Poker Night 2

Story by wolfbane on SoFurry

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#2 of Poker Night

Poker night is just heating up

Poker Night 2

"Well, it's getting late, I think we should only play a few more hands and then call it a night." Seth announced. It may have been Will's house but for the past hour he was calling all the shots. Laying across Seth's lap was the poor guy's worst loss of the night, his donkey cock and balls. The four of them had never played poker for body parts before, but when they tricked Seth into losing a hand and stripping down to his fur, the game lost all restraint.

Seth had been humiliated by the simple act of stripping, but when Will had made a comment about his foxhood he had crossed a boundary from which there was no returning. His nuts were the first to join Seth's new collection and he wasn't planning on giving them back any time soon. Maybe he would hang the donkey in his living room as a trophy. Or, if Will decided to call him a girly fox one more time, the bits just might see the inside of a freezer.

"Not until I win my dick back." Will slurred. He might have been drunk but he still had enough wits about him to realize that his pride was gone.

"How do you plan to do that? You're out of cash and chips." Seth pointed out, slowly manipulating the situation. His own cock had been hard for some time, but luckily the table had been shielding it from his friend's view. In order to fuel the donkey's embarrassment, he rubbed the detached package up against his own making sure the balls touched. Will's eyes widened, the cloud of inebriation dissipating as he realized what Seth was doing.

"Mikey, you've got to win it back for me!" Will begged. The action was on the horse, who had remained quiet throughout the entire hand. Mikey picked up his cards for the third time, an indication that his hand wasn't as strong as he would like it to be. If he lost this hand, he wouldn't have nearly enough to regain this chips before the end of the night. Mikey had never felt the pressure of being on tilt before, his mind raced and told him that now was the moment he had to make his move.

"I'm all in, and I bet my own cock." Unfortunately, like most people on tilt, his brain was making poor decisions and not paying attention to the cards. He had been one of the only guys at the table that hadn't stripped out of his baggy pants. Seth had always silently cursed those pants, he didn't know how Mikey always managed to hide any trace of his cock in them. Even now as the horse stood up, Seth couldn't make out any trace or bulge. He imagined that the horse must have kept it tied to his leg or something.

Everyone stared, waiting for Mikey to strip. He hesitated before unbuckling his belt. The room had gone silent in anticipation. Of the four of them, Mikey's was bound to be the biggest, genetically. As his pants slipped off and fell to the floor there was a collective gasp. His crotch was completely bare, no cock in sight. Seth had planned out every single move of this hand but he hadn't accounted for the horse to be null. No, he couldn't be null, he had bet it after all. It started to make sense, he must always keep it detached because it would get in the way otherwise. But everyone knows how risky it is, all those stories of people who couldn't find theirs or had them stolen, too many bad things can happen if you keep it detached all the time.

"Where is it?" Ben asked. Seth had nearly forgotten the badger was there, he had been so quiet throughout the night since he helped Will lose his parts by swapping the hand. Mikey closed his eyes and reached around to his back side. Wrapping his hands around his tail, he slowly tugged down. The tail at first appeared to be growing longer. No hair covered the base, which appeared to be darkened skin. Mikey moaned as he continued to pull, the rest of them slowly coming to the realization of what was happening. Seth's eyes followed the tail all the way up to the base, which appeared to be quite a few inches lower than where his tail should have been.

He pulled the tail down another couple of inches, moving his hands along the new skin that was appearing. The object slid faster away from his tailhole, the inches of his horse cock becoming apparent as they were pulled out of him. Finally, with a small tug, his flared tip popped past the opening. Both his tail and dick were carefully displayed for all to see.

"You turned your tail into a butt plug?" Ben asked incredulously. Seth had never heard of anyone doing that before, but now it made perfect sense as to how he had been hiding such a grandiose thing.

"I call!" Seth announced quickly before Mikey could change his mind. He slammed the donkey cock down hard on the table, causing Will to nearly fall out of his chair. With one hand holding the hefty package, Mikey flipped over his cards and revealed two pair. Just as Seth had thought, the horse hadn't even noticed that four of the cards in the center were all the same suit and he just happened to be holding the ace.

"Flush. Pay up!" Both Will and Mikey let out a collective sigh. Seth couldn't care less about the chips on the table, he was too enamored by the thought of getting his hands on that massive piece of equipment. Seth grabbed the tail, making sure not to touch the wet cock.

"Where are your nuts? When you bet, it was for the whole thing." He was happy to have the major piece, but it would be that much sweeter if he controlled Mikey's orbs as well.

"They are there, hidden in the tail hair." Mikey said dejectedly. Seth pushed a bit of the tail hair away, causing the horse to blush as his smaller balls were seen for the first time. Compared to the dick, these things were like raisins. They were so small that Seth could wrap a hand around both of them at the same time. He may have had the largest package in the room, but those nuts could never produce as much as the foxes.

"Thank you guys! I think we can call it a night." Seth was about to make his way for the door when a small voice stopped him.

"One more hand. Just us." Ben kept his eyes locked on the two detached cocks as he said it. Seth suddenly didn't feel so sure of himself. Anything could happen in one hand, it's much more difficult to control the outcome when you have to rely on just two cards. Plus it didn't help that the rest of them had been cheating throughout the evening, but he couldn't turn away now. All he would have to do is make it through one more hand and he could walk out the door the proud owner of his friends junk.

"Hmm, okay, one more hand. But let me go wash this thing up first. And I want to see you shuffle, so don't get any funny ideas while I'm gone." Seth held the donkey in one hand and the horse in the other as he made his way to the bathroom. Mikey didn't even try to stop him, it almost seemed as though his mind had shut down since he lost the hand. He knew he couldn't do much to the guys now, not if he wanted to make it out of here without getting pummeled. He ran the bath and waited for it to warm up. Mikey's cock had softened significantly at this point, but even shrunken down and flaccid he was still just as long as the donkey's erection.

He lathered up some soap and spread it across Mikey's member, scrubbing all of the juices away, who knew how long it had been up there. The cock tip flared with every touch, quickly growing back to full size. He could only imagine what Mikey was going through back in the other room. As he was finishing up the bath, a small amount of pre leaked down the side. Seth shook his head, the horse must have been enjoying the warmth of the water and the touch of his paw pads. Then it started to shrink again and soften back up, twitching significantly as he rubbed.

"No way, did he just cum?" There was no way that small amount of what looked to be pre could have been an orgasm. Seth shifted the tail hair and sure enough it looked as though the balls had been pulled up even tighter. He gave them a small flick and laughed as the cock twitched once more. Just one more hand and it would be all his.

Poker Night 3

Poker Night 3 Seth made his way back to the living room, surveying the group waiting for him there. This poker night had been one of the longest. The stakes had never been higher, after Will had unwittingly lost his penis in a bad beat hand the...

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Poker Night

Poker Night Poker night with the guys was always an experience, and usually one that was tainted by alcohol and egos. The night had only just begun and it already seemed as though a few of Seth's friends couldn't maintain themselves. He heard the...

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