Dealing with demons

Story by assilsasta on SoFurry

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Dark Riders of Marblecliff03 Dealing with Demonsby Assilsasta??????????? July 28, 2013 ?????????????????????? Mooses first Morning ???????????Cecily stood on a small wooden crate she found among Hanks packing as she looked into the rear door window of the locked Charger. She giggled slightly as she saw the moose herm curled up under the emergency blanket with a taser visible in one paw. Apparently the story from the night before had a more profound effect on her than she admitted. The small kangaroo mouse tapped lightly on the glass to try and get her attention. Within the second tap Daisy jerked awake, sitting up and firing the two tasers in her paws into the back of the seats in front of the car as a scream rang out. The swift movement startled Cecily to the point she stepped backward and fell from the box she used to see into the car, and screamed herself as she fell the short distance to the ground.The sound of her girlfriend's scream brought the moose out of her half sleep fear to a more real concern about the girl. She dropped the tasers to the floorboard as she dove for the door. Her muzzle smashing against the glass when the handle failed to open the door reminding her that they were locked. Thumbing the lock free she tumbled from the seat when the door opened suddenly sprawling face up on the drive when she landed. As she recovered she saw the small mouse sprawled on the pavement not far from her. She slowly looked up as the striped legs of the liger walked into view just above the mouse's head. Lilliana looked down at Cecily then over to Daisy before she said, "I told you she stayed in the car. So what do you have to say for yourself Mouse Bait?"Daisy sighed heavily before she answered, "shit, I guess it seems silly as hell now. But after that story... and the lights went out ... it freaked me the fuck out. So I slept in the car, seemed like a good idea at the time." Turning to look at the small mouse she added, "sorry Sisy, didn't mean to scare ya with that shit."As Daisy offered her apology Cecily laid motionless on her back, arms stretched out to her side, tail only twitching slightly. As the look of concern grew on the moose's face the liger looked down at Cecily then back up at Daisy. "You break it you buy it." Then turned to walk away. "The Hospital is across town. It you leave now you might get there before the E.R. gets too crowded."Daisy nearly sprang to her paws and knees over the small mouse, the concern on her face turning to a slight panic. Reaching one paw to the mouse's cheek she said, "Sisy? Sisy are you ok?"With the moose kneeling over her, Cecily jerked forward, grabbing her by both ears as she pulled the shocked, helpless moose closer. The small mouse lifted her muzzle to the moose's ear and whispered with a heavy blowing breath, "Gotcha," the air moving over the soft, sensitive fur of her inner ear.Giggling slightly, the mouse's breath teasingly tickling the inner surface of her ear Daisy wrapped her arms around the mouse. Pulling her to her chest she said, "you little rat fink," before she began to nibble on the small mouses neck playfully. A few moments later she pulled back to look Cecily in the eyes, shaking her head slowly. "Okay I guess I kind of deserved that one trail mix," trailing off a moment looking around the motor court. "So did Hank come back in or did he hide out too?"Cecily looked up at her as she said, "Everyone is at his truck out by the road. They thought it would be more fun to mess with him than wake you up." She gave the moose a light kiss on the tip of her nose as she added, "I think this was worth it. So was the story last night. I thought I might scare Juno with it, but you were all like..."Wide eyed at the mouse's words for a long moment Daisy scowled at her girlfriend, "wait a minute, are you telling me you made that shit up?" Before the small mouse in her arms could answer the moose herm hung her head as she muttered, "fuck, and I fell for it hook, line, and sinker.""Oh, no," Cecily said as she started to slide out from under the moose and sit up, "Mr... Officer Goodman really did tell me the story. He said he heard it back in high school. The house has

sat empty for nearly five years now. But it was a pretty good story, but it probably is made up. Old houses like this get that sort of thing when they sit empty for a long time." She paused for a moment as she looked into daisy's eyes, "Wait, you really believe in ghosts and stuff?""What? No of course not, everyone knows there's no such things as ghosts right?" the moose said half-heartedly. "Hell I know it was just coincidence and all that with the lights going out like that." Eying the house suspiciously she added, "so ummm when are they getting the lights turned on again?""Tomorrow some time," the mouse said with a smile, "Do you want to spend the night at a hotel or something tonight? We do get a room all to ourselves here, and I think I found the one I want. And it's... umm... very private...""No... I don't see any reason to go to a hotel," the moose said as she stood up brushing off her shorts, her eyes not leaving the front of the house as she did. "Just umm, give me a minute then you can show me the room you're talking about." Daisy reached into the rear floorboard of the charger, retrieving the tasers and shove one in each of the back pockets of her shorts. Closing the car door she turned to the small mouse and said, " okay, let's go have a look at that room."With a smile on her face, Cecily took Daisy by the paw and said, "We have all day for that. Lets go see what they are doing to Hank. He even pulled his truck out by the road before he went to sleep." The small mouse started to pull the moose along like a toddler with an older sibling as she headed down the drive to the group gathered around the Chevy truck. "He went all Cajun on us last night. They've never seen him that flustered before.""Is that what the hell that was? Then that explains why it sounded kind of familiar when he first started mumbling. But damn if it wasn't harder to understand then Alex. Her I'm at least starting to kind of understand a little," the moose herm admitted with a giggle. "So any idea what they've got in mind to do to him or do we just go with the flow here sweet cheeks?""No clue," the mouse said as they joined the group of four looking in the windows of the truck. "I haven't seen any time they've been able to do anything to him. He

kind of has a set of eyes in the back of his head, or his head on a swivel as you hear Lilly say it. They thought it was great how I ran both of you out of the house without even really trying. So I think you're in the clear for at least a day while they mess with Hank. Might even be able to get in on it."As they arrived the group stepped away from the truck and all looked at the moose when Lilliana asked, "So, how was the first night in your new home, any thing like what you were expecting?" As the Liger spoke Daisy couldn't help but look at the other two women and the grins on their faces. It was almost sinister.The looks in the eagle and chinchilla's faces made it clear to the moose she wasn't going to get out of things lightly after her escape to her car last night as she answered the liger's question. "Nothing like what I expected, then again I should know by now to expect anything with this bunch. Though I have to say that the back seat of the Charger sleeps better than I thought it would." Attempting to change the subject from herself for even a brief moment she said, "I guess I wasn't the only one creeped out by that story of Sisy's," nodding towards the old pickup."Not important," Lilliana said. "I need you to crawl under the truck and disconnect the clutch cable and e-brake, then we are going to need to rock it gently out of gear without waking the river rat." The liger pointed at the ground while she held out a crescent wrench and pliers. "If you don't want to help we can always find other things to entertain ourselves with while we clean up some more."Taking the tools from the liger's paw Daisy replied, "no problem, and no need to find other entertainment." Nearly diving under the truck she set about disconnecting the emergency brake cable, hearing the soft thump of the brake shoes as they slipped out of place. Within a few moments she had the clutch cable removed from it's mounting. She stuck her head out the side and said, "if you girls rock it a little I should be able to get it out of gear pretty easy.""Go," was all the moose heard before she saw the truck gently rock forward, then begin to roll freely. "SHIT! It was already out of gear." With the shout and sight Daisy swiftly moved to get the rest of her body out from under the slowly rolling vehicle. As she sat up Daisy saw the group run to the front of the truck and try to stop it

before they all jumped out of the way. "Incoming!" the liger shouted as the moose watched them all hit the ground as the air filled with the sound of shotgun fire and shattering glass. With the verbal warning and the sound of a firearm the small mouse dropped to the ground near where the moose still laid in a prone position. "I guess he was a little more prepared for ghosts than you were," she said with a smile. "Not sure if it was buck or his saltpeter rounds though."As the group spread across the pavement the sound of incomprehensible, possible vulgar words poured out of the cab of the truck as it came to a stop once again. The rest of them stood laughing as they heard the repeated release and re-engaging of the parking brakes the transmission gears sat in the wrong location for him to shift it into gear with the loose flop of the clutch pedal against the floor. They brushed themselves off as they started to walk back to the house. Susan looked down at the moose and mouse as she said, "Goog job mouse bait. and if you get him a block of wood so he can get out without it rolling away on him, he might not kill you in your sleep tonight."Her eyes going wide for a moment Daisy shook her head as she walked back into the foyer and scrounged a wood block from the pile of debris the otter had swept and blown from the rooms into a pile. She walked back to the truck and slipped the block of wood behind the nearest of the front tires she looked him in the eyes as she said, "not that it'll save my ass any, but it wasn't my idea."The otter looked at her with a serious look in his eyes as he spoke in the same clear english she had been used to, "It's no laughing matter, peeskwank. My memaw always said bad mojo fills a place when the spirits ain't settled right. If I were you, I wouldn't set paw in that house until it's been cleaned." He hopped out of the truck and dropped the block by the front tire as it started to move on its own, stopping it once again. "Now what did they have you take off down there?""Clutch cable and e brake, I just dropped the clutch cable of the bracket and left it in the fork," the moose herm answered as she dug the crescent wrench from her back pocket and handed it to the otter. "As far as the house, you're preachin to the choir here on that one. Living within a few miles of abandoned mines that collapsed and crap, I've seen some shit that I

can't explain with good timing or moon light reflecting off shit. This place is in serious need of a good exorcism," the moose herm said as she turned and walked up the drive intently jabbing a finger at the screen of the phone she pulled from her pocket.The otter looked at the moose, "Hey, Just how backwater did I get? I already know they're not going to let me live it down, Just look at what they do to Alex everytime they get a chance."Turning and walking backwards up the drive Daisy said, "pretty bad, my grandparents on dads side are French Canadian, and I couldn't understand a damn thing you said till the end of it.""Fuck, nearly ten years and I'm sober when it slips," Hank said as he crawled under the truck. "I'll never hear the end of it.""I'm not sure either of us will hear the end of this shit for months," Daisy muttered as she looked up to the old house again. "I just hope we live long enough for it to matter."As the moose walked in the door Alex greeted her with as much of a smile as her beak allowed as she said, "Ya know, Squeaker's stoey couldn' be true. Full disclosure, the secon' family 'ad ta 'ave known..." then walked off into the house, as if intentionally leaving valuable information out of her statement. ".. Bu' dey ain't no spookes in da 'ouse, I don' t'ink."As the eagle walked away Daisy turned and walked back out the front door as she dialed the phone in her paw, bringing it to her ear quickly.[Information, what city please...][Marble Cliff, I need the number of a Catholic priest quick...] the moose said as she backed away from the house slowly, not taking her eyes from the structure.??????????? Plotting Downfalls ???????????To Daisy's relief she had been sent out to pick up food and cleaning supplies with Cecily as the remainder of the group stayed to clean the debris from the rest of the house. Hank had taken

Detlev with him to get other repair materials and supplies for "gris-gris" from a local new age shop in town. The three women congregated in the kitchen once the rest were out of sight."Gris-gris?" Lilliana started. "What the fuck is a gris-gris?""It's something to ward off evil," Susan said almost in defence. "But shit, he should know we did a full background on the place before getting it. Clean history back to the construction.""Bu' da moose, che as freaked as 'e is," the eagle said, "Dis is a gol' mine. Two fer da price a one wit' everyt'in' we do.""Okay now, we just moved in and we have a moose calling a priest and an otter ready to start boiling a cauldron of who the fuck knows what in the house." The liger looked around the counter at the others. "Okay girls, Here's the thing, We need them both to relax before you do anything. Daisy is going to be high strung for at least the next two week after the Jacks and that story. But she's smart, she might look up the story Sisy told and find out it's one of those high school things or what ever. The thing is I want her to not see it coming, and the mouse needs to not know either.""Roger!" the other two said in unison as they smiled at each other and started running plots through their minds."Now down to the real business." Lilliana looked at Alex as she started, "We need a way to register the moose in school. First thing I thought of was emancipation. She could do everything herself."Alex cleared her throat and took a deep breath, "That will work, But consider this. You are an employee of a prestigious private school. According to their paper work you can enroll three dependants at a discounted rate. Financially, even if she works and pays her way, a guardianship for the girl under you would make more sense. And she would be able to get insurance through you aswell, that is if the parents decide to drop her from theirs with her no longer in the house." "I could see Arny dropping her just to spite me, but Ricky would crush that if I got a good read off

her the other day. So what do we need for the guardianship?" "I can draft up the papers and mail them out. We will need a physical signature from both parents," Alex said."I'll hand carry them out, might need to help twist some arms if we need both signatures. Besides I want to see this Winter Creek." Lilliana looked up at the ceiling as she spoke."And that has nothing to do with this Mark Jameson that I've been looking up for the past week?" Susan leaned over the counter as she spoke."Never said it didn't. What have you got? From the sounds of Ralph he has a good deal of influence and money.""Well as far as public records show he's connected to a few companies in the Denver metro area, mostly smaller companies with less than fifty employees. He's listed as a partner or partial owner in about two dozen stores in Winter Creek and a place called Prairie Flats. Other than being involved in nearly every kind of fundraiser connected to the school systems of the area that's about it... publicly. It took a little digging but off the books he's involved with a lot more than what's in the public eye. Through shell companies that seem to be little more than to keep his name out of direct contact he's got his fingers in more pies than Mrs. Smith. Mining companies, utilities, technology companies, it covers a lot of ground but he keeps it to less than controlling interest in anything. From what I could dig up his current baby is a new tech company in the area, but no one seems to know much about them as of yet. There is virtually no paper trail on it to be found, no publicly traded stock, seem to do business by cash outlay, no credit history. Almost seems familiar, like a ghost company that doesn't really exist. As far as his finances... you said he was young right?" the chinchilla asked cocking an eyebrow at the liger. "He got married on the cruise," She started, "couldn't have been more than nineteen. Sisy has some sketches. But considering that I would assume he has a penny or two laying around. Did you get anything on the psychological aspect of the boy? How far do you think I can push him?""Looks like he had a melt down early on in

his teens, became a hermit for a while to hear it told. Got into a little trouble about the same time, put five kids in the hospital and was court ordered to see a psychologist. No idea what that was really about, the records are sealed and no one seems to want to talk about it. About two years later seemed to get his head back on straight and has been pretty solid since. The people that I talked to said he's the first to jump in and help with whatever the latest need is of that town he's in and is involved with anything to do with the teens of the area.""So, he is either a rock solid hero type or a fragile egg waiting to be cracked. Who wants omelets?" The Liger said with a smile. "Get me everything you can on the police force, duty rosters, habits of those on duty, where are the common traps and who he knows personally. It he can't hack a little snatch and chat he doesn't need to be involved with that moose man, or his family."She looked at each of the other two, "Okay then, we have tasks once again. Lets make this place look like we did something before they all get back. The kids need to not know anything about this, not till I am done."??????????? Ghosts or other Stories ???????????As Daisy and Cecily walked into the supermarket the small mouse awkwardly tried to push the cart. She stopped and looked up at her girlfriend and said, "it might be faster if you wait up here with the cart and I just get the items and bring them back. Just... um..." she trailed off for a moment as she looked down at her paws and fidgeted with her tail. "Can... can I ride in the buggy?" She asked softly, as the insides of her ears turned pink with a blush."Sure," Daisy said, the smile on her face strained as she tried to keep herself from laughing as the image of her girlfriend riding in the buggy like a small child played across her mind. "Up front or in the back sweet cheeks?" Seeing the look on the moose's face she looked back down and said, "N.. nevermind, it's silly. Like riding those stupid things out front. I'm too old to be doing stuff like that. Lets just get this over with so we can go home.""No really Sisy, I'm sorry it's not that, it's just..." the

moose said as she finally gave up the effort and began to laugh heartily. "Shit....I wasn't expecting you to come up with something like that girlfriend. Come on, if you want to ride in the cart get your cute tail up here already. But either way I ain't waiting on you," she said as she started to walk down the closest isle.Following close by the moose at a brisk pace as she looked over the list, "It's just that... um... its stupid, but as a foster kid I never really... there was usually someone younger than me that always got to ride in the cart. I've been told I'm too old for that for... I should just get over it and act my age. Besides, I'm sure driving is better than that... or the quarter cars out side... but... it would put me close to muzzle level with you... breast level at least. I wouldn't mind that view." Daisy heard a hint of a chuckle from the mouse before she added, "but that might get us kicked out of the store. Then how would we explain it to Lilly?""Aren't you supposed to be getting the stuff on that list shortcake? There'll be plenty of time later for you to ogle your girlfriend's chest my pervy little mouse. Besides, it's way more fun without clothes in the way." Looking down to the list in the small mouses paws Daisy asked, "so where do we start trail mix?""We start at the beginning, and ignore the list," The small mouse said as she started to look over the items she could reach. "They can barely shop to sustain themselves. Lilly couldn't cook her way out of a microwave dinner. Alex only knows how to make meals for one, Susan is on a perpetual diet, Hank just cooks... I don't even know how to explain Hank, it just tastes like exhaust fumes and oil when he is done. Lets just say when I looked over the list the only part that looked complete was the cleaning supplies so I think Alex did that part."Daisy giggled at the mouses summation of the cooking skills of her family, "no kidding, shit if it wasn't for you cooking that first morning at Alex's apartment we would have had to eat the carpet. Okay so from past experience we already know who's going to be doing the cooking," the moose said, waving a finger between them indicating them both. "That is unless we want to starve or eat dirt. I don't know what your kitchen skills are but there's not much that I can't cook, or at the least wing my way through with a decent recipe.""Just keep the

buggy moving," the mouse said as she started to toss items in. "What I want to know is... just... how superstitious are you? Because you are a horrible liar. I need to know if I am going to run any interference in the... um... bonding exercises... They didn't do much with me, but the way they treat each other... you're in for the time of your life. And they will use anything they can find to get to you." As she tossed several different soup cans into the cart she looked up at the moose and added, "And... um... I want to know... about... you. It's something we really haven't thought about, I don't think. I'm happy when you're with me, but other than the little bit I know about your family and the time we've been together...""True enough, we really haven't talked about much really. I'm not really all that superstitious, none of that walking under ladders, or black cats shit bothers me. If you're getting at the shit last night... that's a little bit different. Okay I'll admit the story kind of weirded me out, and the lights going out like that was kind of.... But I usually don't jump and scream at ghost stories... usually. But to be honest as big as that place is and the shape it's in right now is kind of creepy. If the lights hadn't gone out I don't think I would have ended up in the car." As the pair continued down the next aisle the moose continued. "I already kind of figured that as the fresh meat for this family of yours, and a tag along to boot, yea call it what you want but a hazing is a hazing and I figure I got one doozy of one coming sweet cheeks. As far as shit that scares me, your at the top of that list," Daisy said eyeing her girlfriend suspiciously. "Bugs and shit don't bother me, don't care much for bats though, the feral ones I mean.""I... I'm scared of everything I guess," Cecily said as she continued to grab items from the shelves, from time to time jumping to reach even the highest of things as her tail slapped the floor."If you sneeze I might jump ten feet. But... I.. I think the worst thing I could imagine happening is to wake up... alone... again. Or... or something like... like when your mom called Lilly and said you... you were running..." She turned and looked up at the moose as she said, "That was... was the worst part about yesterday... I... I was alone. I know I meant to be alone, but... but that was different, I know where you were and... but then..." She looked down at the floor as he continued to walk down the aisle. "It was stupid of me to do that, and I'm sorry. I won't do anything like that again." She looked up at the moose and asked, "What about hobbies? I know you're at least a little into photography, and maybe some hiking, though I think the treasure hunt was

not exactly what you expected." She chuckled a little, "I ask what you like to do for fun before, but what would you like to do now that you're in a bigger area?""Yea into photography some, I got that older style of camera mainly because it's fully manual. I really got into taking night shots of the sky and overlooking Prairie Flats and Denver, long exposure stuff that was a lot easier to get with the manual settings. Hiking I love to do, a bunch of us would get together and head off into the higher elevations for a week at a time. Do some rock climbing and rappelling. I like most kinds of music, though that was maybe obvious from the radio in the Charger. Can't sing my way out of a bucket though no matter how much I wish I could.""There was this one band, I used to go see them whenever they came into town..." The mouse trailed off for a moment. "Well, I'm not really sure, I think a few of the... I may have been taken to see them a few times. They're an underground band, don't get any radio play or anything, They would just post where they were going to play and either you were in the right city or you weren't." She continued to talk as she climbed up on the buggy and started stacking  meat into it out of the butcher display. "They had an interesting sound. Like a heavy thrash with some classic traditional celtic sounds. But that wasn't all. They always put on a show, even burned a warehouse down once. They had a real firebreathing dragon as a drummer."Cocking her head to one side as she looked at the mouse Daisy said, "a dragon? You're telling me you believe in dragons? Now the fire breathing bit I can buy, I've seen that shit done before, but dragons are just fairy tales sweet cheeks. Though I did know this kid once, back when I was little and we lived in New York that was some kind of freaky looking lizard," the moose herm said before she paused for a moment. "I guess in the right situation he could have looked kind of like a dragon...anyway.""No," the small kangaroo mouse stopped and looked at Daisy, "Nadraka could fly and breath fire. I saw it. And it wasn't any kind of lizard, it was like nothing I've ever seen, even in wildlife books. And the fur... it glowed.. so brightly... the horns and claws, the long tail... It was a dragon." Cecily stopped as she listened to what she was saying and looked at the floor, "Then again it could have all be some... I can't trust what I remember from then anyway. Believing in dragons is even more stupid than believing in ghosts

and stuff. Beside, they disappeared during the summer. even their website went down so I guess it's pointless to even worry about it.""Dragon, lizard, some simian kid with a hard on what the fuck does it matter, if you liked their music that's all that matters. And don't be mouthing off too quick about ghosts short stack. I've seen some seriously weird shit before that's not so easy to explain away." Rounding the end of the aisle and heading along the next one the moose herm continued, "As far as this dragon, that I would like to have seen, too bad they disappeared. From what you've said it sounds like they put on one hell of a show. Though I think I'd want to stay back from the stage a little bit, with this fur I'd make a hell of a fireball.""That was half the excitement, The pyrotechnic acrobatics. and the fire breath over the audience. People would bring stuff just for the dragon to burn it. Anything from old homework assignments to bills and stuff. I wish I have my camera stuff back then, I'm not sure if it was the... drugs, or what, but sometimes it looked like nothing more than a ball of fire dancing on the stage. But thats how it goes with underground bands they come out of nowhere and go right back there when it is over. It's not like they will magically show up in Marblecliff for a concert or anything." The mouse sounded disappointed as she finished.With the cart stacked high with food and cleaning supplies, the pair started to the registers. Cecily looked up at Daisy and said, "If they do show up, maybe you'll start believing in dragons too. But I'm not sure how we'd manage to get out to a rave without someone knowing." As they reached the nearly deserted line the small mouse bounced up and sat at the end of the counter and began to place items on the belt that took them to the register. "Have you ever been to any concerts? If you count raves and underground parties, I've been to a few.. most I don't really remember though.""I've been to a few, well been dragged to a few is more like it. For whatever fucked up reason the one guy that I used to date that really liked concerts, was a country music nut. The only ones I ever went to that wasn't country was a thrash band that I couldn't even pronounce the name of, and one that Jimmy drug my ass to. I mean how is a guy like him into something as half ass lame as the Doobie Brothers? That one I don't remember half of the concert or most of the rest of the night," Daisy answered, a deep blush coming to her ears as she

tried to not look her girlfriend in the eyes.Cecily climbed into the buggy to get the remainder of the items she couldn't reach as she looked at her blushing  lover. "So... um... do you at least remember what you were taking?"The blush in her ears deepening Daisy looked her lover in the eyes when she answered. "Nothing, I didn't need to. There were so many joints being passed around near us we both had a contact high going that would make Tommy Chong proud. I've not really cared about that kind of stuff, never tried it. But shit the smoke was thicker than fog in that stadium. I think even the security guys were stoned by the end of the concert. The next thing I remember Jimmy and I are in the back of my Charger on some road out in the middle of nowhere, butt naked and about as messy as you were that night with the lube thing.""I.. I'm sorry," the small mouse said as she sat down in the empty cart. "At least he was someone you knew. And he was still there when you woke up." Cecily sat back against the side of the cart as if lost in thought as she fell silent.Daisy reached down and lay a paw on the small mouse's shoulder, "I know what that one night left me feeling like, and after what you had said before about your past... it's why I don't ask you about it Sisy. I was lucky that it was with Jimmy, it could have been anyone in that stadium with how hard that shit hit me. It was awkward as hell between me and Jimmy for four months after that. I can't even imagine what you've been through, but I've got a tiny little bit of an idea how it can make a girl feel to wind up in that kind of a situation. To even think about what could have happened that night... it scares the fuck out of me.""Can... can we just go home now?" Cecily asked so softly Daisy could hardly hear the mouse. A tone the moose had not heard in what felt like a long time."Sure thing Sisy, let's go home," Daisy said as she piled the bags of groceries and cleaning supplies back into the cart around the small mouse.??????????? One Last  Try ???????????As the pair pulled

into the motor court of the oversized nearly empty house Cecily seemed to be getting back to herself again. Daisy pulled as close to the back door as she could knowing it was the easiest way to get to the kitchen from where they were. As the moose got out of the charger and opened the trunk her eyes went wide at what might have been the most frightening sight she had ever seen outside a movie.With her gray fur drenched in red, Susan ran out the door screaming, "She's lost her mind! Why did we unpack the combat knives first!?" and continued to run full sprint from the house out the drive. Daisy looked into the window at the mouse as Cecily looked back and shrugged. Thinking it nothing more than another attempt at scaring her Daisy grabbed a few bags from the trunk and followed the mouse into the back hall.They froze in their tracks as they saw Alex laying on the floor limp and lifeless, feathers and blood splattered across the walls and floor. Above her stood the liger with what might have been a look akin to what Daisy pictured her looking at the moose's father with back on the island, and a large knife dripping in one paw. "Where the hell did that Chinchilla go? I'm going to kill her for this." The words rolled through clenched teeth as the liger spoke.Daisy dropped the bags in her arms as the odd comment from back on the island rolled through her mind, 'You could ask me to kill him.' The moose was ready to run, though her legs didn't seem to respond as every psycho scene from every horror flick ran through her mind. Even as the liger stepped over the eagle toward the pair  she was unable to even bring herself to scream."I take a fucking nap and wake up to this shit even after I told them to  hold off for a while," the ligers words made no sense as she walked toward the pair. "I'm going to have to hurt them, after they finish cleaning up this mess," Lilliana let the knife slowly move down to her side as she walked. "But I will give them one thing. The look on your face says the timing was perfect."As the ligers comment sank in the moose dropped her head, a shiver running through her from head to hooves before she muttered, "son of a bitch, I knew it as coming... and the fuckers still got me." As the moose spoke she saw the eagle start jiggling

as if trying to hold in  laughter. "Ha ha, now get off your ass so you two can clean this shit up, Boomer. And next time I tell you to hold off, I mean longer than till I take a nap." The liger crossed the short distance and handed the large knife to the moose before she started to lick the red liquid from her fur. "Here, I'll let you kill them first." Then turned to walk back into the great room.As the moose looked over the weapon in her paw the door behind them opened. "So what did I miss?" Daisy spun on her hooves, startled by the noise. Her paw instinctively wrapping around the handle of the knife, shock and fear still in her eyes.Stunned for a moment until the sound of the eagle's laughter broke the silence she said, "How long did Boomer manage to sit still?"From the other room, Lilliana shouted, "Long enough for the moose to shit her self. Now get to cleaning up that mess.""Go' I wich I coulda seen 'er face," the eagle said as she started to sit up, "All I 'erd was da stuff 'itin' da floor. Lilly musta been pissed ta fin' da knife in 'er paw when you woke e'er up an' ran.""Totally worth the wasted time. Now back to work you two, unless you want the next scene to be real for Hank and the old man." The liger's words spurred the two into action as the eagle jumped off the floor and Susan turned to the door, and said, "I'll help you get the rest of the stuff in."With the two out of sight Daisy looked down at Cecily as the mouse said, "That's one thing you won't have to worry about. they won't really kill each other. Other people though..." She trailed off as she shrugged and knelt down to pick up the items now spread across the floor.Still somewhat stunned Daisy turned and walked towards the backdoor, nearly reaching it before she realized she still clutched the knife in her paw. She walked back and into the kitchen, dropping the knife onto the nearest counter before going back towards the door without uttering a single word.Looking at the mouse Alex said, "I t'ink we broke da moose."The kangaroo mouse smiled back as she said, "No, she stopped and put the knife in the kitchen before she walked out of the house with it. Not sure if you should do anything like that again for a while though. Lilly put a really big fear into her back on the island, and I don't think this helped that any."


Lost and Confused

 Feathers, Fur, and Shadows01. Lost and confusedby Assilsasta°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°   Delilah let the bundle of books fall from her talons the short distance to the ground as she landed. She brushed her black school...

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06 Duir

The Forest Through the Trees 06 Duir by Assilsasta   (¯`·. .··¸.-~*´¨¯¨`*·~-.,-( Consultation )-,.-~*´¨¯¨`*·~-.¸··. .·´¯)   Sonet stirred as the woods fell unnaturally quiet. She felt Donovan's chest move with each soft breath of slumber as the dear...

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Dark Riders of Marblecliff02 Hauntedby Assilsasta    ??????????? July 27, 2013 ??????????? ??????????? An Interesting Welcome ??????????? When Lilliana walked into the station house she spotted the small kangaroo mouse right away. Cecily was seated in...

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