Tipsy at the Tavern

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - Olympiaxylaige

Oly - Oly

Vinn - Vinn/Greenwing

Writing - ME!

Ceylon - ME!

In this story, Ceylon and Vinn meet up with artist and good friend Oly at a tavern, where She gets a little tipsy and puts the moves on me, hoping to prove her vaginal superiority! After all, who wouldn't want to have a go at a sexy gryphon cock?!

Not my best work (feels a little short, even if it's like, 6400 words), but I think it does its job and some of the stuff is just fun! Sheathe-fisting-assisted-handjob? Fuck yes!

Tipsy at the Tavern

I admit it, I was incredibly nervous.

I tend to identify as an introvert, so meeting new people was something of a chore, even if they were someone I thought quite highly of and considered a good friend. The funny thing about me is that I've spend years cultivating a public persona that is seen as being loud, outgoing, and bordering on obnoxiously blunt, even though that's nothing like me. Why? If you're a shut-in, preferring the serenity of loneliness to the bombast of public parties, then you're considered a loser. I was no loser, but that didn't matter.

As I spent the previous years building an empire on my potion making skills and the many real-world applications that my magic can be used on, I came to search the world over for people who would help me make my fantasy a reality for all. Both Vinn and Olympia were key parts of my empire that I didn't feel I could live without, even though I'd never met Olympia before; sure, we'd talked and exchanged letters at length, but never met despite our business partnership.

Olympia - a biped lizard-dragon that I affectionately called Oly as a nickname - was an artist and graphic designer, helping me to share my creations with the world. She functioned as my worldwide marketing director, graphic designer, and market research. How did we have such a long and fruitful relationship without ever having met face to face? Well, the postal service was incredibly kind to me, especially if I paid them well; this lead to us being able to exchange ideas and give each other feedback daily despite being nations apart.

Vinn was a tiny lizard, and was once an active user of my potions. He lived in New Jorai for the better part of a decade, hawking my wares as medicine and getting a nice profit, and he quickly made a hefty fortune from it. Despite me having the skills to supply him, he had a far better business mind and remained a superior business operator and functioned as my secondary founder as well as my accountant.

I had told Olympia I'd be passing through her home town on my travels, so she demanded we meet with her. I was a touch nervous, finally meeting someone I'd known for so long but had never met, so I decided not to go alone.

Both Vinn and I were going to meet Oly at the location of her choosing: A local tavern called the Tap and Bucket. When I heard the name of this fine establishment, I felt myself getting cold talons. I didn't drink alcohol at all - it clouds my ability to think straight and tastes terrible - and I felt it had a grungy feel to it. I didn't even know what 'Tap and Bucket' meant, hoping it didn't have something to do with their bathroom facilities or something.

On our way there, Vinn and I had argued about the location of her proposed meeting place; he felt the casual setting was great for creativity and he loved to drink from time to time, while I felt it was unprofessional and just unpleasant overall. Regardless, we had business to attend to, and I was incredibly nervous to meet this dragoness I'd been working with for so long but had somehow managed to fail to meet up with.

In we went through the wide front doors, showing a rather bland looking tavern. There was a wood bar on the other side of the open main room, a series of booths lining the walls, and a whole mess of loose tables and chairs in the middle. Only a few of the accommodations had anyone in it - a husky here, a cat there - but no dragonesses.

This wasn't a fine dining establishment, so I couldn't even ask a waiter for information regarding reservations. Instead, Vinn and I just kinda shuffled around the tavern, idly checking each booth until we found her.

She was completely naked, sitting in the back corner of a rounded booth, idly lapping at a beer with her long tongue. When she saw me looming over the side of the table, her eyes lit up and she waved, the motion jiggling her hypnotic breasts. Why did I point that out? Well, her scales were a smoothe, light yellow color, but she had patterns of a soft, chocolatey brown all over, including swirls on both breasts with the very tips of which being her nipples.

I wanted to say something, but very few species and cultures expected clothes to cover up and I wasn't wearing anything either, so it would have been uncouth to ask her to cover up, even if I was comparatively covered in protective fur and feathers to hide my naughty bits. Vinn was naked, too; no point in covering up when all your parts are internal. And to be honest, I liked what I saw so I was happy to enjoy her company in all its scaled, hypno-titted glory.

"Hey! Ceylon? Vinn? I take it that's you!" She chirped at us, still waving. "Sit, sit! Got so much to chat about with you two!"

Vinn smiled and slid into the booth beside her, but I had to stay out of it. It was funny to see him sitting next to her, as she was probably twice his size. Both of the Saurossin family, but she was a dragoness, and he a lizard.

This pub was not properly equipped to handle quadrupeds of any sort, let alone one of my size. Instead of slipping into the booth, I plopped my rump down on the cold, probably dirty floor and put one talon up on the table. "Alright then! So, this is a pleasant surprise! Tell me Oly, what have you got in mind? Let me peck at your brain a bit!" I couldn't help but smile. I know it was cliche, but I really didn't care. This was Oly! Designer extraordinaire! Not only was she talented, but she was a friend, and damn she was hot! I'm not ashamed to admit I found myself salivating at the sight of her breasts jiggling ever so gently as she moved. Truth be told, I immediately thought she'd put some sort of hypnotic spell on me, because I was usually far more reserved in person.

"Wait, you're serious? You want to talk business? In a tavern? Oh, silly gryph, why in the world would you do that? Nope, I ordered you both beers, and they should be here any- Yep, there they are!" She raised a hand to wave a waiter over to our table, who then placed down three giant mugs of ale. "So drink up!"

The mug was the perfect size for her, but tiny compared to my body size and comically large compared to Vinn. "Oh, thanks Oly!" He chirped back as he stood up so he could lap at the foam at the top of the mug. When he sat back down, he pulled the mug onto his lap, grinning happily. "So, Oly, is this a ruse? Just to get us drunk?"

She let out a hearty chuckle. "Damn right I did, so drink! Let's shoot the shit. We can talk business back at my place tomorrow if you actually want to. Tonight, it's all about FUN!" her ear frills twitched and she pushed her hair back over it.

My beak cracked a half-sided smile as I politely pushed the beer away. "I don't drink, Olympia. Sorry."

Her smile dissipated. "What? Really? Who doesn't drink, and why not?"

Before I could answer, Vinn piped up. "Oh, something about clouding his judgement or something." He rolled his eyes as if he was exasperated with my explanations. He was kind of right, I had given that very same excuse dozens of times to him in the past. Regardless, it annoyed me when he dismissed my very logical reasons.

I growled a bit. "Actually, it's more than that, Vinn. I don't like the taste, I don't like the effects, and it's expensive. I'd rather spend my money on virtually anything else." I then perked my ears up as I looked over at Oly. "But I do appreciate the thought, darlin'. Now, forgive me, but I am thirsty." I raised a talon to ask a waiter over to ask for some water. He happily obliged and left to go get it.

"Wow, never met someone who didn't drink before." Oly mused as she sipped at her beer, taking mine from in front of me so she could double-fist it for the night. "Well, your loss, I guess. I actually kinda want some sushi; surprisingly, this place has a pretty good selection. Check this: During the day and supper rush, this place has just the most wonderful menu! It looks kinda rustic and gross, but that's awesome because it means there's never a huge crowd and you NEVER have to wait for food! See?" She looked up past me at the waiter that was already returning with my glass of ice water.

I thanked the server and took a menu from him before looking back at Oly. "So tell me, what do you think I should have?" I buried my beak in the crack of the menu, feigning concentration on the selection. In truth, I wasn't really all that hungy. A little hungry, sure, but I was somewhat put off by the bait and switch. The result was enjoyable, but I'd have happily met up with her if she'd just told me she wanted to meet me!

She rubbed her lower jaw. "Lemme see here. You're a bird, you like fish, right? Share some sushi with me!"

I couldn't help but chuckle. "You know, I get that all the time for being a gryphon. 'Eat fish, you like fish, right?' Well, no, I am not really much of a fan of any seafood, really. I mean, I like it if done right, but so many people mess it up I just stopped bothering."

"Well, then you gotta have at least one bite of mine. And seriously, how can you mess up fish? You open up, put fish in beak, swallow!" She laughed a bit and then added, "You have no idea how many men have told me that before."

"Then they weren't gentlemen." I scoffed. I was anything but a prude, but I had sort of a reputation for being oddly courteous of my partners even if they liked being roughed up. I didn't like anything I personally saw as degrading even if my partner loved it. It's just the way I am.

Oly didn't immediately respond to my comment and instead sipped at her beer as Vinn did the same. We were silent for a moment before the waiter returned with a plate full of colorful, pretty sushi with a side of wasabi.

Truth be told, I did love wasabi, even if I wasn't a fan of what it went on. As soon as the plate was set down, I dipped a claw in it and licked it off with a sly grin. "Yum! Love that spice!"

She just looked at me with a blank stare as Vinn did the same, but he didn't seem to enjoy the flavor nearly as much as I did, as he was soon gagging on it and hanging his tongue out. It was kind of cute to hear the little guy gasping to alleviate the pain of the heat. He quickly quenched it with his beer.

That little interaction set the tone for the rest of the night. I started out a little annoyed at being conned into a meeting at a tavern, Oly remained perky and cheerful, and Vinn was happy and a bit of a devil's advocate. I did have a single piece of sushi and I admit it was considerably better than I was expecting, but I refused to use the chopsticks provided; my talons were absolutely massive compared to them and I couldn't use the damn things at all.

The three of us chatted all night right up through the dinner and pub rushes, catching up on art, porn, and all things delicious. She and I shared some recipes, I offered her some of my custom brewed potions to enhance her nights with whomever she might invite to her home, and I slowly grew to love her company. She was just plain fun to be around, even if she wasn't the kind of person I usually spent my nights with. Perhaps a little too loud when she gets some alcohol in her, but she just genuinely seemed nice.

And boy, did she get some alcohol in her. That girl could drink if she wanted to, even if it made her behaviour a little slippery; not that I was complaining or anything, but she gets really touchy-feely when she got a buzz!

We kept up our energetic chatter going late into the night when only a few random alcoholics and us remained. I'd have felt a little self-conscious if I wasn't having such a great time. Only problem was that I was too big to fit into a seat so I kept getting in everyone's way who tried to walk past our booth.

"Kay, kay, okay! Oly, What's the absolute weirdest thing you've ever used to pleasure yourself in the heat of the moment?" I asked. We were playing a bit of a 'TMI Tuesday' game where we had to admit virtually anything we were asked. You'd be amazed the kinds of things you admit when you're tipsy, tired, and more than a little horny. You'd also be surprised how willing you are to ask such things when you know you'll get a real answer.

She thought for a bit, sipping at her beer before slamming it down. "I know! I once shoved a potion bottle in me - opening end first! But wait, that's not the weirdest thing about it, the potion was partially carbonated, so as I thrust it in and out, the pressure built until POP! The cork shot out inside me, filling me with a sort of growth potion. Bruised my cervix, made my pussy purple, and gave me minor swelling for a week! Was NOT a fun time!"

"AH! Oh man! That sounds painful!" Vinn and I both erupted into laughter, drawing the attention of the single remaining patron as well as the few members of staff still cleaning up.

"You know, Oly, had you used MY potions, you would have had a much better time with it." I nodded with a smug grin on my face, puffing my chest feathers out as I did so. "Yep, I don't carbonate mine so the cork wouldn't have popped out, and it would have likely made you super sensitive for a month in the RIGHT way!"

"Oh, I believe you!" She rested her hand on my chest and winked at me. I'd have thought she was flirting if she hadn't been like that all night and treated it like normal friendly interaction. "Okay, so my turn, and I get to ask Vinn absolutely anything, right? Okay. Vinn, tell me, if you could do anything with anyone or anything, what would it be and with whom or what?"

Vinn had to think about that a moment due to how she'd worded the tricky, repetitive question. He raised a claw as if to draw in the air, putting pieces together before answering. "Hmmm, lemme think here. Well, I'd do you like, in the ass or something, for one." he leaned over and winked at her, which garnered a silly, dismissive response from Oly. "But if I could do anything, I think it'd sleep in a mare! Just walk up behind her and dive in!"

I laughed and rolled my eyes, "Why didn't you ask? I'm sure we could work something out!"

"No, not you Ceylon, with all your transformational potions. I mean an actual mare. No silly tricks or magic or potions, just me and some mare. She'd lift her tail for me, wink at me with both eye and clit, I'd suck and suck, then she'd suck back, and schlorp! Away I'd go!"

To be clear, he was referring to a female Erov: bipedal equine. Can't say I'd blame him. Their lips were heavenly; thick, meaty, juicy, and very stretchy when the need arose. "I guess that means it's my turn, ask me anything!" I invited.

Vinn sidled up next to Oly as close as he could go and whispered into her ear. She grinned and whispered back to him. Clearly they were conspiring.

"Well? What's your question?" I asked. Not impatient, but it was getting late and I insisted on calling it a night sooner rather than later. No reason why we couldn't continue having fun back at Oly's home. She had invited us there after we were done at the tavern.

Vinn hissed a bit, then asked. "Tell me, Ceylon: Have you ever had a mishap while experimenting with potions, and if so, tell us the funniest, silliest story that had to do with such a mishap." Both of them sat back to wait for my response.

The truth was simple: they knew damn well I'd had mishaps in the past. I'd told them both about it many times, but I'd never given details. I'd written letters to Oly telling her I was in an accident and couldn't leave the hospital for days; I'd locked my doors and kept Vinn out before, not telling him why I'd gone reclusive. They knew I'd had mishaps, but they'd only ever been able to speculate; it was an ongoing joke between myself and both of them, separately.

"Well?" Both asked as they leaned into me.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I guess now was as good a time as any to explain to them what happened. "Fine, fine. A few years back, I was testing this potion that was supposed to give anyone what they needed to share Leera's digestive cycle and the stretchiness they needed to do vore with their partners. Well, I miscalculated and the concentration was far too intense. When I went to drink it, I ended up so sick I had to go right to my nest. When I woke up, my tongue was two metres long and I was heaving up the breathable digestive fluids; it was coming out both ends and my ass was all loose and sloppy. Not to mention I'd lost my cock and gained a pair of delicious pussy lips-" I paused a moment before finishing my sentence, relishing the look on their faces. "-that were so big they dragged along the floor!"

"EWWWW!" Vinn laughed as he threw his head back into the cushion of the seat, almost knocking his beer over when he did so. "Gross! Leaky gryphon!"

Oly just rolled her eyes, not really grossed out by it.

"Last Call!" The bartender bellowed in the small tavern. It was well past midnight and there were only a few stragglers left other than us, so it made perfect sense really. I was going to order Oly a drink as a parting gift, but she rose up to do the same and tripped, falling down facefirst on the seat of the booth.

"MRH!" She grumbled a bit, but didn't immediately get up. She was pretty tipsy so I imagined she was enjoying the rest. She just muttered into the fabric of the seat, "Well now, I see. Delicious." She got back up and shook her head a bit, flicking her red-tinted ear frills. Was she blushing?

"You okay?" Vinn asked.

She narrowed her eyes and smiled at me, flicking her tongue out before responding. "Oh, yes. Yesss I am, and I have to ask just one more little question to our gryphon friend before ending our game."

My ears perked up. "One more question? What have you got in mind? Something awesome, I hope. Awesome enough to override the fact that it was my turn to ask one of you since I just answered!"

"Indeed it is. Missster Ceylon, tell me, have you ever had a partner that was scared to fuck you due to how fucking big you are down there?"

What a peculiar question. "Uh, nope. Can't think of any. I'm really not that well endowed, to be honest-"

"Bullshit, Cey. I just got a glimpse, and you're fuckin' HUGE!" She held her hands as far apart as they'd go, clearly exaggerating my endowments, followed by balling her hands up in fists next to each other. "With balls bigger than my fists! Big, juicy, delicious lookin' balls."

Vinn peeked under the table quickly, only to find he couldn't see anything. "Awww, I thought he was exposed. Would have liked to see that." He whined. "Can only see sheathe!"

I shifted uncomfortably on the floor. The sudden attention to my genitals made me self-conscious of the fact that I could feel my balls resting on the cold floor of the tavern. It really wasn't something that I'd normally allow, but when you don't wear clothes - instead opting for your natural coat of fur and feathers to cover your dignity - it was easy to forget that, yes, people could see your junk. "C-come on guys, don't be like that. You're drunk, call it beer goggles or something." I couldn't help but slouch and try to cover up my bits.

Oly shifted over in the booth so she was at the edge, very close to me. "Don't be so modest. That thing's huge." She stuck her tongue out again and leaned over to whisper in my ear, tickling at the feathers lining it. "Think you could let me have a go at it? It'd be a ssshame to let sssuch a delicious morsel of a cock go to waste, don't you think? I like a challenge, after all!"

I shrunk down as far as I could go, laying my ear tufts flat against my skull as a deep rosy pink flushed up from cheek to chest. At the same time, I could feel my cock throbbing in my sheathe, aching and ready to slip out. "I, uh, I dunno Oly, we just met and you're drunk and, I dunno." Not like me to be shy, but when it came to physicality, I sucked at being direct and upfront. Very different from my usual public persona of being a loud, in-your-face, take no bullshit bird. Things were totally different in private and I certainly wasn't a fan of taking advantage of a drunk person, even if they were my absolutely, stunningly beautiful secret crush.

"Well, I know a thing or two about cocks, my dear, and I think your little buddy knows plenty about what he likes." She leaned over and snaked her hand down my chest, rubbing at my belly until she reached the very tip of my sheathe, swishing one finger in the end of it.

She was right. I didn't want to admit it at all and I certainly didn't want my facial expression to give it away, but she was right. Her claw tip gently prodded at my sheath's opening for a few moments before slipping into it, rubbing at the side of my cock's barbed tip as it pushed in deeper. Once she was buried to the knuckle, she pulled out and pushed a second finger alongside it to pinch at my sex. Luckily the flesh of my sheath was stretchy enough to let my knot pop out, or her invading digits would have hurt.

"See? Told you I know a think about cocks. So don't be shy, come out and play." She cooed her words into my ear as Vinn looked on, tongue lolling out as he panted over the table at her seductive advances.

I found my muscles tensing up, completely taken aback by her sudden push and penetration. We were in a tavern! May have mostly been empty, but 'mostly' was the key word! There were others watching and my spine curled a bit at the thought of her exposing my flesh in front of others. Well, others aside from Vinn. I tried to squeak out a protest, but the words got caught in my throat so I swallowed them down and idly tried to push her away.

It was clear she wasn't taking no for an answer. Not that I really minded. She was a little aggressive, but I actually like that in a female. I liked that a lot. Dominance, aggression, and passion were all very important to me, and Oly was certainly those. If we weren't in a tavern and she wasn't as buzzed as she was, I'd have let my cock spring from my sheathe like an eager snake from a prank jar of peanuts. But the fact was that we were in a tavern, and she was drunk.

"Come on Ceylon, don't be such a bitch about it! I know you want it, I remember what you said in your letters, about how you'd love to have me and take me home and tie it up with me. Where's all that passion and creativity going?" She pushed into my sheathe deeper, peeling the skin back over my shaft to expose it to the cool, dank air before pulling away and licking the thick, gooey slime from her fingertips. She gave her mostly clean digits a sniff before commenting on my aroma. "Delectable, you know. Just delicious."

I raised my hand, about to recommend we take it somewhere else (I am male, after all. You can't leave your cock hanging like that), when she reached back down and slipped her entire hand into my sheathe, wrapping her fingers around my member and giving it a gentle squeeze and a tug.

A brisk grunt escaped my beak as my eye twitched and my length throbbed inside, increasing the pressure between stretchy sheathe flesh and her hand. I pushed back from the table to get a look and the sight was exactly the kind of thing I'd have loved to see in porn. The black rim of my sheath's opening wrapped around her wrist as a very clear fist-shaped bulge wriggled and rocked back and forth inside, the growing shape of knot forming between said bulge and my furred orbs. "hhhngph, Oly..." I whispered gently, not wanting to attract any more attention than my awkward stance already was.

Vinn, transfixed by his imagination, leaned over to wrap his arm around Oly's tail base, walking his claws to her hips before finding her rump. He was discrete about it, nobody other than me and Oly would have noticed what he was doing.

Oly just gave a nod and a wink followed by the strategic tensing of lower back muscles to lift her tail in such a way that peeled her hole open and gave Vinn better access. She gave a cute little moan as she leaned into my neck, nuzzling my feathers with her hand still sloshing about in my sheathe.

My eyes began to glaze over a bit and my focus dimmed. I wasn't hitting the plateau of pleasure or anything, but the very unique sensation of palm flesh and sheathe flesh sliding over my member in the sparsely occupied tavern certainly triggered something deeper. I'd never quite felt like this before; it was an undeniable desire to break rules and just flip her over onto her back followed by a feral-styled fucking. Fortunately, my better judgement got the better of me and I held myself back from doing that, instead I let her continue to stroke, squeeze, and press against my hiding member.

That eager dragoness slowly pushed in deeper until half her forearm was inside my sheathe, my black flesh barely able to stretch any more to wrap around her muscle. I was about to tell her to back off when I felt her fingers snake their way around my knot and pull.

The added pressure triggered my natural desires, and my knot swelled gently in her hand.

"Oh, I see you've got a lot more to offer, sir sexy Ceylon." She mused, reaching down with her other hand to peel back my sheathe, exposing every bit of my flesh as well as her gooey, slick forearm and all the fluids that filled the crevices between both and the divots in her fingers. As soon as my entire length was exposed, sheathe all bundled up beneath the base of my knot, she pounced me! Knocked me right off balanced into one of the tables behind me! My wings flared out in surprise, knocking every table and chair far away, leaving me on my back in the middle of the room with oly straddling me, my cock nestled between my belly and her slit.

I could literally feel her body heat emanating from her mound onto my exposed flesh. But it was just her and I, the swirly patterns on her breasts hypnotized me into - for the next little while - thinking no others were in the room, save the friend that had come with me for the meeting.

Poor Vinn was left in the booth, watching Oly rub her lips against the underside of my shaft, talons on my chest to tug and claw at my avian breast. I glanced around her to see his cocks were at full attention under the table, but he wasn't doing anything to get involved!

I felt more than a little sorry to see him left out, so I outstretched my tail and wrapped it around his leg, urging him forth as Oly continued to slide up and down my shaft, rubbing her lips against me. He happily hopped off the bench and practically dove at my rump. A bit more gusto and eagerness than I was expecting, but I was okay with that; Vinn was a good friend and an eager partner in my weirder kinks in the past, so I had no problem sharing Oly with him.

He immediately pressed his snout against the underside of my tail to prod at the pucker, careful to move to the side as Oly's body slid back and forth. His tongue slipped deep into me until she pushed back, tail raised to expose her rump as well - an opportunity Vinn took to press his tongue against her as well. At least I assumed. I could hear the wet squelch as she got near him, but I certainly didn't feel his hot flesh penetrating me or nuzzling at my balls.

Oly's muzzle gaped open as she began to pant, holding her breast with one hand as her other helped her to lean against my chest, hips gyrating near the base of my member to rub against the exposed lobes of my knot.

My knot. That was my trigger, right there. I was glad her flesh wasn't pressing against its base or I'd swell up and blow my load early, something I was trying to control but hadn't yet mastered. I held my talons on my chest, cutely folded to show a form of submission. I don't submit to anyone, but I love having a woman in charge, and Oly was riding me and forcing me into position so I couldn't help but let her retain control over me.

She continued to grind her hips against me a bit longer until casually sliding up on it, angling her back so that her lips wrapped around my tip and swallowed it down with one gentle push.

I gasped and curled my paws as my tail flicked, the pleasure of having my barbs stimulated being another one of my triggers. I could feel my cock tensing up as a stream of thick, gooey fluid exploded into her. Wasn't cum, but it was a mix of precum, lubricants, and other fluids to help slightly numb her passage so that my barbs didn't hurt. Much to my delight, I felt her clench down and thrust a bit more vigorously with the numbed sensations making any pain she may have felt turn to a throbbing pleasure.

Her eyes rolled up into her skull as her lower jaw trembled, still rocking back and forth on the end of my cock to have its girth slip in and out of her, leaving my fluids to leak out between her lips and dribble down my shaft.

Vinn happily lapped at the tangy fluids, swaying his tongue back and forth to get as much of a sample as he could before pressing it against my own rump and using it to force his tongue into me again. I could feel my own numbing agents making my rump flesh feel cold, and I kind of really liked it! Nothing I'd never felt before, but it was still wonderful!

He continued to lick and nuzzle under my balls as Oly pushed back a bit farther, her visage morphing to a light grimace as she got to the thicker end of my shaft.

I felt her walls quiver around me as she tried to loosen up, but I was just a little bit too big for her. Her walls were so tight around my shaft, so I took her hand and smiled at her, hoping my encouragement hit its mark.

It did. She grunted and pushed back as hard as she could, lips widening to swallow more of me as I tried my best to stay still. This is usually when I bucked up and popped that knot into my partner, surprising them with my rapid inflation, but Oly was not a female I wanted to hurt, and she was far smaller than I was so I utilized my self control to hold back. It was very hard, though.

Even harder once Vinn repositioned himself and pinched his cocks together to slip them into her rump. I actually felt every ridge and spine along his length in the thin wall of stretched flesh between pussy and ass. Both his hemipenes slipped to either side of my shaft, cradling me from within. I could see his grunting expression as he clasped onto her tail and held on, licking his lips as her muscles contracted around the both of us.

"Do it, gryphon!" Oly demanded of me as she pushed back on both Vinn and myself, lips curling up in a devious, intense grin. Her blood was rushing through her - I could feel her heartbeat tensing around my cock in rapid bursts.

Normally I'd have held back a bit, since her canal was so tightly wrapped around me, but she seemed to want it and the cum continued to flow from between her lips with each shallow thrust, so she was plenty lubed up for it. I smiled back and pressed my free hand down on her thigh as I bucked up into her, the last of my length slipping between her lips to expand inside her, eliciting a loud, drawn out gasp as each lobe swelled to full capacity within seconds.

I could feel a large, hard thing inside pressing against my tip as it prodded at the opening to her womb - or at least that's what I thought it was. An egg, perhaps? A massive, shelled sphere deep within her. Perhaps that was why she was so eager for a proper fucking - she was gravid and therefore unable to fertilize an already-formed egg!

I relaxed and let my head fall backwards onto the wooden floor as my seed erupted into her with each throbbing heartbeat. I could feel her passage filling up with seed within each of the ripples in her canal. Her lower jaw was quivering and her body was rocking ever so gently to tug at my knot, coaxing more of my cream into her.

"T-told you I could take it..." she panted in between ragged breaths, ear frills fluttering and hair a damp mess as she collapsed on my chest, nuzzling into my breast fluff. I gave her a gentle scritching as I felt her body rock again as another pushed into her.

Vinn pushed up into her, both cocks exploding twin blasts into her backside, leaving his creamy mass to slip out between the crevices between both cocks. He, too, was panting and gasping gently as he held onto her tail.

"Excuse me, but we're closing up and I think it's best you leave." The waiter seemed to come out of nowhere, completely interrupting my orgasmic bliss.

I looked up to see him standing over us with a look of disdain. I was still mostly clouded by the feeling of my knot locked in Oly's slick passage, pushing more and more of my seed into her depths. What I did manage to get a look at as I glanced around was a wolf giving us a thumbs up with a clearly visible bulge in his pants.

"I think it's time to go..." I admitted to Oly and Vinn, more than a little ashamed at my public display of affection.

"Let them gawk." Oly whispered at me, barely able to draw breath due to the pressure in her nether regions.

Vinn casually slipped out of her backside and tucked his members back into his slit before falling back against the table we had been sitting at.

But then I realized something that was certainly less than ideal. How would I leave the establishment with a horny dragoness tied to my knot? I couldn't possibly pull out of her, and it wasn't due to deflate for another couple hours at the least! I looked up at the waiter and gaped open my beak to protest, but he stopped me before I could say a word.

"No excuses, just take your friends and leave, please!"

Oly gave him the finger and stuck her tongue out at him as Vinn did the same.

I, however, wasn't so defiant. Instead, I wrapped one of my talons around Oly's body and held her close to my chest as I rolled onto three out of four of my feet. Hurriedly hobbled out of that fine establishment with only three legs, Oly clutching at my belly and Vinn in tow, cum spurting out into her with every step. I had to make it all the way back to Oly's house before letting the tie expire, which certainly was a task and a half...

Loneliness vs Companionship

She was in love, sure, but that didn't mean she didn't enjoy her own company. After all, nobody - not even her mate Leera - knew her body as well as she did. And you know what? Sometimes you just wanna enjoy the freedom of the open sky and the pounding...

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Home For a Lay

I am definitely busy as a bird. Say what you will about me, call me rude or ignorant or just a little too aggressive or meek - depending on your relationship to me - just don't ever call me lazy. I'm regularly travelling all of Dalon's continents and...

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