The greedy lioness (lioness/hyena UB, vore(

Story by Strega on SoFurry

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Two hyenas decide to check out a patch of woods near their hunting-grounds and things go horribly, horribly wrong for them almost immediately. Poor hyenas.

At this point a few people are probably thinking "Strega hates hyenas" but no, I rather like them. They have just happened to be suitable prey in recent stories. I guess I'll have to make a hyena or gnoll pred one of these days to make up for all of them that have disappeared into orifices. 83

The greedy lioness By Strega

There was a patch of forest near the clan lands where no hyena ever went: a little copse of trees surrounded a modest rocky outcrop, perhaps ten acres of woods all told. It would make a good hunting-ground for surprising prey yet no-one in the clan went there, or for that matter even spoke of it. Only the cubs, curious as any young animal, would ask about it, and any whisper on the subject was a recipe for feeling the sharp teeth of an annoyed adult. Soon the young hyenas stopped asking, and after a little longer they no longer even noticed it. It was something they saw every day and it faded into the background, uninteresting and ignored.

It was not until Patches and Ragolph, adult now and thrust from their clan like many an unwanted male, thought about those woods again, and then only because two male lions, as unwelcome among their fellows as they were with their own, moved into their hunting-ground and chased them out. One evening as they lay near a watering hole, hoping some prey would make it past the lions and into their paws, Ragolph's eyes strayed to the little copse once more.

"No one goes in there," he said, and it took Patches a moment to realize what he was talking about. "I saw something like a lioness in the shadows once, but if there were lionesses these two lions would be in there too trying to make for themselves a pride. We should go look for ourselves. If there is nothing, we could den there and have a safe retreat after hunting."

"There must be some reason it is shunned," Patches said reasonably. "By us and by the lions. Maybe there is a nest of vipers, or hives of bees, or perhaps it is all spiders."

"Always it is spiders with you," his brother chuckled, and the argument went on for hours. Eventually Ragolph won it by the simple expedient of suggesting there might be something there to eat. Day after day of avoiding the lions and picking at scraps had bred in them a deep hunger, and it was either try the woods or thread their way through hostile clan and pridelands until they found another sliver of territory they could claim as their own.

To even reach the woods they had to cross an arm of the clan's land, but they were lucky enough to encounter no other hyenas and soon enough they were padding into the shadows. Leaves crunched beneath their paws and insects buzzed overhead. There was no sight or smell of larger creature.

"See? I told you it was safe," Ragolph said as Patches stepped into the snare.

It was a bent-over sapling, strong and springy, and when he brushed some trigger it snapped back upright. A loop of vine went around Patches's hindpaw and with a startled yelp he was hauled rump-first into the air so his forepaws barely brushed the ground.

Ragolph spun around and saw his distress, and was clever enough to say nothing. His ears were aprick with caution, for someone had set the trap. Another hyena might flee and leave Patches in the snare, but they were brothers and hunting-companions all their lives. Instead of running he padded closer and went up on his hindpaws to nose about for the vine.

"When I get you loose we will go," he murmured into Patches's ear, but his brother shook his head.

"Whoever it is must be weak or they would not use traps," he whispered back. "When I am free we could keep looking, carefully, until we find them. It is probably humans, and it has been a long time since I tasted human."

He was wrong. The one who set the trap was not weak. There was the least rustle of soft paws as the biggest lioness he ever saw rushed from the undergrowth and bowled Ragolph over before he could nip through the vine. She was as large as an adult male lion and for a moment he wondered if it was one, mane pulled away by thorns and grasping branches.

It was indeed a female, and he found out in a way he never would have imagined. She gave Ragolph's head a last thump, slamming him to the ground and stunning him, then instead of crouching to deliver a fatal bite she turned where she stood and simply sat on him.

Patches watched in confusion as she reached a forepaw beneath herself and tugged, but it was not until she half-stood again that he saw what was happening. She had lined Ragolph's muzzle up with her sex as she sat, and his brother's entire head had disappeared, pushed past the wet lips of her vulva.

Ragolph must think some toothless thing was swallowing him, for his limbs shivered as he recovered from the blow to his head. He thrashed at the ground as he tried to get his feet under him and pull out. With his head wrapped in wet flesh it had to seem to him that he was partway into a hungry gullet.

He was right about the hungry part, less so about the rest. The lioness let out a growl as she crouched once more, using Ragolph's weight to trap him against the ground as she pushed back against the bulk of his body. Patches' eyes went wide as his brother's long neck followed his head into the lioness's sex, the elastic lips stretching to ride up over Ragolph almost to the shoulders.

He had never seen anything like it. Nothing so large as a hyena's head should fit in there, a place made for a lion's penis or the appearance of a cub. As she stood, by all rights Ragolph's weight should pull him easily from the wet depths. There were no fangs to dig in and stop his slide, no swallowing muscles tugging him toward a waiting belly.

At least there should not have been. Patches watched with horrified fascination as the lips of the lioness's sex sucked inward, disappearing into herself and pulling another couple of inches of Ragolph out of sight. After a moment they reappeared, stretched down to enfold more hyena, and repeated the procedure. By the time his brother recovered enough to struggle with his full strength he was in the grotesque boneless maw to the middle joint of his forelegs and disappearing fast.

It was a struggle Patches could do nothing to influence. Every few seconds the lioness let out a yowl of pleasure and arched her back as her impossibly flexible sex consumed more of the hyena. Ragolph kicked and squirmed as he was devoured, but by the time he really began to struggle his jaws were held shut by the lioness's vulva and his forelegs trapped to his sides. The lips of her sex stretched thin and pink around him, yet there seemed no limit to their elasticity. The bulge that had begun to form in her abdomen grew by the moment as Ragolph was pulled in, until five minutes after her appearance it was heavy and lumpish and the hyena was to his haunches in her sex.

The awful huntress let out a long tail-lashing moan of pleasure as she stretched again, and Ragolph was no longer able to resist. Her sex flexed like the jaws of a feeding python as the hyena's hind legs were forced out straight, and ripples ran through her stretched bellyfur as something like birth-in-reverse sent Ragolph to his doom. In a long single slide his brother's legs were sucked in, first haunches, then ankles, and finally kicking hindpaws and tail vanished into her hungry sex and were consumed.

"But how," Patches whined, sure that whatever was past those lips was no place his brother wanted to be. Even before her snatch let out something too much like a belch he was sure that her womb was no safer a place to be than a lioness's stomach.

"Does it matter?", the lioness purred, and twitched her tail. Her sex gave a last pulsation and resumed its former shape. There was no sign of the elasticity that had let it distend around and devour an entire adult hyena, just wetness and a few tufts of brown fur pulled from her meal's pelt as he was swallowed. She gave her swollen abdomen a look as Ragolph squirmed, but beneath that taut pelt and strong muscle he couldn't muster much resistance. He was now just a great bulge in her belly, awaiting the doubtful mercies of the cat's strange womb.

"Mmm," she purred, and her eyes squinted nearly shut as Ragolph kicked again. "Your friend is a wiggly one. I wonder how long he will last."

Patches bent himself suddenly double and snapped at the vine. Ragolph was gone and he didn't want to be around when the lioness recovered from his brother's squirming. Bad enough one of them be digested tonight.

She was less distracted than she looked and a heavy paw slapped him into a spin before he could free himself. "None of that," she purred, and each time he spun past he saw her grinning. Forest, grin, forest, grin, and then forest, pink-interior-of-lioness-maw-studded-with-white-fangs.

"No," Patches whined as powerful jaws clamped shut around his head. The world continued to spin for a moment, what little of it he could see, and he thrust his forepaws down against her in a desperate effort to keep her from eating him.

One paw hit square against her shoulder, but it was not enough. Her tongue gave a strong push and the throat wrapped around his muzzle gripped down in a great contraction of swallowing muscles. He could only whimper as her gullet expanded upwards to engulf his cheeks and then his neck, the lioness casually lifting her muzzle to take in more of her second meal of the evening.

Dangling from his ankle he could offer even less resistance than his brother, and unlike his fellow hyena he knew where he was going. There was the tiny chance that being sucked into the lioness's pussy might not result in death, but he could smell the acid waiting for him at the end of this wet chute of throat. He squirmed in the lioness's jaws but like a fish in a kingfisher's beak he was destined to be swallowed headfirst and whole.

She tossed her muzzle upward, lifting him against the pull of gravity, and up to his shoulders as he was all she had to do was yawn. He slithered helplessly deeper, frozen in terror now with the knowledge that there was simply nothing he could do to stop her. The slick walls of her throat held his muzzle shut, his forelegs were long since trapped to his sides by her jaws, and gravity itself helped push him down her throat. With that one toss of her head she had his whole ribcage in her throat, and a ripple of her swallowing muscles pushed his face into her stomach. Struggling would only send him down her throat faster.

It was tight in here, more so than he expected. This he had seen happen before. He'd seen a male lion swallow a hyena, and he'd talked to one hyena who boasted of swallowing a lioness larger than himself. Not everyone could do it; he'd once tried to gulp down a human to dispose of the evidence of his village raid and gotten no further than the woman's shoulders. Much as he'd have liked to waddle away with a squirming meal in his belly, there was just no getting his jaws over that obstacle. He'd ended up dragging her off to share with his brother.

There was no real surprise that the lioness could swallow him, and soon he realized why her belly was so tight. Something else was occupying much of her body cavity, after all, squeezing the stomach to a fraction its usual size, and he didn't have to feel the twitch of still-active hyena beyond that fleshy wall to guess what it was. His brother, weak but still alive and still struggling for escape, was the reason it was so cramped in here.

Cramped and getting more so. She was more than twice his size, bigger than her two meals put together, but there was a limit to the space in her body cavity. Another gulp sent him to the haunches into her gullet and he felt the straining tightness of her pelt. Two hyenas was almost more than she could manage.

Unfortunately for him, only almost. Fangs scraped over his haunches as she stretched out her muzzle, her throat squeezed down hard, and with a last great gulp he was sliding down her throat. Fast as he arrived in her belly he slipped and slid along the mucus-covered walls, curling up in a ball next to his similarly confined brother. With a last scratch of sharp canine against his hindpaw it was over. She had stood up on her own hindpaws to take him in, and some of the vine followed him down her throat.

As the mucus stung his nose and exposed flesh, the first hints of digestion, he gave a last kick and settled down. Those minutes hanging nose-down had sent blood flooding to his head, and the trip down her throat had finished the job. He was too weary to fight. He got the vine between his teeth and tugged, but that was more out of instinct than anything else. He wouldn't be pulling himself back up her throat to freedom, though he felt the vine go taut as she sat back down.

In the gurgling heat of her guts he drifted into darkness. Now, at least, he knew why he never saw anyone come back out of those woods. Those that went in ended up where he was, and it was hard to tell a tale of a predator after you are its meal. Ragolph, inches away in the strange cat's womb, was similarly passive. Barring a miracle neither of them was going anywhere until they were good and digested.


A monumental belch bubbled up out of lioness's muzzle, disturbing the length of vine hanging to a ragged end. She shifted uneasily where she sat, trying to get her meals situated for best comfort and easiest digestion. She was still working on it when her sisters found her there.

"Well," said the smallest lioness as she entered the little clearing. "Don't we look full."

The middle lioness emerged from the undergrowth as well, though from a different direction. "Now, now, sister," she growled, "I think you have been greedy. Look at you!"

The largest lioness stretched once more, and a new belch emerged from her sex as some of the air swallowed with the first hyena was expelled. It was a moist sound, and if close enough one could smell the bile. Her womb was truly no safer a haven than her stomach. She could not bear young, this one, but there were advantages to her condition. More than one unsuspecting male had thrust in his muzzle to pleasure her and discovered that while easy to enter, her sex was most difficult indeed to leave if she were in the mood for a meal. The hyena's fur would not be the first pellet of indigestibles to be expelled from there.

"What of it," the largest growled, and her belly twitched as the second hyena wriggled. When she stood her gut dragged the ground, swollen with nearly her own weight in furry prey. Already her stomach and womb were working on these meals, and the faint struggle down inside her intensified for a moment as the hyenas put up a last doomed struggle. "There was prey, I caught it, I fed."

"For one thing, I set that snare," purred the smallest cat. "You might have saved one of them for the two of us."

"If you could pull prey into your sex the way I can, you would have done the same thing," growled the eldest and largest. "And that hyena you met so recently would not have gotten to walk away, would he? He would have filled your sex with more than his cock, just as this one has."

"But then you ate the second too," the smallest sister began.

"Sisters," growled the middle-sized lioness, ever the voice of reason. "Let us not argue. None of us are starved, and if our eldest was greedy, well, we have all been greedy one time or another. I could argue that our smallest sister should have shared her hyena with us rather than letting him go, and if I caught prey alone, I too would be tempted to gorge. Remember that lioness whose tail hung from my muzzle for a day? She would have fed the three of us had I shared."

"All right then," the smallest purred. "It is no large thing, is it? I have the best paws for it, so I will reset the trap, but mind you, it'd be nice if you shared next time."

She had been the one to find the little copse when they decided to leave their pride, and she the one to watch the band of humans that lived there. From the shadows she'd seen them set the snares, and though her paws weren't nearly as good as a man's hands she had learnt their ways. From those snares came the fear the local animals still had for this little patch of forest, even though the ones who had first set the snares had since discovered what it was to be inside a lioness or three. When the last of the humans had disappeared into a gullet (or other orifice, in the largest sister's case) the sisters had set their own traps. In the years since many an animal or man had entered the copse the lionesses owned, but few had left it.

With a last nod the middle and smallest lionesses turned and left the clearing, the latter after laboriously bending the sapling back down and replacing the vine. Half of the old one dangled from the largest sister's jaws, a bit of roughage to accompany the second hyena on his trip through the cat.

She shrugged and stretched out on her side, the largest lioness, and wrapped her paws around the double lump in her middle. She was just in time to enjoy a last few twitches. It had been a very good night for her. For the hyenas, not so much. That was all right. Helping trim the number of local predators was the sisters' self-appointed task. Lion, leopard, cheetah, hyena, wild dog and more, she had tasted them all on her burps.

Her sisters missed the company of males, and the smallest sister had even laid with a hyena recently and not eaten him afterward. The elasticity of her own sex meant she could not be satisfied so readily, unless perhaps she lay with an elephant. Fortunately, though no male's member was enough to sate her lust, the same could not be said if she sucked in his entire body.

Full and content, the largest sister lay thinking. She knew that two male lions had moved near the forest, and sooner or later they were bound to try to woo the sisters. More than one lion had discovered that her appetite was great enough that she'd fill her belly with even her own mass in cat, but she'd never tried eating anything nearly so large with her sex.

"Well," murmured the lioness as she settled down to sleep off her meals, "I'll have to change that."

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