Radiant Needs Part 2

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - The Owlette:

Writing - Runa

Cygnovum - Cygnovum

Eske - The oOlette

Ceylon - Runa

Last Den in the Valley - https://www.sofurry.com/view/670949

Radiant Needs Part 1 - https://www.sofurry.com/view/696646

Radiant Needs Part 2 - https://www.sofurry.com/view/702526

Another experiment in my world building continuity. In addition to parts 1 and the prequel "Last Den in the Valley", all done by Owlette, this story also directly links to "a Namesake Made Ironic" as well as "No Opportunity Wasted". Lots of fun. Feel free to read them all, if you wanna hear more about their encounters, and someone convince Cygnovum to commission the story of Cyg and Leera heavily referenced in both parts of Radiant Needs!

It was an oddly serene image, to have the three gryphons bundled up next to one another on Cygnovum's common room floor. Cygnovum in the middle, curled up in a ball, her beak laying gently on her talons with her one leg raised to rest on Ceylon's haunches, keeping her comfortable for the cumbersome gryphon knot that rest inside her, tying her and Ceylon together. The larger drake Ceylon was curled around Cygnovum, keeping his hen warm as they slept. Eske was wrapped around her egg, as she laid in the crevasse between Cyg and Cey.

It was the host, Cygnovum, who woke first. She stirred gently as a low-pitched coo escaped her beak. She stretched out her front talons first, then her hind paws only to notice the immense pressure that tugged on her vulva from within, immediately halting her stretch. Right then, when she realized that she was stuck in this position until the bulbous knot deflated, she felt an uncomfortable stiffness in her lower back. She'd been knotted to Ceylon since before they slept, and it was now night time so the had to have been together for many hours; who knew how much longer they would be together.

Gryphons were known for an exceptionally long mating tie, often lasting at least a dozen hours, but sometimes lasting two full days, depending on the virility of the drake. Once his seed was fully depleted, he would slip out, leaving the hen to waddle aimlessly with her legs at an odd angle, bits of seed dribbling out. Cygnovum knew this because he had given such treatment when he was a drake, not the hen she was now.

She shifted and grunted a bit, trying to find a better angle and position to lay without waking Eske from her own slumber. She was considerate to her guests, but she was feeling a little off-put by the position Ceylon's virility had put her in.

There was a significant difference in size between Ceylon and Cygnovum, with the glowing-green hen being the smaller of the two, so Ceylon's knot was immensely cumbersome to her. As she moved, she could feel its bulbs slipping and sliding within her, shifting only the tiniest of degrees, yet the pressure made it feel like they had rotated to stand, rump to rum. She clenched her beak shut and shuddered in delight, even as the cramps began. It wasn't a normal cramp - not the kind she'd been enduring for the first few days after being shifted to female - no, this was more like a bloat, a pressure as though she had gas.

Another gentle movement from her incited a gentle sloshing sensation from deep within her belly. She concentrated on it and wiggled her rump, finding it to be her womb, inflated with gryphon drake seed!

His knot was plugging her opening, keeping any of his essence from escaping, but she couldn't feel his barbed tip scraping or prodding at her flesh. No, they'd been tied long enough, and he'd pumped enough in her that her womb and pussy were both bloated and inflated with cum!

This was certainly going to lead to one hell of a mess once they parted. A glorious mess, of course, but a mess nonetheless.

She was still uncomfortable in position, cramped and stiff from being unable to move or shift more than a tiny bit at a time, and it was starting to get to her. While she certainly wasn't trying to be rude or ignorant to her guests, she needed to stretch her wings a bit and arch her back, so she did. One wing up, the other curled around underneath her, but this made Eske Roll off her wing and get lodged in between Ceylon's belly and Cyg's back.

"H-Hey!" She chirped, losing hold of the egg she'd been wrapped around for a moment before having it roll over Cyg's feathery wing to land in her palm. "Careful!"

Cygnovum silently apologized and curled up around again to preen at Eske's neck feathers, whispering to her, trying to get her to be silent. "Shhhh, Eske. Please don't wake Ceylon, if he moves or is surprised when he wakes, I'll be....torn open, I'm sure." She gave another preen and clicked her beak at the tiny owl-gryphon, waiting for a positive response as she clenched her muscles to pull the knot inward.

Eske clutched her egg close to her belly and grinned a devilish grin, opening her beak as though she was going to yell, only to clamp shut and wink at the larger gryphoness. "I won't say anything, just let me out from between you, okay?" She held the egg in one arm, using her free hand to clutch and grasp at Cygnovum's feathers as she rolled over the quadruped and landed daintily on the carpeted floor. She hopped around to behind the two gryphons and bent over, getting a good look at the blend of black and neon-green flesh where drake met with hen and the resulting, gooey mess beneath them.

She could see the underside of Ceylon's massive knot sticking out, stretching and distending Cygnovum's lips in a distinct oval, but not enough to slip from the confines. Cyg's flesh seemed to be trembling as it tried to keep the drake inside her, but there was no doubt it wouldn't budge; The spread of the lips and the exposed oval of black knot flesh could only be half as big around as the full girth of the knot - she knew, she'd enjoyed it just days before. She giggled a bit before leaning into Cyg's pussy and giving the anterior crook of the lips a gentle rub.

Cygnovum's entire body immediately clenched up in pleasure, her sexual muscles clamping down around Ceylon's knot to suck it in so only the neck of his member could be seen and not the base of the lobes. She let out a trembling, chattering coo of pleasure as she shot a glare to Eske. "W-what are you doing? You'll wake him uuuuup!" She whined, partially in fear of Ceylon's reaction, but mostly in pleasure.

With another giggle, Eske leaned down and gave another rub, this time cupping her palm around Cyg's clit, squeezing and tugging on it before running her fingers around the stretched lips and tickling at the end of Ceylon's sheathe, which had been pulled in tight against the glowing green flesh. The black and bright green were mashed together, so Eske had to slip her fingers in between the two sets of folds.

There was a gentle stirring followed by a beak chatter coming from the other end of the gryphon drake, and both Eske and Cygnovum looked up to see Ceylon blinking his eyes and smiling down at them, his chest rumbling as he woke.

"I'm already up and I've kind of been alert for a few minutes. You should know not to try to be sneaky around me, you two!" He shifted again and scooted his rump downwards so that his member tugged on Cygnovum's lips, the very tip of it sloshing about in the cum-inflated flesh of Cyg's womb. The drake closed his eyes as the other two kept staring at him, and a few seconds later the pressure of the hen he was tied to dissipated, followed by flat, thin streams of gooey cum exploding from within, angled in the shape of the groove between his lower knot lobes.

Eske had to hop backwards to keep from getting her legs soaked in drake-seed, but the scent that wafted up from the emerging puddle hit her nares and she got an intense desire to dive headfirst into it, lapping at its musky flavor and getting covered in it.

Cygnovum was too busy trembling in a mix of pain and pleasure to worry about the mess she was creating. Her beak was trembling and her eyes squinted shut as the pressure inside her lessened, but the tugging and stretching of her lips was still rather intense as the knot tied within her was still too big to exit gracefully, yet Ceylon was tugging as though it was ready to come out. She could literally feel the bulge of her lips out half the length of Cey's knot away from the plot between her hind legs. "C-careful, Ceylon!" she whimpered in between meek beak-chatters.

Ceylon wrapped his wing around her torso and held her close as he nuzzled into her neck, preening at the neck feathers for a moment as he jerked his hips backwards, popping out of Cyg's confines with an audible pop followed by the splash of his cum all over the carpet and rock floor. He whispered an apology in her ear before hopping up and around to bury his snout between her hind legs.

The glow-gryphon's expression shifted from pained pleasure to pure shock the moment the bulged cock was yanked from her slit. She heaved a series of agonizingly held-back cries of pain as a sharp heat seemed to split her soul in half. The poor girl actually thought her flesh had torn open from the violent yank due to the creamy cum dribbling out of her, thinking it was blood. As soon as Ceylon's beak nuzzled against her lips, parting her opening to allow his tongue to prod at the opening of her womb, she felt the pleasure return to her nethers. She had to squint and grunt as the pain subsided, but the sensual nature of tongue massaging her from within quickly gave her a sensation of a high.

Even in the throes of sex-parting pain, She was able to identify the corrective measures of the hormones and chemicals coursing through her vulva and vaginal canal that adapted her to the knot of a tie. Her body was protecting her from the pain and preparing her for laying the resulting egg.

Eske had to further step back to avoid the mess and the drake that was using his tongue to clean it, but she also got a good look at the action, egg still in her arms. Cygnovum was lying on her side as Ceylon slipped form her, and there was a torrent of cum escaping her slit as though she'd just given birth and the fluid was splashing out of her. Ceylon immediately buried his beak between her legs and started licking at her, eventually cleaning her up completely as Cygnovum seemed to unconsciously roll onto her back and spread her hind legs.

It didn't take long for Ceylon to clean up the mess he made, and Eske felt a little jealous. He did clean her up after he made a mess in her 'den', but she absolutely loved his tongue. "Hey, why don't you clean me?" she stepped forward, her foot-paw getting wet with sticky creamy cum from the puddle that was still pouring out of Cygnovum.

Ceylon looked up from the juicy, glowing green flesh he'd been steadily cleaning and laid a talon on his breast, ears perked up and eyes closed in an indignant posture. "I am a gentleman-drake, I clean up my messes and this hen here needs it more than you do!" he happily returned to Cyg's opening and buried his tongue a few more times before the flow of seed stopped dribbling out. Content, he got to his feet and made the motions to shake off, wings spread out, but then he realized he didn't want to leave splatters of cum all over Cyg's common room, so he daintily stepped out of the creamy puddle, cleaned his paws and talons off with his tongue, then headed out the door.

Cyg remained on her back, hind end still soaked and gummed up with Ceylon's leftovers, but her flesh was immaculately cleansed, so she happily relaxed, hind paws resting heavily around the edge of the puddle. Her tail was absolutely soaked in it, and no amount of licking was going to clean that mess, not to mention it'd make flying somewhat difficult. Rather than fight with it, she enjoyed the squidgy feeling between her toes and the hot mess around her rump and tail. If nothing else, the musky scent was at least pleasant to the nares, further inciting her to want more cock despite having just been practically torn in half.

She curled up to look over her form to see if she was bleeding at all - a final check before craving more - and saw that the puddle around her was all white, not pink and no traces of red or even green (Sometimes her blood would turn green if it was a particularly nasty cut.) Content, she laid her head back down on the ground with her wings and legs spread. She felt like falling back asleep, but just couldn't do it, and was surprised to feel a much smaller set of claws prodding at her flesh, followed by a dainty tongue and soft beak.

It was Eske, eyes closed and face buried between Cyg's legs. She still had the egg in her one arm, free hand prying the lips apart as her tongue gently lapped at the tenderized folds. It wasn't quite the taste she wanted - she wanted some of that seed - but it was still tangy and sweet, so she kept licking.

"W-what are you doing?" Cygnovum asked, but quickly disregarded as a flash of a shadow zipped by the slit that was his common room window. It was Ceylon, dashing through the skies to fly underneath the edge of the waterfall, likely to clean himself. Not a bad idea.

Eske pulled up and away from Cyg's nethers to catch a glimpse at Ceylon as well, wiping her beak with her forearm before patting the larger hen's inner thigh. "Nothing, dear. Just sampling a taste. You've got a tangy flavor, you know. Much different from my own. Mine almost has a pine-like flavor to it. Probably too much eating of pine needles and nuts." She walked over to the window and reached her free hand out to capture some water from the falls, using it to clean herself, especially her knees and feet. "You should probably clean too, Cyg. That tail isn't likely to help you at all when flying if it's covered in cum. Delicious cum." She licked her beak then went to the edge of the room where her bag was lying. She tossed the random crap out of it as she gently laid the egg in it, then plucked some down from her neck and upper body to keep said egg warm.

"This is awesome!" Ceylon's voice came booming in through the slitted window as he draped his talons over the rock face, keeping himself in place as water poured over his back. He looked straight up into the torrent and opened his beak, gargling a bit before swallowing and looking back into the common room, beaky grin on his face and feathers dark with moisture. "Come out and clean, Cyg. We have some things to do!"

Cygnovum reluctantly rolled to his feet and walked awkwardly to the slit-window and turned around, shoving her tail out the opening to let the waterfall clean her off.

Ceylon angled his wings in such a way a small torrent slipped into the room, washing away the puddle of cum from the floor as Cyg dealt with cleaning herself one limb at a time. Eske got some towels and dried up the floor as best she could, then they all decided it was time to go into town.

Eske had to ride on Ceylon to get down the mountain's cliffside, and she had to tell him to go slow and gentle so she didn't drop the egg. Ceylon was certainly happy to fulfil her request, but he was a touch apprehensive. On the way down he made jokes about being hungry and wanting food more than anything else, and that the egg was a nice little snack to gobble up, but she insisted on keeping it to herself.

Once the three gryphons landed in Iorre, Ceylon immediately wandered towards the scents that told him there was a food court nearby, and the others followed along behind.

"Know any good meat shops in town, Cyg?" Ceylon asked over his shoulder. This was Cygnovum's home town, so it was a fair bet she knew where to find the juiciest of meats.

"Not really, I usually just hunt for myself atop the mountain. Not many others can get up there so the game is pretty good." She was walking a little funny still, the result of Ceylon's knot and the gentle sloshing of the remaining seed in her womb making it difficult to walk with a normal stance. She didn't mind one bit, and the casual stares from the felines and humans didn't really make her upset either. She was proud to be harboring an egg within her! In fact, the more people looked, the higher she hiked her tail to let people see the glowing vulval flesh she was known for - even though she was usually male.

Ceylon shrugged his wings and kept walking, others behind him in tow. "I suppose I'll have to find something in the market then. Maybe a deer. That'd be filling. Or an elk without the horns! How about an Ipsor, those have a nice flavor mixed with poultry or pork. Or maybe, I'll just gobble up some random human onlooker!" He flared his wings out and made a threatening pose towards a blacksmith that had been staring at him as he walked by. The blacksmith didn't back down or move, but he did stop clanging at his work-in-progress blade.

Eske and Cygnovum ignored Ceylon's posturing as they walked in tow behind him. Cygnovum was still walking funny as they got to the market, so Eske gently ran her talon down his flank and lowered his tail over his lady parts. She wasn't shy or ashamed of showing off, but it didn't seen appropriate to be vaginally winking at onlookers, spurting little bits of errant lube all over the ground.

"Why'd you do that?" Cyg asked, defiantly lifting tail again.

"I don't know these people, Cygnovum. I'd rather not have attention drawn to me via estrus-riddled hen's exposure. It's nothing personal and I love the view, but I just kind of want to keep it low key for now. Okay?" She held her bag close to her body for the heat, one arm draped over it in the bag.

Reluctantly, Cygnovum lowered her tail and sighed. "Not the show-off type? That's fair, I suppose. I just love to chat with people, and I figured a bit of a display would maybe incite some discussion. I have lots of friends I play games with here in Iorre and I'm sure the Commander would love to hear about our time last night. Hell, he might even want to have a go at me before my parts revert to my normal form."

Eske nodded and preened at the larger hen's neck feathers with her talons, plucking a few radiant down feathers and tossing them in her bag to further warm and insulate the egg inside. "That's fair, I suppose. Just for me, just today, can we keep it a bit more modest?" She held the bag close again, Ceylon's swaying rump in front of her at eye level.

"Sure, no problem. I don't know what we're doing in town, anyway. Ceylon's not gonna find much in the way of meat here. Maybe some snacks like rats or rabbits, but certainly nothing bigger than that."

"That's a shame." Ceylon commented over his shoulder. "But I suppose it makes sense. A butcher would have whole cows or pigs to eat, wouldn't they?"

Cygnovum nodded, even though Ceylon couldn't see her from that angle. "Yeah, there's a butcher and farm on the north end of town, a whole market dedicated to all sorts of delicious meats, but I just don't feel like going there. Had a bit of a romp with the drake there once and I'm not sure if I could see him again without exposing myself to him. That's also where I met the snake woman, Leera. She was buying a whole cow and a whole bison for herself. Said she was on her hunger phase and needed to stock up because she intended not to eat again for a few months."

"Yeah, that sounds like her." Ceylon agreed before stopping suddenly. He was at the end of the street they'd been walking down, between two of the larger buildings that led to Iorre's marketplace. It was a round, arena-like opening with vendors all around the outer rim of it as well as a small group in the middle. It wasn't too big, a fraction of the size of New Jorai, but still a respectable marketplace with streets splaying out from it in all directions. All the buildings near it were tall - between three and five stories each - so it made the entire market feel closed in.

Ceylon was a gryphon of open skies, he didn't like feeling closed in.

"Let's get our noms and move on." Ceylon requested as he buried his beak into his saddle-bag and pulled out a small sack of coins. "I've got plenty to pay for all of us."

"Oh, Can I have some mice? Those are my favorite. Something of a delicacy for me. Don't get them very often, but they're sweet."

"Sure, have whatever you want, take a couple gold, should get you as much as you'd want. Cyg, you want anything?" he held the coin bag out by the wrinkled rim where he string had been threaded through as Eske took a couple silver instead of gold.

"Naw, I'm fine Cey, I can afford my own treats. Not even sure if I want anything. I told you, the juiciest game is atop the mountain plateau, and not many can be bothered to go there so there's a LOT. That said..." she paused to rub her talon on her belly as it grumbled, a sound that could have been hunger or seed-bloat in her womb. "...I am hungry enough to need something now and too weak at the knees to bother with a hunt. Give me a few minutes, I'll pick up my meal, and we can meet back here in five, okay?"

"Deal." Ceylon, Cygnovum, and Eske all split up to go their separate ways. Eske picked up a small bag of a half dozen live mice, since they were not the type to be pre-killed. She had a sense of joy regarding the fun she'd have later as she let them loose so she could chase them. Cygnovum got a string of dead rabbits and hares dangling by their legs on a strip. Three rabbits was enough for him. Ceylon, on the other hand, blew entirely too much coin stocking up on all sorts of meat, including a half dozen rabbits, two cabra (large rodents like rats, gamey and juicy, but weirdly bitter), and a small deer. He put all the smaller vermin in one of his saddle bags and had to break bones and bend flesh to fit the deer in the other side. Luckily, the blood had been drained on that one so it didn't make a mess.

Once they all got back together by the north end of the marketplace, Both Cyg and Eske marvelled at the meat-stuffed pack on either side of Ceylon's flank. "Hungry, much?" Eske teased.

"I always get hungry after a proper mating. I drain all my energy into them that I gotta get back." He held his head up high and puffed his chest out in a stance of pride, only to be gently teased the entire time back to Cygnovum's home in the mountains.

Once again, Eske had to ride Ceylon, since she couldn't fly or climb that high, but that made some issues for the over-encumbent gryphon. Ceylon was carrying his own weight, all his coin, the meat he'd purchased, Eske, and Eske's cargo all at once. Had there been lots of rock or open fields int he immediate vicinity, he could have caught a thermal and rode it high in the sky over the town, but he had to flap hard to gain the altitude and catch up to Cygnovum before landing on his friend's balcony.

Exhausted and heaving, Ceylon laid down flat on his belly on the stone outcropping as Eske happily hopped off him and darted into their host's home. Ceylon could hear a cheerful glee as she poured the leather bag of half dozen mice on the floor and chased them, gobbling them up one by one.

"You okay there, Ceylon?" Cygnovum asked as she sidled up next to the larger drake, who was still coughing and heaving his chest with exhaustion.

"I'll be fine, just gotta eat. Let's all go eat together, unless you would rather eat alone." He suggested.

"Yeah, we can all eat separate. I'm sure you need some time to swallow down that deer of yours, and Eske looks like she's already just about done hers."

"Good. After that I'm going to bed. That mating last night and this morning really drained me. Gonna nap a bit, if that's okay." Ceylon hobbled to his feet and went into one of Cygnovum's private rooms to enjoy his meal.

He started with the cabra as an appetizer, took a few minutes to properly swallow the deer whole - broken bones and twisted flesh and all - finished with the remaining rodents as a dessert. He wasn't stuffed or engorged, but he was plenty full, at least for now.

Once he was done, he Sauntered out into the main room to see that neither Eske nor Cygnovum were out there, so he checked each room until he found them both curled up together in Cyg's nest. He smiled and walked up next to the soft-looking nest made of down, hay, and straw covered by a thick, rugged looking blanket and laid down beside them. He couldn't hope to lay on there with them - he was far too large to fit - so he curled up, rested his beak on his talons, and fluttered off to bed.

Ceylon didn't dream during his nap, because he didn't quite get the sleep needed to do so. He never quite reached the state where his mind began to wander. Instead, it was like he'd barely closed his eyes when he was woken by the sound of Cygnovum in his nest nearby, grunting and heaving.

He peeked up over the rim of the nest to see the glow-gryphon's body heaving, even though she was still asleep. Her legs were cycling gently, a combination of run and writhe as Eske had shifted over to the other side of the nest to avoid the flailing limbs, curled up happily around the egg. Oddly enough, neither had woken from the disturbance.

With a gentle chuckle to himself, Ceylon rolled to his feet and pecked at Cyg's backside, a stab that woke her up.

"Wha? What;s that?" Cyg panted in between grunts, the gentle glow of her flesh illuminating the underside of Ceylon's chest and belly, giving him a bright green outline. Before he could finish or ask another question, Cygnovum's abdomen clenched and he curled up on a ball, beak pushing Eske off the bed to land on her back, egg still clutched to her chest.

"I'll Kill ya!" She shouted suddenly from the other side of the nest on the floor, before coming to her senses and getting to her feet. She watchied Cygnovum curl and writhe in his nest as she peeked over the side of the nest. "What's up with her? And uh, sorry, I'm not gonna kill anyone." She might have flushed, but the green glow of the room kept Ceylon from being able to discern any pink nares.

"It's that time for her." Ceylon observed, patiently watching his friend's body go through one contraction after another.

Cygnovum turned and looked up meekly. "Time for what?!" She demanded, confused and a little upset.


Both Eske and Cygnovum gaped their beaks open and stared at Ceylon, but it was Eske who spoke up. "What do you mean, labor? You just...the two of you, you know, just did..." She wrapped her digits around her wrist, made a fist, then splayed out her fingers, a crude representation of mating. "...That, this morning! Last night! It hasn't even been a full day yet, how could she be in labor?"

Ceylon laughed gently and smiled. "It's amazing what a little bit of magic can do to the reproductive cycle. Cyg here only has a day or so left in this form until her female parts expire and she grows his male parts back, so I wanted to make sure she enjoyed the proper lay, you know? Get that true hen experience on the fast track. Should have an egg or two inside, and it's clear they're ready to come out. Cyg here's ready to pop!"

The gravid hen immediately curled up in a ball, heaving as her sexual muscles contracted again, squeezing out a massive flow of fluids both clear and creamy colored, but all glowy. "What did you do to me?" She whimpered, talons clutching her belly.

"I just sped up the process, Cyg. This is what labor feels like, you'd have felt this either way."

She heaved again, another thick glob of radiant fluid dampening and soaking into her nest.

"You could have warned her." Eske scolded the drake before going over to rest her talons on Cyg's belly.

Ceylon gently backpedaled away from the nest and laid down on his belly, intently watching the scene by the gentle glow of Cygnovum's flesh and fluids, giving the whole room a somewhat eerie feel. At this point, it was as simple as standing by and watching the magic of egg creation happen. His eyes were sharp but his sense of smell was somewhat dampened by the cool air of the cave, but he still managed to practically taste the eggs within his friend. The gryphon drake's gaze stayed fixed on Cyg's luminous sex, a certain bolt of excitement tickling his sheathe every time the hen's pussy contracted or dilated, either squeezing out more juices or opening up to show Ceylon every bit of her flesh right up to the cervix that also was dilated.

It was a beautiful view, seeing right in past the vulva, through the birth canal, and into the womb that was illuminated well enough thanks to the glowing flesh that it was like shining a lamp directly inside coupled with a spreading device. He licked his lips and wrapped his tail around his body to hide his engorged sheathe as Eske walked around and blocked his view.

"Cyg, I'm gonna help you, okay? I just dealt with this yesterday, so I know what you're going through. Okay? Just relax, I'll check and see how many eggs there are, okay?" She patted the quadruped hen's flank and got her to roll onto all four feet with tail in the air. "Good girl, now like I said, please relax, I will be mindful of my claws."

Cygnovum whimpered as she laid her chest down flat against the rim of the bed, talons and beak draped over the side. The flesh around her eyes illuminated her stone floor in front of her so she could focus on the bugs that were exploring her room while Eske did her work around her backside. There was a slight tinge of anger towards Ceylon for doing this to her, but after a few heavy breaths, she came to realize that her drake friend was right, this was going to happen either way, best do it while it's still in her....hhhhhngph! Her thought process was interrupted as a hot-fleshed hand slipped its way into her slit, feeling around inside and eventually poking through to her womb.

"Good girl, Cyg. Just, please don't clench....I Said stop clenching, please...okay, good, thanks for relaxing. Okay, I am in." She pushed her weight up against Cygnovum, feeling her arm slide through the hen's birth canal and into the womb. Cyg was still a little tense, her muscles clenching down as hard as they would go on the little owlette's arm, but she was still able to go in deeper because her walls were dilated, chemically loosened and made tender as they prepared for a massive egg to slip through.

She leaned in again and swirled her hand around inside, cupping around one massive egg, then another. As she pushed them to the side, she tried to reach in deeper, but her neck and torso touched rump and clit right at the same time her fingertips pressed against the back wall of Cyg's womb.

"Looks like there's only two in there." She said, but just as she said it, the muscles contracted again, shifting the eggs inside and squishing her wrist between them as the muscles massaged her forearm and bicep. The eggs hurt, but the sensual massage on her limb was pleasant - so pleasant she couldn't help but give a few gentle rubs in and out, thrusting her arm in slow, piston-like motions, her fist slipping out from between the eggs to escape her womb and slip back inside.

There was a long, drawn out sigh of pleasure emanating from Cygnovum's beak as she spread her legs, raised her tail higher, and pushed down on Eske's form. "Do that again!" She commanded, barely able to sneak the words out in between ragged, exhausted gasps.

Eske felt a wave of shame for enjoying this, the glowing green flesh dilating to lay an egg massaging her, but it was hard not to. If poor Cyg wasn't in labor, this would have gotten her quite excited, so much she'd have to rub herself in time with how the vaginal canal massaged her arm. Still, it seemed to make Cyg feel good in wake of the very tight contractions, so she pushed in and out a few times, loosening the cervix a bit more, coaxing a contraction of pleasure from the larger hen that shifted the eggs inside until the blunt end of one sealed off the entrance to the womb.

"Well that's interesting." She marvelled as she tried to slip her fingers in around the egg, pushed in between shell and flesh. The pressure was just too much, and despite the flesh growing tender and dilated, the cervix was still relatively firm and unforgiving. "I'll do this, let me help you." She once again pulled out for a gentle thrust, her other hand tugging on the opening only to have the entire birth canal widen and gape from lips to womb, giving her a deep, intimate view of the green-speckled egg pushing against her fingers. The hen's womb shifted, shortening the length of the canal, nearly pushing her hand out.

"HHHHHNGPH! Get it out of meeee!" Cygnovum cried amidst a long, drawn out grunt that was accented by another contraction. Her insides felt like they were being ripped out by a knot, but this time she was pushing, rather than being pulled at. It was a nice feeling, like the thickest part of the egg was about to slip through her cervix to lurch out in one wet, sloppy splat against Eske's palm, but that didn't come, at least not immediately.

Ceylon continued to watch the entire ordeal, clicking his beak and writhing uncomfortably in place, inner thighs rubbing against his sheathe as the show continued to excite him. While he loved to be active, he also had a bit of a voyeuristic streak, and he was enjoying the view just fine without having to participate. Few things were as innately exciting as watching a gravid hen lay an egg that just didn't want to come out. So he watched, and he waited.

But he didn't have to wait too long, at least not for the first egg.

A few seconds after Cygnovum's long-winded contraction, she immediately had another that tensed up all her muscles from rump to throat, a guttural gurgle accenting the sloshing, grinding, shift of the first egg as her cervix relaxed just enough for it to lurch through! In one fell motion, it popped out of the womb, slipped through the dilated canal past Eske's arm, splattered on her chest, and fell to the soft bedding below.

Instantly, Cyg's body weakened and fell tot he ground, her fluffy belly fur cradling at the egg's form as Eske's arm got jerked out of her convulsing canal. She was panting and grunting, trying to hold back the pain that...actually wasn't manifesting. She felt like she should have experienced a widening split through her body, but the hormones had kept the pain from escalating too high. "Well, that wasn't all ba-"

Poor Cygnovum was stopped mid-sentence as another body-rocking contraction arched her back and exposed her glowing vulva to Eske, droplets of glowing birthing fluid dripping down her inner thighs. She let out a cry as her womb tightened on the remaining egg and pushed it against her cervix. Back deep inside, she was expecting this one to be easier since she'd just passed the first egg through, and she should have been relaxed enough for the second to slip right through, but that wasn't what happened. This one felt larger, this one felt wider. This one felt like it truly was going to rip her in half from womb to slit.

Eske could clearly see that Cyg was having troubles, so she got back to her feet and pushed her arm back into the dilated flesh up to her wrist; the shifted womb had shortened the canal by half, so it took little effort to slip her palm in around the egg and get a feel for its size. It had to be twice the girth of the first one, a fact she was ashamed she didn't catch when she first counted. "C-Cyg, I'm sorry, this one is much, much bigger than the other one!"

Just as Cyg had expected; this was not going to be easy.

Luckily, Ceylon was also paying astute attention, and the small glimpse he got through the gaping canal to the open womb told him all he needed to know. This egg was not coming out without help. He got to all four feet and stepped in behind Eske, gently pushing her to the side. "I'll help her, Eske. Looks like my magic may have went into overdrive giving him a too-big egg, and it'll be my magic that helps her out again.

"You damn right it was you who did this to me, you insufferable beast!" Cygnovum whimpered over her shoulder in between grunting contractions.

Ceylon shook his head gently and nuzzled at Cyg's slit for a moment before raising his talon to the flesh. He used her glowing light to give him the guidance he needed to magically transform his claws so that they were dull, like smoothe rocks out of the belly of a dragon - not sharp in any way. Good, this would help. "Sorry." He whispered, mostly to himself, as he rested one hand on her rump, using his thumb to pry open her lips as he slipped his free talon into her. She wasn't tight, but he was still much larger than she was and his talons weren't small, so the view of her lips distending and flesh being displaced actually excited the drake more. Reminded him of what a pussy looked like when knotted.

And he loved to look at his own devastation.

The view and feel of her flesh clenching around his wrist and forearm was enough to coax his cock from its sheathe, and he couldn't hold back. He knew a better way to focus his magic and enjoy it at the same time, much as talon-fucking this hen would have been fun.

While Cygnovum remained splayed out, rump high in the air and tail raised to lay, Ceylon pulled his talon from her passage to leave her gape a bit, followed by an encouraging rump pat. "Now stay still, Cyggie. Need you to be strong." Could have been easily mistaken for general encouragement, but he was being a bit more specific - he needed Cygnovum to not collapse under his weight. She came to realize this a moment later when the drake hopped up onto her, wrapping his talons around her torso and pressing the tip of his sheathe against her sex.

Eske saw this and pounced forth, trying to pull Ceylon away from Cyg's exposed backside. "What are you doing? You'll plug her up worse than she already is!"

Ceylon stopped his forward momentum, leaving his barbed tip just resting between Cyg's lips as he turned to look at the panicking owlette. "No worries, my dear. Trust me, an orgasm at the same time as a contraction will get that egg out with ease. Besides, magic cock!" He pointed to the bulge in his sheathe with his tail, grin spread wide across his beak as he slowly leaned forward, soaking his ebon flesh in the gooey birthing slime that was oozing out of the hen's canal.

Eske was worried still, not entirely sure if this was genuine or Ceylon's 'bestial' side coming out again, but he was a half dozen times her size and certainly more than able to overpower both her and Cygnovum in the throes of passion, so she backed away and walked around the nest to cradle Cyg's beak in her hands, hugging her close as Ceylon continued his slow but powerful thrusts against her. "Cey's gonna try something." She assured the hen, who nodded meekly.

"I heard. Actually sounds like a good idea." Cyg confirmed, temporarily free from the rhythmic contractions that had been ravaging her body, leaving skin sweaty and flesh trembling and weak.

"Glad to hear it." Ceylon chuckled as he reached under Cyg's tail to grab his barbed member, aiming it at the hen's rump, now that it was covered in viscous birthing fluid. "Trust me on this, pressure here..." He slipped his length under her tail, feeling rump hole slide over his member - it was just as loose as her pussy was. "...then your womb will be able to push the egg out there." He kept his talon there a moment, gaping open Cyg's canal one last time before pushing more of his member into her. The sensation of his ebony and cherry faded flesh slipping from sheathe to rump was certainly a slowly-emerging pleasure, but it was the feeling as his mostly-formed knot popping out of sheathe to slam against her that sent the tingles down his shaft, resulting in a splay of his barbs.

"Hhhhhhhhngph!" He, too, was grunting in pleasure as he wrapped his talon around her belly and leaned back, lifting the hen up off her hind feet so the two would fall back onto the nest, Cygnovum laying on her back on Ceylon's belly, rock-hard knot pressed against her soft pucker as his shaft pulsed and splayed its barbs out in time with each one of the hen's micro contractions.

"Th-thanksssss!" Cygnovum hissed up at Ceylon, the blend of pleasure and discomfort from the egg and cock inside her coaxing another long winded grunt and contraction from her depths.

Ceylon gave a few idle thrusts as he pushed up into her, pressing down with his talons on her belly as he genuinely tried his best to force his knot into her rump - he knew she wouldn't feel pain due to the hormones and various chemicals flowing through her body to prepare her womb and birth canal for the coming egg. Also, he was focusing just as hard on focusing glowing blue streams of magic through the very tip of his cock to give her the magical help she needed to stretch and flex her inner walls to let that egg through.

"Oh dear, let me help!" Eske giggled as she saw the blue glow of Ceylon's magic blending with the neon green from Cygnovum, understanding what was going in and wanting to be part of the action. Her own nethers tingled in delight as her imagination soared through thoughts of shoving another large egg into herself, but knew she'd have to hold off, as what she could feel of this egg made her think that if she curled up tight, she could have fit inside it, so no chance of her enjoying the finer sensations of a gently rippled and dimpled shell slipping through her. Hell, even the one she passed would break before being shoved back into her.

So instead she stepped up to the side of the nest and helped by getting both hands in Cygnovum's canal, helping to widen the broach as her fingers tickled at the gaping rim of the womb, fully plugged by egg.

It actually didn't take long from that moment at all for the body-rocking orgasm/contraction to curl Cygnovum up in a ball, forcing the egg out of her womb. The gentle sliding friction of knuckles rubbing and sliding along her G-spot paired with the insertion of a massive barbed cock coaxed the most powerful orgasm of her body to spurt out a thick stream of glowing green fluid right into Eske's face and chest. That also paired with the blue magic coursing through Ceylon's cock and the gently dilating nature of her deepest flesh allowed the egg to suddenly explode from the womb, passing through the birth canal and popping out onto Eske's chest, knocking her on her rump with the green and black speckled orb in her lap, thick streams of goo dribbling over the side of it.

Eske blinked in disbelief as she watched Cygnovum's gaped open canal slowly cotnract, but not quite close entirely. She could see right into the hen's womb, the glowing flesh at maximum lumunosity due to the tingling pleasure coursing through her. "Whoa." She gasped, mostly to herself.

Ceylon's arms were wrapped tightly around the hen's body, still pressing down where the bottom of the egg used to be, having used her leverage to help push it through. He leaned forth and preened at the gasping hen's neck feathers, whispering a bit of key information in Cyg's ear that made Her chuckle.

"Oh Ceylon, why am I not surprised?" She laughed, pussy still wide open but slowly closing back to a semi-regular form. Her tail was swishing gently back and forth over the egg, but she was otherwise ignoring both it and the owlette that held it.

"Hey, what are you waiting for, Cyg? You gotta sit on it!" Eske protested as she rolled the egg - which was as tall as her torso from tail base to neck and twice as wide. "Don't let it DIE!"

"Calm down, Eske, there's nothing in it. Nothing in yours, either." Ceylon explained. "I'm sterile, can't make chicks. In both eggs, it'll just be cum and yolk, those are gonna be some delicious omelettes for someone, might a well be you, right?"

Eske stared at him for a moment as she let that sink in. "So you're telling me, you made me carry that thing around all day, through the market, and even flew slowly and carefully just so I could imagine it was mine....and it's empty?"

"Yep." He laughed again, stating the obvious as simply as he could.

"That's...okay, that's actually pretty funny, I won't lie." She hopped over the egg and nuzzled into the crook between gaping pussy flesh and Cyg's inner thigh, licking gently at the fluids that were still dribbling out from within her womb. "Mmmm, sweet!"

Cygnovum's back arched in a twitch as Eske's tongue slipped over her lips. "C-careful, Girl, that's super sensitive right now!" She warned, closing her legs around her lips to hide herself, gryphon cock still lodged deep within her rump, which was slowly gaining sensitivity now that she was void of the thick spheres that he'd deposited in her earlier.

"Oh, and Eske, I think I owe you one for being such a good sport, c'mere." Ceylon instructed her over Cyg's torso.

She happily hopped up onto both burds and spread her legs over the hen's breast, her own tiny little trickles of excitement running down over the waterproof feathers and soaking into her own inner thigh fur. "Now don't leave me hanging, you two. If you owe me, I want....something from you. I'll let you guys decide what."

Cygnovum and Ceylon both looked at each other as they licked their beaks, a pair of sly grins spreading across their faces.

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