Lustbug (RP logs)

Story by Khaesho Scorpent on SoFurry

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More RP logs! Edited to clean them up and ran then through spell check, but that's it. Zephyrnereus (on FA) likes being eaten and I'm a snake who likes eating things. Despite that, I'm still on the fence about M/M, so making her first appearance on SF is... Bhalzash! She's one of the four gods you'll meet in Child of the Storm, but her bubbly personality fit well with Zeph's shy character. You'll be seeing more of her (much) later, but in the meantime, I keep all my characters open for RP's when people want to. This story, much to Zeph's sadness, doesn't contain any vore... yet... but as Bhalzash explains, that's for round two :D It does have sex in public without getting caught, a particular kink of mine that I looooove to stoke.

Remember to comment! Comments make snaky snake happy and tell me what you do and don't like, so I can deliver more of the first and less of the second.

Story continued in "Somewhere in Neverland"

Khaesho Scorpent: The station was a popular stop, a crossroads for multiple trade routes that had all started with a bar and service depot. It had been a place to refuel and relax for a little while, but its perfect location and excellent prices soon saw growth. It grew from a bar, to a small store, to a hotel, on and on and on, adding more buildings and services until it was its own fully functional city. It remained a favorite place for cargo haulers, vacationers, long distance travelers, and all who soared the inky reaches of space. It was a kind of home to many, a calm port outside of political storms and occasionally warring factions. All were welcome there, and prejudice or violence of any kind was strictly forbidden.

It had grown from one bar to many, with all different styles and flavors. There was everything from neon lit clubs with pounding music and dancing crowds to quit, easy places with rusted metal walls and a camaraderie that came with beings friends at the local watering hole. There were velvet rope affairs where both men and women could go to observe the beauty of form and body on a stage, and there were old, beaten up, torn down wrecks where a smile was the first thing the bartender served you. There as a place for everyone, and everyone had their favorite.

Zephyrnereus: being a tourist to the city, the young male wolf walked through the streets. Unlike his hometown where fear ruled the streets, the calm atmosphere of walking through a crowded sidewalk genuinely made him rather nervous. He was in reach for a hotel to stay, but after getting stressed out from the eerie friendliness, he decides to enter the nearest bar to take a drink. He didn't even check the name of it, simply wanting to get some water and a bit of space to breathe.

KS: Despite the laws against racism, prejudice, and fighting, the different races and species still willingly separated themselves like oil and water; some people just don't mix. After some wars that stretched on and off for decades, some types just instinctively distrusted others.

The bar Zeph happened to walk into just happened to be a favorite of reptiles; it was deliberately kept heated several degrees above what any warm blood would call "comfortable." It was a little closer to a club than a bar, with brightly colored lights that looked well gleaming off of scales. Black paint across all of the walls stole the light from the air, making the place feel dark despite the subtle gleam of thousands of beams reflected off scales, and the place had a slightly cave-like feeling to it. Mismatched floor levels and oddly shaped and spaced tables gave the dive a rather chaotic and slightly malevolent feel, which was only fitting considering the bar's name; The Snake Pit. The Barkeeper was a massive black dragon with rippling muscles like corded iron, and he gave Zeph a solid once over, looking close to take in every detail, especially looking for any sign of weaponry, hidden or unhidden. His voice couldn't be mistaken as friendly, but neither was there any undue maliciousness in it when he called out.

"You look a little lost... you need help with something, stranger?"

ZN: the manned wolf anthrax gently sat up on a chair once he was able to collect his thoughts. His blue and silver fur stood on end once he noticed the hot air that filled the room. He was wearing a simple green t-shirt and navy jeans, and out the back idly wagged a massive foxlike tail.

It would take a moment for him to fully regain his senses and begins to take notice exactly where he was. Almost immediately he began to pant from the heat, but honestly, that was the only thing that bothered him. The dark cave and shimmering lights everywhere definitely caught his attention, but soon the large barkeeper would call him. "Ugh... hmm? Oh, yeah.... I'm new around here... can I get some water? It's a bit hot in here!" he pulls on his collar to let out some steam.

KS: The barkeep nodded, stepping back around behind the bar to grab a clean glass and fill it with water, and plenty of ice. He glanced around to make sure his regular patrons had full drinks, then on a whim, grabbed a bottle of beer and went to sit down with the blue wolf. He cracked the bottle with his talons, threw back a swallow, then looked at Zeph, with more curiosity than anything; he wasn't armed, and he didn't look like the kind looking to start a fight.

"I hope you don't mind me askin' but... what are you doing in these parts? Specifically, my bar? The heater ain't broke, you're hot already; there's plenty places you'd be more comfortable."

A giggle emanated from somewhere behind him, along with a feminine voice that practically bubbled with giddy happiness.

"Come on Eddie, scaring him off already? He just got here, cut him some slack."

If Zeph turned to look over his shoulder, he'd lay eyes one something he almost assuredly hadn't seen before in his life. Naga were rare, especially in such vibrant colors. She was a pretty thing, vibrant yellow accentuated by poisonous green and orange spots that marched for yards and yards down her spine. Tracing her long body up to her face revealed a smile that matched her body; cute and perky, overflowing with colorful happiness. She couldn't be described as sexy or alluring, but she had a simple, almost pixielike charm that almost seemed to contradict her long, scaled form that only just fit between his table and the door.

ZN: the wolf would smack his lips, but it wasn't from hunger or lust. It's the heat that made him rather uncomfortable. Nothing a good gulp of ice cold water can't fix. He sighs in relief, though still continues to pant to regulate his body temperature. "Uh, why here? Honestly, I don't know... I just had to get out of the massive crowd out there..."

The female voice does grab his attention, his large wolf ears twitching and turning towards the Naga before he spins on his chair. He was definitely surprised at the sight of such a rare and strangely adorable creature, and the fact that she had a slight interest in him made his heart flutter for a moment. "U-uhh... hi t-there..." he tries to smile at her, but is too nervous to do so.

KS: She slithers closer giggling an adorable and almost perpetual giggle, thinking nothing of cupping his face to glance into his eyes.

"Ooooh, what a cutie! Shy too. Don't worry Eddie, I'll take good care of our guest, you get back to holding up the bar."

A few of Bhalzash's friends, assorted reptiles and even another dragon had drifted in behind her, and Eddie would have his hands full for a little while. One of them, a dark green specimen with pink hearts tattooed down one arm called out to her. "Hey, Bhal, you sitting with us?" She called back, half turning her head as she did.

"Sure, in a few minutes."

Her friends exchanged a few knowing glances before seating themselves at the bar. Bhalzash laughed melodiously, filling the air with sweet, bell like tones as she coiled herself comfortably across the table from Zeph.

"So handsome, I'm sure you heard from my friends; my name's Bhalzash. What's yours?"

ZN: he couldn't help but to feel very nervous as she sat down before him, especially due to the fact that his cheeks glowed a soft red under his fur due to the heat, as well as the fact that he simply wouldn't stop panting like a dirty dog. He smacks his lips a bit to try and retain some moisture in his maw.

"Uh... I'm Zeph... It's nice to meet you..." he nods lightly with a slight smile. Despite his nervousness, the beautiful tones of her voice helped him relax a bit. "W-wow... it's really hot in here..." he only hopes she wasn't taking him as some sort of perv the way he talked and panted.

KS: She laughed again, clear chimes of undiluted joy that rang through the bar's slightly dark atmosphere.

"Yea... the rest of the station is kept cool, but it's nice for us to have a place to relax. If you're too hot though, there's an easy solution for that."

She rose slightly and slithered forwards over the table as easily as if it wasn't there, ducking down to the floor before winding herself in a tight spiral up his body. Her thick coils completely wrapped him from the legs up to his chest, and she let her torso rest there behind his with her arms wrapped around him.

"Ahhh... you ARE warm... so relaxing after a long day."

ZN: blinking lightly due to curiosity, he did absolutely nothing to stop the bubbly female. He does gasp and shiver at the sensation of her cool scales slithering over and around him as she encased him in her coils. Suddenly her arms wrapped around him as well, and he looks to the shoulder to see her cute lizard face resting against his body. Although it did help cool off slightly, the fact that the female pressed and coiled her body against him made his face turn red and his heart beat like crazy. He was simply amazed at how friendly she was to a total stranger, and even one that is a different species. "a-ah... t-thanks..."

KS: Her friends at the other table were sniggering slightly and doing their best not to glance over; this wasn't an odd occurrence for Bhalzash. Any time an odd mammal wandered into the bar when she was there, she made it a point to go say hello, and it almost invariably ended with her coiled around someone else. She nuzzled his head a little, enjoying the rare feeling of soft, living fur against her scales as she giggled again, and this time he felt it as much as he heard it; a soft reverberation that started in her chest and travelled in a wave down her sinuous body.

"You're welcome. Not many mammals with the courage to walk into a place like this, much less stay. I like a man who knows how to take risks..."

She'd softened her voice a little as she said it, and there was just the slightest twinge on that last word... risks...

ZN: "I-I... uhh..." the wolf was simply at a loss of words. One moment he's trying to escape the crowded streets, and the next he's trapped in the arms and coils of a cute and rare Naga. Surely this had to be some sort of dream... but he knew it wasn't. Not with those vibrations that sent a shiver down his spine. The serpent might be able to glimpse at the sight of the massive fluffy tail frizzing up as it twitched and shivered.

KS: She shivered slightly, just enough for him to feel it, before ducking down and winding another half coil under his arm so she could embrace him from the front. It brought her snout right up to his ear, and he gentle pressed her scaly lips up into his ear, smiling as he twitched it away from her tickling scales. She whispered again, laughter plain on her voice, but there was an undercurrent in her voice, an electrical feeling that sent shivers through him.

"What? You're hot, I wasn't. Now you're not overheating, and I'm nice and toasty. It's just a hug... it doesn't mean anything... unless you wanted it to."

One of her arms had disappeared between her coils and his chest, but really it had gone into his shirt. He felt her cool fingers running through his fur, tracing a path down his torso until she reached down into his pants. With her coils conveniently blocking anyone from seeing, she reached right down to tickle his sheath with cold fingers. With her wrapped around him, with her arm so far down his shirt, there was no way he could physically fight her without making a scene.

ZN: zephyr definitely wasn't expecting this kind of treatment. Were wolves some sort of scaly-magnet around these parts? Back in his city, different species could barely even look each other in the eyes without starting some sort of commotion, and not in the good sense.

Feeling the slight shock shoot through his nerves and the female's curious claws clinging cleverly against his body, there was really no way out if he wanted to escape. He was trapped like mouse...and yet this sensation filled him with adrenaline, his heart pumping like crazy and making his body grow hotter once more. There was nothing he could do but pant as he felt his shaft practically grow into her grip. "...o-ohh..."

KS: Zeph had either the fortune or misfortune to walk into -exactly- the wrong bar; Bhalzash had a hugely taboo mammal kink that her friends constantly ribbed her about. She just couldn't help it; she loved the feeling of fur tickling her scales, of a hot-blood's warmth seeping into her muscles, relaxing her. The way she looked at it, any mammal that walked into a heated all scaly bar had to be open minded enough to at least consider the prospect, and every now and then she got a truly lucky catch... Her voice continued in his ear, electrifying, light and airy even as her fingers danced a feather light pattern over his swelling meat.

"Do you like that, little boy blue? I can do far more than just touch... if you're brave enough to try. All I ask in return is a little bit of heat, a little warmth to keep the cold, lonely nights at bay. Can you do that for me, hmm? Can you keep me warm?"

ZN: the wolf had never even dreamed of being with a reptile, let alone a Naga. Growing up in such a strict environment made him doubt giving in, but it just felt so right. If all he had to do was get a little hotter then he wouldn't mind getting such a service from a cute female. Barely able to talk between his pants, the male responds. "N-nyaa... I d-don't mind..."

It was really getting hot in here now... his long and fluffy fur acted like a heat magnet in this hot enclosure, and his racing heart spread it all over his body. Within moments his shaft had grown to a near full size, and seeing the serpent's friends peeking over only fueled his heat. He felt so ashamed of being teased like this in a public area. If Bhal were to let him go, every scaly in this bar would be able to see his canine shaft. He also felt he was drawing their attention due to his constant panting as well. They could only imagine what was really going on under those pulsing golden coils.

KS: Bhalzash's fingers had danced over many men, mammal and reptile alike, and they knew their work. She had a wicked sense of humor though, and she only grinned as she felt his hot rod come to full mast. She wrapped nimble, light fingers around his girth, stroking him slowly as she stoked the fires of his lust until they were hot enough to warm her too.

"That's good... because I don't plan on letting you up until I get what I want."

Their table was one of the lower ones, a little off to the side, so it was hard for anyone else to see what was going on beneath the table. As his shirt became constrictive to her busy hands, she pulled the one out of his shirt while the other reached down to unzip the button and fly on his jeans. Both underwear and jeans were pulled back beneath her coils, until his cock finally slid for her to press between her cold belly and his warm one. Nobody seemed the wiser for it, except for Bhalzash's friends who had seen her work this trick before.

ZN: she was so good at undressing the male, and he did nothing to stop her. if anything, he helped by squirming his way out of his clothing, exposing his hot fur and flesh against the serpent's cool scales. It felt like bliss to him, the relaxing sensation of her body cooling him off in this heat hole.

He couldn't care less if he was naked now. His member pulsed eagerly in her grip and soon even his knot began to form. All this building pleasure was making him moan softly, but he bit his lip to remain quiet. He didn't want to grab too much attention.

KS: Her belly grip lessened, and her fingers returned, but with no more than teasing, light strokes. She did not take him in her hand and pump him as she had, she simply returned to light, almost ethereal teasing strokes as she chuckled softly into his ear.

"Who's a good boy, hmm? Is it you...? Are you a good boy? Do you deserve a treat?"

She was treating him like an animal, like a lowly dog, but on that last word, her voice twisted upwards, and he felt something fleshy and wet press against his dick. It felt for the entire world like a vagina, wet and gaping, grinding against his dick even though she remained motionless, though the almost evil grin stayed on her face. She was willing to bet he didn't know her fun parts were located at the end of her body, where her ribs ended and body coils became tail. She doubted he had expected her to fuck him right there in public, while her friends shot furtive glances over with the occasional snicker.

ZN: the wolf seemed hypnotized by her teasing. With instincts taking over, zeph himself felt like a dog, a pet that belonged to this beautiful creature. He even barked lightly as he felt the velvet folds swallow his pulsing turquoise shaft. He rests back onto the coils as his hips pressed into her coils, feeling the tunnel grasp at his needy flesh. The two might draw a bit of attention but it looked like they were simply hugging and enjoying the moment.

KS: Neither did she hesitate; she pushed her tail down over his flesh with a slow, happy sigh, filling her belly with his steaming warm cock. The knot was a little bit of a challenge, but she had swallowed meals larger than he was, and no puny knot would best the elasticity of her skin. Her tail lacked enough power though, so she had to take her own body in her hands and force it down over his knot with a click squelch.

She might have been cold when she first coiled around him, but after the time spent in the heated atmosphere and Zeph's very warm embrace, her flesh had heated in the same way a blanket heats up, and she now returned his warmth back to him, insulating him as her heat matched his. She took a moment to sigh with pleasure; warm body, full stomach, full vagina. Happiness.

Her strong stomach muscles were designed to squeeze prey down and out of her body, and she had far more control over them than any other species could boast. Without moving her dripping cunt an inch, the contracted her powerful muscles, rippling and pulling and squeezing his dick in a damnably erotic way.

ZN: just when he thought he had gotten rid of the heat, their movements would begin to make him hot once more. He could stop his moaning, but not his panting, feeling his body heat up as he felt her body taking charge. He felt like a toy for the Naga to play with, but at this moment, he couldn't care less. He didn't have to move an inch to feel the enjoyment of sex, letting her dexterous body do the work for him.

KS: Her belly dance could empty a Naga of his seed in less than a minute. For her own kind, she knew just what buttons to press, just what pressure to grip at, so that their pleasure spiraled and spiked far before many of them would care to admit. For any other species though... everyone was different, and the only constant that she found was that they all enjoyed the thrusting motions of hips driving a cock deep, in and out with violent passion, rather than the calm, sensual dance Serpents performed. She could give him exactly that... but if she started pumping her tail up and down violently, the odds were good that someone would notice, and that was half the game. Aside from her close friends, the bartender was the only one who knew her secret, and she didn't want to get caught. So, she performed her favorite compromise.

She pulled his right arm inside of her coils, moving it down to where her tail was impaled on his shaft like a bright yellow fleshlite. She wrapped his fingers around her belly at the top of his shafted and squeezed them, knowing he would feel the bulge of his cock through the thin skin on her stomach. She wrapped her right hand around her tail too, at the same height as hers, managing to get her entire body circled between the two hands. She whispered into his ear again, but she sounded almost transformed. Gone was the innocent, bubbly air. Her voice was thick with need, heavy with lust and she squeezed herself around his dick as she spoke.

"Start jacking off. My flesh stretches and squeezes, so without pulling me off of your knot, I want you to take my body and start masturbating with it. Savage me. Use me for your pleasure. Empty your hot wolf spunk into my belly; I want to be full with it until I can feel its weight sloshing with every slither."

ZN: his mind was clouded with lust by now, and he ached for release, but she wasn't doing enough. Feeling his pulsing shaft deep within her flesh and seeing hoe she guided an arm towards it, his instincts was to grab at it. His blue paws felt her skin stretch, and he felt his dig into her scales and wrap around his shaft like a condom.

"o-ohh... yess..." he pants lightly. With little time wasted, he grips the soft and stretchy skin and begins to pleasure himself. His panting would increase and he would bounce ever so slightly with each thrust he made with his paw. His pleasure shot up within moments, for he knew just how to squeeze and massage his own canine member. The only problem, it might not be as pleasurable to the Naga as it is for him.

KS: She had come twice already, once just from soaking in his heat and once from forcing her body to stretch around his knot, but she felt herself rapidly approaching a third as his hand pumped her resilient skin over his shaft. She felt every throb of his heartbeat, felt every compressing and taut stretch in a wave of pleasure that travelled up her body, and though she was not a noisy lover, she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out in ecstasy. As he continued to piston her soaking and by-now near frictionless tunnel over his shaft, she couldn't contain herself. She let her hand fall away and just wrapped her arms around him, panting and moaning softly into his ears.

"Oh, sweet fuck yes, don't stop, don't you dare fucking stop ooooooohhhhhh YES. Fill me, fill my belly with your musk, your scent, your burning canine jizz, I want every single drop until I swell with it."

ZN: primal instincts taking over, his other paw would reach down and grapple onto her belly flesh. His panting grew louder and even began to growl from the pleasure. It wasn't until he reached his climax when le lets out a wolf howl, his hot canine seed gushing out his throbbing cock and into her hungry womb. He could even feel the flow of cum against the stretchy flesh he clenched at.

The wolf howl would definitely draw attention to the two, seeing that it echoed throughout the bar due to its cave like design. They could only hope that the music distracted everyone enough so that they didn't think of it as being suspicious.

KS: The feeling of his flaming liquid passion searing her egg chamber punched her into a hissing orgasm as her muscles spasmed, clenching and unclenching to milk him of every last drop of his hot seed. Her mind was flooded with pleasure, thick, heady happiness rushing through her mind so much that she only dimly heard his howl. It drew the eyes of every man and woman in the bar, and the barkeeper froze, wondering if Bhalzash had finally lost control.

Quick as a striking snake, Bhal's hand darted into the chest pocket of the light vest he wore, and when he opened his mouth for breath, she tossed something into his mouth and clamped his muzzle shut around it.

It might have been a candy, if it was a candy designed for sadists. Even the briefest contact with his tongue set his entire mouth on fire, and Bhalzash held his jaw closed for at least two seconds before he managed to wrench his hands up to tear hers away. He spat the torturous red drop onto the floor and howled again, in pain this time, but the bartender was already on the way over with a sweet, sugary drink that worked great for soothing burnt tongues. Bhalzash, still hilted on his cock and filled with his seed, turned towards the rest of the room.

"Ah, poor guy. He thought he could handle a Dragon's Flame candy. Silly pup should know that only a reptile is man enough to eat one!"

She procured another and tossed it into her mouth without flinching to a chorus of raucous laughter; it was a running joke that there wasn't a mammal alive or dead that could take the heat of a Dragon's Flame; it was the candy's selling slogan, after all.

ZN: at first he thought she was trying to drug him with this pill that short circuited his pain nerves and jolted his pleasure dull mind into activity, but once he heard the laughter from the other reptiles, he understood why she did it. It probably wasn't as bad as getting caught fucking in public, but he has never felt so humiliated before. The blue pup even began to whimper and whine like any other dog. "O-owww.... that's a nasty c-candy..."

KS: She rippled her muscles around his flesh, squeezing one last glob of semen from him as she smiled. She licked his cheek playfully and laughed again.

"Well, I tried to warn you, but then you got all he-man on me! That's the price to pay for pride."

She leaned close to his ear again to literally hiss, not dangerously but playfully.

"That's also the price you pay for howling. I'd have been banned from the bar if we were caught! This is my favorite bar too!"

Sex in public was, of course, illegal, but the taboo of cross species actually worked in her favor sometimes. The station managers were paranoid in maintaining their neutrality, and they were loath to punish any couple willing to cross the species barrier; such an action was the very embodiment of acceptance without prejudice, and the one time she had been caught, she'd managed to talk her way out of it by reminding them how bad it would look to punish one of the -rare- cross fetish sentients who lived on-station. She'd gotten off with a warning... once... with no uncertain clarification that a second time would see both her and her lover of the hour in different jails.

ZN: grunting lightly at the squeezing he felt from her coils, the wolf looks up and pants lightly. "Uhh... wouldn't it been easier if we went somewhere...well, private?" he looks around for a moment, keeping his voice down as he watched the other reptiles soon turn back to their personal affairs.

KS: Her long tongue slid out, licking his ear before she laughed soft and low, in great rolling waves that shook both her and him.

"Easier... yes... but there's a dark thrill with getting away with this in public. Besides... my apartment is for round two."

For Baltimore

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