We are one. Chapter 1, The new pride member.

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#1 of We are one

Hey guys. This is the start of a series of stories I am making called. "We are one". This first chapter is mainly setting the idea of the story so not much "Action" (sorry). I hope you guys enjoy this.

"You know the penalty for entering the Pridelands" Simba growled at Zira, He had already grown tired of chasing the hyena's out of his kingdom, he didn't want to have to start chasing outlanders and their cubs. "but the child does not" Zira yelled back in protest, trying to defend her cub, who had followed Simba's daughter into Simba's land. Thinking quickly, Zira tried putting Simba under pressure by saying "however, if you want your pound of flesh, here" pushing her cub towards the mighty king as an offering of her crimes. She was expecting him to simply tell her to get out and take the cub with her, she knew he wouldn't take the cub and kill him. He was to innocent. 'what is she thinking' Simba thought to himself 'is she actually offering her son to me, for me to have as my dinner'. The king gave Zira one last look of disgust, but then one of peace. "well if you insist" he said, picking up the brown furball by the scruff of his neck and turning to walk away. Zira stood in shock horror, he was taking her baby, the one cub that Scar had loved, the one who was his heir, and she had just given him away. "mummy" little Kovu cried as Simba held him in his jaws. "Simba please, not my child, please" Zira begged, bursting into tears, knowing that she couldn't get her cub back by force, there were to many lionesses around. Sarafina picked up Kiara who was also crying, thinking her dad was going to kill her new friend. Nala looked at Simba with surprise. 'he is not like this' she thought 'he wouldn't hurt the cub'. Simba gave her a small wink as he walked past her, she then realised the cub was going to be safe.. hopefully. Zira had nothing she could do, just beg. "please, Simba, kill me, let the cub live". Simba put Kovu down then held him to the ground with his paw. "I'm sorry Zira, but it's to late" he then picked up the child again and walked off. Zira sat there, the fur in her face started to clump together from her tears, her throat ached from her sadness. She just lost her little prince.

It had been a tiring walk from the edge of the kingdom back to Pride rock. Still half a kilometre away, Simba stopped. Nala turned to see what was wrong. He looked at her and gave her a dismissive look, indicating he wanted to be alone with the cub. Nala then smiled nervously and instructed the rest of the lioness to continue back to the pride. Simba place Kovu down on a rock and held him down with his paw. "If I take my paw off you, you are not to run away, cause I will catch you, and it will be with my teeth, ok" Simba explained in a stern voice. The little cub just whined with a nod. Simba then released his paw and laid down so he was at eye level with the cub who was sitting up on the rock. The cub looked down at the ground with tears running down his face. "Kovu" The king said in a powerful yet relaxed and kind voice, the cub looked up at him. "ye...yes" he stuttered out with more nerve than voice. "I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to talk". Hearing this, the cub stopped crying, but he still couldn't help but feel sad that his mum had just given him up. "you mean, your not going to eat me" Kovu questioned. Simba chuckled. "no, I don't kill lions who have done something wrong by accident. I know you didn't mean it". Kovu looked into Simba's eyes and tried to smile. "I was just following my new friend, She was really nice, she didn't growl at me for not training" Kovu said in a squeaky voice trying to explain himself. Simba frowned. "what do you mean training?" "My mum and my brother and sister always yell at me to train and get strong to make Scar proud" Simba realised who this cub was. "Do you know who I am" asked the king. "no. sorry" the cub said in embarrassment. "okay, that's ok. What were you training for?" The cub looked up at him again. "I was training to kill a lion mum hated. His name was Simba, but I don't want to kill anyone. I don't want to train either" Simba looked at the cub and moved in closer to give him a reassuring nudge. "well, my name" Simba said. "is Simba". Kovu looked at him in shock. "And I thank you for telling me this" the king said with a smile. "But don't you want to kill me" Kovu asked, thinking that Simba would be angry at his confession. "no Kovu, I know you don't want to kill me." "I don't want to kill you Simba, you seem" the cub had to stop for a moment and think. "your really nice" Simba chuckled again. "come on, lets get back to the pride and get some sleep" Kovu looked at him puzzled. Simba then explained quickly "I am allowing you to be part of my pride, but you must not go back to the outlands, if you do, you will be my enemy and then.. I will kill you" The cub ran up to him. "I will be part of your pride, I wont run away I swear" Simba smiled at him. "good".

The sun rose, Exposing the land to its golden rays, reflecting off the water of the lakes and ponds through the land. Kovu woke feeling an unfamiliar warmth on the back of his neck. He turned to see the huge face of the king, his warm breath against his face. Kovu had never been this close to another lion or lionesses. He had always slept alone on a tree stump. But know he was wrapped up in the fore legs of Simba. The golden fur mixing through his brown fur. Kovu then rested his head back down on Simba's paw. He like this new home. He felt something funny inside him. Something he had never felt before, it was the feeling of being cared for and loved. "pssst" Kovu looked up in wonder of the sound he just heard, he turned his heard and right in front of him, wrapped up in the fore legs of Nala, was his new friend, Kiara. "oh, hey" he whispered, trying not to wake the king. "hey Kovu" she said just a little to loud. Kovu turned to see Simba slowly wake. Simba then looked down at Kovu with a smile. "morning Kovu" he said and then moved his paws aside allowing the cub to stand and stretch. Nala also waking, allowed Kiara to stand and do the same, She wondered over to Kovu and gave him a lick on the chin. He smiled in embarrassment. Simba looked at Nala with a smile. "aaahh, gotta love cubs" he then walked over to his Queen and kissed her on the muzzle. "Nala, could you take the cubs down for a bath. I have some services to do with Sarafina" he said with a cheeky grin. Nala just laughed and looked at the cubs. "Kiara, take Kovu down to our little rock we lie on in the mornings" "yes mum" Kiara said and looked at Kovu. "come on, this way" Nala then got up, licked her mates cheek and walked out of the cave.

Simba looked over at Sarafina who was looking out towards the entrance of the cave. "nice day isn't it" a voice stated behind her, breathing warm air on the back of her neck. "yes it is, my King" "oh stop with that" Simba said playfully. "Just call me Simba" "ok then, Simba" she giggled at him as he mounted her. She loved that feeling, as all lionesses did, Of Simba's warm fur brushing against their backs as he mounted them, the feeling of his warm breath in their ears as he whispered naughty things. And the feeling of his huge member pushing into their tight little slits. Sarafina let of a little whine as he pushed himself all the way in. "god that feels good" Simba mrowled, "you like this Simba" she asked as she squeezed her hind muscles and closed around his cock. Simba made a high pitched squeak from the immense pleasure of the tight whole closing even tighter around his mass and trying to push him out. "I love the feeling of your cock Simba, Fuck me, fuck me like I'm a little teenlioness" she said, knowing this would turn Simba on even more. "you little cock slut you" he laughed. He started to buck at a very fast but steady pace. "By the end of this, you are going to feel my cum so far up you, you can taste it" Simba growled.

The two romped for a good 10 minutes, Simba pounding the lionesses as she bucked back. His roar could be heard for miles. The king had certainly service her. And the whole pride knew that Sarafina wouldn't be walking straight for another 2 days.

Kovus Nerves

Dawn had broken, The Hunting party had left over an hour ago, The only ones that were left in pride rock were Simba and his son in law Kovu. Even the kings three stooges, Timon, Pumba and Zazu were busy somewhere else in the pride lands. Stirring from...

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