Gods get bored

Story by MyNamesWASABI on SoFurry

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Gods get bored


-this chapter will have sex, so bear with me, there's just a lot of story going on.

-this is gonna be good :3


"Let's go to war with them ourselves" said Boros the bloody, on his throne of weapons and armor, some rusted and other shining new. Some humans refer to him as war, the red horseman. Last he walked the earth was during World War II. "Let's burn them to the ground!" cackled Canous the chaotic, on his throne of shadow, shifting from one shape to another, unable to decide what shape it wanted to be. He's completely violently insane, which happens when you get exiled to the center of the sun for a hundred years. That topic is actually more interesting than what's happening now. "Absolutely not, humanity is not yet ready for the end war" said Paelon the peaceful, on his throne of olive branches, woven together like a living wicker basket. That's the same speech he always gives. You'd think he would get tired of it at some point. Nothing new ever happens here, it's always the same thing. That thing being, what's going on in the third kingdom and why should we care

"We should make them shoes, you can't go to war without shoes" said Colder the cobbler, sitting upon his throne of leather and wood, stretched out so as to be relatively chair shaped. "All I'm hearing are ways to support this pointless war of theirs. The third kingdom threatens war upon themselves, surely there must be a way to stop it" said Gallion the god king, on his high throne of gold and platinum. "How about we take away all their food, then they won't have the supplies to wage war" said Salom the starving, on his throne of apples cores, peach pits, and banana peels, et cetera. His voice thin and croaking, and his stomach caved inward ridiculously, skin stretched so thin you could see his bones. Among many humans he is known as famine. And rightfully so, last he walked the earth was during the many year famine of the human's bible. "Let them wage their war. It means more work for me" said Crane the craftsman, on his throne of tools and parts of assorted machines. "I'm thinking locusts" ginned Penn the pestilent, on her throne of cockroaches and other assorted pests. They crawled over one another in a disgusting mass, forming a chair under her command. She is called pestilence, as you already know, the yellow horseman, spreader of infestation and disease. Last she was on earth was during the days of the black plague.

"Maybe we should go down there and force them to stop. Go before some world leaders and tell them to chill" I sighed, sitting on my throne that's more a pile of books than a chair, a few books open to random pages. "Chill? I do not understand, how will lowering their temperature solve anything?" Puzzled Paelon. I sighed in exasperation "it's an earth expression. It means for one to become calm" I said. "You know very well by now that we do not understand such human idioms" said Gallion. "Well maybe if you read some of the human's books, you would know these things." I countered, flipping through the pages of a novel by the human Mark Twain. "You know we don't read the human's primitive language" said Boros, cleaning under his fingernails with a bloodstained dagger. "Then you should learn. These humans are not primitive, they are inspired. These great philosophers, the likes of Plato and Socrates, not to mention the humans Einstein and Nikola Tesla, are more intelligent than half the gods in this room" I yelled, slamming shut my book and picking up another. One by the human named Stephen hawking. "Well maybe if you spent less time reading the humans books and more time doing your job, you-" "This topic of conversation is getting us nowhere, let's get back to the matter at hand" commanded Gallion, slamming his giant hand down on the arm of his chair.

"As we have yet to come to a decision, let us resume our deliberation on the morrow" sighed Gallion, dismissing us with a wave of his hand. We stood from our thrones and left the hall. I arrived back at my home shortly after. This is my favorite place aside from the library, this huge house. I carved it out of a massive weeping willow tree, and the inside is about 90% bookshelves. "Welcome home sir" smiled my housekeeper Mira, in her standard but very risqué uniform. You wouldn't think it, and most of the gods would argue, but we aren't all that different from the humans. We have emotions, we have some mental disorders, and some of us are downright dicks. We are much more open to new ideas, well, non human ideas anyways, and we don't discriminate against racial groups or others sexual orientation, again, as long as they aren't human. As you've noticed, most gods don't like humans. We don't get any of the big diseases, though we do come down with colds and the flu on rare occasion. Typically we are somewhat more intelligent, but that's more a condition of environment than a genetic difference. We are very powerful, and we don't age past adulthood, but aside all that, humans and us are pretty much the same. I mean hell, we're even capable of interbreeding. "Would you like anything? Ambrosia? Nectar? Perhaps some Manna?" She laughed. She knows very well that those things don't exist. Mythology gets many of our aspects right, but many others they get quite wrong. All the gods have a servant, it's mandatory, but all the other gods have a nymph or dryad, or even an harpy in the case of Boros. Mira is the only human allowed in the world of the gods. It's very much against the rules for humans to even know of the existence of this world, let alone to come here. The reason for this rule is to stop there from being any more demigods. If we aren't around humans there can be no demigods. Simple in theory, but tough in practice since some of us less psychotic gods walk the earth quite frequently. "Or perhaps you'd like something of a... Different nature" she grinned, swaying her hips enticingly. "Well maybe I do" I smiled. Mira is always like this, not that I'm complaining.

Humans do have one thing over us, their reproductive drive is far higher than ours, almost exponentially so. Whereas humans can reproduce continuously every nine months, us gods can produce a single godly child every hundred years. After that single birth, the goddess becomes barren until the cycle begins again. As such, we almost never war with eachother, as making up for the loss of lives is a long and tedious process. A loophole in the system being demigods, as human women do not have such a disadvantage. But, as creating demigods are one of the most illegal things you can possibly do here, it's not that big of a loophole. Though in times of great war we have been known to spawn them as troops, similar to the human's practice of drafting. The gestation period for gods is only about three days, strangely enough, and the coupling of human and god is the same amount of time, so demigods can be spawned in absolutely massive numbers if need be. "Well, do you like what you see?" Mira purred, having pulled down her top. Her breasts were small, barely A cup, a source of embarrassment for her. I think they're cute really. "Beautiful" I smiled. Back when I first met Mira, that was an interesting few days. An interesting few days indeed.

"Earth is full of wonders" I laughed, carrying a stack of books that I couldn't see over the top of. "Sure whatever bub" said some random mustached guy on the street. "Freakin tourists" he muttered as he passed by. Maybe I should keep my astonishment to myself. It seems every time I come to earth I discover something amazing! I suddenly crashed into something and fell over, spilling my pile of books all over the place. "Ow, watch it jackass" a woman grunted. "Oh god, I'm so sorry miss" I apologized, scrambling to get up off her. I put my hand down to support myself as I rolled off her. smack! "OWW, what the hell woman" I groaned, rubbing my face. "You pervert" she blushed, covering her breasts. What was she talking abo- oh son of a bitch... "Damn lady, it was an accident. Besides, it's not like there's anything to grab" I groaned. She gasped, tears in her eyes. "T-they're normal" she cried and ran off, streaming tears. "Augh" I groaned "I am such a jackass" I sighed. I need to fix this. I picked up my books and ran off to an alley, checking to make sure no one was watching. I opened up one of my books from the world of the gods. This particular tome is one we call a locator. It's got no words, just a bunch of various symbols that that accumulate natural energy. We use a lot of things like that to do all sorts of various things. "ereht em ekat namow eht dnif" I chanted. The bricks of the wall pulled themselves out of place, rearranging to form a portal of inky blackness. I stepped through, the world swirling and shifting before I was dropped off somewhere else, the brick portal rearranging itself back into a wall, the portal disappearing behind me.

That bastard! My breasts aren't small, they're normal. Im not some big breasted bimbo like the women on tv, I'm just fine. I arrived back at my one story rancher, my wide open lawn that I'd just cut the other day. It's beautiful. An angel statue in the lawn fountain, a swing on the porch, some guy sleeping on my lawn in a pile of books. Wait a second, what!? Is that the same guy? how did he get here before me? "Hey jackass! what're you doing on my lawn" I demanded, standing over him. Was he... You're kidding me. He was asleep with a book over his face. What is up with this guy and books? What could possibly be so important that he'd fall asleep reading it on my lawn. I picked up his book off his face and took a look at it. It was a bunch of weird symbols and- oh my god! The symbols jumped off the page directly into my brain. I understood everything! All the knowledge of the universe flowing into my brain. The way the universe began, what happens in a black hole and something about Stephen Hawking being wrong, the meaning of life itself! "Oh my god, what the hell are you doing!" Came a voice from somewhere far away. It was a whisper, slowly drifting in from nowhere and drifting off to the same place. The book was slapped away from me, and everything around me was blurry and out of focus, everything swirling in and out of my vision. "What... Thing... All..." I stammered. Thoughts coming to me slowly and with great trouble. "You should never have read that book. The human brain cannot comprehend the language of the gods. It was burning off your brain cells at an incredible rate." he said, slamming the book shut and burying it in his pile of tomes and volumes. "Language... Of the gods?" I asked, my senses coming back to me, thoughts flowing more easily. "Shit, I've said too much" he panicked, bolting away. "I came to apologize for what I said earlier" he called as he ran away, carrying his stack of books with him. That guy is freaking weird.

Ok, this is the defining moment. He snuck into an alley, and I've no doubt he's doing something suspicious. That book was like nothing I've ever seen before, and I'm determined to find out what's going on. "Emoh em ekat" he said. I snuck around the corner, and he was gone. The bricks in the wall were rearranging, closing up a hole that wasn't there before. I ran forward, and jumped through. I came through and crashed right into him. "What the hell" he groaned, laying on the ground under me. I sat up, and the entire world around me was glorious. There was a towering palace made of beautiful white marble, a wonderful looking library made of a beautiful white wood that I'd never seen before. This place was amazing! Suddenly I was surrounded by men with spears pointed right at me. "Well shit"

"How and why are you here, mortal?" Asked a giant man on a gold and silver looking throne. He was massive, he'd be at least fourteen feet tall standing, and he was thick enough to match it. His voice was deep and booming, the voice of a commander. "I followed the book dude" I shrugged. The giant man seemed perplexed, as if he wasn't sure what I was talking about. "Dude? I do not understand" he said, scratching his beard. Was he serious? "I believe It's an earth idiom. If I remember correctly, It's used to refer to a person, usually a male" said a man sitting on what looked like a chair woven from tree branches. The giant man had an "oooohhhh" moment. Were they really that dumb or did they just not know anything about earth? The guy with the books seemed to be pretty knowledgable about earth, so what was up with these guys? "For what purpose did you follow our librarian?" He asked, watching me with curious intent. "I read one of his books, and I decided I wanted to know more about... Wherever this is" I said. Really I had no idea why I was here, but that sounded the best. He frowned. "Not only has she seen our world, but she has read the language of the gods. She must be executed" he said, completely straight faced. "Wait what!?" "And the librarian must be executed as well, for bringing a human into our world." He said, seeming slightly sadder about that. The doors opened up to the hall, and he was led in in chains. He was completely wrapped up in them, head to toe, with large manacles covering his entire hands. These are the kind of precautions you take when the worlds strongest man just got caught on a murder spree. I know he's supposed to be a god, but still, this seemed excessive. "This is completely impractical. How am I supposed to read with my hands in chains" he sighed, wiggling his hands. Every person in the room facepalmed, apparently this was not unusual behavior for him. "Why did you give her one of our books to read?" Asked the giant guy, whose name is apparently Gallion. "I got bored, figured it'd be fun" he grinned. Wait a second, what was he talking about? Gallion sighed. "I assume that was what the humans refer to as sarcasm?" "Indeed" he said. Gallion sighed again. "Ok then. Why did you bring her here?" Gallion asked, resting his head in his hands. "Well" book guy grinned. "I fell in love with a human"

"You did what!?" I cried, staring at book guy. Gallion stood up in a rush, stepping forward to stand above book guy. He picked him up off the ground, his face red with rage. "UKUWOHLOKA, YOU KNOW VERY WELL THAT IS NOT A THING YOU SHOULD JOKE ABOUT" His voice boomed, quite literally shaking the foundation of the building. Book guy, who's name I can barely pronounce, cringed when he heard his name spoken. His voice grew dark and violent, and it seemed... Ancient. "You dare speak my name" his voice struck fear into me. A deep, primal, ancient fear. I don't know why, but I knew, this is the voice of death. "His true name shall not be spoken. We call him Riijel" Sighed a man all in black, sitting on what looked like a chair of moving shadow or something. Riijel calmed down and spoke again. "My name is a word of reverence and power. You have no right to speak it, and you will show me respect" he said in a voice every bit as commanding as Gallion's. "I am Gallion the god king! You will show ME respect" boomed Gallion, squeezing Riijel with tremendous force that he clearly didn't notice. "I am the pale rider, knower of all things and reaper of souls, AND YOU WILL SHOW ME RESPECT!!!" Riijel shouted, and pieces of rubble fell from the ceiling as his voice shook the building. Gallion hesitated, even going back a step in fear. Then Riijel spoke again, in a completely different tongue than before. "Edit na zu" he spoke, and Gallion vanished, blown back in a cloud of sand by an invisible force. "It's ancient Sumerian. It means 'go to the desert'" he said, falling back to the ground, chains and all. "While my body is bound and I cannot lift my spell books, words will always retain their power." He grinned. "The older the language, the more powerful it is" he smiled. "And Sumerian is the original written earth language" he smiled again.

"It has been decided, that while Gallion is in the desert, I shall be the one to bring judgement" The man named Paelon smile warmly. His smile was genuine, I was relieved to say. "As you know, our law states that any decision made by the sit-in cannot be reversed, unless full on war is declared." Paelon grinned. "And I do so feel for the plight of these two lovers-" "we're not actually lovers" I blushed. "Well, I wasn't lying" shrugged Riijel, who had been released from his chains. I went slackjawed. "As I was saying. I do so feel for them, that I have come to a decision. If the human, who's name I understand is Mira, promises not to divulge our secrets to any of the human world, and on the condition that she take up permanent residence here, she shall be allowed to stay with Riijel." He smiled, sitting uncomfortably in Gallions huge chair. "But be warned, should a demigod arise, there will be no choice but to put an end to you both" he warned, his face stern but regretful.

That's how we met, and that's how she came to live here. Every so often Gallion tries to get rid of her, but she's here to stay. "So, maybe you'd like to try something a little more... Sensual" Mira grinned, rubbing around her breast. She moaned, running her hand over her panties. "They... They aren't small... are they?" She blushed, referring to her breasts with a twinge of fear in her voice. "Of course not. They're perfect" I smiled. She was relieved. "Oh, my sweet prince. How I long for you" she winked seductively. Roleplaying is one of her favorite activities, and I'm not complaining. Not one single bit. "I'm so glad you could rescue me from that vile dragon" she groaned, rubbing herself through her panties, twitching in pleasure. "He would do such improper things to me" she mimicked disgust, and that feeling of being covered in dirt you just can't wash off. She does this well, so well in fact that I wouldn't have seen the difference if I didn't already know. "He would make me touch him in such filthy places. His large bestial member was covered in scales, with bumps all along the side. He would make me touch and stroke it like a lady should only do with her husband" she blushed. Her panties were soaked, and she brought strings of moisture with her whenever she took her hand away. "He would force me to stroke it. His member so long and rough, and such musk that assailed my delicate nose. He would groan and spurt such large drops of his filthy seed" She groaned, slipping her hand into her panties to bring herself even greater pleasure. I was painfully aware of an erection growing in my pants, straining the fabric, but I was too engrossed in her fantasy to do anything about it. "I was forced to lick it, to drag my tongue along it, and bring him pleasure" she shuddered. "Then I would be made to take him into my mouth. His vile seed staining my tongue and tasting of salt" she groaned, this time from disgust. She takes her act very seriously. "He placed his hand upon my head and pushed me down on him, his wretched member pushed down my throat while I gagged and coughed. He would not stop until my nose touched against his stomach and his filthy cock pushed itself deep into my belly." She moaned again, pulling her hand back out of her panties. It was dripping with wetness, which she promptly licked off in an erotic display, pulling her fingers out of her lips one at a time with an audible pop. "Then he would use my throat like a lady's special place, to pleasure himself. He would plunge his filthy member inside me over and over while I gasped and struggled for breath" she started fingering herself again. Her digits plunging into her soaked snatch over and over.

"Then he would push me down onto himself again, and let loose his disgusting seed straight into my belly. Then he'd pull back out of me and cover me in it, so many thick, salty streams of his gooey white manhood" she mimicked disgust. "Until my whole body was soaked and dripping and sticky. And then..." a tear rolled down her cheek. Crying on cue, another one of her many talents. "Then he'd mock me and call me a dirty little dragon slut" she cried "then he would taunt me and make me lick up any that spilled on the floor, like a filthy dog" she blushed and cast her glance downward. "Then he'd make me praise him. Oh thank you for covering me in all your tasty seed, glorious dragon" I just realized how perverted this fantasy really is. She moaned. "I had to run my hand all over me, to rub in his dirty seed, rub it all over my breasts and in my virgin little cunny" "Then he would rip off my filthy, sticky little panties, and push himself into me so roughly" her whole body shudder and quaked in spontaneous orgasm, dripping juices all over her skirt. When she calmed down, she continued her story and started masturbating again, but not before licking her hand clean again "He took me, took my tight little cunny. He broke my hymen and made me filthy" her fake tears flowed freely now. She really was good at this. "He forced himself on me over and over and over. Then he would push so far into me that the tip of his filthy cock hit my cervix" she had by now abandoned her panties, tossing them away. Her fingers circled around her clit. "And he filled my with his stinky seed, until my belly was tight and round and his seed poured out of me in rivers. Over months I grew big with his tiny little babies, until I popped them out in broods. And then he would do it again, take me with his fat dragon cock and make me bear his children. Make me pregnant over and over again until little dragon babies surrounded me, like a filthy little breeder" she moaned, plunging all four fingers into her sopping snatch. "And I had to feed them. They'd latch onto my swollen breasts and drink until they were full, and then another would lock it's jaws onto my tender nipples and drink my milk" she was groping her breast, flicking a finger over her rock hard nipple. She was beautiful, truly beautiful. Sure there are some rough edges, but that's why I love her, she's not afraid to admit she isn't perfect.

She moaned and got up from her seat, waltzing over to straddle me, opening my pants with a single deft movement. With my cock freed and her dripping with moisture, she plunged, taking me to the hilt all at once. "Oh my sweet prince, you feel wonderful. So much more pure than that wicked dragon. I want to bear your children. Make me a beautiful mother, I want to make so many little princes and princesses for you, like a good little lady" she moaned, spearing herself on me. For the record, I don't believe that's what women should be like, it's simply part of the fantasy. Her facade was expertly crafted, and so very arousing. I could feel myself spurting pre-seed, her pussy wringing and squeezing me so wonderfully. "You make me feel so beautiful, my prince" she wrapped her arms around me neck, pulling me into a kiss, her tongue darting in and out of my mouth. "But you are beautiful, my princess" I moaned, clutching and groping her breast with a hand. "Why thank you, your majesty" she moaned, gripping my hand closer to her breast. It was soft and supple, yet firm. Her nipples were hard as rocks, standing proud atop her small lumps of flesh.

"Oh yes! Yes my lovely prince, make me a mommy. I want to bear so many children for you!" she shouted in pleasure, my free hand rubbing her clit as she rode me. Obviously that was part of the fantasy. If we had real kids Gallion would have our heads on a spike. I was quickly approaching my limit, and from the way her walls were spasming, so was she. She rode me so roughly that I knew I was going to be feeling this in the morning, but for now, I didn't care. Moving up and down on me, base to tip, and every inch inbetween. She finally couldn't take it anymore, her whole body shaking and convulsing, crushing me in embrace to stop herself shaking. Her cunt fluttered involuntarily, before it clamped down and started milking me with all it's might. I let go, and I came. I felt my cock throb, before I unloaded jet after jet of sperm directly into her, so much of it that it began seeping out around the edges of her cunt. Eventually we both relaxed, practically falling off the couch onto the floor, me with my pants half on, and her leaking cum onto her skirt. "That was... So amazing" she panted. "Totally" I chuckled weakly. "You're better than a succubus" I elbowed her in the arm. "Shut up Riijel" she sighed, albeit with a chuckle. Then we both passed out.

"Uhm... Riijel?" Mira blushed, standing in front of me. I put my book down and picked up another one. "What's up?" I asked. "Well, it's just that... I-I... I'm... I'm having your baby!" She exclaimed, rubbing her bloated and swollen belly. My book hit the floor almost as fast as my jaw. "Gallion's gonna kick my ass"


-I'm sure some of you saw that coming, but I really hope you didn't, its much better that way.

-I may or may not continue this story, but at the moment I'm not sure I should, I don't feel like a sequel could stand up to this.

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The BlackJack pirates 4 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ -I have nothing to say, which is a...

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