Family Days 34

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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#34 of Family Days

Ben and Chris can both feel their stomachs rumbling, and it's only their first night! After a more than failed attempt at cooking their own dinner the two lone males must venture out into their environment in search of adequate forms of sustenance. Will they survive? On what? For how long? Tune in now!

Hey all!! Well, it's been a bit too long, and by a bit I mean a lot and I hope there are still some who remember this exists hahah! But either way the series is not dead and I do hope (though given my track record, hope and joke might be the same T_T) to provide better service from hence forth! Either way, onwards we go!


"Oh, you two are back," the waiter, a panther with a surprisingly odd white stripe along his cheeks, said with a smile.

Chris was sure it was dyed, the look was too strange. He looked away quickly enough though, instead more interested in the restaurant itself. This is where they went on dates--his father and Ben. He cocked his head at the fur who flashed him a smile, a bit more than 'hello, I'm here to serve you this night' kinda smile.

"No, just me Frank, this is actually Marion's son," Ben said, blushing and scratching at his cheek. He waved to the pup and gave a hearty smile, "Marion's out for the week, so me and Chris are on our own," he explained, fidgeting ever so slightly over the words though he'd practiced them in the car. He'd made sure he hadn't said he was taking care of Chris, or that he was pup-sitting, or that he was taking over father duties, or anything that would seem to indicate he was taking a supervisor role in the pup's life. Even if, in a part of his mind, he thought that perhaps he was acting like a parent figure--even if very vaguely. He didn't want to push that idea on Chris.

"Ohhh, Chris,"

Chris felt his muzzle twist in confusion and he looked suspiciously at the panther, trying to throw in a smile. The panther smiled quite warmly, almost as if he knew him--and from the way he'd reacted to his name it nearly seemed that way.

"Your dad talks about you a lot when Ben and him come in to eat," the panther, Frank, told the curious looking wolf.

" shouldn't surprise you Chris," Ben added, guessing the pup didn't realize that the panther was a friend of sorts though. After you go somewhere long enough on dates you draw attention sometimes, or just get friendly with a waiter. He decided to hide the fact that Frank was gay too--best not to make Chris he'd brought him to a gay restaurant or anything of the sorts. He'd certainly not mention the double date they'd gone on--though it had been rather fun he had to admit; the first mutual friend he'd made with Marion at his side. But, even if the pup was OK with him, he wasn't going to push the being gay and having gay friends part; even if it was the same to him as beings friends because of video games.

Chris nodded and felt his nose wrinkle a bit. So they went here on dates? Chris averted his eyes for a few moments, wondering if he should have perhaps just settled for a burger instead of trying to make Ben feel at ease. How about we just go somewhere you know? Where do you like to eat I asked, I'll just choose one....stupid! Did this make it awkward? Or was it already awkward for Ben to just be near him?

"I see I'll have to get used to another new face then," the panther said with a smile before looking to Chris, "What can I start you off with?"

"Oh, Umm...just a water please," Chris said, not wanting to get anything that might cost to drink--he knew some people didn't like it when others did that. And if Ben was going to be paying he didn't want to cost the bear that much. The bear, was paying right? Chris knew he certainly didn't have any money. And, well, the bear really wouldn't make him pay, would he? No, no of course not. Chris shook the thought from his head--his father wouldn't allow that. But what if they hadn't talked about it?

"You sure you don't want a soda or something?" Ben asked, pouting a bit that the wolf was acting a bit distant. If he'd been on a date with Marion, which he couldn't help thinking of a bit since the wolf's doppelganger was across from him, he'd have put a paw over the wolf's. As it was though, that idea came across horribly wrong on so many levels, and he kept his paws still.

"Um...I'm OK, yeah," Chris said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"OK then, and for you?" Frank asked the bear

"Sweet tea will be good," Ben replied, smiling at the panther who gave him a reassuring nod as he began to walk off. Ben fumbled at his paws for a few moments, occasionally glancing up at Chris as he did, "So...umm, is there anything in particular you want this week?"

Chris glanced over at the bear, "What do you mean?"

"To eat...or well, you know, anything. Anywhere you want to go? Anything you want to do in particular?" Ben asked, smiling a little nervously, "Or is there anything you need?"

Chris's stare just continued, though he cocked his head and one ear flickered. The bear's nervous smile was a bit odd as well. Even though he tried to give a proper expression, he felt he got stuck between confusion, nervousness, and smiling--from the way Ben's expression chaged to confusion as well, he could only assume it had come out an odd mixture.

Ben coughed lightly, if only to fill the space, "Just, well...tell me if there is of course,"

Chris thought for a few moments before opening his muzzle and quickly snapping it shut. That had gotten the bear's attention and for a bit they played a silent game of wondering who would speak first. "We...used a lot of milk making dinner tonight,"

The reminder wasn't a pleasant one. Even nearly forty minutes later it gave Ben's stomach a small lurch to think of the food. He swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded, "OK, so would you be OK if we stopped and got milk on the way hom--I mean, uhh, back to the house?" he asked, rewording it so it didn't sound like he and Chris lived together, but more important so it wasn't like he lived at the house.

"Yeah...could we get cereal as well?"

"Yeah yeah, of course, you just get whatever you want...I mean...uhmm, yeah," Ben said surely, having had to think back to Marion's words. The wolf hadn't said the pup couldn't' have anything after all, so, why not? Suddenly his paws shot to the menu, which he pushed towards Chris, "And I suppose we should start looking at what we're going to eat, eh?"

It took him a few moments, and in a way he thought Ben was cheating because the bear never looked at the menu. Then again, he probably knew everything on it; which made him wonder if the bear really came here that often. Did his dad not change it up any? Or was this simply one of their favorite places. After all, Chris knew he could probably eat out at some restaurants for the rest of his life and not mind.

He almost didn't hear the bear's suggestions, though he was sure he was receiving the not so subtle message Ben was sending. The bear told him about ordering a nice steak, or a fillet, and plenty of other items that were not as cheap as he'd been thinking; the implication Ben was fine with it being welcome though. It seemed silly to think the bear wouldn't pay, but not entirely so, in a way Chris still feared as much.

"I'll have the usual Frank...oh, but I want to change the side to asparagus," Chris heard Ben say, quickly looking up to realize the panther had returned--and he still didn't quite know what he wanted.

"So not the usual then....otherw--"

"No need to be a smart-as--s..." Ben winced as the words came off, stuck between a grin and a grimace now as he glanced back at Chris who looked rather surprised. It was usual playful banter, but it was playful banter with Marion, with whom he didn't keep his language as clean as with his students. Even then he didn't make a habit of it; liking to try and be a good role model at all times.

Frank filled the awkward silence with a happy chuckle, "Oh, but if I wasn't I wouldn't be the best waiter here, would I?" he asked easily. He tried to throw the bear a bone to take, and he was happy when Ben chuckled nervously and nodded. Looking over at Chris he smiled warmly at the pup, "And how about you Mr. Judith?"

"Uhh...I'll just do a cheeseburger," Chris said surely. It was kind of Ben to tell him about how nice the steaks were and such, but nothing beat a burger in his mind still. "Oh, and can I get a pepsi?"

Frank nodded, noting how off to the side Ben grinned just a little. He finished writing down everything before clicking his pen, "OK, well...I'll get this settled in and get your drink, your food will be out shortly,"

When the panther was out of ear shot Ben glanced over at Chris and frowned, "I'm sorry about that Chris..."

"About what?"

" language of course," Ben explained, still frowning, his ears flickering slightly.

" go to school with me...I hear worse stuff than that everyday on my way to your classroom,"

"I...well, yes, of course, but..."

"I don't have to act like my teacher all the time," Chris said, his ears flattening a bit on his head. Maybe the bear was trying to put up the boundary. He was his dad's boyfriend, but was there where it ended? Even with the knowledge that his dad had told him otherwise he couldn't help but remember the thoughts that he was just in the way, but they weren't overwhelming, simply present. Instead he wondered if Ben didn't want to be terribly involved in his life, ""

Ben felt his stomach twist in a different manner for the first time that night, not as physically unpleasant as with his concoction, but not very fun either. He pushed the sensation away and quickly shook his head, "No, no...of course not Chris,"

The pup wanted him to not act like a teacher? Of course, that should make sense, shouldn't it? Ben tried to look as confident as possible, "I am your teacher Chris, but...I'm not just your teacher. I don't want to just be your teacher. I want you to feel like you can trust me, to come to me and talk about anything, I want to be there for you and to help you with your problems, be that in chemistry or anything. Frankly...I guess I don't want to have to act like your teacher,"

It stayed silent for a few moments, and Ben felt his heart beating heavily in his chest, feeling rather silly now. Well, stupid was more like it. His heart hadn't beat this roughly and nervously since he'd admitted his feelings for Marion. This was terrible. He'd said too much to the pup. But he didn't show that, instead he gave his best confident smile.

"I' that..." Chris replied, a note of measurement to his response. He couldn't help a small smile at the bear though, "It'll make it easier to not see you as Mr. Vaughn if you talk more normally,"

Ben felt relief flood through him, "Well, just don't get too comfortable with the idea of me cursing...I won't be making a habit of that," he said with a smile, noting Frank returning with the soda for the pup.

The meal passed easily, very easily. In fact, Ben was happy for it, he felt like it was regular. It didn't feel strange to be out with the pup at all. They spoke of various topics, ranging from plans for the week to gaming--though Ben had to admit it was much more of just letting Chris tell him about various things on that subject. He didn't mind though. He'd have done it a million times over.

He laughed with the pup, forgot where they were, forgot Chris was his student; it was all great that way. Chris had loosened up as well, not even stuttering when calling him Ben--in fact, he thought the pup might've forgotten to even think of him by his surname at times. Even as they walked through the supermarket picking up foods the trend continued. And then it stopped. But he was glad for that as well, seeing as the interruption was caused by their mutual medium: Marion.

Ben couldn't deny a bit of disappointment the wolf hadn't called him on his cellphone, but it hardly lasted or mattered much to him. The wolf asked about him, and that was all he needed, plus he was sure they would speak later on in the night. Not to mention he could hear little bits and pieces from the conversation. True to his nature the father wolf sounded everything but stress-free in the first minutes of conversation.

Even without hearing Marion's worried questions about if they were OK, by Chris's answers--which were largely 'yes' 'no' 'it's ok, don't worry dad' and the like--he knew how the wolf was doing. Of course, as they entered the house and put things away he noted that the conversation between to two wolves flowed into a normal manner.

And it continued on and on. After an hour he began to realize the pup was like his father, if he was on the phone, he was probably going to be on it forever and a day. He blushed remembering the night Chris had called while he'd been with Marion--so very close to going past a point of no return--and then waiting for nearly two hours for the father and son to finish their chat. Apparently it hadn't been a one time deal.

He didn't mind though. Instead he felt content to just listen to the oddbits of conversation he received, even more happy that Chris had decided to stay in the family room with him. Even if they didn't talk, it was nice to just be near the pup. He had slightly been expecting Chris to run upstairs and lock himself in his room, after all, that was what teenagers were supposed to do, right?

Still, he wasn't unhappy to be wrong about that idea at all. Even though he got ready for bed yet another hour later with only a small goodnight to the retiring pup, he felt more than content to have spent the time in silence. He hadn't had to worry about pushing a conversation with Chris, nothing had been strained. That was an improvement, it had to be. The only thing that could've gone better was if Marion had been there. Or if he'd gotten to talk with his boyfriend.

The wolf's scent would have to do though. He nestled into the bed that seemed so much bigger now that he was the only one in it and let out a sigh. He just nearly closed his eyes before a dim light filled the room. He felt a bit like a cub as his paw shot out of the covers for the phone, even more excited to see it was his boyfriend texting.

"Missed you today!" the text read.

"Missing you too," Ben typed. "Though I'm hurt you didn't call me," he added. After a few more seconds the screen lit up again.

"Missing you two more," Marion's reply read. A few more seconds passed, "How are you two doing? And I can call, but it's late,"

"You just got done talking, didn't you?" Ben asked, adding in a smiley face as he did.

"Yeah, but I wanted to ask you too--make sure,"

"Lol, don't worry, we're fine...well, almost,"

"What's wrong?"

"Empty bed," Ben typed, adding in a smile to his text.

"Oh, so just with you? That's a relief,"

"That hurts," Ben replied, this time adding a frowning face.

"Sorry...I'll kiss you and make it better when I get back, how's that?"

"Want a bit more than a kiss--honestly," Ben typed and after a few seconds began to text again, "Wouldn't mind getting my paws on you,"

"Lol, it's only been one day,"

"Been a really hard day,"


"You know you love it," Ben typed, wondering if perhaps he could understand the allure to what the pups referred to as 'sexting' now. Still, this was different, right? He and Marion were two mature adults who were far away--not bound to see each other for quite some time. That surely made it different.

"I do, but try to contain yourself horn-bear,"

Ben felt his sheath stirring and let out a small growl of pleasure. Marion's scent was really strong, after all, it was the wolf's bed. He sighed after a moment and began to reply, "Well, it's late...and I just really wanted to tell you that I love you...have a good night, OK?"

"Love you more Honey-butt. And, when I get back, you can satisfy those wondering paws, OK? I'll be thinking of you...especially when in bed," Marion texted, a winking expression at the end of the sentence.

"Oh that's not nice," Ben texted, feeling a bit more sensitive under the covers now.

" to go dream of my big, strong bear...sweet dreams,"

Ben smiled and set the phone down. He fondled himself for a moment before reaching back over to the phone, "I'll have the sheets changed by the time you get back,"

A minute passed before the phone illuminated the room once more, "Like I said--Pervert,"

Ben couldn't help a small laugh as he continued to rub over himself, letting out a small happy growl as he did. His paw dipped lower, and then a bit lower, and then...the phone lit up again. He smirked as he began to open the message--maybe Marion was throwing him a bone? Oh yeah, he could really use something to get him through the night. That would be--

It wasn't. No, it was a Marion text.

"BTW, make sure you lock up the house! I mean it Ben! Deadbolt! Windows!"

He was still staring at the message, one he'd gotten more than once throughout the day. The wolf reminded him far too often. He scowled at it, at least until another message filled his screen; this time with a photo attachment. His grin increased, and then faded slightly, but became more natural at the sight of the wolf smiling at him, his lips pressed in a kissing gesture.

"You're the best, love you! <3"

Family Days 35

**Hey! Been a bit of time, hasn't it? Well, here we go yet again! Hope you all enjoy the chapter...will get the next to you sooner or later!...

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Staying in From the Cold

**Hey all, hope you enjoy this piece! Kinda just got an inkling of an idea or such and decided to roll with it while it was in the head! ** **\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_** **For the most part, the...

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Gets Better

**Hey all, just a short piece, not quite a normal one or such, but still rather fun to write and what not. We've all heard the saying "it gets better" I'm sure, and it sounds very nice I I started with it and went for a quick...

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