Who is Watching: Drawing the lines

Story by catprowler on SoFurry

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#1 of Silent Watchers.

Note: Rather than try and beat myself for the next few weeks trying to finish and maybe doing a worse job I have cut this into three parts. (I think.) This first part has no real sex scene sorry but if you look at the link below you will see some of the stuff that is coming up. I will try to tag it right so that only what is in this part is tagged rather than the whole story, m/f tag is simply because it is required!https://www.sofurry.com/view/699558#773622193

If I tagged wrong let me know, I will change and you can add.

Russ' eyes snapped open, "God Damn it." He pounded his head against the pillow in frustration. Staring into the darkness did little to help just like every other time before, all he could do is turn his head to the side and look at the desk, two am, not that he was expecting it to say something different. This was the ninth day in a row that he had woken up at exactly two in the morning and he still hadn't figured out why, well actually eight days but that one didn't count.

Russ cursed under his breath as he sat up. There would be no going back to sleep, at least not for a while, so if he was awake he might as well be up. After turning on the wall light he looked across the room to the empty bed of his roommate. Somehow he had hoped if he came back a night early he wouldn't find himself awakened again. Shit, how was he going to make it through this shift if he couldn't get a full night sleep when it was his time off.

Things were different if there was a call and everybody was working that way when they got back usually everyone would sleep in. Russ worked as a firefighter/paramedic at the Green Lakes Fire Department. They kept a four man shift that lasted seventy-two hours. He had never minded the three days on and three off. Even when everything went wrong and they were kept out for more than eighteen hours he knew he was always able to recuperate on his time off.

Only now with his new problem it seems things weren't going to get better. Russ slipped out of the room and down the hall. On his side there were two doors that lead to two bedrooms each with two beds. The other side of the hall was exactly the same and ended in a large bathroom with several showers and a locker room while the other end opened into the main common room with the kitchen to one side and the main door to the garage on the other. It was the simplest set up at the smallest fully manned station in the county.

He flopped onto the couch grabbing the remote and turned the power on while pressing the volume down button. Russ' eyes picked out the visions on the screen while his mind wondered to his sleeping problem. He had seen a doctor as soon as his last shift ended and had been told it wasn't a big deal. He picked up the sleeping aids the doctor ordered and had gone to bed the first night around ten only to again be aroused from his slumber at two. He had ended up on the floor before his drugged mind figured out something was wrong and got his body back into bed.

When he finally did wake up he was rested but with a bruised knee and aching wrist. The second night had been far worse. Russ did have the occasional nightmare, anyone in his line of work who said the job never got to them once in a while was an out right liar. This though didn't seem to be a nightmare it was something more and something he had not experienced before.

Simple formless terror was what it was, all he remembered was waking up from blackness his heart feeling like it was going to explode on the next beat while his entire body shaking hard so hard that he couldn't sit up. It took him a few minutes before he looked over to the clock knowing it would be just after two only to find the clock glaring back at nineteen after. He was left the entire rest of the night pondering that fact laying in bed unable to fall back asleep. Somehow his mind or something NEEDED him awake at two, and the creepy part was his body had realized the time and been terrified beyond reason by the fact he had slept past that mark.

He spent nearly an hour on the couch staring at the screen before making the decision to tell the shift commander. Walking quietly down the hallway he lightly knocked on the first door before sticking his head inside, "Jay." He whispered softly.

"Call?" Came back a mumbled reply.

"No." Russ answered. He could hear the shifting from one side of the room before a separate voice suddenly spoke out a little loudly. "What? What's up?"

"Go back to sleep." Jason told his roommate. As Russ closed the door he could hear the second voice.

"Shit, shit, Shit, SHIT." Each one slightly louder than the last. He could just imagine Alex pounding his pillow with his head accompanying each word.

He only had to wait a few minutes in the common room before Jason came out. Russ wasn't sure what to say which left the other one to started. "Is this really a problem?" He nodded. "I thought you were going to see a doctor. Marcus told me all about the fact Stan started a shouting match because you woke him up again."

"I don't think it's a sleep problem, there is something, more. I always wake up at exactly two." Russ stated.

"Really?" Jason spoke now seeming intrigued. Russ began explaining exactly what had happened the past week. How on the third night he realized it was at two am, then how he had woke his roommate up three nights in a row, and lastly how badly the two nights had gone with sleep aids.

"Damn it Russ. Now I have to report this. I can't let you start a shift if I know something is wrong." The two sat in silence for a moment realizing Jason had been a bit to loud. He was almost about to start again when a bedroom door opened and a body moved down the hall.

The dark skinned male stood just outside the room in nothing but briefs, "Problems?"

"Yes and no. We will go over it in the morning." Jason said. Before the far bedroom door closed the first one banged open as Alex stepped out making a point to walk over and glare at Russ before going to the bathroom and slamming the door making sure no one was going to be able to stay asleep.

"Sit down I'll make a phone call." He stated gesturing to the eating table. As Russ sat down Jason set the call on the speaker phone turning the volume down as he dialed. After six rings the line was picked up with a groan. "Hey Alyse it's me Jason."

"Jason.. what, what's wrong?" The female voice spoke out getting stronger.

"Relax sis nothing is wrong I just need some of your professional help." He answered.

"Jason... Do you have any idea what time it is?" The anger in the Alyse's voice faded to a groan.

"Yep the perfect time for my big sister to help out one of my firemen who keeps waking up at exactly two am. So I remember you telling someone to take a vacation and relax and that would help with their problems. Except I know you've told people that vacation or trips can't solve any problems, that they won't just go away. So I'm kinda wondering which is which." Jason waited a long time before the answer came.

"Neither, I can't tell you anything without knowing more and I certainly can't make a diagnosis over the phone." Still trying Jason explained what was going on. He had gained a little of her interest realizing it was always the same time and finally got her attention when he explained what had happened when he woke up late.

"That is certainly not insomnia and I would be surprised if it wasn't a mental problem. Do you know if he has ever had problems like this before and has anything happened in recent weeks at that time?" Alyse asked.

After introducing the two Russ was questioned on many things, the first thing he told her was that he had already reviewed the stations log books the previous evening going back nearly six months. Although there had been a dozen or so call and nearly triple where he was out around that time nothing he had found would indicate a reason for being disturbed in some way.

After nearly forty minutes she stopped the call. "Listen it's to late for me to go back to sleep and this has been going for a while, wait who is paying for my time?" She muttered out while you could hear a yawn in between.

Jason had moved into the kitchen and had begun cooking a while back. "Wait you're going to charge your own brother?"

"You better believe it, with a big fat after hours fee. I didn't spent most of my life in school for nothing!" She stated.

"Well then back to the problem at hand. I can't allow him to take the next shift if I know he has some kind of physical or mental issue. What I want to know is should I recommend he be given time off for a vacation and relax or should I ask for a psych check and have him removed from the active duty sheet." Jason questioned.

Alyse paused considering, "Without knowing or understanding why or what is waking him up I can't give you sound advice and you certainly can't count this as professional advice. Personally I would say a change of scenery would clear up many things. If Russ continues to wake up then he really needs some counseling and maybe a sleep study test just to rule out anything physical. Jay I don't know enough to tell you what to do, a few days off in a different environment could be helpful but if he's taking time off it should be in an entirely new place not just hanging out at home."

"Actually. My sister has been bugging me to visit. Last week she even told me she found this awesome private beach." Russ spoke.

"Carol?" Jason asked.

"Well she lives in Florida. She moved into our dad's house three years ago after he passed." Being the therapist Alyse jumped in.

"Did you have problems with your father?" After another ten minutes Jason ended the call because everyone was now up and ready to eat. With a final personal bit of advice Alyse told Russ to pack up and see his sister making sure he stayed away for at least a week. If he still had problems or if he still was waking up again when he returned she was willing to offer some more advice and find him some who could help.

Jason had decided to take an extra day so when he placed a call for replacements he only had to ask if someone could cover a forty-eight hour shift. He decided to wait for Marcus, the next shift commander before the two of them would report this and decide what kind of leave they should give him.

While Alex griped about his extra free time Jason stopped to inform him of how serious this was. Terry and Steve the other two on the crew had dropped their dishes in the sink together and headed for the couch. It caught Russ as a big surprise when he looked over a few minutes later to see the two men cuddling and kissing on the couch. "Uhhh."

"We're allowed." Terry said quickly looking up from sitting in Steve's lap. The young man was well known around town as being gay but also known as one of the best friend you could have. He was the kind of person to stop and help anyone, no matter what the problem was, without bothering to ask what exactly was needed first. When he finished his training he had quickly earned the respect of not jut the other firefighters but much of the town with his hard work and selfless actions. When he publicly announced his preference at the last fireman's picnic many had been surprised but more surprising was the support he received. And if Santa last Christmas had been gay it seemed that most of the town didn't have a problem with their son or daughter sitting on his lap.

Jason looked over to the pair and then back to Russ about to explain before Terry interrupted, "You said guests and Russ works here."

"We will discuss that later." Looking back to Russ he stated, "I decided as long as nothing happens in the bedroom and it doesn't effect their job performance they could do what they wanted on the couch. With In Reason, as long as we have no guests."

"Won't even let us share a shower." Terry put in almost pouting.

Steve turned his head back and gave a strong kiss with a tight hug. "We'll shower later back at my place." He told his partner as he reached over for the remote.

The rest of the day ended up being hectic as he was officially told that he was off active duty and he called his sister. She had insisted on booking him a flight while he was still on the phone. In the end he had three hours to pack and leave which left him barely enough time to get to the airport. At Carol's assurance he only packed for three days since she had loads of males clothing and would wash his stuff if he didn't find anything to wear.

After a four hour flight and a hour drive with his sister Russ passed out on his old bed less then ten minutes after he arrived home. Carol woke him at seven pm with a stacked roast beef sandwich and some mac n cheese. They exchanged information while he ate catching up on the small things over the last few years before he explained what had been happening over the last week.

If he had been a bit more attentive to his sister instead of the meal or the dozen or so shirts, shorts, and pants she had hauled into his room Russ might have caught on to several things. She had agreed quit fast that several odd things were going on. There was also the fact that twice she had said that four am was a hard time, and the simple hint she gave him when she told him their father had lots of answers if he wanted them leaving his old journal on the small lamp table near the door before she left.

Russ chose three sets of clothes sticking with shorts and tee shirts like the ones he had packed in what was sure to be warm late spring weather or so he remembered. He took a quick shower and dozed sporadically on his bed and when his sister passed by she turned out the light and quietly closed the door. She leaned against the wall giving a small smile with a sigh of relief, he had come in time to save her from what she feared and she now was planning on how to make him to switch places.

Russ' eyes opened, he didn't have to look for a clock to know what time it was. He got up slowly felt his way to the bathroom to relieve himself. A few minutes later he returned to his room flicking on the light and blinding himself for a moment before he checked the clock on the wall, it said 4:06.

He scrambled for his shorts searching for his watch totally confused when he pulled it out of the pocket and saw that is was only 2:07. It took time for his mind to catch the fact that he had flown across two time zones and the correct time was now after four am. There was a light tap at his door before it opened showing Carol fully dressed.

"I'll make us some breakfast go ahead and get dressed." She told her brother looking at the boxers he had slept in.

"Sorry if I woke you up." He told his sister when they sat down to eat later.

Carol sighed setting down the fork she had just picked up. "What do you remember about the stories dad told us when we were young? The ones about before he got married."

Russ considered for a moment. "Your talking about how he disappeared for almost four years on some island and went crazy. Fantasy Carol all of it. You know it was nothing more than stories to keep us entertained."

She watched him for almost a full minute thinking about how to start as he gulp down the bacon and eggs with large squares of pancake. "Your coming with me tomorrow Russ. I charted a plane to fly us to a deserted island, supposedly the same one dad went to."

He stopped eating. "Are you serious or is this just some kind of stupid joke. They never found the island again after dad was found."

"No Joke Russ! We are both going. We will leave in a few hours to get some more stuff and I also need to stop at my work for a little while. Read Dad's journal, you need to find out what really went on and what's happening now." Seeing him shake his head she held up her plate, "You see THIS?!"

Russ stared at the empty plate she held up shrugging. Carol stood placing the spotless clean plate back into the cupboard before grabbing a banana off the counter as her belly rumbled. At the door to the kitchen she looked back and said, "You didn't wake me up, ten days now I have been waking up exactly at four am."

That was enough to truly trip up his mind leaving him sitting there staring at the wall where she had been. What did she expect him to believe she had been waking up too? And that this was some how connected to his fathers supposed disappearance for four years on some mysterious island that didn't even exist? He tried to finish his breakfast shaking off what she had said, dad's stories were just that, stories. He just hoped Carol wasn't really serious about all this especially if she was actually going to spend money to fly them out to some island she believed was the one their father spoke of.

Later in the car when they were leaving Carol asked him if he had looked at the journal yet and actually called him a complete moron when he admitted he still hadn't even looked at it yet. They spent the morning stopping off at a few places buying items that Carol insisted she needed such as a half dozen coils of nylon rope. She refused to speak with her brother beyond what was necessary and Russ decided it was best he let her cool off since the few times he had demanded some form of response all she would say was 'Dad's Journal'.

Lunch found them at Dark Sunrise a rather high class coffee shop that Carol worked at. They had a rather nice menu split into three parts Coffee, Deli, Desert. Russ had taken a chair and given an order while Carol told him it would be a bit while. She went into the back to supervise the incoming shipment and place the next two orders while he waited.

Just before his order arrived Russ received a tap on the shoulder. The male looked to be in his early twenties like himself medium build with a nice tie and shirt and what appeared to be a decent tan. "You don't remember me, don't worry not many recognize me now."

Russ scrambled to study the face and place the almost familiar voice, just something was off. "Max." the male stated holding out a hand.

"Bendy?" Russ immediately snapped his mouth shut looking totally embarrassed trying to apologize for speaking the rather mean nickname. He had been part of a group of local boys, all about twelve at the time and they were jumping bikes on a small homemade ramp. Max had borrowed a bike and the hefty hundred and sixty plus preteen literally flopped at the end of the foot high jump landing hard and bent the stem under the pear shaped seat.

"Really, honestly, Sorry." Russ spoke again after a few seconds of silence.

"No worries." Max said taking a chair at the small table. "It was no worse than the dozens of other names I was called." After another uncomfortable moment of silence he continued, "Listen you're here to help Carol right? You heard about all the stuff that has happened?"

"Stuff?" Russ asked quietly worried now what his sister had been saying and to whom.

"She didn't tell you?" Max sounded surprised. "What about... the waking up and the journal." Russ didn't miss the pause as if the other was considering what exactly to say.

"So she really wakes up every morning?" He asked just for confirmation.

"Like clockwork. She called me after the first few times. Listen Carol really needs your help, she was literally hysterical yesterday morning when she called me swearing she was going to fly out to that island and finish this." Max said.

"What did she mean by finish this?" Russ asked curious.

"I really don't know all I know was she said you were the only one who could save her but she was to scared to involve you." Russ decided that maybe the journal would now be his main priority and hopefully give him clues to his sister behavior. What ever was going on was a good deal more than just him not being able to sleep past two am. He started thinking on what his sister had said so far and his own morning time problems.

"So what do you do now?" Max interrupted his thoughts with the question.

"I work as a firefighter." He answered the question.

"Really? I've never had a firefighter friend, that is if you don't mind being a friend to me." Max added. Something about he way he said it made something click for Russ. He waited while the server placed his sandwich and potato salad in front of him. The female then set a little try with the check at the edge of the table leaving her finger on it for a moment.

"Don't worry your sister has the meal covered." She gave one more look at the receipt and Russ before walking away.

"Not very subtle is she?" Max stated pushing the tray further from the edge. "She was almost begging for a tip."

Looking across the table Russ quietly asked the question. "Are you gay?"

Max gave a little sigh pushing his chair away from the table. "Just don't freak out okay. I'll just leave, but if you could do me one simple favor. If you can help out Carol, it's hard watching her lose herself over this."

Russ spoke as the other male stood. "Can you do me one small favor. Sit back down." When Max had retaken his seat Russ continued. "I don't mind, I was just curious. I guess I could have said that better."

"Well your sister was blunt too. Only I think she wanted something more than a friend." Max said after a few moments. As Russ ate he asked several questions about his sister and Max. The man was happy to talk about himself. He was evidentially one of those inspirational stories, at nearly three hundred pounds and hospitalized for a week with seriously high blood sugar and even higher blood pressure he had taken control of his life and worked, exercised, and ate exactly as he was told. The questions Russ asked about his sister though only got Max to say she had been searching for the past year for their father's island because she knew it was time. As he kept pestering Max admitted he wasn't sure what that meant only when stuff started happening more frequently last week she had gotten more and more frantic about some of the simplest things like food and clothing and even had Max come with her to a C.P.R. class a few days back.

Russ had finished his lunch and was deep in thought when the other stood and excused himself. "Listen if you're gonna stick around you can always call me whenever you want. I really wouldn't mind having a firefighter for a friend especially one as in shape as you."

Russ just stared as the other suddenly blushed slightly looking over his shoulder. "I'm sure you would Max but my brother and I will be busy." He nearly lost his seat in surprise at his sisters sudden appearance.

After Max had left she looked at her brother over before saying. "You know what kind of friend he is looking for?"

"I understand." Russ said simply.

It was Carol's turn to look a little shocked. "Whatever let's go." She did grumble when he pulled out his wallet and placed four dollars out on the little plastic try. Pulling out two quarters she pulled back three dollars and dropped the coins down while shoving the bills back at him. "She needs to learn. This wasn't even her table and all she did was drop off some food." She picked up the receipt and looked it over before waving for her brother to follow.

Later that afternoon Russ had his first crack at his father's journal. He read through several weeks of near pointless ramblings of his then twenty-four year old father about his new boat and what he planned to do. He flipped through nearly a dozen pages of just just over a eight months worth of log entries with coordinates and descriptions till he came to one that was circled and underlined.

The next page started with the same coordinates and a short note:

'Possible new island not yet recorded. Assume possible twenty acres, it's not very big but I thought I had scanned this area before.---- Still here, swam ashore and looked around. It's not much but I feel like something is here.'

Russ continued to scan through his father's journal several pages of what he now understood to be searches for islands. Every few pages or so there was another trip to this supposedly new island which had a few short sentences detailing more about the island. Finally when he flipped to the next page it seemed to finally turn into something like a diary.

--I spent five days on the island and I don't know of any other way to say it but it must be magical. I am not talking fairy tales or tricks but something totally different. My fourth night the wind blew in strong enough to dismantle part of my shelter. I was freezing trying to at least string up a wind break when I could see a red flashing a short ways off in the trees. I AM NOT CRAZY. Nor was I drunk. I haven't had the courage to tell anyone but it was my varsity jacket which was on its hanger on a tree blowing in the wind instead of the closet where I KNOW I left it. I don't care what people think or what...."Russ."

He startled at his sister's voice in the doorway. "Dinner." She stood in the doorway watching as he put the book down. "You... Thank you Russ." As he stood up she walked in and squeezed him tight. Russ returned the hug but when he let go she was still gripping him tight.

"Carol?" He asked.

He could hear her half choked voice. "Just tell me you'll keep reading, Please."

"Sure sis no problem, Okay?" She pulled away with a quick sniff and darted out of the room leaving him feeling very uncomfortable. He waited a few minutes before heading to the kitchen to eat.

By the time Russ finally decided to go to sleep that night he had finished just over a quarter of the journal. His father had spent three more short trips on the island each time finding something that didn't really belong. One evening he had even found a small pile of four fish sitting next to his camping stove. Russ had spent nearly an hour trying to read and reread the two pages in the journal that told of this event partly because the writing had been very erratic, and he figured his father was to excited or upset to write properly. The other was that he himself wasn't sure if he could just dismiss what he was reading.

The next page told how he had searched the entire island again and still found nothing even though his father was sure he would find something or someone. While he read Russ stopped because he was beginning to remember some of the stories his father had told both Carol and himself when they were young kids. He went to bed still not sure if he could believe half of what he was reading and he still believed most of his fathers stories were fiction but there was still parts of this that left him wondering if a small part was real.

Yet again at four am Russ was awake. Before he even decided to get up his sister knocked on the door. "Take a shower and get ready. We're leaving at six." If he hadn't already known there was no way to fall back asleep for a while he might have stayed in bed for a bit.

He was surprised to find that by the time he had finished his shower his bag was missing but clothes had been laid out on the bed. Breakfast was simple cereal and toast and once he was finished eating his sister dropped his full stuffed duffel bag on the table. "I added some stuff including the journal, it's on top. This way you should be just fine."

"Listen Carol. I know you're having trouble and all but I don't think it's necessary to fly anywhere. Why don't we sit here and talk for a while?" Not even answering his question she left making him wait on the couch for over a half hour while she locked herself in the bedroom preparing. When the car was packed and they were ready to lock up Carol asked her brother to grab some kind of jacket out of the entry closet just in case.

Russ grabbed a blue windbreaker which caught on another hanger and as he stepped into the closet his shoe stepped on something that seemed to squish. He reached down and picked up a large half chewed fried chicken wing. Confused he stepped back looking out to the porch to his sister. "Lose something?"

She took a moment to look at what he had before shaking her head. "If you're not going to eat it then just leave it." Russ stared at his sister trying to find the joke or at least a good reply when she told him. "Did you eat chicken last night? Does it look old? Is it still warm? Wise up Russ either eat it or drop it and let's go." That left him wondering for it still felt warm and the grease was now on his fingers. There was no way his sister could have put it there. "Who?" Was the only word he could think to speak.

It took several minutes for Carol to get her brother in the car and finally leaving. For Russ the whole morning including the drive to the small airport and the takeoff in the small seaplane seemed more like some strange dream. Carol had blocked his few questions and refused to even respond when he tried to get her to change her mind until they were in the air and on the way. Russ watched as she drug his bag out from under his seat, he had already forgot that it had actually been packed behind them till she brought it up.

"See this. It appeared yesterday." She swung the two and a half foot bag around so he could see the other end. Three yellow half circles were placed on a line each standing straight up and the design was encased in a green square that seemed like it was woven in with the black of the canvas. "This is the boundary glyph. Always three yellow half circles within a green square. If you had just read dad's journal." She told him opening the pack to yank out the book and going through to the middle she flipped through till she found several pages with pictures drawn in them.

"There are several different marks which I now watch for. The four most prevalent are Food, Direction, Boundary, and Danger." She flipped forward showing him an example of each one. Several were different shapes each set into a square with notes on colors and variations. Stopping on the page which looked similar to the mark on his bag she told him. "Boundary is just what it sounds like and more. It can be applied to an object, person, or limit. The most obvious is limit a boundary which you will never be able to pass and trying always ends up unsuccessful until it's removed. When it is applied to an person or animal it means they will be stuck in a spot until some action is performed. Lastly when it is applied to an object you will find that it is impossible to get rid of. The person becomes the boundary of the object and it ends up being no more than a thought away."

Carol snapped the book shut as she stopped, packing it back into the bag and tossing it at him. "The chicken was probably on a food glyph. It means time is running out, we have to figure this out Russ or we might disappear just like dad. Four years Russ I... I can't do it please you have to help me."

Russ was quite for several minutes as she leaned back in the chair closing her eyes. "Why the hell are we going to the island? Carol this is.. insane, stupid, moronic, idiotic, foolish, dumb." He paused trying to think of another word.

"You think I can ignore this? You didn't read dad's journal far enough. You haven't lived the hellish week I have and if dad is right it only gets worse. We're going early, before we are driven there and I hope with all of dad's information we can figure out a way to stop this before, before we get taken." She told him.

"What do you mean taken?" Carol took a deep breath before answering.

"There are things we have to avoid and watch for. I'm not going to try and explain it all, just read dad's journal then we can figure this out. I need you Russ. There is no way I can survive this." She looked at him seeming on the verge of crying.

He spent an uncomfortable hour of silence waiting until the plane started to descend and cruised a circle around an island. On one end there was a sandbar like jetty that looked nearly like a pier running off the side of the island. The pilot with seeming natural or practiced skill brought the plane in and guided it forward under partial power less than twenty feet from shore with the sandbar under the right wing.

Russ climbed out first and his sister handed him his bag letting him walk to shore in water that was barely a foot deep. Carol came up behind him after a few minutes and dropped her load. "You gonna help with the rest or what?" She asked seeing he was just staring out at the trees.

He started walking further up the beach heading for some trees with higher brush between them. "Just give me a minute I gotta go." Russ climbed up a small ridge and moving in among some trees finding enough shelter to know it was private. Before he was even finished he heard the planes engine start up. He quickly squeezed out the last bit and shook already heading back to the beach. Was Carol already done unloading? He knew something was wrong the moment he didn't see his sister on the beach.

Russ had always told people it was stupid how in movies when someone was trying to run and catch up or stop a plane or even a car. If someone was leaving you weren't likely going to stop them by simply running and shouting. Still real worry and a bit of fear had him screaming and waving his arms running down the beach even as he watched the planes graceful curve backing over the sand bar and out into deeper water. "CAROL!!" He screamed out stopping beside his bag and the cooler she had unloaded. He stared as the propellers spun down and the engine shuddered before it revved back up spinning the props and pulling the plane forward. In a moment the plane was skimming the water quickly moving away. It didn't take him long to realize the only other thing Carol had unloaded was a small crate which had a letter left on top of it.

---Russ, Whether it means anything or not I'll start by saying I AM SORRY. This week has been so hard I couldn't see any other way until you called. Everything that drove dad to return to the island is happening to me. I CAN'T do it. I can't follow in dad's steps. As cruel as it sounds it's me or you and I choose you. Mr. Fireman, Paramedic, Boyscout. YOU have what it takes to make it through and I don't.

You have no idea what it's like to watch meals you make disappear, or items vanish, or have things show up underfoot that you know aren't yours. AND worse knowing if you told anyone what you had seen you'd be locked in some nut house. The early morning wakeups are only the start Russ I sometimes think I hear voices too, or the sound of wind in trees.

I just can't do it Russ. Read dad's journal, maybe you can find a way to stop this but if not YOU are better suited to handle what is ahead. I wish you all the luck and whether you believe it or not all the love I have little brother. I'll send the plane back in a week.

If the island or you aren't there I of course will call out a full search but I will also try to find a way to keep checking for its or your return. Stay safe... and read the Fucking JOURNAL!!It will likely save your life.

Russ sat on the crate and considered. Would his sister really just leave him here? Was she really serious about all that fantasy stuff. For a few moments he entertained the notion that there might be a boat hidden on the other side of the island and half a dozen video cameras that were trained on him right that moment and she was about to walk out of the trees.

Yet part of Russ already had the answer and he was trying to avoid it. The first discounting everything, including the chicken wing, something was causing him to wake up. And second no matter how big of a joke or prank, he knew Carol was dead serious about their father's journal.

He considered and tossed nearly a dozen ideas over the next ten minutes finally deciding on checking the island. A complete exterior walk then an interior search. He was going to asses any dangers while cataloging anything that would be helpful. After all it would be foolish to try and do anything until he was sure where he was and what he had.

He had finished walking the perimeter as best he could finding three decent spots where he could light a signal fire and quickly realized that only the north and west side of the island had any real beach or possibility for fishing. Most of the east side was a rocky mess of large jagged rock or boulders and drop offs. Russ spent nearly three hours searching the inside finding nothing but trees and plants except for one cleared sandy area where a small beat up cabin structure stood. The shack was one roomed and barely eight foot square with a small sink and a dry toilet in the corner which made him shake his head. Yet as he stepped away it felt to him like someone was watching him which caused him to research the clearing and area around the shed.

Russ next unpacked the crate finding two two-gallon water jugs in the bottom with a tarp, a thin sleeping bag and a blanket. It also contained a small tent, a metal grate which could be used as a grill over an open flame, two knives, some rope, a pot and fry pan, two sealed tins and a flashlight with four extra sets of batteries.

Checking the two tins he found one to be a nice little first aid kit including both pain meds and antacids. The second was a fire making kit with some kind of spun wool fluff on one side and two books of matches and a small magnesium bar with a tiny but sharp knife and a striker. He did a quick check of the cooler finding the bottom half was packed with military surplus MRE's and the top had a loaf of bread, plastic bottles of peanut butter and jelly, zip-lock bags of sliced salami and two wrapped blocks of hard yellow cheese. It was probably more than enough to last a week although most of the top stuff would be questionable after a few days.

Later he realized she had added a hatchet, hunting knife, and suntan lotion into his duffel bag. There was no doubt in Russ' mind now. His sister had planned to leave him here but at least she had tried her best to make it easy on him.



"What do you mean its male?! Everything is set up for a female, she was even his daughter." A light sounding voice spoke out sounding worried.

"Por por." The animal answered with a small splash as it disappeared into the water of the tank.

"Vaporeon is probably please that its a male, after all it seems the other three are going to be female." A second and much deeper voice stated in the dark room which only had a small glow of lights over the water tank.

"Yes, well she had better NOT interfere again. I don't care if we do need her help with the water gates." The first voice responded.

"It is to late for me to find another creature to help. Besides I told you training a pokemon was easier but you have to care for it too. It's your horny little bitch you need to find her an outlet." The second voice admonished.

"Well maybe if you should find things she thinks are less attractive." It wasn't even a second before the voice changed for upset to apologetic. "Sorry. I should not have said that."

"No. Not if you want this project to succeed." The deeper voice said.

"What do we do now. They were hoping for information on his genetic line. Should we try and lure her back or do we take more direct measures?"

"Make a report and ask. Meanwhile I will try to find out more about who is on the island. Hopefully we can add him into the program since another male would be helpful. I have no idea who thought up the idea of all females with Avery." There was movement and a noise of a door opening and closing still leaving the main area in darkness. "Somehow I think someone is hoping we fail."


The clash and clang of metal on metal happened with three successive impacts before a slight pause and two more loud clangs rang out. "DAMN! No."

The female didn't bother with words rushing forward as her sword whooshed in cutting into her backpedaling opponent. She held up as his rear finally hit the ground quickly shifting the sword point to his neck before he could think of trying to drawing his second blade. With a flick she left the canine with a light gash across his muzzle. "The next time you touch my ass. I will take off your hand."

In a quick motion she reached down and caught the males boot yanking hard enough to send him flat out onto his back with a grunt. As Quistis wiped her sword off against his pant leg she spoke. "Do me a favor and don't die before I send help Loron." After letting the leg drop she pealed one of the thick cloth bands off her upper arm and tossed it in his face. Turning she 'accidentally' stepped oh his tail as she left pleased with his slight gasp of pain that he wasn't able to suppress. With one look back she made sure he would be alright.

The small slice across his gut would only burn and the gash in his forearm would certainly cause him problems but the deep cut into his upper arm on the opposite side was bleeding freely. He would be able to bind it well before he had to worry about blood loss and it definitely would need some attention. She would have waited for him to respond except she was sure he would simply continue to lay there until she left.

Quistis allowed her long muzzle to split into a very wide smile that showed more teeth than most people could comfortably handle. "Maybe now you'll understand NO really means Fuck OFF!" With that the thylacine trotted off moving to a quick lope which would eat up ground.

There was no point in wasting time in the dry arid place that had as much rock as dirt on the ground. The local fauna was noting more than sporadic dry brush and the occasional tree that looked more like an eight foot dead bush. Quistis kept her mind tight and focused going over the last battle that had started after the third grope of her rear. Loron was the best out of their little group when he used both his blades but she had just proven the point that with a single blade she was far better.

Quistis looked off to the north where the only slightly green area sat among some small hills a little ways off. It was the only source of water they had been able to find anywhere near the camp they had sent in to set up. Figuring Loron would definitely survive the extra twenty minutes it would take for her diversion she changed directions. The thylacine had learned at a very young age to never pass up the chance of a quick drink and a full canteen.

The little spring and stream was the only a place to get water and would be a quite pleasant place to cool off amongst the small green branches that provided shade, if it weren't for the fact that it seemed every insect in the entire plateau seemed seemed to live there.

She quickly moved down to the small pool dipping her canteen into the water after clipping on the little mesh screen. She kept her hand out making sure debris or more importantly no little extra bug larva got close to the little screen. She had made the screen to give herself some added protection in the hopes she wouldn't have to constantly boil water. Quistis replaced her canteen when it was full and began washing her arms. She hadn't gotten a drop of blood on her from the fight but washing her paws and arms in the cool water felt good.

As she shook out her paws and turned to stand the thylacine was suddenly hit with a blast that nearly toppled her over. With an arm up to block what she now realized was a stream of water she put a hand on her sword hilt drawing as she step backwards. The movement failed simply because her back foot slipped on a wet stone at the same time the water pressure increased. She was sent falling back into the little pond where the spring bubbled up.

Quistis hit the water with a large splash twisting to finish unsheathing her sword. The marsupial thrashed kicking out with her feet and meet nothing. Twisting she reaimed her feet and tried again to get her feet under her to stand still finding nothing but more water beneath her.

What was going on? She continued to struggle now trying to get to the surface as fear began to rise. The pond was no more than a few feet deep and one could easily get to the other side in one big leap. In more water than she had seen or dreamed of in her entire life Quistis panicked letting go of her sword, abandoning the only thing in her life to ever protect her as she thrashed about searching for air.

Even as her head finally broke the surface and she drew a lungful of fresh air it was knocked from her body. It felt like she had been slammed into the ground as the water hit her scooping her up and hurtling her forward as it rushed by. She fought through the surging currents desperately searching for any sort of ground but her mind only found confusion at seeing steep rock sides that climbed several feet on one side while the other showed a cliff dozens of feet high.

Her shock only lasted as long as it took for her body to spin back around giving her a view of what was coming. With eyes wide in terror the thylacine meet the end of the world as her feet clipped the bottom sending her tumbling out into a spray of water and air. She had nearly three seconds enough time to wonder where she was, how did she get her, and whether or not this was her final moments. Her last thought before she smashed into the water below was that Thames, the leader of there group, would be seriously upset if her actions lead to Loron's death.


"There are still days of work before we can do that. Next we should recheck the access points, I think the river is still the best.."

"Vaporeon." The eon called out leaping onto the board connected to the side of the tank taking a few steps to dip her head down to a bowl snatching up several small pellets to chew.

"So then it's done." The interrupted voice asked.


"Well that nearly sets the experiment." The deep voice spoke.

"Not so quickly," The first spoke, "Vaporeon was it the female?"

"Vapp." she said again between bites.

"And I'm sure you wished it was male." The voice continued.

"Por ee eon Vapor!" She called out into the darkness before issuing a little growl and leaping backwards into the tank and vanishing.

"What, by the star, was that all about?" The question was asked. "She seemed satisfied almost excited with that hybrid we chose and it is female."

There was a long pause in the darkness before the other voice answered. "I have no clue how you were chosen for this project if you can't understand why she would be excited over a little hybrid pokemon compared to a rather dangerous very dominate female." After a pause a simple question was added on. "I understand their wish for a strong specimen but we don't have any of those in our culture so what was the point why did they insist on her?"


It was Russ' second day, he had spent the night in the small tent on the beach but in the morning he had chosen to moved everything to the clearing out in front of the small shed including his tent. The deciding factor on moving was the fact he found the sink had water which seemed to come from a tank on top of the small building. Because he felt uncomfortable staying inside the building he set up the tent outside, just in case someone, somehow showed up.

He spent the rest of the afternoon and evening reading and used the flashlight for the second time hours after dark. But even with being tired and upset he still found himself at four am bolt upright sitting in a sleeping bag piecing together where he was. He gathered a few more hours of sleep early in the morning before starting a small fire and in a few minutes he was enjoying slightly singed toast with cheese and salami. The rest of the morning passed as he considered what he had learned from the Journal.

His father, although never explained, had been moved off the island and was adjusting to his new environment and situation with his companion. He still wasn't sure but the journal insisted it was a five foot talking dog that could breath fire. His father had made several references to adjusting to his new hands and how different everything felt leaving his son very confused, new hands?. Russ then went back rereading several marked pages that had been hard for him to understand or believe.

Many times it seemed his father wrote something down almost as it happened while other times he was explaining events days later and several times contradicted what was written pages before. If he didn't have plenty of time or had promised his sister he probably would toss the thing back into his bag and forget it long ago. That and the one thing he had been trying to ignore since yesterday.

He was starting to see glowing symbols or runes around and it was really beginning to bother him. Most of the time they were gone before he was able to inspect them but one of the few he had been able to understand was the one he had found when he climbed up the back of the shed to inspect the tank on the roof. The glyph was slightly different than the one his father had drawn for food but after letting the sink run for more than five minutes causing to toilet to back up and nearly overflow he was forced to admit it. There was no way the small five gallon tank on the roof could have provided the steady stream that ran down the sinks drain. Fantasy, magical, or hallucination were the only options left to explain the event since the pipe went straight up the wall and into the tank.


Opal Rune had been excited all week when she finally found out she had permission to explore Rideram Forest. The area was lush thick and near jungle like but that wasn't what made it so important. The area was off limits to nearly everyone and it either took a great deal of money or in cases like Opal a great deal of time and effort to get permission to enter.

The area was in fact a huge basin with double peaked mountain near the center with seven odd rock shapes that seemed to have grown out around them. Many argued that they were man made or at least crafted with their odd worn sides that made them into nearly symmetrical shapes. That was discounted by the fact the formations seemed to have grown several inches over the past hundred years while others argued that the original measurements must be wrong. The problem was no one had really been able to solidly confirm any theory and the rush to find answers and the damage that was being done had prompted the government to seal the entire area for its protection. Only limited groups where allowed in for study and a few odd explores who could hopefully help to find some clues.

Opal had always had a fascination for the Rideram Forest ever since her father had shown her the few old pictures that had been allowed to be published. Severely strict limitations were applied to everything that was removed from the area including photos and nearly all electrical devices had been banned. Opal had her pack and all her belonging rechecked that morning at the hotel for the sixth time before she was driven to the border. There were only a few official entry and exit points with manned patrol stations that kept everyone out.

She had been given a max of five days to explore, one to hike into the center, three to explore, and one to get back out. There of course were penalties if you pass your time and serious fines if they had to send people into remove you but Opal felt she had enough time in three days to search for what she wanted.

She walked up to the station and passed on the side that the sign pointed to wondering if there was going to be yet another inspection. She remembered her first inspector had stoutly insisted that she leave all weapons behind not allowing a blade larger than her own hand insisting that all wildlife and fauna had to remain undamaged. The second thing the man did was laugh at her insistence at carrying both 'Strange Tales' and 'Lidman's Travels'. One book had chapters on Rideram Forest while the other was devoted to it and the supposed odd things that had gone on within its boundaries.

While it was true Jacob Lidman had disappeared for nearly six months in the forest he was severely ridiculed when he insisted that he spent weeks walking in one direction in an area that should be crossable in just two days. The fact that he claimed magic worked with in Rideram and the fact he had spent his entire savings including all the money he received from a few backers to write and publish his book full of nonsense only cemented the fact the public thought him crazy. With only three hundred copies printed he only stopped with the real threat of being committed. He did ended up spending several years in jail for repeated trespassing charges into the Rideram Forest and only weeks after his release he was caught again and injured although no one knows how or was willing to tell. Jacob died days later from infections still trying to convince people of the truth while refusing all medical help.

Strange Tales on the other hand was a much more accredited book simply stating that odd things did occur whether real or imagined and it was up to the reader to decide. It dealt with Rideram as an oddity that only seemed active in the fall every few years. The problem was accounts varied from true fantasy to actual people disappearing never to be found. Most of it had been discredited with the exception of five missing persons reports, two of them, when they were found, told a near identical tale of traveling for days with landmarks that were not within the forest. Both brought back some unknown fruit they had eaten to survive but supposedly samples had rotted to quickly to be of any real evidence. Both also recounted a strange chanting that could be heard at dusk. Of course there was also information on the rock formation that in the back of Opal's mind told her that not only could there be truth but maybe someone her size would find something entirely different.

She had ended up doing a lot of private research tracking down current persons who had had rather odd happenings along with a personal journal of one of the missing persons who was gone for nearly a month. There was a load of half truths and embellishments as she shifted through but in the end she stumbled upon one fact that she believed to be the truth beyond all others. It was spring, not fall, that these occurrences happened and her final permission had been granted on the first day of spring. Opal was sure that, now she had the chance, she was going to find something extra special.

At the gate they had only scanned her I.D. and papers then snapped on a small tracking/transmitting device to her wrist. It was one of the few electronic devices allowed within the basin and if she needed any help all she had to do was take the band off and move the slide on the inside to activate it.

With in an hour the Sneevee was already well on her way through the undergrowth paying only half of her attention to what was around her while her mind was active with all kinds of strange ideas and theories about the events she had studied. A little over three hours later she was standing at the midway point in the main stream when she felt this maybe this hadn't been her best idea.

Opal had made swift progress using her smaller size to slip through the trees and occasionally using the small trails when she came across them. She had planned on having lunch at the stream but she had gotten there nearly and hour earlier than she planned. Staring across the water she simply decided to just cross the stream and have lunch further along. But rather than waste time finding a suitable crossing or possible natural bridge she had slipped her backpack off holding it above her head and stepped into the water.

It wasn't that she couldn't finish crossing, the water was still just at her middle and her tail was still half dry so the stream wasn't to deep. What gave her pause was that everything around her had grown still and quiet. It seemed even the water had slowed its flow and it felt more like she was trying to move through a pool than the happy swift stream she had stepped into.

Once her initial uneasiness past Opal almost squealed in delight, this was certainly not normal, she had already found something special! She struggled forward but in a few more steps the water seemed stop her movement. It felt like something had grabbed onto her leg and was holding tight as she pushed forward. The half step she realized it wasn't something but the water itself that seemed to be quickly spreading encasing her legs in a tight pressure that was trying to pull her back. Feeling the same thing starting on her other leg didn't seem to worry her as much as the fear she now had for her supplies and books.

Opal threw her pack to the bank several feet away giving a sigh of relief as it landed safely. She reached her hands down into the water feeling along her legs or at least she tried to. The moment her fingers came in contact with her leg the same tight pressure began encasing her paws sealing her fingers together and encompassing her wrists pulling her down and drawing her chest till her fur was just barely touching the water forcing her to tilt her head back uncomfortably to keep her muzzle from going under the surface. Opal stood there straining against an unseen force pushing as hard as she could with her legs trying to stay upright while desperately thinking of some way out.

The loud splash behind her gave her hope even as it scared the hell out of her. "Help, Please. I'm stuck!" Opal could hear more soft splashes behind her before a paw touched her rear. "Thank you, I don't knooo..." Her eyes went wide in shock as the paw moved back and forth beginning to caress her helpless rump cheeks. She would have slapped whom ever it was with her tail but she now realized that it was trapped in the water as well. "Who ever you are you had better just..." SPLASH. A second paw had been added to her rear and both gave a firm shove that sent the Sneevee into the water. Her body was quickly cocooned, wrapped up and squeezed tight by the odd liquid. She felt pressure from every direction and was unable to even open her mouth to cry out. The seconds began to slip past as her body and muscles twitched uselessly leaving her with the fear of suffocation.

She couldn't breath, move, or do anything but think. In the chaotic frantic thought that raced through her mind one of the strongest was suddenly, 'How would she tell anyone what she had found if she died.'

After a time her struggling cease as she passed out from lack of oxygen the fluid released allowing her inert form to float to the surface. Air was allowed back inside the body as it was pushed and pulled until it flopped out on a wide soft sand beach. The blue quadruped form gave a purr of satisfaction and several sensual licks across Opal's face before it pushed the muzzle open and it tasted once what lay inside, "Porreen."

Although still worried and with a slight headache Opal had nothing but energy and excitement as she explored the beach and surrounding areas. She was no where near Rideram Forest with ocean air and a long sandy beach but after an hour or so walking around practicality hit her. The sun was getting lower and she had no food, shelter, or any form of protection beyond herself and the weapons she could summon.

Opal had already explored the first dozen yards of the thick tropical forest and she explored nearly a mile of the beach from where she found herself earlier. She knew that finding shelter shouldn't be to hard and with a little work she could probably figure out something for food so that only left her own safety as a concern. Although as far as she could tell there was little in the area besides vegetation, sand, and water meaning she might be on an unknown or used part of a beach or maybe even on a deserted island.

After pulling together some brush and long leaves she made a suitable windbreak by reinforcing some bushes that left a protected little hollow. Spending a little time digging the area out and making it cozy she decided to head back to the water and see if any fish were available.

Opal had just exited the trees when she spied a flattened out piece of cardboard that was catching the wind on one side threatening to blow away. As she ran down the beach she could see there were several odd brown ball shapes covered in what possibly might be bark along with a hammer and two small bars that kept the cardboard in place. One bar had a spike on the end while the other looked like a flattened chisel. Closer inspection of the cardboard showed images on how to use the items to crack the roundish shapes open.

At the very bottom of the cardboard was a small square that seemed to glow for a moment as she watched. Inside the square was a second square on the lower left side while a half circle seemed to be leaning against it from the right side. Curious Opal sat right down on the cardboard following the direction and peeling one of the items. When she finally started getting to the dark shell she realized that this was a coconut, something that she had only heard about from time to time but never seen. She tried following the pictures but pretty much destroyed the first one bruising her leg and smashing her hand along the way.

Chewing on some of the salvaged strange white pieces she moved to the water trying to wash away the mess on her hands and leg. It tasted odd to her with a nut like flavor and a vegetable like crunchy chewiness.

Her second attempt was a better and less messy affair. Taking her time she punched a hole in the shell and ended up drinking the fluid inside before she hammered around the outside splitting it into lopsided halves. After eating more she decided to take it all back including the cardboard to the sleeping spot she had made. Opal spent the rest of her evening leaning against a tree watching the small waves as the sky darkened.

In her mind she was mentally plotting out pages in a book and how they would read, reenacting her tale so far. She kept a hold of a small piece of coconut shell reminding herself again that she needed proof more than anything else. She refused to be like those other travelers who had some wild tale that no one believed. She was going to return with evidence that would back up her story and prove she had been some place special.


The Neko feline turned from her gardening seeing the sleek blue form sliding out of the pool. "Por Eon" it called running around the side of the pool and racing up the stairs to the huge patio area above.

"Well I was wondering if you were going to show up soon. Am I to have another group of visitors?" The feline asked sweeping some of the dirt back off the cement with her twin tails before standing.

"Vapor." The pokemon answered shaking before sitting to look up at the other.

Avery patted her gloves together before taking them off. "Well then let's go inside I do have a few questions. Like why is there already one here."

"Por?" The eon asked trotting in after the feline with her head tilted.

A few moments later found them in one of the hallways to the huge mansion. "Come on out now." Avery called quietly. The small cat child's head peered around form behind the door frame slowly looking out. "I have another guest to show you." She waved to the young one. The small child stepped far enough out into the hallway before seeing the Vaporeon approach around the feline's legs.

The child squealed and darted back inside the room with the eon yipping and dashing forward while Avery tried to call her to stop. She raced after hearing a small scream coming into the room to find the Vaporeon scrabbling at the closet door. "NO STOP. He's very upset and scared." She reached out trying to get a grip on the eon's neck frills.

"Vaporrrrrr." She commented finishing with a purr.

"You have to let him be, he will come out on his own but you can't push him okay." The eon looked between the female and the closet door several times before hopping up leaving her weight balanced on her hind legs and tail as she reached out and put a paw against the small feline's shoulder for balance. With another purr it leaned in and gently licked over her lips.

"Oh it's that kind of visit. Well I suppose I could do with a break. So will it be bed, water, or lawn?" Avert asked.

"Vapor! Eeeeeon." She grinned at the lustful looking face leaning in to lick the Vaporeon's nose.

"Lead the way." She spoke quietly.


Quistis tore more plants out of the ground to finish clearing a space. She was a few hundred yards from the river and maybe three times that from the waterfall. Exhausted and battered she laid down curling into a ball against the trunk on the pile of leaves and springy brush she had gathered from the area around her. She had no clue where she was but had heard stories of forests and jungles and could only guess she was in one now.

Too many trees to count and thick vibrant green undergrowth, the only thing that seemed to be missing is the violent monsters or viscous animals that always accompanied stories about these places. The thylacine had spent more than an hour searching and sniffing slowly through the trees always expecting an attack to come from behind the next truck. The constant stress and the ordeal of the day had gotten to her and taken far more than any battle or forced march had before. She was drained, bruised, exhausted, hungry, and still couldn't shake the phantom feeling of being soaked.

Suddenly Quistis' nose twitched and her eyes snapped open. The scent of food, meat and something else had come through her nose. Across the little clearing just out of reach sat a white circle and on top was what obviously was food, cooked eggs, meat strips, and some kind of circular flat browned bread. She hauled herself up eyes darting out to the trees using all her senses to detect anything. After several minutes her nose drew her attention back to the food.

How had it gotten there? She looked back to the trees above quickly discounting that as a method for delivery. In fact there was no way in her mind someone could have slipped up to her, dropped the item, and gotten away unnoticed. Still there it was. Her stomach growled again as she eyed the plate wondering if it was even safe.

Several thoughts, plots, and intrigue rolled through her mind over the next minute. In the end she crawled over, picked up the plate, and sat back down. There was no logical explanation to the thylacine and obviously if someone wanted her dead it would be far easier to wait till she was weaker then try to kill her, rather than go through all the trouble to poisoned food and approach her without being seen.

Someone wanted her here and for whatever the reason they had gone through extraordinary lengths to get her here for this. The food only shower her that they were watching and intent on seeing her to their goal. Although many might be upset about such facts Quistis saw this as more of a great challenge, after all they had chosen her. It would be a chance to clearly show what skills she had.


Russ really didn't care about the time as he checked his watch finding it was four thirty in the morning while fumbling for the flashlight and unzipping the tent to get outside. For the umpteenth time he wondered if it wasn't stubbornness or stupidity that kept him outside of the small cabin as he opened the door and went to the corner toilet.

He finished his business and was about to pull back up his shorts that had dropped when he felt a cool breeze blow across his hip. With a startled yelp he jumped sideways shining the light to the wall seeing a round hole that he could have sworn wasn't there before.

Russ stood there in the earliest hours before dawn staring at a hole in the wall next to a toilet that had no possible purpose but one. Why the hell would something like that be here? Whether it was that he was just curious or maybe it was some weird sense of perversion he pulled his shorts back up and squatted down close to the wall shining the light through the hole. Unable to see anything he lowered the light and looked closer trying to see outside. *Poke *

"Oww, son of a..." He tumbled backwards one hand overing his eye as his other fumbled for a moment to pick up the dropped light shining it back to the hole seeing nothing.

Russ scrambled outside running around the corner of the building yelling out 'Who's There!' as the light beam swept the empty area. Nothing was disturbed and not a leaf twitched in the brush a few feet away. He moved the light to the sand expecting to find some kind of tracks but only saw the shallow divots from must have been his own feet from days earlier. Passing the light over the wall revealed an even bigger surprise since the worn wood boards seemed fairly well sealed. Just to be sure he thumped heavily on the wall running his hands over and over the rough surface finding no hole nor even a spot to wiggle a finger into.

It was to much, no joke, no hidden hole, and no way to explain it. He thought back to part of his dad's journal where he was on his boat sailing home from one of his excursions believing with out a doubt he had come across something magical and unbelievable or so it said on the next line: 'I'll be in a nut house soon.'

That thought brought Russ about to a long talk with a female who had been in his paramedic courses as he stumbled back to his tent. There were three types of crazy as she saw it. Stupid Crazy - where people were just dumb enough to believe anything therefor they sound crazy. Belief Crazy - where the person had such faith they will insist that it's real no matter what evidence is shown. Then there is Real Crazy - where the person's brain is just wrong in some way.

She joked that the first two can usually stay out of an institution as long as they were still able to act normal while there was no hope for the third. Russ didn't think he fell into the last and he certainly wasn't stupid enough to believe in aliens and conspiracies. That left being Belief Crazy and at least that meant you could still function in society, after all his father had done just fine.


"Things are progressing well. The other two are adjusted and the third seems ready enough to be moved. Inform T.R.I.C. control that we will be ready for the transformation and transplant tonight." The rich voice spoke.

"So then we aren't going to pull anyone else in?" The other asked.

"No. I was told the smaller groups proved more efficient for data collection and the end results were always better when there were less people." Came the answer.

"So two females, and two males.. well maybe two males, and Avery." The lighter sounding voice said.

"If you can't trust Vaporeon's instincts then we may have problems. Besides all we really need is one successful male and female." The other answered.

"It's not her instincts that I don't trust. I'm just wondering if we should try including someone so young especially since she seems so adamant."

"Again Vaporeon believes that it is a viable male." The deeper voice repeated.

"Which means she is going to screw it no matter what I tell her. We won't get the results we need if she keeps interfering with the others she is not compatible." The voice complained.

"Then let her interfere. We will cut her from our program and when she is finished return her and find a new being to help us." The silence went on for several minutes before the voice spoke again.

"Agreed! There will be three females and two males in this group. I'll make the reports we can begin tonight. We can let her join the group just like she wants." The softer voice spoke sounding relieved.

"Just make sure she understands what will happen to her. We will have to have her transformed as well and we won't be able to change her back when we're done like the other."

"I kinda think she will be happy for the change if she thinks it will help her out. She'll be able to open doors and things." The softer voice stated.


Russ spent his entire afternoon working with a long piece of rope that had been left in the corner of the shack. He hadn't found any glyphs near or on it so he hoped that it had been here longer and hopefully forgotten. As he began to work with the old rope it started to tear and he worried if his idea would work at all. The rope itself was so worn that if he wasn't careful it broke as he tried to separate it.

He used the knife cutting out the worst parts then slowly began braiding the pieces back together. When he was done the cords he had were about a third of the original thickness and he ended with half a dozen links reaching about twenty feet each. That along with the two long coils of nylon rope that had been packed in the crate he used to make a perimeter around the shack and campsite. It took him until dusk as he tied off sections using the rope as more of a trip wire while he also gently smoothed and wet down sandy or dirt areas creating a carefully planned trap.

Although he was only able to use the old rope in short distances, since it was likely to break if he tried pulling it to tight, he was still able to use it in spots and left it tied very close to the ground. The trap was simple but he hoped effective. There would be no way a person, animal, or thing would be able to pass without stepping on or tripping over the ropes that were tied around. In the places there was no rope the very ground itself would record the passage of anything that went over it.

Russ was determined to prove to himself that there must be something else on this island. Even if it was somehow invisible it should leave some trace behind. Although there was a growing possibility against it, he felt that what was happening around him and more importantly the things that happened to his father were done by, something especially with all the glyphs that kept popping up.

As the long dusk started he went back to his tent pleased with his trap. He spent some time reviewing his father's journal having read through it more than twice now trying to check the dates to be sure. His sister left him here for a week because that had been his fathers final plan had been. He had never really spent more than a few days here at a time five at the most and if he was correct dad would have disappeared on his fifth or sixth day and tonight was going to be his fifth night on the island.

He finished the M.R.E. That he had opened before setting everything up for bed. He packed everything away so he wouldn't have anything laying about, then he left his shoes just outside the door of the tent ready to step into. He had two nice poles that he had chopped out of small trees the day before ready, jabbed in the sand just outside the tent. Russ had also put brand new batteries in the flashlight whether it needed it or not and kept it right near his head flipping the sleeping bag closed but not zipping it up and began a long night of waiting.

Russ had been startled back awake several times by a background noise or his mind each time gripping the flashlight and readying to bolt out of the tent. His next time waking was because his mind was racing in terror of black shapes and his heart was pounding out of control. Somehow he knew even as he crawled forward to yank the tent flap open that he had overslept on his regular wake up call. With his body still quaking from the event he gathered up his shoes and stood up.

Before he get his second shoe on he fell sideways unbalanced. After a second Russ' mind was awake with a whole new kind of fear as he realized the ground was rolling. Only twice in his life when he was much younger had he felt an earthquake and those were nothing like what was building up. The four point three he had felt in school which lasted all of six seconds had barely given the class time to duck and cover. That had not even come close to preparing him for the tree groaning jolts that seemed to want to rip the island apart.

His mind had left him huddled for moments afterwards wondering if he had really just survived the event. After finding his flashlight and running to the shack to relieve himself Russ tried to think of what to do next, a quick check of the time told him it was three fifty-one. He puttered around the campsite checking to make sure he still had everything and pulled out a meal to eat his brain finally kicked him in the backside. He dropped the unopened package and checked his wrist again, three fifty-eight, a full two minutes before four am.

Somehow he felt like he should still be asleep. Russ' mind tried to wrap around the possible concept that something had woken him up in time for the earthquake. If that were the truth than this went far beyond some old happenings or even a bit of magic. Someone had the ability to control at least some part of his mind. His thoughts were interrupted by a second tiny tremor which was followed by what sounded like something moving in the trees before something large crashed to the ground.

Russ was instantly on the alert and moving forward through the trees intent on figuring out what just happened. With the strong beam of light in one hand sweeping through the trees and a pole to knock around the brush with the other he came to his perimeter. After searching for a moment he found a lose line and followed it back to where he tied it to a tree. Something just seemed off to him, even trying to account for his flashlight being the only light source the tree seemed taller or higher some how, at least the rope seemed to be tied higher than he had tied it. Checking the second line he found the nylon rope slack as well and after pulling in ten feet or so he found the rope was cut.

The reason he found was a sharp rock face that rose out of the ground nearly twice his height. Russ stood staring in amazement, he thought only in movies did earthquakes cause such damage and upheaval. Hearing more cracking snaps and heavy thud he watched as another tree was knocked off the small cliff and crash upside down part of its roots still attached to the ground above.

He waited several moments to see if anything else was coming down before going to inspect the tree. As he looked closer he could see a glow coming from the trunk with a second and third glimmering several feet along the trunk like a path leading up to the cliff. He knew immediately that it was neither the food nor boundary glyph, it also wasn't danger which he had studied well. It looked slightly different but he spoke his guess out loud. "So is it direction?" Was something was telling him to climb up?

He tried to think, either something was just taking advantage that he was awake and happened to be near here or the entire event, maybe even the earthquake, was staged by someone. But how was that possible even if he was willing to maybe accept magic it still seemed beyond belief. Maybe they had made the glyphs then pushed the tree over the side counting on it catching to create a possible ladder.

As his feet began to itch he knew now that this was something that had been described in the journal. According to the notes the itch would start and then get worse to a near burning fire forcing him to make a choice, follow or turn away. He remember his father had told him that only once he had turned away and he did regret that simply wondering what he had missed.

One thing though ran through Russ' mind then, whom ever created the glyphs was likely up there. As hes tarted climbing he made a little promise to himself, whatever happened he was going to try and find out who was playing games with his family, then find out why.


Opal woke in the middle of the night to a sudden heart thump and a strange sensation that left her body tingling and her wondering what was going on. She was alert and mind cleared as she quickly tried to sense any possible danger round her. She had almost summoned her weapons and shield before the odd feeling passed.

Quickly checking around her little nest finding nothing to worry her in the light of the half moon. That was until she notice a strange glowing square in the sand in front of her. A few feet away there was another and as she moved forward she glimpsed another on a tree several feet ahead. Curious she followed the trail that lead away from the shore and to more a more firmer dirt ground. With excitement she picked out each new mark especially when it seemed to lead onto an old forgotten pathway.

Opal couldn't contain a small squeal as it lead to a small clearing with a white stone archway that gleamed in the moonlight. She raced forward running her hands along the stone trying to guess what kind of rock it was and how it was put together. Although she had studied up on some geology and had knowledge in many fields she had really only payed attention to the types of rocks that were supposed to be in the Rideram Forest this was not something she felt certain about. Maybe it was marble and it seemed that the block like pieces had been carefully stacked on top of each other forming a two towers that were roughly eight feet high, three foot square at the base, and with a five foot gap between the two.

She let her paws run across the smooth stone stepping around to try and see the top. It appeared that one solid pieces was just set on top of the two pillars to create the arch. Opal stood directly under the arch staring up. This is what she was looking for, this was what this was all about, she had found something!

After nearly an hour of rubbing her hands across the stone and wondering fanciful thoughts and ideas she finally stepped back and sat down. Really the only thing she knew for certain is that the stone had to have come from somewhere else and that some one had obviously made the structure. While she pondered and thought up words to describe the arch she also tried to come up with a way to prove that it was real.

What she didn't notice at first was the soft glow that seemed to be growing now that the moonlight was fading. In a few minutes when Opal did notice the difference and it was the key that started the next event. As she stared at first, then had to cover her eyes with a paw as the light swiftly strengthened to a blinding glow that her arm and eyelids were barely able to hold back. As she raised her other arm for more protection the world went black and silent causing her to quickly open her eyes and realize she hadn't notice the strong humming at all until it had stopped.


Russ had quickly moved around the outskirts inspecting the outside of the more than acre sized spot of raised land. He saw no other way down unless he wished to jump off a small cliff. He hoped whom ever had made the glyphs was trapped up here with him as he began a slowly decreasing circle working his way towards the center keeping his ears open the entire time for any movement other than himself.

One thing he did notice was the ground was sloped downward as he moved inwards. Russ was constantly looking outward and in front of himself making sure not to miss or allow someone to escape which didn't allow him to see the trees ended in a clearing until he was almost in it. When he realized the trees had ended near the center he couldn't help but stop his patrol and investigate. His flashlight showed a flat stone surface that dropped a foot from where the trees ended in a smooth line.

When his foot stepped down a glow started outlining a huge hump of rock in the center which seemed to be illuminated from the opposite side glowing brighter and lighting up the trees beyond before cutting out. Realizing that he might have finally found someone else Russ shut off the flashlight and carefully started to creep around the outside of the circle moving cautiously around the perimeter.

With in a few steps he stopped as the glow repeated almost like a slow pulse of light that swiftly grew then again shut off. He could easily see the light illuminated most of the trees on that side before it went away. As darkness returned he began moving again waiting for the next bloom of light that showed the rock seemed flattened on the other side and what ever was creating the light must be inside the stone. Several steps further and he braced for the light that would reveal him, but it never came.

He waited patiently ticking off several seconds in his mind wondering if his presence was already known. After several more seconds he figured whomever it was must know and he turned back on the flashlight aiming his beam at the rock. Russ continued to step around shining the light into the whole but, for some reason his light couldn't seem to penetrate the darkness of the cave. As he finally stood in front of the rock he was reminded of the older cheezy dungeon entrances in many role playing games.

There was no way there could be any kind of cave unless the shaft dropped straight down, it had to simply be a hollowed space carved out of the rock. "Hello?" He called out taking several steps forward waiting for a response. "I know you're there!" Several more steps were taken after the silence leaving only a few feet between him and the rock. No matter how he tried though it seemed his flashlight still couldn't show him what was inside. It was no more than a foot or so from his hand that the light simply stopped going forward. Even shining it at the ground and moving it forward seemed to have the same results.

"Listen I don't like this stupid game. Why are you doing this, what is the point?!" Part of him was thinking to step forward while a thought grew that maybe he should just ignore them and leave. A quick glance around showed no more glyphs, not that he was really expecting any.

The thought gave Russ the idea to maybe play a game of his own turning and stepping away. "Well if you're not going to talk than I'm just going to leave." Before he could even put his foot down he was blinded, light was everywhere, and before he could react it grabbed him. As he got his foot down it slid forward, his whole body, clothes, and even flashlight were being drawn backwards. Twisting his body he pushed off trying to throw himself sideways out of the light. It seemed to work as the pull lessened but as he tried getting up there was a grinding noise and he was back in the full force of the beam, brighter and stronger than before. The smooth rock left no purchase nor would it have helped as the light seemed go grab onto everything it touched picking Russ off the ground and sucking him towards the rocks opening. The light and pressure increased even more leaving him fully blinded and now it wasn't just pulling but tearing at him, he did hear ripping noises as his tee-shirt strained to stay on his back and the flashlight slid out of his hand suck into the light.

His feet were the first to ender the cave and he screamed out in pain as the shoes were ripped apart from every directions quickly followed by his socks that just seem to vanish. The feeling against his skin was like the skin and muscles being ripped off his bones as his skin bloated outwards but held. Russ thrashed in the air struggling as more and more of his body was enveloped and by the time his knees were involved he gained a solid cold bar of fear suddenly unable to feel his feet. He was left crying out as more and even excruciating pain advanced over his body followed by a feeling of numbness before his brain stopped registering.

Cool air washed over him as he was flung forward landing hard onto solid ground. His body was filled with a tingling and a tickle that encompassed his entire body making him feel like he needed to itch. He tried to move suddenly feeling different, or part of him that didn't work right perhaps there had been serious damage. 'It's a wonder I'm alive.' he thought to himself.

Russ tried to get his arms underneath himself letting out what he felt was an appropriate groan to express his current feelings. "Uun ruahh." He grunted forcing his body upwards and onto his hands and knees. His ears seemed to hear something and he listened again picking up something like a mumbling voice before his ears started ringing. Looking up earned him nothing as his eyes still could not adjust from the previous brilliance. "You.." He tried to speak but his mouth didn't want to work right and his tongue felt like a large sponge that flopped back and forth in his mouth.

His arms started to tremble and his body follow suit leaving him quaking on his knees. "Somethings wrong." He tried to get the words out hearing a strange voice babbling something that he couldn't quite understand, maybe it wasn't English.

Russ squeezed his eyes shut expecting another blinding light when a beam ran over his body, after a few seconds though he realized it was the light from his own flashlight. The beam aimed down to the ground and he tried to see the figure behind it only there was something right in front of his nose. He lifted up a shaky hand to swat it away only to give a gasp as pain ran through his face. Feeling even worse Russ laid down onto his side trying to figure out what was wrong. His hand didn't feel right either like there was some kind of thick gloves that were attaches to parts of his fingers as he tried to explore what he had slapped.

His hands told a strange tale that his mind just wasn't going to accept as the light got closer again allowing him to see a human like paw rubbing against what was now attached to his face. Closing his eyes he held on to his muzzle. This couldn't be right, it just couldn't be.

Dreamer's Paradise: Rebirth

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Sammy Plays.

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Ben tell a tale 8

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