The Jungle Book What Could Have Happened When the Wolves Adopted Mowgli

Story by Little Ronak on SoFurry

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This is a scenario that could have happened, and in my opinion, if it had been possible, should have happened in the beginning of The Jungle Book. Unfortunatley due to the fact the movie is for children and was a Disney production, this scenario would have been unthinkable, and unreasonable. So here is begining for a story for those who like unbirth. I will continue if I can think it should be the start of a series that will more likely stray away from unbirth.

Not too long after Bagheera had left for his favorite tree in the jungle to get a cat nap, the wolf mother and father were debating on what should be done for the man cubs fate as he slept, surrounded by their pups. "Raksha, we have to bring the man cub to council rock and show him to the pack. Akela will have us exiled if he found out we were caring for a man cub and didn't ask for his permission first," Rama said."I know Rama, but I am worried. I can't just let this man cub be left alone in the wilderness. The nearest man village is too far of a travel and Akela won't allow us anywhere near there, even if it was to take the man cub back. I feel that the pack won't want to keep him here as a member. Sheer Khan has only just left this part of the jungle, based on what our sources told us. But who is to say he won't return sometime soon. That will weigh heavily on the packs decision to let him stay as a member, for we all know how much that tiger hates man. I can't bear the thought of him getting killed by that menacing beast," Raksha said."Well I don't know what else we can do about it? We can't keep him hidden, his scent would give him away if the pack came by for a visit," Rama said."Well, I do know of one way that would guarantee him a place in the pack, though the pack sisters would only suggest this if the situation called for it, and well, I suppose this would count," Raksha said."What is it dear?" Rama asked."Well, it isn't something I would usually discuss with you, but, it's known as unbirth. It means, I would take him to the cave where I had our pups, and take him into my womb. I would then start to transform him into a pup of our own. The only thing is, I don't know how long he would stay in my tummy. I can only be sure he is ready when I feel the pains of labor," Raksha said."But what about our other pups? They were just born a week ago. If the pack see's that you are pregnant with another one, they'll be wondering, it's not usual for a female wolf to be pregnant while she just had her little pups," Rama said."Well, I would say we can only hope for the best and pray that this little man cub transforms quickly and pops out in a day or two, but if your really worried, I can  have them all be put back in, we haven't let the pack know if the pups are here yet, so, I can take them back in and no one would be the wiser," Raksha said."That... is actually not a bad idea. I guess I could take a few days or weeks off of having to make sure non of the little ones are going to wonder too far, but then again, we should just wait and hope for the best," Rama said."Alright. well, I best be getting to the birthing den to prepare our newest pups transformation," Raksha said."What do you think we should call him once he's born again?" Rama asked.Raksha thought for a moment as she nuzzled the little man cub, then a name that seemed fitting came to her. "I like

Mowgli.""Hm, that actually seems fitting," Rama said."Well what do you think little one. Do you like your name?" Raksha asked as she leaned down to nuzzle him again.The little man cub merely giggled as he hugged her muzzle. "Mmhmhm, for one so small, he doesn't seem frightened at all. Mowgli it is then," Raksha said as she picked up his basket."Don't be too long dear. The other pups are gonna want their dinner soon," Rama said.Raksha nodded and soon made her way to the birthing cave. As she traveled, Bagheera who had been resting in his favorite tree soon heard her paw steps and woke up to see her running past his resting area with the basket the man cub was in. He soon followed her to see what was going on. It didn't take long to reach the birthing cave and as she walked in Bagheera thought to himself, 'Why in the world has she brought the man cub to their birthing den.'Curiosity got the better of him as he carefully crept closer to see what was going on. Meanwhile in the cave, Raksha had carefully taken the man cub out of his basket and was bathing him with her tounge. it was all part of the unbirthing process. Soon she came upon the man cub's attire around his waste, she soon ripped off and disposed of the garment giving him the rest of his bath. Now his little body would be easy to let enter her pups' old room. Soon she carefully placed the man cubs head into her awaiting neither lips and after the little one cooperated, her body did the rest of the work as it pulled him in. A soothing gas and scent came from her womb that caused the man cub to relax and not hurt himself in a struggle. When he was halfway in, Raksha giggled as her soon to  be son kicked his tiny legs back and forth as he entered. Soon all that was left were his little toes, and with one last strong but gentle pull, the man cub disappeared from the jungle outside the womb.Raksha felt the little man cub kick as well as felt his heart come into sync with her own rhythm as an umbilical cord attached to his navel and caused the man cub to enter a deep slumber. Bagheera was in a bit of shock at what had just happened, but all the same, he knew that this was not to hurt the man cub, but to protect him. In fact, he wasn't sure if the man cub would be a man cub after going into a female wolfs womb. With that he soon took off, for Raksha getting up with her precious, fragile cargo in her tummy and not long after Bagheera left, she made her way back to her home den where her husband was waiting with their other pups. Soon she arrived home just as the pups were stirring awake. "So, do we have a new pup on the way dear?" Rama asked.Raksha nodded as came and laid near her week old pups. The pups soon got to their feet and hurried over to their mother to get their dinner for the night.A few days later Rama hurried Raksha to the birthing den with the pups following close behind as she went into labor. Once inside, Rama kept the

pups out as Raksha started to give birth. Not to far away, Bagheera could hear the cries of the wolf in labor. After what felt like hours, the screaming had been replaced by little yelps of a new born puppy. Rama and the pups entered the cave. Bagheera on the other hand, er paw went on his morning hunt, knowing that the little cub was no longer human, but a full fledged wolf pup, safe from Sheer Khan's hate for humans and under the packs protection from any other threats.Meanwhile in the cave, a little pup was laying in it's mother's paws, blind and sniffing around trying to find it's mother's scent among all the new scents that just entered his nose. "Aww, Mama, he's so cute," said Rhea, their first born daughter."What awe you gonna caww him Mama?" Akru, their now second youngest son asked."His name, is Mowgli. You better make sure to be good big brothers and sisters to him," Raksha said as she giggled at her pups young speech. "Yes Mama," all the pup say.The parents chuckle as they watch the littlest member of the family crawl around trying to find his mother's teats to get his first meal outside the womb. Rhea tries to carry him over, only to be stopped by her mother. once, he finds his way, he latches on and suckles for his meal, free from any care or worry, or strife in the world. Mowgli, the man cub who became a wolf.End of the beginning. I might try and make a series of this. Let me know what you think and I'll see what I can come up with if I decided to continue this.

A Mother's Comfort ( Part II)

Sarafina awoke the next morning, feeling her new son Simba in her tummy gently kicking as he slept. She smiled and rubbed her tummy in a motherly manner. She then knew it was time to wake up Nala to take her to daycare for the day. Luckily, no one...

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A Mother's Comfort ( Part I)

Sarafina was walking into her house with Simba. She had just won custody of the little cub after she had seen the way his parents Mufasa and Sarabi had been treating him. Since he was only five years of age, he had no means to fight back. Being a...

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Simba's New Mother (Part Two.)

Nala walked into the cave and sees her mother with a round belly. "Hey there honey, how was training today?" Sarafina asked."It was fun, but mommy, why is your tummy round? I'm not in your tummy right now," Nala stated."Well honey, your gonna be...

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