[COMMISSION FOR Kamaria] Fighting A Losing Battle

Story by RamsusXIII on SoFurry

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#6 of Commission Stories


Contains: Giant Female, Giant Male, Human-Mouse Mix, Umbreon Pokemorph, Growth...Lots And Lots Of Growth, Violence, Destruction, Fighting, Teasing

A commission from Kamaria which sadly, took me forever to do with life and school just wearing down on me and ruining my will to write, but it's done! Yay! And I'm quite content despite not being the biggest fan of just constant growing.

What we have here is Kamaria's mouse girl, Brie (though her name is never said in the story) breaking free from an experimental facility with her newly found powers to grow. Feeling unstoppable, she declares a hostile takeover of the planet, but there is a particular umbreon in her way and she slowly learns that she bit off way more than she can chew.

Hope you enjoy!

Moonlight belongs to me

Brie belongs to Kamaria

"She's loose! She's loose! Experiment 472 is loose!"

"What?! That is impossible! All lab staff must get to safety! Medical teams standby! Get the Detainment Squad over here! 472 is NOT to leave this sector, do you hear me?!"

The alarms blared throughout the massive, underground science complex; the laboratories within all thrown into complete chaos. It was a hurricane of madness as scientists and other staff were running for their lives while armed squads were taking their positions. Violent tremors shook through the complex, ceilings crumbling away as the foundations were being broken apart. A trail of destruction led from lab where experiment 472 was located. Broken glass and destroyed equipment were strewn all about the large room that made for a graveyard for the crushed and torn bodies that died by the escaping experiment's hands.

"No!" One scientist cried out as a wall was broken through in front of his crowd. A barricade of flesh slammed down in front of their path: a massive human foot stained with the blood and crushed remains of those that ended up under it.

"I-it's 472!" Another one cried.

The crowd's gaze slowly glanced upward from those twitching toes, up along the long, slender legs that lead to a white cloth that served as the giantess's underwear. Its thin, pink tail swayed back and forth behind her as they continued to stare, up along the flat stomach to a tied white cloth to cover the mouse-girl's breasts, all the way up to a devilish grin, dark piercing eyes and white mouse ears resting on a bed of long dark hair.

Experiment 472: A successful result of secret project of a privately funded organization that specialized in creating living beings beyond that of the average human or fur: Super beings; powerful, controlled creatures that this organization planned on manipulating for their own uses. 472 was a product of gene-splicing, combining a mouse with that of a young human; a simple test to see if they could cross species and their traits instead of simply amplifying one's complete physical and mental potential. They succeeded in creating a half mouse, half human girl with no deaths or any physical complications; but the resulting change far exceeded their expectations.

"She's even bigger than before!"

"You mean she's growing in size? How is that possible?!"

"Why isn't security here yet?!"

"Forget it! Just run the other way!"

A smirk appeared on the face of the giant mouse woman, moving with such surprising swiftness as she swung her foot forward, toes smashing through the crowd of fleeing scientists with the force of a speeding vehicle and knocking them about. She continued forward with her step, bringing her foot down upon one of the scientists with a solid - crunch -, crushing another underneath her soft, heavy sole.

"No! Steve!" One of the fallen scientists yelled out, reaching toward the mousegirl's foot.

She twisted her foot sharply, eliciting a sharp crunch and sickening squish from underneath, "Now that's a good sound...don't you think?" asked the giantess, her voice echoing off the surfaces of the walls, floor and ceiling, "It sounds as good as it feels too..."

The scientist looked up from his position, clenching his fists, "You monster, we should have put you down the moment you went out of contr----arrrrgh!" His words cut off as she bent down and pressed her index finger down upon his outstretched arm with a loud -snap-!

"Don't blame me, this is all your fault; each and every single one of you. But don't worry; I'll make up for the four hundred and seventy one innocents that came before me. I'll show your success to the world." She said.

The scientist gulped, looking up at her with wide, fear filled eyes, "Wh-what are you talking about?" He asked with a gulp.

Right at that moment, a team of heavily armed security rounded the corner; seven of them, rifles drawn and pointed right at the mousedemi.

"That's enough E-472! Surrender now or we'll shoot, and believe me, we won't hesitate to fire!" The leader of the team threatened with a tense finger resting on the trigger.

"Oh good, a bigger audience..." She snaked her fingers around the scientist and lifted him up from the floor and stood up to her full height, turning her gaze to the security forces, "I want you all to see the fruits of your labor..."

Soon the entire area began to rumble as the giantess drew in a deep breath and gasped, her eyes widening and her body trembling. Right before their eyes, she started to swell larger in size, growing larger right where she stood.

"Why are you goons just standing there?! What do we pay you for?! Fire! FIRE!" The scientist screamed at the guards, struggling against an ever tightening grip.

The goons readied their weapons, but 472 was one step ahead of them. She had lunged forward, throwing her ever growing mass at them. She landed on top of them, pinning them flat under her torso and expanding bust. She heard a snap here and there, indicating she might have broken a few bones. The rest was just frantic struggling against her smooth flesh.

"I don't think so," She said with a giggle, looking to the scientist she held in her hand, or what was left of him. She had accidentally smashed him against the floor, his body crushed deep into a hand print. "Oh that's too bad, I really wanted you to see this..."

Without further interruption, she continued to grow, her body swelling steadily like a balloon being filled with air; rising and stretching and expanding, growing until she burst through the walls and ceiling of the facility, getting bigger still; the building exploding outwards, arms stretched and raised in victory as if she just broke out of jail and celebrating her new found freedom.

She arrived to a chorus of screams, which served to please her. They SHOULD be afraid after all; she planned on showing the world what she was made of. She placed her hands on her hips as she stepped out of the debris of the facility onto the streets, "Today is your lucky day, tinies, I'm going to be your new ruler starting today, and it'll be the fault of no one but your own kind. Now then I want you all to...uh...umm...huh?" Something was off...

The people were fleeing, but not from her. They were staring up in awe and fear, but they weren't looking at her, but past her. She noticed it then, she was covered in a shadow. She flicked her tail once, brushing it up against something warm, fuzzy, powerful yet sleek. She swallowed hard and slowly turned around, finding herself face to crotch with a pair of shorts hiding a firm bulge. She bit down on her lower lip and slowly craned her neck backwards, staring at a patch of glowing yellow fur in the shape of a ring amongst mostly black fur; the torso of another macro. She looked further up, her eyes meeting a pair of bright red ones, and a grinning face; lips pulled back along the shape of that short muzzle to reveal a set of sharp white teeth.

She was staring up at the infamous giant Umbreon; Moonlight, twice her 150ft size, who stood over her with his hands on her hips, observing her curiously.

"Oh...you're pretty big," the giantess choked out.

"How observant of you, now how about that little speech you were making? You didn't quite finish," said Moonlight, watching her with amusement.

This was all certainly happening so fast; while she was certainly getting used to, and enjoying, her newfound power; she never expected there would be anyone bigger.

She tightened her fists and looked up at the bigger giant, still trembling with energy. It was simple; she just needed to be bigger than anything bigger than her. "I'm taking over the world as revenge!"

"I think you're a bit too small for that," Moonlight replied.

Those words were all she needed to hear, that willingness to grow building up within her once again, causing her to swell larger in size, rising up in height, quickly reaching the Umbreon's own height and still continuing to grow, and with her size, came more confidence. "How about now?" She taunted, turning the tables as she rose to 400ft and continued to climb, bending over forward at the hips to loom over the Umbreon, whipping her tail back and forth, dragging it through buildings without so much as a care. She swelled larger and larger, heavy feet and wiggling toes digging into the ground; hips swelling wider, legs extending longer, those shreds of clothing tearing right off of her.

She topped off at a whopping 1000ft, shrouding the knee high Umbreon in her shadow. She lifted her foot slightly and poked her big toe against his chest, causing him to stumble back slightly, "So...too small you say?"

Moonlight brushed lightly at the fur on his chest and just smirked up at the mouse girl. It never fails, some new macro comes along and they thing they're such a hot shot. "You have a lot to learn, missy." He gave her toe a light prod and smiled, his rings starting to surge brightly and his body began to rumble. He too began to grow, swelling up in size and height, a far quicker pace than the mouse girl did.

The giantess' expression quickly shifted from a proud, cocky look to one of fear and horror. She never once expected he could grow as well, and much faster than she could. As Moonlight surged up past 700ft, she began to panic. She clenched her fists and dug her toes deep into the streets, calves and thighs flexing as she squat to lunge forward to tackle Moonlight to the ground with a furious quake.

The streets shook violently and nearby buildings buckled from the magnitude, crumbling into piles of debris from the sheer impact of the two giants hitting the ground. The mouse girl tried to keep Moon pinned down with her body, laying down upon his slightly smaller body and pinning his arms down in a failing attempt to halt his growth, but he continued expanding underneath her.

Realizing he didn't need anything more than his superior physical ability, he planted his feet firmly into the ruined streets and lifted his body with her right on top of him. He pushed off with his paws, pushing the mouse girl up and off of him and bringing a leg up to follow through with the momentum, effectively flipping her off of him. With a loud gasp she found herself flung off of her target, tossed through the air and crashing down upon an apartment complex, sprawled out into the parking lot.

She groaned and slowly rolled over onto her front, using her tail to wipe off the debris, crushed bodies, furniture and vehicles off of her back and rear. She slowly rose to her feet and spotted a same size Umbreon not too far from her, grinning.

"Not so tough now, are you?" He taunted, catching the human-mouse hybrid's ire.

She charged forward with both arms outstretched, Moonlight meeting her half way, locking up both hands in a test of strength. But what the girl didn't account for; was that Moonlight was still growing at a rather steady and rapid pace!

Moon gave her a playful push back, mainly toying with her, but she charged right back in, trying to tackle him down once more. He caught her hands while bringing his knee up into her gut, pushing her down onto her rear afterwards. She fell back with a grunt and clutched her stomach, looking up at the Umbreon from her fallen position.

"Look, I admire your ambition, so I'll tell you what. Go away, go somewhere nice and far and get your own little town to terrorize. The world is a pretty big place and I don't think you can handle the entire planet, pick a city, or a state. Hell if you're feeling gutsy, try a small country, but the whole world? Keep dreaming kid," Moonlight said with a grin, hands on his hips as he was simply enjoying his growth now at 1500ft and climbing.

Desperate and humiliated, she rose up and charged forward again, only to get an Umbreon handpaw pressed against her face, shoving her down onto her back.

"I'm giving you a chance here; I highly suggest you take it. If you run now, I won't chase you, but if you keep on trying to challenge me, I can't be responsible for what happens," He said calmly, making it clear that was his last warning.

Angered and humiliated, she wasn't about to heed his words. She had some strength left in her; she was just waiting for the right moment. She bolted up to her feet and rushed forward the Umbreon in another attempt to take him down. Moonlight surged up in a burst of growth at the last second, going from 1550ft to 2000ft in an instant, the poor girl getting a face full of clothed umbry groin as her fingers gripped at the fur on his thighs. She felt something thick and warm throbbing against her face while an intense scent of his sexual musk flowed into her nostrils; he was enjoying every moment of this on a whole 'nother scale.

"Please, not on the first date," He quipped, thrusting his pelvis forward to send her stumbling backwards. As much fun as he had toying with her, he couldn't contain himself, becoming more excited as the seconds passed. He couldn't slow his growth down any longer, swelling up quickly from 2000ft to 3000ft. The mouse girl began to cower, throwing her hands up in protection as she backed away from him, but Moon approached, taking a few steps forward and swinging his foot towards her, slamming his thick, powerful toes into her with a light kick; sending her tumbling over and threw a few buildings until she came to a stop on her back on top of a busy intersection.

Car alarms, honking horns and the sounds of screaming civilians filled her large ears as a large shadow was cast over that entire section, an Umbreon looming over with the sun shining behind him, now a whopping 10000ft tall looking like some sort of god. He bent down in front of the giant mouse woman with a grin, whipping his tail back and forth behind him, kicking up high force winds that blew away anyone and anything behind him.

"Still eager to wrestle?" He teased, holding up two fingers and pointing them towards her as she raised her hands up in protest. He pressed his fingers down against her hands, pinning them down effortlessly on the ground near her head, "One. Two. Three." He counted, "Looks like I win." He lifted his fingers and held an open palm over her, "And you lose." He slammed his hand down on top of her, pinning her underneath it.

The mouse girl squirmed and struggled wildly underneath his hand, punching and kicking wildly at his palm. She couldn't believe this was happening, from the experiments to her big escape, realizing her power and now to this. The moment things started to go right, they instantly went wrong. She should have taken his advice and ran, but she didn't want to, she couldn't. She had this power and had to make something of it! Her eyes started to glow a bright yellow and as did her body, which started to shake and spasm wildly.

Moonlight splayed an ear and lifted his hand, eyeing her closely, "Well now, what do we have here...? Whoa!"

Before he could react, her body suddenly blew up in size, instantly doubling his own in a rapid burst. The sudden growth spurt sent him flying backwards as she continued swelling larger and larger in strong, consistent massive spurts. She just grew and grew and grew, her expanding body demolishing and crushing anything in the path of her ever expanding body, walls of pinkish flesh just stretching outwards and upwards.

She continued to expand until she couldn't any longer, even while lying down on her back, she could see past the spheres into the starry openness of space. She felt her energy peter out, signaling to her that she had finally hit her limit, she could grow no further. "Oh..." She muttered, slowly sitting up and glancing down at the ground around her. Now that she was an incredible 1000 miles tall, what was once easily visible signs of civilization of people, structures and life was now nothing more than a carpet of greens, grays and browns.

She extended an index finger and poked it into the ground below her, unaware that to those below who were still alive and well, saw nothing but a flesh colored ridged sky descend down upon them snuffing them out and flattening the radius of dozens of miles into nothing more than a fingerprint. She dragged her finger about the surface, forming deep fissures and canyons through once what were lively civilizations. The thought of what her actions might be causing tickled her, and brought to mind the whereabouts of her supposedly former enemy.

She rose up onto her feet, amused by the idea that she blocked out the sun by those all before her. She wondered if he could see her, or was he already dead? Killed by her growth? Or already crushed by her simple movements? "Thought you were so tough huh?" She giggled darkly to herself, slowly lifting her foot and hovering over some untouched land, small chunks of the earth falling off the sole of her feet and raining down on those below. "Or maybe you were lucky enough to escape? Perhaps...are you... here?!" She stomped her foot down with full force, driving the miles of land down deep underneath her sole and toes, leaving nothing but a foot print impacted deep into the earth. All the resulting high scale earthquakes and hurricane force winds were unknown to her; to her, it was as if she was just walking on grass and dirt.

"Or maybe... here!!" She stomped down on another untouched spot. "Or here! Or over here! Or perhaps here!" She stomped around gleefully, admiring the foot prints she left on the face of the earth. "I feel like a goddess casting judgment upon everyone!"

And during all her fun, a massive pair of red eyes were watching her, Moonlight's eyes. The Umbreon was one step ahead the moment she started to grow, as he apparently did the same and remained out of sight. Not only that, he made the giantess' 1000 mile size quite measly in comparison, being his own 50000 mile self, the planet Earth a mere basketball in comparison. He watched her in amusement, waiting for the moment where she would turn around and notice him; he licked his lips in anticipation.

It took a few moments, but the time where the mouse girl finally turned around came when she saw those eyes that could swallow her up in view. She opened her mouth to speak, but only her lips trembled and the only sound that escaped was a shuddering gasp. She just couldn't believe it, he was still alive AND he was far bigger than she could have ever imagined.

Now pushed to the edge of her sanity, she finally spoke, "Y-you?! How is this possible? Are you some kind of GOD or something?!"

"God?" The Umbreon smirked, "I never cared for such titles even though others feel the need to throw it at me, and even do silly things like worship me and devote their lives to pamper me. It's a nice perk, and it does excite me, only because I can smell, taste and even feel their fear."


"Yes, the very thing you're giving off now. Though it doesn't take much to excite me." Moonlight reached forward and took hold of the planet, fingers carelessly draping across and digging into whole countries. Earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis tormented the earth through this simple gesture and millions were crushed against those black fuzzy digits. The rest either suffocated or succumbed to the sheer heat given off by his hands, the Umbreon none the wiser to the results of his actions.

"I'll give you credit for getting me this far. I truly hope you learned your lesson about fighting losing battles, not that you'll have any lessons to learn of course." Moonlight licked his lips and began to grow once more, signaling a coming end to this final act.

"Wh-what?!" The mouse demi squeaked, "What are you going to do?!"

"I'm going to end you and this planet of course, in my own personal fashion. I've grown bored with you and you've made quite the mess of things, I can't have fun here anymore," He said simply.

The mousegirl watched in horror as Moonlight floated backwards a little ways from the planet as he started to grow once again at an incredible pace, expanding far and wide, bigger and bigger still until the planet was the size of a baseball in comparison.

Moonlight purred as he stared down at the planet by his feet, grinning to himself, "It's funny isn't it? Everyone on that planet is nothing but mere specks to you, grains of sand. But to me, you're nothing but a little speck, and them? Not even acknowledgeable. I can't even see them, beyond the point of hearing them, smelling them. They probably can't even fathom me; it's kind of funny when you think about it, and depressing at the same time. Ah well, it won't matter in a few seconds anyway." He slowly brought his paws up, soles facing both sides of the planet. He rested the warm, soft black pads on the balls of his feet against the planet, starting to slowly push them in together.

"W-wait! Can't we talk about this?!" She sputtered out as those two black musky walls pushed in closer, the planet starting to break apart as it succumbed to pressure. She lost her footing as the ground she stood upon broke into pieces, floating among them as those black pads started to press in against her. She struggled for dear life against the increasing pressure, feeling her body and bones strain as she was slowly squished.

"N-no!" She choked out as Moon fully pressed his feet together, chuckling to himself at the satisfying crunches between his paws. He slowly rubbed them together, pulverizing any remains into mere dust and sighed, laying back and stretching out.

"Now what...?" He pondered, lifting a foot up and brushing a toe lightly against the moon before nestling it between two of his thick, fuzzy digits and squeezing them together, crushing the moon to bits between his toes.

"I guess I can try and see what's out there, that might be fun," He said to himself, smiling as his body started to rumble again, letting himself grow and grow until he found more life out there or until infinity; whichever came first. He'd imagine he'd sooner become his own system, or his own universe with life living among his fur. Who knows?

[COMMISSION FOR MeisterLi] Battle! Big, Blue & Beautiful!

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