Sick Hearts

Story by Khaesho Scorpent on SoFurry

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#3 of Short Stories

Similar theme as last time. Six different floors at a kinky sex club, each catering to a different fetish/need. I had a great plan for what to do with the first five floors, but silly me, I went straight to the roof, which is where they keep the BDSM dungeon, because hey, the roof is the perfect place for a dungeon T_T BDSM happens to be something I rather dislike, so I'm going to face check this assignment and learn an entire new fetish along the way.

So, I actually had a damn good story fully planned and in the works of writing, but then Skate messaged me five minutes later with "WHUP, sry, you get the glory hole. Have fun!"

... damn, but the dungeon one would have been fucking brilliant. Oh well. A gloryhole is a wall with a hole in it, cock goes in hole, and then you see what happens next. This isn't anywhere near as good as what I'd planned, and it is far from my best work, but it's the best I could come up with. I should have done this in first person, but I'm far better with third than first, so I wrote the entire thing in third person, but only including details that Diz would have known. I could have told you all about Vivian, but that would have ruined the point.

Gloryhole floor: the ultimate anonymity fantasy. Two rooms, separated by one wall with a single hole on it. The room is mostly bare, not much to it. The lighting is good, but it's not like it'll help. You can't be entirely sure who's on the other side of that wall. Will it be your partner? Or someone else? On one side, the toy rack has several highly realistic dildos, and on the other one it has assorted condoms of all thickness, material and textures. There's no closet on this room. There's idle music in the room, too soft and generic to be noticeable.

Diz "Ashes" was the roadrunner drummer of one of the local favorite rock bands. They hadn't gone on any international tours or anything that huge, but he had enough fame in his home city that he sometimes had to drop a sprint to escape a mob of fans. The band's PR agent told him to stop fleeing his adoring fans, but sometimes he just wanted to go buy a can of soup from the corner store without wasting hours talking with gushing fans. This was one of those times. He sprinted down Eighth Street with no less than fifty people sprinting behind him, all clamoring to get his attention and causing quite a ruckus. He turned a hard corner, dashed through an alley, then lost himself in the maze of back alleys that riddled the city. He was approaching the streets again, and he saw a building that he recognized. By dropping everything into one final burst of speed, he managed to make it through the doors and into the elevator before any of the fans rounded the corner. He knew what kind of place this was, but he didn't care, he just punched the button for the top floor and started ascending.

The building he'd haphazardly dived into was one of the town's ritzier sex clubs, and if the counter clerk had had anything more than a half a second to react, he would surely have carded the grey and black roadrunner. Then again, he was a regular to this establishment, so perhaps not. Either way, Diz just wanted to get up to the roof and take a few breaths of air.

He'd fully intended to walk straight through the hallways to the maintenance corridor, and form there, climb the ladder to the roof, but instead, he stopped just outside of one of the many doorways that lined the main hall. The top floor, as he well knew, was dedicated to glory holes, and he decided that since he was here, he may as well blow off a little steam and wait for his more fanatical fans to disperse from the nearby area. The floor was divided into three sections: M/M, M/F, and F/F, so he trotted over to the M side of the straight section and let himself in.

The room was mostly bare, not much to it. The lighting was good, but wasn't really necessary. He couldn't be entirely sure who was on the other side of that wall, which was the point of a glory hole. Diz noted a toy rack with several highly realistic dildos, as well as assorted condoms of all sizes, thickness, materials, and textures. Soft, idle music flows from speakers in the corners, too soft and generic to really be noticeable.

"Oh my, it looks like I have a customer. Come over here, Sugar, this is your lucky day."

Her voice issued from the hole that led to the next room. It was hot and sultry, with a texture like melted sugar, and he shivered just from hearing it.

"Oh? And to whom might I owe such good fortunes?"

His own voice was strong, but lacking the raw sexual appeal that hers had. Still, he sounded respectably masculine, and she chuckled at his words.

"I might could tell you, but that ruins the game. I could be ab-so-lutely anyone. I could be your girlfriend, or I could be your secret crush. I could be someone famous, or I could be the nice girl from down the street. So instead of that, you tell me who I am, and then I'll tell you who you are to me."

An intriguing game indeed. His smile could be heard in his voice.

"Deal. Let's see... I don't think you could be any single species... you're a chimera. A lizard fox cross breed... swift and sly, capable of stealing both a man's heart and his wallet."

She gave a soft, sultry laugh, and moved forwards to sit down by the hole. He saw a flash of green scales before she was out of sight again, and he chuckled that at least half of his guess was correct. Even if she wasn't a hybrid, she seemed more than willing to play the part.

"My, but you certainly have me pinned. In this cruel world though, what would a chimera such as me do? It's hard to find work as a halfling."

"You'd make a good dancer, or a waitress, or any such demeaning job commonly given to chimeras, but I think you rose above that. You're a rock star, beloved by millions, and your music is played across the globe. You can't cross the street without being mobbed by your adoring fans, so you came here, to the one place you could be anonymous, yet still have a little fun."

"Oh, heavens, you've figured out my ruse! You must be well informed to know my so implicitly... You're no ordinary bird, I think.I glimpsed black and grey as you walked in, and those are the colors of your life. You're a hooded crow, a member of an underground organization with the aim of toppling the government and bringing about a new world order. All you know is fire and death, and you've come here because you felt yourself going hard. You needed a little softness in your life, a little bit of peace and happiness. I can provide that, my warrior. I can give you reason to fight on."

She opened her mouth and pushed her tongue through the hole before licking a wide circle around the hole. He chuckled and closed his eyes to cast the character around him. Dust and ashes... a revolutionary. He threw his shoulders back with pride, and let a little bit of strength enter his step as he stomped up to the hole. It took no more than a moment for him to drop his pants and boxers, and he pushed his dick through the hole and straight into her mouth.

Lizards, like most reptiles were blessed with prehensile forked tongues, and they gave the best blowjobs he had ever received. Her slick maw descended hungrily over his shaft as she started eagerly sucking him off. She was heat and fire, warmth and slick friction rubbing his meat in all the right ways, and she quickly had him gasping from her expert tongue. She wrapped around him in a spiral and pulled back, causing the coils of her tongue to slide from base to tip. He'd become fully aroused almost instantly, and she rapidly built him upwards towards a climax. She took his wordless vocalizations as praise, giving his tip occasional flicks in between stroking his entire length, still using only her mouth. She pressed his curved spire upwards, rubbing it across the roof of her mouth before gently biting down on the base just hard enough for her sharp teeth to be felt.

Diz hadn't been laid in a while, and compounding that, she was giving him the best head he had ever received. His grunts changed slightly in tone, and he tensed up again; he wanted to make this last, but there was no way he was lasting much longer. She felt the difference, and immediately something that surprised him. She opened her mouth wider than he would have thought possible and pushed his dick as far down her throat as it would go. Most of his log sat heavily in her hot throat, and the few inches that weren't were being worked over by her skilled tongue. She started swallowing, using the powerful muscles of her throat to massage his cock, and the all-encompassing, tugging pressure sent him right over the edge. With a feral screech that betrayed his avian nature, he shot his creamy load right down her throat and into her stomach. Rope after rope of thick jizz blasted into her throat where it was immediately swallowed. She milked him of every drop, skillfully coaxing even the smallest morsel from his flesh, and only once he was well and truly dry was she satisfied. He pulled back slowly as she sucked the spittle from his flesh with her scaly lips, eventually winning free with a loud pop. He reached for some Kleenex to dry himself off, and she laughed in the wonderfully husky way he had come to expect.

"My my, that certainly was fun. I'll be honest though, I expected my gallant revolutionary to have something considerably more than five and a half inches."

He winced as her words hit a sore point; birds were not built for redundancy, and they were recorded as having the smallest equipment of all the species. For some reason though, it stung a little less this time, and he shot back with a quip of his own.

"Hey, if you want to hop down a floor or two, I'd be glad to show you exactly what I can do with five and a half inches."

She laughed again, and he heard claws click on tile as she got to her feet.

"Much as I would love to hun, I took the liberty of taking care of myself at the same time, if you catch my drift. I'll just clean up a little and be on my way. Your door should unlock in ten minutes, if I remember correctly."

"Only if you insist. Farewell, my beloved star. May your music bring happiness to all who hear it."

"I think I do, unfortunately. Farewell, my vaudevillian veteran, my vestige of the vox populi. May your valorous vendetta vindicate the virtuous."

They laughed in unison, and her claws clatter clacked away to the door. The handle turned, and the door swung open. Then, the latch clicked, and all was silent, save the soft music. Diz finished cleaning himself off, put his pants back on, then waited the remaining minutes until his door unlocked. He took his time ambling towards the door, into the elevator, then down into the lobby. Once there though, he was surprised to see a rather stunning green, female reptile leaning over the front desk, chatting up the clerk. Her face was masked by a fierce black visage, painted on with water based paint, and she half turned towards him with surprise as he approached. He almost passed her without saying anything, but something made him stop. When he did, she tensed up abruptly, but he only leaned close enough to whisper into her ear.

"I'll see you from my stage."

Her slightly stunned response came only moments later, only just loud enough for him to hear.

"Vivant et Infirmorum Cordibus."

Diz then strutted out the door without looking back, whistling random snatches of birdsong to the winds.

Finish the Story (Valentine's Day)

The knocking of the door became so insistent, so perversely annoying, it disrupted the young male's sleep. With a loud groan he got up and sleepily walked towards the bathroom. It had been a short night, a heavy day at work the day before... His mind...

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Long Way Down

For years, I'd dreamed of becoming a pilot, navigating the inky black reaches of space. It didn't matter what I did, or who I worked for, I just wanted the freedom bought by a star ship. My dream was, unfortunately hindered by the fact that I'd pulled...

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Soul Searching (Ch. 8)

As he sank into her mind, he felt her falling with him. Kalokin whispered something in a language long thought dead, there was a snap, and then he felt solid ground again. He was surrounded by concrete; Tall, square buildings reached up to claw at the...

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