First Meal

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#2 of Personal Stories

This story is adult in nature and features gay furry sex, preteens having sex with adults, the cooking and consuming of others, violence, blood, gore, hard vore, and much more. If this sounds disgusting, scary, or just plain weird to you, then bugger off now and find a nicer safer story to read!

This isn't the kind of story I normally like to write. I prefer the much softer and silly side of snuff and vore. Stories I write that do have a final end tend to be more on the gentle side, however lately I have been under a lot of stress from my home life. I find myself being pushed to a darker angrier side of my self, like a white and blue Foon Hulk running around, and it scares me. I snap and get mad over the littlest things, which only puts more stress on me, refueling the cycle.

In an effort to help me release these bad feelings a friend of mine started a rather dark RP. In this Rp, my character discovers and acts upon his predatory instincts. While we never quite got to the darker parts, it was a real help and has channeled a lot of that anger and stress away.

To maintain that feeling of freedom I have decided to turn that RP session into a full story!

Please sit back and enjoy the darker side of this usually cute and cuddly author.

First Meal A Foony Writing in collaboration with Jackfoxjackson

Guest Starring: Jack and Scy

The wind gently rustled the gold, red, and orange autumn leaves of the trees as two cubs walked home from school. Standing side by side as they walked, the two foxes were clearly best of friends. On the left was the taller kit, his fur a charcoal grey with green paws, ear tips, and tail tip. Standing next to him was a shorter black fox with white markings, who was looking very nervous as they walked.

"So uhm my home... is a bit strange... ya know and my dad.. isn't like you would imagine a normal dad would be like" The nervous young fox says as he walks slowly kicking at the leaves covering the sidewalk. The kit was dressed in his usual black leather jeans with no top. He almost always took his shirt off the moment they were out of site of the school. Just above the waistband of his tight pants were the thin strings of a thong, he used to get mobbed and picked on for wearing such clothes but over time most of the other kit got used to it. He smiled up at his friend as they rounded the corner nearing his home, for as long as the two vulpines been friends not once had he offered his best friend a visit to his home. Many times the larger kit asked but he would always be politely denied till this morning when the smaller fox finally relented and said yes.

"So? What does it matter? Friends should see each others homes." The charcoal colored fox smiled as he curled his overly long tail around his waist as he didn't want to have to pick leaves out of his fur again. He tugged on his too tight shirt and pants as they were just a tad bit too small for the growing kit.

"Oh well you'll see... " The smaller fox chuckled some as they near a very large building. On the front of it was written, "Jacko's Restaurant" in a fancy script. "Well this is my place..." The fox then says a bit nervously. He never once mentioned to his friend that his father owns a restaurant at. Slowly he opens the doors and steps in holding the door open and what the bigger kit saw surprised him. All the waiters were nearly naked, wearing nothing more than a thong as they served rather large looking customers. After stepping inside he saw most of the waiters were vulpine with a mix of prey species. He blushed a scarlet red as most of them were very cute.

Trying to hide his wonder and blushing face the fox looked at his friend. "So um what kinda of food do you serve here?" His tail came up to hide the blush farther as he was distracted by an extra cute arctic fox in a pink speedo walked by carrying a large empty platter. He blushed even more as the waiter slyly winked at him.

"Oh well.... " The fox knew this question was coming but it seems like not telling the truth would not work either. "Well we serve.... other furs here... you know its a restaurant for preds." He finally admits and in the very same moment both are able to see another sexy foxy walk by with a tray, placed on it was a whole roasted wolf decorated wonderfully and steaming nicely. The rich tantalizing smell of roast lupine made both kit's stomachs rumble slightly.

The larger kit meeped and bit his tail as his eyes followed the wolf down to where it was set out before a large lion. "Really?" For as long as he could remember he often fantasized about eating other furs but never thought there was a place where he could indulge what he thought was very illegal. "Um I'm not on the menu am I?" He looked a bit nervous and shifted in place.

The black fox was a bit surprised at this reaction, it seemed like his friend was not all too shocked from what he heard and saw. " Uhm well should be safe, after all you are the friend of the son of the owner" The fox says with a chuckle. Suddenly another voice interrupted their conversations .

"Hey Jack you are home, and you brought a friend?" It was one of the waiters, a red fox wearing nothing but a purple thong. His slender feminine look did little to help the larger kit to stop blushing. Grinning at the overly shy fox the femme waiter extended a paw. "Well hello there my name is Stan and it doesn't happen too often that Jack brings someone over here."

Biting harder on the tip of his tail as he shook the femmy fox's paw, the smaller fox blushed deep red. Once he heard he wasn't on the menu his posture became more relaxed and he sighed softly. "Um hello I'm Scy." Scy chuckled as he blushed letting go of the attractive vulpine's paw. "I've been bugging Jack a long time to come here." Still blushing he was thankful his long bushy tail hid the small erection in his tight pants.

Stan had to laugh some at Scy's response as he patted Jack gently on the head. "Oh yes Jack doesn't like to bring home guests. He always is afraid that they will freak out or something. Ain't that right cutie?" Jack's cheeks flushed red as the waiter treated like a little cub.

"Well its not like this is the normalest place on the world right." Jack blushed at the petting that would be much better for a kit much younger than himself. The thirteen year old fox stuck out his tongue at the larger older fox as he turned to see how his friend was doing.

Stan giggled at the childish behavior of his employer's son, as he noticed the shy look on Scy's muzzle. "My My you look like a kid in a candy shop little one." He grinned and waggled the obvious bulge between his legs before turning around and lifted his tail, showing off a lovely round ass.

Jack seemed to be even more surprised at those words. "So you actually like this.... never would have thought that heh." Smiling the smallest of the three vulpines relaxed feeling relieved that his best friend didn't think he was some kind of nutcase.

But as Jack was about to lead Scy to the kitchens for a tour, Stan speaks up again. "Well Jack, I know you have your friend here and stuff. But you have things to do. You know what your dad said before you left for school." He grinned at Scy as Jack whimpered. He had put off cleaning his room and doing homework for so long that his dad threatened to add Jack to the evening's dinner menu if the chores weren't completed as soon as he got home from school. "So please go up and do your homework and clean your room. If you want I can keep your friend occupied till you are done. My shift is over anyway. " He patted the teen on the rear making Jack blush softly. "Of course if you don't mind young foxy." Stan looked at the blushing teen fox with a charming smile.

Scy blushed and looked over at his best friend. "Yah I haven't told any but I dream a lot of eating Chester." He blushed a lot as Chester was this cute pudgy mouse in their class. "If its ok with you Jack. I'll wait with Stan while ya do your chores." He blushed more letting his body fully relax and take in the friendly atmosphere of the vore restaurant. One would think a place filled with furs eating other furs, some even still alive, would be filled with tension but no, Jacko's felt like a very comfortable place even for the first timer teen.

"Really? Man I was thinking about that too" Jack says laughing some at Scy's shyness around the waiters but then frowns as he receives a harsh glare and swat on the rear from Stan. "Meh ok.... I'll go.. I promise to hurry." He then says he walks off leaving Scy with the larger sexy fox.

Once Stan then looks at Scy with a coy grin on his pointed vulpine muzzle. "So how about it, we are having some fun or not?" He nods to the blushing preteen, enjoying the bashful nature of the pup. "Come on follow me" He then says turning around and showing off his nice and round rump to the young flustered canine. Grabbing the younger tod's paw the scantily clad piece of hot meat lead the shy youngster past the kitchens and into a private room near the back of the restaurant.

Scy blushed heavily as he was practically dragged through the establishment to the amusement of Stan. As they passed by, several of the patrons watched hopefully wishing that the pair were headed to the kitchen so they could order up the scrumptious looking cub. Several of the waiters including the cute arctic fox Scy had eyed, smiled and chuckled knowingly as they hurried back and forth between tables and the kitchen. More than one was jealous of their co-worker, being able to sneak off with a cute piece of meat.

Holding on to the young tod like a starving hobo fights for a scrap of food, Stan protectively leads Scy into the private room and closed the door. The large room was dominated by a comfortable looking bed. Off to the side was a large table and booth, looking over an island dividing the kitchen from the dining room and bedroom. Scy stared gaping with his jaw wide open as he looked around. Never once had he expected to see such a room in a restaurant, let alone one that serves other furs as food so casually that even the waiters were on the menu.

Yawning a little, the waiter flopped on the large lavishly covered bed and sighed happily. Leaning back against the soft blankets the tod relished the moment off his feet as Scy sat on the far end of the bed staring off into the gleaming kitchen. "I bet this is a bit overwhelming for you isn't?" The nearly naked adult felt concerned for the newly budding predator. Sitting up, Stan scooted across the bed till he was right behind the kit and wrapped his arms loosely around the smaller male's waist. He rested his muzzle on Scy's shoulder and gently licked the soft and fuzzy fur on the youth's cheek.

The gentle weight of the seasoned vore waiter's chin on his shoulder felt reassuring as the young fox closed his eyes and spoke softer than a whisper. "It is a bit, I mean I've often thought about it. I've even wrote several um um fantasy stories, but i always thought it wasn't right to eat another furson." With his head tilted down looking at the floor, Scy gently let out a weak sigh. Stan's gentle breathing on his cheek relaxed the preteen's wildly beating heart.

"Awws that is kind of cute." Stan nuzzled the small black fox's ear as his paws drifted down. The child predator wiggled as he was groaped from the front as well as feeling the larger fox's throbbing member pressing into his back. "I can assure you that killing and eating other furs is not wrong, as long as its to fill someone's belly. Its been that way since the dawn of time, pred and prey, the strong eating the weak. If you are stronger and able to hunt someone down you should do it sweetheart. If you look at someone like me or someone you fancy as prey, don't try to see a furson. Instead imagine them as nothing but meat. Look at them no different than you would packaged meat at the supermarket." Grinning, Stan gave a gentle squeeze to the cub's small package, as he grinded his meat against Scy's rear.

The little vulpine blushed as he started feel himself start to get aroused again. He kicked his feet puzzling over whether Stan was just looking for sex or was really volunteering to be his first prey. The heavy musky scent coming from behind him made the young pred's maleness swell and press uncomfortably against the front of his too tight pants. Slowly those tender adult paws explored every bit of the young todd's body, making Scy blush and pant as he tried to sort his feelings out. Just as Stan's paws retreated something clicked in the kit's mind. Everything seemed to make sense all at once. With a grin he turned around and pounced on top the much larger fox. Caught completely by surprise Stan, was easily pinned by the smaller predator.

"Oh somebody looks ready." Stan chuckled as he laid back comfortably. Being a natural submissive the older fox let the younger vulpine use him to explore a new found dominant side. Scy growled softly, the light shining through a small partially covered window reflected off sharp pointed teeth, making the todd look even more fierce. As his black ear was nibbled on by the young fox, Stan let his paws drift upwards till they rested on the trim hips of the youth straddling him. He gently tugged at the kit's pants as the little fox closed his eyes. the tight pants slide down the kit's slender hips and legs as he imagined how it would feel like to tear into Stan's belly with his teeth. With a little shudder Scy pushed down on his prey's shoulders as hard as he could and lowered his sharp teeth to the thick red furred throat. Stan rolled the half naked kit off him and chuckled. "Now I don't mind the thought of a sexy little kit like you eating me but don't you think you should start with something more your size?"

Scy blushed as his prey sat up and scooted back against the headboard. Stan continued to admire the little fox in just a tshirt and a pair of white undies. Blushing heavily Scy let the larger fox gently pull up on his t-shirt till it was tossed lazily to the side. With nothing but his whitey-tighties covering his young virgin cock Scy blushed as he scooted back allowing the larger fox sit up. After a few heated moments of repositioning, both vulpines were completely naked and admiring each other's body. Slowly the smaller of the two canines made the first move. Cautiously he pressed his little black nose against the large creamy sheath of the larger fox and inhaled the strong intoxicating musky scent that clung to his nose. Hs heart beating wildly he gulped, closed his eyes and started to lap softly at the rather large bulge that strained to tear the tight confines of the sheath wide open. Stan let a soft surprised moan as the young fox's tongue sent electric shivers up and down his spine. As he laid back against the headboard he let a soft whimper feeling Scy tug back on his tight sheath, revealing his throbbing piece of meat to the cool air.

Scy blushed pink as he carefully inspected the large hard organ in front of it. To the preteen it looked like his own cock just supersized. It was nearly twice the size of his own meager length and exuded a heavy musky scent. Gently he lifted the piece of meat in his paws extracting a deep moan of appreciation from its owner. By far Stan's cock was far slicker than his own, Scy thought as he decided to try something he always wanted to do. Stan couldn't help but giggle and thrash as his little pred in training scoot forward over a rather ticklish zone. "Hey Hey What are you doi..........." Stan arched his back and let out a little surprised yelp as sharp little teeth latched onto his rock hard member. Panting softly, he relaxed as the sharp pain became a dull ache. Just as he was catching his breath another wave of blinding pain shot forth from his cock, thrashing he tossed the little fox off his stomach. Scy meeped as he landed on bed next to the waiter, dangling from his teeth was bloody tip of Stan's cock. Stan blinked as he stared at the inch piece of his maleness no longer attached to himself, with a little gasp his paws reached down to feel the bleeding stump of his cock. With a guilty look Scy gulped his prize down and nuzzled the larger fox.

Not really upset, Stan got up and walked to the kitchen. Nervously Scy sat on the bed terrified that he had overstepped some boundary and upset his host. he was so scared that the larger fox was going to make him into a meal or something that he really didn't taste the piece of meat he was just ste. Slowly the time ticked by till Stan walked back into the room. His creamy white sheath was stained with blood and on his face he wore an indecipherable expression. He took his time walking back to the bed, making Scy feel like his fate was sealed. The stony faced adult sat on the bed and gave the blanket a soft pat. Meekly Scy crawled over, his tail covering the obvious hardon he was sporting despite his fear. Shivering he watched as Stan reached over with a paw. To his surprise he was gently pulled into the larger fur's stained lap. "I I I'm sorry" The little fox sobbed and to his fear the larger vulpine frowned. Closing his eyes knowing his fate Scy yelped as he felt a hard smack across his nose. Eyes wet with tears he looked up into the soft eyes of the one who was going to eat him. What he saw confused him, there wasn't anger in those eyes just concern.

"No!! If you are going to be a predator you can not feel any regret or sorrow for what you do to survive." Stan smiled softly. "I'll admit you surprised me, but like I said I think I'm just a little too big of a prey for you to handle. With that said you took something from me and I mean to be repaid." Scy gulped as he felt a tight grip on his shoulders. Closing his eyes again he felt himself be lifted up slightly then a blinding pain erupted from his rear. Crying out loudly he struggled and fought as he felt his tender hole get ripped open by something very hard. Slowly the pain subsided as he felt more of the object work its way into him. Blinking he wiped his eyes and saw that the object invading his rear was attached to Stan. He looked up into the face of the red vulpine, his eyes were tightly shut and he was panting in time to each of his thrusts. Inhale, thrust, exhale, soon Scy started to feel the rhythmic pattern of the larger fox fox fucking him. As soon as he realized he wasn't in any physical danger he relaxed enjoying the price of his treat. Soon he felt as the adult under him shudder and a warm feeling start to flood into him. The mixed sensations of being harshly fucked, and the knowledge he had gotten away with eating a part of a fellow fur set off the kit's own orgasam, painting his own belly with his immature seed. Blushing as as Stan pulled out Scy stole a peek and couldn't help but giggle a little. The larger fox's docked cock looked funny without its typical pointed canine tip. Now it looked like a fat sausage sitting on top of a bulb of pink flesh.

"Haha laugh it up little one. You are lucky I'm more prey than pred." Scy meeped softly as he was slapped on the rear. Blushing he watched the older fox used his shirt to clean off his cock, then toss the shirt to him. "Get yourself cleaned up and go get your prey." The little vulpine blushed heavily as he wiped at the sticky fur of his belly.

"Ok" Turning beet red as Stan pulled on his thong and opened the door, Scy tossed his cum covered t-shirt to the floor and ran to the towards his best friend's room. The sight of the naked preteen running through the restaurant was an amusing sight as customers and waiters stopped whatever they were doing to chuckle at the embarrassed cub. Panting Scy raced to the open door of his best friend's room. Inside Jack was hunched over a desk furiously working some sort of homework. Scy peeked inside and giggled, as he saw his best friend sitting at his desk completely in the buff. Quietly he snuck inside and pulled the door closed. His heart skipped a beat when the door made a slight thud but the figure at the desk made no motion so he continued to creep closer. As he drew nearer the reason for no reaction from his friend become clear. The fox was fast asleep with his nose buried in a math book. Scy giggled and peaked at neat page of homework, so much unlike his. He thought to himself after what he was going to do Jack wouldn't need his homework so he would just take it home to copy from. Thinking back on the advice Stan gave him, the young predator looked around the room. First thing he did was swiftly sneak back to the door and lock it so there would be no interruptions. After checking to make his prey was still soundly asleep Scy searched around the small bedroom. He found what he was looking for buried in the bottom of Jack's haphazardly cleaned closet. Grinning to himself he snuck behind his food and gently pried its muzzle open. The smaller fox grunted in his sleep as his muzzle was forced open. Holding Jack's jaws open Scy balled up the slightly dirty socks and tucked in the unexpecting fox's maw just far enough where it couldn't be spit out but not far enough to cut off the preteen's airway.

Jack started to stir as the naked Scy started to tug and pull him towards the bed. The first thing the young fox noticed was the foul taste of his improvised gag. Immediately he started to twist to see what was going on. His movements caused his assailant to lose grip and the kit toppled from the chair to the floor. On the way down his head smashed against the corner corner of his desk. Blood dribbled down his forehead head as he began to feel dizzy and his vision grew blurry. Scy cursed softly to himself as he dragged his unconscious prey to the bed, when he had looked around the room he found some old rope from a camping trip a few years ago so he used to secure his prey's arms to the headboard. Scy pulled the knocked out fox's legs apart securing each one to the rear corner posts of the lavish bed. Smiling to himself he checked making sure each knot wouldn't come undone at any time. Now with his prey laid out fully helpless Scy decided to help his meat come back around. Gently he pressed his nose just under the immobilized vulpine's creamy white sack and softly nipped. He giggled slightly as Jack's left foot twitched with every little tug he made. Leaving the helpless's prey's taint alone he pressed his cold nose against his intended food's anus and breathed in. The fox kit practically purred like a feline as a rich musky scent invaded his nose. He closed his eyes as he continued sniff, the scent smelled strongly of musk and he could tell his prey had recently taken a shit. Normally this thought would have disgusted him but combined with the musk as well as the primal predator instinct welling up inside him it made him even more eager to get started.

He gave the doomed prey's anal ring a long slow lick before sitting up and turning his attention to the creamy white sheath. "Hmmm I've always wondered what Jack tasted like." He muttered to himself as he tentatively reached forward to stroke the fuzzy white tube hiding a tasty treat. Steeling himself the budding predator swallowed and pulled back the prey's sheath. Almost like he was handling a dangerous snake he started to run his paw up and down the pink sausage. He savored the rich musky scent as the meat stick plumped up and started to ooze precum. The pred speed up his paw as his prey started to whimper finally coming out of unconsciousness. The predatory fox smiled as the member in his paw was only slightly bigger than his own modest sized cub cock. He bent down and started to slurp noisily at his treat causing his bound prey to gasp out loudly. He continued to tease the prey's member by swirling his tongue around the tip and dipping into the small piss slit.

"Whhaa Whaaa OHHHH Going ons?" Jack twisted and pulled at his bindings as he is overwhelmed by his best friend's torture. The poor kit's toes curled and his unrestrained tail flicked wildly as his shaft was encased in the warm wet maw of his friend. Still confused Jack leaned back letting his friend pleasure him, blissfully unaware of the fate Scy had in planned for him. He closed his eyes and let the waves of bliss take control of his physical body as he let his mind drift. This wasn't the first time the little fox had been in a situation like this, truth be told he had a large submissive side he usually hid from those around him as it would most likely cause him to end up as someone's meal. It took a few minutes as he was distracted by an overwhelming feeling of pleasure to realize the only one who knew he was a submissive was Stan, and his best friend was acting out of character. Normally the green and black fox kit was shy and no where near this direct. Whimpering he suddenly no longer felt the waves of pleasure and instead felt a sense of impending doom. His body however continue to respond to Scy's sucking, his hips continued to buck up into the warm and wet maw of a hungry predator. The kit's sausage throbbed and pulsed unaware of its fate. His knot fully expanded as his body betrayed him farther. He gasped as he felt the all too familiar tingle run up his tail, causing the furry appendage to stiffen as he started to feed Scy his warm cream.

Scy moaned as he suckled softly, his paw reached up and tightly enclosed around the small piece of flesh located justed behind his prey's swollen knot. The simulated tie pushed the meat over the edge filling Scy's muzzle full of slightly salty cream. The young pred savored the taste as he let the fox meat in his muzzle pump the last bit of juices it would ever release against the back of his throat. He took pleasure in giving his best friend, no his meal one last bit joy before they joined as pred and prey. Slowly the fresh meat's orgasem faded leaving both prey and pred panting for their breaths. Scy laid down next to his food and looked it in the eyes. Unable to move or speak Jack could only return the look, his eyes mixed pools of confusion, sadness, as well as acceptance of fate. Scy's green eyes however were sparkling emeralds, full of excitement and eagerness. Scy watched as his prey gulp around its gag as it closed its eyes and nodded signaling he ready to accept his destiny to be nothing more than food. Scy out of respect for his former friendship with his meat, bent over and gave a gentle kiss before contemplating where to start. He consider starting at the "sweetmeats" but decided those would better be saved last. As he thought his prey laid back his thoughts on how he was at least happy it was his friend who was going to eat, rather than a random customer or worse one of his dad's special clients.

The young predator was at a loss as how to begin his meal till he started to remember a video from class. It was a run of the mill documentary on feral lions. The kind that bored students to sleep with its flat monotone . Scy was no different, for the greater part of the movie he had his head down on the desktop as he daydreamed till by chance he happened to look up just as a lioness tackled a zebra. From that point on he was watching at full attention. As he looked his prey up and down the vivid image of the primal huntress with her jaws around the neck of the wide eyed equine locked firmly in his mind. He ran a paw down his prey's chest to rest at a slightly pudgy belly, imagining his teeth tearing through fur and flesh to reach the tasty innards. Scy gulped torn between his desire to finally become a full blown pred and the act of killing his best friend. Strong emotions tore at his insides making him hesitate till words of advice from Stan echoed in his head.

"No matter who or what your prey is, remember its just food and nothing more."

The fox shook his head and struck without thought. His jaws latched around the prey's throat, causing the poor thing to scream out. Unfortunately the dirty sock gag muffled the sound so much there was no hope of anyone hearing and coming to the rescue. Scy bite down harder feeling fur give away, he didn't even stop when a coppery taste splashed against his tongue. Harder and harder he bit into his meal's windpipe making Jack gasp as his air was suddenly cut off. He didn't stop till a very audible crunching of the black and white fox's tracia was heard in the small room. With his jaws nearly strained to the limit he ripped his head back tearing out his prey's throat. Jacks eyes went wide as his muzzle moved silently as he no longer was capable of making sounds. The world seemed to freeze right then and there, prey staring at the bloody upturned muzzle of his best friend. The light in his eyes faded as time suddenly speed up, blood gushed and sprayed out of his torn neck painting the black and green pred's marking a deep red color. As one final act before he passed Jack smiled. Scy was happy, he really really was happy. He mouthed a silent farewell before slumping against the bed, his bonds suddenly slack as life ebbed out of the vicious wound in his neck.

The beastial emotions running through Scy's body made him unaware of his preys final moments as he grinned, blood dripping down his muzzle. Wild eyes turned and focused on the soft warm belly of the prey animal in front him. Licking his lips he savagely bit into the soft flesh. At first his sharp canine teeth only grasped at fur, but as he attempted a second and third time he managed to start peeling back the layer of fluff and skin exposing the soft stomach muscles of his meal. Bloody teeth ripped the meat off in strips as the primal instincts of the young pred continued to dominate his will. Like a starving wolf who found a dead deer he gulped down the lean meat with hardly chewing at all. It didn't take long for the abdominal cavity to be accessible by those blood stained jaws. Without thought he plunged his muzzle deep inside the carcass as he tore ripping at the slippery almost spaghetti like intestines. With a wet SLURP he messily sucked up the tangled mess of noodles till his nose bumped against the end. He bite though and swallowed as he started to rummage around for some other tasty treat. Beastiral insticts seemed to guide him, as he avoided inedible meats till he found a small knobby organ. Biting into the tasty treat rewarded the pred with a burst of intense flavor as unspent cum splashed against his tongue.

Scy wasn't sure how long he feasted on his prey when he came to his senses. All he remembered was lunging at Jack then waking up covered in blood and with a hurting stuffed stomach. He gulp and dared to look over at the bed. Jack was mostly bones and fur, his head was fully intact, and his genitals seemed to escape Scy's hungry maw. Blushing Scy snagged the soft cock and ripped open the small fuzzy pouch making a dessert out of his friend's sweetmeats. As he leaned back against the wall he let out a small belch, when a feeling as sudden as a mac truck slamming to into a small car hit him. He KILLED and ATE his best friend. He slumped unable to bear looking at his friend's remains. The overly stuffed and blood covered fox sobbed for a few minutes as he tried to make sense of things. Yes he wanted to eat Jack, but not in this savage brutal way. He vowed to himself never again, the next time he picked a prey it he wouldn't lose control and it would be pleasurable for both parties. He forced himself to his feet and waddled over to give Jack a goodbye kiss. Scy blushed softly as he clearly saw a smile on the other fox's still muzzle. He quickly gave a small kiss and shuffled to the door, his mind now full of mixed emotions. Scy opened the door peeking out into the hallway, thankful Stan had told him where to go to clean up. Seeing the hallway empty he snuck out giving his friend's room a final glance before heading to a small bathroom located at the back of the restaurant.

Voices made him pause and hide behind a corner at halfway down the hall. His ears perked up as one of was the familiar voice of Stan. The other was deeper and sounded angry. There was no way he could get past them so he stayed hidden and listened as the voices grew louder.

"I'm sorry, I let him get carried away"

"Thats no excuse!!!!!! You know you were on the menu for tonight and our special guest request a fully intact fox!!!!!"

Scy meeps softly under his breath as it was his fault that the cute waiter was in trouble. He stayed hidden as the voices seemed to stop in place.

"I know. I know. I should have stopped him."

Stan's voice voice was soft and very submissive as he spoke. Scy strained to hear the hushed whispers coming from down the hallway.

"I I think I know a good replacement. Scy should be fully stuffed in Jack's room by now."

"Wait what?"

The deep voice sounded alarmed but then grew steady again.

"Foolish kit, letting himself get caught. I told him a thousand times if he was weak he would end up as prey."

Scy meeped loudly. They were talking about him. In his surprise he failed to notice the voices had stopped talking till he was lifted from his hiding place by a large fox that looked alot like Jack. The big fox looked the small black and green vulpine over. Everything from his blood stained muzzle to his sheath was poked and prodded. Scy just whimpered as he was treated like a cow just before the slaughter house.

"He'll do take him to the kitchen and have the chef come up with something while I go call our guest and tell him of the menu change."

Scy was handed to the naked waiter and Jack's father walked off leaving the two friend's alone. Little tears streamed down Stan's face as he carried the kit to the kitchen in silence. Both vulpines understanding that words wouldn't help here. He deposited the soon to be prepared kit on a counter and walked off to find the head chef. Scy gulped knowing there was no escape even if he tried. He allowed himself to get caught and now was prey himself. He looked around expecting the kitchen to be some horrible place, filled with a bloody mess like he left Jack. To his surprise the room was sparkling clean, almost everything was shining stainless steel and despite the coldness of the metal under his rear the place felt far more comfortable than the bedroom. Just as he was inspecting some strange machine sitting at the far side of the room a large wolf with the most ridiculous large belly the kit had ever seen walked into view. The wolf was wearing a black apron and matching chef's hat, Stan was nowhere to be seen.

"Hmm so this is what they give me to work with?"

Scy meeped then giggled as the chef started to poke and prod him all over with a fat finger. He blushed as he rolled over and his hole was probed.

"So I heard you made a meal out of Jack is that right?"

Scy blushed and nodded as the wolf stared at his new main course. The look the lupine was giving him was not one of anger or even pity but of curiosity and pondering.

"Well dang I been after that tasty morsel for a month now. Oh well glad to see someone caught him at least."

The wolf gave him another smile as Scy sat up feeling far less afraid.

"Though by the state of mess you are in I doubt you remember much, is that correct?"

Again Scy nodded feeling at ease with this friendly cook even though he knew that soon he would be prepared into some sort of meal by him.

"Hmm a fox kit stuffed with a fox kit." The idea hit the wolf like a nuclear bomb. "YES!! Thats it!!!!"

Scy was scooped up and before he could even ask what it was he was dumped into a sink with warm water pouring over his head. He coughed and sputtered as the wolf picked a razor and began to shave the kit's arms, chest, belly, back, ass, and legs. The only places left untouched was his head,tail and feet. Next the blood and gore was scrubbed out of his remaining furred parts. The soap was followed by another warm water rinse, during the whole process Scy could only think that this was the proper way to prepare a meal. Not the bloody primal attacked he had performed. He was jarred back to reality when he was laid on a countertop cutting board belly up. Blushing he watch as the chef pulled open a drawer and laid out several sharp knives, a silver plier like device, and a small ziplock baggie of green rubber rings. His eyes watched as the wolf fitted a ring to the plier like device and slid it his tail to rest against his rear. A loud snap was heard and Scy cried out as the band slipped off the device to pinch the base of his tail. Tears formed in his eyes as the chef picked up a large cleaver and pulled on the thick furry appendage with one paw. Scy barely had time to react as the thick heavy blade came down just above the little green band. The tail was separated from its owner with such ease that it hardly seemed like it was a part of him to begin with. Scy whined and wagged the little stump he had left as the chef set the tail aside and walked over to a cabinet filled with spices. He pondered a little as he pulled down various containers. In a small bowel bowl he mixed the chosen seasonings and walked back over to his meat. Scy sat watching more curious than upset at the loss of his tail as the chef set the bowl down and picked up a large syringe already filled with a premade mixture. The food fox gulped as the needle was centered against his little sack. He winced as the thick needle punctured the thin furless skin and the chef started to push down on the plunger. The kit's sack ballooned up as it filled causing Scy to wiggle uncomfortably on the counter. Another green ring was set on the bander this time to slip over the kit's soft cock. Scy whimpered softly as the wolf tugged his naked sheath down and let the band bite just behind the kit's small knot. Scy yelped as the band cut off all blood flow to his cock. The syringe was filled again and stabbed into the kit's knot. He cried loudly as the burning mixture made his knot and cock swell into a full erection.

"YELP!!!!! It hurts!!!!"

Scy sobbed as the chef started to rub spices onto the throbbing pole and all over the meat's bare flesh. He barely noticed as he was lifted onto a metal tray and pushed into a hot oven. Curled up he whimpered as he started to finally feel the heat through the pain in his crotch. He gulped, hot air burning his lungs as his flesh started to cook. His cock sizzled as the liquid inside it and his sack started to boil, infusing the meats with intense flavor. By the time his flesh was starting to turn a golden brown the kit found it hard to stay awake. Swiftly he gave in to the growing heaviness and closed his eyes a small smile on his face glad he at least got to enjoy being a pred once.


"You sure this going to work?"

The voice belonged to a large black and white fox pacing about in a room overly crowded with electronics. The small room looked like some mad scientist's lab and was dominated by to large capsules sitting in the center. Hunched over a desk was a coyote wearing an apron, he looked up and pushed his glasses back onto his muzzle.

"I don't know, I never have tried the process with samples this old."

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

The fox kept pacing back and forth, looking over at the two glass tubes. Sitting on the desk next to the yote was two heads. One of a black and white fox and the other a black and green fox. Both were smiling and aside from the color difference the only difference was in the black and green's head there was a hole where someone had cracked the skull to reach the soft delicacy inside. Suddenly the machines powered up and the yote yipped happily.

"Looks like we are a go. To answer your question the process works on a mix of dna resequencing and quantum dna."

The scientist placed both remains into their own tubes and closed the doors as the observer looked at him confused. The yote chuckled.

"Think of quantum dna as library, while cellular stores all the blueprints to rebuild the body Quantum dna stores all the data that make a furson who they are. Some extremists are saying we have found evidence of the soul."

He chuckled Again as his partner seemed even more confused.

"The trouble is it decays at fast rate therefore for this to work its better to do it as soon as possible. Not sure how damaged their quantum dna is."

The fox nodded still not quite following as they waited for several minutes. Finally the pods opened and both furs eagerly waited as two fox kits stumbled out. The kits looked around their surroundings confused.


The black and white fox looked at his father as the black and green kit rubbed his head.

"Where are we? Last thing I remember was walking with Jake to his home."

The yote started writing notes done and passed it to the big fox. On it described that he should make up some sort of cover story as there seemed to be a slight memory loss as the only side effect so far. He nodded and smiled as he lead the kits out back into the restaurant's back rooms. They got dressed and he pushed them to Jack's room which had been cleaned. They passed the kitchen where a new sign hung.


The end for now.

Fizzy Fox

Fizzy Fox Fun "God I'm sooooo bored!" A black and red fox shouted to himself as he flopped lazily onto his bed. Scattered all over the floor and on the fox's dresser were toys of all shapes and sizes. The canine had enough toys to satisfy most furs...

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Chapter One: Meetings

Chapter One: Meetings A lone fennec's hazel eyes drifted towards the door as the little bell chimed as another customer walked into the small cafe. The sandy-brown fennec fox sitting at one of the small tables sighed at each chime. He watched each fur...

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Cub Market Three: A Foon's Grand Fable

Cub Market Story Three: A Foon's Grand Fable Jacko Din Fleetpaw Prolog The white and blue foon smiled softly. The store closed hours ago and the remaining unbought kits were gathered around him. It had been this way ever since he voluntarily...

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