I. Give me a break

Story by Vexxus on SoFurry

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As told by Nina

Spring break. I was pleasantly woken up by the breaking dawn as the rays of sunlight fell into my room. As I came to my senses, I felt the soft material of my pink pawed sleeper all around me, and the fluffy fur of my stuffed White Shepherd's head under my chin. My muzzle was occupied suckling a pacifier, and my hips and tail were snugly embraced by a soft diaper. As I rolled over to lay on my back, I remembered the phone call with my father.

_ "Hey dad, it's me, Nina."_

_ "Ah, my favorite daughter!" he joked._

_ "Dad, I'm your_only daughter."

_ "I know," he stated matter-of-factly, "but that doesn't keep me from calling you my favorite."_

_ I rolled my eyes and playfully snorted._

_ "Anyway, why did you call?" my father asked curiously._

_ "It's about the Spring break. Milo is going to write and practice a theatre play this week, together with some of his fellow students. They needed someone to take care of the scenery, so I offered to help them out."_

_ "Does that mean you won't be coming home this week?"_

_ There was a tone of sad disappointment in his voice._

_ "Oh I will, it's just... I won't be staying with you guys for the entire week. I'll stay for the weekend and I'll be leaving again on Monday, early in the afternoon, so I'm back in Northshore on time for dinner. Would that be okay with you?"_

_ "Ideally, you'd be here all week, but you're responsible for your own decisions, young lady. Besides, if you'd spend your Spring break here, I'm fairly sure that a certain Hare Indian is going to miss you."_

_ I chuckled at his suggestion. "I bet he will. So, I'll be staying for the weekend, but they can't go without me here all week. Don't worry, though, I'll be visiting again two weeks from now, as usual."_

_ "That'll be great, Nina. I'll come to pick you up from the train station at the usual time tomorrow, okay?"_

_ "Yush, please. See you tomorrow!"_

_ "Goodbye!"_

Said weekend had come and passed, and it was now officially Tuesday. As I blinked, I realized that I was not in_my_ bedroom. Glancing to my right, my eyes met the muzzle of the Hare Indian I loved. He was still asleep, peacefully suckling his pacifier, and I knew he was cuddling his prized stuffed shark under the covers as well.

Smiling behind the shield of my own soother, I gently folded back the covers and sat up on the edge of the bed. I had not just been woken up by the sunlight, but probably by the growing pressure on my bladder as well.

Fortunately, I was 'prepared' for such a disturbance of my morning peace, and all I had to do once I sat up was relax and let it go. I quietly sighed in relief as the now familiar warm sensation spread between my legs. Tightly hugging my plushie Natasha, I savored the feelings that reminded me of the careless part of my puppyhood.

When I was done, I put the Shepherd back on my pillow, along with my pacifier. During the past minute, I had realized that while I woke up dry, Milo probably was not as fortunate - or_un_fortunate, depending on one's perspective. After all, he did not have to_pretend_ he needed a diaper to 'protect him against little accidents when he was in Dreamland', as he had once phrased it.

I let my paws touch the floor, then tiptoed to the other side of the bed, moving slowly so I would not disturb Milo. However, my diaper did not allow me to do this without a constant crinkling sound, which was only muffled by the fabric of my sleeper.

Quietly, I slid Milo's 'toy box' from under his bed and took off the lid. I took out a package of wipes, and a clean diaper in case he wanted to_stay_ little. While it would be nice to change him while he was still asleep, I knew that he was going to wake up eventually.

Folding back the covers on his side, I revealed his sleeping body. Like I expected, he was indeed hugging his plushie, Sharra. Although he wore a pawed sleeper of his own, no longer being covered had woke him up. His ears twitched, then he slowly blinked and turned his head to me.

"Hewwo Nina," he mumbled through his pacifier.

"Good morning, puppy," I whispered. "You want me to change your diaper, so you can snooze a little longer?"

He lisped a 'yush' as a response, then rolled over and laid on his back. I zipped down his sleeper with one hand, and stroked the fur on his chest and tummy with the other. Finally, both of my hands ended up at the waistband of his diaper.

As I undid the tapes of his well-used padding, I noticed that Milo had closed his eyes again. In the hopes that he was still more or less awake, I tapped the sides of his hips as a sign for him to lift his bottom. Fortunately, he understood the gesture and I was able to quickly swap his used diaper for a fresh one.

Some wiping later, I taped up the cartoonish garment and zipped his sleeper back up, careful not to get his fur stuck in the zipper. By then, the steady rhythm of Milo's breathing told me that he had drifted off again. Lastly, I gently folded the covers back to their original position and tucked him in.

I put the wipes back in Milo's toy box and took the used diaper with me to the bathroom, where I threw it in his pail. After I had washed my face and licked my headfur into shape a bit - pun intended - I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the two of us.

Changing my own diaper could wait. I do not particularly mind being wet, and Milo would be up to take care of me soon enough. Besides, I would leave shortly after breakfast, so I would not actually put on a fresh diaper. In short, I wanted to enjoy being little as long as possible.

As much as I had grown to like the soft and puffy garments, I did not dare to wear them outside the safety of my own room or Milo's apartment. It is a private and personal preference, and I do not want to be caught in a diaper when I am supposed to be a big girl.

Milo and I never go overboard when having breakfast. Some people prefer eating meat in the morning, especially the more carnivorous species, but we do not enjoy that. His grandparents always ate plainly in the morning, and he had adopted that habit.

I did not mind, since I was trying to stay in shape. Mountain Dogs are built a little bigger than the average breed, and the amount and structure of our fur does not exactly help on that account either. All in all, it took me only a few minutes to set the table.

Silently, I returned to Milo's bedroom. He was still snoozing, laying on his back just like when I had left. With a smile on my muzzle, I carefully crept on top of him, with my knees on either side of his body.

Just as he began to wake up again, I gently took his pacifier out and replaced it with my own muzzle. He let out a surprised but happy squeal as he felt my face touching his. I put my arms around his neck and loosely hugged him while we continued licking each other's muzzles, until I eventually let go of Milo and sat back up.

"I love you," he said with a dreamy look in his eyes.

"That's my line, pup," I joked.

He smiled. "Thankies for changing me, princess. I kinda needed that, but I didn't want to get up."

"You're welcome. I couldn't leave my little angel in a wet diaper now, could I?"

Milo's smile grew even bigger. "You're so nice... I wish I could cuddle with you forever."

I wanted to reply, but a growling noise in my stomach interrupted me.

"I'd love to, but I think my tummy disagrees with me. Are you hungry too?"

He nodded and I got off of him, so he could get out of bed.

"I've already set up everything. Come, let's eat," I invited.

Milo took my hand and followed me to the dining table. If only_every_ morning could be as perfect as this one.

Brand New Day (Commission)

Lucky was rudely awakened by the most annoying and penetrating noise in the world. His alarm clock kept repeating its pesky sound until the fiery red fox finally hit the 'off' button. A task easier said than done, apparently, as he missed the first two...

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Chapter XXXIV: And last

"But what about me?" Aran wondered aloud. "You said that a couple of your co-workers had their doubts when you accepted me as a charge." "I really wanted to be your caregiver, because you're essentially a runaway." "Like your son?" the wolf...

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Chapter XXXIII: Give me a sign

Monday. Two weeks had passed since Gina's return from the sleepover. During these days, the vixen had been a role model to Aran, helping Jennifer to teach him how to behave like a good puppy. The wolf had shown some early progress, along with...

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