Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Story by StGeorgesHorse on SoFurry

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#3 of Twisted Tales

This is a departure for me, so it may totally flop. Feedback will be appreciated but not required.

                Hello!My name is...well, why don't you just refer to me as the narrator. My

name is hardly of consequence to this story. I'm here to tell you that age old

story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears in a new way. You'll know when I'm

speaking when the words are dark, like they are now. Trust me, with all of the

talking, back talking and banter going on, it'll help.                The story begins of course in

the middle of the woods, far enough away from civilization to satisfy the

occupants that they would not be disturbed. They had reasons for their

decision. Not everyone wanted them for neighbors. When you came right down to

it, no one wanted them for neighbors.                "No

kidding you stupid know-it-all. You try living your life being persecuted all

the time!"                My apologies! That would be the head of the house, the one we know as papa bear. He's

a little cranky.                "A

little cranky? Get where I can see you and I'll show you a little cranky. And

my name is Arnold!"                Like I said, he's a little cranky. With him

were momma bear and baby bear. Together they lived in unbridled harmony,

maintaining a simple life and keeping mostly to themselves. From time to time

someone might make their way to the quaint little house. The most intelligent of

these turned around and left. The few that persisted were never seen again,

isn't that right baby bear?                "You're

god damn right they're never seen again! Fresh meat's hard to come by, and anything

new is a treat. And for your information asshole, I have a name too. It's

Bruce!"                Riiiiight! That little tirade and foul language was the work of baby bear, who

apparently doesn't like being referred to as a baby.                "Look Mr. Narrator, we adopted these disguises

to keep people off of our trail. DO you know how hard it is to be gay in a

conservative world? Arnold here acts like a dad; I'm a damn midget so what else

am I going to be? And Kelly here, he has the build of a marshmallow, so he got

to be the mom. Got it?                 My apologies of course! But the story says

papa bear, momma bear and baby bear, and so that's how I'm telling it. Now

don't you have some breakfast to make? At this point momma bear mumbled

and headed to the kitchen. All the while he grumbled and complained.                "All I

do is work and slave and what do it get? No one appreciates me for what I do!

No one says thank you on occasion or anything!"                Bruce was hardly supportive.                "We

appreciate you! Like, we really appreciate it when you shut up and quit your

whining! And we'd appreciate it if you'd actually take the time to cook our

food properly. Porridge every day is bad enough, but half cooked it's

disgusting! Do you think you can put some heat into this time?"                Momma bear, aka Kelly, slammed the pans

around the stovetop while the stove warmed up. By the time he was done with the

porridge, heat was boiling out of the kitchen in roiling waves. He brought out

their bowls using oven mitts.                 "Dammit

Kelly, what the hell did you do?"                That was papa bear talking. He was trying

to sniff the stuff, but the nose full of steam nearly curled his nostril hairs.                "Someone

didn't like the way I was fixing it before. If you have a problem with it, talk

to junior here. Apparently he needs a good bowel movement, because he's

certainly full of shit!"                Needless to say, a fight broke out. Papa

held down baby bear.                "It's

Bruce, damn you!"                Yes fine; Arnold held down Bruce.                 "Look

little bear, have you taken your meds yet today?"                "Of

course I haven't! I have to take them with food. This slop I get served every

morning hardly qualifies, but it's all we get. Until this pile of shit cools I

can't take my meds. And you know how I get when I don't take them!"                Let's just say that baby, uh Bruce, has

some anger management issues. His meds are strong enough to tranquilize an

elephant, yet he eats them like candy. While those two were having it out, Kelly

tried a bit of porridge. He spit it out.                "Ow ow

ow ow ow!"                Since his mouthful landed on the back of papa's

neck, needless to say it got his attention. He bellowed and clawed at his neck.

He was finally able to get it off, but not before the viscous stuff had given him

a burn right through his thick fur.                 "This

morning is going to shit real fast. Everyone needs to calm down. I say we go

for a walk and let both our tempers and this stupid porridge cool for a while."                It was an amazingly good idea. Bruce wasn't

going to go, but he had little choice when Arnold picked him up and set him on

the stoop. They all three then stepped out into the morning sun and set off.

They hadn't gone but a few steps when Kelly turned to Arnold.                "Looks

like we need to do some yard work around here. The bushes are getting

overgrown. You can't even clearly see our warning sign anymore."                True enough; a partially obscured sign was

attached to the side of the house. The top part was clearly visible.

"Trespassers will be Pros..." was all anyone needed to see to know that they

weren't welcome here. It was a valid warning considering the temperament of the

occupants.                "Fuck

you asshole!"                Fuck you too, Bruce!                Now it happened that in the forest at the

same time was one of the local villagers. People were generally wary about

coming out this far, but some of them were pretty stupid. This one went by the

name of Goldilocks. Now Goldilocks acquired the name, as you might suspect,

because of the long golden curls that cascaded down in such a pleasing fashion.                Finding the house, Goldilocks went through

all of the things you're all familiar with from the story. I don't intend to

dwell on them, because hopefully you already know them.  Of course baby bear's porridge, being in the

smallest bowl, had cooled quicker than the others. Down it went into an empty

stomach.                 From there it was trying out the

chairs. Of course, Arnold's chair was big and hard. I don't know if he would

ever have noticed if someone lighter than him had sat in it. I think it was only

because his book got knocked on the floor that he paid any attention at all. Kelly's

chair was an overstuffed blob. He noticed than someone had been sitting in it

because the pillows were strewn about.                Baby bear's chair was dark brown in color.

Goldilocks didn't weigh enough to break it, but there were plenty of blonde hairs

sticking to it to leave no doubt that someone had been in it. But let's keep

going with our story with when our intrepid morning hikers returned. Bruce was

purposely trying to provoke an argument, Kelly was crying and Arnold was

fuming.  One look at the table and they

all stopped their complaining.                "Someone's

been eating my porridge!"                "Someone's

been eating my porridge too!"                "Someone

ate all of mine, the greedy bastard! And worse yet, they've taken my pills!"                That's right. Goldilocks wasn't very smart.

Stealing porridge was one thing, but taking strange medication is never a good

idea.                "I say

we hunt the bastard down and kill 'em!"                That was, of course, Bruce.                "Remember

our sign outside. Our lawyer said that anyone caught on the premises is fair game.

We haven't had fresh meat in a while. Maybe we'll get lucky."                So they began to search the

house, hoping to find the intruder. A quick look at their personal chaises had told

them that whoever it was, they had tried each of their chairs in turn. It made

them rather angry that someone had invaded their personal space.                Upstairs was a communal bedroom,

and not a normal one at that. Papa bear's bed was huge, with eye hooks, lag

bolts, chains and other wicked looking things. Momma bear's bed was so soft that

a sparrow standing on it would sink into the fluffy material. Both beds were

disheveled, though momma's was much more so that papas.                "Would

you use our goddam names? Everybody gets the idea. You don't need to beat a

dead horse!"                Fine! Arnold's bed was hardly disturbed

because it was like concrete, Kelly's bed was so squishy that it wasn't hard to

make it unkempt. That left baby bear's; I mean Bruce's bed. His was a wreck.

The most noticeable feature was the large shape hidden under the covers. Arnold

growled out first, followed by Kelly.                "Someone's

been sleeping in my bed!"                "And someone's

been sleeping in my bed too!"                Arnold let out a guffaw.                "Who

the hell hasn't slept in your bed, you stupid whore!"                A fight nearly broke out. It was precluded

by Bruce's cry of dismay.                "And

some son of a bitch is in my bed right now!"                Bruce saw the golden hair and sighed. "Shit! It looks like some stupid

dame broke in. What the hell are we going to do with her?" He

sounded disappointed. Arnold looked down on the soundly sleeping figure.                 "Your

medication works wonders on everyone but you it seems."                He pulled the sheets back. To their

surprise, the snoring figure with the golden hair was wearing a cotton shirt

and a heavy pair of work pants.                "Hey

narrator! I thought this was supposed to be a dame? This here is some dude!

What gives?"                I never once said that this Goldilocks was

a she. After all, it's a descriptive term for a person's hair. This egocentric

young man has hair just as lovely as any girl. Arnold turned to Bruce.                "Yeah!

His hair is kind of nice. Do you wonder what else about him is nice?"                Bruce wasn't stupid. Neither was Kelley.                "Oh

goody. A new play thing!"                Indeed Goldilocks was now the personal

property of the three bears. Arnold hauled up the unconscious body and tossed

it on his bed. That caused a fight to break out between him and Bruce. Bruce

wouldn't have normally gotten into a fight with a big bastard like Arnold,

given their size difference, but Bruce hadn't had his medication yet.                 "Look

you big, over grown hunk of fur, I found him sleeping in my bed! I get first

dibs!"                "I

didn't say you didn't. But, you hardly want him waking up and running off in

the middle of our fun, now do you?"                Bruce got what he was saying. The big guy

was into bondage, and since Kelley was a submissive tart, the two often got it

on on his bed. Now those shackles were going to come in handy for someone else.

He was right. What they intended to do would probably wake the dead, though

they had never tried that yet. I guess we can be thankful for small things.                "Small things? Is that a

midget joke?"                Sigh. No Bruce, it's not a midget

joke. If you want a midget joke, go look in the mirror. If you can stand tall

enough to see into it, that is."Why you rotten bastard!"Instead of pulling off Goldilocks clothing, Arnold bared his claws and

shredded them. It wasn't a very nice thing to do.                "Fuck

you! If you think that ruining his clothes is the worst thing I'm going to be

doing to him, you're out of your mind!"                Touchy, touchy, touchy! In no time flat the intruder was naked and stretched out on the bed,

face down on the hard mattress. Bruce had departed for the pantry and had

returned with an earthenware jar. Kelly was indignant."What are you doing with our

honey?""Shut up! Just because you're as

loose as a goose doesn't mean his hole will be. It seems a shame to waste honey

on an already sweet ass, but seeing as you two go through lube like it's water,

I'll just make do with what I have."Bruce used the honey dipper to gather up a wad of honey. This he used

to generously grease up the intruders asshole. "Good enough to eat!"Well, I hope you don't intend to reuse that dipper in the kitchen. In response to my remark, the angry little bear shoved it up Goldilocks'

ass and twisted it around before holding it up in the air."There. I'll send it home with you

as a parting gift. And oh boy, I can't wait until you're gone because parting is

such sweet, uh, sweetness!!"                I love you too, you diminutive little ball

of childish attitude! Bruce wisely choose to ignore me for the better prospect of getting it

on with his new found toy. He was already sporting a normal sized bear cock,

which on his little frame looked huge. It was one of the few things about his

stature that he liked.                "You know, for a disembodied

voice, you sure are an aggravating son of a bitch. How would you like to have

this cock shoved up your ass instead?"                Temper, temper little bear! I believe you

have a story to carry out, unless you want me to figure out a way for

Goldilocks to escape his present predicament.                 That shut him up. He climbed up and on the

naked human, marveling that something could manage to live so well without any

fur. But fur wasn't all that interesting when you had lived with it your whole

life. This was new and interesting.  It

was a pleasant diversion for a jaded mind.                At this point I think I'll

leave. Quite honestly I have no desire to see what indignities they put this

poor flaxen haired fool through. You may stay if you wish. That is completely

your choice! Goodbye now!                "And good ridden too, you

eavesdropping jerk! At least anyone else who gets involved with this story will

keep their big mouth shut? Am I right? Hey! I'm talking to you! Yeah I thought

so. At least you can read quietly and not spoil the fun!"                Bruce

turned back to his honey drenched snack and went to work. He pressed the

engorged head of his cock against that tight little hole and pushed. Lube would

have been better, but then, they were out of lube. He pushed and pushed until

the oversized head of his cock rammed past that restricted opening with a

savage pop.                "Gawd

this guy is tight! I don't think I've ever had such a snug fit before!"                Arnold

was standing by, watching.                 "Makes

sense I suppose. The guy is probably straight. More used to given than

receiving. Well, if I have my way about it, he'll be taking Kelly's place in my

bed from now on!"                Kelly

started crying, but both of the other bears ignored him. Kelly was always

whining about something, which given enough passage of time, hardly matter how

often you put out because you were going to get on someone's nerves. Arnold

said what they were thinking.                "You

know Bruce, this medication of yours might have come in handy before now. Can

you imagine getting off without hearing a ton of complaining?"                Bruce

was a little occupied. "Yeah, I get it. But a little scream or two right now

might season the dish a little!"                Goldilocks

was, thankfully for him, out like a light. If he had been awake, the rather

thick cock in his ass would have been making him sing soprano. Well, perhaps he

would have been screaming in a soprano voice. Either way, I don't think he

would have been enjoying it much. Bruce was grinding away with unabashed gusto,

pushing in until his own hairy balls were slapping against the human's.                 He was

jerking back and forth, his head tilted back in the throes of pure ecstasy."Fuck fuck fuck! This ass is sweeter

than it looks and it looks pretty damn sweet!" He continued to pound away until a

growl started in his throat, deep down where all things primal are hidden away.

It grew and grew until he let forth such a deafening roar that even Arnold was

impressed. He held his congratulations until after the little bear was done

with his ferocious attack on that pale human's ass. He knew he didn't like to

be disturbed when he was enjoying himself, and while the three bears hardly got

along well, they did respect each other's personal space.Bruce collapsed against his new

found scratching post and sucked in air. His lungs bellowed for a few minutes

before he was able to speak."You're going to have to wait

Arnold! I know how big you are, and this here puny little furless human will

split wide open if he doesn't have a little more loosening up. I'm telling you

he is as tight as you can get!"Arnold twitched his whiskers. He

was getting horny watching his little house mate getting off on a fresh piece

of meat. Bruce was a lot of things, but a liar wasn't one of them. There was no

sense in ruining a perfectly good sex toy by being too hard on it right away."I'll tell you what Bruce. I'll

take his top and you can keep his ass. I'm pretty sure his mouth can take it.

It isn't as if he's going to wake up and bite me!" Arnold knew that unless a

toy was well trained, biting was always a real possibility. In his case

however, there was usually no room for a victim, err, toy to move their jaws.He unhooked the manacles from the

bed, lifted Goldilocks up, and set him down face first in his lap. The human

was slack jawed and drooling. That made it so much easier for the bear to get

his cock in.  With one paw he held the

restraints, and with the other he grabbed those golden locks and lifted up on

the human's head. As it came up, the jaw hung loose. In the next instant an

enormous cock buried itself halfway down Goldilocks throat."Alright Bruce, I'm ready on this

end."Bruce hardly needed encouragement.

He was already fucking away on his new piece of ass again. His dark claws were

raking the human's back. Arnold switch to having a restraint in each hand, and

was pulling on them to move the unconscious body around like a puppet. It took

a few minutes for the two bears to sync their movements, but when they did, the

whole bed rocked.Kelly was stuck on the sidelines,

watching with envy as Arnold's big cock repeated disappeared down this human's

throat. Its passage was quite visible in his neck, were the bulge visibly

traveled to and fro.  He could almost

feel the tight ridges on the head of his own cock. He whipped it out and

stroked it furiously. It was hardly fair that they got the first dibs, but the

hell if he was going to sit by and not participate.Arnold drove it home for a good

fifteen minutes before he came. When he did, it was a force to be reckoned

with. He did, however, have the presence of mind to pull out as he did. There

was no sense in drowning their new toy in cum. As his cock escaped its new

found pleasure hole, white froth spilled out of the human's mouth and stained

the bed like the foam of a roiling wave.A little bit was added to it by

Kelly, whose furious stroking had caused an additional eruption on his part.

His cum flew through the air to land on the human's head. It slowly worked its

way through the blonde strands before clinging to it and congealing.Bruce was still going like a mad

little bear. "To hell with my medication!" he yelled. "All I need is a dose of

this every day, twice, three times, maybe even four or five times a day!

There's nothing getting your nuts off doesn't help, except maybe this guy. But

then, he should have read the sign."What sign you ask? Yes, it's me again. Well, the sign on their house, partially

covered by the bushes. It reads, in distinct red letters, Trespassers will be Prostituted. It was a fair warning, for rather

than use an attorney to settle their problems, the bears simply took the

punishment out on your hide. A trespasser worked off their transgression in the

only way the bear's wanted. Oh, and as long as they wanted too. It is, after

all, the way of the woods.        the Flesh

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