Change for the Better

Story by bsaxagent on SoFurry

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So, this took me about two months to write in between work, planning my trips to New York City, Colorado, and Arkansas, and attending rehearsals of some of my pieces....I'm finally glad this is done with, honestly. I tried something different in that I didn't plan much before hand and just let the story write itself, and because of that, the somewhat large scope it had turned into, and the fact that it took me two months to write, some parts may feel a bit disjointed. I tried reading through it and working out the kinks, but I know what I'm talking about, so I probably won't catch as many as you do. That being said, constructive criticism is always appreciated, but understand that this is my sixth story to write ever. I'm not that good yet (and perhaps I'm trying to hard, who knows). I'm most likely going to continue this, because I enjoyed working with the concept so much.

That being said: standard disclaimer stuff: I own all the content in this story, including grammatical errors and other mishaps. This does contain sex between two furry males, and if you are not of legal age or have a great disgust for it, well, I personally can't stop you from reading this, but I will advise you not to. (Also, my word program decided to change to British english instead of American english, so take that in mind as I was not able to catch everything) Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

My life was perfect uninteresting, thank you very much. I woke up, went to school, ate meals at some arbitrary points during the day, went back home, slept, and rinse and repeat. I was content, so why fix what isn't broken, right? I mean, shoot. I have yet to get drunk (though I'm 22), which means that my liver functions properly, no tickets from driving, no one can talk about the stupid things I did last night on Facebook, and I have yet to piss anyone off by throwing up/creating a scene at a party. I'm still a virgin, which means no STD's, no broken hearts, no drama, no rumors going around about how I only want to get in people's pants, and have I mention the lack of drama? That's the best part. I've learned to keep to myself throughout the years. I'm not interesting enough to begin with, so people don't associate with me, and that's fine; I wouldn't want to associate with them anyways. Also, having anxiety issues adds into that mix.

Anyways, back to my normal uneventful life: at this moment, perhaps one of the last uninteresting moments of my life, I was walking to my apartment from class. I always took the long way home from school; not only did it help promote some exercise (fortunately, I had been blessed with a fast metabolism), but it also provided a short reverie into nature. Even with my mundane lifestyle, I always try to make some time for nature in my scheduled life. I love watching the birds fly, the flowers bloom and change shape, the slight breeze picking up earthly was my little bit of entertainment in life. Today's nature walk was normal for this time of year. Chilly, but sunny, animals frolicking, plants sun bathing...all of it was to be expected. Nothing out of place, everything was the way it should be.

I soon reached home. I opened the door, and saw myself in the hallway mirror. There I was, as normal as can be. Chris Smith. Normal name means no chance of it getting mispronounced or misspelled. I am a short orange tiger, standing at around 5'6'' or so. Not too short that I needed a step stool for everything, but not too tall so that I wouldn't get joint problems when I turned 40. I weighed about 140lbs, again, part of my decent diet and fast metabolism helped out in maintaining this decent weight. I was a thin build, almost too skinny for people's liking (particularly my grandmothers, who was always commenting on how she could see each and every one of my ribs), but that's better than being obese. I had normal brown eyes, normal sized ears, normal maw...everything was normal and average, just the way I like it. I laid my backpack down on the table I had in the kitchen area, and pulled out my homework for the evening. Music Appreciation class was supposedly an easy class to take, and all suppositions were correct. Today's task was to answer the 10 questions for tomorrow's lecture.

First question: What two "new" types of music were being written in the early 1900's? Easy enough; Impressionism, and expressionism, particularly decadence. Though, Expressionism wasn't coined until Schoenberg's music was brought to light, it is still used to describe music of late Richard Strauss, Igor Stravinsky, and Alexander Scriabin. Second: Who were three composers that we mentioned wrote "decadent" music...oops, I had already answered that. Third question: What piece caused a riot in Paris in 1913? Trivial: Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky, though it probably had less to do with the music, and more to do with the actual ballet. Fourth: Why did it cause a riot, and is music to blame? Oh, I love it when I answer other questions in my answers.

Five: What role did serialism play into music? Well, Schoenberg decided that the late romantics didn't go far enough, and still latched onto tonality, so he devised a system that "eliminated" tonality, and used all 12 tones to create a whole system of melodies and what not. Six: Who were Schoenberg's students? Anton Webern and Alban Berg. Goodness, these were easy questions. Seven: Create a tone row and its matrix: Later tonight, maybe. Eight: What was the first official serialized piece by Schoenberg? Opus 25: Piano Suite, I think. I'll look that up in a moment. Nine: What is the main difference between free atonality and serialism? Free atonality uses "sets" of pitches to enforce melody and harmony, and serialism is all organized, and does not repeat a pitch out of order. And now for Ten: If you life could be any different, how would you change it? Well I would first- Wait.

I looked back from the sheet of paper. I blinked a couple of times, made sure my vision wasn't funny or anything, and then took a closer look at the paper, and read aloud: If your life could be any different, how would you change it? Well, that's what it says. Not sure how to answer it, but "Sure," I said before writing down my answer. Why not humor my professor and tell him what I'd like to change?

Of course, I knew I should have not answered that question. It wasn't normal, it should have asked something about late romantic music or serialism, but I answered it anyway, and the world responded by hurling something at my apartment, creating the biggest ruckus I had ever heard.

"Jesus Christ!" I exclaimed as I fell out of my chair.

I thought a bomb went off or something. Suddenly, there was a giant hole in my ceiling, pieces of plaster, drywall, and wood lay everywhere on the floor. I was still on the floor with my table flipped over, shielding me from the debris. Something just crash-landed into my apartment. Of all people's apartment to crash into, it was mine. Mine! My normal apartment would never be normal anymore. Debris everywhere...oh the landlord was not going to be happy about this. I peeked out from behind the table and saw a giant lump in the middle of the room. This was alarming in itself, but the worst part was that it was breathing. The thing was not moving, beyond the steady inhale and exhale of air. It was tan in color, but the dust that floated about the room made it difficult to make any distinctions.

"Hello?" I asked nervously, kind of hoping that it didn't respond to my voice. I crept closer to it, my heart beating abnormally fast in my chest. I got within five feet from it, when it began to shift and stand up. At that point, I passed out.

Thank you, anxiety attacks.

I was awake. My eyes were closed, but my senses were beginning to register their surroundings. I was in my bed. It felt like my bed, smelled like my room, the fan clacked above me like my fan, so I must in bed. If I'm in bed, then what just happened, as random as it may seem, was definitely a figment made by my own imagination in the state of a dream. Logic is sound, proceed to open eyes.

I was correct. I was in my room, wearing the clothes I went to school with, so I must have taken a nap without realizing I did.

"So that means the explosion in my living room was just a dream..."

"Nope," said a voice in the corner of my room.

I froze. My heart suddenly sped up, and anxiety set it once more. I turned to look where the voice came from, and found myself making eye contact with the biggest lion I had ever seen in my life. Even hunched over in my computer chair, he had to have been at least six and a half feet tall. He was massive in body structure, muscles everywhere. His eyes were a fierce golden color, and I could not tear myself away from them (mostly from fear and panic).

"Sorry about your living room, Chris. Though...I think I took care of most of it. You passed out before I could make my verbal introduction and apologies, but I mean that's bound to happen after someone crash-lands at 60 mph into your apartment....are you alright?" His resonant baritone voice held no harmful intent, but just the situation of a stranger in my home telling me he was sorry for making a mess in my house because he basically ran into it by accident was a little too much.

"Well, I guess if I was as much of a nervous wreck as you are, I'd be shaking, too. Look, I'm going to go make some food. When you're ready to talk, I'll be in your kitchen." He stood up and left.

My mind was racing. I barely heard anything that he had said. I didn't know what to do. Should I call the cops? What would I say? 'Hi, my name is Chris, and a giant lion just crashed landed into my apartment, and now he's making waffles.' Yeah, that'd get someone's attention, most likely from the asylum.

Well, shit.

If I left the room, he'd see me, and I'd have to confront him in some form or fashion. I could escape out the window, but I mean, all my stuff is here. I already gathered no one would believe me, but this is not something I want to deal with. Where did he come from? Why is he here? How the hell did he know I was a nervous wreck? How did he know my name? The smell of chicken permeated through the room, and my stomach let me know that it had indeed been quite some time since I ate. The guy in the other hadn't killed me yet, so it probably wouldn't kill me now to go see him, though every fiber of my being told me not to.

I got up, and cracked the door a little bit to see where he was. I spotted him in the kitchen and took a good moment to finally look him over. He was wearing a dark green shirt, and some brown cargo pants, almost the same kind I was. He sat at the stove, flipping a piece of chicken that smelled pretty dang good from here. Suddenly, he waved at me with his left hand with his back turned. Apparently, his hearing was quite good, and I wouldn't get out of here without him knowing. I took a deep breath, summed up what little courage I had, and opened the door all the way.

My living room was significantly brighter than it normally would be. I looked upwards, and my jaw dropped.

"How in the world...." I said breathlessly, noting the spot where a giant hole should have been, if my memory served correctly. Instead, a wonderful skylight had replaced it. I now had a window in my ceiling. But how did it get there? I mean, there was a giant hole right there! It doesn't just magically fill up and become a skylight! You need supplies, and glass, and then how do you explain all of the debris--my living room was spotless. There wasn't any dirt, wood panelling, glass, drywall, or anything anywhere. The room was spotless, just like it normally was, with the addition of the abnormal skylight.

"How do you like it? I figured it'd brighten the place up a bit." The giant said from the kitchen area.

".......I don't did....where did...." I didn't know what I was asking. I was making random sounds that just happened to form words. This was amusing to him however, and he started to laugh.

"Oh, look at you. Here have a seat. Chicken's finished," he said as he placed two plates with chicken breast on them on the table. I slowly sat down, not sure of what to do really.

"Alright Chris: Introduction time. I'm Isaac. Nice to finally meet you," he stuck out his massive hand to shake mine. I hesitantly obliged. It swallowed my own, and I could feel the bones in my hand adjust to the great pressure.

"How do you know my name?"

"Oh, I've been watching you for some time now. Now that you've decided to finally step away from your boring lifestyle, I'm here to help. Kind of."

"But...I don't want to change my lifestyle. I'm perfectly content with it-"

"No, you're not," he said, accusingly. "I wouldn't be here if you were."

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"I manipulated the piece of paper to appeal to your subconscious desires. You wouldn't have seen the last question if you didn't want to change."

"How is that possible? How did you fix the hole? Where did you come from-"

He put a hand over my mouth.

"Geez, man, you need to calm down and enjoy your chicken," he said as he took a bite.

"But I don't-"


I ate a little bit, and to my surprise, it was probably the best bit of chicken I had ever tasted. I ate some more, and before I realized it, it was gone.

"That's better," Isaac said, as he finished up his chicken as well. "Alright. To answer some questions, in the best way to possibly explain it, I am a manipulator of reality, simply put." He stopped there, expecting me to be satisfied by such a simple answer.

"So what does that mean? Are you like, a god or something?"

He laughed.

"Oh, that's a little too much. I mean, if you were to over glorify me, then yeah. I am a god. But, no religious factions worship me, and there isn't a text describing my wonders, or lack thereof. In a way, 'guardian angel' is probably a more accurate assessment, though I'm not 'assigned' to any individual, nor am I there to "protect" anyone. But, I can manipulate certain things, such as your ceiling, and the piece of paper you had."

"So, where do you come from? Are there more like you?" I asked.

"That's going to be hard to answer. We aren't exactly "earthly", but to say we are from heaven isn't correct either. We aren't from the dead; we don't save souls or anything like that. We are outside of reality, kind of like...well, it's kind of a like a composer. The composer is outside of music, and yet they didn't "create" it, but they manipulate it. Does that make sense?"

"Eh...kind of. I mean, I don't know. This is a bit much to take in...." My brain was exhausted from trying to process this. Here he was, present in my reality, but he could change my reality and put forth his own, and do the same for others and.....I don't even know what to think, honestly.

"Like I said, it's kind of hard to explain."

"So...why did you come to me?"

He paused for a moment.

"I need a change of lifestyle as well," he said. "It can get terribly stagnant just watching everyone. I thought it would be interesting to change your life a little more directly."

I wasn't sure how to respond. I didn't know what to ask. I was pretty sure I'd get a vague answer or an analogy of some sort, and more questions would probably confuse me. We sat in silence, until he got up and took our plates towards the sink, and my curiosity got the better of me.

"So how much can you change reality?" I asked. He pondered about something for a moment before he spoke.

"Have you ever played a game on god mode and/or cheated?"

"Of course."

"Well, you don't necessarily change the game, do you? You're not modifying the programming of the game. It still runs, you just modify that play through, right? Enemies are still there, scripted event still happen, the story still plays out, right?"


"Well, that's kind of how much I can do. I can change the physical areas in which you exist, but I can't affect non-physical things. I can't suddenly make you think you're the President or something. But, I can change the color of your hair, like I did three minutes ago."

"What?!" I screamed, and leapt up from my chair, and ran to the hallway mirror. Staring back at me was a green and red tiger.

"What the hell! Change it back!" I yelled at him in desperation. I did not need to go out in public like this! When I looked back, I was back to normal. I was still breathing heavy, not sure if this was actually real or something. I could be hallucinating. Isaac laughed, and proceeded to head towards me.

"Like I said, you're still you, I just made some small adjustments," he said with a smile. "I can't make any choices for you, or anyone else. I can't alter what has already happened, such as making someone not exist or something. I can change current situations, not previous ones. I can't make large changes, either. I can't suddenly make China the biggest water park in the world type of thing. That's for the gods."

All of this was very overwhelming to me. Surprisingly, I had kept my cool, now that I had more information registered, but it was still a bit much.

"So...where are you going to stay, now that's you're here?" I asked, slightly hoping he would say somewhere else, but part of me wanted to stay here. He had been one of the few people to actually talk to me, though his entrance was a bit....flamboyant.

"I figured I'd camp here to make your life miserable."

My heart gave a small flutter. I would actually have a roommate for once. Someone I could actually interact with on a somewhat daily basis. The only problem was that I didn't have a second bedroom for him to stay in.

"Don't worry, when you weren't looking, I added a bunk bed to your room," he said, almost seemingly reading my thoughts. I dashed over to my room and found that indeed, a bunk bed had replaced my own, large enough for him. Nothing else in the room had changed (at least, not on the surface). I walked back to the kitchen area and sat back down at the table. We glanced at each other, sitting in silence. He looked at me as if he was prompting me to do something.

"So, what now?" I finally asked. He fell out of his chair.

"What do you mean, 'What now'?! I can change your reality! I can make you live in a mansion, get millions of dollars, become the largest porn star in the world, date the most beautiful women in the world, and all you have to say is 'What now'?? Come on, man! Live a little!"

"....but I don't want any of that," I said honestly, a little shaken up by his outburst.

It was true. Like I said before, I don't live a hedonistic lifestyle. I don't want to. Too many risks involved, regardless of how much reality I change. I don't want to change other people's lives either without their consent.

Isaac was dumbfounded. I don't think he expected someone to not do anything; he probably assumed that they would want to indulge in their superficial desires, and go nuts changing every aspect of their life as they went along.

"I see....well. This could be more interesting than I thought. A lot of people just go nuts and suddenly have the newest Mercedes or suddenly own an island or something. It's nice to see someone without that kind of materialistic attitude." He sat for a moment, pondering about something in his mind. "Well, I'm not going to leave after all of that effort of getting here. I'll hang around; see what's going on, that kind of thing. So what do you do for fun?"

"Nothing, really. I play video games, nap, work on some homework, and wait for the next day to start," I sincerely replied.

"You don't hang out with friends?"

"Last time I hung out with someone was about 8 months ago. We keep talking about how we should hang out more often, but it never happens."

"Damn, son. You really are boring. Do you exercise at all?"

"I used to be in track, but I quit after a knee injury. I take long walks if I'm really bored."

"Well, you aren't doing anything now, show me around town."

"Fine...." It was true. I didn't have anything better to do, and it'd be nice to get out some, despite the fact I just came from school about an hour or so ago.

A little while later, we found ourselves in the town square. Since this was a college town, there wasn't really anything that I'd consider special, beyond the 20 various bars that litter the town's streets. There was a mall as well, but again, it isn't the best place in town. No, I decided to show Isaac the best coffee shop in town.

Funny as it is, I don't like coffee. But, they serve the best coke floats in town, so that's why I go there often. It also had a wonderful porch with a nice view as well. Sure it had indoor seating, but I only go inside if the weather is bad. I had ordered my standard float, and Isaac got a Frappuccino of some sort; despite all of time here, I never really got the whole coffee lingo. We sat down with our drinks and began to, well....drink them.

"So why is this place so good?" Isaac asked.

"Well, they make good non-alcoholic drinks, and the company is nice."

"You know, for a complete introvert, I'd expect you to hang out at the bookstore or something."

"Please. I like watching people. I may not be well known, but I know about a lot of people just from sitting here watching others, and listening to various conversations."

"Isn't that considered stalking by most standards?"

"If you don't want someone to overhear you, don't go to a public place outdoors."

"Fair enough."

"For example," I said, pointing to a fox in skateboarder-like attire running across the street. "That's Will Crossgrove. He's majoring in anthropology despite his punk appearances, and is currently dating a Dove by the name of Rachel Reherrig. His current worry, beyond the next time he might be getting laid, is that his scholarship money hasn't come in yet, so he doesn't know what action he should take financially."

"Isn't that quite a bit of sensitive information to know?"

"He's never talked to me," I said, perhaps with a bit more bitterness than I'd like. It wasn't that he specifically didn't talk to me; it's just that hardly anybody ever does.

"Chris, do you ever get lonely sitting out here, watching everyone live out their lives before you?" A somewhat heavy pause filled the air.

"Sometimes, but it's nothing I would want to fix. I feel that if I'm going to change my life, it had better be from me."

"But, I can give you those tools to do so. I don't just make direct changes. I can do small things to enhance your life."

"Would it bring me happiness?" I said, borderline snapping at him. This is not what I wanted to talk about.

"Sorry, man," Isaac quickly apologized, sensing the tension in the air. We sat in silence and drank our drinks. I knew he was really interested in "helping" me, but I didn't know what I needed help with, or why he was obsessed with helping me. I mean, I guess it's kind of throwing his abilities away, but I certainly didn't need them right now.

We eventually went back home, after giving a brief tour of campus. The only place Isaac really seemed to be interested in was our recreational center, which held the largest university gym in the state. I've actually never been inside, so I couldn't tell him what it looked like. By the time we reached my apartment block, the sun had just begun to set.

"Damn, we were out a while," Isaac commented.

"How could we not be? You were so insistent in exploring the rec center," I retorted, smacking the side of his ribs with a back fist.

"Did you expect that to hurt me?" he said, jokingly.

"I'm not sure." In truth, it had hurt me; his damn muscles were as hard as a rock, as cliché as that sounds. I may or may not bruise tomorrow.

"Well, you didn't try hard enough," he said, laughing afterwards. Somehow, that phrase stuck in my head. It was painfully true, regardless of the current context, and whether or not he knew how right he was. I didn't make much of an effort towards anything. That doesn't mean I was unsuccessful at things, but thy tended to lack....meaning. They all seemed trivial to me.

"What's the matter?" Isaac asked, showing hints of concern on his face. I paused in step for a bit. I didn't want to tell him that what he has said to me all day was finally having an effect on me. Did I need change? No, but I'd like something worth doing, I just wasn't sure what that was. I mean, I am 22 years old; what could I possibly do that's considered worthwhile beyond studying?

"Seriously, though. You alright? You aren't terribly mad about earlier today?"

I shook my head. "It's nothing. Well, nothing I can't deal with on my own."

"You sure?"

"Yes! Come on, we're here." I was actually kind of surprised that we were suddenly in front of my apartment. We walked up the two flights of stairs to the third floor, and entered. The new skylight was still there, along with the new bunk bed presumably in my bedroom.

"Man, what a day!" Isaac said with some exhaustion, and stretched. I couldn't help but stare at his body, watching certain muscles stretch and move under his shirt. Hints of an eight pack were showing through the fabric, and I turned away suddenly, just so I wouldn't get caught. That could be an awkward situation.

"Mind if I cook you dinner?"

"I'd appreciate it."

"Hamburgers sound good?"

"...I don't have any hamburgers, Isaac."

"You do now," he said, pulling a package of hamburgers from my freezer. I rolled my eyes in a mocking way, and laid down on the couch.

"So, if you can suddenly make hamburgers appear, why not make them appear fully cooked?" I asked, listening to the sizzle of the meat on the pan.

"You see, that's actually where you and I are alike. I like the process of going through something, and I'm not usually satisfied by instantaneous results. I know, because of my abilities, this shouldn't bother me, and it seems somewhat ironic that I prefer process over results. But, I've seen instant results collapse."

"In what ways?" I asked, propping myself upon my elbows to see him better.

"Well, there was this on otter a couple of years ago who thought since he was always so weak that he should suddenly grow to 300 pounds of pure muscle, in which I cautiously obliged. Sure, he had all of that muscle, but he became the laughing stock at the gym because he really couldn't lift anything. His muscles weren't trained, and I can't give him that. That's out of my jurisdiction. So, he might have had 24 inch biceps, but he could maybe only curl about 45 pounds due to lack of knowledge and experience of proper form. Also, he almost starved to death due to his lack of knowledge of proper nutrition for his newly vamped metabolism. Again, I can't really fix his knowledge. I can supply him with all the food he wants, but I can't give him experience. Then, there was this one doe-"

"Wait," I interrupted. "You can give him muscle mass, make sure all of his body functions the way it should at that weight of muscle mass, but you couldn't slow down his metabolism?"

"There's a series of things I can't do. Again, most of those lie in the jurisdiction of the gods, and I can't give you knowledge or experience. I can increase your absorption rate of those things, so that you can learn more things quickly, but I can't suddenly make you understand calculus. Make sense?"

"Kind of. Sorry, continue on."

"Alright, so this doe, she lived in poverty for most of her life, and she was kind of a drug addict (something I can't fix either). So, she wants to suddenly have one millions dollars. Beyond drugs, she buys a huge house, new car, and other expensive items, and suddenly, she's bankrupt. It's quite tragic, really."

"So why didn't you give her more money?" Isaac paused for a moment.

"I was already gone at that point. I mean, I can't be everywhere at once, and she decided that I wasn't necessary in her life, now that she had money. This was a moment in my career that I became cynical towards life. People are naturally materialistic. They want things they don't have, and when they suddenly have them, they abuse the 'gifts' they have and then they're back where they started, or worse. Like I said, it's unfortunately tragic. That's why I was kind of surprised when I actually met you. I've only watched you in the past week or so, and I wanted to see if everyone in the world was completely materialistic." He let out a large sigh, and continued to cook the hamburgers.

The fact that he had actually been watching me was slightly unnerving, but I suppose that due to him being, oh, I don't know what to call it, supernatural? Yeah, that sounds like a good term for it. But, due to his supernatural nature, I guess he's watched tons of people, and he probably isn't the only one who has watched me. This was all kind of weird. I mean, where are they if they aren't in the physical realm? How do they decide when to show up, and for whom? Why am I asking myself these questions instead of asking him?

"Hey, if could you do me a favor, and put these buns in the toaster, please?"

"Why the toaster?" I asked, realizing then that he obviously wanted them to be toasted.

"Make sure you put it on full blast, or it won't toast as well."

I placed two pieces of hamburger bun in the toaster and waited for them to pop out. I jumped on the counter and sat down, letting the cooking atmosphere soak in. Isaac was placing Worcestershire sauce into the pan, and it smelled like he used pepper and garlic powder as well. I didn't have any of those spices, so I figured he pulled them from wherever he pulls stuff from. Come to think of it, I wonder what it looked like when he made something. It probably just suddenly appeared, but it'd be an interesting sight to see.

The toaster popped out the buns, and I laid the finished pair on a plate, and put the second pair of buns in. This was really quite nice, though. I haven't had company in a long time. It was interesting watching the giant lion work; watching the muscles in his arms and shoulders bunch up and slightly flexing while he flipped the hamburgers. I never understood how something could grow so massive. I couldn't see a majority of the stove itself due to the massive expanse of his back, and just wondered how nice it would be to touch it.

'No,' I told myself. I wouldn't let my hormones override our potential friendship. Plus, I didn't know if he'd let me touch him, and I'm not going to ask him cause that'd be awkward if he said no. Well, it'd probably just as awkward if he said yes because I wouldn't know what to do, and the idea of making it sexual was out of the question.

Ah, hormones. Aren't they lovely?

My reverie was interrupted by the sound of the toaster letting me know that the bread was finished. I put the second pair of buns on the plate.

"Fantastic!" Isaac exclaimed. "Just in time," he said as he placed a burger in between each of the buns. "Done!"

I hopped off of the counter, and grabbed the plate, and placed it on the kitchen table. Here we were again, just like the first time we talked today, at the table and eating food. I could get used to someone else cooking for a change, I'm not going to lie. As the chicken was earlier today, the hamburgers were wonderful. Tender, juicy, and the flavor of the meat was complimented by the spices. I could be lucky that he's a fantastic cook.

"So is there anything else you want to ask me?" Isaac said with his mouth full.

"You know, I think I'll just let it sink in for a bit before I indulge further. There are something I still can't wrap my head around, but with time I might understand. You're a fantastic cook, did I tell you that yet?"

"Aww, how sweet. I guess when you've been around a bit, you pick up some things."

"So the other manipulators don't learn how to cook?"

"Some do, most don't. Why bother when you can make the best food ever without actually cooking it?"

True enough.

We finished our meal, and I headed off to shower. Once again, I found myself looking into a mirror, this time the bathroom mirror. I removed my clothes, and gave an overview of my body. The reflection of the same orange tiger stared back at me. I was still skinny, still on the shorter side of life, and still considered normal. I didn't have much muscle definition, but if I pulled away what little belly fat I did have and flexed real hard, I could see my abs. My chest was flat, my arms were thin, my legs weren't thick like normal tigers, but I wasn't built for speed or power. I wasn't sure what I was built for, honestly. Most tigers end up being athletes of some kind, but here I was trying to be an academic of some sort. Gotta break stereotypes somehow.

My attention was drawn to the center of my body. My genitals were fairly normal I suppose. My balls hung normally, and my average size sheath contained my cock, which was a normal five and a half inches long when fully erect. I wasn't going to complain about having an average dick; it's not like I had sex all my waking hours, so why bother complaining about something I wasn't going to use? I sighed. Somewhere, my mind told me that if I was more muscular, or had a foot long cock, I would get noticed. But, as my mind battled, I wouldn't be me, and those are only superficial traits that only materialistic individuals would care about.

I'm better than that. I don't need those, especially since I now have Isaac.

Wait. Something isn't right here. He's just a temporary guest here. Where was this sudden language coming from? I couldn't possibly have a-

I felt an erection coming on. I watched as my pink dick popped out of my sheath, and quickly filled with blood. It pointed straight up, and flicked towards my belly. Slight traces of veins mapped the skin of my dick, signalling that my erection was complete. The thought of Isaac caused this. Was I really beginning to fall for him? I mean, I knew I was at least bisexual (or asexual as I like to tell myself), but this was all getting to be a little stranger than normal.

I shook my head, and turned on the water for my shower. I never really liked blistering hot showers; I was satisfied with lukewarm temperatures. It was a nice middle ground that was somewhat relaxing, but didn't make my skin itch, and didn't freeze my balls off in the process. I stepped in, soaked fur, and poured some shampoo in my hand and lathered up. Even the massaging suds could not distract me from Isaac. As I rinsed, I stared down at my throbbing cock.

You see, I say everything about me is normal, and as much as I'd hate to admit it, my hormones are also normal. I'm generally pretty good at keep my sexual desires at bay, but this is one of the few that probably wouldn't go away. I suddenly turned the water to freezing cold, and my erection subsided, though my balls still felt active. This could be troublesome.

I stepped out, and towelled off. My teeth were clattering due to the frigid water, but at least my erection wasn't present. I wrapped the towel around my waist and cracked open the door, hoping Isaac wasn't in immediate view. I couldn't see him, and so I opened the door all of the way, and headed towards the room, still glancing around. I couldn't find him. I hoped he went outside, because it would be kind of weird if I'd see him in my room. I opened the door and-

I closed it quickly, slamming the door.

My heart was racing from the glimpse of what I just saw. Isaac was in my room. Not just in my room, mind you, but naked in my room. My erection started to peek out.

"No, not right now!" I hissed in frustration. The last thing I wanted him to see was me almost naked and with an erection. This was not go-

"What's wrong, Chris?"


I could feel him standing behind me, the warmth of body radiating outwards, warming the recently frigid temperatures that had assaulted my body. I quickly turned around-and I wish I hadn't for two reasons- and accidentally dropped my towel (reason #1).

"Oh shit-" I exclaimed, hurriedly scrambling to pick up the accidentally discarded towel. I picked it up, blushing, and bumped right against Isaac's head. Apparently, he had the bright idea to help me with that.

"Owwww" I groaned, rubbing my head with one hand, and, surprising I might add, keeping my towel on with the other.

"Damn, your head is harder than it looks," Isaac said, in the same painful manner. I opened my eyes after the pain quickly subsided, which brings us to reason #2 on why I shouldn't have turned around.

There stood Isaac, arms crossed, wearing only a pair of tight fitting boxer briefs. Without the current context, it was a glorious sight. I knew he was muscular, but it's always hard to tell how someone really looks when they have clothes on. The first thing I noticed was how large his pecs were. They created a powerful shelf that overlooked his midsection. They were each round and thick, decorated with slight traces of veins that gave a hint to how powerful they really were, once they were fully engorged in blood. The pair of muscles collided in the middle of his chest, and created a jagged gorge, where space seemed to always be under constant battle between his left and right pectoral muscles. This led my vision directly to his shoulders. Because he had crossed his arms, the spot where the upper pectorals and where the shoulder met (all along the collarbone, mind you) was raised, giving off a very intimidating vibe. His shoulders were, pardon the cliché, cannonballs. The striations of the muscles were very apparent on the outer edges, and a single thick vein ran across the shoulder through his large bicep, which, due to his position, was slightly flexed. Even then, they made contact with his chest, adding to the battle for space on his body. Three more thick veins branched off of the single vein leading from his shoulder through the muscled arm, leading to the forearms. Each rivet and groove was very pronounced, and several tributaries of vascular networks were very much on display. If it was a sight now, I couldn't wait to see them actually working.

Most of his abs were covered by his forearms, but through the small gaps of space I could see, each one of them was incredibly defined. Though the fur was slightly thicker along his tan belly, but not even that could hide his impressive definition. A few trails of thin veins seemingly danced along the bottom of his midsection, leading to his hips, which were (this was kind of a good thing at the moment) hidden by his undergarments. Despite this clothing barrier, I could still see the outline of his package, and it was a definite tease to the imagination. I knew he was probably large, but not to this extent. The lower dip in the pouch signified that his balls were significantly larger than my own. Due to sheaths being the way they are, it was to tell how large his cock was, but I could still see the outline of his sheath, and it was quite large.

This led to his legs. Powerful quads (I hate it when people say 'tree trunk thighs' personally, so I'll avoid that comparison) led from the hips to his kneecap, and more veins ran from under his boxer briefs to the heads of each muscle. The striations in the teardrop muscle were largely spaced, and surprisingly even. His kneecaps were deliciously decorated with connective tissue. All of the connecting tendons and ligaments were obvious, and gave a jagged appearance to his joint. Both calves were easily seen on either side of his legs, and several veins graced the outer edges of it. Like his kneecaps, his ankles were also decorated with connective tissue, giving the impression that he certainly knew how to move his feet.

"Did I hurt you?" Isaac asked tenderly.

I shook my head, trying to distract myself from the quasi-god in front of me. "I'll be fine; I'll just take some Advil or something before I go to bed."

"Are you sure you're ok? You've been out of it for quite some time."

A guy who fell from the sky into my living room is now almost naked in front of me, and he is probably the hottest thing I've seen in a very long time. I might be alright. I guess.

"I'll live. Do you mind getting out so I can change?"

"Oh. Sure. Sorry about that." He scratched the back of his head, and moved towards the living room, showing off his back side as he went. His back was just impressive as his front. Thick cords of muscle lined vertically along his spine. The rhomboids were in a distinct diamond shape, showing the amount of pull he had with his shoulder blades. His lats were wide, giving the authentic V-shape of a pro bodybuilder.

Pity his ass was covered by his boxer briefs. Actually, it was probably a good thing at the current moment. It was nice and round, and yet, it gave off a powerful vibe, letting me know that his hips could move. His hamstrings were true to the name (well, on the string portion at least). Smaller threads of muscle led from his ass to the back side of the kneecap, which then led to his calves. To use a cliché, they were perfect diamonds, probably as hard as diamonds as well. The split between the inner and out calves was a nice gorge, and you could distinctly tell when his pinky toes landed versus his big toes.

I quickly closed my mouth, in case I started to drool. God damn, how was I supposed to get any sleep tonight with that hunk lying near me? I quickly walked into my room and shut the door-probably a little harder than I wanted to- and dropped my towel. My erection picked up again, and I doubt it'd go down anytime soon. Here's to hoping I don't have to go to the hospital for priapism. A small drop of pre appeared on top of the head of my dick. Shit, I was already leaking. Damn, I knew he was arousing but this was almost too much. I tried to ignore it as best as I could as I got dressed. I pulled on some boxers, and I let the waistband rest on the head of my dick, due to my persistent erection. I pulled on some grey sweat pants, and pulled on a dark blue shirt. I glanced at the mirror in my room, hoping my constant hard on wasn't too noticeable. It might be, depending on how I move, or if someone is looking really closely. I guess that's a good thing about having a mediocre set of genitals.

"Can I come in yet?"

I turned around, and found Isaac poking his head through the door.

"Sure. I was just about to get in bed myself," I said as I headed up the ladder to the top bunk.

"Awesome. What time are you getting up?"

"9:00 or so. Don't have class until noon." I pushed myself over the small rail up top, and grabbed the soft linens and pulled them over my body.

"Nice cover choice," I remarked, noting the green and blue plaid pattern.

"Thanks," Isaac said. I felt the structure of the bed shift slightly as he crawled in. His scent was steadily permeating throughout the room now. It smelled almost like cedar and a little something extra. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I know I've smelt it before.

"Night," Isaac said below me.

"Night," I responded, and turned off the ceiling light.

Insomnia is one of my few "abnormalities". Some days, I could work myself to exhaustion just to stare at the ceiling for hours. This time, I knew what the source was. The guy below me was making me nervous. Not in a bad way, but sleeping in the same room was wreaking havoc upon my anxiety. I needed out. I sat up and looked at the clock on the far side of the room. 1:42. I stretched a bit, making sure I was quiet, and got out of my bunk. I slowly climbed down the ladder, hoping that I didn't wake Isaac. I tip-toed over to the door, opened it, stepped through, and slowly closed it. I exhaled once the latch clicked, finally realizing that I'd been holding my breath since I traversed my room. I grabbed my jacket and keys, and left my apartment after locking the door.

The night air was crisp and refreshing. I've always loved cold weather, until it gets super windy. But tonight, tonight was perfect. It was an extraordinarily clear night; the moon was full and lit up the streets with a pale glow. All sorts of constellations were visible, showing off the vastness of our universe. It's always a soothing sight for me.

I didn't have any real destination in mind as I walked. The barely lit streets lead me to familiar parts of town, some not-so-familiar parts. Either way, the city was asleep. There wasn't much of a nightlife beyond the strip of bars that was in the center of town, which was fine by me. I didn't need alcohol to have fun. Crickets provided a quiet soundtrack to my meandering walk, and I soon found myself at the local park. I loved it here. There was a nice hill that could you could see everything in the city from, and it was a nice spot to observe the night sky as well. I walked up the path to that spot, taking my time in the crisp air. Numerous thoughts filled my head, mostly about the past 12 hours or so. I wasn't sure if meeting Isaac was a good thing yet; beyond creating a new window in the roof of my apartment and suddenly having someone to talk to (and cook as well), he hadn't done much. Most of that was my fault; I didn't want him to change me. Well, at least not yet. I didn't want my changes to be impulsive. Sure it'd be nice to have some things different...but I'd have to play them out slowly. I didn't want to let my changes change me.

I sighed. This was a lot to wrap my head around, and surely there was more to it. As I sat down upon the hill gazing into the great universe, I wondered why I had been selected for this. I had no intentions of actually changing myself, so what purpose did this serve? I was almost afraid to change myself, mostly in fear of how far I would go, and how others would react to it. Would I abuse it? Would I let those changes take over my life? Would it hurt others? All of these questions and more filled my head, often repeating themselves endlessly. I laid down, and sighed again. This was almost too much to worry about.

"What are you thinking about, all the way out here?"

"God dammit!" I yelled out of shock. I quite literally jumped about 2 feet in the air while lying down. Isaac had apparently followed me here, but he didn't have to scare the shit out of me like that! He laughed to himself, and plopped down beside me, crossing his legs and looking upwards. My poor heart was beating incredibly fast, and my adrenaline was also running at full force.

"God damnit, Isaac, don't sneak up on me like that!" I exclaimed, trying to regain my composure, blushing from the embarrassing reaction.

"Sorry for the lack of warning. I just wanted to see what you were up to," he said, and then gazed upward towards the sky.

"Wow, this is a pretty impressive view! I can see why you chose this spot."

"Yes, it does tend to be relaxing. I usually come here after a stressful day, or to help me fall asleep. The vastness of our universe tends to remind me that my issues are usually small."

"Do you see me as an issue?" Isaac asked, turning towards me.

"Of course not! It's just....just...."

"Just....? You know, I can always leave-"

"I didn't mean that!" I cut him off. "I're the first person to ever really talk to me. But...."

"You're still hung up on about my manipulation abilities."

"Well.....yes and no."

He leaned forwards on his elbows and I saw his tail flicking back and forth behind him. I couldn't look him in the face to tell him how I really felt. I was falling in love honestly, and I wasn't sure how he would react to that.

"Is it because you're falling in love with me?"

Okay, I guess I was obvious about it.

"What?! Of course-"

"Shhhhhh," he quieted me, placing a finger on my lips. "The evidence is clear to see," he said, gesturing at my crotch, while I sat there blushing. "Plus, I know you. Why do you think I chose this form to interact with you? I knew you'd like it."

Well, at least he wasn't threatening to beat me up. But, my heart was still pounding. Sure, I was scared. But it was more nerves than actual fear. I've never been confronted about my sexual desires before.

"Don't worry, Chris. I'm not here to hurt you," Isaac reassured me.

"I'm not worried about that," I finally spoke.

"Then what worries you?" He asked me, a loving look in his eyes. I let out a huge sigh.

"I'm just nervous. I've never been in a relationship with anyone and if doesn't work out, then the repercussions of it are sure to be-" Suddenly his mouth was around mine.

I couldn't even begin to describe how I felt. The previous whirlwind of emotions was suddenly swept away as his rough tongue dashed into my open mouth. Part of me was saying that this was technically rape, and the other part was saying I wanted this. Maybe not now, but eventually I would. That part won.

I had never been kissed before, so all of these sensations I was feeling-mostly his rough tongue dancing around my mouth- were refreshingly new. I moaned into the kiss, and my eyes were shut tight. I couldn't help it, it was so wonderful. I also complied and tentatively stuck my tongue along his, colliding blissfully into the muscle invading my own mouth. He pushed forward, and I gently fell on my back with Isaac on top of me. I could feel the weight of his body, or a good portion of it, rest on top of me. His pecs were wonderfully tough, and I could feel where the shelf left off and his abs began. I couldn't wait to actually see that.

He pulled out for a moment, leaving me breathless and panting.

"You worry too much. Just let things happen," he said, leaning forward to kiss me again. I complied, and our tongues tangled again. One of his hands made its way up my shirt, and pinched my nipple. I hissed in pleasure. His callused hand rubbed along my body, sending delicious shivers up and down my body. My cock was painfully erect in my pants, and my hips involuntarily thrust upwards, meeting his lower abs.

"I see you're enjoying yourself," He said, pulling off slightly while grinning at me. That predatory grin got my juices flowing some more.

"We have two options: continue here and risk getting caught, or go back to your home and fuck without anyone seeing."

I was still trying to catch my breath, but I managed to speak. "The second option sounds better," I said, slowly standing up.

"Home it is, then," Isaac said, and we headed back towards the apartment.

The walk home was almost surreal. I was nervous still, but mostly from excitement and anticipation rather than fear. It was a nice change, and to know that I could be intimate with someone so....awesome really helped. The walk actually seemed to almost take longer than it normally does, but it was ten times better because of the guy who was standing right next to me.

We eventually made it to my apartment, and the instant the door shut, Isaac was on me again. We made out some more, this time, with a little more zeal, and he led me towards the couch. He pushed me down, a bit rough for my tastes but no harm done, and stood before me, slowly removing his shirt.

As he grabbed the hem of the shirt, I began to see the details of a fantastic work of art. Slowly, a cobblestone-like eight pack came into view. Each abdominal muscle was in perfect definition. They weren't lumps like you'd find on a really skinny guy; you could tell each one of them functioned at the highest level possible. The lower four resembled bricks, and the top four had a particular s-shape at the top, peaking at his sternum. His oblique muscles were nice and thick, and yet gave off hints that they were supple as well, tending to whatever his flexibility required out of his torso. Several trails of veins and other connective tissues led from his chest to the waistband of his pants, seemingly focused towards his groin. He pulled his shirt up further, and his pecs came into view. Vast expansive slabs of muscle were now in focus. Unlike his abs, which were-pardon the cliché-ripped, his massive pecs were smooth, until they reached the center of his chest. The jagged crevasse lined the center and spanned from his neck to his solar plexus was just as impressive as it was earlier. His nipples were relatively small-well, actually, they were probably normal sixed, but due to the scope of his chest, they looked incredibly tiny. They were placed at the lower edge of his pectoral muscles, almost pointing downwards.

As he lifted his shirt over his head and finally removed it, I noticed his arms once more. It was impossible not to. They were perfect, just like the rest of his torso. Shoulders were not only wide, but thick as well. Large traps led to the great deltoids he had, and now that I could carefully observe each striation, I saw that they were very similar to the ones of his quads. The thick vein that led from his chest down through his bicep was pulsing now, bringing a sense of life to his body. This wasn't a picture, this was an actual body. Even as he had them relaxed, they were the largest pair of biceps I had ever seen on a person. The divide in the muscles was plain to see, and the elbow joint was covered in various connective tissue and veins, creating the look of plant roots as they continued forth into the forearm. His forearms were just as impressive. Several ropes of muscle went from the elbows to his wrists, and each twitch he made caused them to jump, making it easy to spot which muscles were firing and which ones weren't based on his actions. Veins continued to snake towards his paws, criss-crossing their way downwards.

"Like what you see?"

My attention was brought to his face. Now, it seemed even more beautiful with the rest of his upper body providing context. Bright golden eyes focused on me radiating warmth, lust, and a sense of predation over me. My arousal levels spiked.

"I would be lying if I said 'no'," I said, hinting at the rampant erection I had.

"Good," he said, in his deep baritone voice, as he leaned in to kiss me on the lips. This time, it was less ravenous and more tender, contrasting with the apparent lust that burned between us. He pressed his body weight down just enough that I was pinned, but not enough that I was uncomfortable, beyond the fact that I couldn't move. Not that I wanted to. He ground his hips into my own, and I could feel the tell-tale signs of his arousal. He moved to my neck, small butterfly kisses running down until he got to my shirt.

"You know, it would be more fun if this shirt came off...along with other things," he murred into my ear.

I wasn't ready to present myself. I don't know how he could find me arousing compared to him.

"Don't worry," he said, seemingly reading my thoughts. I hesitantly complied, and nodded to him. He pulled off my shirt, revealing the relatively slim undefined body I had. I instinctively moved my paws to cover myself up, but he caught them.

"Sorry," I apologized. "I'm not used to-you know-stuff like this."

"I could always help with that, you know," he said, thinking about his abilities and how he could use them on me.

"You know I'd refuse instantly."

"Oh, humor me. You can always change back, if you don't like it," he gave me a pleading look as he said this. I stared into his golden eyes, pondering this situation. Obviously, despite my desire to go unchanged, my self-image was still poor, and probably has dwindled since I met him. I obviously have a thing for big guys, mostly because I couldn't be one of them.

Or could I? I mean, this was my chance. Maybe...maybe I should take it and see what happens.


His face lit up.

"Awesome! This is going to feel a bit strange, but I think you'll like it," Isaac said with a wink.

"Lay back on the couch," he gestured. I laid down and stared up at the ceiling, waiting for him to do something.

"Now, close your eyes and relax. This might seem unnecessary, but it helps it speed along smoothly."

I did as I was told. I closed my eyes with the last image being Isaac holding his hands together almost like a prayer above me. I tried to relax as best as I could, taking several deep breaths to slow my heart rate down from its lustful heights. I embraced the darkness of my vision, trying to not think of what was about to happen. Perhaps several moments passed. I was not fully aware of the time passing by, but I knew that beyond relaxing and feeling the fabric of the sofa giving way (it wasn't, it just felt like it), nothing else had changed. I wanted to open my eyes and see what Isaac was doing, but something deep inside of me told me not to.

I waited.

And waited.

More waiting.

I let out a really deep breath that probably resembled more of a sigh, and I told myself that I was going to open my eyes.

Just then, a small feeling of warmth entered my chest. It felt like a tiny ball of heat was focused in my heart. It wasn't uncomfortable, but noticeable. It slowly swelled, radiating outwards at a slow pace, eventually filling up my entire chest cavity. Several streams broke off of the ball of heat and helped direct it towards my legs and arms, and one particular strand seemed to pool in my groin, refreshing my erection.

A suddenly jolt of intense heat made me open my eyes. I immediately sat up, and glanced down, expecting something drastic.


Nothing had changed.

"So.....what's supposed to happen?" I turned my head and asked Isaac, who was still standing above me.

"It's all in place. It's just more fun if you see it happen yourself," he explained, gesturing towards a full length mirror that was not previously in my living room. I stood up and walked over to it. I noticed nothing physically different about me; still the same old undefined skinny stomach and everything.


Isaac's command triggered something inside of me. I felt that ball of heat, or whatever it was, swell inside of me again, this time with an increase in intensity. My fur was starting to stand on in, just like I had stepped into a large field of static electricity. My skin started to itch, and as I reached towards my belly to scratch it, I saw it happen. I saw the little fat around my belly area seem to dissolve, as the itching sensation and heat filled that area. I felt my belly area with my paw, not believing what I saw.

I had a six pack. For the first time in my life, I could see my abs. They weren't huge or remarkable, but the fact that I could see them was enough for me. I couldn't help but smile.

I looked at Isaac in the mirror, and he was smiling as well.

"It gets better, just wait."

"How so-oh jesus"

The threads of heat had spilled into my legs, and the same itchiness that occupied my abs appeared once again. I took off my pants to see the developments happening there. I just pulled them off in time to see the grooves between the individual quad muscles appear, along with the split in my calves as I rotated my leg. When I looked back up again, I could feel the same heat permeate in my chest. Whatever fat I had in my chest suddenly disappeared. The feeling passed through my arms, and the process repeated itself.

I was a very defined tiger right now. I suddenly went from being average body fat to almost none. I probably lost about 15 pounds of fat in the transition, leaving me at around 125 lbs.

I turned to Isaac wondering about the next part, if there was one.

"So, when do I get-oh, god!" I called out, falling to my knees due to a sudden pressure encompassing my entire body. To be fair, it wasn't painful. But it was a very foreign feeling, so my body initially interpreted it as pain. Again, comparisons would fail to accurately portray the pressures inside of my body right now. The tendons of my body felt like they had been through the most strenuous workout possible, and certain muscle groups actually began to cramp. Flashes of electrical energies surged through my entire body, seemingly generating from my spinal column and spreading outwards. As much as I would have liked to see what the hell was going on with my body, I couldn't - the feeling had become so intense that I had to close my eyes and clench my teeth to counteract some of the pain (even though I don't actually recall it being painful as stated above).

After some time, the turbulent pressure inside of me stopped. I opened my eyes, and watched some sweat drip from my forehead to the floor. I looked up into the mirror and almost fell back in shock.

What was looking at me was me, but not a me I had ever seen. I glanced down and back up again, just to make sure the intense sensations weren't causing me to hallucinate or something.


All I could see was muscle.

I wasn't nearly as large as Isaac was (mostly due to a difference in frame size), but god damn, I must have gained about 80 pounds of muscle in 5 minutes. And all of it was on me.

"I told you it'd get better," Isaac grinned as I stood up. I wasn't used to this change of weight, so I stumbled a bit, trying to get my balance figured out. I settled in a stance and looked at my reflection again.

The first thing I noticed was my mid-section. Glorious abs replaced my smooth belly. It almost matched Isaac's in perfection. I rubbed my hand along them, feeling the bumps and crevasses, noting how certain muscles twitched when I moved a certain way. My oblique muscles were quite different; they were thin, showing several groups of clearly defined muscles and grooves in a distinctive V shape that led to my groin. This led me to my legs. Thick veins ran from my abs through my underwear (surprisingly, they had remained intact) and down along my adductors, before branching out into several different tracts. Like Isaac's quads, I could see all four heads of my upper thigh, and I could see traces of the inner thigh muscles as well. My kneecap had become a junction where muscle heads, connective tissue, and vascular networks met and circulated. Even without turning my legs, I could see both sides of my calves plainly, eyeing a particularly thick vein run through them. I turned side to side, flexing various muscle groups; the quads being my favourite. To see all four heads pop out, along with a new network of veins pop out as I moved my knee around was highly arousing. I turned around, and found my glutes were nice to see as well: smooth, and yet they were still the powerhouses to move my hips. I took this chance to watch my calves flare outwards as I pushed upwards onto my toes. As with my quads, a thin network of veins popped to the surface of my skin as I did so, showing the power they had.

I faced the mirror again, this time, checking out the rest of my upper torso. Due to the fact the Isaac had not changed my height, my pecs were somewhat short, but they were very thick, and the pectoral shelf left a slight shadow along my upper abs. My nipples were almost pointing straight down because of that. I rubbed my left thumb along the center of my chest, feeling where each muscle fibre connected to the chest plate while moving my right elbow, causing the right pectoral fibres to fire. Feeling them jump and compress as I went along the muscle was much more stimulating than actually seeing it, and the fact that it was my own muscle made it even better.

As I pulled my elbow away from my body, I watched the upper pectoral muscles ripple into the deltoids. It was awesome to see each muscle strand move at such simple gestures. When hardened, they seemed to form pauldrons underneath my skin. They certainly accented my frame rather well. More veins popped to the surface as I flexed my shoulders, and I traced the thickest vein that ran down towards my bicep.

That same vein, once it hit the middle of my bicep, broke off into two different branches, both of them leading to either side of the muscle group. I was in awe at the biceps Isaac had given me; I mean, they weren't as large as his were (nothing was), but still; they were a beautiful sight to behold. Even while relaxed, they were large and thick. I slowly brought my right arm up to flex those muscles, watching them twitch as each strand slowly fired. I could actually feel the blood pump through the veins that laced the underside and topside of my arms as I finally brought it through its full range of upward motion. I was floored at the sight. A giant of hardened muscle greeted me. I entertained myself, flexing my arms over and over again, watching the muscle fibres compress and decompress underneath my skin.

"Now remember, these muscles have just grown in size, not necessarily strength or control. I've just changed the appearance of them," Isaac reminded me.

"I don't care. This is fantastic. I've never even dreamed of this, and yet here I am," I said, flexing various parts of my body, watching them flex and relax. "Plus, now that I know what my goal looks like, I could eventually get there through years of training, right?"

"True. Man, I did one hell of a job," Isaac wrapped his arms around me, and rested his head on my shoulder. "And you haven't even seen the best part yet."

"But I didn't even-"

"You were going to, so I took care of it. Stop worrying about things," he said as he gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

I glanced down at m groin. I didn't feel any difference down there, and it looked about the same as it had earlier tonight. Hesitantly, I reached for the edge of my underwear and began to pull down.

"Don't worry. Let it happen. Now."

His whispered command sent chills down my spine. More electrical pulses found their way to my groin causing me to moan. I hurriedly stepped out of my underwear, and glanced down at my cock. It was already erect and throbbing. It became an angry red in color, and a small hint of fear that it might explode crossed my mind. More pulses were directed towards my balls, and I felt them begin to tingle with life. All of this energy accumulated for several moments, causing me to make sounds I've never heard me make, before something deep within me snapped (figuratively, of course).

I watched my engorged cock swell before me. I couldn't tear my vision away as I watched my average five and a half inches slowly become six. The sight of it growing paled in comparison to how it felt. My dick was becoming heavier and heavier; it almost felt like a perpetual erection. The supportive tissue of my genitals became stronger, and though the weight increased, it was not cumbersome.

Seven inches had passed, and a new network of veins snaked along my cock. One vein spanned the entire length, and I watched it pulse, feeding my growing meat with more blood. Seven became eight, and eight became nine. I was starting to get light headed now. Not due to a lack of blood in my head, but more from the adrenaline rush I was experiencing. Nothing in my entire life could have prepared me for this moment. I'm surprised my brain hadn't short-circuited or something.

With all of the pleasurable strain and strife my engorged cock had encountered, the growth finally stopped at fifteen inches. The girth had almost doubled, stopping at about eight inches around. I was on my knees now, panting. My new cock throbbed against my chest, barely hitting my chin if I hung my head low enough.

" it done?" I asked Isaac.

"You've forgotten something....Your balls haven't changed."

Fuck. I had completely forgotten about those. A giant surge of pleasure washed over me again. I fell forward on my hands and knees as that surged suddenly focused to my balls. A giant spurt of pre, larger than any actual cumshot I've ever managed to produced, launched from my cock. I looked down at my balls, and watch them swell. My scrotum also enlarged at well, allowing my balls to hang lower. More pleasure surged through me, and another spurt of pre flew from my cock and landed about two feet in front of me. Larger and larger they grew, and yet, they did not hang any lower. Another throb from my balls sent another spurt of pre from my cock.

Just when I thought the pleasure levels could not get any more intense, all sensations stopped. I was left there on my knees, panting from the exhilarating rush I just went through. I glanced down again between my thighs and found my balls had almost tripled in size. I probably couldn't get both balls in one hand anymore. Despite their size, they didn't hang as low as I expected them to. This created a taut look for my scrotum, which was still very arousing.

I slowly stood up, my cock still erect and throbbing against my chest. A dull stream of pre covered most of my cock head, and a few drip started to fall down the veiny shaft. I was still breathing heavy. I looked over at Isaac once more, and he had a very large grin on his face. He also was producing a sizable bulge in his pants, too.

"Damn. Why didn't you do this earlier? This is probably the best thing I've changed."

"I...just wasn't sure what would happen. I mean...I don't know," I said, still somewhat distracted by how good I looked. I hadn't even imagined I would look this way ever, even with Isaac present.

"Well, sometimes, we change for the better."

Isaac leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I kissed back, letting his large tongue invade my mouth once more. My tongue bounced off of his, and his wonderful taste once again flooded my mouth. He slowly turned me around, and walked me (backwards) towards the couch. Gently, he pushed me down. He let go of the kiss, and suddenly slurped his tongue on my cock head.

I involuntarily bucked my hips back. I had never received such stimulation before, and especially since my cock had never been this sensitive (let alone this large!), it was almost too much at once.

Isaac pulled off just then, before once again licking the pre off of my cock head. Now that I knew what was to come, it wasn't as jarring. His sandpaper-esque tongue sent delightful sensations down my cock. After the futile cleaning of the head of my dick (more pre just continuously leaked out, so it didn't even really matter), he opened his mouth, and took the plunge.

Sudden heat surrounded my cock. He only took about six inches, but that was enough to cause me to buck my hips forward. He held his head there while lapping at the underside of my cock with his tongue. I could feel the edges of his teeth graze the topside, adding to the delicious sensations my nerves were experiencing. I let a slow breath out, not realizing I had held my breath, and took slow deep breaths to help stabilize myself. Isaac moved his head upwards until his teeth slowly grazed along the glands, and plunged again, this time taking seven inches.

I probably could not tire from the sensation of having my cock surrounded by the humid environment of his mouth. Even more so, I could not get enough of his tongue. The texture sent shivers down my spine, and whenever he crossed from one side of my urethra to the other, my cock would flex through its own will. He pulled off once more, and plunged for the third time. Slowly, he brought his back up, and then slowly dipped down, letting his tongue slide along the surface of my turgid flesh.

His bobbing motion was electrifying. Such a simple act was setting me ablaze with pleasure, and I probably wouldn't last long against his oral ministrations. While increasing his tempo, he grabbed the thick base of my dick with his right hand, gliding over the rest of my pre-slickened shaft. His hand worked at a faster pace than his head, and the blissful sensations he gave multiplied because of that. My hips were bucking, my heart racing, I was even beginning to sweat a little bit, creating an almost tangible musk that permeated throughout the room. The smell that emanated from the copious amounts of pre was also adding to the conglomeration of smells, all of it intensifying the overall experience I was having. It was almost becoming unbearable.

Then, Isaac pushed his left thumb on my taint, pushing up against my prostate. The results were instantaneous: I could feel a large spurt of pre travel from the depths of my groin, through my urethra, and straight down Isaac's throat.

" taste awesome. Such a wonderful flavor you have," Isaac commented as he pulled me out of his mouth.

"I'm guessing you had a hand in that?"

"Actually, I didn't change that at all. It slipped my mind," Isaac replied honestly, and then took another plunge.

"God dammmmn..." I could almost feel his mouth form a grin as he heard me cry out. The same oral and physical ministrations continued, this time with more fervency as he tried to get me off as soon as he could. His thumb pushed harder against my prostate and forcefully rubbed around, causing me to squirm uncontrollably in my seat. I had squeezed my eyes shut so hard that I began to see various flashes of color dance around the insides of my eyelids, most of which were reacting to Isaac's wonderful blow job.

Suddenly, his thumb, which was covered in pre at this point, moved south, and it was now resting directly on my asshole. I knew it would eventually come to this, but even then, I still tensed up once he reached that spot. He slowly rocked his thumb back and forth, trying to warm his way into my anus. His blowjob had lowered in intensity in order for me to relax, though it was still hard to do.

Eventually I did relax, and his pre covered thumb forced its way in. The pain I felt wasn't from it hurting, as opposed to it being uncomfortable and foreign. His thumb wasn't terribly lengthy, but the girth was substantial enough to stretch me out a little bit. Isaac took note of the discomfort on my face, and let me try to adjust to his thumb for a moment. He slowly slid in until the entire thumb was in. It wasn't uncomfortable at this point; however, it did leave me wanting something larger inside of me. He pivoted his thumb around, causing me to moan slightly as I felt the tip of his thumb just barely graze the edge of my prostate. My hips pumped slightly into his mouth every time he hit that spot. Another spurt of pre shot out of my cock and straight into his stomach. He pulled his thumb out, and after wiping his hand along the base of my cock to gather the pre that had gathered there, he placed his fore and middle finger along my hole and pushed in.

"Oh man...." I hissed through gritted teeth. Again, it wasn't painful, but somewhat more uncomfortable than his thumb had been. The length was a great increase (comparatively), but as soon as he entered, he scissored his fingers, stretching me out even further. I shifted several times, especially when his middle finger hit my prostate. I was breathing pretty heavily now; my climax was not too far off. I felt the blood pumping in my ears, I began to sweat slightly, and I was profusely leaking pre; none of it going to waste as Isaac swallowed it all. Suddenly, two more fingers were added. That was too much for me to handle.

"Isaac....stop it, I can't take anymore..." I pleaded.

"Shhh, relax. Trust me. You can do it. I know you can, because I made sure you could."

"I'm trying to-oh FUCK!"

Suddenly, all five fingers were in in my asshole. All five thick fingers were trying to make their way inside, pushing forward. I was trying to relax as best as I could, but it was too much.

"Just a little more..."

Something snapped.

Well, not really, but that's what it felt like when my hole practically gave out, and I felt his knuckles pass through.

At the same time, due to the extreme sensations my body was undertaking, I hit my first climax with my upgraded equipment. I felt the tidal wave of cum travel from the depths of my groin and through my cock. The closer it got to my head, the most intense the feelings became, and I think I might have screamed or something when I felt it project from my cock. This moment felt like it was in slow motion. I watched as the large volley of semen flew out, over Isaac's head, and splashed onto the carpet below. I felt another one leaving my groin, and travel along the length of my dick again. In the same manner, it flew out, farther this time, and almost hit the wall on the far side of the room. The third rope was just as large as the previous two had been, but it didn't fly out as fast; some of the shot landed on Isaac (not that I think he minded). My time perception had fixed itself by this point, and I didn't realize for fast those shots were coming out. The fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh shots were all right after one another with no breaks. Each one began to decrease in size at this point, but they were still substantially more than I had ever produced. A steady stream indicated the near end of my orgasm, and I found Isaac covered in some of my cum. I was breathing heavily at this point, and was starting to fade a bit. Even with this being to more erotic, sexual, blissful, whatever-else-you-could-think-of experience I had ever had, it was also the most exhausting. That orgasm took a lot out of me.

"Did I ever tell you I'm good at what I do?" Isaac asked, his hand still lodged in my asshole.

"God, damn....give me a moment...or ten...."

"Oh, I'll let you rest up for a'll need all the energy you can muster when I plow through you."

That caused me to tense up for a second. I'm not sure if I was nervous about having him plow into me, or if it was anticipation. I knew it wasn't going to be easy, that's for sure.

With a sickening schlurp, his dislodged his hand from my insides.

"Let me wash my hands real quick while you calm down for a moment," he said as he stood up and headed towards the sink. I was still light-headed from that overload of a climax. I glanced down at the mess I had made. There had to have been a good pint and a half of semen on the floor, not to mention the mess I made on Isaac. I was rather impressed, actually. I had never done anything substantial before today, and now look; I have a fifteen inch cock with balls the size of horses, not to mention my new physique.

However, I hadn't earned the physique Isaac gave me. If I do ask him to change me back, I'm sure he will understand my logic for it. I mean, he did say I wouldn't have any of the experience years of training to achieve this body would have given me. If I tried to go the gym, I'd look rather silly not being able to bench properly. The dick I could live with, though. I mean, genetics isn't something you "earn". But, I'll worry about that later.

"You ready for the second round?"

"Yeah I think-" I gasped.

Isaac had lost his pants and underwear, and was standing in front of me completely naked. It was perhaps the most erotic thing I had ever seen. Not even his muscular legs could distract me from his crotch. Meaty balls hung low, almost grapefruit sized. They were hypnotizing pendulous, swinging back and forth slightly as he moved his legs. His sheath was enormous; almost as thick as my hand, and just as long. That's when something clicked.

"....You're not even hard yet....Oh god..."

Isaac smirked. The light-headed sensation returned.

"Nah, I have really good self-control. I wanted you to work to make me hard anyways. It's more fun that way," he said, sitting down next to me.

"But I don't even know what to do."

"You weren't taking notes to what I did to you?"

"Sorry, I was too busy trying not to let my brain fried from being overloaded."

Isaac laughed.

"Understandable. Alright, let me help you get started," he said, grabbing my hand and placing it directly on his crotch. The heat radiating outwards was incredible. I moved my hand down, and hesitantly touched his balls. Only one could fit in my hand at a time, and they were much heavier than they looked. The sloshed around in his sack as I prodded them, eliciting various murrs and purrs from Isaac. But his body hadn't reacted to my simple ball fondling. Hesitantly, I brought my left up to his sheath, and stuck one finger inside, causing Isaac to jump slightly. The inside was slightly moist, and I could feel his massive cock, waiting to be released. I swirled my finger around, and with my other, continued to fondle his massive orbs, hoping for some sort of reaction from him.

I felt something shift within his sheath, and I pulled my finger away. A large pink head poked out, almost as large as my own, and I watched in awe as some of his cock slithered out as well. A sudden wave of musk permeated through the room. It was a pretty heady aroma, but not unpleasant. The snake of flesh continued spilling out, until it reached an amazing ten inches in length, still soft, before it stopped. I held my breath waiting for it to get hard. However, nothing happened.

"Staring at it won't make it hard you know..." Isaac said, hands behind his neck giving a nice display of his biceps, chest, and abs. I looked down at that long tube of flesh. I had never done anything like this before, so I hesitantly brought my hand to it. Grabbing the middle of the shaft, I felt the surprisingly smooth skin of his monster, though it was also slightly damp as well. I slowly slid my hand up the shaft until the tip, and pushed my hand down his shaft. I repeated this a few times. I may have jacked off a lot, but handling someone else's cock was a new experience for me.

"Can't you go any faster?"

"Sorry, I don't do this in my free time, you know...."

"I can tell...ohhhh, there you go," Isaac gave a slight moan of approval as I sped up slightly. I felt his pulse quicken slightly, and his cock slowly began to become firmer. I looked down and found that it was also still getting longer as the duration of my strokes increased. It was probably twelve inches by now. I sped up the pace, and felt a bit daring at the moment. I leaned down, and gave his head a teasing lick. The taste was phenomenal. The musky flavour was fantastic, and I wanted more. I licked again and again, taking longer strokes and his length continued to increase, and Isaac's moans rose in intensity.

Soon, it had surpassed my own cock in size. It was still soft, but I knew that the erection was almost complete. I stuck the head of his cock inside of my mouth, savouring the heady aroma and musky flavor. The girth was impressive as well, but I still managed to barely fit it inside of my mouth.

"Man, keep this up, and I won't be terribly long..." Isaac encouraged me. A dribble of pre leaked out, and I happily swallowed it. I continued my hybrid hand/blow job, and that's when I felt his cock rise up on its own. I pulled it out of my mouth to watch the erection complete itself. By now, it was twenty inches long and incredibly thick. A large network of blood vessels had risen to the surface, providing this monstrosity with blood. I watched as it continued to rise, pointing towards the ceiling with a slight upwards curve. It lengthened a little more, hitting twenty-two inches in length, before it suddenly flew up and swatted Isaac in the chest.

"Oh, wow...."

I was in awe. I had never seen a larger cock I my life. It reached all the way to his chest, and had to have been at least nine or ten inches around. Large veins criss-crossed from the base to the tip, where a steady stream of pre leaked out, thoroughly lubricating his shaft. A large droplet led down his shaft, and eventually pooled in a small divot of skin in his scrotum. I knew he wasn't one, but he looked like a god of sex. He sat there, smiling at me, and all of my fear and worries from earlier were gone. I only had one thing on my mind: I wanted that inside of me. Now.

Isaac leaned forward, and kissed me on the lips once more. Now, his taste was laced with the flavour of my own cum, which actually quite sweet. I hungrily went after that taste. Isaac matched my fervency, and soon, I found myself on the floor with Isaac on top of me. He made small thrusts with his hips, and the was no more erotic of a sensation of having his massive cock slide up and down my abs and chest, slick with pre. To aid in his pleasure, I flexed my abs and chest to give a more sensual texture for his dick to rub against, and based on his moans there were let loose in my mouth, it was rather effective.

Too soon for my liking, Isaac let go of the kiss and shifted back a little bit. I knew this moment was coming, but I was feeling very unprepared, both mentally and physically, for what was about to happen. He picked up my legs and placed them on his shoulders. I closed my eyes in anticipation. The area around my asshole grew warm as he drew near. I held my breath. And then, there it was. He gently placed his cock head on my pucker, and just let it sit. I felt small splashes of pre land on my anus in preparation for entrance, but the anticipation was slowly eating me. I pushed against him slightly, hoping he would get the message.

"Someone's eager," he chuckled.

"Just fuck me already..."

"Be careful for what you wish for, dear Chris."

He gave a strong pushed. Sudden pain seared through my backside and up my spine as his massive cock head suddenly jammed into my asshole.

"FUCK!" I shouted, squeezing my eyes shut so hard, spots flew into my vision.

"God DAMN, you're tight!" He shouted over my yells of pain.

We sat there for a good four or five minutes, waiting for the pain to subside. I could feel my anal ring throb as it mercilessly stretched around his girth. It was so tight that I could feel the pulse of the veins that were in contact with me.

"I knew you were going to be tight, being a virgin and all, but this...this is ridiculous," Isaac said through gritted teeth.

"Sorry, I guess..." I said with my jaw clenched in the same manner, though for different reasons.

"Okay, okay...I'm going to pull out slightly, and push back in. You ready for this? I'll try to not to jam so hard this time."

"Yeah, that'd be nice..."

He tilted his hips back, causing his massive head to leave me with a slightly audible pop as it left. He pressed his cock head against my hole once more. The heat from his dick helped it relax somewhat, which was kind of nice. Slowly, I felt the pressure increase until the head suddenly slid in, this time a lot easier.

"There we go...nice and easy now..."

The sensation, most likely because of my endorphins and adrenaline were running high, was much more pleasurable now. I moaned slightly as about three more inches slid inside of me before pulling out. Another push in, another pull out, both motions were becoming incredibly smooth now, thanks to the copious amounts of natural lubrication he produced. It was also becoming incredibly pleasurable by now. Every time he slid in, a moan was forced out of me and several waves of tingling sensations went up and down my spine. My large cock was slowly becoming erect on top of me.

In and out, in and out, in and out...he established is rhythm quite well, allowing to push back against when needed. By this point, about ten inches or so were sawing a long inside of me. Even with only half of his cock inside of me, I felt wonderfully filled. His cock had a consistent thickness throughout its length, which meant that now since I had adjusted to the coke can in my ass, it was going to be a lot easier from here on out. My cock reached its full fifteen inches as well, and pre began to leak out of the tip, and erotically rubbed along my chest each time he thrust in.

"I'm glad that you're enjoying yourself, Chris. Oh damn, you're still so tight. God I love it though...You ready for more?" he asked.

"Fuck me, Isaac."

His thrusts suddenly increased in speed and energy, and I was not prepared for it. More and more of his cock was constantly being jackhammered into my ass, and I actually began scooting across the floor a tiny bit. Small bursts of pain suddenly came into focus as he reached areas along my colon that I had never felt before. But, as soon as they had entered, they were gone, leaving only splashes of pleasure. Before I had even registered it, Isaac was fucking me with his entire twenty-two inch cock, balls slapping my ass and all. I felt his pubic bone collide against my backside, and I couldn't think of anything more wonderful than that feeling. I writhed and squirmed beneath him, submerged in the most pleasurable sensations I had ever felt. He ground his hips against mine, making large circular motions hitting spots I had never even thought about. My prostate was abused; pre was squirting everywhere as my second climax of the night drew near. His fur was covered by sweat. That, in combination of his gritted teeth, intense focus, and slightly flexed abs caused me to drool slightly. You could not get a more erotic image in your head than an over muscular lion fucking machine at work.

"Fuck, I'm close..." he said as he continued to bombard my hole with short, quick thrusts. I was on the verge of losing consciousness from the overload of sensations. My own dick, however, was ridged and throbbing, begging for release.

I felt a small ball of warmth enter my groin once more. I glanced at Isaac, and found him in the midst of great concentration. The ball expanded, and I found that my cock was slowly growing longer and fatter once more. The pure ecstasy I was feeling was indescribable. My pounding heartbeat became the foreground for my hearing along with my quickening breath. I let out some sounds that I would not expect to make myself. There was nothing more important to me than riding this wave of bliss to completion. There couldn't be a higher level of pleasure to achieve than this.

Then, the ball moved to my balls. Hormones flooded my body as I felt my already heavy orbs expand in size. Sharp sparks of pleasure flew through me as Isaac continued his rampage. My balls sloshed around with each slap of my ass, also causing the new twenty inch cock I had to throb and slap against my chest, causing pre to shoot out and strike me in the face. I was in heaven. Pure bliss. Nothing could be better than being fucked like I was right now.

I could tell Isaac was extremely close; his cock was slightly expanding, and his balls were rising in his enlarged sack, both were signs of his impending orgasm. He began to grunt with each thrust, and when I thought our sex couldn't get any more intense, he suddenly pulled out completely, stood up, grabbed my cock, and then impaled himself on my dick.

Something in my brain snapped as I entered my second orgasm of the night. I arched my back and tried to lodge myself as deep as I could inside that wonderful warm environment that was Isaac's ass. I had never felt such a wonderful sensation around my dick. It was hot, tight, and yet still slick enough that I could enter completely without harming him. I felt a giant load of cum spew from the tip of my dick and spray all over Isaac's innards. He continued to ride me, milking all that he could, escalating the pleasure threshold to unfathomable heights. I saw stars. Flashes of color. Electric sparks along my spine. You name it, I felt it. Another huge wad of cum sprayed again, and I feel it run alongside my cock, some splashing out and landing on my crotch. More giant ropes filled him, each one lasting about five seconds each. My balls were beginning to tighten as more and more gushes of semen were unleashed from my cock. I lost count of how many spurts I unleashed inside of him, all the while; Isaac was still riding my cock, forcefully jamming it inside of him.

I felt his asshole clench, almost cutting off the circulation to my cock as it finished unloading inside of him. I saw his balls throb and rise up, almost directly into his pubic area. There was a quiet moment-it was if all time had suddenly stopped-before my vision went white.

Well, not entirely. But his first spray was far larger than anything I had ever imagined, or anything I was even producing now, and it covered my entire upper torso. I brought my hand up to wipe some of the cum from my face right as the second blast hit my body again. That's when the smell hit me, and as a reaction, my body had its third orgasm of the night. I had never smelled anything so pungent and distinctly male. I licked me lips to get a taste, and I was very pleased with the flavor. I continued to lick around when the third blast struck me in the face, causing me to

cough from the unexpected explosion.

As with all good things, his orgasm came to an end shortly thereafter. I was still on the floor, panting, all while covered in Isaac's sticky fluid. I had never been so exhausted in my life. I felt Isaac shift above me, and my softening cock fell out of his ass, along with a rush of my own cum. It pooled beneath us, and I was still surprised about how much my body could produce. He looked down at me, and fell onto his elbows and gave me a small kiss on the lips.

"I haven't...had that ages. Thanks for that," he said with a grin.

"You're the one who made it.... I just sat here and took it," I said, still trying to catch my breath.

" allowed it to happen. That's the best part, I think." He said, licking at my face trying to get it somewhat clean.

"You know what I think?" I asked, leaning into his cleansing tongue.

"What do you think, dear Chris?"

"I think I need a nap....god damn, Isaac. You know how to wear a guy out..."

"Heh, I guess I do. Here. You nap, I'll take care of clean up...and then, we can talk a bit. Alright with that? Chris? Hey....Huh. Already asleep. Well, time to clean up as I said..."

The solemn silence of sleep: there is nothing more calming than the steady rhythmic inhalation and exhalation of air. There is nothing more peaceful in the world.

Unfortunately, the sun decided to go about its natural course and wake me by shining in my face. I slowly opened my eyes, turning my head from the dreaded light, and found Isaac in my computer chair, just as I had met him yesterday, but this time he was asleep. I sat up in my bed slowly, careful not to wake him. I pulled the covers off, and discovered that despite last's night's changes, my body had reverted to its normal form. Part of me missed that feeling of strength I had from my muscles, but part of me said that I'd be better to earn them for myself, and that this was for the better. Isaac had only put me in pajama bottoms, which I was ok with; it was better than nothing.

I stood up, and walked over to Isaac, petting him on the head trying to get him up.

"...huh? Wassat....oh. Morning Chris..." he mumbled. I guess he isn't a morning person.

"Morning, sleepy head. Do you get everything cleaned up like you said you would?"

"Yeah...damn, we sure made a mess out there....but it was worth it," he grinned.

I frowned slightly. I did miss it. I wanted it to happen again and again, wouldn't be as special.

"You seem troubled. Is there anything you want to talk about?" Isaac asked, focusing those golden eyes on me. I sighed.

"Well, I...I'm not......really though..." I didn't know where to start. I didn't know exactly what was troubling me, either.

"You're wanting to know why I changed you back, right?"


"Well, I think you said it best yesterday. You hadn't earned that body. Now I know what you're thinking. Genetics generally affects most of those changes, and while that is mostly true, you hadn't put forth the effort for that body."

"Y-yeah, that sounds about right. I mean, I like what you did with it, and what we did with it but...oh hell. I want it. Now that I tasted it, I want it again. It was kind of cool."

"Hah, most people would agree with you. Nothing like being an over muscular sex machine. But it's good that you have a conscious about it. It's easy to become ensnared by it and let it control you. You should be happy that you have a modicum of self-control."

"But...can it happen again?"

"If you want it to. I mean, to get the muscles, you could always train to get them. It'll take you a lot longer, but at least you earned it for yourself. As for the cock and balls, well....let's just say I didn't revert everything back to normal."

"You what??" I said in surprise. Quickly, I pulled back the waistline of my pants and underwear to reveal a large flaccid snake and two tennis ball sized orbs residing where my crotch was.

"Now, it's not going to be nearly as long or as productive as it was, but you know. An added bonus doesn't hurt," he chuckled.

I was still in disbelief. I watched it slowly become erect, poking out of my pajama bottoms, and straight into the open air. It stood firm at eleven inches, and about four inches around.

"Yeah, you're going to have fun with that," he said with a wink.

"I'd hope so...." I said, resisting the urge to jack off right then and there. I pushed it down back into my bottoms, and eyed the massive tent it made. I tried my best to ignore it.

"'So now what' is a typical question at this point. Usually, I leave and the person's life goes on using whatever modifications I crated to their advantage. But, I still want to play around with you some. You may think you're boring and whatnot, but your integrity of lifestyle is very fascinating to me. Very rare is it that we find someone who doesn't actually want to change without the struggle, so to speak."

"Are you saying you wish to stay with me?"

Isaac pondered this for a moment before looking at me again.

"If you'll let me stay with you. It'll be fun, I promise!"

"Fine....but you can't change anything unless you ask me, got it?

Suddenly, I was on the floor again with Isaac on top of me in a presumed hug. Despite it being a simple act, it did have a profound effect on me. I had never been hugged like this before. No one had ever interacted with me the way he did (beyond last night's fun). No one cared to get to know me. True, part of that was my own doing of being a social recluse, but no one gave me a reason to. Now, Isaac was here, and I felt that my life was indeed going to change.

Perhaps some change is for the better.

It's all in the Structure

A short little thing I wrote. If you don't know anything about music, that's fine; you're here for more important things, and it was the easiest lead in I could think of (also, if you disagree with the structural analysis, that's fine too. I got a 96...

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