Merry Christmas

Story by Kindar on SoFurry

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"Lets run the check list." Said the bear.

"Again?" answered his son.

"Yes, again Brian. We need to make sure everything's ready for them. Tables?" the bear reached up for a pile of table cloth."

"Adult eating table, a converted ping-pong table. Checked. Kid's eating tables. Every other surface we could find that would pass as a table. All checked. You know I think mom already knew, last year, she would be at her parents this year when she volunteered our house for the Christmas celebration." Brian happened to look up and his breath caught in his throat as his saw the fabric stretched tightly against his father's legs and rump.

"Could be. Plates, bowls glasses and cutlery?" he placed the pile of cloth on the counter.

Brian swallowed and did his best to act as if he hadn't seen anything. "All made of plastics, bought this morning. Checked"

"You don't seems al that enthusiastic about this. Food?"

Brian shrugged "what's there to be enthusiastic about? I'll be running around all the time, I doubt I'll have time to enjoy myself. The Chinese Food has been ordered, it's to be delivered thirty minutes before supper."

"Santa's Throne?"

"Grandma's old rocking chair. Checked. Who's doing Santa this year?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, last year it was uncle Bert."

"No it wasn't. Santa visits himself each year. You know that."

"Come on dad. I'm not a kid. I'm nineteen years old. You think I still believe in Santa?" His father gave him a blank look. "it's ok, I'll figure out who it is before the party's over. Oh, and we agreed, no one stays over afterward. We'll be exhausted enough by the party I don't want to have to deal with relatives in the morning either."

"I know we said . . ." but he was interrupted but the door bell. "they are early."

* * * * *

And so Christmas Eve started for Brian. He put on his best face as he answered the door for the first of many arrivals. It was only two in the afternoon and he was almost near exhaustion already. The previous day and all of the morning had been spent getting the place ready. What he wanted to do was take a nap, instead he found an unknown reserve of energy and set about greeting the visiting families putting coats away, fetching kids out of the basement (which had been previously locked to prevent them from getting down there, go figure) and generally entertaining those who needed it.

Near supper time others started to offer help with various tasks, which left Brian and his father to receive the food, and set it on the table. The old clock rang the ninth bell as everyone started digging in.

The food was great. Brian pretty much inhaled it, realizing only at that point that he hadn't eaten anything since noon. The kids behaved themselves while eating, well mostly. But Brian was spared having to deal with that due to an observant mother.

After supper the children were gathered around the one big expense his father indulged in for the party. He rented a giant screen television and a game consol with enough games to keep any kid happy. Even some of the adults spent time playing them. The others spoke among themselves, catching up to the last year's events each had gone through. Brian himself was engrossed in a racing game he was playing against his cousins, he had already accounted for everyone at the party, in his search for who would be Santa. The few family members who hadn't been able to make the party were visiting their spouse's family. Brian had checked.

He was still wrapped in the game when he, and the other kids, heard a loud "HO HO HO" Immediately everyone, even the adults, turned. There, in front of the fireplace stood, Santa, in all his jolly glory, holding his bag of gifts. And within an instant he was surrounded by the kids.

Brian was amazed at his father's cleverness. The TV had been placed so that those watching it wouldn't be able to see the fireplace. Santa must have come in when all the kids where all focused on the TV, and the adults played along with the surprise.

The Kids escorted Santa to his throne, clamoring for his attention all the while. He smiled and them and acknowledged each one by name, to their immense delight, which reinforced Brian's belief that Santa was one of the family. He acted the mediator, making sure Santa had room to breath. And studying him at the same time. The costume was perfect, He could make out that he was a bear, but not who he might be, even his scent was cleverly camouflaged under the scent of candy cane, cookie and clean snow.

Sitting in his throne Santa invited every child to sit on his lap, and he talked with them for a bit. No gifts were given just then, Santa just asked them what they wanted, if they had been nice, all the things Santa was known to ask.

Even Brian sat on his lap. When Santa asked him if he'd been nice he told him that of course he had, but his ears turned red as he avoided looking at his father. Once all the kids had talked with Santa he moved to the adults, although they didn't sit on his lap.

After that Santa moved to the giving of the presents. The Kids jumped around even more, making his work more difficult, but he smiled and proceeded. Each child received his presents, some from under the tree and some from Santa's bag. Brian was amazed to receive the MP3 player he hadn't dared ask for.

Brian was impressed with his father. It looked like even the parents weren't in on it this year. Some of them were amazed at receiving a present from Santa's bag. but he was really amazed at his father's acting, he acted as surprised as the others when Santa handed him a package.

After that Santa talked with a few of the adults while the children played with their presents, and at some point, he must have left, but no one remembered exactly when. After that the party slowly wound down as families left, until there was only Brian and his father. They both looked at the mess and shrugged, heading to bed instead.

* * * * *

Brian opened his eyes and looked at the clock on the night stand. It showed four in the morning. He shook his head, he'd only slept one hour, and now he was wide awake. He tried to go back to sleep, but he still had too much nervous energy, so he decided to go get a drink. Some hot milk should help him get to sleep.

On his way back from the kitchen he walked by his parents' bedroom and heard voices.

"I can't believe you pulled it off, I mean the kids were blown away when they noticed you there. Hell even I didn't notice you come in." That was his father's voice.

"As I said in the email, I have experience at this. I'm just happy you got the TV as a distraction." The voice belonged to Santa.

Brian smiled; he'd get a chance to find out who Santa was. He moved closer to the door, it was cracked open a little.

"it was a real stroke of luck to meet online like we did."

"yes it was, now shut up and let me suck your cock."

Brian held back a gasp. And peeked in. all he could see was a bit of the bed so he pushed the door opened a little more until he was able to see what was happening.

What he saw made his heart skip a beat. There was his father, sitting on the edge of the bed. Turned partially away from him so all he could see was his back and right leg, as well as a head bobbing up and down between his legs. He knew that his parent's relationship was far from monogamous, but he had never expected something like this.

Brian's muzzle hung opened as he stared, mesmerized, and while his father couldn't see him the other bear did, and winked at him, making him gasp in surprise.

"I think we've attracted someone's attention" he said, motioning Brian closer.

Brian couldn't seem to stop himself, by the time his father looked in his direction he was next to the bed. He just stood there, frozen in the spot, at the sight of his father naked.

"What are you doing here?" Said his father, glancing down at the bulge in his son's PJs. "Go back to your room"

"Cut him some slack. You can see we're not traumatizing him." Brian looked down at himself. "Come here." He told Brian, standing up

Again Brian couldn't stop himself and he was standing in front of the bear, between his father's legs, who was still laying on the bed. He shivered as the bear ran a paw down his chest and then lower, making Brian gasp as he groped him through the fabric.

Brian couldn't help but reciprocate, making the bear smile as he caressed him back. As if in a dream Brian nuzzled the bear's chest and then nibbled on a nipple.

The bear gasped and scratched Brian's head, pushing it back a little. He looked at his father "Will you be joining us? Or are you just going to lie there?"

"Are you crazy? He's my son."

The bear when down on his knee and pulled Brian's pants down. "Oh yeah, he's definitively your son." He said, taking a whiff of his groin. He stood and placed a paw on Brian's groin and massaged it lightly, which made him groan in pleasure.

Brian opened his eyes, looking down, expecting to see the bears face, but instead gazed at his groin, which was sporting a short and hard cock.

"I know it isn't much to talk about, but it's yours to play with"

He placed a tentative paw on the bear's shaft, fascinated by its short length. He sat on the bed and started stroking it, making the bear moan encouragements. With his other paw he massaged the bear's ballsac, enjoying the feel of the short fur there.

He bent down to sniff it as he felt an hesitating paw caress his back. He looked over his shoulder as his father sat up and moved closer to the edge of the bed. Brian shivered in delight as his felt his father cock press against his tail.

He went back to the bear's shaft while his father gained more confidence and his paw roamed over more of his son's back. He let out of sighs of pleasure as he explored the softness of Brian's fur, finally acknowledging a secret yearning to know his son more intimately.

The bear's groin has a musky, but also sweet, scent, enticed he moved his muzzle closer and licked the precum forming at the tip of the cock. Brian was slightly disappointed that it taste only salty, like is own, somehow he had expected it to be sweet also. But it didn't prevent him from wanting more of it and he suckled the head of the shaft, slowly sucking more of it into his muzzle, until it was all in.

The bear didn't moved so Brian had had to bend forward to take it all, which made him lift off the bed slightly, something his father too advantage, and slipped a paw under, caressing Brian's ass, and then with a daring that surprised him moved it under his tail to rub his hole.

Brian let the cock slip out of his muzzle in surprise and delight at the sensation "Oh dad." He said softly, and then took the cock back in, moving his ass a little more.

His father moved forward wrapping his arms around his son, and pressed his cock in Brian's crack. Quickly he was rubbing his cock between his son's cheeks, making them both moan in enjoyment.

Brian was in heaven. For a long time he had dreamed of something like that, but hadn't had the courage to do anything about it, and now there he was. He was still lost in the sensations his father's hug generated when the bear exploded in his muzzle. The surprised almost made him choke, instead he swallowed most of it before he could get a good taste.

And then his father's cock found his hole and made its way in. Brian held on to the bear as the sensations made his body shake, he let go of the shaft to pant as more of his father entered him. Without giving him time for the sensations to subside the bear went on his knees, his cock still dripping, and took Brian's cock in his muzzle.

Brian let go a chain of obscenity that he didn't realize he even knew. He had no choice but to hang on for his sanity. From the back his father was now slowly thrusting in his eager hole while the bear sucked him expertly. Brian growled and whined his mind no longer capable of coherent thought, all he was now was a receptacle for pleasure.

He had no idea how long it lasted, but too soon it became too much for him and an orgasm like he had never felt took over him. His growl was loud enough that it probably woke the neighbors, and then it ebbed away. His strength leaving him he leaned back, impaling himself deeper on his father's cock, making them both groan as they fell back on the bed.

His father now started fucking him with abandon, each thrust making Brian moan and gasp. Every time his father was deep inside him he felt like he was hitting another orgasm. When his father finally thrust for the last time and exploded in him Brian came a second time, and harder than the first.

The bear licked the cum off, while they were both panting, and then snuggled with them, sandwiching Brian between them to sleep

* * * * *

Later Brian woke to someone moving next to him. "I hope you both enjoyed your Christmas gift this year," Said a voice. He opened his eyes, his vision still blurry with sleep and at the foot of the bed stood the bear, but he seemed to have a white bear again, and his girth looked to be slightly larger, more like the Santa his had played during the party.

"Have a merry Christmas" said the bear as Brian closed his eyes and yawned, and when he opened them, the bear wasn't there anymore.

Merry Christmas


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