Lucky Fan

Story by Tcyk89 on SoFurry

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After winning a special contest, a wolf gets to spend an entire night cooped up inside a motel with his favorite wrestler, and the two are free to do whatever they want...

It was hard not to be distracted. How couldn't he be? He was standing in front of the city's most popular wrestlers. The fur was a very large horse, towering at nearly seven feet and weighing much more than the shorter wolf could even imagine. The brown horse was just as muscular as he appeared on TV when he was going up against his opponents, and just as attractive too. So many times the wolf would stare at the equine clad in his tight yellow shorts, black wrestling shoes and facial mask. He would always pray for the cameras to pick up a good, clean shot of his fat ass, or of his chubby belly bulging past his shorts. And more times than he could count, daydreaming about this wrestler usually led to a standard session of stroking his meat and making a mess in his bedroom. And after all that daydreaming and masturbating, now the wolf was here, standing in front of the huge wrestler inside of a motel at night.

"Hehe, did you hear me? Food's ready!" the huge equine said.

"Huh? ...Oh, right. Sorry."

Fletcher "Rumble Guts" Scraggs, a grade-A wrestling celebrity in the city. Everyone knew who he was and what his moves were by now. Everyone knew how he behaved around his opponents and colleagues. Most importantly, everyone knew how he behaved around his fans. Rumble Guts had his share of female fans, sure, and the flirtatious horse would go well out of his way to tease them all by flexing for them or even pulling off his shirt and walking around without bothering to put it back on. But ever since Rumble Guts admitted to being gay to the public, his male fanbase increased dramatically...for obvious reasons. There were even some rumors going around that Fletcher made a sex tape and shipped it out across the country to said fans. But thankfully, it only turned out to be a fake, and the horse claiming to be Rumble Guts in the video was just some random equine impersonating him with the same kind of face mask. Once the fiasco was cleared up, Fletcher held a contest asking all his fans what movie he had a short role in, and the only fur who got the right answer was the wolf staring at the horse right now, trying to force himself not to get hard. The winner of the contest had the privilege of spending an entire night with Rumble Guts personally, free to do whatever he or she wanted.

"I, uh, aren't you supposed to be eating healthy?"

Fletcher was standing by the dining table in the motel with a bucket of KFC sitting on the wooden structure. "Tch! I eat healthy every goddamn day. My agent won't die if I eat some takeout for one night. But enough about that. You better get some chicken now before I start drooling all over it!"

The wolf knew the horse was just messing with him, but after hearing his stomach rumble several times, the canine decided it would be best if he went ahead and got some food now. So he got a paper plate and a few pieces of chicken and set the greasy food on the thin plate. Rumble Guts didn't get a plate at all. He just sat down across from the wolf and pulled a chicken leg straight from the bucket. The two furs started to eat, with the massive horse smacking a bit noisily as he bit down into the tasty, albeit unhealthy food.

"So how'd you know I was in that movie? It didn't even come out in theaters!"

The wolf tore off a chunk of meat from his chicken thigh before he started speaking. "I got drunk one Saturday night. Or high; I can't remember. I was bored and flipping through TV channels, and the next thing I know, I see you screaming and chopping off an octocroc's massive tentacles!"

Fletcher was already almost done with his chicken leg. He may be a very muscular wrestler, but he also sported an immense gut that made him clinically overweight. Not that he minded though. A lot of his fans thought that giant belly only made him cuter, or sexier. The horse laughed to himself as he remembered the absolutely horrible movie he had a role in where he tried to kill a giant mutated creature.

"SyFy movies, I swear...they're like Pokémon; they're always gonna shit out something new, whether or not it's any good! I guess that's really the only way anyone could know I was in Octocroc."

"If they were drunk or high?" asked the wolf.

Fletcher smirked as he started to chew on a huge chicken breast. "Or both!"

The wolf suddenly started to break out into a fit of uncontrollable giggling. He had to stop himself so he wouldn't choke on his chicken before he swallowed.

"Wh-what was that stupid line again?! I laughed so hard when I heard you say that!"

Rumble Guts was starting to giggle now too since he remembered the ridiculous line. "'Give me the goddamn keys, or I will TOSS YOUR SALAD!!'"

Both creatures started to laugh hysterically after that, unable to ignore how ridiculous the movie was, let alone Fletcher's overacting. Rumble Guts still had food in his mouth, some of which fell out as he laughed so he wouldn't end up choking on it. Talking to him like this, the horse didn't seem like a wrestler or some famous celebrity. He just seemed like an ordinary equine who once played in an abysmal SyFy film. The two creatures laughed for a while before they calmed down and continued to eat their food. Both creatures talked about their lives and why they chose to do what they did for a living. Fletcher used to work as a bodyguard, then as a bouncer, and eventually chose to put his brute strength to better use so he could gain more popularity and money. The wolf, meanwhile, worked as a bartender at a nightclub, where he would often run into creatures of all shapes and sizes, his most recent customers being a group of hyenas from a biker gang. They made small talk after that, most of which was about the wolf joking about all the lines from Octocroc.

"At the very least, they could've called it Croctopus. Name sounds catchier, dont'cha think?"

"But then fans would be saying it was a rip-off of Sharktopus. Croctopus would be about a crocodile with tentacles, but Octocroc is about an octopus with a crocodile-like body and tail, complete with tentacles."

"Overall, your standard SyFy Original Movie slop," chuckled Fletcher.

The dinner seemed perfectly casual and great. But then the wolf noticed that the heat had been on ever since he met the wrestler. He was starting to sweat, and so was the giant horse. Fletcher swallowed hard as he put the bones of the chicken wing he just ate into the bucket now filled with various chicken bones. The horse sighed as he slouched back in the chair and rubbed his fat gut, listening to it grumble. The wolf took note of the warm scent in the air and started to realize how musky the wrestler was. Fletcher grabbed the bucket of chicken and promptly placed it in the trash can before the wolf did the same with his paper plate and chicken bones. Then both furs headed over to the couch in front of the TV and sat down as they began to watch a wrestling match. The wolf suddenly felt embarrassed, exposed. He was so close to the horse that he could feel his body heat. The equine sighed as he lifted his jersey and exposed his humongous belly, a tan pudge that was still bulging past the waistband of his white shorts. The wolf looked at the horse's yellow jersey with a Nike logo on the back of it. Fletcher lifted his legs and put his oversized feet on the table.

He wasn't wearing shoes or socks, so the feet were bare. The wolf watched as the horse wiggled his meaty toes. His soles were probably sweaty, and the wolf guessed that his feet had a slight odor to them. Then again, that would be natural, considering that he spent all day wrestling and running around training. The wolf heard a massive belch come from the horse and suddenly glanced over at him.

"Whoo, 'scuse me!"

The wolf snickered. "At least it didn't come out the other end."

That's when the horse's stomach rumbled and he groaned. "Don't speak too soon..."

Thankfully, nothing gaseous came out of the wrestler's behind, although his stomach still grumbled. As the wolf stared at the horse, he kept flaring his nostrils. The musk coming from him was much stronger in this warm, small environment. The canine saw the sweat running down the horse's head and could smell the scent coming from his left armpit. He looked down at Rumble Guts' shorts and wished he hadn't. His package was monstrous and bulging against the trousers, waiting to rip. He wasn't even erect; he just had a huge set of balls and a typical horse cock that was naturally immense. The wolf had no idea how Fletcher could walk around with clothes on; just staring at the package made the canine feel compressed. By the time he stopped staring at Rumble Guts' crotch, he looked up and noticed that the horse was staring at him with a leering grin on his long face.

"It's big, ain't it?"

The wolf felt embarrassed, but he just smirked and decided to play along. "Hehe...yeah, it is. I don't know how all you horses keep those things locked away in your underwear!"

"When did I say I was wearing underwear?"

Now the horse was just teasing him. The wolf quickly looked away before the perverted thoughts entered his mind. But it was already too late. He was starting to get hard, and the horse knew it. Fletcher snickered before he rubbed his big belly again.

"You've been staring at me all night, pup. Go on...touch me. I know you're just dying to feel my muscles and stomach."

The wolf turned and looked at Fletcher's cocky smile again. Then he looked down at the horse's plump gut and listened to it growl. He couldn't resist at least placing his paws on the massive pudge. So the canine blinked and reached to his right, putting his paws on the wrestler's stomach. The pudge felt smooth, bloated, and round. It was a little sweaty too, like the rest of Fletcher's body. The canine moved his paws up and down as he rubbed the horse's thick gut. But as he moved his paws further north, he came across the muscles too. The wolf spread his paws around the hard, chiseled muscles before Fletcher grabbed his jersey and took it off, exposing everything above the waist to the wolf. The canine stared at Fletcher's arms and the chiseled abs just above his big gut and started to rub them. He moaned quietly, taking note of how rigid some muscles were and how tough they felt. The wolf breathed heavily before he licked his lips and saw Fletcher flex his arms. The grinning horse watched as the wolf grabbed his left bicep and squeezed as hard as he could, admiring the thickness of the muscle. Suddenly, Fletcher put his feet back on the floor and sighed as he placed his hands behind his head, exposing his armpits.

"Smell me. I know that canine nose of yours can't resist."

It couldn't. The wolf wound up leaning towards the horse and flaring his nostrils several times. He wasn't just sniffing the armpit. He was moving his head up and down slowly and letting the musky scent flow in naturally. The sweat and heat only intensified the odor, and the canine could feel the bulge in his pants growing even further. He crawled on Fletcher's lap and moved his moist noise against the right armpit, taking in the loving scent of Fletcher's manliness. The horse looked down at the wolf and grinned as he stretched out his shorts. Then he grabbed the back of the canine's neck and stuffed his muzzle down his shorts. The canine grunted with surprise at first until his nose was being assaulted by the thick scent of Fletcher's musky crotch. The wolf moaned as he sniffed deeply over and over again, stuffing his nose into the wrestler's pubic hair. He opened his mouth and nibbled on the wrestler's thick cock a few times, and even went as far as licking it. The horse removed his fan's head from his shorts before he stuck his left hand down his shorts and scratched his nuts audibly. Rumble Guts exhaled as he got rid of the itch down there, and spread his legs as he started to get hard. That's when the horse rolled over and got on top of his fan with a smirk on his face.

"You want me to fuck you now, don't you?"

"I...I didn't--"

Fletcher snickered as his cock bulged along his shorts and brushed against the wolf's chest. "You ain't the first one. No need to feel a little nervous."

The wolf didn't wait. The second Rumble Guts got off the couch and stood up, the canine hurriedly took off all his clothes and tossed them on the floor, despite how unsanitary the carpet was. The wolf panted and thumped his tail on the couch as the heavy horse began to pull down his shorts and underwear. His thick cock flopped out and was slowly jolting as it became fully erect. Fletcher sighed as he tossed his clothes aside and showed off his naked body. The wolf stared at the bulky creature from head to toe, gazing at his luscious, muscular arms and legs, the thick muscles bulging outwards along the horse's skin. His big, round, tan belly still gurgled as the food and fluids sloshed around. Fletcher exhaled as he rubbed his fat pudge and shook it a little, just to create the noisy sloshing sound. Then there were his cock and balls, the former of which was oozing out clear precum and looked to be over a foot long. His balls were huge and dangled from Fletcher's scrotum, looking like heavy, ripe melons. Even the horse's feet were attractive, both of which were giant and sweaty, the toes fat and the skin most-likely smooth like his belly. The wolf sniffed the air and noticed the musky smell coming from Rumble Guts' crotch immediately. He leaned forward and sniffed again, and the timber wolf started to shudder with joy.

"Yessss..." moaned the gray-furred wolf.

Rumble Guts looked down at the canine's erect shaft. His was pretty big too, the knot fully swollen and red like the rest of his shaft. Precum was oozing out so fast that it was running down the canine's shaft. Fletcher flared his big nostrils too and could see that his fan had a musky groin as well. He smelled like he could use a shower too, but he blamed the odor on the sweat since the room was so hot.

"Turn around..."

Rumble Guts heard his stomach growl. "Uh, trust me. You do not want to be near my ass right now, especially after what I just ate."

The wolf smiled and blinked. "I can handle it."

Fletcher sighed. "All right, but don't complain if I accidentally set off a bomb in here!"

And so the brown horse turned around and backed up. Fletcher's back seemed muscular as well, but the wolf was paying more attention to his meaty ass. Both buttocks were toned and smooth, but not overly chunky and fat. As the wolf stared at the beautiful rump, Fletcher lifted his tail and proceeded to bend over. The canine whimpered as he rubbed his balls and cock, trying to force himself not to pounce on the horse or to ejaculate too early. But this precious butt was teasing him, mocking him for not touching it. The fan reached forward with his furry paws and touched the horse's ass. He moaned and shuddered, squeezing it as he felt the fat, muscle and flesh squish in-between his paws. He moved his paws up and down, caressing the gentle buttocks as his cock continued to throb with excitement. The wolf leaned forward and sniffed the horse's ass. And then he veered his head back after the very strong odor caught him off-guard. His ass was clean, but it was sweaty, and the bitter, musky stench was overwhelming. Nevertheless, the canine wanted to get closer to the funky ass, no matter how heady the smell was.

Fletcher growled and started to rub himself when he felt the wolf's muzzle against his tailhole. Then he yelped when he felt something wet and warm graze his ass crack. The wolf had opened his mouth and began to rim the chunky horse. He spread the buttocks apart as he rimmed the wrestler, snorting and moaning as he licked up all the sweat and musk. The salty flavor went down his throat; the pungent smell was filling his lungs. The wolf moaned as he sniffed deeply, wetting his lips so he could press them against Fletcher's hole. The horse shut his eyes and grinned cheekily when he felt the canine's tongue slip into the hole. He felt the tongue moving against the rectum walls and the puckering ring, the feeling of which made the equine shudder with ecstasy. He started to rub his monstrous cock faster now as precum oozed out and started to get on his left hand. The wolf moved his tongue up and down very slowly, getting the taint wet as well. He sniffed twice and panted as the powerful odor made his spine tingle. The canine was whimpering, unable to satisfy his cock. He wanted to have his face smothered by the horse's balls and ass so badly right now.

The horse suddenly lowered his tail and moved forward, forcing the wolf to stop. Then he stood straight up and turned around so he could look down at his fan. The wrestler wrapped his hands around his meaty cock and continued to stroke it.

"H-How long is it?"

Rumble Guts growled. "Sixteen inches! Hehe, and the funny thing is that there's a lot of other horses out there with dicks bigger than mine!"

The wolf was tired of waiting. He was about to turn around on the couch when the horse stopped him.

"Whoa, whoa, wait a expect me to fit this into that tiny hole back there? Hah, not gonna happen; not unless you want me to tear your intestines in half! Hmm...and my cock is definitely too long and thick to go in your mouth without choking you, so...I guess I'll have to leave you a souvenir!"

"What souvenir?"

Fletcher grinned widely as he started to rub his dick slowly with one hand. "You'll see in about...five minutes."

The wolf's eyes grew wide, and the equine laughed heartily. Suddenly, the canine whimpered twice and moaned as he grabbed his crotch. His whole body began to shake, and the canine opened his mouth to shout. Creamy fluids began to ooze out the tip of the canine's red dick, much to his frustration. Since he was already having the orgasm, the canine went ahead and finished, rubbing his cock so he could release the fluids properly. The timber wolf exhaled as he curled his toes and felt the semen burst free from their prison. All the sticky fluids flew out in short bursts, flying into the air before splattering on the carpet in-between or next to Fletcher's sweaty feet. Some semen dribbled down the shaft and got onto the wolf's paws. He looked down at the precum and semen all over his paws and growled as he lifted up his left one and started to lick it clean. But the wrestler was just staring at the canine and laughing.

"Oh dear, you're a quick squirter, ain't ya?! No worries; had the same problem back when I was in college. 'Sides, now that you're done, you can sit back and watch me!"

The wolf smiled widely and nodded, still thumping his tail against the couch. Fletcher remained where he was and started to stroke his elongated shaft a little faster. The wolf could see the clear fluids oozing out of the horse's shaft, foreshadowing the inevitable. The horse's musky scent was growing stronger as Rumble Guts spread it all around his dick with his big hands. The horse moaned softly a couple of times as he began to wag his tail. Suddenly, the horse stopped rubbing himself and growled as he used his right hand to gather up all the precum staining his big shaft. He looked down at the canine with a smug grin on his face before he opened his mouth and started to lick the salty, clear fluids right off. After that, the horse started to masturbate again, although he was starting to get into it more. The horse was moaning vocally, his deep moans making the wolf shudder over how low his voice could really go. He was also flaring his nostrils and using the scent of the wolf (as well as his own musk) to stimulate himself. At one point, Fletcher even lifted his right arm and smelled his armpit, taking a long whiff so the masculine scent could fill his lungs.

As time passed, Rumble Guts began to moan more, and he even began to rock his hips back and forth as though he were humping the air. The canine wished that his anus was right next to that magnificent cock, but Fletcher was right. That giant member would tear his tailhole in half. So the wolf could only sit on the couch and watch as the horse stroked his shaft faster and faster, growling and huffing, getting closer to his climax. He was still sniffing the air deeply as he quickly rubbed his hands back and forth. Both of them were covered with precum now, which the horse used as his personal lubricant. Rumble Guts exhaled as his hands created a faint squishy sound each time he rubbed them back and forth. His heavy testicles were swaying back and forth like giant hairy wrecking balls. His pudgy gut was gurgling and sloshing around as the horse digested more food. The horse could feel the creamy fluids working their way through his groin now. Fletcher let out another deep moan and shuddered as he felt the semen moving all around his groin. Then the jizz was at the urethra, moments away from coming out.

Fletcher slowed down and began to take a few short breaths. Then he inhaled sharply and shouted as he finally let it all out. The wolf shouted as well, underestimating just how much semen the equine would release. The first torrent of jizz splattered all over the canine's head and got into his nose and mouth. The wolf quickly shut his eyes as he felt another thick supply of spooge splatter all over his body, this time covering his chest and torso. Fletcher moaned after he started to cum and took several deep breaths, watching as his sticky semen continued to get all over the wolf. He was hitting the wolf so hard that the ejaculate was making audible noises, like torrents of water splashing all over the couch and canine. The horse rumbled as he moved his dick up and down, watching as he kept hosing the wolf down with his delicious seed. The wrestler grinned and wagged his tail, his balls feeling much lighter as he released all the white fluids. By the time the wolf opened his eyes so he could see the damage Fletcher had done, he was shocked to see that over half his body had been buried with semen. His head, chest, midriff, groin, even his waist and part of his legs and footpaws were coated with the milky substance.

Rumble Guts sighed when he finally finished and let the last few drops of semen drip down onto the floor. The wrestler chuckled as he collected the small drop of semen still hanging from his shaft with his finger and licked it clean. The wolf, meanwhile, was busy growling as he placed his paws on his body and began to rub the semen all around his fur.

"You see? The perfect souvenir! Now you can tell all your friends that I personally came all over you."

"...But how will they know after I shower?"

Fletcher grinned. "Who said you should shower after tonight?"

The canine chuckled after hearing Rumble Guts and understood what he meant. " there something else more, um...well, more--"

The wolf stopped talking when the equine went over to his shorts, picked up his underwear, and abruptly tossed a pair of very musky boxers onto his head. The canine took the underwear off his head and looked at them with wide eyes.

"Are you really--"

"Like you said, trying to cram such big balls into a pair of underwear is strenuous! I got more boxers at home anyway, so you keep those. And don't ever wash 'em, unless you want the smell to fade."

"Oh, thank you, Rumble Guts! Thank you so much!"

The horse smiled as he wagged his tail. "Anytime. Always great to meet fans such as..."

Rumble Guts looked down at his titular stomach as it growled very deeply. The equine groaned as he put his hands on his belly and chuckled timidly.

"Now, uh...if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go take a shit."

The wolf watched as the horse groaned again and hurriedly entered the motel room's bathroom. After the equine shut the door, the canine looked down at the boxers Fletcher gave him and smiled widely. He then proceeded to wipe some of Fletcher's semen off his head with the musky boxers. Once his head was clean, the wolf stuffed his muzzle against the crotch region of the boxers and took a long whiff...

What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 8

**VIII** **It's Never Perfect** Almost dawn. Almost time for Blackheart and his army to meet their demise. The sun wasn't beginning to rise just yet, but it wasn't so dark outside now. All the hares could see more clearly, despite the fact that...

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 7

**VII** **The Beast without a Heart** Days had passed, but he finally found it. As shady as the prickly beast was, Log-a-Log's information was accurate. Just beyond the cliffs and sitting out on the beaches was the incomplete fortress. It didn't...

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 6

**VI** **Both Sides** Cheering could be heard throughout the area. It was a glorious sound, the sound of over threescore beasts roaring with pride, the sound of beasts expressing how rapt they were over the situation. Kindbeasts hated the sound...

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