A herms Discovery

Story by Calafin on SoFurry

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This story was actually inspired months ago by a post on FA by the artist Onisarrle, who was inspired by a friend named Flynn.; specifically, he made a comment that so many herms are shown as lustful, dominant beings, and, after discussing this with flynn, he said he'd never heard of a herm being shy or afraid of their sexuality, which inspired him to draw some art. Thinking about it, I became inspired, because how many herms had I seen who were shy, who didn't feel confident in themslves. Flynn messaged me to insure we know how this was inspired, so thank you, flynn:) That inspiration led to this story, which I hope you enjoy.


The following story contains some very passionate, emotional sex-play between an orca herm and a spotted dolphin herm. if this is not your cup of tea, please do not continue! Also, if you are underage in you home territory, or cannot look at adult publications, stop and do not continue! This story is intended for adults who enjoy such things:) If you are one, please continue, and I hope you enjoy:) Comments and critiques are welcome:) Flames will be used to save money on the electric bill.

Note that YPBS, Sandra, and Naomi are (c) their Creator, John Tursiops Calafin, i.e. me. naketa the herm orcan is (c) hir gorgeous player, my lifemate:) All rights reserved, at least for the moment;)

A Herms Discovery

Cautiously, Naomi slid hirself out of the Bus's seat, keeping her eyes forward as shi walked to the front and thanked the driver, then walked down the steps, pausing a moment and holding the rail at the side of the bus as shi eyed the building in front of her, a nervous shiver going up her back from her tail to her head as she let go and slowly walked forward. It wasn't that the petite spotted dolphin was frightened by the building, it was it's contents, and the unknown events to occur that afternoon. The building itself was a bright stucco-smoothed finish, with a roof of white ceramic tile, mirrored window lining the front, a bold YPBS logo on the front of the middlemost window. Glancing in the mirrored glass window of the buildings front, shi eyed hirself; Looking back at hir was a spotted dolphin female barely short of 6 feet tall, her body a dark, almost midnight dusk blue, covered randomly with white spots, the majority of it hidden by a soft pink blouse and white jeans, both modified for hir tail and dorsal, hir eyes a light brown, currently shining with nervousness. Shi was all of 2 weeks into being of age, and it showed, her body young and lythe, not athletic, but girl next door, a nicely formed but still growing chest outlined by hir blouse, and shi forced a smile to hir beak "well, at least I'm not dressed too badly"

Focusing hir inner resolve again, shi walked to the newly installed automatic doors, pausing a moment as they opened, and then walked in, hir sneaker clad feet sinking into plush carpet. The building's interior was as pleasent as it's outside, the walls adorned with tasteful nude paintings over a light peach background, the floors lined in plush carpet, everything looking like a proffessional office building. As shi walked in, a male spotted dolphin and a large white gryphoness looked up at hir, the gryphoness speaking first. "Can we help you, Ma'am?" Pausing, shi chittered "Um, Yes, may I please speak with Mrs. Naketa? I had an appointment..." Glancing down at a computer terminal, the gryphoness typed in some commands as the spotted dolphin male smiled at hir, chittering a delphic hello which shi softly answered, then glanced back at the gryphoness as she finished "I'm sorry, Mrs. Naketa is a bit busy right now, are you sure you have an appointment at this time?"

A shiver of fear flared in hir, but Shi forced it down, looking as nervous as hir younger years would suggest, but shi forced hirself to shake hir head "I know it was at 3:45 today, is there no way to see hir?" Glancing back at the terminal, the gryphoness visibly forced down a rather lustful smirk, and then regained her business face "if you don't mind a wait, I can have you be in hir office, and tell hir your status once Shi's finished hir current meeting..." a smile broke hir beak as shi nodded, and then agreed to sign some paperwork, basic legal jargon stating what happened in the building, stayed there, hir Being aware of everything that went on there(it was quite a list), and not holding YPBS Liable for any trauma, injury, or other such mishap.

As the gryphoness stood up, Shi forced hirself not to gasp, as the apparently female gryphoness also sported a rather large lump in the groin of the slacks shi wore, revealing hir as at least a shemale, if not a full herm, all hir willpower not required to stare at the large lump or to simply hug the gryphoness. A pair of sky-blue eyes smiling at hir a moment before glancing through the forms, insuring everything was in order, then giving hir directions to Mrs. Naketa's office, telling hir shi could feel free to ask the employee's if shi got lost. Nodding, shi thanked them both, and then headed down the hallway, catching just a tiny snippet of the spotted telling his co-worker that Shi would definetely look good on a dvd cover, Hir pace slowing a moment as shi pondered the male was actually attracted to hir. But then, he didn't know hir either, and while he might be fine working with a herm of another species, what about his own? Shaking hir head, shi kept walking, passing by several rooms and trying to force down hir curiousity about their contents; after all, they'd said Naketa would be a while, what could it hurt?

The majority of the rooms had green lights above the doors, indicating their lack of occupants. A few, however, sported bright red LED's pulsing above them, showing they were in use, and she finally decided to indulge hir curiousity a moment, glancing at the glass inset in the middle of the door. Finding it one-way, Shi looked at the terminal mounted next to each one, and cautiously pressed the 'view' button. a prompt asking for a passwaord appeared. However, some forgetful fur had written it on a sticky note and attached it at the bottom, letting Hir easily type it in to see what was going on, Hir eyes going wide as shi saw the events within.

Lying atop a large bed, a female Orca was being roughly and lustily rutted by two males of her species, one pounding into her sodden sex, her panties still on but pulled aside, the other male fucking her beak, then pulling out to wrap her tits around his member as she moaned, blatently orgasming again and again, a male dolphin sitting in a side room and stroking himself as he watched, hidden camaras recording everything. Quickly turning off the monitor with a crimson flush on her face, she glanced at the names under the panel, Listing it as currently occupied by someone named 'Sandra', and that it was a private session. Feeling hir belly bossom in pink a moment, Shi forced hirself not to run down the hallway, at the same time ashamed at looking in on someone being so ravished, aroused at what shi had seen and wanting it hirself, but also emberrassed at those same feelings, of hir lust.

Finally stopping at a large door with "Mrs. Naketa, Branch lead, CFO" on a plate on the front, the label made of what looked like marble, Shi cautiously opened the door, then glanced inside. Seeing no-one present, shi walked in and sat, gripping the chair's arms as shi tried to understand what shi was feeling. What was shi doing here? Shi wasn't a forward, lusty phin! Shi was shy, nervous, a wall flower. What was shi doing in possibly the most famously oversexed building in the city, if not the county? And why was shi so emberrassed at seeing that female orca be so in pleasure, being so lusted and enjoyed as she enjoyed her partners? Most of all, What did the fact a herm was at the front desk portend?

Closing hir eyes, shi focused within hirself, remembering one of the things hir mother had taught hir, how to find inner calm, hir mind slowly righting itself and calming hir heart and nerves as Shi felt the chair under hir, the leather hir hands gripped on the handrests, the breath slowly easing in and out of hir blowhole, hir back and dorsal rubbing against a chairback made for cetaceans, letting hir be comfortable rather than having hir dorsal be compressed against hir back. Finding hir center, shi felt hirself relax, hir body easing into the chair, tailflukes flexing slowly against the floor behind hir as shi chirruped and then opened hir eyes again, letting out a cautious breath. "Okay Naomi... you can do this... no going back now..."

Hir back arched, body tensing, as shi heard the doorhandle turn and the door open, one of hir eyes glancing at a clock; shi'd lost track of time in hir trance, it was almost 4:30! Staying sitting, shi heard a voice, *that* voice, churr softly "I'm sorry I'm late, Ms. Wavespinner, but I had an emergency client I had to attend to. " Turning hir head, shi smiled "it's allright, I didn't mind the wait" and hir smile was genuine this time, finally letting hirself be a bit less on edge as Shi saw Mrs. Naketa in the doorway, walking through, and then closing the door behind hir.

The herm orca dwarfed hir by almost 2 and a half feet, hir black and white form hidden under a polo shirt and business slacks, resembling a mix between a weight lifter and swimmer, hir build at the same time strong but also comforting, like a mothers, hir form walking behind the large oak desk in the center of the room and sitting, hir hands sliding in front of hir into a steeple as shi smiled "I'm told you have an interest in the company, and wanted to speak with me in particular?" Looking into the larger herm's ice-blue eyes, shi saw a mixture of business acumen, compassion, and restrained energy, Like shi was ready to eagerly jump into something at a moments notice.

Re-composing hir thoughts as shi glanced away, shi chittered "Yes, but... it's... a bit personal..." Leaning back in the chair, the herm orca smiled at hir "well, we deal with very personal things here... are you interested in a job, in hiring us? How might we help you?" Glancing down at the floor, at the wall, at anything but those curious, confident, warm blue eyes, Shi again focused hirself, trying to overcome hir nervousness, and looked into them "I want to learn to be like you, Mrs. Naketa" The orca's back immediately straightened in hir chair as shi looked at hir, hir spotted body almost shivering under hir nerves "I want to learn to be confident like you, to not be afraid or ashamed of what I am, to know what's like to not always be so *scared* of people finding out what I am..."

The orca looked at hir, paused, eyes studying hir, face unreadable, then chittered "you're a herm like me, aren't you?" Unbidden, tears began to roll from hir eyes down hir beak, shi didn't want to cry, didn't want to cry so badly, but it wouldn't stop, hir body shaking as shi began to talk in bursts, unable to help hirself. How hir mother had always protected hir, taught hir how to be strong, and then died when shi was young, hir father never knowing shi was a dual-gender since he refused to bathe with hir, and since they'd divorced before they knew she was pregnant. How hir mother had practiced the old ways, and been killed in a car accident, hir father always sad, brooding about how it should have been him, and being distant to hir. How shi could never speak out at school, how shi was afraid of rejection because shi was different, and had never been able to make any friends. And finally, hir first date in years a few nights before, how the boy had run away from hir when he found out, and Hir father wanted to disown hir when he found shi was a herm from the wolf talking to him, saying it was hir mothers fault, and things like this were why he left her.

She would have kept babbling if it weren't for feeling a beak touch hirs, and shi reflexively opened hir beak, hir eyes opening as shi realized the herm orca was kissing hir, not in a lustful kiss, not a sexual kiss, but a mother's kiss, the herms arms going around hir as shi simply melted into them and began to cry, bawling like a baby. Eyes shut so tight they hurt, shi held onto the other herm for strength, burying hir face in the strong shoulder, not knowing or caring about anything but finally releasing hirself. Slowly, hir sobs began to lessen, hir body quaking a little bit less with each moment as shi was held, then gently pulled so shi could look into the other herm's face, into those blue orbs, now themselves a bit creased in concern but also in compassion, the gaze of a mother at a hurt child.

"it's allright, Naomi... I didn't start this way either, no-one does... and you are blessed, not cursed, with what you are, what *we* are..." Nodding slowly, shi blushed, then forced a smile to hir face "you mean you weren't born the most beautiful herm alive?" The laugh that came from the orca was a deep, echoing guffaw, like a friend getting a good joke "I'm not perfect, I'm anything but! I'm just me... and I just got very lucky to have two mates who love me for what I am..." Feeling hirself rise, shi stood up along with hir partner, chittering "oh shoot, Your blouse, I'm sorry..." "Don't worry about it... now, how can I help you? And this is not company business, this is *my* business now..."

Still blushing about how hir tears had soaked the Herms blouse, shi chittered, trying hir best to compose hirself, but still intimidated, after all this was *Naketa Orcan*, the most well known herm, and the only herm orca, on earth, how was Shi supposed to act? "I.. teach me... you aren't ashamed of what you are, of showing off, you're a news and porn star, how do I carry myself like you, be confident like you?" the herm orca tilted hir head, quizically eyeing hir, and hurmed "you dont just become this way overnight, Naomi... I went through a lot of pain, a lot of rejection, before I learned to be myself, and not hide it from the world. I cannot teach you that overnight, but I can teach you not to be afraid of your body, and that you're beautiful. "

Shaking hir head, shi whimpered softly "I'm not beautiful, not like you... I'm just me, you've got hundreds of males who'd give their balls up afterwards to bed you" The blush on the herms face drew an unbidden giggle from hir blowhole, realizing shi'd actually emberrassed the porn-star orca, and Shi churred as shi nuzzled hir "I'm not any more sexy then you are Naomi, you just need to learn to show that.. Show me how you walk..."

Starting a moment, shi hurmed "how I walk?" and upon the Herms nod, Shi began slowly pacing back and forth, the orca eyeing hir and then shaking hir head "no, you need to improve your posture.. your head is low, like you're waiting for someone to hurt you, hold it high, be proud of yourself" Trying again, Hir teacher nodded, smiling a bit "Better, now sway your hips, we herms are lucky to have a womans middle, so we can do that." This walk, shi swayed hir hips a bit, hir tail rolling back and forth, finding the motion easy, and when shi glanced back, A much larger smile was on the herms face "Much better, you're just about right, any more and you'd look like you wanted somsone to lift your tail."

Hir fierce blush drew a giggle from hir teacher as shi walked over and hugged hir "What, you've never had someone make those eyes at you before?" "What eyes?" "The eyes that if they could undress and rut you right there" Shaking hir head, shi chittered "never, not a single person, male, female, or otherwise" and felt a hand slide along hir cheek "that's too bad, you could get them from me, if you tried" Blinking at those words, hir mind still deciding how to respond to them, shi looked up, then trilled "You'd..."

The herm smiled down at hir "how old are you, Naomi?" "Um, just 16?" "So you're just legal then, under the new laws?" Blushing fiercely, Shi nodded, and felt the herm nuzzle hir "Then we can continue your training today.. Naomi, would you be comfortable if you undressed? I want to see your whole body, to see how you carry yourself.. if you want, I'll undress too"

Squeaking softly, Shi looked at Naketa and stepped back, then churred "No-one's ever seen me naked except for mom..." and shi blushed along her chin and hir belly, thinking "Be naked, with Naketa? with the herm shi'd wanted to be like since Shi'd found shi existed?" The one shi'd watched in hir dad's dirty movies countless times?" as Shi felt hir body respond to hir nervousness by pinkening hir belly, hir pants bulging a tiny bit as hir maleness announced it's own thoughts, hir form caught in a struggle between it's own desires and hir mind's misgivings, scared that Naketa wouldn't like what shi saw, would turn hir away.

A soft carress was what snapped hir out of battle, as the herm nuzzled hir "you don't have to, Naomi... if you want, we can stop right here, I will not force you." The voice was like hir mothers, soft and comforting, giving hir strength. Nodding, shi smiled, and then trilled "okay.. I want to... but.. you first..." as shi watched the herms eyes take on a playful glint, like an imp from a fairytale, and nod, then reach down and grip hir shirt, pulling it off, revealing a firm pair of blubber clad breasts, held in a black leather bra, A heavy C-cup, only slightly larger than hir own bosom despite the herms larger height. "Now, your turn" Chittering nervously, shi nodded, undoing hir blouse, each button seeming to fight hir, and finally shi unbottoned them all, sliding the shirt from hir shoulders and revealing hir own lace cotton bra, hir body bearing the spots of hir heritage, hir own bosom held in check by it as shi looked up at hir teacher for apporval and was answered by a low murr "you have a lovely chest, Naomi"

Squeaking in emberrassment, hir misgivinggs told hir to grab hir blouse and run, but shi held hirself firm, smiling at the compliment despite the almost continuus blush shi'd had since this started. "Thank you Mrs. Naketa, yours is lovely too"

A sly grin came to the orcas beak as shi padded forward, hir bosom rubbing gently above hir own, hands sliding down hir sides "but we've only just begun, Naomi..." as shi gently held hir body to the larger orca's form, and felt one of hir hands release hir teachers jeans, the fabric sliding down and revealing the herm wore only a pair of leather thong panties underneath, and as shi glanced in unconscious curiousity, shi saw not only were they slightly moist, but the slit above them was bulged slightly, a gasp escaping hir "I... did that, to you?"

The herms nod brought a fire within hir shi'd never felt before; shi was arousing hir hero, the one herm shi most wanted to be like? Shi was *attracted* to hir? Shi felt, distantly, a soft kiss carress hir melon, and shi kissed back under hir partners chin, hir hands sliding down of their own voltion and pushing hir own pants down to hir ankles, revealing hir own panties, a soft silk, one of the few things shi'd spent money on hirself for, and a crimson blush blossomed on hir belly as shi realized shi, too, was aroused, the tip of hir maleness showing, a tiny dark spot on hir panties.

Pressing against the larger herm for strength as hir mind tried to digest everything, shi felt a hand gently rub down hir back, carressing hir like a mother would a scared calf "Do you wish to continue?" Hir response was a slow nod, followed by a smile "Yes, Mrs. naketa, please..." the low, aroused murr in orcan told hir Shi'd given the answer hir teacher was hoping for, the orca stepping back and smiling "then let me see how beautiful you are, Naomi."

Forcing hir arms not to shiver, shi reached up and back, undoing hir bra strap, and letting it fall, revealing hir perked nipples, hir bosom bouncing a moment in it's freedom, and shi reached down, sliding down hir panties, revealing hir femsex sheened with moisture, hir maleslit partially bulged, a tiny bit of hir tip showing as shi churred and then looked back up, hir eyes opening wide a moment as shi Saw hir teacher's maleness even more erect than hirs, hir femsex moistoning the leather further as the orca herm smiled at hir, arms crossed under hir bra-clad bosom, accentuating rather than hiding them "How do I look?"

The herms response was simple, a soft smile followed by "like one of my co-stars" and a low trill, but it effected hir like a typhoon. Hir? As sexy as the porn and movie stars this dream-herm had bedded? Glancing down at hirself, shi churred and then looked into the herms eyes "you're just flattering me, I'm not near as sexy as any of them" "oh yes you are... you're as lovely as my wife was, at that age" Still in shock over the herms statement, shi churred "Thank you..."

Grinning at hir, the larger herm chittered "no need to thank me, it's the truth, Naomi" and reached behind hir, undoing hir own bra and letting it fall, the herms breasts a bit more bouncy than hirs, but also sporting a small platinum ring in each nipple, a surprised squeak coming from hir "those.. are real? I thought your piercings were stage-props..." Holding up hir bosom and flicking a finger across each one once, the orca before hir murrled "oh no, quite real... a gift from my husband, he loves playing with them and it makes him pleasure me all the more." "Didn't it hurt?" The herm grinned "oh yes, at first, but once they healed, I couldn't get enough of him suckling on them, and I love how they change my appearance.."

Feeling hir belly pinken a bit more, shi nodded, watching hir, strangely wanting to feel them hirself, to carress them and see what they were like, watching as hir teacher slid down hir panties, revealing a femsex swollen a bit in arousal, but still looking muscular and tight as hirs, and above that hir maleslit bulged a bit more, hir eyes taking in the form of hir hero, hir teachers, nude form, and a blush coursed through hir belly and underside to hir cheeks as shi churredd "Mrs. naketa, you're gorgeous..."

Churring, the herm smiled "Thank you, Naomi" and finished undressing, then walked forward, lowering hirself so shi was looking into hir eyes. Looking back, shi whispered "how do I become as beauiful as you?" and was answered with "you already are" As the orca leaned forward and kissed hir, shi kissed back, hir hands stroking around the other herms head and back, the kiss both a mothers kiss to a worried calf, and a kiss of first time lovers, hir eyes closed as shi pressed hirself to hir teacher, their slick bodies stroking each other as shi "mmmm'ed", hir mind, hir body, focused only on that kiss. Feeling it part, shi blew for air and trilled "are all kisses that good?" "No, when you find someone who decides to be your mate, they're even better"

Shi nodded slowly, then smiled, feeling strangely more at comfort here, more safe, then shi did even at home, the herms presence making Hir feel as though shi did not need to hide anymore. "Your mates are very lucky Mrs. Naketa. " A low churr was hir reply "I'm the lucky one... Now, Naomi, what about yourself makes you think you aren't beautiful? There's nothing wrong with being a herm, it's a wonderful gift. And you are lovely" Shaking hir head, shi sighed "No, I'm not, not like you are... " A low harrumph was hir reply "maybe you just don't carry yourself.. Be proud of being a herm, very few beings ever get to know what it's like. Now, walk again, and this time, act like you saw a cute phin you'd want to date"

Shi chittered softly, trying to think of a male Shi would want to, and finally settling one one of the boys shi knew from physics class, a shy male bottlenose. Turning, shi walked, but began trying to sway hir hips, the way Shi'd seen girlphins do countless times, rolling hir waist with each step, stepping a little higher than normal so hir bosom bounced with every movement, swaying hir body. Chastising hirself as shi considered shi was probably not doing it a bit right, shi turned and blushed as shi glanced back at hir teacher, seeing how shi reacted.

The orca's maleness had come fully erect, the length as long and thick as hir forearm, the herm churring deeply "that was incredibly sexy" as shi blinked, hir mind stunned "you mean, I actually did it?" and was replied to by hir standing up and walking over, sliding a hand down hir front that made hir shiver in nervous arousal and trill "on the first try... you're a natural..." Biting hir beaklip, shi coo'ed up at this seeming demigod of sexuality, and chittered "Mrs. Naketa.. could you teach me to.. pleasure someone? I'm..." and shi blushed fiercely "I'm a virgin, All I've ever seen is my dad's dirty videos and magazines"

Anything else shi was going to say was cut off by a deep kiss, hir body tensing like a bowstring, then melting into the other herms embrace as arms surrounded hir, a tongue stroking into hir beak and finding hir own tongue there, sharing hir mouth with hir hero as hir body carressed the others, not caring of hir own maleness slipping fully free or hir femsex moistoning with virgin dew, hir mind and body simply overwhelmed with the strength of that single, deep kiss. Parting from it, shi blew hir air and groaned softly, stepping back a moment "Cet'i and Certon'is, you can kiss!"

The herm before hir paused, making hir suddenly get a deep fear in the pit of hir stomache shi'd offended hir somehow as the herm trilled at hir "You know the names of our patrons?" "My mom taught me... they 're the givers of love, and pleasure, and fertility right?" The smile on the herm orca's face could have split hir head if it went much farther "You, Naomi, are in for a long, and wonderful voyage through your life" Nodding slowly, not sure what was going on, shi let the orca lead hir over to hir desk, and watched as shi spread a large mat out on the floor, sitting on it a moment later when bade, and churred as the herm orca sealed and locked the door to hir office, then sat across from hir, eyeing hir "Let us begin your journey.. where would you like to start?"

Focusing a moment, shi blushed nervously, looking up at hir now mentor, and trilled "um, where would be a good place to start?" and was answered with a low trill "how about your bosom? other than your maleness, it's what males tend to notice the most" Hir blush indicated shi knew that all too well, making the herm churr as shi leaned over and gently took one of hir breasts in hand, drawing a gasp from hir as they were carressed, hir eyes closing as hir belly turned a bright cotton pink, hir nipples forming "Ohh, Mrs. Naketa...."

"No more Mrs. Naomi, from now on, I'm just Naketa..." Nodding, shi groaned as the herm leaned over, watching with wide eyes as that broad tongue approached and touched hir bosom, a low moan escaping hir as it began to carress and stroke along hir breasts, hir hands stroking the larger herms head as shi savoured the first time anyone had touched hir like this other than hirself, hir body arching into the contact as shi groaned, almost a slave to these incredible new sensations.

Panting, shi felt the ministrations slow down and then stop, hir body yelling, screaming for hir to not let it stop, as hir mentor softly kissed hir beaktip and returned to sitting cross legged, smiling at hir "your turn, Naomi... remember, there is no wrong way, only what your heart and body tell you" Chittering nervously, shi reached up, softly stroking hir hands along the orca's chest, feeling hir breasts, not as firm as hirs but still perky, Shi imagined how hirs would be if shi ever had a calf, listening to the soft calls of the orca before hir and finding the spots that elicited the most moans and happy churrss, trying to insure shi pleasured hir as much as possible. Slowly, cautiously, shi slid out hir tongue, hir hands and mouth curious about those rings, and exploring them, tasting them and gently tugging on them with hir teeth, hir tongue lapping along them, as shi felt the orca before hir tense, relax, then tense again, with each tug.

Opening her eyes to look up, shi felt a shock run through hir as shi saw the other herm had hir beak hanging open, moaning in pleasure. Shi couldn't imagine making this being, a symbol of all the sexuality a herm had to offer in hir eyes, pant and groan in ecstasy. But there it was, the gorgeous orca herm arching her back in pleasure as she lapped and toyed with those rings using hir tongue, almost like a game, to see how much she could make her new teacher churr in pleasure.

Slowing down and then stopping, shi nuzzled the bosom in front of hir and churred "Was.. was that good?" The answer was hir being pulled into that wonderful kiss again, hir eyes closing as her bosom rubbed hir partners, hir tongue stroking that of hir orca lover as their forms carressed, a warm feeling enveloping hir, a mixture of male and female arousal, and of accomplishment, the warmth slowly melting hir shyness as hir hands went around the larger cetaceans neck, Hir mentors hands stroking hir back as the kiss slowly parted "That, Naomi, was incredible... you must have quite a gift, to be able to pleasure so well on your first try."

Blushing to the point she almost felt faint, shi nodded slowly, then nuzzled the orcas neck, cooing "Thank you... I don't.. feel as afraid anymore..." Nodding warmly, shi felt arms hug hir close as shi coo'ed "Can we.. Naketa, can we go farther? please?" The response was a tightening of the hug, and a soft churr "Yes, but I will only go so far on your first day as a herm, Naomi... and we must go someplace special."

Nuzzling and then giving a nod, shi felt hir stomache jump in hir throat; what if shi was going to take hir to a porn studio and fuck hir? what if shi was just going to use hir? What if shi was secretly disgusted and was going to throw hir out? Fighting down hir nerves, shi let hir hand be taken and shi stood, giving a nervous Squeak as the nude herm orca opened the door to hir office and smiled "Remember, the cute boy in class" and then gently took hir hand, leading hir down the hall. There was almost no-one in the hall, but the two males shi saw both looked at naketa and smiled, then looked at hir and trilled as shi walked like shi wanted a date, both their pants bulging as shi trotted by, and shi could feel hir face turn red; Was shi acting too slutty? No way those males knew shi was a herm... Then shi realized that the voice saying that was a lot less loud than before, and that it didn't belong. That was the voice that made hir ashamed, the voice that made hir feel guilty. With a surge of Willpower, shi made it shut up abruptly as shi walked up a flight of stairs, Following hir teachers lead as shi was led into a room where the walls were one-way glass, a huge altar of Coral with carved symbols standing in the middle, and shi looked around and squeaked.

"Na..Naketa?" "Yes?" "This is.. a temple to them, isn't it?" As shi turned around, shi could see the larger herms pink belly had grown to the same shade as hir aroused maleness, hir entire body almost seeming to glow "Yes... how did you know?" "It just... I just knew." Nodding, Shi watched as the larger herm approached hir and nuzzled hir, then smiled "that is because you have a gift, Naomi... you have the gift to become a priestess, as I am, if you want to someday. Your mother was a priestess as well, shi just never told your father"

Shi felt something flip over in hir mind, and suddenly many things made sense about hir mother and father, about Mom's habits and Dad's concerns, and shi nodded, then coo'ed "I hope.. I can make my mother proud" A warm churr was the reply "you already are..." as Shi was led by one hand to the altar and shi sat on it, legs spread to expose hirself, hir herm mentor taking up an opposing seat atop the altar as shi nuzzled hir "now, I am only willing to go so far, but we can start with many things..." as shi felt hir hand gently wrapped around hir maleness, a soft whistle escaping hir as shi realized shi'd come fully erect without conscious thought "Please, lets pleasure ourselves together, Naomi... I don't want to start anything too fast.."

Nodding, shi began slowly sliding hir hand up and down hir maleness, the length not as big as some males but not on the smaller side either, pre dribbling from it as shi imagined feeling that cute boy from science class playing with hir, and then of hir mentor pleasuring hir, opening hir eyes and groaning as shi watched the orca's massive bullstaff get stroked with one hand, hir other hand fingering hirself as shi churred, bucking hir hips into hir own strokings. Hir own hand soon found hir sex and shi mirrored the herm, groaning in the mingled pleasures, wondering why shi'd never bothered pleasuring both sexes at once before. It took only a moment for hir to realize it had been that vice that told hir to be ashamed, to not even pleasure both sexes at once, to deny even hir body.

Opening hir eyes again, shi surprised hirself and hir lover as shi pulled hir hand from hir sex and pulled the orca into a kiss, hir tongue nervously stroking, then allowing the thicker orca tongue into hir beak, as shi felt hir smaller maleness rub at the orca's thick herm girth, and then grip both, stroking them together as shi moaned, feeling hir partners surprise and lust and pleasure as shi took the initiative, for the first time in hir life, thier maleness's stroking each other as their pre mingled on the firm flesh, bodies stroking atop the amazingly comfrtable marble.

Humping hir body against the orcas, shi felt hir mentor again take a more dominant tone, this time pulling hir hand from their stroking maleness'es and instead pressing their bellies together, their flesh surrounded by a tight blubber sheath as the kiss continued, hir sodden sex rubbing the orca's as shi made hirself forget hir inhibitions, forget her nervousness, simply give of hirself to this wonderful, warm, sultry feeling, hir arms holding hir lover as their tonges twined and their bodies writhed.

After what seemed far too short a time, shi felt hir edge drawing near, hir whispered warning cut off as shi was kissed again, and shi felt hirself shudder, hir hands gripping the orca so tight, like a pillow to guard hir, as shi begin shooting hir first load ever given to another, spraying between their bellies, the orca's own massive orgasm soon following as hir sex spasmed in ecstasy, hir squeal echoing into the maw of hir lover as hir body suffused with energy, seemingly more than should be possible, every inch of hir form electric as their mingled moans echoed off the glass and, unknown to hir, the symbols on the altar glowed brightly with a fertile, green light.

After what seemed a blissful eternity, Shi felt the kiss part, and rather than pulling away, simply hugged the orca close, cooing softly, tears falling from hir eyes onto the smooth blubber as their seed worked in the nooks and crannies between their bodies. Glancing down, the orca Churred "Naomi, why are you crying, did I hurt you?" "No Naketa.. I'm just so happy... I finally got to have my dream come true... how soon can.. can we go farther?" "Not until you are ready, sweet Phin"

Churring like a mother to a calf, the orca's hands stroked hir, hir own eyes sheening with faint water as shi smiled "Then we will help you make new dreams, Naomi... what do I tell your father?" "He.. Disowned me this morning.. I only have a backpack full of clothes.." Hurmfing, the orca nuzzled hir, then cooed "then Naomi, you can sleep in our house tonight.. and tommorrow, we start a new beginning.." Smiling faintly, Shi felt hirself cuddle into the orca, hir eyes closing as shi again gave hirself to that wonderful warmth, and shi realized, for the first time, shi felt safe.

It took several minutes, and a soft snore, for Naketa to realize Naomi had fallen asleep holding hir, a soft, motherly churr escaping hir as shi gently laid the herm on the Altar, and then smiled As hir husband and wife appeared through the trap door, putting hir finger to hir beak in silent request, and smiling back at the young herm "We have a houseguest, my loves.. and a new beginning to create... Oh, and Cal, Get the legal Department for me, We've got a new project for them this afternoon"


To Be Continued...

Calafin's Vacation Surprise

Warning!! The following Story contains hot, randy, homosexual boinking between a phin and Orca! If you are not at least 18(or of age in your homeland) then please do not continue! Remember, this is intended for entertainment, and I'm not going to...

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How cal met Nak 2

How Cal met Nak 2: The beginning of the legend. \*\*\* Warning! The following story contains hot, loving, very pleasurable gay sex between two cetaceans, and should not be read by anyone under the legal age in their territory, or who is offended...

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To make a Temple

Sanctifying a Temple Warning!Warning!Warning! Warning!Warning!Warning! The following story contains Herm-fem, Male-Male, and Male-Herm Yiffery!! If you are not of legal age in your Territory(18/21 in the US) or do not want to read such, do...

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