My Life is Super Issue 3: Hale to the King

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#11 of My Life is Super - Issue 3

SoFurry Exclusive! My Life is Super Issue 3 Bonus Chapter!

We've had to deal with him a lot in this issue. We've loved him. Hated him. Felt pity for him and on some level, we want to sleep with him. Come on. Some of you want to cuddle up to this big, muscle, special kind of crazy and call him 'Daddy'.

Well, now let's see his side of the story.


PS. There are no actual sex scenes.


My Life is Super Issue 3: Hale to the King

I've always been proud of my sons. I know I may not always show it but I've always been proud of them. I love my wife and I am proud of my daughter as well but I guess my true pride and joy have always been my sons.

I'm proud of Lance's strength.

I'm proud of Leon's confidence.

And I'm proud of Caleb's...

... well...

I'm proud of Caleb.

Look at me. Jumping ahead. It's a little hard not to think of the future when in the present you're standing beside someone who loved his sons so much that he was willing to do anything for them. Gabriel Ramos... You and I are so much alike. I only wish I could've been as brave as you when I was younger.

My name is David Hale.

And this is my story.


So, where to begin?

Well, I don't know how much you know but I'm a super. A super_hero_, in fact. I have the power to conjure metal, mould it into anything I want and bring it into existence anywhere. I go under the alias of 'Feral Steel'. I'm the father of four children, three of which are mine and the last of whom I adopted by pure fate. I never really believed in fate before but Caleb, my youngest, has turned my perspective on that.

But I'm getting ahead of myself again.

I was born to Peter and Anastasia Hale, a healthy wolf. While I was growing up, I loved football. American football. My family originally came from Siberia but generations ago, they migrated to the United States. Some of my aunties and uncles still live there, though, and by extension my cousins. Because of my love of football, my summers were spent practicing the game, joining the team and my genetics no one ever really gave any thought to me being big. By the time I was fourteen, I had a six pack and I'll admit, it got me a lot of attention. But I was never really interested in it all mostly because I was fascinated by one thing: supers.

Now I should mention my parents are extremely against supers. They think they're unnatural. They used to spout religious propaganda all the time. Things like 'only God can be in more than one place at once' or 'only Jesus may walk on water'. But you know how when you're told not to push that big red button and all you want to do is press it? That's how it was with me.

I was told supers were bad so I naturally wanted to learn more about them. Comic books and books on superhero studies were forbidden in my house so that made research a little hard. So I ended up spending most of my time in the library learning all I could. I learned about everything that was available, where superheros came from, how their powers manifested, and the great and many achievements of the big named super heroes of the past. As time went on and my obsession and knowledge of supers grew, I started to make small assumptions until I started to realise... I could very well be a super as well.

Now, by the time I was fourteen, I was already fairly big and I had this vague idea on how supers usually progressed and grew. Most supers were usually physically fit at a young age, highly active and athletic. It was rare that they had any genetic conditions like poor eyesight, poor hearing or whatever because their senses were usually enhanced due to their baseline superpowers. I was stoked at the idea of being a super so naturally, I wanted to test my theory.

Needless to say, throwing myself off the house roof and breaking my arm wasn't exactly the smartest thing to do. When my father demanded to know what I was doing, I told them I thought I was a super.

His reply?

"At least you had the decency to try and kill yourself. Good job, son."

At that stage, warning lights should've gone up but I was in incredible pain and glad that my parents at least rushed me to the hospital.

The funny thing is, if I had read further, I would've learned that most superpowers materialised during late adolescence, around the 16 years of age. Although mine didn't come in until I hit my freshman year in High School.

It was something simple, really. I just bent a spoon with my paw when I was really angry. I was the junior football team's quarterback then and that naturally came with large muscles so bending a spoon wasn't a problem and I never gave it another thought. Then, when I started bending metallic objects that were a little bigger than spoons... well, needless to say that the fantasy of being a super was once again ignited.

Boy was I stupid back then. I told all of my friends that I thought I had superpowers. My 'friends' back then were stupid, dumb football jocks who wanted to go to college just to drink, bash beer cans on their heads and party all night. I'm ashamed to say that back then I was just like one of them and their eagerness to prove that I was not a super led to some pretty stupid stunts... Like drinking myself stupid for instance.

Fun fact, just because you might have supernatural regeneration, it doesn't mean you have an abnormally high alcohol tolerance. To this day I can't take more than three bottles of beer without being completely and utterly sloshed. Don't let my kids know that, though. I've got a reputation to uphold as the alpha wolf in the house, after all.

Anyway, because I was young and stupid, me and my friend decided that we'd form a sort of vigilante group. We protected the small area where I lived from petty crimes like grocery store robberies. Being young, prideful and a brick-headed jock, I didn't follow any of the edicts of being a true superhero. I strutted down the streets in a poorly made costume, shouting corny lines just to save kittens from trees. God, if I could go back to the past...

Those golden days didn't last long, however. As you may know, there are periodic testing for supers and Outsiders that occur in schools. This is for the protection of these potential heroes. You don't want some hormonal teenager setting fire to his girlfriend's house because they broke up or a depressed teen killing her tormentors because they dropped fake blood on her while she was being crowned prom queen.

I freaked out when I was going to be tested and knew there was no escaping it. I tried to feign being sick and tried to avoid it entirely but my parents... They hold this super testing sacred. It was their version of 'culling'. It's how they identify the 'freaks', remove them from the schools and lock them away where they can't hurt people.

The look on their faces when those results came back...

Normally, when a super is found, they're transferred to a school for supers so they can train to hone their powers and be more responsible with them. If I had stayed three or so days with my parents after it was discovered I had powers, I would've been picked up. But that first night after they found out, I got kicked out. No dinner to talk about it, no attempt to hide it or take a retest. I was instantly no longer their son.

I swore that day that I would never inflict the same pain on my kids if I ever had them.

I'll admit, I got pretty depressed then.

Thankfully, my friend Bart, actually set me up with a sweet gig. I could've stayed in California, get trained as a super and become a superhero but I couldn't really imagine myself saving assholes like my parents. I decided that if that was the kind of life a super had, I didn't want to live it. So, I left California, got a job as a cleaning guy on a cruise ship and... well, I met the lifeguard-slash-DJ of the ship, a dingo named Ryan and... well... the rest is history.


That brings us a little closer to the present.

I swore I would never be the same judgemental prick that my parents were to my kids. So when I discovered that my son, Caleb Hale, had been hiding his Outsider status from me and we had actually traded heated words on the battlefield... well, I had a hard time not becoming like my father.

But you want to know the funny thing? When I looked at Weapons Master, I saw this strong, kind, confident soul that only wanted to do what was right for the world. He reminded me a lot of Ryan. I was proud that my son had stood up for himself, for what he believed in even against me. I was hurt that he hid it from me, devastated that even Lance kept the secret from me but that sense of independence, that strength... it was something to be proud of.

Then something strange happened.

Caleb instantly became my pup again. He'll always be my pup but what I mean is that he became submissive, agreeable and never fought back. He was like that at home but when he donned that Weapons Master costume, I saw a glimpse of the person he could be and I knew that was who he really was. Weapons Master was the true Caleb Hale and the boy that kept forgetting to put on sandals as he went upstairs was the mask.

So I made a vow.

I'd make Caleb into Weapons Master even if that meant he'd hate me for it.

I intruded in every aspect of his life.

The Outsider Reforms were the perfect excuse. I spoke with Bren. The weird immortal tiger really didn't have any choice in the matter. Either I became the group's mentor or his group dissolved. I think he's grown fond of my son and his friends and that's part of the reason he didn't want to give it all up. I've never asked why he decided to stay with Arsenal when, realistically speaking, he could be deployed around the world as the government's best field agent. I don't really know how smart it is to leave the FBI knowing a spectacular secret like his. That and I'll admit that the Alliance is too conflicted about the Gene Stealers to do anything about them.

That took care of my presence in Caleb's 'job'.

At home, I forbade him from going to the Facility, practically locking him from the outside world. Then, I went out of my way to make his home life _incredibly_uncomfortable. Waking up at four thirty in the morning was always a pain in the ass but I managed. I'll admit there was a bit of a voyeur in me when I measured my son every day. Sealing him in his room came with its risks but I would never put him in any real danger. Let's face it, a sealed room like Caleb's would have more than thirty minutes of air. The morning training routine grew increasingly difficult with winter coming in but after we got our blood pumping, it became easier. Lance came too. I wasn't going to neglect my other sons.

During the school break, I gave him no mercy. There was some sadistic part of me that enjoyed watching him sweat but at the same time, I had expected him to start fighting back well before school started. I thought he'd at least try sneaking out of the house and spending some time with Lars. But he just followed my instructions. No resistance. I knew I had to increase my aggression especially when he went back to school.

Becoming assistant coach to his football team was exactly what he needed. I could see the spark of rebellion in his eyes that day I stepped in to that locker room.

That was exactly what I was looking for.


When Arsenal was first formed, I knew there'd be a lot of work to do to make it a true working group. Our argument over the team uniforms was just an example of that. We had a supervillain, a former Gene Stealer, an empath, my son, a smart-assed genius, a respawning tiger and me. It was a powder keg just waiting to explode. That the Hound of Destruction joined in the fray and started some bizarre rivalry with Mary didn't help matters.

I spoke to my wife, Lillian about it.

"I've seen dysfunctional groups before," I admitted. "I mean when I started the Elemental Alliance, no one got along. Hell, Nightingale was this depressed goth that worshiped death! Well, he_still_ worships death but you get what I mean."

There was a crack of a whip while I let out a sigh. "What should I do?"

"It sounds like Arsenal needs a leader," Lillian answered, gently tracing a finger across my back. Her paws moved towards the straps across my wrists. "Not too tight, is it?"

"It's good, dear. And that's what I'm there for. I'm their mentor. I'm meant to lead them."

She sighed loudly and gently smacked my bare ass with the riding crop. "No, honey. You're their mentor_._ What they need is a leader. As far as they're concerned, you're the guy that tried to shut them down less than a month ago. You're still their enemy. You can't expect them to just fall in line. They need someone _on their_level."

He tried to glance over my shoulder but it was a little hard being restrained as I was. "You mean Caleb?"

She shrugged as she gently wrapped the ball gag over my muzzle. "Who else? You're already trying to groom him to be independent. I say, no one is a better front man for this new group than our son. From what I hear, he's the one holding them together."

I couldn't really say anything in protest because at that point, my lovely wife stuffed the extra large dildo into my ass, making my already hard cock leak. Thirty minutes later, I totally forgot what we were talking about and I just accepted the fact that Caleb would be the leader of Arsenal.

Remember how I told you getting up out of bed at four thirty in the morning was a pain in the ass?


God, I love my wife.


Zigzag Zapper...

I never thought I'd see his ugly mug ever again. In a way, I didn't. When my self-proclaimed archnemesis returned, he wasn't the fat, old crippled guy that I had effectively rendered powerless. He was this big, intimidating, muscular raccoon that scared the shit out of me. He was ten times stronger than he was before and at least two times stronger than I was. His powers were incredible, definitely enhanced.

At the time, I didn't really believe that he was the same Zapper that I had defeated so long ago and put out of my mind. But as events unfolded, it became more and more obvious that he was. I didn't know what this meant. I think Caleb did but I didn't.

Whatever the case, the battle between him and I was intense. I feared for my life. I was genuinely afraid that I'd never see my family again. Zapper had me on the ropes and I would have died that night.

Then Lance and Caleb came to my rescue.

Did I ever mention how proud I am of my sons?


Now the funny thing is, I was prepared for outright rebellion from Caleb. I was prepared from him to get his ear pierced, to shout at me, to smash things, lock himself in his room and threaten to run away, maybe even turn villain. What I was not prepared for was his special brand of passive-aggressive counterattacks.

I mean, getting a part-time job!?

What kind of kid fights his parents by getting a job?

I think what infuriated me the most is that he was actually right. Having a job at his age would make the perfect alibi for his Outsider alter ego and most kids did have jobs at his age. The fact that Arsenal no longer had government funding also put another worry on my mind. Without sponsorship, we wouldn't last especially with maintenance of the Facility and the 'loaning' of Bren's various bodies.

I began to worry about how in the world we were going to get the funds to keep our group running. Bren was doing the finances for us and when I asked him how we were tracking, he just gave me this sad look. From his estimates, we didn't have a month in us. I hated the idea of asking the Alpha Pack for money and then I just knew Arsenal wouldn't be as commercial as the Alliance.

It pained me to realise that my new team was more heroic than the Alliance I had built and yet it was likely to go under within a month.

So... I did something I never thought I'd do.

I placed a long distance call to Australia.

I mentioned that I had a brief dalliance as an Outsider down there, didn't I? Well, I did. Ryan and I made quite the team. Australia is super friendly to Outsiders. Praises them more than their supers. I guess it's the fact that they fought just as bravely as supers but were more vulnerable. That just increased the value of their courage. And here I was trying to keep Outsiders from being themselves...

Anyway, while I was in Australia, I made a few friends.

One of them was a koala by the name of Terrain. His real name is Terry but he gets a kick out of the slight alteration of his name. He's an Outsider just like Caleb. Has the power to change the quality of the soil around him. That's not lame, trust me. I've seen him create entire sink holes in the middle of streets or even turn sand into solid marble, encasing anyone unfortunate enough to become trapped within it. If he wanted, he could turn entire mountainsides to dust. It's a scary power.

Now, Australia is undergoing a massive terraforming endeavour. They weren't hit as hard by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse like the rest of the world. They had the largest naturally occurring uranium deposits at the time and the robots and world powers didn't want to blow up the one place on earth that was essentially stuffed to the brim with explosives. Some scientists after the disaster even said that if an atomic bomb was dropped, the resulting chain reaction would crack the world open. Or so I've heard.

Anyway, Australia was still hit by the Horsemen but instead of their cities being mostly vaporised, they were left with huge, blackened cities. The government has this weird fetish about preserving heritage sites and entire cities that had been badly damaged were been restored to the point where it was safe enough to travel through them and even offer a few extreme sports venues. But no one actually lives there except for the store owners and a few crazy recluses. Australian cities are actually several miles above sea level from where they were before the Horsemen. It's basically like they built another city on top of the ruins of their old city.

Now can you tell why I love Australia?

Terrain's powers come in handy with the constant maintenance and expansion of the Australian 'Second Cities'. He makes the soil stable for the construction workers to build above the ruins of the old cities and he gets paid a _hell_of a lot.

I guess that's the difference between how Australian's treat Outsiders and supers to the States. Here, they treat supers like celebrities and Outsiders like... well, outsiders. Down there, supers and Outsiders are just ordinary citizens with jobs. It just so happens that these jobs are geared towards their special abilities. It's not like here where we form leagues or groups just for supers, separating them form everyone else. There, you could be walking down a street and meet a guy wearing just khaki pants - did I mention that they really don't wear shirts down there? - using his powers to blow leaves from the gutters because that's his superpower. Or you could run into a doctor who has the power to instantly diagnose any disease you have. Those with powers there are just normal citizens and normal citizens don't care if they have powers or not.

I love Australia... and I miss it...

Damn, where was I?

Oh yeah, Terrain.

I ran around with him for a while with Ryan and I knew he made a hell of a lot of money from his job. Some would say I'm a proud old wolf but I know when I need help.

"David!? David Hale!?" Terrain laughed. "Holy fuck, dude! It's been a long time! How have you been?"

Oh and don't let Cory fool you. Not everyone speaks with that sexy Australian accent. They don't say 'crikey', 'mate' or have strange slang like 'up the duffer' or 'deadly unna'. Some do but it's rare. But I have to admit the few times I do ever hear someone with that accent it really turns me on. My wife sometimes does this awesome impression where she dresses as a guy with a big knife and...

... ahem...

I replied to Terrain with, "I've been good, Terry. Sorry I haven't called in a while. How are things with you? How're the kids?"

"Good, good. Henry has a job at the local Maccas."

"The what, sorry?"

"McDonald's. Sorry, forgot you're American. He has the power to make everything completely fresh. Got limp, old lettuce, one look from him and it's instantly crisp like you just plucked it off the farm! Oh and the burgers he makes! Ah!"

Terry smacked his lips, making me chuckle. "Well, I'm glad your kids are doing great, Terry. Hey, speaking of kids, I know this is a little out of left field but... I sort of need help with mine. Financial help."

"Yeah, I heard. So, elitist Feral Steel decided to join an Outsider group, huh?"

I lowered my gaze. Terry was an Outsider. Ryan was an Outsider. I couldn't imagine what this looked to them. "Listen Terry, I didn't -"

"You don't need to explain, mate. I know why you did it. Just because you were a complete and utter asshole, it doesn't mean that your intentions behind it weren't noble. We all know why you did it."

I still felt terrible though. "I still feel like I owe you guys an apology. I didn't want to... You guys were... are my friends. I'm sorry I didn't talk to you guys sooner. You've got to know that every time I said that stupid anti-Outsider propaganda, it was to protect them. It's different over here."

"Like I said, David. You don't need to explain," Terry answered gently. "Look, I've got some funds to spare. So does Emerald, Riot and Archway. We're more than willing to help. You're our brother, David. We take care of one another."

I was almost brought to tears as I thanked Terry profusely.

I got over half a million dollars deposited into my bank account within the hour with promises for more in the future.

Maybe I should consider moving my family to Australia...


Two things about the Ursa Strain.

First, I didn't expect it to come up so soon after the disaster of the Minos Strain. Minos was very... extravagant. I'd have thought that the Gene Stealers would want to lay low at least for a few months.


Okay, so coming from a bisexual man, that might sound a bit hypocritical but what truly angered me about that situation was really not that he was going to pose nude for people. I've done a few of those and no, there are no sex tapes or existing copies. You wouldn't recognise me any way. I was wearing a mask.


Stop asking me about the sex tape!

Where was...?

Oh yeah, Caleb.

What really angered me was that he did his passive-aggressive anti-authority thing against me. He went and did something that would help Arsenal, using my own words of finding funds for the team, but in such a way that... Gah!

"Seriously though!? GUYS!?"

Lillian chuckled at me as I stubbornly turned my back to her, arms crossed. "Honey, you love that publication."

"No I don't!"

"I've seen your tablet's history. I know you have the adult filters off because you think you're an adult but honestly, you masturbate just like a hormonal teenager." I felt her knowing smirk before I turned around and saw it. "You're a lot more like Caleb than you think."

"I am not!" I stamped my foot, making sure not to smash the floor with my strength. Sometimes it's a little hard being a super. You can't exactly throw tantrums. "At his age I was -"

"Halfway across the world having an 'open relationship' with the man of your dreams," she finished. "How many guys did you do in the three years before you and Ryan finally decided to settle down?"

I grumbled and refused to answer. She knew the answer. She was just trying to make a point by trying to make me say it.

It's about a hundred guys, by the way.

Okay so maybe it's a hundred and twenty-six.

Don't look at me like that.

Australia is a very accepting place and they're a rather carefree people... Well, compared to here. I know that's no excuse but think of it this way, there are fifty-two weeks in a year. I was in Australia for five years, three years of college - they call it university - and two years of college. For about three years, Ryan and I slept around. It was an ongoing competition between us. One guy per week.

We kept score.


Shit, am I a slut?

Alright... so maybe by his age, I was a lot... wilder than Caleb. And yes, one of my pickup lines was 'Hey, did you ever meet a guy with a sex tape?'.

No there never was a sex tape, it was just a pickup line. Helped gauge how crazy the person was.


There is no sex tape!

"But I never," I began.

"Yes you did," she answered. "Australia has a lot of good looking men and they go around without shirts most of the time. If I recall, you were recruited one day off the street by this amateur pornography company and you made, how many movies was it?"

"Twenty-nine," I grumbled. "And they weren't movies. They were short films."

"Pornographic short films," she laughed. She patted the bed where she lay. I couldn't stay infuriated when she was around me. She just knew me too well. I sighed and sat down. "You know Caleb is going to do something crazy eventually. You and he are a lot alike. You're just afraid he'll turn out exactly like you." She gently gripped my shoulder and kissed my cheek. "But if he turned out half the man you are, the world would be very lucky."

She always knew how to put things into perspective.

I guess it was really at that point that I grew to accept that no matter his origins, Caleb is truly my son and we really are the same in many ways.

That and my wife double-stuffed me with dildos until I admitted it.

God I love her.


Jesus Wolf Christ...

The Alpha Pack is not what I expected. I knew from Benjamin Connors that his family was rather well off but I never imagined they'd be so rich that they can throw a goddamn ten course meal in a dining room that looked like it belonged in a castle. Samson Connors was also not what I had expected. Yes he was big and intimidating and I couldn't shake the feeling that he was evil but to be perfectly honest I had thought he'd be throwing his weight and wealth around to intimidate me.

But he is far more subtle and devious than that.

When the night began, I was instantly wary of him. It might've been the fact that I wasn't wearing a mask. This invitation just screamed supervillain plot and on some level, I was right. I was somewhat comforted by the presence of the Hound of Destruction, however. I don't think they actually knew who she was. I'm sure that if they did, Samson wouldn't have said what he did.

"Your son is an amazing young pup," he said, a glass of fine wind in his big hands.

"He is," I responded gruffly. Then, in the spirit of being polite, I added, "your son is equally impressive."

"Perhaps. But in truth, he is merely adopted into my family. He is a very powerful werewolf and thus a member of the Pack."

"Don't you love him?" My superhero instincts were kicking in. I didn't want to go on a monologue there and then but I've been a superhero for decades. It's hard to supress old habits.

"I am fond of him, yes," Samson answered with a gentle smile on his lips. "I admit, I like his videogames. Sometimes I wish that the world were more like the Grand Theft Auto universes or perhaps even the Saints Row series. Plus, in bed he does this thing with his powers which -"

I reeled back in surprise. "You sleep with your son!?"

I hoped I wasn't too loud but the rest of the Alpha Pack were mingling and probably drowned out my words.

"Now don't tell me that you haven't fantasised about sleeping with _your_son."


Samson gave me a knowing smirk. He gently wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I was slightly taller and that was a moment of pride for me. "Yes you have," he accused. "You and I share the same tastes, my friend. We do not care who we fuck. As long as they're hot. And they have power. We like surrounding ourselves with strong people. If we are in the company of strong men and women and we lead them, that makes us the strongest. And your son, Caleb, he is incredibly powerful and with much more untapped potential." His eyes grew predatory. "There is just this purity about him, this bright, shining light that I want to sink my fangs into. I want him to look at me with that loving gaze as I fill his ass with my cream. More than anything, I want him to discard that lawful, innocent façade that he puts on and become the raving, savage beast that he is so desperately trying to suppress!"

I pulled away from him with a snarl. "You're sick!"

Then came the part that really struck home.

"There will come a time, David Hale," he said confidently, "that he will need your help. He will come to you or perhaps the situation will dictate that you be there for him as more than just a father. You will have the opportunity to seize his strength, take his light for yourself." He gave me a little toast as if to seal the moment. "Knowing you, you will take that opportunity because you and I are exactly the same. We're alphas and we want everything."

"You don't know me!" I snarled.

"Don't I?" he countered with a smirk. "Well, do you deny that you and your son are a lot alike?"

I didn't reply and that was all the confirmation he needed. "So how about a little friendly wager." A waiter passed by and he set his wine glass down. "Tonight's meals have been designed to subtly hint at your personality and mine. I guarantee that the course you pick will not be the same as the one I pick."

I narrowed my gaze at him. "How about we up the ante a little? You say I'm like my son that way? Well, he's going to clearly pick one course over the other, right? So how about this: if you're right about me and I want my son more than just a son, then Caleb will the dishes I pick. Otherwise, he'll pick the dishes you pick."

He was smiling. I didn't like that smile. "So are you basically asking him and the universe for confirmation that should something ever occur between you two, he would be open to it?"

Shit... was that what I was doing?

"Are you in or not?" I growled.

Samson raised his hand towards me. "I was never one to back down from a wager."

Dinner was delicious, I'm sure, but I couldn't stop watching Caleb. Samson was right, of course. He and I never picked the same dish. I know it's stupid thinking that my son's choice of dish would somehow confirm or deny this sickening feeling in my chest that Caleb reminded me so much of myself and of Ryan at the same time. I don't think Lillian would be opposed if I occasionally slept with my son. Hell, she might even sit by the bed while we did it with a cattle prod and after we finished, she'd prompt us 'gently' to do it again.

Shit was I getting hard.

I'm such a terrible father...

Even worse was the fact that I just realised as the first course was coming in, I had fallen into Samson's trap. If Caleb picked my dishes, Samson would be proven right and the seeds of doubt would be planted in my head. If he picked Samson's dishes, it would mean that Caleb wasn't as close to me as I thought and I could have just given Samson the opportunity to take Caleb for his own.

God, why did he have to pick the chicken leek soup? That was what I liked!

When the last course came, however, even I had to groan in surprise at the cock-shaped croquembouche and the phallic banana split. When the waiter poured white chocolate over the tower of sweet rolls... I knew Samson was mocking me. I was kind of glad that Martha Connors slapped Samson for his clear manipulations.

And I beamed when Caleb decided to share his desserts.

Good boy, Caleb. Use your frustrating passive-aggressive rebellion against someone other than me for once!

When the night ended, I approached Samson proudly. I handed him the cheque for the million dollars that he had donated to Arsenal.

"I don't think we'll be needing this, thanks," I said.

"Your team won't last long without our support both on the field and financially," he said, that smirk wiped off his face.

"I think we'll manage." I turned away from him, head held high and tail wagging.

"The score was five to four, you know."

I froze.

"In your favour."


I think the worst part about what Samson said to me was just how soon it came true.

That Sunday night when Caleb had inadvertently killed all those people - and made us dance to that goddamn song because of Rick - I knew I had to be there for my son. But what Samson said got to me. I... I didn't want to put myself in that position. Maybe it was because I knew I would be tempted and I didn't want to know that he was right and that I was such a terrible father.

Deep down, I knew this was exactly the kind of reaction he was going for. It was typical power play. I was the only one keeping Arsenal_from completely falling under the Alpha Pack. If I was out of the picture, proven incompetent or lost my status, Samson could easily take the reins and have _Arsenal be just another extension of the Pack.

I knew this and for those horrible days when Caleb looked at me blankly with unseeing eyes and did nothing but stay in his room... God. All I could do was put on this brave smile and try to get him up out of bed like I did every day. I feared measuring him because of the obvious sexual innuendos behind it. Honestly, I didn't have the energy to do anything. After my daily attempts to cheer him up, I let Lance and Caleb's friends take over to try and cheer him up.

I only wish there was something I could do for him.

Thankfully, my wife had the solution.

"Here," she said, handing me a ticket.

"What's this?" I asked, regarding the piece of paper.

"A ticket down to Brisbane," she answered. "I've already booked a driver down there to take you exactly where you need to go. Your portal opens in an hour."

"What? But I -"

She placed a paw on my shoulder, squeezing it tightly. "You need to talk to him, David."

"Caleb needs me..."

"He needs his father," she answered. "And you can't be that person when you've still got Ryan hanging over your head. Go." She leaned down and kissed my forehead gently. "I'll take care of everything here."

I kissed her back, lovingly and tenderly. "Thank you."

An hour later, I was at the West California Portal Hub or WCPH. It's pretty much like an airport but unlike the other Portal Hubs in the world, it was pretty darn small. The circular facility only had six portals. Yes each portal was about as big as a truck but when you were transporting goods and people across vast distances, it was fairly small. Most people preferred the Portal Hubs in California State to the one on the island. That didn't make the building any less packed.

Like any airport, I went up to the desk at Portal 4, checked in and sat down with the others waiting for the Portal to open to Brisbane. The news was packed with the events of the bowling alley and just thinking about it reminded me of Caleb and how much I wanted to be there for him. I wanted to hold him to my chest, tell him everything was going to be okay and...

Fuck... I'm a terrible father.

My son is going through the worst crisis of his young life and here I was going halfway across the world. Was that my answer to everything? Running away to Australia? I almost tore my ticket it half when announcement said that the Portal would open in ten minutes.

Lillian spent all this money on me. I couldn't let it go to waste. I'd be gone two hours tops.

Ten minutes later, I was lined up with the rest of the travellers passing through the big, green portal. People were coming in and we were going through, two orderly lines. It only took a few seconds before I was standing on floor of the Brisbane Portal Hub.

God... I missed Australia.

The air was humid as it always was and the sun was blaring down on us. They were coming into the dead of summer and with my winter coat coming in, I was probably going to overheat soon. I had to go through customs as usual. Though I was a super, since I was only staying for less than a day, I didn't need any visas or special travel documents. Yes, a super could do a lot of damage in a day but generally, it was fine.

I found the driver Lillian had ordered for me and I stepped into the car. We drove in silence as I watched the palm trees, golden shores and crystal clear waters of the coast fly by beneath us. Being a coastal town, Brisbane had the majority of its metropolis on the second layer of the city. We drove on an elevated, solid road that was suspended in the air by reconstructed and restabilised ruins of the old city. The city proper was about thirty storeys up. The old city, just like the rest of Australia's major cities, remained relatively in the shadow of the new city.

Hell of a night life though. And it was basically an 'all day night life'. Imagine being perpetually in darkness due to the shadow of the city above you. What do you do? Simple: party all night. No one was allowed to live in the darkness. Only businesses like night clubs, bars, gyms and extreme sports venues were constructed in the ruins of the old city. No residential units. At all. No sun wasn't healthy for you.

I remembered the days when Ryan and I would club crawl at seven in the morning, pick up someone by twelve, sleep with them until about five and then hit the club again by seven. Round two came at about midnight.

Damn... there I go again, missing Ryan.

As we went down one of the many highways that sloped gently down from the upper city and down to the countryside, I cast a look over my shoulder. The contrast between the new and old was vast; like seeing the two sides of a city in one picture. Night and day. Business and pleasure. The new city was full of glistening silvery and reflective glass; all business, skyscrapers and corporate logos. The lower city, separated from the old by what looked like a thin layer of concrete and metal, was filled with neon lights, flashing signs and evidence of a night life that never ended.

Simply amazing.

But that all fell away as we peeled away from the cities and hit the suburban areas. It was just like it was in West California. Structured houses, planned roads and good, clean, pristine families with their secrets, their lives and their futures. To think that I once imagined myself raising my family in this place. I do wonder what life would have been like had I married Ryan, we had adopted or conceived a child somehow and we lived here in a world that welcomed supers and Outsiders not as elites but just as people with special talents that could be used to better lives and not just fight crime.

I could've probably be a metal worker or worked construction. Would've really gotten me ripped. And Ryan... Well, he could probably have gone into any field he wanted.

I miss you Ryan...

Coming upon the Hero's Memorial almost made me want to turn back around. But I powered through it all. I needed this off my chest so that I could be there for my son. East of Brisbane, a few miles out into the ocean was a large, coral island. I'm sure you've heard of the Great Barrier Reef; a massive coral reef off the coast of Queensland Australia. It was dying for a bit due to pollution and man's intervention but after the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse came, the Reef was left untouched for a good long while. It grew, became healthy again and thanks to few mutations passed onto its residents, it created a large collection of naturally occurring coral islands.

One of these islands became known as the 'Crimson Crown' because of the house-sized coral growths that jutted out of the sea and their crimson colouration. The entire formation looked simply stunning, like God himself had taken a growth ray, shot one piece of coral and inflated it to the size of a supertanker. Australians built a road from the shore to this island and built a solemn memorial on the sandy shores at the centre of island. And a parking lot, of course. And a gift shop.

But the true beauty of the monument was that at the memorial, the sun danced between the crimson trees of the corals and within its confines, you could hear the ocean's waves gently echoing. In a 'clearing' within the coral forest was a large, black stone that the Australians had erected. Etched within the stone in gold were the names of all those people who had sacrificed their lives for their country.

There wasn't anyone else around at the time so I was left alone to my thoughts. Even though it had been years since I've been here, I still remembered exactly where Ryan's name was.

"Ryan Sykes..." I murmured, shaking my head. The sad smile on my lips was filled with both sadness and fondness. "You know, more and more I find myself thinking more and more about you... about what we once had. I keep wondering what things would've been. I think... I think that has something to do with my son, Caleb."

I let out a bitter laugh. "He's got your sense of justice, your kindness and... Well, he's got your heart. And I guess he's got my stubbornness, my pride and he's got a mean rebellious streak." I shook my head in wonder. "Nothing as bad as mine, let me tell you." I placed a paw against my chest. "But I'll admit, it does kind of hurt being made the bad guy. I was prepared for it. I wanted him to stand against me but I was prepared for yelling, smashing and skull cracking. Not... Not this."

I shook my head sadly. "God... and now he needs me and what Samson said... It really got to me. Caleb reminds me so much of you. I see you in him every day. He's got the same smile as you that could lift people up even from the darkest times and he's such a sweet kid that..." I gripped my head in shame. "Fuck... I love him, Ryan. Maybe more than a father should."

Slowly, I lifted my gaze, staring at Ryan's name solemnly for what seemed like forever. "And... I think part of that is because I'm still in love with you." I pursed my lips, fighting the tears. "I love you Ryan, I always will. But I can't be a father to my son while I'm still clinging onto you. You're gone... and Caleb needs me right now. I need to be there for him."

I brushed my paws against Ryan's name one last time. "I know this has been a long time coming... but I finally need to let you go. I love you Ryan. But this is goodbye."

I spent another ten minutes just crying to myself. No shame in that. All my tears for Ryan dried up then. Now I only had room for my family. It took a little shorter to get back to the city since it wasn't peak hour so I got to the Portal Hub a little sooner than I had expected. I sat down and listened to the Australian news. There wasn't even a mention of the Gene Stealers. Our problems seemed so far away here.

It did get me to thinking though... What was the best way to cheer up Caleb? What would be the best way to get him to come to terms with what he inadvertently done?

The answer came to me in a month-old episode of Zombie Oprah.

She was one hell of a talk show host and since Doctor Phil was arrested for illegal time travel in his hopes of fixing people's problems by making them never exist, she was the best person to talk some sense into people.

Needless to say, Caleb blew that interview out of the water.

I've never been prouder.


I won't go into detail about how I caught Caleb and Lars in bed together. Yes they didn't do anything. I knew. My wife _totally_didn't spell it out for me.

And there is no sex tape. Stop asking.

Seeing Caleb and Lars together and closing the book on Ryan made me realise that I had some pretty heavy baggage to deal with.

So, while Caleb was out at school, I decided to dial a number I thought I'd never dial ever again. Admittedly, some part of me didn't want them to pick up and I was glad that it was actually Steve, my young brother, who picked up.

I should mention that in those five years that I was in Australia, my parents got rather... busy. They conceived another child and named him Steven. He was my replacement. When I heard, I was furious. They literally brushed me under the rug and pretended I didn't exist. I also hated Steve for a long time. But it really is hard to stay mad at him. He's so cheery, so good natured and when he gets you in one of his big, bear hugs you just feel all the worries of the world fade away.

Wouldn't it be ironic if that was his superpower? His touch could make people's worries go away?

Anyway, I called him and I asked if they were still living in the same old house.

So, that day, I went down to California, went to my old house - the single storey home that had been hell for me - and knocked on the door. I hadn't told Steve I was coming, exactly. So I'm pretty sure he was surprised in his bedroom when my mom answered the door and exclaimed my name. I was surprised that she looked so relieved. I was disgusted when she started praising God. I knew my visit here wasn't going to end well from that moment on.

My mother had aged well. She was still a tall, lithe woman with that regal bearing about her. At eighty years of age, she was just reaching middle age for a fur. Considering how she ate healthy but didn't necessarily exercise, she'd probably have another fifty, maybe sixty years ahead of her. She was too young to for her long, braided hair to be completely white and judging by the grey roots she still bore, she had dyed it. That crest of three crimson flowers interlocked by vines sitting on the collar of her modest, winter dress smelled like trouble.

The West Naturalist Church. I had heard of them. Never gave them much mind. They had a moderate presence in California. Didn't even touch West Cali. The people on the Island love supers and now Outsiders too much.

Dad on the other hand... Time hadn't been kind to him. He used to have a full head of hair but whether it was because he was aging or because he had somehow associated being American as being anti-super, he had chopped his brown hair to a crew cut. He was smoking a cigar when I came into the house. I remember my dad being this huge, fit bruiser that I was always afraid of. But seeing him with his massive belly, manboobs and beer-stained white shirt... I can't imagine how I was ever afraid of him.

"David," he grunted.

He stopped calling me 'son' when I came out. It's still better than 'freak' and 'abomination' so I was grateful for that, at least.

Mom was oddly hospitable as she sat me down in the familiar lounge room filled with all the dollies and cross stitching projects she had accumulated over the years. Words of familiar encouragement like 'We are Family' and 'Forgive and Forget' were definitely a good note. I didn't like how my dad stared at me though. I think there was a bit of envy in his eyes. I was the tallest in my family and definitely the fittest. They had dotted on Steven a little and he was a little rounded but he pulled it off well. I think he saw my fitness as a product of my superpowers. Fun fact though, supers don't get super buff because of their powers. Because we have super strength, it means we can push more weights and push our muscles to greatest extremes. That just naturally develops a bit of a mentality in us that drives us to focus on fitness. After all, if you can do something well by normal standards, why stop, right? We work to get fit. Plus I've got Siberian blood in me so I've got the advantage of genes.

"We're so glad you came," mom said, sitting next to me on the couch and patting my paw gently. Dad sat across from me in his big chair, smoking his cigar while giving me that impassive stare. It was a look that I scared me what I was little. I never knew what he was going to do. "We've missed you, David."

I'd be lying if I said I missed them but I was at least tactful enough not to point that out. "I'm glad you're all doing well."

"How's your family?" she asked. "How's Lillian? The kids?"

Note how she said 'your family'. Not 'the family'. There was still a separation there. "Lilly is doing great. Loving her job. She basically runs the city. Arthur finally asked Abby to marry him. They've got a wedding planned next year. Lance is... Well..." I trailed off, knowing how sensitive the subject of my son being a superhero was.

"We know, dear," she said, intercepting whatever scathing remark my dad may have made. "You should really bring your family to see us. God teaches us to be tolerant of people. They have made their choices in life but it is never too late for salvation."

I didn't want to blow up at them. But seriously. 'Tolerant'? Tolerant implies that there is something wrong and you accept them for being sinners. And choices!? Lance didn't choose to be a super. Caleb didn't choose to be an Outsider. I didn't choose to be Feral Steel. I was born this way! Okay, maybe I could've chosen to live my days out in Australia sleeping around and getting a job in construction but I chose to come back here to America to help people! My sons' choices were to save people! Help the world! Caleb was saving people from fucking identity rapists!

"Well," I said, barely keeping myself contained, "we do have Crossover coming up. It would mean a lot to me if you would come over. Lilly means a great turkey and knows how to cater for wolves being one herself. Plus you've never seen any of the kids. I think they'd like to see you."

"We'd love that, dear," mom answered sweetly. "How is your adopted son, Caleb?"

Now I know what you're thinking. Why are they suddenly fascinated with Caleb? Wait for it. This is going to be good.

"He's good. He's good. About to end his first year of high school. He's the start receiver for the football team. I really think they've got a shot at the trophy this year. He's finally got a boyfriend. Been friends with this guy for a while but they were both too much of 'bros' to really admit it."

My dad scoffed at that. "At least there something normal about that family."

I ignored him. "He was actually having it a little rough lately but he's stronger than I gave him credit for. But that's sort of the problem. I think... I think there's another father figure in his life and I'm a little scared that I might be losing him as a son. I was just wondering if..."

"You were ever meant to be a father?" growled my dad. "How the fuck do you expect to be a good father when you were never a good son?"

"Peter!" mom shouted.

"I've tolerated this freak's presence in my house long enough!" dad shouted, rising out of his chair. "If I would have knowing the deviant you'd turn into, I'd have reached into my wife's womb while you were still leaching off her and stomped you under my heel!"

I got to my feet, my mom still clutching my paw. I loomed over my dad, eyes narrowed. "You got something to say?" I snarled. "Say it."

"You're an abomination," he snarled back. "A freak! You're unnatural! An affront to God! You and your freaks of sons should burn in Hell! Do us and your normal kids a favour and bring them here so they can be raised by a normal family!"

"Normal?" I answered. I told you it'd be good. They actually thought that Leon and Caleb were 'normal'. Okay, you know about Caleb but not Leon.

For a long time, I've known Leon has superpowers. He showed the same signs I did and he definitely has powers. He's a super, just like me and his brother. His power, however, is camouflage. Remember when Ashton rampaged through my house? Leon was there but he didn't come out of the house until after Caleb had taken Ashton down. He hid and for some reason, the raging bull didn't notice him. I've seen this power at work. Sometimes he'd just appear out of nowhere. It's because his powers work in such a way that he could practically become invisible should he wish. But given his confident personality, he's never really had to use it.

Now you're probably wondering why I never told him this or how he's passed detection.

The reason is Leon worships superheroes and he's got this romanticised vision of them. He thinks supers are all about saving people, getting the glory and the money that comes with it. It isn't. It's a brutal life and I do not want him to experience that with that kind of naiveté. I haven't even told Lillian about this for fear that she might end up convincing me to tell him. I've seen people who worship supers, find out they too are supers and when their vision of supers are shattered, they turn out resenting the people they idolised, thinking they're better than them and, in the end, becoming villains.

I don't want to make a villain out of my son.

When Abby called him out on being jealous of Caleb and Lance after Crossover, I knew I had made the right choice.

So I've tampered with his super scan results. More than once I've made sure that his powers remain undetected for his own protection. Or at least until he grows up a little.

Back to the moment with my parents, boy did I love the next thing I said. "You think my sons are normal?"

Dad's eyes widened and she stared at mom. "I told you Leon was just as much a freak as his brother! Twins! One can't have powers and the other can't!" Mom began uttering a prayer as dad turned back to me with a snarl. "I'm glad that otter is taking Abby away from you! At least have some decency and hand Caleb over to us so that he doesn't have to live under the roof of freaks."

I couldn't help but grin.

"Newsflash, dad," I said. "Caleb is Weapons Master."

Now, I think they thought Leon was Weapons Master. I think their train of thought was along the lines of the fact that Feral Steel had two sons that had powers. The chances of a super's kids being supers themselves is just about the same as anyone else but there is an ongoing theory that the biological children of supers have a bigger chance of becoming a super. There have been studies done and there hasn't been any solid links made but it's still something people believe. So, I'm a super and I've made it public that my two sons have powers. Caleb was adopted, not my son biologically, so he doesn't have powers.


And boy did I love watching my dad's face fall when I told him that.

I won't bore you with what happened next. We yelled a lot. Dad threw things at me and told me to get out while mom wept while praying. I said some hurtful things. I uninvited them for Crossover. Then I left.

Yup, that's my parents.

But you know what? I felt like I had put some baggage behind me.

Besides, Steve still came for Crossover and I love my brother.

I thought that was a pretty successful day.


Now Gabriel Ramos... As I stood by his bedside, I can tell you that I was both surprised and a little jealous when I first met him at Crossover. When I looked at him, I saw the wisdom he wore on his shoulders and in his eyes. He was twice the father I was. He had never once lost hope even after three years of having his sons in a coma. That took dedication and if I could be half the father he was... well, I knew Caleb, Lance, Leon and Abby would be better off for it.

We had a great talk during Crossover. I told him how much Caleb reminded me of myself - omitting how he also reminded me a lot of my dead boyfriend since I had let that go - and he told me some pretty wise things.

I didn't see someone I could relate to. I saw someone I could admire. I could clearly see why Caleb had latched onto him. I just hoped that I could be as strong as he was so that I could get that look from Caleb - that look like the panda was a true role model, someone he aspired to be.

Gabe became my rival and my friend.

Now, I was pretty wasted by the time we had our talk in the garage - low alcohol tolerance remember? So when I asked if he had ever thought about fucking his sons, I wasn't exactly in the right mind.

"What!?" he exclaimed, giving me a horrified look.

"It's just that I'm bi," I answered, having to lean on the family van to keep myself standing. "And I've been with a lot of men. A lot of them. And just a few days ago, Caleb comes home, runs off into his room and suddenly screams. The first thing I thought is something's got him but then it turns out..." I had to take some more beer before I said the next thing. "... he's got this dildo that he tried to stuff in himself."

"Your son...?"

"We was trying to 'prepare himself' for his boyfriend. It was the night of a big game, they had a dance blah-blah. He's still a virgin but he's also a top." I laughed, drunkenly, I think. "But goddamnit, I've seen him naked and he is hot. Is it bad that I had this passing thought of wondering what it would feel like to have his dick in me?"

Gabe rested a paw on my shoulder. "David, my friend, it's natural to want to have your son close to you. But I really don't think having your son as a fuck buddy is a good idea. They might do that kind of thing elsewhere but where we live, that sort of thing is frowned upon."

"I know, I know," I murmured. "I didn't _do_anything. It's just... I recently put a memory to rest and Caleb has a lot of the guy I said goodbye to in him. I guess the horndog in me couldn't help but wonder what one last fuck would be like. Just as a farewell."

Gabe was thoughtful for a moment. Then he said, "Let me ask you this. How old were you when you met your this guy?"


"How long did this thing between you last?"

"Five years."

He was drinking his beer then and he almost did a spit take when I told him how long. "Damn that's long... I can see why you were hung up on him for a while."

"You have no idea..."

Recomposing himself, Gabe said, "Well, you were eighteen there and you broke up when you were... what? Twenty-three?"

"About that."

"And you're much older now. You've got four kids." He patted my shoulder. "You're an adult now. Not a horny teenager. You're married. I'm not going to argue or fault you for having a libido. As far as I'm concerned, that's a good thing. But looking for love and a fling from your son? That's not what you want."

"How do you know?"

"I can see it in your eyes," he told me. "The fact that you didn't go ahead with it and that right now, you're talking about it with a near-complete stranger means that if you had done what you were thinking, it'd be sweet for a moment but it'll hurt a lot later on. Besides..." He toasted his beer towards me lightly. "... you have to consider what Caleb wants."

"Yeah... He does have a boyfriend." I laughed softly, staring pensively at Ballistic which sat in front of us.

"My suggestion?" Gabe said. "Stop looking for a replacement for this guy you've moved on from. You and he parted for a reason. You've changed and grown since then. Your tastes have likely matured. Why go for a someone who is still sexually mature like freshly squeezed lemon juice when you could have some finely aged wine?"

I lifted an eyebrow at Gabe. "Are you... Are you hitting on me?"

Gabe shook his head at me and didn't answer, instead taking a drink from his beer. Okay, I admit that my ego was definitely stroked with those words. And that night, I may have had carried the idea of the big, muscly panda to me in bed. A three way with me, him and Lillian would be amazing. The two of us double stuffing my wife...

I wonder what wolf-bear cubs would look like...?

And you wonder why wolves have so many pups.


Then... it turns out he's the source of the Ursa Strain.

I was hurt, betrayed and at the same time, I felt bad because I thought that earned me brownie points with Caleb. But then, he saved Caleb from a mutant Lars and Caleb forgave him. It's hard to let that kind of thing go but... Gabe was just a father doing whatever he could for his son. Most of what I said was in anger, a lot of anger that I really didn't understand. Ultimately, I realised I wanted to be that kind of person.

Looking at him, slumbering peacefully... I can't help but shake my head.

"You're an amazing, father, Gabe. I don't know if you can hear me... but I know you made a promise to me to take care of my son. You may think that you haven't fulfilled that promise but you have." I gripped his paw tightly, hoping against hope that he'd squeeze back. "You taught me how to become a better father. You went to all these lengths to be there for your sons, to do whatever you could for them. But at the same time, you never gave up hope. Yeah, you and I sort of went on a roundabout way to get our lessons across but you also taught me that I need to be honest with my sons. I think that's something we both learned. You're a shining example of what I can become."

I patted his paw gently and I liked to think he smiled a little. "Gabe, I'll take care of your sons for you. At least until you wake up. Migs and Izzy are on parole. They've actually reopened your restaurant. Reformed supers running a family restaurant? It's the next big hit." I laughed softly. "Everyone loves Izzy's jelly sculptures and pure honey? Forget about it."

I laughed and had to wipe away the tears that were welling in my eyes. "I don't care what Arcturus says. You'll make it out of this. The Gods don't know everything. Just hang in there, okay? In the meantime, I'll make sure your family and mine stays strong."

I squeezed his paw tightly.

"Again, thank you."

I indulged myself a little and gently kissed his forehead. Just this once.

A knock came to the door and I turned. There was a rather short wolf standing there, probably a foot shorter than me; six foot ten or something. His fur was jet black save for the golden blonde hair he wore spiked up. In the orderly scrubs he wore, I could see a rather thick tuft of chest fur that matched his hair sticking out. He was well built. Damn do they make orderlies this sexy?

"Hi," the guy said, beaming at me, his blue eyes shining. They were rather startling. Sapphire blue. "I'm here to look after..." He regarded the strange, black and white book he was holding. I was rather surprised he didn't have a tablet. Who used books these days? "Mr. Gabriel Ramos." He gave me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry, sir, but I'll have to ask you to leave."

"Visiting hours are over, huh?"

"One could say that."

The orderly stepped into the private ward and pulled up a chair next to Gabriel. I found it strange that instead of looking at Gabe's chart, this guy just leafed through the book he had. The wolf nodded a few times and let out a thoughtful noise. Then he lifted his blonde eyebrows and peered up at me from beneath his brows.

"Can I do anything for you sir?"

"Are you... uh... just going to sit there reading your book?" I asked.

"Oh, this isn't my book. It's his." I frowned as the orderly pointed at Gabe.

"What? Did his sons give it to you on their way out or something?"

"Or something," came the enigmatic reply.

I didn't like this wolf's attitude. "What's your name?" The wolf puffed out his broad, chiselled chest. The name on his badge wasn't very encouraging. "Reaper?"

"Jacob Reaper," he answered, with a smile. "Kind of discouraging considering where I am, huh? But don't worry. I'm not here to 'reap' his soul." He made air quotes at his namesake. "Not unless he wants to go, that is."

"Right," I responded. "Just make him comfortable, okay? He deserves it."

I was going to turn away but then Reaper said, "You make it sound like he's already dead."

I had to make sure that Izzy and Migs weren't around. "He's in a coma induced by a superpower. That's basically a death sentence."

Reaper sighed loudly, regarding me expectantly. "In this world, you've got people who can control the forces of nature, bend the laws of reality and are practically gods in their own right. People who you think are dead or are 'dealt with' come back constantly either by some bizarre contingency plan, an act of the divine, some coincidence or something to do with a rip in the space time continuum. Yet when Mr. Ramos here gets struck three times in the head by a lunatic, you instantly write him off as dead."

I gave him a sour look. "I don't know who you think you are but trust me on this. I hold hope that he'll wake up. But it's a slim hope. I don't even know if he'll wake up in my lifetime. He might end up waking up far into the future and his quest will be to find a way back into the past to be with his sons. I don't know. I just... I just don't think that he'll be there to see his sons get graduate, fall in love, get married or see his grandkids."

"Well..." Reaper began, looking at Gabe with a gentle smile. "Maybe not in this story."


Reaper's smile remained as he said, "Have you ever wondered what happens to storybook characters after the last page is turned? What happens to characters in a sitcom when the screen goes black or after the credits roll?" The wolf gently placed the book he was holding on Gabe's chest, gently guiding the panda's paws onto its surface. "The truth is, the story goes on. With or without you watching. You may not see what happens. You may not even understand. But the story goes on. Everyone has their own story to write and just because the most interesting thing writers could cram onto the page is over and done with, the story will keep writing itself. Maybe not in reality. But the tale, the characters, the memories and the universe itself will continue in our hearts and minds."

The wolf's blue eyes turned to David and for the briefest of moments, I thought the guy's pupils changed shape but it was gone the next second. "Don't give up on hope, David. Just because we can't see it happening, it doesn't mean that the story is put on hold."

I inclined my head slightly at him. I've been a super for a while so I know when there's something weird going on. This wolf was definitely weird. "Who are you?"

Reaper shrugged absently. "I'm a consultant."

"A consultant?"

"I've gotten my happy ending. I've had my story told. Experienced tragedy. I've found love. My significant other is waiting for me at home with my favourite meal right now. But you want to know what the funny thing is?" He leaned against the foot of Gabe's bed, peering at the panda with a smile. "Just because I got my happy ending, doesn't mean I can't help other people get theirs. So, when people get stuck, when everyone else has given up on them, I come in and help. Only when I'm asked though. I don't want to interfere with people's stories."

I frowned. "And who asked you to help Gabe?"

He gave me an enigmatic smirk and tapped his nose. "Sorry. That's a secret." He flicked an ear towards the door. "Now if you'd excuse us, I've got work to do. Take care, David Hale."

I made to turn but then froze. "How did you -?"


I glanced at the badge I wore that granted me visitor's access to this ward. Damn, I thought I had him. I smiled and turned to leave. For some reason, I had the feeling that Gabe was in good paws. Don't ask me why... but I just know.

"Oh and David."

I paused and gave Reaper a flick of an ear, telling him I was listening.

"You can't make everyone else happy if you're not happy. Just something I've learned from experience."

Strange words to part on but I decided to tell him I'll keep them in mind and left. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the Tower Hospital. Izzy and Migs look like they already left, probably back to their restaurant. Only Caleb and Lars were left. They were standing across from a man dressed in a winter's vest slacks, thick glasses on his face. The guy had this unsettling grin.

"Hey boys," I greeted, wrapping my arms around the two. "Who's this?"

The man gave me a grin.

"My name is Alphonse Newman. Doctor Alphonse Newman."

"Please to meet you, Doctor Newman," I responded. "How can I help you?"

"Please," came the soft chuckle as a reply. "'Doctor Newman' is so formal."

"You prefer to be called 'Al'?" I laughed.

"Actually, I prefer to go under another name." That grin came back. "You can call me Shark Tamer."

I'm sure you've heard my son say this before but needless to say at that point I realised...

... My life is super.

The Nex Issue: My Life is Super - Issue 4

# The Nex Issue: My Life is Super - Issue 4 The crowd cheered as the sign behind the predominantly black wolf with the white crest on his chest flashes with the words 'The Nex Issue'. The host waited patiently for a few moments in the big leather...

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My Life is Super Issue 4: Leon Me

## My Life is Super Issue 4: Leon Me Did you ever have one of those 'oh shit' moments in your life? A second where you realise you seriously fucked up and things are about to go from bad to worse? I had one once that really changed my life. A real...

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Chapter X: Bearer of Bad News

## Chapter X: Bearer of Bad News Rhiannon stood on the rooftop of the West California Island Bank building, one of the tallest skyscrapers on the island and one of the few that was closest to the Twin Bridges. The devastation in front of her was...

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