Chapter 4 - Home at Last!

Story by Children of Gaia on SoFurry

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#5 of Main Storyline - Children of Gaia - The Beginning...

d to the snow leopard curiously. "Why that code?"

"I saw his ranged weapon skills while we were escaping. They were Impeccable!"

"Hmmm. How do you feel about this Fox?"

The fox adjusted into an at ease stance and nodded, "Deadeye is adequate sir."

"This isn't the military Deadeye." The Doctor said as he placed his hand on the fox's shoulder. "We are all equals here! Come with me to the main facility and you can meet the others."

Dr. Moreau led the group towards an express elevator with only a single button. As soon as he pushed it, the door opens to expose the interior of the elevator. The entire group entered into the elevator and rode it up to the main facility. When the Elevator came to a halt, Moreau began walking out of the elevator into a wooden hallway. The young deer adjusted her glasses and slowly began stepping away.

"I'm going to the Bio Dome father, I've got to tend to the plants in there.," she said calmly.

"It's fine Lani," he said with a nod. The rest of the team began walking along with him down the hallway. "Now Deadeye, Sergei, You've already met my active team, Frostbite, Riptide, Soulfox, Geist and Honoo. Now you will the inactive members, they are currently inactive as they are currently still learning about their powers..."

As he approaches of automatic metal double doors with a keypad next to it, Moreau input a code into the keypad to open the doors. Inside what looked like an intelligence collection facility, filled with monitors and keyboards all over the place at separate sectioned off into stations. In the back, the fox noticed a mouse with his eyes closed with wearing a suit with glowing electrodes all over it. He also noticed that there was a hard line directly linked into the back of his head. The electrodes seem to be simulating a zero gravity for the mouse inside of what looked like a plastic bubble with a ventilation system coming through the top for airflow for the mouse.

Standing around the plastic bubble where three other mutanimals waiting to meet the two newcomers. A youthful and slim dressed cheetah with long black dreadlocks flowing to her lower back, garbed in a jogger's bra and incredibly short track shorts and a pair of ADIDAS shoes on her feet. She was standing next to a towering and muscular lion with a red mane, and angelic wings folded on his back. He was garbed in the same black leather and hard plastic armored outfit as the rest of the team complete with a white lion on the left side of his chest, making it obvious that he was close to officially joining the team. Beside him was a black wolf with gleaming red eyes with white streaks running through his fur and garbed in really loose fitting hooded sweatshirt and jeans.

"Deadeye," the Moreau began, "This is Felicity, Urial, and Alex, their codes once cleared to become active are Velocity, Angel, and Shadow. The mouse behind them is Hard Drive, you probably only heard his voice over the comms, he is our intelligence officer and communications expert thanks to his abilities."

With his name mentioned, 3d representation of the mouse suddenly appears before the group. The hologram was garbed in the same team outfit as everyone else with a green mouse upon his chest. "It is most pleasing to finally meet your acquaintance in person Deadeye, I am also pleased to hear you have been given a code," the mouse said calmly through the projection. "I have been following you for months making sure you don't fall into the hands of GeneCorp. ever since your powers manifested."

"My powers?" the fox asked "What do you mean? I haven't noticed any powers..."

The mouse came closer to the fox and looked him dead in the eyes. "You think that rope swinging to your rescue was a coincidence?" he asked. "I can detect auras around mutanimals that allow me to figure out what their powers are. This scan has determined that you have a strange aura that I can only describe as karmic energy."

"Karmic?" Geist said as he moved forward next to the fox. "Are you saying that Deadeye has power over luck and probability?"

The mouse nods softly, "Precisely, I was watching Fox's performance through a Smart phone that was filming. I noticed a distinguishing fluxuation the exact moment that rope began swinging. You are not lucky Deadeye, you control luck, though at that time subconsciously. This power is so subtle that you don't realize it's working, that is also probably what drove Soulfox here to sense you. Not only is Soulfox a powerful psychic, but also he is also able to detect high-powered mutanimals. That is why GeneCorp. sought you out last night, they want to control that power over luck."

Suddenly, Dr. Moreau slowly approached the group with a smile. "Great work team, this definitely puts a hitch in GeneCorp.'s plans, you are dismissed to your rooms. Deadeye, Sergei, I will take you to your rooms to rest. I will let you know though, I will not force you, but you both are welcome to join the team if you are so inclined. Dismissed!"

Everyone gave a nod as they split to return to their rooms for the night. The now aptly named Deadeye sighed softly as he followed Dr. Moreau to his Quarters. He now obviously had a lot to think about tonight...

Chapter 5 - Downtime

After the team's dismissal, Jace, the otter known as Riptide, made his way back to his room. As he closed the door, he did not hesitate to take off his uniform to quickly discard it into the corner as he heads to his dresser. The room was rather...

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Chapter 3 - Death to Innocence

The rustle of the leaves would rupture most of the silence in the deep jungle. This silence was interrupted by a group garbed from head to toe in tactical gear and F2000's strapped to their vests. Their faces were covered by tactical face armor that...

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Chapter 2 - Pomba Vou

Matheas's malaria would continue for a few more days before he could start moving around again on his own. The elder of the village granted him asylum for as long as the wolf saw fit to stay. Manuel, the young panther cub, would constantly visit the...

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