Both a Burden and a Gift (Ch. 10)

Story by Khaesho Scorpent on SoFurry

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#14 of Child of the Sands

This collective scene, from when they enter Shou's soul to the end of this chapter (Ch. 7-10) is my second favorite part of the entire story, second only to one event that'll happen waaaay further down the line. I hope you enjoy it, because I certainly did.

Comment and stuff!

Edit; Changed the tone of the last moments a little.

Khaesho snaked a talon down the curve of her throat, between the fluffy mounds of her breasts, and across the silken expanse of her stomach to the luscious petals of her flower. Shou's eyes were a little dazed as she opened them and laughed with the pair, her back arching again when she felt his claw scrape down her body. He smiled wickedly, and her laugh turned into a moan as they eagerly parted her folds. Shou's back arched again, further this time, thighs spreading to give him the room he needed. Her body trembled just slightly and she moaned for him, panting in pleasure and anticipation. Being pulled into the trance had aroused her already, and the dragging tease of his claws did so again. By the time he parted her folds, she was wet with anticipation, fur around her tight little sex slick from her juices.

Shelandra had recoiled herself on the desert sands some distance away, wistfully watching in a tight pile. She could feel his tongue on Shou's, could feel the warmth and love shared in that kiss, could feel his eagerness as he tickled Shou, grinning wickedly. She knew such gestures intimately, and even if they were not meant for her, she could close her eyes and pretend that they were. Every action her brother and his vessel performed on Shou's body struck like a dagger into her heart, but for now at least, she indulged in the fantasy that they were hers. She slid a scaly hand down to her own sex to mimic the actions Khaesho did for Shou.

He noticed Shelandra in a lonely pile, and decided that holding a grudge wasn't worth holding Shelandra captive in a deep pit of Regret. The sand around her pulled itself together, forming long coils with black, jagged, geometric patterns, and a tail tipped with a long rattle. There was barely enough of Kalokin's spirit in the Rattlesnake to make it physical; it would have all the life of a puppet. Still, it was a damn convincing puppet, even more so because Shelandra wanted to believe. With a whispered word of thanks, she wrapped herself in its diamond patterned coils.

He returned his attention to Shou with a hungry smile, teasing her, pushing only a single digit into her hungry flesh, twisting it provocatively while he gave a crooked smile. A needy little whine escaped her as she spread her thighs further, an encouraging roll of her hips as she half lidded her eyes and stared up at him. Their light touch taunted her, until she was all but panting and whimpering for more. She gripped his arms tight so she could remain against him and not simply fall to the ground below, but she was quickly losing even that ability. Her breathy gasps were the finest of music to him, and he cackled softly as she panted.

"By the crooked bones of Rikh BlackFang, have I mentioned how sexy you look when you squirm? It makes me want to abandon foreplay, wrap my coils around you, and fuck you untill one or both of us pass out." He teased his finger out of her slowly, adding a little flourishing twist as his voice dropped to a low, husky whisper filled with desire. "Then again, you'd like that, wouldn't you?"

She gasped beneath their ministrations, hot and eager and absolutely needing something shoved deep inside of her while he tortured her with teasing fingers. "Ah... Ah, Gods above...yes!"

"And here I would have thought that you would be more concerned by the god beside you than those above. There are two here already, and that's one more than is needed to cause no end of mischief."

A second finger joined the first, and he suddenly sank both in all the way to the knuckle. The sudden intrusion made her yelp before moaning sensuously, rolling her waist against his hand to try and push him deeper. His voice was low and husky as he laughed, love and lust both written plainly across his face. He was gloriously hard, and his engorged flesh twitched in time with his heartbeat, rubbing against the feather soft fur of her inner thighs. With a show of control Shou hadn't had the mind for before, her muscles twitched and tightened, rippling and squeezing around his fingers as she rolled her body again, almost as she if were riding his fingers. It pushed her thighs against his hard cocks and teased them with that soft fur, trying to make him need her more than she needed him.

It didn't quite work; he was having far too much fun feeling her squirm in his grasp to give her relief just yet. His left hand grazed over her breasts, gently tweaking her nipples until both were firm, teasing her still more than anything else. Off to the side, Shelandra made an odd hiccoughing noise and they glanced up to see her staring at them with a confused look on her face. He thumbed over Shou's nipples experimentally, and Shelandra squealed in surprise and bewilderment. She looked like she was about to say something, but she remembered her promise to stay out of the way, and bit her tongue while her puppet mimicked his teasing hands.

Tilting her head back, Shou moaned, only for it to be lost in his lips as he stole her breath with his. He kissed her again, and this time his long tongue pushed forth and kept going, pushing down to tickle the inside of her throat. He pushed her jaws wide before he spread his own, opening his maw up to its impressive display of almost a full half circle. It moved his jaws out of the way enough for him to push forwards, sliding his tongue even farther down her throat. She could feel it twitching, squirming slightly in her neck, and try as she might, she could not fight the urge to swallow. Her powerful throat gripped his tongue, attempting to pull it down into her stomach, but it was rather firmly attatched to Khaesho's mouth. She managed only to pull his tongue out to its maximum extension, and she could feel the forked tip tickling her beneath her chest. It stopped there though but the desire to swallow did not; her slick flesh slid over his again and again as her throat convulsed around him. Shou flinched in surprise, but only closed her eyes and moaned as her throat worked over his unexpectedly long tongue, pressing her lips against the bottom of his mouth as she swirled her tongue around his the same way she would have if it had been his dick instead of his tongue. The feeling of her throat squeezing his tongue was almost as erotic as an actual blowjob, but it was infinitely more personal for them both. He moaned from the pleasure, and Shou could feel it vibrating through his tongue and into the soft walls of her throat. Her tongue swirled around his as much as it could and she savored the contrasting tastes of desert heat and sweet rain. The moan causing her throat to convulse slightly, as her throat continued tugging on his tongue, pulling it gently, utterly failing to pull it the rest of the way down her throat. It felt almost like deep throating, but in a way that made her feel loved instead of just kinky. If this was how Khaesho felt when he swallowed her, she could whole heartedly understand his pleasure; it felt arousing, and intimate in equal measures.

Still, it was difficult for her to breath even through her nose with her throat tugging his tongue, and he began the long journey back just before she began growing short of breath. His tongue pulled from her mouth with a slick gasp, leaving her panting as they smiled. He chuckled and hissed at the same time, which produced an odd, rolling hiss, and Shou saw the burning lust within his eyes, his soul. He wanted her. He needed her. He kissed her again, but while she was distracted, he lunged forwards, wrapping himself around her. They rolled across the floor for a moment until they came to a halt with him laughing wickedly. Shou was lying more or less on her stomach, and her entire torso was swaddled in his muscular length. Her arms were pinned tight against her sides, and their torso was left with plenty of maneuverability to spread her legs wide with his body. The last, whipcord thin feet of his tail were draped in a light loop around her neck, and he maneuvered the agile tip of his tail to tickle her ears. When he tugged on her neck gently, the sensation felt exactly like a collar being pulled, only heightening her arousal until fluid all but poured from her core. He bent his head low and tickled her with whisper light strokes of his tongue against her cunt, feather soft touches that only barely registered on her senses. Between her helplessness at being wrapped and the teasing he continued to do, she was positively soaked, and he savored the heavy scent of arousal on his tongue, even going so far as to rub it across the roof of his mouth to fully enjoy the delicate subtleties of the flavor.

"You taste... delicious... someone's been a naughty girl. So wet, even though you're trapped, helpless."

He rested his torso across her calves, pinning her legs to the ground. One gentle claw continued to tease her, while his tongue brushed faint strokes against the backs of her knees. She gasped for breath, caught between laughing and moaning, but he continued his "torture."

Shou felt her body heating further at their relentless abuse; she was submissive to the core, and having them dominate her made her literally tremble with desire. Wanting him, and needing him she squirmed in his coils. She could feel his proud spires simply radiating heat as he pulled his head back up and rubbed his flesh against hers. Her love of being dominated paled in comparison to her need for them to fill the empty burning in her. She was panting, her juices dripping eagerly from as she wriggled her hips as much as she could. She whined, unable to find her prize, unable force him into her, unable to do anything but wait and writhe in his grasp.

Shelandra, subject to the same torture, was doing her best to remain silent, but even she was unable to suppress her sultry hisses, singing her need to the sky. Shou smelled like a bitch in heat, but more than that, she felt like one, gasping and whimpering with increasing volume until her cries echoed through the cave. The feeling of his spines teasing against her achingly sensitive flesh was what finally broke her. She had tried to bear through their "torture" with a stoic face, but this new act sabotaged the last of her defenses. She was whining in desperate need, almost unable to speak, but if they were waiting for her to beg, she was going to beg.

"A-ah... please, Khaesho..! K...Kalokin..! P-please... please I need it... I n-need you t-to fuck me..." A mess of giggles and moans spilled past her lips as she tilted her head back some. "P-please fuck me... p-please fill me! P-pump me full, Gods above... please!"

Even though she had been fighting it, begging before him sent a dark thrill through her that only increased when he tugged on her "collar" again. He chortled dangerously, sending shivers through her spine as he continued to grind his flesh against hers.

"There's still something we're missing though. Just a moment."

Both arms went down his neck, and they pulled out a double handful of the viscous slime that coated his throat. One hand quickly smeared it all over both cocks, and he stroked them absentmindedly as the other hand deposited the hot glop directly onto her ass. He pushed it into her, one thumb's worth at a time; he didn't think she could take him dry yet, if ever. His barbs were a large enough handful when thoroughly lubricated. Shou moaned every time his sharp claw squirmed its way into her rear. It was a taste, just a taste, not nearly the satisfaction that she craved, that she needed. Her head hung and her ears twitched as she trembled, squeezing his thumb every time it slid beneath her tail. She squirmed, trying to rub herself to release the tension, trying to force herself down on him, but he held her firm, and her efforts met no result.

"Settle down! If I didn't know better, I'd say you _wanted_me to fuck you dry."

She whimpered, needy and wanting and unable to even answer that comment as she squirmed as much as was allowed, glancing over her shoulder to stare at him. Her blue eyes were gleaming, glazed, and her lips were parted with her panting, ears pinned back to her head. A longing whine escaped her as she rolled her hips back towards them as much as she could manage. It felt amazing, delicious and wonderful, but only a precursor to what she wanted. Her tail was arched high, swollen cunt on full display as she whined, pleading in every note of her voice and burning deep in her blue eyes.

An agile bend, a twist, and then she was on her back. Her legs were spread wide by his torso wedged between them, and both tips poked at her holes, reminiscent of the torment He had already heaped upon her. He tilted her head up so that she could see, so that she could gaze upon their hot flesh between her legs. A single motion, and he could impale her like she so desperately wanted. He did not though, choosing instead to bend almost double to lick at her juicy twat again. He relented now, shoving the entire forked organ into her dripping twat as she cried out in pleasure. He twisted and squirmed, rubbing against her smooth flesh with his, doing his best to rub every inch of her sopping tunnel at once. Shou all but screamed in pleasure, and just as she was riding a crest towards an orgasm, he yanked his tongue out of her, leaving her unfulfilled. He laughed, even parts playful cruelty and loving taunt.

"Naughty indeed. Do you deserve to be punished? Do you want to be punished? We think you do, on both accounts, but we want to hear you say it, just to be sure."

His words had her trembling, and she let out a helpless moan as she squirmed in their coils, arching her back. The teasing of his cocks at her holes had her rocking her hips towards him in want. She could see his hemipene right between her thighs, so close, so very close. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled, but she gained not an inch as he remained tantalizingly close, just close enough to tickle her. Unable to contain a whining howl, she resorted to pleading noises that were less words and more inarticulate howls and whimpers that communicated only her all-consuming need as she all but sobbed for relief from the need that burned within her.

"P-please! Yes.. yes, I do... please please... a-anything... I'll do anything... please! K-Khaesho, Kalo..kin..! Please!"

He gave her no warning whatsoever. One moment he was teasing her with a maliciousness that bordered on cruelty, and the next, he was hilted inside her. He surged forwards in one mighty heave, pushing those gloriously long reptilian cocks until his belly slammed into her waist, rocking her in his coils. The constant teasing rebounded against the sudden relief, and the strange double feeling of having both her mind and her body fucked at the same time all combined to send her over the edge just from his entry. She howled until she thought her lungs would burst, one long note of joyous release with Shelandra mirroring her cry. Writhing shivers wracked her body and she was moaning and gasping in pleasure as her juices flowed around his dick and all her muscles flexed in his grip. Her muscles tightened, rippling around his flesh. Her lungs finally gave out, and her howl cut off as she inhaled sharply, panting as the powerful orgasm started to fade. Her body quivered slightly, and her chest heaved a little bit as she looked at her male. Her eyes were half lidded and she offered a small grin. She felt almost embarrassed that she had cum from only one thrust, but she felt justified that his incessant teasing counted. Still, she blushed slightly even as she rolled her hips slightly towards him, panting gently. He laughed huskily and massaged her with his body. He squeezed her with alternating bands of muscle, pulling and pressing, working kinks out of her back that she hadn't even known were there.

"There's no need to rush, my love. We have all the time in the world, plenty enough for you to catch your breath first."

Shou was still noticeably panting, and her cheeks colored with embarrassment. He'd done it on purpose; the color accentuated the whorls on her cheeks, and she looked so cute when she blushed! She started to stammer an apology, but he leaned forwards to intercept her words with a tender kiss. She trembled slightly and he felt every vibration through his hemipene. Pre leaked from them in a steady drizzle, smearing across her fleshy vents and further lubricating her walls.

"I am...Y-yours... A-and y-you're... m-mine..." She flushed darkly at her words, possessive though they were, she whimpered in pleasure from the way his cocks twitched inside of her. She rocked her hips a little towards him, and whimpered softly, "Please... please love... m-more..?"

He nodded, licking her cheek as he shifted slightly, rubbing his cocks through her body.

"Shou-you-sei-mu-ra-sa Ki... thank you, for everything that you have done. You have taught Kalokin a valuable lesson about maturity and self-respect, and you have saved Khaesho from what might have been a lifetime living alone in a cave like some savage animal, growing old and bitter, filled with jaded disdain. I can never repay the debt that I owe you, but I look forwards to trying."

The slow way he said her name had never sounded more pleasing to her ears; it was more erotic than anything she had heard to date. This strange being wrapped around her was neither Khaesho nor Kalokin, but only the best parts of them both, and for just a moment, she could hear both their voices clearly. The surprisingly tender and heartfelt declaration brought tears to her eyes, and he loosened his grip enough for her to wrap her arms around him as he did with her.

"But... you have saved me just as much as I have saved you... My time felt frozen, my heart was certainly empty - nothing I did filled the hole, and yet now it's filled to overflowing..."

He smiled warmly, pressing his mouth against hers as her voice trailed off. His tongue danced around hers, but something felt decidedly odd this time; only belatedly did she notice that the physical and spiritual sensations weren't quite matching up. They pulled their mouths from hers and their eyes defocused for a moment with intense concentration. After a few moments, his eyes focused on hers again, and he grinned haphazardly.

"I might have forgotten how hard it is to maintain synchronization for extended periods of time... but I think I have time enough to finish what I started before I fall apart."

Their barbed flesh scraped against the soft walls of her soaked cunny, each little barb tugging gently as he withdrew, and she was moaning and whimpering softly as the friction reminded her exactly how horny she was. Her breasts were pressed against his scales, and every time he so much as twitched, she felt her nipples rubbing against his dry skin. That changed quickly as he shuffled his coils apart, baring her breasts to his questing fingers. It started, like everything they'd done so far, with teasing; light tracings so faint in sensation that it may well have been the wind caressing her. A soft, needy whimper escaped her as his claws teased her still, tickling her nipples until they were achingly hard, so sensitive she moaned. Her eyes fluttered shut and her back arched before she gasped as he grabbed her full breasts. She moaned adorably as he worked them over with his palms, squeezing each in turn. He tweaked her nipples again, she made a new sound, a softly gasping yipping noise that was just a feast to his ears. She rocked her hips towards him, whining for more of what he was all too willing to give.

His body accelerated slowly, delivering each thrust just a little faster than the previous, enjoying the slow buildup. He had been blue balling himself intentionally, but his patience had reached a breaking point. Their pace increased, each thrust accelerating the next, until their slow, deliberate grind had turned into a rapid pounding as their slick meat forced her walls apart with brutal power. With so willing a subject, so eager to please, he found that he enjoyed the role of Master; the feeling of her body wrapped tightly by theirs only fueled his passion. Kept waiting for so long, he could feel pressure building up in the base of their cocks. The inevitable was coming, and thought it might be delayed, such measures were temporary at best.

Shou panted, crying her exultation to the air as each thrust scraped her all the way to her core. Her body ached for it, begged for it as she felt him settle into a rapid pounding. Her body writhed in his coils, and her head tilted back with as passionate a cry as she could make. Her eyes were closed, and her muscles were set to trembling under the force of his onslaught. She was happily settling into the role of Pet, but it was not a designation that she feared made her less. The passion in his movements, the love that poured from his every movement suffused her body, her very soul. Khaesho and Kalokin had risked everything, more than she realized in seeking aid for her. It had her feeling less like a toy, and much more like an equal. Despite the fact that she reveled in submission, he... they were both as much hers as she was theirs.

He hissed with pleasure, an odd rolling sound almost closer to a purr than a hiss as they fucked her hard, as hard as she'd begged them to earlier, if not harder. She could feel the edge they teetered on, and she only begged for it; begged for them to cum deep inside of her, begged for them to paint the walls of her womb with their seed, begged them to try stuff her full enough that she'd get pregnant, with either newborns or eggs, and when it didn't work, she wanted them to trying until it did. She begged, desperate and filled with yearning. Her dreams of dancing, of a grand career in the spotlight, danced right out the window as they were filled instead with dreams for a home. A home, warm and happy, filled with pups, filled with the comfort to be had in the arms of her loves.

With a savage cry that was echoed by Shou, Shelandra, and even the puppet, he rammed his twin logs of snake flesh as deep into Shou's soft body as they could and erupted inside of her with the force of a volcano. Rope after rope of almost burning hot seed splashed across her tight walls like paint being splashed on a canvas, and the thick cream flowed forth in a steady torrent until it started to leak back around the seal his cocks formed. There was another discrepancy here; Kalokin's essence flowed into her, it dissolved, expanding through her soul just as it had when he kissed her. Khaesho's seed spilled into her, splashing with enough force that Shou could feel its impact. Her orgasm rolled through her with a howl as the first ropes of seed painted her tunnel white. She clamped down around him again, and this time she was rewarded with yet more hot gushes of sticky seed as her rippling muscles milked every drop from him. Her climax lasted as long as his did, pulsing with each fresh shot of his foreign seed. He continued, humping and grinding his barbed hemipene within her, unloading both barrels inside her soft body until her belly swelled a little and she looked weeks pregnant already. She could feel it, blazing hot as it soaked in her once tight but now thoroughly exhausted walls, seeping out to run down the insides of her thighs. She reached up to grab his torso, bending him down to wrap her arms around her in a show of flexibility few but a serpent could pull off. She sighed happily, wrapped in a warm knot of coils with her arms around him. She peppered soft, tired kisses along his face. Her blue eyes were heavy, and she gave a small, tired little smile, easily beginning to drift off as she pressed closer, still stuffed to the brim with the thickness of their cocks and not willing to move for all the world. Sleep stole over her like the warmest of blankets as she pressed her nose to his scales and drifted into dreams.

He had promised to fuck her until one of them passed out, but he hadn't expected it to actually happen. Khaesho sighed, chuckling softly as he did. She'd had a rough few days, and she had a rough week ahead of her. She would need her rest.

Wait what? Aww, don't tell me...

Khaesho blinked, surprised at hearing Kalokin's voice in his mind, before he realized that their synchronism had fallen apart halfway through their orgasm; they were separate again.

"Ah, well, it was fun while it lasted. I think we managed around 45 minutes? That might be a new record."

I think it is. It's too bad she needs her rest though; I almost want to wake her up for another round.

Even though he made no physical noise, Shelandra could still hear him. She pulled her glowing coils from Shou's body in a stream of red light and arranged herself in a suggestive pile.

*I'm still here, and she's fast asleep...*

Khaesho was rising and slithering towards her more from a habit of obedience to a deity than anything else, but he stopped as he remembered the wolf girl snuggled safely into his coils.

*No. Not without her permission and not behind her back while she's asleep mere feet away.*

*You could always tell her about it in the morning.*

He sighed tiredly as he moved back, hugging Shou close to his chest as he looked Shelandra's beautiful... gorgeous... blazingly hot, luscious, and fuckable form over.

*You know as well as I do that the Civilized have different views on a faithful relationship. When she wakes up, I'll ask her. IF she says she wouldn't mind, then I'll gladly tie myself in a knot around you both, but not a moment sooner. I would not risk her happiness just for the sake of a good fuck.*

Shelandra wasn't anywhere near as good an actor as Kalokin was. Khaesho's words hit her with the force of a striking serpent, and the hurt in her eyes was easily apparent.

*K-Kalokin? Surely you...*

She trailed off, not even knowing what to say. He pulled his essence together and into the form of a Naga. It was his first full manifestation in centuries, and he winced to hide his pain; it was similar to using a muscle that had not stirred in years. He slithered over to tangle himself in her coils, but he made no move towards her ever hungry folds. It almost broke him to say it... but with a breathy gasp, speak he did.

*No... I'm sorry sis', but I can't... not after... not after that.*

Shelandra buried her face in their tangled pile, hiding the shame written across her face. Kalokin squeezed her, all of her, hugging her and being hugged in a way that only Serpents can experience.

*I'm sorry brother, truly, I just... I... I don't want to see you wasting away out here. I bound you to Khaesho knowing you would escape the mortal prison, and I hoped that...*

*Shhh... it isn't your fault, and I'm not mad, but at the same time... I agree with Khaesho. You heard us, inside her soul... I don't want to cause her pain, and being with you would almost certainly break her heart.*

She might not have been able to hide the shame, the pain, or the spike of envy, but Kalokin's soothing embrace calmed her as it always had. She pulled her head out from the pile, but Kalokin was waiting, ready. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her with a passion that spoke of centuries spent knowing and loving one another. Then, he drew back.

*Shou needs me right now... and I think I need her too. I don't know... I don't know how I feel about us, or even how I should, but until I talk with her... it would be best if we took a break.*

Her entire body quivered with pain; they had argued before, and he had once spent an entire century looking at her only with disdain... but he had never said no to her before, and when they had sex, it always reassured her that he would come back around; he always had before, but now? She couldn't help the feeling that she had been replaced, and so soon after she had started a fight with him... she was worried that this time, he wouldn't come back.

* you say... I'll be back regularly, to check up on you three.* and also because she wanted to spend time with them both. *I think... Shouyousei... will be fine. She has a strong soul, she will recover. Fare thee well, brother.*

*May the moon bless your fortunes, Sister.*

*Fare the well... Dark Prince...*

It was an old title, one Khaesho hadn't heard before, and he almost asked about it. He sensed that it wasn't a good time though... perhaps another day...

*And, Kalokin...?*


*I... I'm glad that you're happy.*

A flash of light, an odd pop as the air rushed to fill the space she'd occupied, and then she was gone. Kaloking sighed gratefully, collapsing to flow back into the comforting haven of Khaesho's mind.

So, Khaesho, what do we do now?

Khaesho knew both deities well, and their history was something he'd witnessed firsthand. He knew the unrest in both their spirits... but at the same time, he knew that this wasn't the time to push Kalokin about it.

*Now? Now we rest. It's our job to help her through what happens next... and if she reacts like I did, we need to straighten a few things with her as soon as she wakes. This is going to be hell for her... especially considering how much she loves you. Unless she's had some grand tragedy already, this could easily be the most painful thing she ever does.*

Was it really that bad? The physical pain I mean... I know how much your soul hurt.

*From what I've been told, it's a trial even in the best of circumstances, and neither of us got lucky on that account. Remember, your entire soul was forced into mine over a matter of minutes, and I had only six hours to adjust before I was running for my life. She already had your essence within her, but you're bending her from rejecting your soul as an intruder to welcoming it as a friend, and that reversal will tear at her.*

Right... sorry. Did I ever apologize for that? I really... I mean, it is my fault after all.

*No, you didn't, but that's alright. I won't lie and say that I knew what I was getting myself into, but even just the adventure we had getting to this cave made it worth it, much less meeting Shouyousei. I'm glad it happened.*

I... You really mean that?

Khaesho stopped and thought. Kalokin would know if he was lying, and he'd dismiss an answer given out of hand. He weighed everything, and at the end of his thoughts... came up short. He hadn't really tallied exactly what Kalokin had cost him until then, and Kalo felt the pain spread through Khaesho's soul. When the Naga opened his mouth though, his words were true.

*Shou is worth it. I wouldn't know her if not for you. That's all I need concern myself with."

_ Khaesho... thanks... that means a lot to me. Alright then, you sleep, I'll start looking through her biology... warm bloods are built completely differently. I mean, her heart has four chambers! What?!?_

Khaesho gave a bittersweet laugh as he snuggled a little more tightly around Shou. He was still belly deep against her waist, and he saw no reason he shouldn't share in her delicious warmth. After ensuring that every spare inch of him was wrapped around her, he joined her in soft dreams of happy things.

A Choice to be Made (Ch. 9)

Shouyousei smiled as she wrapped her arms around her love, as he continued to roll his tongue through her mouth. She moaned softly, pressing her slender body into him as she shivered a little bit and sighed in happiness. Unable to help herself, she...

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Fever (RP logs)

Khaesho Scorpent-- "I need to fuck you into your place again, don't I Dracasis?" Dracasis-- "If my place is an egg stuffed mass of cum and murrr, then yis." KS-- "Something like that." He lunges at you without warning, throwing his full weight into...

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Just Stories

Tobias sat at his mother's knee with wide eyes as she told him tales about ages long past, days when spirits both good and evil roamed the earth. To him, they were just stories, but they were entrancing and enrapturing, and he held onto each word with...

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