Day with Aunt Susy

Story by assilsasta on SoFurry

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(July 20, 2013: the Escher house)Susan awoke to a warm body pressed against hers. Some time in the night Elise had climbed into the bed with her. She smiled at the little chinchilla as she wrapped her  arms around her. She was reminded of all the times she has watched Elise when Darren and Sebrina would go out for the night. The two would curl up in Susan's bed and  cuddle  till the little one fell asleep. Laying there in that moment she could not remember why she had left in the first place. She slowly drifted back to sleep with her niece  held  securely in her arms.(July 20, 7:45am: the Escher house)Julia entered the kitchen following the scent of fresh coffee. The sight that greeted her caught her off guard. Her houseguests had risen before she had and and taken over the kitchen  making breakfast. Susan stood at the stove cooking what looked like scrambled eggs mixed with  diced meat and vegetables. What  surprised her was the fact that the chinchilla was was still wearing the  slightly large gamer t-shirt she had gotten from Elise the night before.  Across the kitchen was her companion, Alex, wearing no more than an undersized button-up farmer's work shirt  with cut off sleeves and  pink panties visible beneath it. The eagle was working at cleaning a business suit hanging against the wall. Watching the duo for a moment Julia shook her head. "Excuse me ladies", the red squirrel caught the attention of the older women, "you might want to think about Darren when choosing what you wear in the kitchen."Glancing back at the squirrel, Alex said, "I was tinkin' about Darren when I put dis on."Looking over at her friend Susan, scolded, "You could at least button it up, Boomer. And stop acting like a slut"With a smirk the eagle retorted, "Look 'oo's talkin' dere, Fluffy, ya showen' off more a dem muffins den you tink."The Squirrel looked at the two older women with a stern glare. "Ladies, could we please maintain some level of decency, at least while Darrens here?", she asked the pairWith a smile at their hostess, Susan said, "I'm sorry about that Julia, it's been a while since either of us

have had to think about this. I even had to borrow one of Elise's shirts to sleep in." She turned the eye off on the stove and moved the pan to a cold one. "Come on, Boomer, we should go get dressed. Don't want to give the man of the house a bloody nose."As they started to walk out of the kitchen  Alex stopped in the tracks, eye shot wide open. "Dat's it, Dats wha' I ben tinkin'." She turned to Julia. "Jewels, dats wha' ya remin' me a. Yer so perty and red." She grabbed ahold of Susan's arm she continues, "We gots ourselves a Jewels, Fluffy. Jus' look at 'er, if she ain't a jewels I don' know wha' is."Pushing the eagle  toward the door, urging her to continue on their way, then Susan said, "Damn it, Boomer, not everyone wants a nickname, and show some respect; the woman's letting us stay in her house for Christ's sake. Let's go get some clothes on already." Julia sat at the table and took a deep breath. 'This little family get together may be an interesting one', she thought to herself as laughter erupted out in the hall.Darren walked into the kitchen and straight to the coffee pot, pouring two cups, sitting next to his wife at the table and pushing one cup to her. "Tell me I did not just see two half dressed, fully grown women tickling each other on the stairs", he asked as he started fixing his morning drink.Dropping her head into her folded arms on the table Julia mumbled, "It's too early for this on a Saturday. She's your family, do something," She rolled her head to look up at him as she continued, "They're like a couple of kids, just goofing off and fighting."He took a sip of the hot beverage. "They  kind of remind me of you and Claire," he told her with a smile."Are we really that bad?""To tell you the truth, it's good to see her doing this well. It's something that has bothered me for a long time. She was like that with Sabrina; they were always picking at each other. They were so good to each other," he sighed as he continued. "Just seeing her shutdown the way she did after her sister died, it was heartbreaking. Then losing her parents so soon after. Seeing her like that with Alex... I'm not going to bother the girl." A smile started to form on Julia's muzzle as she sat and listened to the giggling and laughing coming from the hall. Darren was right; for everything that she had heard of happening to that  woman, she was doing well. (July 20, 8:05am: the Escher house) The pair leaned against the wall in the stairway heaving breathlessly. Alex looked down  the stairs at  her friend. "Ya know, Darren's already seen us. Do we still need ta get dressed?""Yes Boomer, we have to get dressed. Not that that will change much on what you're already wearing.""I was gonna be a good girl and wear pants taday, jus' fer you," Alex said to her with a smile.Both women looked to the top of the stairs as the sound of paw steps approached.The young white mosaic chinchilla girl stood at the top, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Um... what's going on?"Alex looked up at her with a smile as she spoke, "it's notin' Mini Muffins. We jus' headin' up ta get dressed. Fluffy was gonna take ya out fer da day while I did some booken' at da library.""What the fuck, Alex?", Susan asked as looked at the eagle.  "I don' need ya dere to read  t'rogh law books wit' me. Ya cin take dat girl an' go 'ave some fun. It's da weeken'! Go hit up a park er somtin'," Alex stood up and went on to the guest room to get dressed. Elise walked down the stairs and sat by the older chinchilla. "Aunt Susy? Your friend Alex is weird."Putting her arm over the girl, Susan said, "Yes. Yes she is. But she is also one of my best friends." She looked over at Elise, "So. You think I can drag you away from those gamer friends of yours for a day?"Elise's eyes lit up. "Really?""Yea, sounds like Alex is trying to ditch me, anyway. So what would you want to do?"Nearly bouncing, she asked, "Six Flags! Can we go to Six Flags?""Sure," Susan answered, "Go ask your mom and dad." Then she got up and continued on her way to get dressed. As she did, she heard an excited squeal followed by the sound of paws thundering to the bottom of the stairs and into the kitchen.(July 20, 08:30am: the Escher house)Alex met Susan at the top of the stairs, wearing almost identical ensembles. They each  had a somewhat tight fitting, faded black Dark Riders unit t-shirt and faded blue denim jeans. Alex's style showed through as she had the shirt tail pulled up and tied in a knot at the base of the center of her breasts. It was clear that the bird had nothing between her feathers and the world besides the aged garments. Susan, on the other hand, maintained her conservative appearance wearing the garments as originally designed. Placing her paw on her hip the chinchilla looked at her friend sternly and said, "Really, Boomer? Can you show off any more feathers?""Nah, my shor's are all dirty," the eagle replied with a grin, "ey dere, Fluffy, ya need me ta fix yur shirt? It's all hangen loose on ya. Ya need ta flont dem muffins like ya did fer  breffis'.""No, Alex, my shirt is fine." As she finished, the young chinchilla teen ran up the stairs and blasted past them nearly knocking Alex off her feet. Susan smiled at the sheer excitement in the girl's expression as she disappeared into her room. "Come on, Boomer, I think I am about to get a lecture on how to deal with teens out on the town."Together they descended to the kitchen. Darren was drinking his coffee as Julia leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder. "Morning ladies," the male chinchilla greeted as they entered.Susan dropped into a chair across from Darren. "Okay, let me have it. I'm ready.""Let you have what? the season passes?""What, No lecture on responsibility? I'm actually a little disappointed," Susan said as she leaned back in her chair."You're not the kid you were six years ago Susy. I didn't think I needed to,"  Darren said before he took a sip of is hot drink. "Besides, I think Elise is responsible enough to watch you."Julia leaned away from him as she pushed him playfully away. "Darren!", she said with a smile,  "that's just mean. But you might be right. Those two do need supervision.""Da ting is I gotta do sum  readin' at da library. It's jus' gonna be dem taday, Jewels" Alex said as she took  a seat herself. the red squirrel placed a paw on her husband's as she said, "Don't call me Jules, please. That's for Darren only.""Wha' eva ya say,  Reds. Dun wana get teween you and ya man," Alex said looking at the pair with a smile. Darren snickered as  the new acquaintance smoothly transitioned from one pet name to another.Susan glared at her friend. 'What the fuck, Boomer. She asks you once and you drop the nick and come up with a new one. I've been asking you to drop the Muffins off for six years now.""Ya still call me booma, don' ya?""Okay, Alex, I'll drop the boomer and you drop the muffins.""Too lill to late, Fluffy, ya stuck wit' da Muffins fer life now." the eagle tossed an arm of the gray chinchilla at her side. "'Side, dem muffins jus' stan' out too much ta drop 'em." Hot coffee sprayed from Darrens mouth as he saw the eagle drop a hand over Susan's shoulder, letting it rest on her breast.Julia  gave the pair another stern look as she patted Darren on the back."Girls, what did i say  just a  while ago?""I'm sorra, Mis. Escher, it's jus' dat I wish I 'ad a body like dis." Alex rolled her eyes over Julia's body for a moment. "Or dat one jou gotts ova dere. Wha' da hell, I'm surounded by da muffin queens. Firs' dere's Fluffy Muffins 'ere, den I meet 'er neice wit' dam Mini Muffins, now we gotts da Cherry Muffins 'angen all ova 'er man. Jou girl's gotts da goods ta lan' ya  a goo' man wit' ou' even tryin'."Both Susan and Julia began to laugh as Darren choked on another mouth full of coffee. As the ladies  sat in amusement of Alex's torment of the man, Elise  walked into the kitchen. "What going on?" The tween asked as she looked at the adults as the women laughed again. She looked at the group as her step mother patted her coughing father on the back. "OooKaaay... Um... are we still going to Six Flags?"darren caught his breath and looked up at his daughter. "Yes, dear, You and Susy will be going, Julia and I will just stay here and let you to have fun." He pulled his young wife over to him for a sideways hug and kiss on the lips before he stood up to leave the room. "let me get you the passes, no point paying when we already have for the season.""God, Julia, can you two at least wait till I get out of the house?"  the young chinchilla asked looking at his father's new wife.The red squirrel winked at the cub and said, "If you guys would get a move on it would help."Elise rolled her eyes as Julia spoke. "Come on, dad, I want to get there before all the good lines get too long."(July 20,12:15pm: Six Flags)Susan had dropped Alex off at the public library in Boston. She knew well that Alex had asked for that only as a chance to get out and cut loose without Susan holding her back. The chinchilla just prayed that her friend would not get in any trouble while she was out. Alex had a bad history of running into the law when she was not accompanied by other. It had been years since SUsan had heard any rumors of Alex sliding back into her old ways, but after the events of the past four weeks she questioned if the stress might have gotten to her friend. She pulled the yellow corvette into the open space in the lot, she had paid extra to park close to the gate. the chinchilla looked over at her niece in the passenger seat with a smile. This was the first time in over six years she had an opportunity to be alone with Elise. the pair had spent almost the entire ride to the park in silence neither really sure what to talk about. Now it had come to a head. She had no choice but to talk to the girl, and prospect of being shot down in flames by the tween scared the hell out of her.She cut the engine off and said, "Okay, Elise. I am not sure how you guys usually do this sort of thing, and I'm kind of new at being the adult when it comes to it also. So please bear with me on this.""It's okay, Aunt Susy. It'll be fun no matter way," the young chinchilla said to her with a smile. "It's just cool that we get to do this without all the rent agro."Susan dropped her head against the steering wheel and groaned. "Now I need to learn a whole new language.," She rolled her head to look at her younger counterpart and smiled, "I love you and all, but can we try for plain english to day? I have no Idea what you just said."Elsie chuckled quietly as she rephrased her response, "I was saying it might be a little more fun without Dad and Julia being all kissy face. It gets annoying sometimes."The older chinchilla sat up in the seat. "Do you like Julia? I noticed you don't call her 'mom' or anything."Elise was caught off guard by the question, and sat slack jaws for a moment as she tried to figure out how to answer her. "Well, Julia's not trying to replace mom, she's more like a big sister to me most of the time.She pretty cool actually. And dad is so much happier and less stressed since they got together. He smiles a lot more, and I don't see those fake smiles he put on for my sake any more. She's..." Elise trailed off for a moment, but was unable to start again as Susan spoke."Like a big sister... or an aunt that ran away," she sighed, "and I bet she understands all that gamer talk too. I guess they're right, once you leave you can go back, but you can never go home.""No... It's... She..." Confusion hit the teen as her childhood hero sat beside her defeated by the innocent revelation. She looked up to her Aunt Susy. All her awards and achievements that she had written about in her letter, all the thing Elise worked so hard to emulate in the gaming competitions. This presence of greatness in the young cub's mind, the person that had gone to war and come back alive to tell about it, the special operations soldier that had lived through firefights and explosions, the hero that was her very own flesh and blood, sat beside her crushed by simple words, by her words."Aunt Susy?" She paused only for a moment, "Julia isn't your replacement, either. No one can replace mom or you. Julia is fun and stuff, she even likes some of the same stuff I do. But she's not you. She can't do half the things you've done, and she wouldn't want to. You're a war hero. You risked your life defending our county. And..." She paused  for a moment, "You're my Aunt Susy, and no one can be that but you."Susan managed a weak smile as she looked over at the  younger chinchilla. She tossed an arm across the car and pulled Elise closer to her, almost over the center console. Ah Hell, Snuggle bug, Lets forget all that for now. We have a sixty something rides and shopping fun waiting for us right through those gates. Just me and you. Are you ready to spend a day with this boring old warvet?"Elise smiled back and said, "Let's get going before the lines get too long.""Don't worry about the lines," Susan looked at the young girl with a smile, "We're getting those flash pass things, front of the line access on the cool rides." Elise squealed  with anticipation at the thought of riding as much as she wanted with  almost no wait. "But  first we go in there by my rules okay?" She younger chinchilla nodded her head in response afraid she was going to let out a childish noise of joy instead of words. "Okay. If it does not fit in one pocket it's not going in the park. Don't worry about your purse, or bag, or whatever you kids are calling it these days. We'll just leave it in the car and I will pay for everything. Second, and possibly the most important thing, we are going to get our  fill of thrills before we start blowing wads of cash on collectable. We have all day and the store will be there at the end  also."Elise went through her stuff, she shoved the cell phone and wallet in her pockets before getting out of the car.  As she stood up she saw her aunt standing with the hatch of the  car raise  as she pulled a  light denim jacket over her arms. "Aunt Susy, it's kinda hot out here for a jacket, isn't it?""Don't worry about that Elise. Its my problem if I have to carry it later," The older chinchilla said with a smile. "So lets go." She held out her paw to the young cub with a smile."Aut Susy, I'm twelve, you don't have to hold my paw," Elise said as she put on paw on one hip

and shifted her weight to the opposite leg"Okay then, If you want me to get lost it's up to you," Susan started with a smile, "But you have to remember its' been close to eight years since I've been here."Elise rolled her eyes as she took hold of her aunt's paw and sighed, "Fine." A small smile  crept on her muzzle as they walked paw in paw to the entrance.(July 20, 3:25pm: Boston Library)For the first time in a long time, Alex sat in the library poring through the legal section. She had spent nearly four hours going over  real estate laws before it had dawned on her that  the place they were moving to was in New Hampshire and not Massachusetts. Wanting to not have wasted the entire day, the bald eagle had decided to look for houses as they had originally planned before she had  nearly forced Susan to spend the day with her niece. Alex could see that the young chinchilla had seen more in the older woman than Susan saw in herself, and she needed to spend time with the girl to get over her guilt of leaving her behind. Alex had seen  how Susan's family had accepted her home after six years away. She didn't understand what her friend feared from the event. She  knew that people they were visiting we only partially blood relatives of the Chinchilla, one one being  directly in her family lineage. But even then, she was welcomed with open arms into the home of almost complete strangers.She marveled at the fact of Susan's brother-in-law treating her as a sister and close family member even after so long. She was  the family she had only wished for. She thought back to when her four years of service were over and she returned to Chicago for the first time. She had gone to what was once her home only to find it vacant. She had written letters to her parent out of personal conviction, A wish that  the events would bring them closer together. Never in the four years had she gotten a letter back. When she saw the vacant apartment for the first time she was finally crushed, her vision of family  fully destroyed. She had plunged her life into her work, becoming one of the finest attorney in the city. She studied every aspect of the law to help those who  were where she was so many years aro. Then she got a call  just over a month ago, from her friend and comrade, with a simple request that

she could not refuse. Lilliana fargo wanted to save a young girl from the life that Alex had lived. When it was all said and done, the small kangaroo mouse, Cecily Silvana Fargo, had issued a challenge that none of them could refuse, to do for others what they had done for her. the thought and sincerity behind the  request  was more of a slap in the face  than she had originally imagined. Now she looked for a home, a place for them all to start over and  help those who could not help themselves. As she browsed the real estate listing in the Marblecliff area, she found one that could  more that  fill their needs. The old english style mation has sat empty for years after the housing market crashed. The place needed a lot of work form the photos that she saw, but it had the space and rooms for what they intended to do. Without hesitation she dialed the phone. "Lilly, I fount it. Da perfec' place."(Where is it?) the liger asked from the other end of the phone."It's in a goo' neighbourhood. Da place 'as seven rooms, each wit' dere one bafroom. It nee's a lot a work. so I'ma nee' "ank to look it ova."(We are about half way to Chicago now, I will send him on his way once we get there. He may need some sleep first, But he should be there by Monday at the latest.)"Dat's goo'. 'ow is everytin' goin'?"(Not going as planned. We met up with Squeaky and  Daisy just a little while ago. We will be stopping for the night with them.) "I wana meet dis Daisy, jou sure she gonna treat 'er right?"(After what she had already done, I trust her almost as much as I trust you and Susan. She has made a few mistakes, but she has done nothing but defend Sisy at every turn. And  you should see our little mouse when they are together. It's just amazing. I think she was the  think we were missing.)"Ok, Lilly, I'ma trus' ya on dis. Ya know she's my siser and I'll have have ta 'urt  da girl is anytin 'appens to 'er."(She may not know

you, but she is scared shitless of what I'm might do, so don't worry. Besides, I have them on the tracker, but keeps yours off, I still want to surprise her with this.)"Ok, I'll do it, but I still don' like it. Ya should be wit'  'er." (I need to be here. We need all of us that are left to drive. But, like I said, Hank will be there by Monday to help out with the house.)As Alex ended the call she smiled. She was worried about her new  little sister, but she was happed that she had found someone to make her happy in a way that they could never do no matter how hard they tried. the little mouse had found what only two of the team ever had, Love.(July 20, 6:30pm: Six Flags)The young white mosaic chinchilla girl had experienced a whole new concept at the  park. Every time she had come in the past she was either with a group and had to stick with a few cub and a chaperone who would pick and chose the rides for the group. Or she had come with her dad and Julia, which was better but still not like  her Aunt Susan.  Unlike ever before she was not the one  leading the way through the park. This time she had been dragged pushed and pulled from ride to ride by the older  chinchilla with her. in the first four hours they has ridden every Flash Pass ride two or more times. They had teamed up in the bumper car rink, targeted others , slamming them into walls and other cars, and running interference  to keep each other from the same fate. It brought a smile and excitement of it's own to watch her aunt's excitement. They later spent an hour or more as they sat at a small table eating every junk food they could find from a vendor. Hotdogs, hamburgers, pizza, candy, and never ending drinks. The  talked joke pointed and laughed at everyone that walked by. Elise was almost half embarrassed as people would look back at them only to be pumped up once again as Susan picked out the next target of ridicule and jest. When not joking  Susan listened intently the the young chinchilla drone on about the latest game and next big thing coming to the market.  Elise saw the twinkle of pride in Susany' eyes as she talked about her competitions and awards. For the next hour her aunt had all but forced her to play every everyone that challenged her at the North End Games arcade. A line had formed by the Retro arcade

version of Call of Duty where Susan had offered to pay for the game of anyone who beat the young tween. Elise crushed each opponent that came, even with the unfamiliar button locations and retro controls. She was driven and filled with pride as her aunt cheered her on to victory. The easy victories lasted until Elise was recognized by a group local fanboys. Susan had to push her way through the small gathering crowned to spirit the cub away from the unwanted additional attending and back into the crowded  lanes of the park. Once they had put a good distance between them in the arcade the pair collapsed into a park bench panting and laughing at the excitement. Elis looked over at older chinchilla and said, "Aunt Susy, This is like, the most awesome day ever.""Glad to hear it, Mini-me," She replied, "You're a pretty awesome girl."The words echoed for a moment it Elise's mind, 'Mini-me' and 'awesome.' Those words coming from her aunt Susy kicked her ego into the next level. 'She thinks I am awesome,' she thought to herself as she looked over at the chinchilla  who sat by her catching her breath. It had been twice in two days that  she was compared to her hero, Aunt Susy. First by the eagle who said "'in a few years you might even outshine Fluffy Muffins over dere." when she called the chinchilla mini muffins. The just a moment ago by  her and Susan calling her 'mini-me'.Elise felt the  hour of snacking and drinking start to take it toll. "Aunt Susy, I need to use the bathroom."With a smile her aunt stood and started to say, "Come on, Sque..." She stopped only moments before caller her something new, "...Elise, let's hit the head. I need to drain a few gallons myself."Together they walked around the nearby building to the womens restroom. As Elise began to push open the door she saw her the older chinchilla fall to the ground, and felt a paw slap over her muzzle before she was able to screen. A set of powerful arms lifted and carried her away from the scene.Fruitlessly she kicked and struggled against what ever held her as it carried her to a secluded space at the rear of the building. The world sun around her as she was thrown to the ground. Elise fell the the ground in shocked silence, unable to speak or scream as she saw the black bear tower over her."Now you be a good girl

and stay quite," the bear said in a deep gravely voice. He was  over six foot tall and wide as two men. A string of beads and a feather were tangled into this long black hair. He turned to look as a female voice came from behind him."Get away from her," Susan creams as she rounded the corner. Elise watched as the two adults eyes met for the first time. "Give up, fuckstick, your fox buddy ain't comin' anytime soon.""Aunt Susy," Elise was finally able to call out."Run, Elise, Get help." The older chinchilla  spoke  to her without taking her eyes off the bear. Elise saw  a knife in the chinchilla's paw for only a moment as she rushed the powerful male before her. Elise watched  stunned as her aunt traded blows with the larger bear. She  cringed as she saw the chinchilla knocked to her knees several times by the bear's powerful strikes. At the same  time she would see the bear jump or step back from her aunt as a flash of silver would sing through her vision.  Elise saw a gray fox limp around the corner, he led his leg as blood  ran down it. Out of instinct and fear she shouted for her aunt. She marveled as the chinchilla sun in place, releasing  the shard of silver in her paw. The two chinchillas watched for a moment while the fox fell to the ground with a howl. The black bear took advantage of the distraction, knocking Susan to the ground and falling on top of her. Elise screamed at the top of her lungs as she watched in horror, the bear crashed into the ground crushing her aunt. The world seemed to stand still as the bear let out a loud growl, then rolled off of her clutching his side."You bitch!" he growed.At some point she had managed to roll onto her back before he had landed, and plunged a knife into him as he fell. She staggered to her feet, placing herself between the two assailants and Elise. Susan hissed at the  fox and bear as they struggled to their feet. She held a knife in her paw, blade turned downward. The scene before the young chinchilla look as if it came straight from a move or action game. The bear seem larger than life as she towered over the older chinchilla. Her aunt Susan held a slight crouched fighting stance she had seen in so many games and movies. The

park security rounded the corner  altered by the screams and howls. The had finally come to the rescue. But in that moment of relief, Elise had to question, who was being rescued from whom. While the security  personnel held tasers on the men, Elise watched in horror as Susan fell lifeless to the ground.(July 20, 10:10pm: the Escher house)"You what?" Darren almost screamed into the phone as Julia sat  on the couch waiting to see who had called. "I'll be there to get you as soon as I can, hang tight." He looked over at his young wife the distress visible in his eyes. "Susan and Elise were attacked at the park today." He raised his paw to stop her before Julia could speak. "That was Elise, she said they're fine. Susan is a little hurt and can't drive home, so we're going to have to go get them.""What happened?" Julia asked, the expression of worry etched into her face.Darren sat  by her on the couch  while he tried to explain. "Some guys attacked them while they were headed to the bathroom. Elise said they tried to carry her off, but Susy stopped them." Darren sighed as he went on, "From the sounds of it Susan fought with the big guy, some kind of bear. She said something about assult charges of excessive force  about Susy. That just doesn't sound like the Susy I know.""Darren, Hunny, it's been more than six years since you have seen her. SHe's been through alot in that time. I can only imagine what  her time overseas has  been like."The chinchilla slumped back on the couch next to his red squirrel wife. "I should have gone with them. Then this might not have happened.""But it still could have, then your little sister in law, Susy, might have had to save your ass too," She said with a smirk trying to lighten her husband's mood just a little.Darren snickered at the thought as he pushed himself off the couch, "You're right,I would have been useless against a bear." He paused for a moment before asking, "how are we going to get ahold of her friend? She was at the library or something."As if in answer to their request a knock came at the door. hesitantly Julia stood and answered

the door to find Susan's eagle friend, Alex, waiting for her. "Thank god." she said. "We need to go pick Elise and Susan up and I think they have your car. don't they?""Go pick dem up? Wha' 'appened?" She asked with  alarm in her voice."They were attacked at the park. Elise said the were OKay, but Susan was in no condition to drive." Darren said as he grabbed his coat as started out the door past the bird. "We'll drop you off at the park to get your car, and we'll go get them at the hospital.""Fuck dat, I'm goin' ta da hopital wit' ya. Da car can wait." She nearly pushed the Chinchilla man to the car as the left the house.He looked over his shoulder as his young wife and Said, "You wait her sweety, incase Elise or Susy call again."


(July 19 11:00pm, 2013: Portland) Immediately as the plane landed Lilliana looked at the shiny new screen on the Droid 4 the girls had gotten her. There was the messages that she had been looking for, waiting to see.[7:00AM DR23B: We are on the plane...

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(July 19, 2013: Boston)Susan Shelby, a twenty-five year old gray chinchilla, sat in the passenger seat of the 2013 Corvette as she stared at the name in her contact list: 'Darren Escher', the father of her niece. Could she still call him her...

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The pair had to ride half way across the island to find the store to get the phone requested by the liger. With the new device in paw they found their way to a Golden Coin Bake Shop & Restaurant. While they waited to be seated, Cecily called up the...

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