Delivery Boy

Story by Shads on SoFurry

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Sliced and diced into smaller paragraphs for easier digestion. ^^

This is also my first attempt at writing something like this, so please be gentle. )8

Oh, and also:

Dragana = Part Dragon, part Iguana. (He was experimented on when he was 15. >.> )


Dust settled on his nose and a slight breeze followed the protesting creak of an ageing door from above. Virus wrinkled his nose lazily as consciouseness tried to take over his slumbering body. The air was thick with damp and stagnant age, small clusters of tiny flourescent fungi clustering together in the empty and forgotten corners of what he assumed to be a basement. He couldn't tell what the room was, but it was a strong feeling due to the lack of light that greeted him as he opened his eyes to a pair of cracks. The dim, afternoon sunlight filtered through a small barred window set in the wall high up, casting small mishapen rectangles of pink orange against his half naked body. He tugged at the bindings that held his arms above his head, the beam creaking and his muscles twinging in protest, the sudden sharp pain forcing him to stop. He tried to recall what had happened. He knew he was on his way to deliver something to someone who resided within the cluttered sky city of Hoomb. All had been going well until... Until... Until what? He asked himself groggily. He thought a moment, thinking harder, trying to ignore the tickling sensation on his forehead as his blue hair tickled him from the slight breeze that wafted down from the floor boards overhead. He was shot down. Crashed on the plains twenty miles south of Hoomb. Shit. Who the hell shot me down? He thought bitterly as his body ached, reminding him of the rough landing he and his sky bike had endured. Then he wondered how long he'd been unconscious for, wondering if he'd lost his customers already. Then he heard foot steps above him and more dust fell down. There was a low growl from a male, then a retort from a female. A swift argument followed, but he couldn't make out what was being said. The footsteps moved away from each other. Virus stayed perfectly still in his bonds, wondering if it'd be wise to let them know if he was awake. He decided against it, and stayed silent, listening to the lighter foot steps. They seemed to be drawing nearer and nearer, heading towards the old wooden door that sat atop the rickety staircase in the far corner. He held his breath, trying to slow his respiration down as he shut his eyes, going as limp as possible, trying to make it seem as if he was still out cold.

A soft paw traced up his chest, a finger finally comming to rest on his nose, lingering there for a moment before flicking it. Virus' eyes shot open. His nose felt as if it had been broken, like the rest of his aching body.

''Good morning. Or should I say afternoon?'' A small female Rabbit said.

Virus looked her over, taking in her generous curves concealed within a pair of tattered blue jeans and an old button up shirt. Her dark hair was tied back loosely with a piece of string and she smiled broadly.

''Roll your tongue back in, hotstuff. It ain't play time yet.'' She said with a slight wink.

''Where the fuck am I?'' Virus growled angrily, the words feeling as if they were tearing his throat apart.

''Home.'' She replied simply. ''Well, my home, anyway. And, I'm sorry to say, darlin', that you ain't going nowhere until Seth's had his fix.''

''Seth...? Fix...?'' Virus asked slowly, fear rising within the pit of his stomach.

''All I can say is, I'm here to provide the foreplay and the buffer between you and him.'' She said sweetly and walked off, leaving the battered Dragana alone in the basement once more.

A few minutes later, she came back down again, this time a large Hare following closely behind. He towered over the pair and Virus thought that he looked as if he might have been carved from stone. Virus tugged at his bindings one more time and Seth grinned.

'' 'nother lively one, 'eh?'' He said, eyeing up the trapped Reptillian.

He circled Virus like a hungry predator, running a finger around his waist as he moved. Virus wriggled away from his touch and Seth chuckled.

''Might 'ave t' cut these nasty lookin' spikes off. 'orns gotta go too.'' He said.

Virus panicked, gaining another laugh from Seth.

''I were joking.'' He said, grabbing his tail and pulling it upwards to inspect Virus' ass. ''Nice... Can see I'm gonna 'ave fun wit' this.''

''Oh gods...'' The Reptile whispered in dismay.

''Did you bring it down with ya?'' Seth asked the Rabbit.

She shook her head.

''Left it upstairs by accident. Sorry.''

''Stupid bitch, 'ow many times do ah 'ave t' tell ya?'' He growled, anger flashing in his eyes.

Virus watched the Hare stalk off back upstairs.

''He likes to get straight to the point, so I'll try and relieve some of the pain for ya.'' She winked.

Either way, he didn't like where this was going, and wanted out as soon as possible.

''How long does he last, er...'' Virus finally managed to ask.

''Suzi. And not very long, thank god. He thinks he's god's gift to all living creatures, but I've had much better.'' She said with a sly grin.

Seth came back down into the basement, the old wooden steps creaking and groaning under his bulk. In his paw he held a red ball attatched to a couple of strips of black leather. He approached Virus, Suzi scooting out of the way, and held it up in front of his nose. He could see the teeth marks on the solid piece of spherical rubber and he let out a soft whimper.

''Can't 'ave ya makin' too much noise an' rousin' the neighbours, now, can we?'' Seth sneered.

Suzi rolled her eyes lightly and watched as the Hare proceeded to force the ball gag into Virus' mouth. Virus pulled his head back, tilting his snout into the air at an angle, trying to avoid the chewed up ball of rubber, but Seth's massive paw landed on the back of his head, wrapping his fingers in his blue hair and gripped his head firmly between his four horns, pushing his head forward, squeezing, digging his claws in trying to force his mouth open. Virus let out another whimper as he felt a trickle of blood slide down his neck and in that instant the foul tasting gag was forced into his mouth, the straps being wrapped around his head and tightened.

''Good boy.'' Seth said and patted him on the cheek.

Virus tried to ignore the pain in his arms as Seth circled around behind him. He had a fair idea of what was comming next and concentrated on something else instead, trying to avert his attention from the impending pain that loomed over him from behind. He felt the massive paws slid around his to front, groping harshly at what wasn't there.

''Geez, boy. When were th' last time you ate proper?'' Seth said, half heartedly.

Virus stayed silent.

''Well? Answer mah goddamned question!'' He growled, gripping his throat tightly.

Virus gagged for a breath through the lump of rubber in his maw and the organic vice on his throat.

''Mmph mrphn.'' He said, his words muffled and lost.

''I think that was something like ''Six days ago.''.'' Suzi said and shrugged lightly, looking the wirey crossbreed over,a flicker of pity and shame dancing across her green eyes.

''Then think o' this as yer lucky day, a'cause I'mma stuff you good and proper tonight!'' Seth cackled then glared at Suzi when she chuckled.

The Hare's paws fell to the waistband of Virus' jeans and he fumbled with his belt buckle, growling when another small giggle floated over from Suzi. He finally managed to complete his task, unzipping his jeans and letting them fall to the floor around the Reptile's feet. His boxer shorts quickly followed, gaining a small wistle from the Rabbit who sat perched atop an old dusty crate with a warning scrawled across it's splintered side in dulling red paint.

''I claim first dibs on the front!'' She said, a little too excitedly.

Virus squeezed his eyes shut, trying to block out the feel of Seth's probing finger. The Hare's trousers had been quickly discarded and now his paws were working at Virus' rear, one paw pulling his tail up, holding it firmly, the other, busy working at slackening his tail hole. He squirmed under Seth's touch, only gaining a painful yank backwards, letting out a muffled yelp as his finger sank deep within him from the force of the tug.

''Fuck, boy, you is tight.'' Seth grumbled. ''You trynna pull mah finger off, or summut?''

Virus growled into his ball gag and tensed all his muscles, enjoying the light whimper of pain he recieved from behind. He heard a hard crack and his vision blanked for just a moment as Seth released his tail momentarily to smack him in the back of the head.

''Behave an' do as yer told, or I'll feed ya t' th' local mutts, gottit?'' He growled in his ear.

Virus gave a weak nod, casting a small glance sideways at Suzi, pleading through his eyes for some form of help. She looked at him and slowly slid from her perch atop the crate and sauntered over to him. Seth glared at her, but she returned the look with one of her own.

''I reckon that tail of his could tear you in half, so if you wanna fuckin' tonight, then I suggest you let me bring him a little pleasure, ok, ya wannabe stud?'' She snapped and leaned toward where she assumed Virus' right ear was. ''Try an' relax, sweety. I'm gonna try and make this as bearable for you as possible.'' She said and planted a kiss on his nose, wiping away a tendril of saliva as it slid from his lower lip.

She sank to her knees, her paws roaming as far around his body as they could, and he let out a small moan, trying to concentrate more on her gentle touch, rather than what was going on behind him. Maybe, he could turn this into a somewhat pleasurable experience after all, assuming his mind and the Hare let him...

His dick slid out into view and Suzi murred, nuzzling and licking it, teasing it into hardness. Seth growled something from behind and Virus flinched as a larger, hotter piece of flesh touched him, forcing him wider. He tried to concentrate on Suzi as she sucked on him, nibbling his tip everytime she pulled her head back, but it didn't stop his nerves from burning the signal of pain up his spinal cord and into his brain as Seth pushed his own erection further into him, one paw on his hip, gripping firmly, and the other still hanging onto his tail. A small moan escaped from around the ball of chewed rubber as Seth sank in as far as he could, Virus sinking his teeth further into the rubber, adding to it's old and relatively new wounds as agony mixed with pleasure. He tugged on his bindings again, but that only made things worse. Seth pulled him upwards, Virus moaning as pain raced through his body complaining about the wounds and the Hare for being in a place he shouldn't really be. Suzi grunted something in protest as Virus' hard length slid from her mouth, trailing a few strings of pre and saliva, but her words weren't as harsh as Virus' own as he was forced to sink down onto the Hare's dick.

Virus wriggled against him, trying to move away, but his body was starting to betray him. There was a pleasurable edge to the pain and a small moan escaped again, but this time not one of fear or of pain. Behind, Seth grinned.

''Startin' t' enjoy this, eh?'' He grunted as he bucked his hips as hard as he could, gaining a grunt from Virus.

Suzi hastily stripped her clothes off, leaving them on the floor with Virus' own, and she reached up, standing on her tip toes, trying to match Virus and Seth's height as they towered over her. She grabbed at the Reptile's wrists, her nails sinking into the rope that bound him and she pulled herself up, wrapping her legs around his thin frame as best she could before aligning herself with him and sinking down onto his ridge dappled erection, groaning, tilting her back as he filled her.

Virus returned the groan and tilted his head forward, nuzzling her breasts as she moved up his shaft, but only succeeding in dribbling on her. He let out a frustrated moan then flinched hard as Seth started pounding into him with all his might, bringing more dust and grit down from the beam over head. With each of Seth's thrusts, Virus bucked into Suzi, the three's moaning and grunts filling the murky air in the basement. Seth's nails dug into his scales and he let out a low growling moan as he gave one last, hard thrust, emptying himself into the Dragana. Finally. Virus thought as the Hare pulled away from him, panting heavily. He leaned against one of the crates and watched the two, a flicker of jealousy settling behind his eyes as Suzi bounced against his hips, their lust dripping slowly to the floor as they moved against each other. She reached around the back of his head and fiddled with the small silver buckle that held the ball gag tightly in place. He felt the straps slacken around his head and he tilted his head to one side and spat the gnawed red sphere out. Suzi hastily wiped the saliva away from his maw as they continued moving.

''The fuck ya think ya doin'?'' Seth roared.

''It's better without them gagged.'' She growled, her words of anger quickly dissolving into a lustfull moan as Virus nipped at her neck, dragging his rough, forked tongue up towards her ear.

''Thankyou.'' He panted into one of her long ears. ''Any longer, and my jaw would've seized up.''

She smiled at him and whimpered, feeling her climax rising swiftly within her. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, wrapping it around her own and she finally gave in, groaning into his maw as she was finally sent over the edge, her juices flowing out and around him, mixing with his own as he released himself, their cocktail dripping to the grimey floor below as their movements ground to a halt. She opened her eyes and looked at him.

''Shame I'm gonna have to let you go now.'' She whispered, out of breath.

''I may come back on my way home. Just for you though.'' He smiled.

Seth growled angrily and stormed out of the basement, leaving the two alone. She slid down from him and picked up a knife. Clambering onto a crate, she cut the ropes that bound him and his arms fell to his sides in a rush of painful heat as the blood started flowing properly again.

''Thankyou delivery boy.'' She said with a small smile. ''You've just made my day.''

He smiled back and pulled his pants and jeans back on.

''Your bike's out back, all repaired and ready for take off. Just promise me, that on your way back home, you'll take me with you.''

Virus looked at her, her words swarming in his mind.

''Promise.'' He replied.

Scene Three: "Lonely"

Her arms were already wrapped around his neck before Ferro could react. His immediate facial expression was one of shock sprinkled with a hint of fear. _What's the Captain doing? I could get thrown into the brig for this..._ With a gentle tug, he was...

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Scene Two: Funeral

Private First Class Terrence Ferro stood at attention in full dress uniform, the fine pleats on his slacks at an almost blade-like crease. His boots were waxed and the black leather and polished gunmetal glinted powerfully in the harsh fluorescent...

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Scene One: Green

Ferro stared at the trembling pistol in his hands. His wavering, emerald green irises traced the tendrils of smoke rising from the barrel, that tell-tale scent of gunpowder filtering through his nostrils. For what felt like an eternity, he could not...

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