Chapter 1 - This Is War...

Story by Children of Gaia on SoFurry

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#2 of Main Storyline - Children of Gaia - The Beginning...

transferred from my old ID :iconDoctor Otter:

Modern day - Washington D.C.

9 a.m. The chaos of the congress was finally settling down with the sound of the vice president's gavel. The men and women that were voted into power by the masses are now coming together to talk about the latest bill that has come to their attention. The Mutanimal Epidemic has escalated as it has come to the attention of world leaders that the mutanimals are developing special powers attributed to their mutation. Among the Senators is a Caucasian man wearing a black business suit, a white shirt underneath and a red tie with short black hair, neatly parted in the middle. His devious smile gave obvious clue to his intention on pushing the Mutanimal Registry.

"Mr. Gene Norwood," Spoke Vice President James Cook, a middle aged man with light brown hair and a dark blue suit, complete with an American flag pin on his collar. "You have been the biggest proponent of this bill, with your company, GeneCorp's moral and monetary support. You wished to speak to the Senate today in favor of this new Mutanimal Registry bill. You have the floor now."

The man simply stood up slowly and made his way to the podium. His confident swagger was obvious as he carried his speech with him to his place and stood calmly before the senators before him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Senate, and fellow Americans. I come before you to tell you of the dangers of not having these creatures, these 'mutations' registered. This registry will not only force mutanimals to announce their abilities to their neighbors in the world, but also, aid Law Enforcement to keep a lid on disasters involved with mutanimals. By my calculations, there is a seventy-five-percentile chance for a mutanimal to be involved in some sort of accident or disaster. With this information, we will have a means to be sure our children and neighbors are save from such disasters happening, as they will know not only what to expect, but what to do in an extreme situation were to come up involving a mutanimal. It is my humble opinion that this particular bill should be put into law IMMEDIATELY and I will not stop until that dream becomes a reality!"

The senators, aroused by the speech quickly stand and clap vigorously, causing Mr. Norwood to smile as he nodded in acceptance of the standing ovation. He shakes the Vice President's hand gently and quickly returned to his seat.

"Beautiful, the registry is good as ours..." whispered a gentlemen with brown hair sitting beside him wearing thin-rimmed glasses and wearing a similar suit to Mr. Norwood.

"Nothing can stop us now." Gene whispered back with a smile on his face as the claps died down,

The Vice President once again took the floor, "As there is no one to speak in the apposition of...

"Not True!" came a voice from the entrance of the room.

The voice came from a now grizzled man with a thick salt and pepper beard and complimenting hair coming down to about his shoulders. He had on a grey suit with black pinstripes running vertically down the suit. He was accompanied by a young doe, who aged about 29. She wore a simple black business dress and a pair of similarly colored high heels. She had her long brown hair tied up into a bun and wore a pair of custom made glasses for her face, carrying a large briefcase for him.

"And who might you be sir?" The Vice President Inquired.

"I am Dr. Gerald Moreau, former employer of GeneCorp, and Xenobiologist who specialized in mutanimal physiology, and this is my Daughter, Dr. Lani Moreau."

There were many gasps and murmurs coming from each of the senators as the man hurriedly approached the stand. The only main difference anyone could tell was the beard that he grew during his 26-year disappearance.

"Dr. Moreau, this is unheard of. Why come out of hiding after all this time? Why now?" asked the Vice President.

"And Why not now?!" he exclaimed. "When I heard this was happening upon the 26th anniversary of the death of my wife, I had to take a stand, as this would be a mockery of her memory if this bill passed on this day."

Suddenly, Mr. Norwood stands and waves his hand towards the man, "Are we going to listen to a potential murderer who is passing off killing his wife for some sort of freak occurrence?!"

"As you may remember Mr. Norwood," the Vice President began, "That Dr. Moreau was cleared of all charges as there was no evidence he owned any weapon, let alone a large caliber sniper rifle which is illegal for any civilian to own, AND we found her prints on the gun she was executed with on the lawn, as coroners determined she committed suicide during the attack!" Gene mutters some choice word to himself as he sat back down without a word. As Dr. Moreau waited patiently for the vice president to acknowledge him, the vice president turned his head to him and nodded softly, "You may have the floor..."

Dr. Moreau nodded, as the doe slowly moved a table over to the middle of the room, gently placing the briefcase down. She opens it up and pulled out a portable projector slide as Dr. Moreau took his place behind the podium, he cleared his throat before he began.

"Safety, this is the reason that's been brought up for this Registry. Is that the only reason? No. There's also control and fear that sparked this Registry, but above all, jealousy!" Suddenly, the projector turns on and shows a picture of a rabbit being held against his will, strapped down into a chair within a strange pod. "This photo I cannot mention where or when it was taken, but this is the grim reality. There are companies looking for ways to synthesize the genes that make mutanimals so special, and create a sort of Gene Therapy in order to spark the same reactions and changes in humans. In the past 5 years alone, the numbers of filed missing mutanimal cases have skyrocketed! In 2008 a mere 25 cases were reported in the city of Atlanta alone." As he mentions this, the projector changes pictures to a line chart that shows the information he spoke of. "In 2009, it more then doubled to 65, 2010: 165, 2011: 289, 2012: 574... Mind you, that more then 89% of missing mutanimal cases go unsolved. These stats that were collected do not incorporate that factor. These are NEW CASES each year that are increasing exponentially, which means out of these 1118 cases of missing mutanimals, 123 of them are solved!" The projector clicks to show a graph depicting the next bit of information. "This increase has been tracked along with the progress of the Human Genome Project; the more of the Human Genome we mapped, the more mutanimals went disappearing. Did we forget these mutanimals come from human parents nine times out of ten?! And you're probably asking me what these statistics mean? Why I'm spouting out random information? Let me follow up with a question, what would make these mutanimals to be found by these companies seeking to synthesize mutanimal powers?"

After he asks the question, he holds up a copy of the bill in question.

"This is your answer! A registry any major corporation would have access to that details names, powers, and locations of every living mutanimal on the planet." He slams the bill to the podium with great force and gave a stern look to the senators in the room before continuing. "Mutanimals do not need this registry, the need to be taught how to use their powers. The best way to deal with crisis is to become proactive to better control the situation. If the mutanimal can control these powers, then less and less instances of crises will occur. Many have already learned to use their powers."

He holds an open palm toward the young doe.

"My daughter here? Would you believe she received a Doctorate's at Yale University in Botony? With the help of her plant manipulation and empathy, she may someday solve the world's food shortage crisis. What I'm trying to say is that these 'creatures' as you have labeled them they are the next stage in human evolution. Note I say HUMAN. I place emphasis on the human because they're no different from us mentally and emotionally. We must come to accept these people as our neighbors, our friends, and for some, our lovers. There's nothing wrong with being a mutanimal. It's just there sometimes is something wrong with all of mankind."

The hushed crowd spoke volumes of shame and self-loathing that could be felt through the air as the doe replaced the projector and the good doctor stepped down from the podium.

The Vice President cleared his throat finally and spoke with a somber tone, "I... do believe we should take a recess..."

As Gene Norwood exited the capitol in a huff, the press surrounded him, yelling questions at him.

"Mr. Norwood, how do you feel about the sudden reappearance of Dr. Moreau, the man formerly employed by your father?

"Mr. Norwood, Is it true what Dr. Moreau said about companies synthesizing mutanimal powers?!"

"MR NORWOOD! A minute of your time please?!"

Each barrages of questions was met with the gentleman that sat next to him warding of the press with the same "No Comment" remark to all questions as the two head for a single black stretch window with dark tinted windows. As the quickly entered, Gene slammed the door and locked it firmly. Thankfully, the car was sound proofed so he the press couldn't hear their conversation.

"What... the HELL HAPPENED SPECTRE?!?!?!" he yelled at a darkened figured in the car.

The man's finger flipped the ignition of his lighter to reveal an arctic white wolf garbed in Military fatigues and nothing else. He put the lighter to the cigarette dangling the lips of his muzzle and puffs to light it. He took a drag and huffed, blowing smoke all over the car as he opened his eyes in frustration.

"I told you we couldn't find the kid and the Doc. You were the one who said it didn't matter" he replied.

Gene slowly began calming down as he sat back with a grim expression on his face. He pressed a small button on his watch and the human face gave way to his true form. He was still garbed in the same outfit, but now the human was replaced by a black lion maned mutanimal, with a scowling look upon his face.

"Then let me make this perfectly clear Spectre." He said calmly, "Find where Dr. Moreau has been hiding, and eliminate him immediately. Follow him home if you have to."

"What about his super brats?" the wolf replied.

"Brats? You mean?"

"He's on to you Gene, and he's got a whole army of them working for him. I think he wants to take you down!" he said as he tossed a folder over to his boss.

As the lion opened the folder, he found pictures of black leather-cladded mutanimals. An arctic fox, a snow leopard, a phoenix, an otter, and a snowshoe rabbit were in each of the pictures. The lion's eyes stop on the snowshoe rabbit suddenly and looked to the wolf.

"So this is what happened to Geist?" he asked.

"Confirmed this morning." The wolf replied.

"Well then." he said as he closed the folder and tossed them to the side, "I believe we should do everything in our power to destroy these do-gooders. let's just hope they haven't been tipped off to our mission in Russia."

Chapter 2 - Pomba Vou

Matheas's malaria would continue for a few more days before he could start moving around again on his own. The elder of the village granted him asylum for as long as the wolf saw fit to stay. Manuel, the young panther cub, would constantly visit the...

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Chapter 2 - The Red Fox

The darkness enveloped the Russian countryside with the exception of a small field just outside a small village. This was where Rasputin's Magnificent and Wild Show had set up shop for the night. The casting of performers were exclusively of mutanimal...

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Prologue - A Taste of What's to Come.

Sept. 15,1987 - Just outside of Atlanta, GA A human sat at his bay window looking out to his front yard into the darkness, as if to expecting. He wore a simple white shirt and a pair of blue jeans and a very clean shaven face. His long dark brown...

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