Welcome Home

Story by assilsasta on SoFurry

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(July 27, 2013, 09:00 am: The Escher House)Daisy is awakened by the warmth and smell of something near her snout. As she opened her eyes she saw Alex crouched in front of her with a steaming sausage and egg biscuit in her claws. "Ya gonna ge' up er just sleep da day way, porkchop?""What time is it? Is the sun even up yet?" the moose herm said as she stretched her arms above her head before taking the offered breakfast sandwich from the eagles claws."It's 'alf pas' get da fuck up," the eagle said, "jour da las one still sleepin'. Sqeaker is in da kitchen with everyone chowin' down an' yjour ou' 'ere 'avein' wet dreams abou' 'er."As she stifled a giggle to keep from choking on the bite of biscuit, egg and sausage she was chewing Daisy rose to her hooves before she looked at the eagle and said, "if I was having wet dreams about her, we'd have to shampoo the carpet before we leave."As the two made their way to the crowded kitchen, not meant to hold the ten bodies that were moving around, she heard a female voice say, "please pass the coffee," only to lose its location in the apparent disorganized commotion. She watched as the majority of the furs in the room seemed to move in a procession form of chaos as biscuits and condiments passed from paw to paw. She listened as requests seem to be barked from nowhere to be answered with the item sought after. She looked around the tightly packed room as she caught a glimpse of the two that seemed to be out of place as the older chinchilla and younger Squirrel sat at the small table and let the activity flow around them as they read magazines."Okay, heres the plan of action," come the liger's voice as Daisy searched the room as if looking for Waldo before coming to find her standing near the sink, "This is Squeaky's big day. I think she would be in the lead vehicle as we make our approach. Marching order is the same simplicity that has work so far, U-haul followed by awesome and all the shiny shit can bring up the rear."    "Yea, yea yea, bring up the rear no shit, kiss me ass Lilly," the moose herm said as she glared at the liger. "Just don't stop

too suddenly or it won't be me taking it in the rear.""Wha' are ya bitchin' 'bout? I gotta fallow dey're slow ass rus' buckets fer an hour," the eagle said as she leaned against the wall by the moose."No matter how much you polish a turd you still only get shiny shit," Susan said from nearby as she drank some coffee."My turd isn't the one that threw a rod either," the moose retorted with a smirk on her muzzle, "but I'll bring up the rear.""It didn't throw a rod," the otter said from the counter, She cracked a weld some time back and the overpowered mini monster vibrated the strut loose. If she paid attention and looked when she swapped the stirp engine out for the street she would have seen it." He looked at the liger as he added, "I told you a dozen times you needed to let me grind it down and redo the crossmembers when you got up to one 'K' horses.""Yea yea yea, Now you have your chance," Lilly said as she swallowed a mouth full of bisket, "back to the matter at hand, how to decide whos the trail vehicle."Alex Looked at Daisy with a glimmer in her eye as she said, "Wrestle ya fer it.""Yea, moose versus military trained vet, not gonna happen, I already said I'd bring up the rear anyway," Daisy said as she looked at the eagle. "Besides that way you goofballs will be out of my way when I get to see this house you bought for the first time. My momma only raised one fool and he's back in Colorado by now.""Speakin' of..." Alex started, "I'mma need ta talk ta one a dem abou' gaurdianchip fer da um..." She trailed off as she saw a glare from Lilly, "neva nin' we can get ta dat stuff latea."Cecily looked back and forth between the two as she said, "Why isn't anyone telling me where we're going?""Because if you knew it wouldn't be a surprise," Susan said."Hey," the younger chinchilla girl started, "Can I come, I want to see the..." She fell silent as hank slapped a paw over her muzzle."Surprise," he said as he looked down at the young girl, "She doesn't know anything about it... ANYTHING.""This is bullshit," Cecily said as the group all looked at her slightly shocked at her outburst, "I'm fifteen not five. It's not like I'm going to go all ape shit when I see a house.""An' da mouse fount a voice," Alex said as she glanced at the moose."Okay," Lilly broke in again, "all the shit... Fuck... um... crap?" She stammered as she looked at the younger cub in the room."She's gotta mout' on 'er," the eagle said, "Ya chould 'ear 'er talk on dat game tin', it'd make a sailah blush. 'side, ya already got two a da bigguns outa da way.""Okay, what ever," Lilliana went on to say, "Stuff your faces we head out as soon as it's daylight.""It's been daylight for a few hours," Susan said as she munched on a biscuit. The two hosts snickered at the exchange as they seem to be amused by the group."Fine then," the liger retorted, "choke it down and get to the cars, you'll have time to taste it on it's way back up."The old badger shook his head as he looked across the group while they started to shove the biscuits into their muzzles without thinking to question the order. "Zis team vill be zee death of me." then stood up and reached out the the chinchilla name, "It vas a plezure to meet you Mr Escher, and you lively family as vell."Without speaking due to mouths full of food the remaining adults nodded and moved from the kitchen into the yard as they started to look over their vehicles and check fluids and tires before starting the engines.Cecily looked up at Lilliana and said, I don't need to be in the lead vehicle, I want to ride with Daisy."The liger sighed as she looked at the moose. "You take the lead, But Alex isn't going to like it," she said with a bit of a grin.Thinking for a moment as she looked down at her girlfriend a devilish grin came to the mooses face. "How about this instead, I think everyone wants to see the look on her face when she sees the place. How about she rides with me, in the back and someone let me know when we're close and she closes her eyes until everyone is together so they can?" As she spoke daisy watched the small mouses face, a grin slowly creeping onto her muzzle until she added, "and no peeking trail mix, they've all gone to a lot of trouble and hard work to do this and keep it a surprise. They deserve to at least get to see your reaction when you see it for the first time don't they?""I guess," the small mouse said as she stood up from the table, I still don't see what the big deal is. It's just another house in a new town. We still have to start over and make new friends and stuff."Lilliana knelt down to look the young chinchilla in the eyes, "Look Mini muffins,, you'll have plenty of time to see the place and I'm sure you'll spend a lot of time there with Fluffy. But right now we need to do this as a family, " She snickered at the thought, "A strange cobbled together family, but a family nonetheless." She stood and looked at her father as she said, "We'll give you a call when we get the place half way presentable."Darren smiled as he said, "Sure thing, Miss. Fargo. It was a pleasure to meet you and Welcome to the east coast." he winked as he neglected to say the name of any city."Thank you for your hospitality and call me Lilly," She said with a smile before she turned to the moose, mouse duo and said, "Lets roll out girls.""Come on sweet cheeks," Daisy said as she held out a paw to the small mouse, "let's go check out the new digs and check out your new home."Cecily looked up at her girlfriend as she took ahold of her paw and corrected her, "our new home."(July 27, 2013, 11:15 am: Marblecliff, NH)The strange sight pulled into town on main street, a caravan of vehicles following each other close, to the point of tailgating. The leader of the pack was a twenty-six foot U-Haul truck pulling a fully restored, candy apple red '73 Camaro. It was followed closely by the beat up, faded, two-tone mint green and white, full size '60s Chevy Custom 10 pickup, packed high with furniture tied down with hemp rope. The sight of the truck was reminiscent of the Clampets from Beverly Hillbillies, complete with a shirtless Otter wearing overalls and a straw hat chewing on a piece of wheat shaft, elbow hanging out the window.The pickup was pulling a rusted out '50s Chevy Nomad wagon. Behind it was a classic WWII Willys jeep that looked like it rolled right off a movie set. It was covered with dirt, the windshield was folded forward and the doors removed and visible in the small bed in the back. the slightly plum chinchilla driving the jeep had one leg out the opening and resting on the side mirror support. Rounding out the motley chain was the two oddities, a yellow 2013 Corvette zr1 driven by a well dressed bald eagle woman waving slightly in the lane as if waiting for the pace car to leave the front of the the line, and an orange 2013 Dodge Charger with a moose at the wheel and the letters 'DILLIGAF' printed across the custom plates.Cecily leaned against the window of the Charger as they passed the cities welcome sign, then spun quickly to look at Daisy and asked, "Did that just say 'Welcome to Marblecliff'?""That's what it looked like to me," the moose replied, watching the small mouse from the corner of her eye.Swiftly the mouse reached for the small radio that sat on the dash and keyed the mic. "Are we in Marblecliff?" she asked a little bit of a squeak in her voice, "Like where Juno and Wendy live?"[That all depends on whos asking] the ligers voice came across the small speaker, [ I didn't hear any callsign or proper edicate.]"Are we in the Marblecliff they

are from or not?' cecily asked a tone of irritation replacing the squeak in her voice.[Yes, Squeaky, We're in Marblecliff.] the Liger responded, [and I don't think your friends know you're coming either, so surprises all the way around.]Daisy watched as the kangaroo mouse began to fidget in her seat at the news and looked out the window wide eyed as if looking for someone randomly walking by on the city streets."Who... ummm who are Juno and Wendy Sisy?" the moose girl asked as the mouse fidgeted beside her."Some people I meet on the cruise also, after we got off the phone... you know after the um... paul thing," she said as she continued to look through the streets, "Wendy is a mouse and she's about my age. Juno is a filly just a little younger, but she's into photography also. We meet up on a hike the day after we went on THE hike and Lilly went cliff diving with her um.. sister.""Oh, well I'm glad you met some other people and made other friends while you were on the cruise. Kind of weird that you ended up in the same city huh?" the moose herm said as a grin crossed her muzzle. "Almost like you were supposed to make friends, weird how things work out sometimes, then again look at what you wound up with for a girlfriend."As Daisy finished talking the sound of police sirens filled the air as she noticed the red and blue lights in the rearview pulling up fast. She followed suit as the group pulled to the side of the road only to have the officer pull up behind them with his lights still flashing.Cecily looked over at Daisy as the liger came across the small radio, [It's for us, form up on the jeep.]

Lieutenant Daniel Summers Sat in his squad car in the parking lot of the McDonald's as he finished his lunch. When the odd convoy of vehicles drove past he flpiped on the lights and siren before he pulled out into the street. To his relief the entire group pulled over at once. He started to run the plates with the one closest to him with the lettering 'DILLIGAF' only

moments before he saw the occupants of the forward vehicles exit and start walking toward one another. he lifted the handset as he thumbed on the loudspeaker, "Please remain in your vehicles, I will be with you shortly." with no response he repeated his request, "Please return to your vehicles." Moments later he saw a small mouse jump out of the Dodge charger and run up to meet the others followed shortly after by a moose.The gray squirrel took a deep breath as he thumbed the strap loose on his side arm and stepped out of his car. As he approached the group he saw them all toss items on the hood of the old WWII jeep and put their fists into the center of the circle and chant some strange latin phrase. When he arrived he said, "Please place your paws on the hood of the jeep."The squirrel's request was met by the tallest of the group turning toward him. The liger smiled as she asked, "Why? We haven't done anything against the law yet, have we?Dealing with the obvious leader of the group, his paw resting lightly on his side arm, he asked the common practiced question of all pullovers, "Do you know why I pulled you over?""Aren't you supposed to ask for License and registration first?" The liger responded with a smile as she pointed to the hood of the jeep where several small stacks of documents sat, five of which with purple heart medals situated on the top."Okay, I pulled you over because you were tailgating. and the load on that truck looks unsafe," the squirrel said as he pointed to the old Chevy truck.The eagle turned to look at the office as she cleared her throat. She looked him in the eye as she said, "I am Alexis Hawkins, Attorney for this group. According to local city statutes the distance maintained between our vehicles was just beyond the minimum for tailgating for the given speed. As for the load on the Chevy truck driven by my client, Hank Heartken, the method of securing his load is more than adequate to the weight and estimated distance of travel from the city limits to his final destination."Caught off guard by the presence of the lawyer lt. Summers stammered as he tried to think of his next question. "okay... um... and... Where exactly is your final

destination?"Alex returned his question with, "Is there a legal reason you need that information?""Um... in order for me to judge whether your load is secured properly, I need to know how far you are going," he replied with a smile.The liger stepped forward and looked at the name plate on the officers shirt as she said, "Lt.... Summers, maybe you could help us with that. We are new to town and need to know the best route to our destination with the load and size of our convoy." She turned to the Chinchilla still seated in the jeep and reached a paw out toward her. In response She was handed a map which she promptly spread out on the hood as everyone retrieved their papers and medals. "From what I see here," She started before looking over her shoulder at the squirrel, "You can't see from back there."Daniel walked cautiously up to the jeep hood, his paw still on his side arm as much of the group circled around him."So we're here," lilliana pointed to a spot on the map before Susan stood up in the jeep.The chinchilla leaned over the hood as she said, "Wait a sec, Daniel Summer? Julia's father?"He looked up at the Chinchilla as he answered, "Yes""I'm Susan, Elise's aunt," She said with a smile, "I was hoping to meet you, I think Alex meet your wife the other day when she was looking at the house."Daniel looked around at the group as the nearly week old conversation rolled back in his mind. "Wait, you're the eagle that Laura meet that was going to buy that old place down the road?"Alex put her thumb to her chest as she said, "Dats me," dropping back into her Chicago accent. He sighed as he looked around the group again, "She said she thought it was going to be interesting, and with the Councilman Zaritzky right

across the street... Okay, Im going to let you all off with a warning. For the best I think you should follow," he pulled a pen from his pocket and traced a line along the roads on the map. "Now give it a bit more space and do what you can to get this gypsy wagon off the road before someone else pulls you over."Lilliana slapped the officer on the shoulder as she said, "Thank you sir, and thank you for keeping the streets of our fair city safe for gypsy caravans everywhere." She turned and started to walk back to the U-haul as she waved her finger in the air and said, "Mount up we have about fifteen before we're on the doorstep. And lets let Oficer Summers get back to his lunch."Daniel stepped back as he watched the group return to their vehicles, start their engines, and pull away from the curb and back into traffic. He shook his head as he smiled at the through of the tightly knit group becoming an odd addition to his community.

Cecily hopped into the passenger seat as Daisy got into the driver seat and followed the group back onto the street. She smiled as she said, "I think the pool is up to two hundred on how many times we get pulled over on the first day. They started it back before the cruise.""So what number did you pick pip squeak?" the moose herm asked as she glanced over to the small mouse.The small mouse shrugged as she said, "Two, so I'm half way there. Susan already lost with saying we would make it all the way without getting pulled over. But, I bet Alex was pushing the tailgating just to get us stopped.""She picked one didn't she?" Daisy asked with a giggle in her voice. "Or was it just to make sure Susan lost the pool?""She picked one," Cecily said with a smile, "so she's going to be driving like a dream from now on." The small mouse looked out the window as they turned onto the residential street. the modest sized houses slowly grew in size as they continued, each with a yard to match the house. "I wonder which one it is.""No clue

Lilly didn't tell me, not that I would tell you anyway. But we can't be very far from it we should be hearing from someone any second now," the moose said, her words followed quickly by the voice from the small radio on the dash. Alex said as they slowed."Okay girlfriend, get those eyes shut, and no peeking either. I'm not gettin my ass beat by this group because of it. You'll see it soon enough." Daisy raised her paw and pressed it over the small mouse's eyes as she spoke.They pulled up to the European style whitestone mansion. It had sat for years with the housing market downturn, and was neglected and overgrown. The tall grass laid over under its own weight, weeds grew thick and tall from the cracks in the drive. The massive house stood out even in the highly affluent neighborhood, its unmanicured landscape mocking all the surrounding properties, with the groundskeepers and vinyl siding. The caravan pulled to a stop at the side of the road in front of the hulking building, reminiscent of the old Scooby Doo cartoon haunted mansions.As Daisy pulled up behind the corvette her eyes wide in shock as she held her paw over the mouse's face she heard herself quietly say, "holy fucking shit, how the hell did they..." her voice trailing off as the realization that this was the new home of the odd menagerie of a family she had become a part of because of the small mouse beside her. As she reached over and put the car in park and shut off the engine she looked over to Sisy as she said, "okay girl, crawl over here in my lap and we'll get out so I can be sure you don't peak," as she unfastened her seat belt. "Come on, you have to see this to believe it," she added as she pulled her girlfriend into her lap facing her, pressing the mouse's face against her chest as she got out of the Charger to join the rest of the group.The Dark Riders dismounted and gathered to look at what was to be their new home. Smiles crossed all their faces with the potential and possibilities the manor held for them. Hank instantly moved to the back of the old Chevy 10 and retrieved a faded hand carved wooden sign with posts, on it was an obscure image of a horse and rider, in large letters sprawled the length of the sign was written "Dark Riders : Melior Diabolus Quem Scies ". He pushed his way through the grass a few feet away from the road and placed the sign on the ground. And returned to

the truck for a set of hand powered post hole diggers, And began the work to place the sign in it's new home.Lilliana Looked over at the moose and said, "Okey, let her see it."At Lilly's words Daisy set the small mouse on her paws in front of her, her paw still over the girls eyes as she turned her to face the large house. Kneeling down behind her she whispered into her girlfriends ear, "welcome home Sisy," as she look her paw away from the mouse's eyes.Cecily's eyes light up as she saw the massive building. "You... you got a hotel?"Susan looked at the small mouse girl as she said, "It's only a house, and it's ours."The group ventured up the walk to the front door. Alex opened it using the the single key they were given at the closing. Upon entering the foyer Cecily's eyes went wide with wonder and amazement. The small kangaroo mouse had never seen anything that big beyond hotels and office buildings. To every side were wide open spaces for dining , living and libraries. A grand staircase lead to an open balcony on the second floor. The floors were covered with dirt and debris and leaves for the smashed windows. The walls were cracked, smashed and covered with graffiti.Cecily looked up at Daisy and the others as her eyes stopped at Lilliana, "H... How?" Was all she managed to say."Who cares how," the liger said with a smile, "It's ours, all of it. Every last square foot."Cecily's curiosity over rode her apriention and fears as she grabbed ahold of Daisy's paw and ran into the house looking at everything, the massive kitchen, great room with a fireplace, setting rooms, more stairs going up and down, huge bedrooms, walk-in closets bathrooms. The experience was overwhelming, the thought that this was all for them. The faded paint and damage on the walls, and discolored wood and broken tiles of the floors made no difference to her, this was more than she could have ever wished for. A family of people that truly cared, a place to call their own, Lilliana, the one real superhero in her world, and Daisy, the girl that left her own life behind to be with her.

She dropped to her knees in the center of a balcony overlooking the backyard, pool, and the trees beyond.She looked up at the moose, awestruck in her own right, and said, "it has to be a dream. Things like this don't really happen. It all has to be a dream... a two month long dream... and I never want to wake up."Daisy slowly sat down beside the small mouse, pulling her into her lap as they gazed out across the backyard of the huge house, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend as she tried to find the words to say. After several long moments she began to speak, "If this is a dream... then I guess you brought me with you into it Sisy. You're right though, kind of. Things like this don't happen very often but they do happen. I'll tell you one thing, you're the luckiest girl I know. Yea it's gonna take some work to clean and fix this place up, but that bunch of crazy people downstairs love you. More than anything else in the world. For what you want to do they found a great place for you to see your dream come true. You've got more than most kids will ever have, and the biggest thing of all is a family that truly loves you no matter what." Hugging the small mouse tightly to her chest she nuzzled into her neck as she added, "and dream or not I'm right here with you , right where I should be sweet cheeks."As the two sat and looked out of the balcony they heard a voice behind them say, "The Garages are empty, We'll unload the stuff out of the trucks into them so we can return the U-Haul and get supplies. You two go ahead and take it easy, Alex is already hot wiring the Charger to moved it into the motor court.""She's what? Why? The keys were still in it...." Daisy began as she turned to see the liger behind them. "Would you stop picking on my poor car, for fucks sake so I don't drive a chevy, give me a break Jesus.""Car's got nothing to do with it piggy," Lilliana said as she turned and walked out of the room. "you're not going to get in that easy, the tazing random otters in the junk moves already been done."Looking up at Lilly Daisy sighed as she said, "okay, moose lost in the woods, what the fuck are you talking about?"The liger smiled over her shoulder as she

said, "Welcome to the Dark Riders... fresh meat."Her eyes going wide Daisy swallowed hard before she whispered, "oh god I'm screwed."Cecily looked up at the moose from her spot in her lap and said, "It can't be that bad. What's the worst they can do?"As if to answer the question Alex shouted from somewhere in the house, "We'ah gonna need more shavin' cream and betta razahs""Hugging the small mouse to her again Daisy said, "just tell my family I didn't go down without i fight will ya trail mix?"the kangaroo mouse giggled as she said, "Alex won't shave you. They didn't do anything to me like that.""Yea, but you didn't follow one of them home like a stray feral puppy either," Daisy said as she tickled Sisy's sides, grinning at her as she added, "or a love struck moose."The two sat for several minutes as they let the thought of living in the dilapidated old mansion sink in a little more before Susan walked into the room attached to the balcony. "You might want to get a terry cloth or something and wipe the drool off the chopper in the garage."Daisy looked up at the older chinchilla smiling broadly as she asked, "who drooled on my ride? And did they get any on the seat?""Hank was the one that unloaded it," She said with a smile, "he felt the thing up like a ten dollar whore. Lilly and Alex were unloading the U-Haul in the other garage."Daisy fell over on her back laughing hysterically, taking the small mouse with her. She looked up into her girlfriends brown eyes as she said, "well, as long as he enjoyed himself I guess I can stand to clean up a little drool.""Lilly said something about going for a ride into town while we did a supply run either that or she was saying we all needed to ride into town for supplies,

its hard to gell what she's thinking sometimes. But the trucks are all unloaded"Daisy rolled the small mouse off her chest as she stood up, taking her girlfriend by the paw as she said, "come on sweet cheeks, guess we better go see what Lilly has in mind,." Looking at Susan she added, "since I haven't had much of a chance before, it's nice to meet you," she paused as she held out a paw to the older woman.Susan smiled back as she asked, "What size straight jacket do you wear?""Extra large, and a little extra room in the crotch strap would be appreciated if possible," Daisy replied as she looked back to Sisy. "Come on, let's go find out the marching orders for the afternoon."As they followed the chinchilla back to the garage, The otter man walked past in the opposite direction. he stopped and placed a paw on Daisy's shoulder as he asked, "Are you allergic to latex, by any chance. Or any foods?""No foods that I know of, and if I was allergic to latex... I'd probably have a few dozen kids by now," she replied as she looked the otter in the eyes.Hank looked back with a smile, "Thanks, needed to know if there were alternative we needed to add to the supply lists."The group continued into the garage to find it open with the charger and trailer backed up to it and empty the camaro backed into the far side. Across the way they saw another three bay garage with the U-haul truck backed up to one bay and the other two filled with the contents of the Chevy truck and Daisy's trailer. Alex, Detlev and Lilliana were all seated in camp chairs in the courtyard that separated the two parts of the building. Susan walked out and sat in one of the chairs in the circle as Hank came out another door and joined them.The older badger signaled for Daisy and Cecily to come over to him. As the moose approached he held his paw up and handed the moose a paw full of jax and said, "You might vant to keep zese handy at night."Daisy looked at her paw for a moment before

looking back up to the general as she said, "okay.... ummm, I guess..... oh hell, okay you got me, what the hell would I do with these?""You'll know ven zee time comes," he said with a cryptic smile on his muzzle.Lilly looked up at the group with a bottle of water in her paw. "Okay, I think we have the moose plenty paranoid. She'll be looking over her shoulder for the next week. Now to make plans for the weekend." she looked up at Daisy as the moose herm stood there contemplating the paw full of classic star shaped metal toys, "Take a seat, Mouse bat , you're making me nervous."Shrugging as she stuffed the jax into her shorts pocket Daisy sat down in one of the camp chairs as she looked at the group of war vets."Best time to do a supply run will be after the Sunday paper, We have seven bodies so we can get seven times the maximum coupon discounts. Susan, Its your task to find out if anyone doubles and what the limits are on those. Hank, you map out the closet options. Alex... Don't get in trouble. And the dynamic duo get the afternoon off." the liger went around the circle as she stopped at Daisy and Cecily. "It's our first day in town and we have no idea where anything is, so you two go cruising and pick up guys or whatever it is teens do these day." she paused for a moment, and started again, Strike that, you two and Alex get to clean the floor in the great room and kitchen... and whatever else you can tonight I need to go check on something."Hank looked at the liger and said, "you can't drive the Camaro until we fix that snapped weld.""I wasn't going to," she said, "I was going to take that Rattle trap you call a truck. Detlev will have to return the U-Haul. so Alex or Susan will need to follow him. Any questions, complaints or snide remarks?" After a few moments of silence she finished with, "Okay, Lets get it done then." She stood and walked to the old chevy truck that sat in the drive and left.Alex looked around the group and said, "Now dat Mamas gone we cen relax a bit," then slumped down into the camp chair as the rest of the group leand back not eager to start their tasks.Daisy looked around the circle for a few moments before she turned to Cecily and said, "come on sweet cheeks, we need to go and get started cleaning up the great room, this bunch is gonna need someplace half ass clean to eat, and maybe to sleep too."The otter man looked over from his seat and said, "Don't worry about that, I got the cleaning. Sue will do everything about figuring out the supply run and Alex will take the truck back while the general sits there and grows old. You two go take a walk or something." He looked at the confused expression on Daisy's face and added, "We never really listen and she doesn't care as long as it all gets done."Looking over at Cecily the moose asked, "is he for real or just trying to get my ass reamed by Lilly?"Cecily shrugged and said, "Half the time Lilly doesn't assign tasks like that. We just go over what needs to be done and do it. Besides, Lilly's going to ride you anyway just because she can." She looked over at Hank and said, "did you leave my camera in the Charger?""Yea, And there are some really nice looking houses around here, or you guys can go around and document the current condition of the house. It doesn't really matter I am just going to use the blower to get the debris and junk out. They'll be delivering a dumpster on Monday when you guy were supposed to get here, so I'll just pile it up in the foyer for now. You two have a new home to explore Welcome to Marblecliff.

Dinner wiht Mr. Archer

(July 23, 2013,05:30pm: The Escher House)Darren and Julia returned home to find their house guest folding and hanging their laundry on the kitchen table. The older chinchilla raised an eyebrow as he walked into the kitchen and asked, "Do I need to make...

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Is He for Real

(July 22, 2013,02:30pm: City Hall, Marblecliff, NH) As alex pulled the Corvette into the closest to the door as she looked over at Hank, "Jou go in an' ge' da papas. I ain't goin' in dere." "Wait," Hank said as he looked at her, "What happened...

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Meeting the Neibhors

(July 22, 2013,06:30am: The Escher house)Julia and Darren  sat at the kitchen table as they sipped at their first cup of morning coffee before they headed out to the lab. Their attention was drawn to the hall as they saw the otter unintentionally slid...

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