Making plans

Story by TheChubbyOne on SoFurry

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#2 of Another New Family

Disclaimer: if your underage or not into gays don't read this... or if you are underage and into this kind of stuff, and get caught reading this, don't blame the writer * * *

Okay ill catch you up to speed, lets see, First my names Alex and I'm a raccoon about 14 years old and I had just went to sleep when I had this dream about my new dad Tom, so I guess ill start at breakfast. I sighed as I looked at the clock, apparently Tom and Ray are the sleep in kinda guys, and I had set my alarm clock for 7:30, I know to early for the weekend but I was kinda thinking I had a lot of chores to do when I set it. Currently I was sitting on the couch watching the news, but I was so board and still had morning wood from that dream. And because I thought that it would be a while before Tom or Ray got up I decided to get rid of it. I quickly had my 6 ½ inch member outside of its cloth prison, my paw clasped around it with my blunt claws pressing lightly against the side, gently with a smooth and gentle pace, racking the skin over the head and back down. Making as little noise as I could while doing so, even though that was pretty hard to do. Soon I was panting coming so close to my climax that I could feel it rushing inside my groin, then I released myself fast and hard, spilling ivory cum onto my shirt and part of my pants, trying really hard as not to get it onto the couch. Panting hard I made my way to my room and then the bathroom to get myself cleaned up, but I only got halfway, as I made my way to the bathroom after changing I passed Tom and Rays room. From inside I could hear the soft breathing of the two of them, and the door was slightly ajar so I thought I might as well take a look inside. It was kinda dark in there room but there was enough light to see the two of them asleep laying in there king sized bed. Apparently, as far as I could see Ray was lying on his back with Toms head laying on his chest, and Ray's arm was wrapped around Toms shoulder holding the two of them close to each other. I sighed, it was to perfect and I didn't want to wake them up, but yet there was an urge to go and climb into the bed with them and lay on the other side of Ray. But I decided against it. As I was turning to leave the room I heard something, it was tom whispering something. I could bearly hear it, but I could tell what he said "Hey there hot stuff, come here often?". I heard a sleepy but obvious reply of "only when you're here". I turned back to look through the crack in the door to look. As I looked I saw the most romantic thing I've seen in a while, the two of them were interlocked arms wrapped around each other both still laying down but both of them nuzzling each other. 'Wow' was all that ran though my head as I saw this, I guess that I made a noise, cause I heard Tom say quite loudly "I guess were not alone Ray, why don't you come in here you little peeping coon.". He didn't say it angry or anything like that, just calm and cool, just like him, as far as I could tell. That was all the invite I needed, I rushed into the room and quickly crawled onto the bed, right between the legs of the two older males. I crawled up to get right in between the two of them, they just opened up both of their arms welcoming me. "Wow and I thought that it would take longer to get you to warm up to us" practically pureed Ray. I just smiled dumbly, wrapping an arm around each of them gently nuzzling each of their chests. "Boy, Alex here I was thinking you might be angry or disturbed that we were gay, but here you are being almost affectionate as Ray is." Tom said as he gently rubbed my tail. "Oh and when did it become a competition?" Ray returned with a comical smirk on his face. "It isn't, besides I said almost, didn't I" Tom said reaching over me to kiss his mate lovingly. It was so romantic, I mean just the sight of their two black lips pressing against each other, Rays ash red fur brushing against the jet black of toms nose fur, the two of them purring or as close to what purring is. "So, um Tom I've got good news and bad news" said Ray as they broke the kiss. "Alright give me the good news first" "Im getting a raise" "That's great!!!" Tom almost yelled wrapping his arms around Ray, practically rolling on top of me cause I was still in the middle between them on the bed. "Wait let me finish... im getting a raise but I have to go to a conference in the city, and ill be gone for about 2 days" smirked Ray. "Hey thats okay, why is that bad news?" asked Tom with a curious look on his face. "Because I wont be able to be here with my black and white bear and our son" he said with a frown of his face as thought to say its obvious why its bad news. "And because its on our anniversary." Ray looked even sadder at this. "What if we came with?" I piped up. "I was thinking the same thing" added Tom, with a broad smile. "Um I guess, we would be sharing a room if you don't mind Alex." "Were are we staying at?" quickly asked Tom. "It's a really fancy place called the Shining Lion Resort" "Sounds like fun" was all I could think to say. And so it was set we would be leaving in about a week... but alas, the week leading up to it would be a living hell for me.

the next chapter will be at least ten times better, while i was writing this i hit a big case of writers block so sorry for the sucktastickness of this chapter

Too Good To be True

This is the Disclaimer thingy, if you are underage or dont like gays dont read this, otherwise enjoy the read, i know its kinda short but i worked pretty hard on it. * * * "God this is going to suck" I thought as I stared out the window of the...

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The Fluffy Treat

If your under 18 or what ever and you get caught reading it its the writers fault got it? I slowly rolled out of my sleep running my paws over the bright orange short bristled fur of the muscle bound tiger laying next to me, I could barely keep...

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The Treat After

I awoke with a start feeling something brushing against my leg, at first I thought it was just my cat Randy. As I rolled in what I thought was my bed, I started recalling the weird dream I had just experienced. I dreamt that a amazingly hot tiger was...

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