Missing In Action

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Okay, this was one of those commissions I was at first like "Meh" about because it wasn't in my forte and I didn't feel that excited, but it was new and I always am happy to do new things. And I'm glad I did! Damn I had blast writing this, it was sci-fi which is outside my realm and had a strange new technology that had me rocking out how the situation would work. Plus, centaurs. ;)

"Shuttle 97, Equinore 95, descending, all functions normal. Proceed to drop point 9X and review pamphlet."

The voice was cold and mechanical as Todd settled back and stretched, his back cracking slightly as he did so. His suit tightened slightly as he elongated himself, adjusting to the change in position with a flexing that wrapped around him and made him grunt in annoyance and pull at the smart-fibers to try and get them to readjust themselves. They continually tried to cling to his body like a second skin, radiating warmth and controlling his functions, and at this point he just wanted to writhe out of the thing and throw it in a corner. It had been too long since he'd worn civilian clothing, and longer still since he had been able to do anything without the commands of a machine prompting him to do so. He glimpsed over towards his partner, but Marius looked entirely at ease in his uniform, his fingers dancing on the keys as the shuttle began to controlled drop.

Six years, six years he'd been working for the GenIngen, and four of those years had been spent paired up with his current partner at the outer limits of space while they worked at terraforming and development of small moons. They were experimenting outside the edge of the Universal Parliament which allowed for their employer to do things that would otherwise be considered treading the line of legality. He had learned all about the law when he'd been in college, and he even agreed with most of it, but there came a time when boundaries needed to be broached to further the advances of science and that was where the outer planets came into play. Or rather, the moons. Planets were strictly off limits, they weren't allowed to touch them for fear they were developing life or be in the midst of some evolutionary breakthrough, but the moons could be terraformed with impunity.

"We're set to land in four hours." Marius stretched a little and flung an arm over the back of his chair, his legs stretched as far as they would go. "Will you stop looking like that? It looks like you've swallowed a bug!"

"Sorry." Todd tried to wipe the expression off his face, but it was hard when he watched the gleaming blue edge of the ocean start to grow larger. "We could just make a fast drop."

"No, it's against protocol." His partner was standing up with a lazy stretch, arching his back. "Besides, one of us has to go in the MT."

The 'MT-850X' was one of the reasons he was absolutely loathing the fact that they had to drop down planet side. It was a device that allowed for gene alteration and merging between two species, one of the things that he absolutely hated about his job. It didn't hurt, but whenever he was the one getting changed it felt as if his entire body was itching and on fire for a good hour as the splicing took into effect. Equinore was a moon that had been altered with one species in mind, equines, and with that in mind any human that had to do work on the planet was altered and split with a standard equine match to ensure that they left as little impact on the environment as possible. The big four were the easiest, like this one, it allowed for a 'taur' transformation like the old greek legends. Centaurs were better than the other moons where he'd been forced into a near animal body just to do maintenance and observation.

Like the horses can even tell the difference. Todd snorted a bit to himself and unstrapped himself from the chair, standing up and glancing out at the window.

_ _

It was all protocol, no one who arrived on the planet could do so in an unaltered state, it helped reduce contaminated results of the experiments. This particular planet had been slowly engineering new species' of horses through natural selection and a terrain that was beyond challenging for them. It was rough and rocky, unforgiving and filled with swift predators that required stealth and speed to evade from. It was a study on evolution as the horse, as it was, wasn't designed to work these sorts of areas or these sorts of predators. It was a bit depressing to look at the numbers when it came to just how many had died in the past three years, but in that time, they had also begun to evolve. The situation was helped by tweaking their genetic make up so that pregnancies progressed faster and the offspring matured swiftly.

Various drugs were fed through the system, the horses slowly mutating and developing their own strengths against the habitat they found themselves in. Already they had changed from the sturdy buckskin horses that had originally been chosen as the closest to the original wild horse. They were now dark black and grey, mottled and tortoise shell colored so that they blended in with the natural background. Their hooves were becoming cloven, at least they had been the last time he had been on the ground and recording them. They had hopes that an entirely new species would emerge, something swift and hardy, no longer requiring the extensive care and vetting that the domesticated species required. It was also patterning the results for future human experimentation. And all of it was done as closely in stealth as they could get, the only interactions any of their experiments got were when Todd or Marius went down in taur form for an up close and personal exam and readings, and even then the beasts would trust their nose and ears more than their eyes.

"Why can't you go down this run?" Todd watched Marius flip on the screen and the man tilted his head back with a wicked grin.

"What? Shy about stripping down?" The red haired scientist playfully lidded his eyes, looking over Todd in a way that brought the heat rushing up to his cheeks. "Or afraid I can't be trusted."

"Damn it, leave that alone!" Todd snapped back in answer, trying not to squirm at the insinuation that was being made.

"What?" Marius widened his eyes slightly and reached over to give the controls a few taps and swipes. "We do have four hours, it should only take two to get you merged."

The heat flooded Todd's face as his partner grinned and tilted his head to one side in obvious invitation that they do something to pass the time. It wasn't the first time, hell, it wasn't even the two hundredth time, but sometimes he was a bit taken aback by the way his partner could go from being professional and collected to seductive and passionate. He allowed a slight smile to cross his features as he glanced towards the MT and back to Marius. Two hours, more than enough time to let off some steam and grab a shower before he had to make a dull wander around the terraformed moon. With a low purring laugh he stepped forward, catching the smaller man around the waist and dragging him in closer, pulling him in tight as he felt the soft hands glide up to curl behind his neck. At least this part of his job he enjoyed, immensely and without question.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Fuck, it itches!" Todd kicked a hoof back against the damned stupid MT machine and tried to ignore the itching sensation that coated most of his body.

Every part of him was twitching with a toss between burning and itching, making him want to reach back and scrub over the horse hide with his fingers until he had found every last bit. His ears flattened back against his head while he kept the urge to himself, time had taught him to leave well enough alone when the transformation and splicing was done. If he pushed things too fast he'd end up bucking and tossing and generally causing more damage than he could handle as the other half of himself oriented to the current situation.

Unlike the popular theory that he was actually transformed into half an animal, a theory that made him want to scream about why growing 1000 pounds of bulk and shedding it was impossible, he was spliced. It was a procedure used with a stored database of animals that had been genetically grown and adapted for just this use, transported to the MT and fused together for a brief amount of time with a human. It meant that he wasn't spending days on end trying to get used to a new body, a lack of ability to feel his toes or working everything just right. The equine mind was present, although repressed to only control the equine portion of anatomy, and he only had to be a 'rider' to get that part of him to move to his own will.

He preferred this sort of splicing to the ones where he was more closely merged with the animal mind, the ones that made him feel as if he were nearly an animal himself. Those were the ones that made him feel sick afterwards as it left the world dizzy and strange feeling. The 'taur forms just made him itch like mad and he had to coddle the equine presence that controlled his haunches. A few simple commands could pass between them, most specifically about how to walk and run, but the equine mind wasn't intelligent. It wasn't even on par with a normal horse, it was mostly a series of instinctive urges trapped in layers of code that had been attached to it. For which he was grateful, when he'd first done this he had been half convinced some poor real horse was just a head somewhere. Instead, the Equine Artificial Intelligence program allowed for a realistic grasp of instinctive equine habits and abilities.

"Seriously, can you open this up, I hate this part." Todd tried to keep the plaintive tone from his voice as he shifted on his hooves, orienting to the sensation of the other body.

"I know, I'm sorry." Marius glanced up at him from the control panel. "I think we're alright, does everything feel alright?"

Any annoyance Todd felt was lost as he glanced up to see Marius working at the station, scrabbling and trying to get everything together, and entirely buck naked. They had had time to enjoy one another, and it would have been fine if they'd just had a bit of fun and been done, but Todd had felt frisky enough for another round. He had at least managed a shower, but Marius was still rather messy and had his hair sticking up oddly in places. They had barely enough time to toss him into the MT and get the program running, a hasty job that made him grateful that nothing had gone wrong, like going full horse. The only thing that had changed on his human body was a fine coating of horse hide and elongated ears.

_Ugh, no thank you, I can't imagine being all horse. _ He tried not to shudder, and the door in front of him swung open allowing him to step down onto the ground carefully.

He hated this part sometimes, it was always so weird to have the legs move without him really controlling them. He could tell the body where to go, he could even lift a leg or two at times, but the real movement and control came from the coded equine mind, otherwise he would have fallen on his face. He couldn't feel his feet, he had MORE limbs than he was used too and it all just left him feeling rather discombobulated. He gave a quick glance over himself, a bit surprised to see the pale gold coat and white tail instead of the normal glossy bay that he or Marius used. He tilted his head this way and that, letting the legs lift and fall, and everything seemed fine. The equine AI didn't seem to be reacting strangely at least.

"They changed the code-horse." Todd turned back to Marius and grinned down at the far smaller man. "Alright, toss on the packs would you, and no funny business."

"I'm sore enough thank you." His partner's reply was a bit stiff, and he hid a grin as Marius went to his side and flung a discreet soft rubber pack that wrapped around his waist and hung along the equine shoulders. "We're at 09:28, 28 minutes overdue. The cloaking system is on and you have until 18:00 to return back before I come and find the transmitter."

"Adjust that to 18:28, I'll need the entire time. This is G-Herd and they will take time to find even with trackers." Todd stepped back and tested the bond between his mind and the programed one. He turned around in a full circle easily enough. "I'm going to try and locate G-677, he was recently overthrown."

"Damn, I liked him." Marius frowned a bit. "He was the grey, right? Last of the fortieth generation?"

"Is the grey, he's still here I located last night." Todd clopped towards the door's hatch and ran his palm over it. "I'm going to see if I can dart him, we can relocate him to S-Herd, they're running low on males."

"Keep in contact!" The last words were faint as the door whooshed open and Todd was able to go down the ramp without any issues. '

He really hated trapsing all over the moon, but the moment his hooves touched the grass and he felt the fresh breeze some of his distaste disappeared. Even his equine body seemed enervated as he stepped out in a prompt trot, his legs lifted up high and his tail bouncing in a spritely manner as he guided the programed-equine towards the last known spot of the G-herd. He'd nearly forgotten how stale the air was in their ship, and after his little romp with Marius he was feeling in quite the chipper mood. Perhaps he'd even find time to go down towards the lower creek and see if he could locate the new foals.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Todd found himself... enjoying his day. Normally he got this sort of work and was just restless and eager to be done, unhappy with the fact he was trying to sneak around on four massive hooves and uncomfortable feeling. Today, it just felt comfortable. The new body was smaller and more delicate, it seemed more adept at being able to work through the brush quietly as he tracked the herd. The equine AI was quieter and more relaxed than normal, he was used to a more nervous personality when he did this. If programs could have personalities. He knew they were all based on real horses, perhaps they had finally upgraded to a more humanized version of the equine model while retaining the knowledge of how to use the extra limbs and body weight.

It made for an easier time of settling down to watch the G-herd once he located them, and for once wasn't forced to stand so far away that he might have well have been on the s hip. The horses that he had grown up with were not like the ones he saw here. The G-herd was one of the lesser evolved herds, but still impressive. They had bulk, real bulk, each one weighing nearly 2000 lbs as the stood taller than most horses that he had seen in real life. They had thick limbs and heavy bones, designed to both take their weight and withstand falls that might break a normal horse's legs. They lived in the foot hills, not near the heights were some of the herds had grown smaller and more agile. The current stallion was a brute, large and boasting a thick neck with an unruly tangle of dark hair that fell down to his shoulders.

The mares were smaller, and the youngsters were of manageable size, with two that were obviously new borns. Todd settled down and began to record what he was finding on a slim tablet, his equine body shifting to rest one hoof against the ground as he went through the listings. He could see a lot of this from the ship, but up close and in person was valuable as well, each herd was visited at least once per year, though every time he became aware of the staggering mortality rate that this land took on the beasts. He knew it was designed to trigger evolutionary changes with the drugs pumped into the water and grass, but it still amazed him that the beasts still continued. He dutifully ticked off the four pregnant mares, three young foals and the larger grown foals down in his notes.

It took him nearly an hour and a half to make his basic assessments, and in that time his body just seemed relaxed. The AI was quiet and still, and even content, if one could attach that emotion. Normally the AI was worked up and nervous, nearly impossible to control, and he knew that was because of the presence of the herd stallion and the masculine connotations of the body transmitted to the computer. It was a bug he was thankful was worked out as he managed to get his work done and his table tucked away, with enough time that he felt confident he could find the old herd stallion, if the poor brute was still alive.

_He'd be good blood to add to one of the higher herds, get a bit of bulk to them. _ Todd thought idly as he carefully navigated his way from the herd, careful to do so quietly. He wanted the herd to remain bedded down here for the night, Marius would be doing his part later to tag the new foals for easy tracking.

As he mentally guided the AI's steps down the path, he was concentrating more on his own silence than the area around him. He got all the way to a smooth area where the grass was soft enough to cushion his hooves and stop any sound, and he gave the command to enter into a faster pace, but his body didn't move. It stopped, and the tail hiked slightly so he felt the long hairs tickling down along the back of his hocks. For a moment he was annoyed and a bit embarrassed that the thing was going to relieve itself. He knew the reasons, the splicing program did use a real horse base to work with him, but it still went a bit too far when they had already worked in an AI, surely they could have...

A hot breath hit against his hips and Todd twisted his upper body, sending a mental yelp to the AI to bolt around, but the legs locked as a heavy equine head lowered towards his side. It was the new herd-stallion and all he could do was remain frozen in fear as he felt the hot breath tickling along the smooth gold hide and edge higher upwards. The beast was even larger up close, his hide patterned with splashes of black and grey, with strange grey eyes that he'd never seen on any horse. The lips twitched and wriggled slightly, the nostrils flaring open wide as his shoulder easily stood half a foot higher than Todd's own slender one.

In all his time working on Equinore, he'd never been this close to one of the horses while it was awake. It was pretty much forbidden, if they came near one it was after the creature had been safely darted and gone down. Now, now he felt the nose snuffling and pushing, sliding higher as his body removed to move. There was no tension to the way he was standing, the AI felt almost relaxed, as the muzzle lifted up higher and came to the edging of hide that blended towards his human waist. The nose blasted out hot air and Todd forced his hands to remain down, his ears going back flat to his head in panic as he intimately felt the thick lips working upwards, the whiskers scraped as the stallion examined the unexpected top part to the mare.

Oh god, he's going to maul me.. He swallowed roughly and balled his fists up, waiting to hear the outraged squeal.

Todd would stand no chance against the brute, the modified equine was used to fighting the predators they had introduced to this world, a spliced human would just be a bloody smear in the dirt. As the nose lifted higher he could smell harsh horse scents and grass coming from the heavy thick lips, the grey eyes almost seemed to be puzzled as the nose shoved against one of the man's cheeks and sent out another hot blast of air against him. The equine body moved, he could feel the hooves shifting beneath him, making him nearly go limp with relief until his haunches suddenly tucked down close and he felt pressure spreading along his loins. His tail flicked to one side and as he crouched, he realized one terrible, horrible fact. The program had changed, it had changed into something all wrong, something that Marius should have noticed if the man hadn't been half exhausted.

A hot jet of urine erupted from a very female set of folds and splattered to the ground, the sensation of relief in the AI didn't help Todd at all as his body remained awkwardly crouched. He tried to push at the equine mind, goading it into moving, but the only emotions he got back were of anticipation as the stallion's head jerked back and the large ears swung forward at the sound of 'water' hitting the ground. The heavy beast stepped back with a dull thud and curled his upper lip backwards, twisting it all the way back to touch the tip of his muzzle as he lifted his head and began to swing his head around this way and that, tilting it weirdly to one side in the strangest movements Todd had ever seen in his life.

_He isn't... NO! _ The movement of the head turned about again, deliberately sliding towards the narrow palomino haunches and white tail and Todd realized what he was doing.

Flehmening, it was something they saw often in the herds when a mare was in heat, or coming into heat, or any number of reasons. There was a fluttering sensation in his lower belly and the AI refused to lift his haunches up, they remained crouched with the soft white tail flipped up high. The stallion moved his heavy dark muzzle backwards, ignoring the strange human half to begin snuffling busily at the base of the equine tail, that part of the body he knew was right. Todd was left watching the great leathery sheath stirring beneath the broad barreled belly, disgorging a massive looking black tip that sagged down from the edges, drooping lower and swaying slightly. The thick ridges around the tip lifted upwards as it oozed down towards the ground and Todd let out a noise in his throat.

"OUCH! FUCK!" He yelped out as teeth suddenly clamped down along his hind leg and his entire body leaped forward in reaction. As the sound passed his lips, another bite followed and the powerful animal shoved against him.

The stallion's ears were back, his eyes wide and lips curled backwards in an angry pose that forced Todd to swallow his protesting cry. His hip hurt, aching slightly as his body shifted and took a few hopeful steps forward before the stallion's nose pushed beneath the tail again to send a blast of heat against a part of his body he had never had in his life. Hot air caressed feminine lips and over the dark ring of his pucker so that his stomach turned as he felt the lips nearly brushing along his inner hind leg. He wanted nothing more than to run, but his body stayed still, trembling slightly as muscles he'd never felt began to tense and relax in a horrible way. The equine AI was doing exactly what it was supposed to do, adjusting and reacting to the situation, but not in the way that it should have.

A thick rough tongue pushed out and scraped right along Todd's cunny making him stifle a whimper, his entire body shuddering as he felt the folds being forcibly splayed open and the rough touch pushing higher up leaving a smear of wetness behind. And it wasn't just saliva, his body was growing slick, the wetness clung to the stallion's lips as he lifted his head and began to scent the air again eagerly. The heavy cock drooled down, forming a curve with the tip that nearly brushed the edges of the grass as the thickest portion of the base hung lewdly open from the sheath. The tip began to drool out clear, slimy looking, seminal fluid that dribbled into the grasses, smearing along the edges.

"GET OUTTA HERE!" Todd broke, he couldn't do this. He lifted his arms and waved them, trying to look larger as his body remained locked in place. "GET!!! OW!!!"

The stallion didn't do more than pin his ears back before the teeth snapped down against one of the pale gold legs. He was left swallowing another cry as he felt the flat bunt teeth holding him briefly in warning before letting go, the eyes showing an edge of white as the beast turned about. The cock bounced under him, the thick ring of flesh along the middle smoothed out into just a bump as the skin was drawn taut with the hardening flesh. The oozing tip suddenly slapped up under him, hitting along the chest as the stallion snorted and tossed his head, trotting about with his long tangled tail swishing rapidly back and forth. His nose pushed down, nuzzling and nibbling along Todd's inner thighs in a teasing caress that sent an unwilling shudder of anticipation running through him thanks to the equine AI.

The program mimicked a mare perfectly, the legs splaying and locking as the stallion began to shift his head back and forth along her haunches. His flat teeth scraped along his outer thigh, dragging and pulling along the smooth hide as he nipped one hip and then the other, making Todd prance and place. The hooves danced delicately as the stallion shifted back and forth, the heavy head dragging along her haunches each time as, but still he was stuck in place. Terror rising as he realized he felt every nip intimately, he would feel other things as well. He screamed in his own mind, giving the command to run, throwing visions of predators, anything, everything to try and get the damned program to realize the danger. Except, the program only saw a virile courting stallion and had acted exactly as it should have if it were a real horse.

The brute reared up, Todd's legs splayed as the weight suddenly surged up along the line of his back and pushed up higher. His human body was pushed forward as suddenly a massive head lifted up and over his shoulder sending out a hot rush of breath. The large forelegs scrabbled to either side of his fall smaller chest, while the cock suddenly slipped up and slapped against the underside of the beast before draping along his haunches. His tail was quirked all the way to one side, and he could feel his slickened folds winking as the beast hunched his back a few times, jabbing blindly with his cock, dragging it backwards so that thick blunt tip smashed right up along one of his golden furred legs. The precum smeared over him, coating and rubbing this way and that, leaving trails along his inner legs.

The stallion's breath huffed out against him, the short panting sounds coming out rapidly as the tip suddenly jammed right up against his folds and his entire body went stiff. He intimately felt that cock tip ramming up hard, jabbing roughly along the plump cunny lips and he was rocked forward. Todd cried out raggedly as the cock tip wedged inwards, forcing him to spread open wide and the powerful forelegs suddenly hooked up higher, nearly curling along his chest. The rough blunt teeth gripped his bare human shoulder and clamped down as the heavy stallion began to shift back and forth, steadily wedging and splaying the inner walls open wider and wider. There was nothing he could do to get away or escape, his body was clamping down and squeezing around the girth.

The AI mind didn't try to fight or run, it simply radiated a sense of anticipation as the hot thick splatter of precum was spilled inwards while the stallion kept forcing his inches inwards. He didn't ram home brutally, he was old enough that he knew how to deal with a maiden mare, and Todd was forced to feel it all. His hind legs splayed open wide as the girth rubbed and pushed, the burning ache rippling through his lower belly as he felt the walls forming an obscene O around the girth. The edge of precum was soon forced out around the edges, the sheer size forced it out as the beast forced its way in all the way up to the medial ring before dragging back again, pulling at the outer folds and Todd cried out again.

The sound made the teeth clamp down harder, the hot breath hitting against him warningly, disturbing the feral beast, but not enough to make him stop what he was doing. The next thrust barreled forward harder, the heavy hips pushing in deeper until there was a hot wet noise and the medial ring plunged in. The inner walls clutched harder and Todd hissed out under his breath. His fingers bit down into the palms of his hands, hard enough to draw blood as he felt the impossibly large cock wedging deeper, pushing the thick oozing precum into his body until the tip hit bruisingly hard right up against the cervix and bowing the spongy flesh inwards. His forelegs moved forward, bracing his smaller body beneath the stallion that let out a hot heavy snort, and curled his neck before dragging his cock out.

Thick strands of fluid clung to the girth, coating along the edges before the beast gave another thrust forward, rocking Todd nearly off his hooves as the thrust battered right along the cervix again. His walls contracted down in reaction, clamping tightly as the heavy hooves pulled up close and curled under his body. He could feel the hard edge along his equine belly, pressing down firmly as the beast began to thrust in short rocking movements that plunged the girth in and out. His inner walls were stroked, the aching burn building up as the contracting muscles pulled around the thick flesh, squeezing and caressing. Any sound from him, any whimper or groan of horror was greeted with the teeth gripping harder in warning.

The beast worked his medial ring in and out, splaying the folds open wide and popping it out again as the thick oozing wetness mingled with the juices that the body produced. The golden hide soon darkened with a sheen of sweat and muddy marks from the powerful forelegs that all but dragged him backward at the apex of each and every thrust. The tip hammered against the barrier of the cervix, hitting roughly against it, digging and bruising until Todd was cramping up in protest. The thick splatters of precum left strands being pushed out between his haunches, he could feel it trailing along the inner hind legs, the disgusting scent of horse filling the air while his body remained in place.

The equine mind wanted this, he could almost feel the rightness of it as the false mentality made him want to scream in frustration. It should be listening to him, should be bolting, but it was doing what it was programed to do. Blending in, but in a way that was leaving great teeth marks on the human's shoulders and treating him to every throbbing flex of the cock inside of him. His walls kept contracting and pulling around the engorged flesh that drove in a harder fast pace, nearly dropping Todd to his knees as he felt the thickening girth starting to grow wider, splaying and stretching his inner walls open slowly, but steadily.

The tip was grinding harder, putting pressure on that fragile barrier as the girth began to spread open wider and wider. Todd squeezed his eyes shut, shuddering as he felt the walls starting to work around him and a tremor spilled down his spine. It wasn't an orgasm, not entirely, but the anticipation built as the powerful inner walls began to squeeze and pull, suckling along the heavy spire as the heavy beast leaned forward and released his shoulder. The great head was nearly pressed against his own as the first throb ran along the dark shaft before something hot and heavy and wet splattered out. The centaur jerked forward, shuddering as the rush of sperm rich seed ran out in rope after heavy rope, warm and heavy as it was smeared right up along his cervix.

Heat rushed to his face, his entire body stiff in horror as he squeezed and milked around the offending length, pulling and suckling from the base all the way towards the tip while rope after heavy rope was flung out. Hot and gooey, it rubbed and smeared right along the opening of his cervix, it was pushed out by the short little bucks forward until he could hear the obscene squelching sounds as it was forced out from his lewdly stretched lips. The beast's legs began to uncurl, hanging down along either side as his weight seemed to press harder against Todd's back, the hot breath coming out slowly and evenly as the last splatter spilled out, pooling against the opening.

God, I hope this body can't get pregnant... Todd felt a spike of fear and humiliation at how he would explain that to anyone. Now to just get away and get back to the ship.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"This is Equinore Alpha, approaching G-herd, Tracking notifications place missing member in the area." Marius spoke into the microphone as he maneuvered the small skid down near the area. "Intervention required."

"Set guns to tranquilize herd, minimize contact, is the MIA responding to any messages?" The staticky voice echoed in his helmet as Marius began to engage the cloaking shield. His fingers almost shaking as he did so.

"Negative. Requesting to broach herd group to retrieve MIA." His voice was steady, thank god for that.

Todd should have been at the meet-up point 15 hours ago, but he had never arrived, there hadn't even been a message. He had waited at the spot, it wasn't that surprising that his partner was overdue after all, it happened all the time, it was just a fact of life. Except, Todd had never come, there had been no attempt at contact, there had been radio silence despite the fact that the pack had contained a small radio for just such a purpose. After three hours, he had been forced to call Todd in as MIA to command and await orders. Marius had wanted to go after him immediately, but as darkness fell he had been grounded for fear the ships lights would rouse the native life. He had to wait until dawn, and now.. now he feared it was too late.

His only comfort was the fact the life signs on his partner were strong, erratic, but strong. Just an hour ago the heart beat had launched into near dangerous territory and signs had shown that Todd was in distress. He wanted to tear into the damn area and to hell with the consequences, anything could have happened. The predator fences might have gone down and Todd could be injured, one of the horses could have sighted him and taken him down, anything! He was nearly shaking with anger as he waited for command to give the go ahead, terrified at what he'd find and cursing the fact he hadn't disobeyed orders last night.

"Approach with caution Equinore Alpha, adhere to code, report back when MIA is located." The voice crackled in his ear and made the man relax.

With a few tapped keys he managed to get the skid up and above tree level, the back opening so that the automated crane was brought into the ready. Ideally he'd spot Todd watching the herd or nearby and pull him up without any fuss, it might alarm the horses, but once the crane had the changed man it would put him under the cloaking device to keep their only disturbance to the feel of the wind that powered down from above. He swung the skid over the tree line and brought up the computer screens, training them towards the tracking device.

After a handful of seconds he saw the herd, just like normal, their coloration marking them out even in the back drop, but he wasn't looking for the horses. The gold pelt on the equine half of his partner was instantly recognized, the camera's zoomed in as Marius swung the skid about, trying to guide it right over the spot. His hands slipped along the controls as the screen zoomed in and brought up the stats, it wasn't the stats he was interested in. It was the sight of his partner and the pose that he had affected. The equine haunches were crouched slightly, the haunches dipped low towards the ground while the thick white tail was twitched up high in the air. Trails of wetness clung beneath the tail, a thick creamy whiteness was oozing from the very female set of folds that were flexing open and shut.

"M-MIA found.." He stammered into the comm, his eyes locked on the sight of his partner and lover as a slow drool of horse semen was pushed out from between the violated folds.

I... I must have hit the wrong button... Was all he could think as he swung the crane back, his mind nearly a blank as h e did so. I hit Todd's defaults! I swear I did!!!

_ _

His cheeks flushed hot red as he lowered the crane, hoping against all hope that he could play off slipping and hitting the gender button. Better to be blamed for that than for Todd to ever find out how he had been spending his times observing the herds. Except, he knew how to duck out away from the stallion after he'd had his fun, he'd never been caught within the stallion's herd after being mounted.

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Unicorn's Destiny: Chapter 6

\<Emily!\> Father Blanchard's voice reached Emily with a happy eagerness to it that brought a smile to her face. The unicorn came from his garden, like a creature out of some fairy tale illustration, white and gleaming with a silver horn that...

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Potion #5- Horse Breaking

The crack of the whip echoed around the ring, so loud that it nearly blocked out the short squeal of the colt that tried to dart away from the man holding it. The long gangly legs were nearly tangled together as the youngster pinned his ears and showed...

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Potion #16 Job Replacement

"Welcome to Fazeharr, sir!" The small gryphon chirped up brightly as Krown folded his long feathered wings down against his sides and crinkled his nose back slightly at the faint scent of smoke that was on the air. "Your business, sir? Name, sir?" ...

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