Fate , Desteny or strange luck ( Episode 1 of 8. Finding friends in the deepest hour )

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#1 of Fate , Desteny or strange luck

It´s been a while now since I posted something here and I hope that some people are still watching me.

I´ve had some troubles to come over in the past and I´m still not through them yet.

Anyways.... I hope that you like my First Complete Series that I´m trying to upload now.

Have fun Voting and maybe Complaining but please...... I know that my English is not that good.

OHHH.... This Story begins after the Pokemon Film Zoroark the Master of Illution ( or so ) and has to do with it.

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Fate , Desteny or strange luck ( Episode 1 of 8. Finding friends in the deepest hour )

We write the year 2011. Better said September in this Year. Somewhere in Coronia City. A rainy night with many flashes. Zoran, a young Pokemon ranger , was running through a forest in the search of a dry and safe place when he suddenly heard a Pokemon screaming for help. Zoran quickly discovered the direction and ran there where he quickly found the Pokemon. It was a heavy wounded Zoroark which was barely alive.......

Now then that it is the year 2012. Since that night so many things had changed for Zoran. He wasn´t a ranger anymore. He traveled all over the world in search of something or better said someone. Even his clothes had changed. He had first liked to wear the Ranger standard uniform but now he was only wearing a long Jacket who was divided into two colors. One side was Black and the other was white just like his hat. He even tried to hide his left side and stayed away from Humans which gave him the nickname "man of shadows or illusions". It was not that he doesn´t want to hide himself but if a human would have seen his left side he would surely be run away to call someone bad like Team rocket which are giving him a really hard time every time they had met. Now he was sitting on a road in a forest with his only Pokemon on his side. A female Ninetales . They both enjoyed the sun and dreamed of some nice places when Zoran suddenly heard three voices coming his way.

Should I hide or should I stay? He asks himself but before he could make an answer ready he saw three Kids coming his way. Two Boys and one girl. One of the Boys had a Pikachu sitting on his shoulder which looked really happy in his direction. Once the kids were on his high he began to speak to them.

" AHM. Hi there."

The three stopped and look into his half hidden face first. Then The Boy with the Pikachu said

" Hi. Can we help you?"

" Maybe. Do you see a Pokemon called Zoroark or Zoroar ?"

" Yes. We have seen both. A Zoroark and a Zoroar." The girl said

" Really? When? Where?" Zoran asks her while he hold one of her arms hard.

" HEEHH. Let me go!"

" Oh. I´m sorry." Zoran said and let her arm go " It´s just that you are the first one´s who saw them and now please tell me all you know about them."

" Well.... We saw.... Better said, we rescued them both from an asshole in a City called Coronia City where he had let the Zoroark made some trouble while he kept the Zoroar as a hostage only to catch a Celebi. "

" I see. I heard about that incident but I didn´t know that a Zoroark was involved. Please go on oh and tell me did the Zoroar had something special on his Body or said something funny ?"

"Well.... His Body was looking normal but when he transformed always his Tail didn´t and he always said the word MIMA or something like that."

" MI....MIMA.... Where did they go? When have last seen them?"

Zoran asks loudly while he jumped up and grabbed the second Boy on his Pullover .

"They both took a ship and.... COUGHT.... It was a week ago. Please... COUGHT.... Let me go. You are hurting me."

" Where did the ship go ?"

Zoran asks the Boy while he began to increase the pressure with his hands or at last one Hand and a cowered Hand or Paw.

"NNNNHHHHHH......PLEASE......SOME AIR....!!!!"

Right at this moment, Zoran Eyes began to glow a bit white and he said

" Let him go Drake."

All began to wonder. Who was drake that he called? Then he said again

" Let him go Drake." And he became an answer from himself

" No. Not until I got an answer."

" What the hell is wrong with you man? "The Boy with the Pickatchu asks while he tried to undo one of Zoran´s Hands.

" Leave me alone kid." Zoran answered and throw the Kid away, right into the Ninetales which caught him in the Air. Then she barked loudly into Zoran´s direction and slowly he let loose his grip on the second Boy. Once the grip was gone , Zoran grabbed his own face on the side he was hiding and said to the kids.

" I..... I´m..... Please forgive us. He cannot control himself just like I can. MMMMMMMMMHHHH. GIVE ME SOME PEACE DRAKE !!!"

The last words Zoran shouted out loud until he broke down to his knees. There he breathed hardly but was now a bit happier.

" Finally a moment of peace." Zoran said. " I´m pretty sure that you wanted an explanation for this."

" Yep your right." The girl said

" HAHAHA. I´ll tell you but first. My name is Zoran and this is my Ninetales Rosy. Who are you?"

" I´m Lucia and this is Piplup"

" Hi. I´m Ash and this my partner Pikachu."

" And my name is Brock. Nice to meet you."

" Same back Brock and sorry for the hard way he walked with you."

" What do you mean with "him"? It was you that held me so hard. None other." Brock said

" Well that´s not completely right. I...."

Right at that moment Pickatchu sprang from ash´s shoulder and walked directly in front of Zoran. Then he began to speak in Pokemon

" Pi...Pika, Pikachu. Chu"

" No. Not this way Pickatchu." Zoran answered and Ash and his friends began to wonder.

" Pikachu. Pika .Chu, Chu."

" HEH. I already said sorry to him why should I do more ?"

" Nine...Ninetales...nine" Rosy went in in low but steady Voice.

" NAHH...Alright , alright . Drake you have heard them. Come out and say sorry to Brock."

" Do I have to?" Zoran said again to himself and now Ash and his friends were totally confused or better said hopeless lost.

" Did you want to feel some pain from them and me?" Zoran said now.

" OK.OK. I give in. Sorry Broke. Happy Now ?"

" Me yes." Zoran said.

" Tales!"

" Pika !"

" Ok seems like they were fine with it too HIHI. Now then.... You are wondering why I can understand them too right?"

Ash and his friends only nodding.

" Well that´s simple said ...." He was cut by a Metalhand that flew past his Head and grabbed Pikatchu. Then it retreated but before it disappeared in the bushes , Zoran grabbed it and held it in place while he shouted out.

" Come out and declare yourself."

" Declare Ourselfs? Just give us Pikachu. That´s all I am going to say." A female said while she walked out of the bush.

" Yeah you are right Jessie. Just give us Pikachu and let my Hand go." A male said behind her and only a second later a Balloon with a Mauzi came in sight.

" Team Rocket! Why are you after this Pikatchu.? I thought that you are only gathering special Pokemon like me."

Now all were confused.

" You ? A Pokemon. HAHAHA. Don´t make me Lough. You cannot perform a single attack human." The Mauzi said while he shot a second hand on the nine tails.

" We will see Mauzi !" Zoran shouted back and then his Eyes begin to glow. Next the second hand hit the nine tails but nothing happened.

" What the hell ? " Mauzi said and tried his luck again but again he didn´t hit.

" He Mauzi, what are you doing? Stop playing and catch it!" Jessie said.

" I try it Jessie but I cannot hit it. Dammit." Mauzi answered.

" HAHAHAHAHA..... And you thought that I´m not a Pokemon. HAHAHA. Fools. Hey Rosy. Gave them a warming up my little lady. Flamethrower."

The Ninetails got up with his Head and began to fire. First it was only a little flame and Team Rocket began to laugh loudly until the flame grew. From one second to another it had grown 10 times its starting size and hit the balloon which exploded and Team Rocket was flying through the Air. In the Meantime, Zoran had freed Pikachu and now they all were looking with big Eyes on Team Rocket which was standing right in front of them. Yep, you read right. They were still standing there but their Eyes were empty.

" What did you do with them and what are you? " Lucia asks Zoran

" I only hypnotized them. They will soon come back to sins again. And what I am.... Well I tell you later but for now please come with me to the next Pokemon center. There I will tell you all. Promised."

They all began to leave the place and 20 minutes later they arrived at the center.

" Hi there Joy." Zoran said to the nurse but was quickly overrun by Brock.

" OHOHO. Hi there Nurse Joy. I´m Brock but you can call me Hun or lover ....."

" Croagunk "

" ..... O... Or whatever you want.... UFF ."

" QUACK. Quack."

"Yep. You are right Croagunk. That was a bit too fast."

" HAHA. Hi there Zoran. Did you find what you were searching or are you still on it?" Joy asks.

" I´m still on it but I think that I´m on a really good way to finish my task soon. Can you maybe get us something to eat. My...Our Stomach is feeling so empty."

" That´s no problem. Just sit down. I´ll bring you something soon."

" Thanks."

30 minutes later they all had eaten and Ash and his friends were now waiting for Zorans secret to be revealed.

" UFF. OH Joy. You are as good as a 5 Star Restaurant."

" HIHIHI. Thanks for the compliment but thank Brock not me. He was the cock today."

" Really? Than thanks Brock."

" No need to be but now you have to tell us all about you."

" Yeah I know but first I must warn you. What you will see and hear from me is not funny."

" Go on. We have already gone through so many bad things that it cannot be so bad."

"Ha. With this bet you will loose ash." Joy said and Zoran got up from the table.

He then walked to the front side of the table and then his hand opened his Jacket first. Once it was open he let it glide down followed by his hat. There was silence from one second to another because ash and his friends couldn´t believe their Eyes. Even their Pokemon had stopped eating except Zoran Ninetails because she already knew his look. Right in front of them was a Creature standing that was looking half human , half Pokemon. His complete left side was looking normal with red hairs on his Head , a Blue Eye and a normal chest but his other half, that half that he normally hide, was looking like a Zoroark with the typical look. His middle section was a mixture of both Bodies.

" Does this explain why I can speak with Pokemon so well?" Zoran asks around and the others only nod. Then Ash asks

" How.... Why.... Did you have been born like this, Zoran?"

"ASH !!!" Lucia shouted out loud.

" UPS !!! Sorry. You don´t have to ...." Zoran cut him

" Answer it? No I wasn´t born in THIS Body. "

Zoran gathered all of his clothes again and put them on. Then he sat himself back on the table and began to tell them his Story.

" Well. I was born as a Human and I lived as one until I was 18. I worked as a ranger not far from here and on one night it happened."

Zoran took a deep breath and then he told them all.

" It was a rainy night. Only a half Year ago or so. I was running through this wood in search of a dry place until I heard someone crying for help. Once I reached the place where the help cries came from I found Drake. He was close to death and once I was over his Body he said

" P...Please.... My..... Family.... Must.... f.... Find.... h.... Help."

I tried all I could do and brought him here but Joy couldn´t help him. All I could do was watch him Die until an idea came up in my mind. You must know that my parents are from a Pokemon Mage line and so I´m able to use some old and real magic and that was what I used. I spoke out some old words and then Drake´s and my Body began to combine until I looked so as I´m looking now. Since then I have helped him with his search for his family but I didn´t find them or any information until I met you. Well that´s all that I can tell you for now. Scary right?"

" W...well.... I have to sleep over the night to get an answer to this so.... Have sweet dreams." Ash said and left the table. A few seconds later , all got up and walked to their rooms followed by their Pokemon except for Zoran, his Ninetails and Ash´s Pikachu. The three walked out on a balcony and sat themselves at a Bank. Then Pikachu said

" Pika. Pi. Pikachu. Chu, Chu. Pika." UNIVERSAL TRANSLATER ACTIVATED.

" Why didn´t you tell them all?"

" What do you mean? " Zoran answered back in Pokemon

" I mean the fact that when , you will find Drake´s mate, that you w...."

" Hold on! What do you know about Pokemon Magic?"

" I know what I have to know, so...."

" Rosy. Please go and prepare the room for us will ya?"

" WHAT? Why are you sending me away all time when it´s getting so interesting? Especially when it´s getting about Pokemon Magic." Rosy said while she got up and began to walk towards their room.

" It´s because the fact that you will find it boring and I know that you like it when I´m doing this. Don´t you?"

Zoran was right. She always loved it when he does it because every time when he came to her, she got a nice night with him in Bed. Once she was out of sight , Zoran looked to Pikatchu and said in a hard but low Voice.

" Listen. Don´t tell her anything about what will happen to me once we found his family."

" Why not? Doesn´t she deserve it to know the fact that you will go to kill yourself once you found them?"

" Do you think that it is this easy to tell someone that ... loves you that you will go to die once they were found? I bet that she would stop me immediately or slow me so much down that it were much too late to find them."

After Zoran said this , there was only silence until Pikachu finally said

" Fine. I will let you have your will but promise me this. Once the time comes you will tell her all from face to face."

" I promise and now go to your trainer. I bet he misses you already."

" That bet you will win but what about the promise."

" Well.... I...... AMMM."

" Promise or I ...." SNAP "....." Pikachu was readying a Thundershock.

" OK .OK . I promise. Damn you are harder to hold back than Drake. OUTCH."

" I heard that. Fool." Drake answered Zoran and slapped him on his half. UNIVERSAL TRANSLATION OFFLINE.

Then they both, Pikachu and Zoran, began to walk towards their rooms. About an Hour later, Pikachu awoke from his sleep because he heard a strange sound from Zorans room. Slowly and a bit drowsy, Pikachu walked towards Zorans room only to get a shock once he reached to door. It was a split wide open and Pikachu could see the source of the noises. He could see Zoran and Rosy by making Sex human style. The look of the scene brought some emotions to life in him and he quickly walked away again because he didn´t want to have these feelings right now. Once he was back in Ashs room , he moved himself onto ash again and fall asleep only to get fully hit by his feelings in his dream.

3 Months later

Zoran, Ash and their friends had traveled to the Island that Drake called his home but all over the months they didn´t find his family. Instead Ash wrote himself in for a Pokemon tournament that was going all over the island and Lucia for a Festival. They were both really good at it and from time to time Zoran helped them by giving them his helping hand or Rosys.

Now , on a sunny Sunday, ash was battling another trainer for some training. Lucia and Brock where producing some foot with their Pokemon and Zoran was moving towards a lake to get some water. On the lake he fall back in Memories or better said it where Drake´s memories. In it he was playing with his family at a lake that was looking the same just like this. Oh how he missed these Days of peace. Suddenly , he was taken away from the memory because in reality he heard something. His Ears were standing tall and he made no sound or movement.


"..... MA."

There was that sound again.


He tried to find the source of the sound.

" HOWL."

His heart stands from one second to another. This cannot be! He thought while he began to run towards the sound source. Not him! Not him! It took him only seconds until he reached a little clearing with two Pokemon on it. The first one , a Rhydon , was standing in front of another Rhydon but on the other, something was different.

" HMMMM. This Rhydon is looking normal but what disgusts me on it. " Zoran said lowly to himself. " His color is normal, his size, his tail, his..... Wait a minute. A Rhydon doesn´t have a tail like this."

Then all went quick. The first Rhydon attacked the other one and hit it fully. The second Rhydon dropped down to the Earth and.... Disappeared. In his place was now a Zoroar laying with a deep cut on his side. Seeing a Brother or sister laying there and being attacked was far too much for Drake and Zoran. He changed his Person to a big Graveler and attacked the first Rhydon. However. The first Rhydon was so much shocked by the appearance that it took his feats in Paw and ran away very fast. Once it was out of sight Zoran transformed himself back and then looked over the Zoroar.

" Shit. These wounds are deep but he had some luck. No Organs have been hit. OK. I better bring you to Brock so that he can he.........!"

He had moved the little body a bit and could now see the face of the Zoroar. His Eyes began to widen and his breath nearly stopped. In his Paw he was holding Drake´s Son.

" NOOOO. NOT MY SON!!! ROSY!!!!!! BROCK. HELP ME." Zoran screamed out very loudly and only seconds later Rosy showed up.


" What is it why you..." She stopped because she saw the Zoroar in his Paw and Hand. Then her next question came.

" Pokemon center or Brock?"

" Brock first. The center is a second option."

" Get on my back."


Once he was on her back she started running. Hold out my son. Help is on its way. Zoran thought and after this thought he howled into the Air only to get sure that his Mate wasn´t near but he didn´t became an answer. Instead his son began to move wildly in his arms as if he wanted to run away from something. Drake had some hard work to do on Rosy´s back but he managed it to hold out until they reached the others.

Ash and his friends were totally caught unprepared as Zoran arrived on Rosy´s back.

" Zoran. Is something wrong?" Ash asks.

" No time to talk. Brock, please help me." Zoran showed Zoroar in his arms.

" WOAH!! What has happened ?" Ash asks again while Brock made all things ready to heal the wound.

" I don´t know. First I heard him calling in the distance. Then I found him and battled a Rhydon that was attacking him and then ..... I Discovered that it.... Was.... Is ..... Drake´s son. Brock how´s he?"

" Hmm....." Was Brock´s only answer.

" What is it? Do you need something? Tell me!!!"

" No I don´t need anything but the wound could easily get infected out here. We better bring him to the Pokemon Center."

" As I thought. Give him to me. Rosy and I are fast enough to bring him there today."

" Are you sure? Normally you need a hole Day to get there." Lucia asks.

" I am. I know this place as well as my own home. Don´t forget, Drake was born here and I was a ranger here. I know every stone here so yep I am sure."

" Then go. We will follow you and take this with you. Maybe you got hungry on the way or the wound needs to be cured again." Brock said and handed Zoran his backpack.

" Thanks Brock. See you and please pray for him and his mother who is still out there."

After Zoran had said this he got up on Rosy´s back again and the next things that were being seen from them was a wave of Dust. About 3 hours later they both had made the half way but they got slower and slower by the time.


" Rosy stop." Zoran said

" What is it?" Rosy answered until she stopped.

" You need to rest. I´ll run the last part. Come and sleep a bit in your Pokeball."

" Fine, but I don´t go into this little Ball."

" Why not? I know you hate it but as far as I know is that you hate it more when you are left alone."

" That´s why I run by your side to the center."


" GAH... fine. Do what you want." Zoran said but before they started to run again Zoran grabbed her Pokeball and used it on her. Then he quickly bound it with a band because normally she would come out again without a permission and very Angry. Right after this he set on running again. All over the way, Zoroar was moving in his arms and one time he had to stop because Zoroar had begun to bleed again.

4 hours later. They made it. Completely out of breath, Zoran walked into the center and managed to say before he passed out.

" Help me..... My Son is ..... Is......."

In the middle of the night, Zoran woke up. He was lying in a room with two beds in it. He looked around and saw Drake´s Son laying in the other bed. He slowly slid down from his Bed and got into the Bed of his Son. There he only looked across him while Zoroar was sleeping peacefully. Seeing him sleeping so peacefully brought back some Memories of happier Days in Drake´s Head. He carefully took his son into his Arms like he did in the past and then he falls asleep again.

On the next morning. Zoran woke up early and he quietly left the Room. Once he was outside he walked towards the Main hall. There he sat himself on a table and looked outside.

" Chansey." Zoran looked back over his shoulder and said

" Thanks Chansey. "

Chansey had brought him a cup of tea and some breakfast. He slowly began to eat but he couldn´t eat that much. All of his thoughts were running around Drake´s son and mate. Then Joy came to his table.

" Good Morning. Slept well Zoran?"

" Yep. Thanks to you but what about ...his son?"

" You mean Zoroar? Well.... He had some luck that he is still under us. The wound was not deep but it was poisoned with Seviper gift."

" WHAT ? When I found him, he was fighting a Rhydon. Not a Seviper."

" Maybe he was attacked a bit earlier. Anyways. He is safe now. Just a few Days of rest and he then can wrap out some trees again."

"That´s good to hear. Do you think that he will wake up soon?"

" That I cannot tell you. The Body wound´s I can heal but the wounds that are in the soul...."

" Yeah, yeah. I know what you wanted to say. Well then I go back to the room and look over him. When my friends are here please send them to my room."

"No problem. What are their names?"

" Ash. Lucia and Brock."

" Ah I know the 3. Well as soon as they are here I will send them."

" Thanks."

Zoran then drank his tea and went back to his room. Once he was inside the room, he saw that his Son was still sleeping but his face was showing him that he was having a nightmare or something like it. As he stepped nearer, Zoroar suddenly began to move wildly and began to cry for help. Hearing him crying, Drake came out and grabbed his son softly. Then he took him into his arm and began to sing a sound while he waved him back and forth. It worked quickly. Zoroar came down and smiled while he slowly opened his Eyes. Before he had opened his Eyes fully, Drake hides himself under a blanket or at last only his Human side.

" YAWN. What a nightmare." Zoroar said a bit sleepy. Then he looked around. His Eyes quickly found Drake and once he was sure of what he was looking on he slowly managed to say.

" Fa...fa...father? Is that really you?"

"Yeah it´s me. Sorry that...." Drake was cut by his son's actions. He had begun to hold him hard and under some tears he managed to say

" SNIFF.... Father.... SNIFF. Where were you? Why did you leave us alone? Why, why, why SNIFF...CRY."

Seeing his son crying brought some tears into Drakes Eyes and he grabbed his Body to hold him close to his face, laying his Head onto his shoulder. There, he answered in a low and very lovely voice while he slowly stroke over Zoroars Head.

" I know that the times were very hard for you and your mother and trust me , I really tried my best to find you two but it was like I was witched. Every time I heard that someone might have seen you or your mother I travelled to that place fast but I only got disappointed. You were not there. Only some other Pokemon."

" I missed you so much father.... SNIFF.... But now we can both go back to Mo...mo...? Where is Mother? Is she here?" Zoroar said now in a bit better condition.

" No. She is not here even if I wishing it badly. I thought that you know where she is."

" I...I.... NNNHHHHH..... My Head!!! It hurts. The last thing that I can remember was that Mom and I tried to escape a bunch of humans who wanted to catch us. She was carrying me in her arms while she ran, but then she stopped and something hit my side hard. Then all went black and the next thing that I can remember was that big Rhydon who tried to eat me."

" I see. Very well. That only means that she is not far from here and I have to search her." Drake said and sat him down on the bed again.

" I´m coming with you." Zoroar said and tried to move but Drake immediately said

" NO. Stop moving. The hit you got was full with Poisen. You need to get rid of it all first so you stay in bed and wait for me and mother."

" But I feel fine. I go."

" Again No."

" But I.... I´m... ? Why did you look so strange? Hiding half of your Body and you smell like a human but...."

Drake was caught off guard. He had totally forgotten about Zoran. Now he had to try to find a way out.

" L.... LOO.... Looking strange.... No.. No I´m normal and.... And I´m hiding my Body because.... ÄHM... WOW. STOP. WAIT."

Zoroar didn´t listen. He had grabbed the blanket with his mouth and dragged it all down. Next he looked after his father and was out of words or you could better say frozen in fear. Then, after 5 minutes of looking he fearfully asks.

" W...What have happened to you? Will this going to happen someday to me and mom too?"

" No, no, no. You will be you. It´s only me that will look so." Drake answered.

" Forever?"

" Hopefully not but enough talk. I need to find your mother and you will rest no matter what. This is my last word."

" God Dammit. HHHMMMM.... Maybe you are right .... ARGH. This cut hurts."

" As I said. Oh before I forget. Do you want someone to play with while I´m gone ?"

"Sure, why not ? Can I choose who?"

" Sorry again. This Body belongs to a Pokemon ranger so he has only one Pokemon, normally."

With these words drake threw Rosy´s Pokeball and Rosy came out but not the normal way. Before she was materialized she jumped on Zoran´s Body and when she was materialized she barked into Zoran´s face.


" You asshole. I told you that I hate this Ball and that you will pay the next time you bring me into it."

Once she said these she higher Ed her right paw and wanted to strike into Zoran face half but before she could hit Zoroar said

"Please! Don´t hit my father."

"Don´t worry little one. I will only hit Zoran´s side. Not his. BAMMM"

She had done it. Her Paw had hit Zoran´s face half perfectly. His Eye was going Blue and he said

" Had you have enough Rosy? Yes? Fine. Get down from me."

Once she was done he said into her face.

" I will go for a search and you will stay here to protect him. Got that?"

She was a bit shocked because he had never commanded her in this way. Then she answered.

" And what should I do with him here in the meantime?"

" Play with him some games but be warned. He was Poisened with Seviper gift and not all is out of him yet."

" Hmm OK but I want something in return."

" That is?"

Suddenly a strange feeling came across her and she said with a face of fear.

" Come back to me alive."

Hearing this he smiled and let one paw glide over her head. Then he looked over to zoroar and said

" Be a nice little Boy and don´t go too fast on things."

" I will Father and bring MI...MA... Mother back."


Then Zoran walked out of the room right into ash and the others.

" Ups. Sorry." Zoran said

" No problem. Where are you going?" Ash asks

" To where my .... His Mate is."

" Can we.... HEY WAIT!"

Ash called but Zoran didn´t listen. His thoughts were only fixed on Drake´s mate and where he had found Zoroar. Once outside he started running but he didn´t come far because Officer Rocky was blocking his way with her car.

" Where do you want to go so fast Ranger Zoran?"

" I´m not a Ranger anymore and you have no rights to stop me. Get out of my way." Zoran answered angrily.

" I will not. Besides I wanted to help you to find his Mate just like them at your back."

Zoran turned his head and saw again Ash and the others.

" We wanted to help you too." Lucia said

"Thanks but I don´t want it." Zoran answered.

" You have no other choice. Zoroar is our friend too and we also want his mother back." Brock said.

" But I cannot...."

" You don´t need to ask or say something. We will come with you." Ash said cutting him and all their Pokemon letting out a word in their speak. DO IT. SAY YES.

Zoran said nothing instead he sat himself into Rockies Car and gave them a wink. He had agreed that they didn´t want to let him go alone and he was happy about it. Once all were in the car, Rocky asks.

" Where are we going ?"

" There." Zoran said while he pointed at a little place on a Land map.

" OK Everyone. Hold on tight." Rocky said smiling and Zoran added quickly.

" You better do what she said beeeeccccccccccccaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuusssssssseeeeeeee........."

He couldn´t speak on . Rocky gave her car a kick-start. Letting it jump from 0 to 100 in 5 seconds. The drive took about an hour and once they reached all jumped out, kissing the ground and thinking only I SURVIVED. Next they walked to the place where Drake found his son.

" Here it is. Here I found him battling the Rhydon." Zoran said

" Hmm.... Seems like that they were only two tracks here from the fight and yours." Rocky said while she looked through a reading-glass.

" Maybe we should split to find something." Ash added.

" Sounds good to me and you Rocky?" Zoran answered.

" I´m in."

" OK. Let´s go. We will meet here in an hour again. Otherwise send an attack in the Air so that the others can come to aid."

Then they split. They all walked their way even Brock who tried his luck on Rocky´s side but was held off by Croagunk. Half of the hour had passed but nothing had happened. Then finally Zoran found what he was searching for.

" Hmm.... These tracks are strange. They lead from here to these Stone´s there and End suddenly. They were three. One that seems to be the leader and two others that are carrying some...."

He ended his self speak because he had found something that was belonging to Drake´s mate. It was a red rose that he had given her on their first Date and which she always wore behind her right Ear.

" There is no doubt about it. She was the one who was carried. Time to call the others."

He then gathered a bit of his energy and fired a Hyper Beam into the Air. 5 minutes later they all arrived.

" Have you found something?" Lucia asks.

" Indeed I have. Here.... And.... Here." Zoran showed them the tracks and the Rose.

" Is that a beautiful Rose. Can I have it maybe?" Lucia asks but only got a heavy growl from Drake.

" OK.OK. I only wanted to make a joke. Nothing more." Lucia apologized

" I hope so. Do you have an idea where they were now ?" Zoran said and asks.

All shacking with their Heads and started to look. Then Pikachu found a switch by walking over it.


" Pikachu!!!" Ash screamed.

Where Pikachu had stood was now a black hole with some steps. Ash ran down the steps and found Pikachu on the button.

" Hey have you been hurt?" Ash asks but Pikachu only shacked his Head to tell him that he was ok. Then Pikachu hopped back onto Ash´s shoulder and then the rest of the Team appeared except for Drake.

" Hey Guys. Where is Drake?" Ash asks

" He said that he comes after us. He needed a bit time for some sort of preparations." Lucia answered.

" Hmm.. OK. Well, let´s see what we will find here."

They then all began to follow the tunnel. After 5 Minutes Drake came to them.

" Have you finished ?" Brock asks

" Yep. Preparations completed." Drake answered.

10 minutes later they arrived in a big and empty room.

" Let us check the backside." Drake said but before he could do a step he was attacked.

A fireball landed right in front of them.

" Who´s there? Come out you luckless assassin." Drake shouted into the dark but as an answer he became a direct hit from behind, then one from the left side. Then in a reflex, drake grabbed with both paws to his right and caught the assassin. It was a Flareon but its fur was totally black. Even it´s Eyes. Then a Voice called from the dark.

" Flareon. Come back."

And the Flareon did as it was told. It gave Drake a kick into his arms and he let it go. Then it disappeared in the darkness. Then they heard the Voice again.

" Good work Zoroark. You have not only survived. You have become stronger and faster in the past month´s and all of these to get back your mate. HAHAHA. So bad that you are already too late. She died a useless death . Only to protect her little Bastard you called son."



" GOTCHA. " Drake had thrown a stone and had hit into the twelve.

" You will regret your attack. Flareon. Flamethrower."

" Biplup. Bubblebeam."

Both attacks collided and neutralizing each other. Then Lucia said to the rest.

" Go. I take care of him."

" HM. Good luck." Drake said to her and start running like the others at that moment.

Another 5 minutes later they reached another big room but this one painted in white. It was so bright white that you could barely see anything. Then Drake was attacked again. This time with a solar beam or sort of that and in view came a white Leafeon.

" OHO. Another enemy. That´s nice. Tell me what kind of Story do you have to tell me ? Hmm.....?" Drake said with a sarcasm fall in his Voice.

" You will see. Solarbeam attack." A Voice answered and another attack came in Drakes direction.

" Croagunk Brick break. " Brock shouted and Croagunk stopped the attack and right after he sat there and Quaked. " That´s my fight. Go." Ash, Rocky and Drake did what they were asked for.

They ran for another five minutes and up some steps. On the steps Drake asks Ash.

" Do you think that they will be alright ?"

" HA. Don´t worry for them. You better gave some worries for their enemies. As we speak of them. There is another Room." Ash answered and they entered the room. Once inside an Ice attack hit them all at once and they all had to stand. An Glaceon appeared and a Voice said

" You´ve done well by coming this far but here is your end. Glaceon Icebeam."

Rocky, who had managed to hold a hand free, grabbed her Pokeball and called out.

" Arcanine Flamethrower."

A big Arcanine came out of her Ball and fired a Flame that nearly was as big as him and all snow melted away. Then Rocky looked over to ash and drake but she didn´t say anything. Instead she only saluted and they both knew what she wanted. They both then ran to the next door but this time they were directly lured into another room. Once they were inside the door sprung close behind them and an Aquagun hit Ash into his face. Then a deep and angry Voice said

" Not this one you fool, the other one."

Another Aquagun was fired but again someone dodges it.

" Pikachu, Thundershock attack."

A yellow light filled the room when the Aqua Gun and the Thundershock collided. At that moment Drake ran to the last door and opened it. Then from out of nowhere, he was dragged into the room by some form of dark mist or Person. Once he was inside the room, the door closed itself and the room began to light up. It was filled with machines that are making some strange sounds. Then he heard a Computer Voice saying.

" Preparations completed. Bringing Test Object into position."

A Metal Arm began to move down from the roof and then it grabbed something before it moved down. Once it was down enough, Drake could see what it was and he became insane. It was a Cylinder with his Mate in it. He ran to her and began to hammer against the glass but she didn´t react. It was like she was a Zombie or had lost all of her will because her Eyes were empty and her Body didn´t move a bit. Then a Man appeared behind the glass. Drake stopped and looked over to the man which slowly moved to him. Once he was near him Drake asks in a hard voice.

" What did you do with her?"

" Her? I don´t know who you mean. If you mean that Test object in there well, I used a new drug to get control over it." The man answered.

" It? IT? Do you really mean that she is just an Object to you?"

" Yep. I mean this. It or maybe she is just a Test object like the others that I have had before I killed them."

" Killed them? What kind of human are you or are you even not a human?"

" I´m a human that knows what he wanted and all I want is Money. Who cares about a life or two when you get Millions for it."

Hearing this Drake nearly got in pure Hate but Zoran blocked it with his mind until he heard this from the man.

" You two would make an excellent also. So why don´t you get over there and give me your Bodies so I can make some test on them ?"

" Think you that we 2 will do this for you? NO. I only came to get my Mate out of your dirty and Bloodstained Hands but now I want to make one more thing." Drake added with a Devilish smile.

" Oh and that is ?"

" I will let you feel how it feels when you are a Test object." Drake said and makes himself ready to attack.

" OHHHH.... Too bad. Well then I must use my new Toy against you and when it is done with you , you will be a new test object for me. HIHIHI."

The man took a controller out of his white jacket and pushed a Button on it. Next the cylinder moved up and Drakes mate was free but she didn´t move until the man shouted out.

" Go and play with them."

She did as she was told. First she made one step but then from one second to another she appeared right in front of Drake and gave him a hard punch into his stomach. This punch was quickly followed by another on. Then she retreated and stopped.

" So, now you have seen what awaits you. Now be my new Test Object or Die." The man said behind her and Drake answered


" Why are you laughing?"

" Because you didn´t understand nothing. Maybe she is under your control but she still knows who she is fighting with or better said she knows how to hold herself back."

" OHHH. Didn´t I tell you that I want to hold her back? No? Then now you know so give up."

" HAHAHA. You will have to kill me before I will give up."

" When this is your wish then so be it. Bummer! I had so many plans with you. Well... Your Body will still do the work without life in it. Kill him."

She attacked again but this time Drake dodged all of her attacks. Even as she increased her speed he was able to not get hit. Then the man activated a trap by pushing a button on a wall. Drake´s Paws where sealed from one second to another and he then got some very hard punches and he dropped down to the Earth. Now Drake´s Mate was over him and made herself ready for the last strike but before she acted Drake said

" Please .... One last Question or two."

" Speak quick." The man answered.

"Who are you and how do you get control over her."

" Who I am or for which one I´m working for isn´t your concern but for the method? I can control her mind with a little controller behind her Ear and this little stick in my Hands but that´s enough. End his Life."

Her paw struck into his Body but then something happened or better said nothing happened. There was no Blood, no death scream. Only his big smile on his face before he said

" What? Something wrong? "

Then all changed and they were all standing right there before all had started.

" What has happened??!!" The man asks

" Nothing." Drake answered.

" B...but you were supposed to be dead. I have seen the final strike."

" HAHAHA. All an illusion of mine idiot. Oh before I forget. Are you missing something ?"

The Man looked around and then found out what Drake meant.

" You little..... Give the controller back. You cannot use it anyway."

" Me maybe not but Zoran , my other half, can."

" OH yeah I can and I will." Zoran now answered.

He took the controller in his Hand and then pushed and hold a button while he spoke with the voice of the man.

" Take out the implant behind your Ear and destroy it."

" NO" The man screamed but it was too late. She had already grabbed it and had thrown it to the ground. Then her Eyes came back to normal and she said

" W.... Where am I ?"

" You save now Hun and now come here please."

" D.... Drake? Is that you? Why are you..." The man cut her

" You fool."

Suddenly the Alarmbell began to ring.

" What ? What have you done now?" Drake asks harshly

" I did nothing. It was your fault. You see that controller is DNA marked and if someone other than me or my assistant take it. The self-destruction is automatically activated."

" And what about you? You will go to die here." Drake´s mate said

" I will not. I have an escape route but you will die here and then maybe I will have my Test Objects back HIHIHI....ARGH."

Drake had enough. He had grabbed the man by his neck and was now pressing him to a wall. Then he said in a devilish low Voice.

" You will die first old idiot."

" I...IF you...kill me...the other...subject will die ...also."

Then a Computer was heard

" The self-destruction has been activated. Repeat. The self-destruction has been activated. All people evacuate immediately."

" Stop it." Drake said to the man but the man didn´t answer because Drake had broken his neck and he had died.

" Crap. What do we do now?" Drake´s mate asks with fear.

" Don´t worry. Come. We have to rescue all others before we go."

And so they did. Luckily for them was that the Labor had only two other prisoners left and once they were free Ash and his friends came also to them.

" Ash. Nice to see you have made it." Drake said

" Yeah but first we have to get out of here."

Then the next Computer Voice was heard.

" There´s three minutes until detonation."

" FUCK! We will not make it in time." Ash said

" We will. Follow me." Drake´s mate answered and all began to follow her.

They all ran up some stairs and on its top they opened a steel door. Once it was open they ran through it and were now standing on a heliport with one helicopter on it.

" Do you think that you can fly it Rocky?" Drake´s mate asks

" Get in and see for yourself." She answered.

As quickly as possible all went on board. Drake was the last one who wanted to get in but before he was in, the dark shadow appeared again. It came so fast that Drake couldn´t react in time and then the unthinkable happened. The shadow formed itself into an Seviper and once it was finished, the Viper tail slashed throw Drake´s and Zoran´s Body. The complete Blade was in his Body and Drake screamed louder than the helicopter. Then the Viper retreat and while it did, it said in human.

" You killed my master and now I killed you. TTTZZZZIIIIISSSSSCCCCCHHHHH."

" Don´t..... COUGHT...... count..... COUGHT.... Me Out..... " Drake answered while he spilled out a steady stream of Blood.

He slowly turned himself around to attack the Viper but when he had turned half around , his Eyes went black and he collapsed into the helicopter. Ash and his friends pushed him in quickly and Rocky began to pull up the Copter. However, the Viper hadn´t enough. It made a little jump and was now in the copter too and tried to destroy it but before it could make a move Drake´s Mate grabbed the Head of the Viper and said with cold Eyes and Voice into his Face.

" You hurt my son and now you tried to kill my Mate. Hell is too good for you to suffer but now you will go there."

Next she cut the Head from the Vipers neck and threw it out. Then she set herself next to Drake and tried to stop the bleeding but it was no use. The Viper had done a perfect job. Not only that the Blade had gone through the complete Body, the Vipers Poisen prevented the Blood from stopping and so she had no other choice then to watch him Die.

" Drake. Please don´t give up. Stay with me, PLEASE!!!" Drake´s mate said under heavy tears.

" I..... COUGHT..... Can´t..... COUGHT.... Please..... F.... Forgives ... me..... AAHHHHH. My.... Eyes are..... Dark..... COUGHT....... Ash...... Please.... Look..... Over..... COUGHT..... Rosy..... PLEASE!!!"

" Sniff.... I will.... Sniff.... I promise."

That was the last thing Drake heard. His heart stopped beating and his Body became cold. All had tears in their Eyes and Drake´s Mate let herself go by moving herself over her Mate, crying all of her Pain out. Then something happened. The Death Body began to glow with a bright white light and then in a pure bright flash it disappeared. Then one second later another Body appeared. It was Drake and he lived.

" W.... What happened? Am I dreaming?" Drake´s Mate asks with wide Eyes.

" N....NO. You are not dreaming. I´.... I´m alive but I....he payed a too... hard price. He gave me his Life.... SNIFF.... ZORAN YOU IDIOT. WHY THIS WAY?" The last few Words Drake shouted out loud and then he started crying as well because after the month´s he had become a really close friend to him.

To be continue

Fate , Desteny or strange luck ( Episode 2 of 8. Death but not lost forever)

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. Are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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The Life of a Movie Star

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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The truth over her Eyes

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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