arms tightly around Cameron, holding the tiger close. "I know, and there's no way I can possibly thank you for the offer," he said as Cameron's arms closed down around him. "Anything you need done that I can do while I'm there, you just let me know. I'll tidy up, I'll cook or clean... whatever you need."

Cameron simply chuckled and shook his head, giving the wolf a gentle squeeze as the feline was snuggled into. "You won't have to do anything," he replied with a quiet laugh. "You're a visitor, a guest. Anything you want to do, fine, but you're not going to be paying rent or anything. Not unless you have a job, and are intending to stay... and even then, I'll give you some leeway for a while." He smirked. "I know what the starving artist life is like."

"I'm actually looking forward to it," Ryan commented with a quiet chuckle. "I've always really gotten by with my work... always been comfortable. Not comfy enough to really help the friends of mine that could use it, but enough to get me by. Call me crazy, but... I kinda look forward to having to rough it. To sacrifice and work my tail off to get somewhere."

Stroking gently over the wolf's back, Cameron nodded with a soft laugh of his own. "It's not fun," he warned, shrugging as he looked down over Ryan as the lupine nuzzled into his chest. "Well, not always. I've met a lot of artists and writers where I work, and most of them barely scrape by. I've gotta say though, most of them are pretty damn pleased with their lives as they are. They're getting paid, if not much and not often, to do what they love."

Ryan's head nodded vigorously as he lifted it up, looking over Cameron's face. "And that's why I really want to take this path, Cam. I enjoy teaching the kits to ski, but that's not really what I love to do. I paint every night after work, and on my days off. When I'm sick, I still claw my way out of bed to paint. I don't need to live off my art to enjoy doing it; I'm a painter no matter what any art exhibitionist has to say. But to have my works out there, for others to see and enjoy and take something from..." He shook his head and smiled a little wider. "Maybe it's silly."

Cameron however just shook his head. "You want to make your mark on the world; that's hardly a silly thing to want," he replied, laying his head back and closing his eyes. "Most everyone I know wants to leave something of themselves behind, something that others can look back on and say, 'I know him! He really did amazing things with his life!' Not likely for me in my line of work, but I'm not one of those who really feels a need to leave a mark. No pawprints in the sand for me, heh heh."

Looking slightly confused, Ryan sat back from the feline a little. "Why wouldn't you want to leave a mark?" he asked. "Wouldn't you want to be remembered for doing something fantastic and noteworthy with your life?" His tone was even more confused-sounding than his expression.

"It's not that I don't feel a need to leave a mark," Cameron replied as he opened his eyes, glancing back at Ryan with a smile. "It's that I don't need to have my name stamped on the mark that I leave. My mark is left on the people that I try to help." He waved a paw around the room. "Look at this place. You know how much this cabin is worth for two weeks, and you're going to soon see how expensive the flights to and from here are. I did this on a whim, to get away from a lying, cheating ex." He smirked. "I have money to throw away. I usually spend it on friends, family and people that need help. I see people struggling to do what they want to do, and if they seem to really have the potential to reach their goals, I give them a friendly financial shove. Like you."

Ryan nodded slowly as he listened. Finally he said, "And your mark is left... by their marks?" He smiled when Cameron gave a soft nod. "Well it's not exactly seeing your name in lights or being featured in a gallery, but on a personal and emotional level, I can certainly see how you leave your mark that way. That's very selfless of you."

Snorting quietly as he smiled, Cameron leaned back again and shrugged. "Eh, sort of. I mean, what else would I use the money for? I'm twenty-six, and I've already been around the world twice... only once for business. I don't have a mansion or a sports car, and I don't really want either of them." Again he shrugged, sighing quietly as he leaned back against the couch heavily. "I spend it on those people to help, but so I can also see them happy. Doubly so now, since I'm alone again." At that, a quiet, almost bitter-sounding chuckle escaped his muzzle.

One of Ryan's ears laid down flat as he reached down to pat gently on one of Cameron's paws. "You know, it might not be very much consolation, but if there's anything I can do to help..." He trailed off, watching the tiger's face closely.

But Cameron just shook his head, laying his head to the side to smile at Ryan. "I appreciate the offer, but there probably isn't much more that can be done. You've got your girlfriend, and like I said, I'm not interested in breaking up a relationship. Besides, I wouldn't jump into a relationship with anyone I'd not known for a month, at least. And even then, tentatively." But apparently I can fuck them after just meeting them, he thought, and a cool wave of shame rippled through his heart at the memory of what he'd done with Jamie.

"Well, maybe there is something I could do," the wolf said slowly, chewing idly on his lower lip. "I mean, if you wanted me to. If not, I'd perfectly understand, and I certainly wouldn't press the issue, or-"

"Spit it out, Ryan," Cameron interrupted with a smirk, folding his arms across his chest mock-impatiently.

Laughing for a moment, Ryan nodded and smiled. "I could stay here tonight, with you," he offered. Immediately after he spoke his ears flattened again, though Cameron still caught the bright red of a blush colouring his ears.

Despite the temptation of that offer, Cameron forced himself to shake his head. "I couldn't have you do that, though... it's a very nice offer," he replied carefully. "I mean, we're still here, and you have Samantha... I don't think she'd very much appreciate you fooling around with me when you've not even left town yet."

Ryan looked surprised. "I didn't mean sex," he protested quickly, shaking his own head vigorously. "I just meant to stay here, keep you company. Sleep beside you, not with you." The wolf's blush had brightened enough that Cameron could even see it through the fur of his cheeks. "I mean, that would be good too, if it just happened, but..."

A blush started to form on Cameron's own cheeks, his tail lashing a little harder against the back of the couch with the wolf's words. "Yeah, I guess it would be." Composing himself, he winked over at Ryan and smirked. "After all, you called me cute when last we spoke. Don't try to deny it; I remember it quite clearly. It was right after you kissed me, after all, and I'm not inclined to forget something like that."

Obviously embarrassed by the tiger's memory, Ryan nodded and glanced down in silence for a moment. Finally he lifted his head, ears still laid flat. "I do remember that," he said softly, "And I really meant it, too. You... well, you are cute." His blush seemed to double in intensity. "And honestly, I wouldn't mind another go at that kissing business."

That comment threw Cameron completely for a loop, the tiger blinking with surprise. "I... uh... is that really a good idea, Ryan?" he asked, leaning back as the wolf started to crawl slowly up towards him. "I mean, like I just said... we're here, and Samantha's down in town, and I don't want this to get complicated, and..." He winced, whimpering very softly as the lupine's face hovered just inches away from his own. "I want this... but I don't want to make things worse for you."

The wolf's answer came as a kiss, his muzzle leaning gradually forward to touch against Cameron's. Their lips met gently, Ryan pushing up warmly against the tiger even as Cameron froze up, overwhelmed by exactly what was happening before him. He gradually came to his senses and started to press himself back up into the kiss, wrapping his arms tight and warm around the wolf and drawing Ryan's body closer to his own.

A soft murr emerged from between the two, the sound coming from Ryan as he pressed his body warmly against Cameron's. The wolf's arms slowly encircled the tiger, pulling himself in tighter as he leaned a little deeper into the kiss, letting himself go and giving into a desire he'd held back for years. His memories of the first kiss he'd shared with Cameron came rushing back, all the sensations in his mind reawakened by the feel of the tiger's lips on his once again.

Cameron murred back softly, squeezing tightly at the wolf as if to keep him close, almost afraid that if he let go for even a moment that Ryan would slip away. Fuelled by the heat of the kiss his sheath started to stir, swelling within the confines of his pants. Unconsciously he started to grind his hips forward, pressing his crotch against Ryan's, humping up gently against the wolf.

Just as eagerly, Ryan humped back. The tip of his malehood had long since peeked up and out of his sheath, tickling the boxers he wore beneath his own pants. Each roll of their hips sent a fresh spark of pleasure through the wolf, vocalized with a long, soft groan trapped by their kiss. Ryan deepened that kiss as he leaned forward, his lips parting with Cameron's as their tongue met, even as their bodies pressed tighter into one another.

His fingers digging gently into the wolf's back, Cameron held Ryan tightly to him as he moaned softly between their lips. His malehood started to slip up and out of his sheath as he ground in a little bit more roughly, feeling the bulge in Ryan's jeans growing as firm as his own. A fresh blush spread across his cheeks as he realized once again where he was, what he was doing, and who he was doing it with. Abruptly he pulled back, breaking the kiss as gently as he could and quickly taking a deep breath. "Ryan... we can't..."

Gasping softly himself as the tiger broke the kiss, a quiet whimper slipped from Ryan's lips. "Wh... why not?" he asked quietly, looking up into Cameron's eyes almost pleadingly. Trapped within his pants, the lupine's length throbbed softly and continued to push up from his sheath.

Reaching down pointedly with one paw, Cameron placed it between Ryan's legs and pressed in against the wolf's hard shaft. "That's why," he answered quietly with a shake of his head, feeling his own malehood pulsing in dissent. "You're not thinking with the right head, hon... if you were, you'd know you shouldn't do me. This!" He blushed brightly. "You shouldn't do this."

A quiet chuckle emerged from the wolf as he reached down along Cameron's body, pressing his own paw down between the tiger's legs and feeling up the shaft hidden beneath his pants. "You can't lie; you want it too," he countered as he squeezed at that covered length, drawing a moan from Cameron. "How long? How long have you wanted me to do this? Or do you?"

The wolf's fingers ran up and down his shaft, and Cameron found himself less and less able to resist the object of his affections. "Since we had lunch," he replied breathily, looking down to watch that paw work so eagerly down and over his malehood. "Since you hit me... I thought you were flirting with me. You were... you are so cute..." Taking a deep breath, he reached down and pried Ryan's paw from his crotch. "But you were... and are taken." He paused for a moment, and looked into Ryan's eyes. "Aren't you?"

There was only the briefest moment of hesitation before Ryan shook his head slowly and squeezed back at Cameron's paw. "No," he answered quietly. "Not now. Not until I come back here. I only need to go back to the house and pick up a pair of suitcases." He smiled warmly and leaned forward, nosing up against the tiger's cheek. "So no... I'm not currently taken. I'm open, Cam... and I want to remember what this is like. You don't have to help with that... not now, or ever, if you feel uncomfortable. But... I'd like you to. Very much."

Cameron took a moment to study the wolf's face. There was an earnest, burning intensity in the lupine's gaze that went far beyond the hormonal haze of want that came with arousal. It was far, far more than that. In a glance, Cameron could tell just how badly the wolf wanted it, and not because it felt good. It truly meant something to him. They weren't in love, not by a long shot. But the wolf trusted him with his body, and trusted that they could be together at least in once sense, for that night. With that trust and that certainty in Ryan's gaze, Cameron slowly released the wolf's paw.

Smiling softly as he nodded, Ryan dropped that hand slowly back down to Cameron's lap. One paw continued to stroke and rub at the clothed bulge that had continued to grow to its full potential while the other moved higher, pressing in under the band of the tiger's pants and slowly pulling them downwards and off.

Lifting his rump from the couch to help the wolf ease his pants off, Cameron leaned up and pressed his lips once again to Ryan's. One of his paws supported himself as the lupine stripped him down while the other wrapped around Ryan's waist, squeezing him tightly. His full length came into view as the fabric of his pants was pulled away, standing tall with a dribble of pre already dripping down from his tip.

The wolf's paw immediately came up, a single fingertip tracing over the tip of that length. Slicking it up with the tiger's fluids, Ryan began to trace long, slow circles around the head of the feline's shaft. As Cameron groaned against his lips the wolf smiled, gradually bringing more and more fingers down until his whole paw was wrapped around the tiger's shaft, squeezing it tightly.

Even as he worked, Ryan's other paw was busy removing his own pants. Cameron glanced down in time to see the wolf kicking them off his feet, a fresh murr of appreciation slipping free of him as he saw the length of canine flesh standing tall and free of Ryan's sheath. One of his paws came up to wrap around it, giving it a squeeze of his own before he reached around and pulled the wolf down and against him. He pressed deeper up into the kiss, their tongues meeting once again as feline and canine shafts met, pressing as tightly together as their lips.

Ryan groaned right back into Cameron's muzzle, the two moaning together as their hips rolled. Pre began to dribble from the tapered tip of the wolf's length, drooling down over the head of the tiger's length and slicking up both as they rubbed back and forth against one another. His tongue eagerly curled around Cameron's as he brought his free paw up, searching for and finding Cameron's other paw, squeezing it tight as he humped down against the tiger's malehood.

Drawing back from the kiss with a deep purr, Cameron, arched his back and pressed his malehood firmly against Ryan's. His tip spurted, a shot of his slippery pre splattering against the wolf's chest as he groaned quietly in pleasure. His eyes lifted to Ryan's, the lupine smiling down at him as they murred quietly together. "What do you... want to try first?" he asked, giving himself over to the wolf's wants completely with those words. All of his concerns and worries vanished as he spoke, surrendering himself to Ryan and to the night that lay ahead of them.

Smiling a little wider, Ryan grinned as he lay himself back and rested his head against the arm of the couch at the other end. One of his legs draped off the edge of the couch while the other hooked up and over the back. Cameron was given a perfect view of the wolf's goods, from the tip of his shaft right down to his sheath, to the furred orbs hanging heavily beneath them, to the curve of his backside almost hidden between his body and the cushions. "Let's go with something Sammy never had a... taste... for," Ryan answered with a grin. "If you're more inclined, that is. After all," he added with a wink, "I've got plans you might like. And they need you to have me all nice and wet, if you follow."

Cameron most certainly understood what the wolf was getting at, and he nodded eagerly. He moved himself in between Ryan's legs and lifted his head, glancing up at the wolf for a brief moment with a serious expression written across his face. It was hard to maintain, what with the scent of the wolf's musk wafting up from beneath his nose, but still he tried. "Are you certain you want this?" he asked again, one final time, even while unsure he could stop himself for long at that point.

The response Cameron received was Ryan's paw on his cheek gently coaxing him down and closer to his shaft. The tiger groaned softly and let himself be lead down, his nose pressing into the base of the wolf's sheath as he inhaled deeply. Ryan's scent filled his nostrils, strong and powerfully male, and a quiet whimper slipped from his lips again. He leaned in tighter, nuzzling up against the wolf's length as he lapped slowly and gently over Ryan's sheath, careful of his rough tongue.

Above him, Ryan moaned quietly and laid his head back, stroking up and over the top of Cameron's head. His legs spread out a little wider, presenting as much room as the tiger needed to get to work, the pre drooling down from his tip eagerly being lapped up by the feline as it soaked into the fur of his sheath. He murred quietly as he felt Cameron kissing at the base of his shaft, those lips rubbing against the beginnings of what would later become a fully-inflated knot.

Inch by inch Cameron kissed and licked his way up along the wolf's shaft, curling his rough, feline tongue carefully about the sensitive flesh. He revelled in Ryan's taste as he had the wolf's scent, purring softly and vibrating his lips over the pulsing flesh against them. He wasted little time as he reached the wolf's tip, licking his lips quickly before pressing them down and over, engulfing the head of Ryan's malehood within his muzzle.

Down he pushed himself, taking still more and more into his mouth even as he moaned and purred around it. Above him Ryan moaned again, the sound sending a shiver down Cameron's spine as he worked his tongue slowly and carefully around the wolf's length. He paused when he felt the tip nudging the back of his throat, one of the tiger's paws coming up to wrap around the base of Ryan's shaft and squeeze tightly, coaxing a fresh burst of pre to spill across his tongue. His purr deepening, Cameron toyed with that little dribble of the wolf's fluids for a moment, savouring the taste before letting it run slowly down his throat.

One of Ryan's paws squeezed tightly at the couch cushions as the other stroked encouragingly over the top of Cameron's head. A clawtip scritched gently behind one of the tiger's ears as he writhed atop the cushions, hips remaining still by force of will alone. His malehood pulsed and throbbed between the feline's lips as he moaned once again, his eyes closed tightly with pleasure. "Mmrrr... I forgot how good that feels," he sighed, his voice husky as he took a deep breath.

Slowly Cameron began to move once again, his lips drawing back slowly as he pulled up and towards Ryan's tip again. His teeth lightly grazed over the topside of the wolf's length as he let his rough tongue trail over the underside, the sudden burst of strong sensation setting another pulse of Ryan's pre to spurt against the roof of his mouth. Cameron's purring redoubled as he drew his tongue away, letting him slip smoothly back down towards the base of the wolf's shaft once again.

The feel of Ryan's paw slipping to his chin and pulling him gently up and away from his shaft drew Cameron reluctantly up. He opened his eyes and turned them to the wolf with a soft blush tingeing his cheeks. "Why did you stop me?" he asked, his tongue slowly licking his lips as he purred quietly.

As Cameron spoke, a fresh stream of pre started to stream down the side of Ryan's malehood, glistening in the light of the fireplace. "Because if you didn't stop there, I wasn't going to be able to stop you at all," he replied, sounding a little out of breath. From Cameron's perspective, it looked as though the wolf had been doing a lot of panting; he'd just been too busy to notice it properly.

The tiger grinned and nodded as he leaned down, letting his tongue drag gently up from the lupine's base to tip as he leaned up and over Ryan's body. "And you still want to use that slick cock of yours somewhere else, do you?" he asked with a wink, his own legs spreading out a little as he looked down into the wolf's eyes.

Ryan held that gaze as he nodded, grinning wide with an almost boyish enthusiasm. "That I do," he replied as his grin widened further. "I don't really feel like moving, though... think you're up for going for a little ride?"

That invitation was all that Cameron needed. He grinned back at the wolf and nodded, bringing one of his paws down to his shaft and squeezing it tightly, milking out a small stream of his own pre. Those fluids dribbled down and onto Ryan's length, mingling with the wolf's pre as Cameron's paw wrapped around it. Slowly and gently he ran his paw back and forth along the wolf's malehood, rubbing over every inch and making sure that the slick pre covered it all.

When he was satisfied and Ryan had finished moaning at his touch, Cameron began to move slowly up and over the wolf's body. His malehood rested on Ryan's chest, the focus of the wolf's gaze as he rested his knees to either side of the lupine. He smiled warmly down at Ryan, feeling the wolf's length twitch and leak yet more pre as he gave it a gentle squeeze. Finally he settled his rump back, his tail lifting up slowly as he felt that slicked length of flesh grinding up against the cleft of his backside.

Reaching up with both paws, Ryan squeezed tightly at Cameron's hips as he tore his eyes from the tiger's shaft. He smiled, murring quietly at the feeling of his tip resting up against Cameron's entrance as the tiger rested back against him. "Are you ready?" he asked quietly, all but certain that he knew the answer even before he spoke.

Cameron responded by pressing back and down slowly, teasing his entrance with the tapered tip of Ryan's length. His eyes closed as he hung his head, focusing on relaxing himself as best he could. The wolf was certainly not the biggest male he'd ever had to take, though it had been some time since he'd been stretched that well. And then there was that knot still to come...

A gasp broke the silence and shattered the tiger's thoughts, the sound emerging from Cameron's lips as he felt his tailring give way. The warm, pre-slicked tip of the wolf's length pushed up and inside him, a twitch of Ryan's hips helping it slide up and into the heat of the tiger's body. He moaned quietly as he paused for a moment before pushing down again, lips parting in a silent groan as he felt himself gradually being spread out around that lupine shaft.

Slowly, and ever so gently, Ryan pushed his hips upwards. The wolf took his time, careful not to move too quickly as he buried his malehood in the tiger's rump, filling him little bit by little bit. Cameron moved with him, the feline easing himself back down onto the wolf's slow thrust up into him, and Ryan could feel the tiger's whole body shaking and shivering as it took his length deep inside. When he had almost hilted within Cameron, when only a couple inches of his shaft remained outside the feline's body, Ryan squeezed down tightly on Cameron's hips and thrust up hard and smooth.

The thrust ripped a deep moan from Cameron's muzzle, the spark and burn of pain from being stuffed so fast almost instantly vanishing beneath a pulse of pleasure. His backside rested against Ryan's lap, and the tiger could feel the wolf's sheath rubbing up against his entrance as he ground down against the lupine beneath him. He groaned once again as he closed his eyes, holding up one paw as he forced himself to breathe. "Just... wait a moment," he said slowly, opening his eyes to see Ryan's gaze already locked on him. The concern on the wolf's face easily overshone the pleasure he obviously was feeling. "It's just been... It's been quite a while."

Ryan nodded, smiling softly as he stroked gently up and down the tiger's hips and sides. He held himself still, feeling the tiger's tensed body starting to relax. Cameron's tailhole remained tight and hot around his shaft, and the wolf could almost feel the tiger's pulse through their joining. One of his paws came up, stroking and rubbing warmly over Cameron's chest to try and feel the feline's heartbeat. The moment he felt it there he could feel it elsewhere, wrapped around his malehood, the tiger's inner muscles squeezing gently in time with each beat of his heart. The sensation drew a smile across Ryan's lips as he stroked gently over Cameron's body.

It was a few minutes before Cameron could bring himself to move. When finally he did, it was to slowly grind himself down against Ryan's lap, a soft purr escaping him as he felt the wolf's length shifting inside him. His own malehood was rock hard as he pressed down against Ryan, and a soft gasp accompanied a short spurt of his pre into the wolf's chest fur as he felt Ryan grinding back up into him. His purr deepened as he lifted his backside slowly, smiling back down at the wolf before easing himself back down onto that length of hard flesh again.

It wasn't long before Cameron started up a slow, gentle and shallow rhythm. Ryan leaned back as he let the tiger work at his own pace, his hips remaining still as he felt those squeezing muscles lifting up off and pushing down around his malehood. He squeezed tightly at the feline's hips, coaxing him along and easing him onwards, quiet murrs of pleasure suffusing the air. Remembered pleasure long ago cast aside mingled with the sensations of the present for Ryan, his pre-slicked tip leaking still more of his slippery fluids into Cameron's body. The hot, intense friction of his barely-lubricated shaft slowly started to give way, replaced with smoother, more firm bucks from the tiger riding him.

With every drop of pre he felt dripping into his body, Cameron pushed himself just a little bit harder. He rose up higher off Ryan's length, he pushed himself down harder again, he squeezed just a little bit tighter. The tiger's paws slipped down and behind himself, grasping a hold of the couch for a little bit more leverage as he worked himself up and down. The fire off to the side started to fade, the wood keeping it alight almost burned out, and yet the room seemed to only grow hotter around Cameron. The scent of Ryan being in his cabin had stuck in his mind before, but that was his normal, everyday scent. The scent that now assailed his nostrils was that of his sex, of their passion and the mingling of their bodies. The air grew heavier, thicker, as their combined musk filled the room.

As the air grew thicker, so too did Ryan's knot. It built slowly, growing gradually as Cameron's thrusts became longer and harder. The wolf's hips started to twitch upwards as he moaned and panted his pleasure, and the wordless sounds heralded each sheathing of his malehood inside the tiger's rump. The fingertips of one of his paws dug into Cameron's hip as the other paw shifted down and across the feline's belly, wrapping around the base of the tiger's shaft and squeezing it tightly.

A spurt of pre from Cameron's tip was Ryan's reward for that squeeze, the burst of pleasure he felt sending his inner muscles squeezing down tighter around the wolf's length. He slowly became aware of the knot as his body moved along Ryan's shaft, that steadily inflating girth spreading his tailring wider with every buck of his hips downwards and over it. The tiger felt it growing, and every time he sank himself down over it a fresh little spark of desire burned along his nerves. He knew it was only a matter of time before it swelled to its full size, and the feline knew without a doubt that it would be locking him to Ryan. There was little more in that moment that Cameron wanted.

Ryan started to thrust up harder into the tiger as well, his eyes squeezing shut as he laid his head down on the arm of the couch. He drew back further with each twitch of his hips, keeping himself from pushing the girth of his forming knot up into the tiger. As it came to its full size he started to thrust up harder again, mashing it firmly up against Cameron's tailring as his fingers feathered along the feline's shaft. While Cameron's pre didn't flow as voluminously as his own, he still managed to tease the tiger into spilling a good amount into his fur, matting it down as his shaft was ridden harder.

Eagerness started to take a hold of Cameron's mind as he moved faster up and down Ryan's shaft. Every smooth roll of his hips downwards ground that tapered canine length up against his prostate, the sensation drawing a grunted moan from his lips. And as he lifted back up again, he'd grind his own shaft up into Ryan's fingers, drenching them further with his thickening pre. The tiger's body shook as he closed his eyes, focusing his attention entirely on the feelings running through his body as he was taken. That pleasure of being made so full, of feeling another's malehood pressing up deep and hard inside him, of squeezing down around it as he attempted to milk it dry, all mingled with the knowledge that the wolf beneath him was the person he then wanted to be there, more than anyone else in the world. That the moment was something special, for the both of them.

The moment was not to last for too much longer, though. With the trembling body of the tiger above him and the hot, tight squeezes of his muscles, Ryan had to fight from losing his control. He strained against the instinctual urge to thrust up hard, to tie the feline and fill him up. The wolf bit his tongue to keep his moans somewhat quieter as he pushed his knot harder against Cameron's tailhole, teasing it with that fat girth and teasing himself with the promise of being tied. His breathing became heavier as he arched his back, a deep moan escaping him anyway as Cameron pressed down harder around him in a thrust he felt sure would lock his knot to the tiger. "The knot," he breathed quickly, his voice barely more than a whisper, "Yes... or..."

Cameron gave Ryan no chance to finish the question. On some level he appreciated the option; he knew some guys who couldn't take a good-sized knot like Ryan's. Cameron was one who could though, and the tiger still desperately wanted to feel it stretching him out. The hard, fast buck of his hips downward cut Ryan off, shifting the wolf's words into a moan that mixed with the tiger's gasped hiss of pained pleasure. It wasn't instantaneous; it took a moment of straining that girth at his tailring before he could pop it inside.

That straining, the feel of Cameron trying so hard to push himself down around his knot, was all it took to drive Ryan right to the edge and obliterate his control. He released the tiger's malehood and squeezed his hips with both hands, his moans growing in volume as he pulled Cameron down hard into his lap. Finally his knot slipped up and inside, accompanied by a tight, trembling squeeze from the tiger's inner walls. The last inches of his shaft buried inside the heat of the tiger's tight passage, Ryan let himself go.

The feline felt it, the throbbing of the length of flesh buried to the hilt inside him. He felt the seed rushing up through Ryan's shaft, felt the wolf's knot pulsing as the pleasure he felt overwhelmed him. Far more powerful a sensation to the tiger though was the sound of the lupine's cry of pleasure, a veritable howl of release as he ground his hips firmly up against Cameron's backside. The digging in of Ryan's fingers against his hips, the texture of the wolf's fur as it rubbed back and forth over his own malehood, and the intense jerking of that tied canine length drove him right up and to his own edge.

Beneath Cameron, Ryan panted and groaned and moaned throughout his climax. The squeezing of the tiger's muscles seemed to try and pull his shaft deeper, to make the wolf spill every drop of his seed as deep as it could go. All Ryan could do was tightly grip the feline's hips and pull him down, grinding up against Cameron's backside in an attempt to push as much of himself into the pleasureful confines of the tiger's body. His malehood throbbed harder as each hot jet of his seed spurted into Cameron's most intimate depths, taking and marking the feline's insides with his essence.

Shivering as he was filled, the soft groans and purrs Cameron made were transmuted the moment he felt Ryan's fingers lift from his hips. Having rode out the pulses of pleasure from his own climax, the wolf seemed insistent on bringing Cameron over the edge with him. Both of the wolf's paws wrapped around the tiger's shaft, causing Cameron's inner muscles to twitch around Ryan's shaft again, milking out the last drops of lupine seed. His own malehood twitched and jerked against the wolf's fingers as he was quickly and firmly pawed off, his back arching as he humped forward and into those paws, tugging firmly on the knot embedded in his backside.

It took not much more for Ryan to fray Cameron's control. His fingers squeezed and rubbed at every inch of the feline's shaft, pressing it down and through his fur to tickle the sensitive flesh. The feeling of his rump being well-filled and equally well-seeded while being pawed at was just too much for the tiger's pleasure-addled brain to handle. He cried out as his tip erupted, hot pulses of his own fluids splashing over Ryan's fingers as he emptied himself, the thick jets of hot seed soaking into the wolf's fur and splattering his chest and chin. Though he never saw it through the white-hot sensations searing his mind, Ryan's muzzle tipped forward and opened to catch a couple of those jets, streaks of white painting his muzzle fur where he missed. Cameron's claws shredded the couch cushion as he squeezed down tighter at it, all but roaring with the bliss of his orgasm.

That roar faded to quieter moans, and then soft whimpers and pants for breath as the overwhelming pleasure of Cameron's climax was washed away by the warmth of his afterglow. He sat still atop Ryan's lap, head hanging back as he gasped quietly for air, his inner muscles still twitching lightly every few seconds around the tied length in his backside. His lips moved back and forth, but his muzzle was unable to find the words to speak. An idle thought flitted through the fog of Cameron's mind; Jamie had been good, but Ryan was someone special. No amount of sexual prowess could make up for that difference.

Ryan was the first to stir a minute later, his own panting having slowed down considerably by the time he'd brought Cameron to his peak. He squirmed gently beneath the tiger, paws slowly releasing the feline's still-firm shaft to rub gently up and down Cameron's sides. His eyes remained closed as he murred, nuzzling up gently into the corner of the couch. "Good God," he murmured quietly as he gave Cameron a gentle squeeze, "It's... never been like that. Not with anyone..."

It took a few moments for those words to reach Cameron's ears, and another couple before his brain could process a response to them. "I'm... mmrrrf... I'm glad you liked?" he replied, mentally kicking himself a moment later for saying something so terribly lame.

The wolf didn't seem to mind at all, opening his eyes to look up at Cameron with a warm smile as he wriggled gently beneath the tiger. "You didn't have to do this for me," he said softly as he watched Cameron's head lower slowly once again. "But... it meant a lot for me. And for it to have been you... I just..." He chuckled and shook his head as the tiger finally opened his eyes, returning the wolf's gaze. "Thank you."

The words drew a soft blush across Cameron's cheeks as he nodded slowly, leaning down carefully. He gently touched his lips to Ryan's in another soft, if brief, kiss. "Thank you," he replied with an equally warm smile. "I've... gah... I thought about this sorta thing with you... well, since I met you. I'm... I'm glad I got to be with you like this."

With a nod, Ryan closed his eyes and chuckled quietly, leaning back a little heavier against the chair. "Mmrrr," he murred softly, smiling wider as he relaxed beneath Cameron. "I gotta know, though... you comfy there?"

Cocking his head slightly, Cameron could only smirk as he leaned against the side of the couch as well. "I'd... say so?" he replied after a moment, "Pretty comfy, especially with you buried in there. Why?"

"Because I don't want you trying to go anywhere," the wolf answered, his voice sounding softer, drowsier. "Just want you to stay right here, with me, for now... After all, we got flights and stuff to plan later..." Ryan's voice trailed off slowly and his breathing started to become more regular.

Cameron only smiled as he looked down over the dozing wolf. He couldn't bring himself to even want to wake him, and so instead simply wriggled himself as best he could between two of the couches back cushions. He certainly wasn't so sleepy, and the warmth he felt at being so filled up and stretched out wasn't something he wanted to give away for mere sleep. Still though he closed his eyes, nuzzling down between the cushions. Just sit back and rest for a moment, he thought with a smile.

The tiger knew well what had just happened, and what it meant. He knew what he felt for the wolf very well; it wasn't love just yet, but there was certainly a level of affection and desire there. Cameron hadn't wanted to get attached to anyone for a little while, but he knew better than to question fate when it delivered him such a nice, good person. The trip hadn't gone exactly the way he'd planned, not by a long shot. Still, the tiger knew he'd not have had it any other way.

And after all, he still had plenty of time with Ryan yet to come.

Listen to The Sound Of White with this Youtube link!

The Sound Of White

Like a freeze-dried rose, you will never be

What you were, what you were to me in memory

But if I listen to the dark

You'll embrace me like a star

Envelop me, envelop me...

If things get real for me down here

Promise to take me to before you went away -

If only for a day

If things get real for me down here

Promise to take me back to the tune we played

Before you went away

And if I listen to the sound of white

Sometimes I hear your smile, and breathe your light

Yeah if I listen to, the sound of white

You're my mystery, one mystery

My mystery, one mystery

My silence solidifies

'Til that hollow void erases you

Erases you so I can't feel at all

But if I never feel again, at least that nothingness

Will end the painful dream, of you and me

If things get real for me down here

Promise to take me to before you went away

If only for a day

If things get real for me down here

Promise to take me back to the tune we played

Before you went away

And if I listen to, the sound of white

Sometimes I hear your smile, and breathe your light

Yeah if I listen to, the sound of white

Sometimes I hear your smile, and breathe your light

And if I listen to, the sound of white

I knelt before some strangers face

I'd never have the courage or belief to trust this place

But I dropped my head, 'cause it felt like lead

And I'm sure I felt your fingers through my hair...

And if I listen to, the sound of white

Sometimes I hear your smile, and breathe your light

Yeah if I listen to, the sound of white

The sound of white

The sound of white

The sound of white

*pantpantpant* You're done! I'm done! You finished the story, despite the upload issues. Congratulations! Double points if you read it all! Triple points if you like the song too, I suppose, since it's one of my absolute favourites. Wow. For my longest project on Yiffstar, I'm sure glad I'm done with this one... for this year. Yes, you heard me right. This isn't the end of Ryan and Cameron, though you're going to have to wait a while before hearing from them again. I've got a lot of different projects to work on presently, so it might not even be until next Christmas when you get to see them. But don't worry; it'll be another nice, long piece for your reading and fapping pleasure.

So there you have it! The fourth story in my little Christmas special is done! Please leave some comments down below (including the obligatory "I Came!" if you did so!), to let me know how you liked it! Give it a rating, a fav, anything! Moreso than any of the other stories I have and will upload during this little special, I'd really, truly appreciate some feedback from this one. This story was a very big deal to me, and any feedback would be very much appreciated.

And don't forget; even after this, there's still one more story to go! That's right, it's Christmas day today, but you still get a little bit more out of me. Tomorrow, Friday the 26th, you're getting one more short story to wind out the week. Once again I hope you enjoyed this story and the series as a whole. Take care, furballs, and see you again tomorrow!

The Sound Of White - Part 1

Hello furballs, and welcome to Fae's Christmas Music-Themed Special! Christmas falls on a weekday this year, today, and I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate and give the furry community something than with this; five stories, one new one each...

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The Itch

Hello furballs, and welcome to Fae's Christmas Music-Themed Special! Christmas falls on a weekday this year, and I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate and give the furry community something than with this; five stories, one new one each day....

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Can't Stop The World

Hello furballs, and welcome to Fae's Christmas Music-Themed Special! Christmas falls on a weekday this year, and I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate and give the furry community something than with this; five stories, one new one each day....

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