Marshall Law (5)

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#5 of Marshall Law

Here is part 5 of Marshall Law, my continued thanks go to Kausn_Husky for agreeing to allow me to use his character.

Comments, votes and favourites are always welcomed.

Marshall Law (5)

Wolfie Steel & Kausn_Husky.

(My thanks to Kausn_husky for agreeing to help me with this story, all of the characters in this story are mine, however, Sergeant Lucas Doyle has been given over to Kausn, as hopefully he will be able to add something to the story)

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Lucas begins to wheel me towards the ramp but I grip the wheels to bring us to a stop.

"Lucas hon, I have to start doing things for myself, so please let me at least try to get back into the house, sure I know that coming out here I was on a downward facing ramp, but I need to build my arm muscles up so that I can push my way back up that ramp"

A smile plays across Lucas's muzzle, he releases the chair handles but stays behind me just in case I need help. We begin the journey back towards the ramp, if I'm being truthful here then yes my arms are starting to feel tired, but I push on regardless.

Suddenly I am facing the incline of the ramp and to be fair it is only the slightest of inclines, but to someone like me who is trying to get used to a new set of ideals it may as well be Mount Everest. I push the button on the rail to open the door, I then clamp my paws around the rims of the wheels of my chair, I take a deep breath and then I begin my uphill journey.

With every push of the wheels I can feel my arms getting more and more tired, but at the moment my damn head is still full of pride, so much pride in fact that I can't actually tell that I am beginning to struggle.

I get about half way up the ramp when I finally hit the wall with regards my energy levels and I begin to roll back down the ramp, panic now grips a hold of me as I realise that I have no power left in my arms to stop myself from rolling back down the ramp at full speed. Lucas though has seen my slight roll back and has his paws on the handles of the chair in seconds, he now pushes me the rest of the way into the house and then closes the door behind us, he then kneels down in front of me and takes my hand paws into his own, he can also see the look of disappointment on my face.

"Look Todd, you are still trying too hard, now while I am impressed that you managed to get half way up the ramp by yourself, I also know that you should have stopped sooner and asked for my help. It is going to take a little time before you can have full mobility with the chair, I was lucky, when I had my accident I was able to afford a powered chair, but at the moment, the only power that your chair has is you and that power needs to be built and trained"

My face brightens a little, yes I know that in a way I have just been ripped a new hole by Lucas, but I also know that it was said with love and respect. Lucas now stands and begins to walk around the house switching on the lights, I hadn't realised that the sun was even going down. I try a tentative push on my wheel rims, hoping that I have enough energy to move on smooth level surfaces; thankfully I find that I can with just little bites of pain to remind me that I had just been a total prick.

I roll myself from the kitchen and into the living room, again Lucas comes to me to check my waste bag, he seems to consider things for a few seconds but then stands up and heads into the kitchen, I fix my eyes firmly on his rump as he leaves the living room, and I let out a growl of lust,One day Marshall you are going to have that gorgeous Doberman ass on the end of your cock and when that day comes you will know that all of the shit that you are going through now was all so worth it.

I am abruptly dragged from my daydream by the sound of Lucas's voice.

"Hey Todd, do you want steak for dinner or will you just be happy with eating my ass?"

Damn it, that Doberman doesn't miss a single trick.

"You caught me staring huh? Well come on sweets you gotta admit that you do have an ass to die for, at the moment it is the thought of me being able to play with it that is giving me the extra will I need to pull through this"

Lucas comes back into the living room with an evil smile on his muzzle, he stands before me and then turns around, he lowers his trousers and underwear to just below his ass cheeks, he then rests his hand paws on the hand rails of my chair and gently lowers himself into my lap, he then wiggles his butt against the crotch of my shorts and I find out with thanks that my Foxy cock is still able to get hard. Lucas giggles and then looks over his shoulder at me.

"The steak is cooking, so while we have a little time to kill why don't you and I get a little better...acquainted?"

At first my thoughts were that he was going to somehow remove my shorts and lower his ass onto my fully engorged hard on, but I knew that would be difficult with this damn bag on, instead Lucas raised himself from my crotch and headed over to the couch, he then beckoned me over to the couch, and so I wheeled myself over to it.

"Now Todd, I may not be able to give you my butt yet but I can offer you something else, my cock, and before you grumble and groan and tell me that you can't reach it, that is why I have brought us over to the couch, I will stand on the couch while you wheel yourself so that you are sideways on, and then that will mean that my cock will be at just the right height for you"

Oh gods can this be true? Can I take my first taste of my loving Doberman? Could it really be that simple?

Lucas climbs onto the couch and then stands up on his foot paws, I then move my chair so that the side of it is tight up against the front of the couch, Lucas again lowers his trousers and underwear and then leans gently on my shoulder, by now my head is turned and I am facing the sweet and hard Doberman cock. It is a little high but with some gentle manoeuvring my muzzle finds its target.

Oh sweet lord how good it feels to have a guys cock in my muzzle again, the fact that it is a Doberman cock makes it all the sweeter. I begin to gently suckle on Lucas's hard shaft which earns me groans of satisfaction.

Still using my shoulder for balance and leverage, Lucas begins to gently thrust into my muzzle. After a few moments his thrusting becomes quicker and more urgent while my suction increases to the max, I get my first reward as Lucas's sweet pre oozes from his sweet and tender cock, none of which is wasted as it gets sucked into my throat.

Lucas now becomes a desperate dog and thrust into my maw like a mad man, each time his balls collide with my chin, and I know that pretty soon my second reward will be flowing down my throat.

Lucas begins to pant heavily, he also begins to woof a little, and so I know that he is nearing the point of no return. Suddenly and without warning Lucas's cock explodes spewing its payload of slightly salty but very warm cum. I don't want to disappoint Lucas by allowing any of his beautiful seed to go to waste and so I swallow everything that he has to give me.

After a few moments the torrent eases and then finally comes to a stop, Lucas slowly pulls his shaft from my muzzle; I give it a loving lick to clean it off before he fully pulls free. I can feel the paw that Lucas is using to support himself on my shoulder is now shaking quite a bit, I place my right paw on top of his shaking paw and then slowly guide him back down to the floor.

"Well Todd, you have just managed to totally blow my mind, I knew that I wanted you before but now I never want to leave"

I lick my muzzle to get what is left of Lucas's seed.

"I'm not going to lie to you Lucas, but I was once in a relationship where my partner said those exact same words to me, and so at this early stage I think we should just take things one day at a time, but if the quality of the goods that I have just tasted continues to be so high, then I for one won't want to go anywhere else"

We break away from the kiss and Lucas redresses his lower half, he then vanishes back into the kitchen to finish preparing our meal. Half an hour later he re-enters the living room carrying two plates which are adorned with steaks that would put a five star chef to shame, with fries and vegetables to accompany them.

"Damn it all to hell, I forgot the cutlery"

I let out a slight giggle at Lucas's cursing.

"Hey hon, just park that beautiful arse of yours on the couch and I will wheel myself into the kitchen and get what we need, after all it is the least that I can do since you have serviced me and cooked for me"

I give a sly wink as I roll into the kitchen, I find the cutlery draw and bring out two sets of knives and forks, I also notice that Lucas has stored his condiments at a low level, obviously a throwback to the days when he was in a wheel chair.

I collect everything that we need and lay it in my lap and then I roll my way back into the living room.

We sit and eat our meal whilst watching some stupid sitcom on the TV, once the meal is finished Lucas collects our empty plates and takes them to the dishwasher, he then returns the condiments back to their neatly ordered place and then he returns to the living room and stands at my side.

Lucas gently leans in and kisses me on the muzzle, as we break away we both begin to yawn, well it has been a very busy day. Lucas heads upstairs to get the second chair ready for me and to make sure that the lights are on.

"Okay Todd, everything is ready up here, do you need me to come down and give you a paw with getting to grips with the stair lift?"

I wheel myself to the foot of the stairs and take a look at the contraption that I am about to trust my broken Foxy body to.

"It's okay Lucas; I think I can manage from here"

I turn my chair around so that my back is facing the wall, this also has the added benefit of keeping my chair out of the way of the stairs, I place both paws on the hand rails of my chair and then begin the task of building up to the point where I would start to lift myself out of the chair.

After a few minutes of psyching myself up I apply the brakes to the chair and then slowly begin to lift myself clear of the seat. My legs stand on the floor but I know that I cannot take my paws away from the chair without having at least one paw resting on the arm rest of the stair lift, I stand there for a moment and then I move my right paw to the right hand rest of the lift.

I slowly move to the lift and gently sit on the seat, I then bring the armrest down into place, I then rest my arms on the armrests. I move the switch and I glide effortlessly up to the upper landing, Lucas then takes my paw and gently helps me stand from the stair lift seat, he then helped me into the second wheelchair and then wheeled me into the bedroom.

Lucas checks my bag again and this time he changes it for the empty one, he then heads off to the bathroom to complete his own bedtime ritual as well as empty my bag, after a few moments I hear the bathroom sink as he washes his hand paws and then cleans his teeth ready for bed. Moments later he returns to the bedroom and allows me to go and clean my own teeth, hey I might be all banged up but I take my hygiene seriously, I just can't wait until I get the full use of my bladder back again and then I can stop being so much of a burden to Lucas.

With my teeth now clean I wheel myself back into the bedroom where I find that my Doberman is already under the sheets.

"Need me to help you into bed hon?"

I park the chair next to the bed and shake my head, I then begin to lever myself out of the chair and then gingerly into bed.

It seems that I am learning to cope with my situation more by the minute and I look forward to the day when I can return to a degree of normality.

Lucas licks me on my left cheek and then turns out the light and we both drift off into a peaceful if slightly uncomfortable slumber.

Marshall Law (6)

**Marshall Law (6)** **Wolfie Steel & Kausn\_Husky.** **_(My thanks to Kausn\_husky for agreeing to help me with this story, all of the characters in this story are mine, however, Sergeant Lucas Doyle has been given over to Kausn, as hopefully he...

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Howard's Way (6)

**_Howard's Way (6)_** _By Wolfie Steel_ Mason and I sit in the car while Max drives us to our destination, as we make the journey Mason leans forward to speak to Max. "Max, I know that you are retired, but Tom has never been to a race meet before,...

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Global Defences, Part 2

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