09 Falling Apart

Story by assilsasta on SoFurry

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Enchantment of the Seas July 13, 2013 9:30 pm Stateroom #8532 Daisy tapped on the door lightly as she spoke, "Hey, little brother, you two awake in there?"  She and Cecily waited for a few moments before turning to leave. The door opened slowly to reveal Ralph standing in the doorway. "Yea, we're awake sis, Zoe and I have just been taking about what we want after the dust settles a little. We've decided what we want to do, but I need to see if we even can, or if we even have a choice in this mess. I need to get to the internet cafe and look up some information, but I'm not about to leave her alone, and she doesn't want to come out of the room. She's afraid to run into any of our parents right now," her younger sibling admitted sadly. Looking to each other the two girls smiled slyly. Daisy turned back to her brother and said, "well then little brother, we just may have an answer for you. Mom, Amanda and Lilly, Cecily's mother, the Liger you met at dinner the other night, sent us down here to pry Zoe out of the room for a girls night to go get cake and ice cream." "They did? Umm, why?" the moose boy asked confused at the odd request. The small mouse spoke just loud enough to be heard, "Lilly heard you were expecting... and... Um... thought that it called for cake?" "Wow, so the moms are okay with all of this mess?" Ralph asked, a quizzical look on his face. "I don't know if they're okay with it or not, but they are being a lot more reasonable than the dad's were about it. But what are you up to? Have you figured a way out

of this mess you two can live with?" she wondered. "Maybe, but I need some answers first, and I don't want to talk about it until I can give Zoe some kind of real hope for us. She's scared half to death Daisy, and right now I can't even give her hope that I have an answer," he stated, a stern look of determination on his face. "Then how about you let me and Sisy try to get her out of your hair for a little while so you can go and look up whatever it is you need to know. Besides Ralph," she added her voice dropping to barely above a whisper, "you look like you need a break yourself, you look like shit little brother." "Gee, thanks, that makes me feel so much better," he said sarcastically Cecily fidgeted with the tuft of fur at the end of her tail as she looked up at the moose boy, "Um.. daisy is right... you don't... you should take a walk and get some air... I.. We can take care of... Zoe." She looked down at the floor quickly avoiding eye contact. Looking at the small mouse girl beside his sister, he sighed heavily, "I really look so bad that even she sees it? I guess you're both right. This has hit me pretty hard, and I really do need to find out what chance we have to keep the baby, it may help her to calm down a little." Ralph considered the idea as he turned his head, looking at Zoe sitting curled up in the chair they had been sitting in since their families had left them alone. "It's worth a try, God knows I would give anything to see her smile even just a little bit. Come on in, give it a try, I don't see where it can hurt anything to at least try to get her out of this room for a little bit," he said, grateful for anything that might help to get the panda girls mind off the sadness she was wallowing in. Ralph stood aside, letting his sister and her friend enter the stateroom, closing the door behind them and sitting on the far end if the couch across from Zoe, so the girls could

talk to her with him out of their way. "How you holding up Zoe?", Daisy asked as she knelt in front of the panda girl as she pulled the blanket tighter around herself. "I know it's been a rough day for you girl," she added extending her paw to her brothers girlfriend slowly. "But you know in any way I can I've got your and Ralph's backs. The moms have already been knee deep in the dad's asses over this, and they're not about to back down and give in. This is my friend Cecily, you met her the other night at diner. Her mother and yours and mine all three sent us down to see if we can steal you away from moose lips over there for a little bit." Looking up to Ralph's sister, her eyes a little red and puffy she asked in a weak voice, "why? Hasn't everyone already made their minds up about what we should do? Or did they just send you down here to drag me out of the room so they can tell me all over again how they know what's best for me, for us and we have to do what they say?" Ralph started to rise off the couch to go to her, Daisy waving him off continued to speak."No, they didn't, your mom and ours are on your side Zoe. There's been a change of power sort of. The women are together on this, and they agree that the men are being ass hats. But all that has nothing to do with what they sent us down here for." "I think Lilly would call them all fuck sticks right now." Cecily said just above a whisper. The comment caught the panda girl off guard, a quiet little giggle escaping her lips. Keeping his muzzle shut, Ralph nodded slightly, stifling his own reaction as best he could. "She probably would, it's the same thing she called Paul", the moose herm said, laughing softly. Looking at her lover's sister Zoe asked, "call me stupid, but what is a fuck stick?" Cecily glanced over at Ralph, "Can Pa... Ralph leave?" "Umm, sure, if it's okay with Zoe. I'll go take a walk or something, she can call me when she wants or needs me to come back. Is that okay sweety? You okay staying with Daisy and her friend?" he asked, hoping that the other girls presence was putting her a little more at ease. "I don... I, I guess so, I think I'll be okay with Daisy here, and the mouse girl seems nice enough. Yea, I think I'll be okay for a little bit with them," she said glancing between the two girls and Ralph. "Okay, I'll go for a walk or something then. If you need me just call, I have my phone with me," the moose boy said, walking out of the room as quickly as he could, leaving her in his sisters capable paws. Cecily looked up at the panda girl, "I'm sorry, but I couldn't..." She trailed off for a moment, "A fuck stick is a guy that is good for nothing except what is below his belt, a fuck stick..." Then she shyly looked down at the floor. Zoe giggled a little louder this time, "well, that sure fits his brother. I... I don't know what we're gonna do. But I know I don't ever want to be near Paul again, ever," Zoe said, taking Daisy's offered paw in her own. The small mouse continued to fidget with the tail, "There are things out there worse than Paul. He... I've seen far worse. You're lucky you have what you do. Ralph is a good guy, even if Paul isn't. You have a baby coming, and you need to look at that, and the guy that is standing by your side." She looked up at the other two in the room, "he's not running, he's not throwing you away. Forget everything else. I've never had that.  Not even when... " she trailed off as she looked back at her tail clutched in her paws, "I was where you are once, a long time ago. But i

didn't have any choices, or anyone to stand by me. Family Services removed me from the home and... They have requirements that do not allow for that at young ages." she went silent and still unable to look up at them. Both girls sat stunned silent, staring at the young mouse girl, trying to comprehend what she had just told them. The moments seemed to stretch into infinity as they each mulled over her words. "You... you were pregnant once?", Zoe said, her voice filled with shock, "but..., how?" she began to ask, catching herself quickly, "okay, I know how, but... when? and what happened to the baby?", she asked her eyes going wide as she added, "if... if it's to hard to talk about or none of my business just say so, I... I understand a little bit I think." "The pregnancy was terminated, that's what they do." Cecily said almost  to low to hear, "They.. It was at a party... I don't remember any of it." She said continuing to fidget with her tail. "You at least had a choice in the matter, and you still do." She looked the Panda girl in the eyes for the first time, "Don't let anyone take it from you." They could see the tears roll down her cheeks before she looked away, "It's... its not about you or Ralph anymore... it's about the baby. It's crap that you have to go through this, people trying to tell you what you need to do. Lilly's right, you should be celebrating, not hiding in a room crying. There's plenty to cry about, but this isn't it." She said as she glanced up for a moment. "She might be crazy, but I like how she sees the world." she finished with a weak smile. The dumbfounded teens looked at the mouse confused, their minds racing in a hundred different directions at once. Daisy was reeling from the revelation unsure of what to think, or say to what she had just heard. Zoe sat quietly, thinking about the other girls words. This little mouse girl was right, she was lucky to have a guy like Ralph. They had talked for most of the time since finding out she was pregnant, several times he had told her to think it over and decide what she wanted to do, what she wanted him to do. He had told her that no matter what she decided he would stand by her every inch of the way, and she

believed him. he was certain he had meant every word he had said to his father, and to her. Her face brightening suddenly, as if she had made a decision and had set her mind to it she looked at the two girls, "you're right, I should be out celebrating instead of holed up in here bawling my eyes out. You're on, I want some cake, and ice cream. But I need to do one thing first." Seeing her cell phone on the table beside the chair she picked it up dialing Ralph's number. [Hello? Zoe? Is everything alright? Are you okay?] (Yes, I'm fine Ralph, and your sister and her friend have talked me into the cake thing. But I need to tell you something before I go with them. You said for me to decide what I want, and that you would be with me the whole way, did you mean that with all your heart?) [Yes Zoe, with all my heart. What ever you want to do I'll figure out a way to do it, no matter what it takes. I'll do anything for you Zoe.] (Good, then I guess I'll find out if you mean that or not. I've made up my mind. I want you Ralph, and I want this baby, our baby. We're keeping our baby and everyone else can kiss my furry ass. If my father, or your father don't like it they can go fuck themselves. This is our baby and it's our decision. You said you'd figure out a way to do whatever I decided. Now you know what I want, find a way, I don't care how, find a way.) [You've got it pretty lady, I'll figure out a way or else, even if I have to take you and run to make sure nothing happens to you or our baby that's what I'll do, you have my word on it.] Ending the call she looked at the two girls, "now, where do we go from here? I want that cake and ice cream, it's time to celebrate." "Back to my room, that's where the rest of the women are waiting for us since we can't

get out in this storm. They're gonna order up room service, and make the men pay for it," she said giggling madly. Enchantment of the Seas July 13, 2013 9:25 pmStateroom #8096 As the men left with the moose boy in tow Lilliana scrambled over the Cecily's discarded backpack, "Whoa, hold on a sec. Sisy never lets this thing out of her sight." She opened it up and looked through the contents. She pulled out the sketchbook, "You ladies want to see the most awesome thing in the world?" She asked as she stood and walked back to the couch to take a seat. Curiosity over powered the two mothers as they wondered what the strange liger had come up with now. They both took a seat on either side as she flipped open the book, "I think she started this one on the ship. the last one was filled with nature scenes from Oregon. I have no Idea whats in here." Lilliana said as she began to go through the pages. They were filled with random sketches of passengers, some pages had photos pinned to them with sketches of the image, the ladies sat in almost silent awe as Lilly flipped through pages  of the wedding that happened  earlier that week. When they finally came to the last page Lilliana tilted her head, "Um... Ricky.. This looks like a nude moose, what do you think?" Raquel tilted her head as she looked at the rough sketch, "It kind of looks like..." She paused for a moment as events mentioned by the boy  came into her her mind, "Oh my god, is that what they were doing?" Amanda leaned closer to get a good look, "Is that Daisy?" She asked with a bit of a giggle. Lilliana turned the book as she studied

the picture, "If that's Daisy... Mandy, Is that girls package bigger than her fathers? or is it just the angle?" the two ladies covered their mouths and snorted stifling their laughs at the mens expense as Lilliana continued, "Come on the girl is hung like a...moose." With that the ladies lost all control and burst into laughter. Raquel, being the first to regain her composure, said to the others, "We need to get the cake ordered if we want to get it here before the girls get back. Put that thing away before they see. She might treat it like her diary or something." She then walked over to the phone at the small desk and dialed room service As the moose matron ordered the refreshments the other two ladies continued to admire the more finished works, "Sisy usually keeps this so close that I have to look over her shoulder to get a peak until she's filled it up. I am just amazed at her skill. I mean look at these otter twins, I've seen them around but she got them at a morning swim." She flipped back a few pages, "and this goofy looking parrot, the guy is such a... I ran into him on the first day, he has some issues, but he's a good guy." She slapped the book shut, "Ricky's right , she might hate me if she knew I was sneaking a peak early." She slipped it back into the back back just as a knock came at the door. Amanda walked to the door and opened it, "Come on in girls, it's clear." "Girls only, not a swinging dick in sight. So... What would a moose panda look like?" Lilliana asked as the girls entered, "Cute with fuzzy antlers?" She stopped for a moment and looked at the girls, "But more importantly, what do you name it?" She asked with a smile. Raquel  turned from the phone, "It's a bit early to be picking names isn't it?" "It's never too early for names." Lilliana said, " you start out with gender neutral and work your way out from there. So one of my favorite has always been Angel." Amanda Piped in, "Lilly, I think you might be getting ahead of yourself. the girls been through a lot today. and might not be in the mood for your jokes." She looked over at her daughter, "How are you doing, hun?" The young panda girl offered a weak smile, "I'm doing better mom." She looked her mother in the eyes, "We're keeping the baby, Ralph and I, and we don't care what anyone else has to say about it." Taken back by her daughters commanding tone, "Well now, looks like we have our final decision on the matter." She continued, "Have you two figured out  how this is all going to work out?" Zoe , looked down for a moment before she looked back, "Ralph and I will make it work, he's out looking  at our options now.""And the boy mans up for the win." Lilliana said from her spot beside the panda. "Hey Ricky, how did you fuck up one and not the other?" She asked  looking across the room at the older moose who now sat in a chair by the desk. "I think that one was his dad's fault, Ralph takes more after me and Paul after his father." Continuing the general blame of the men for the situation. Amanda cut into the conversation, "I think the girl is still talking here. Go one dear." She said nodding to Zoe. "Wel, Ralph said he'd do anything we needed to make sure it works out.. and I trust him. I love him mom, and I'm going to stay with him." the young panda said,her eyes still locked on her mothers. "Okay, if that's what you two have come  up with, and you plan on sticking it  through, that's great. I Am proud of you and Ralph for  standing up for yourselves. and  we'll do everything we can to see this through." Amanda said as she looked over to the Moose mother and nodded. "And if that boy of mine screws this up, I will have his hide." Raquel said, "He couldn't find a better girl to fall in love with." Lilliana pulled a pillow from the couch and tossed it at the Moose matron, "Enough of this lovey-dovey shit, wheres the cake, Ricky?" Zoe giggled at the ligers antics as the pillow  hit the moose in the face. Her mother smiled seeing the lightened mood on her daughters face, "Yea, Raquel, where's the cake?" The panda patted the seat next to her, "Come one and sit down baby, you need to take it easy from now on." As the adults and panda girl bantered back and forth, Daisy and Cecily  sat on the floor at the end of the bed. The moose girl looked at her friend, "I wish it went this calmly the first time around." The small mouse sat next to the moose fidgeting with her tail in silence. "Are you OK, Sisy?" She asked concern for the girl apparent in her voice. The mouse only nodded  while she looked  down at the floor. the moose herm wrapped her arm over the mouse's shoulder and pulled her close, "I'm here for you, Sisy, You can tell me anything. I just hate to see you like this." Cecily shrugged, "I just have a lot on my mind. Do you hate me... for what I did?" She asked not looking up. "Sisy, I can see why you would think I hate you for it, but I have to be honest with you. I...I was thinking of doing pretty close to the same thing to him myself. What Paul did was, mean, hateful, and just plain wrong. Dad was letting him get away with it as far as I'm concerned and I couldn't let that happen. Not to Zoe, and not to Ralph. How can I hate you for doing what I was planning on doing myself?" the moose girl asked, looking at the girl beside her. The little mouse girl hugged her knees to her chest, "It doesn't matter who was going to do it, no one deserves that. You.. you didn't see the way he looked at me. He... He was afraid of me... terrified...  if you had not come back

when you did... I don't know what I might have done to him. So many things... he was helpless... and I took advantage of that... for my own pleasure... What I did was no better than what he did to Zoe." She shivered in her own arms, "I'm no better than he is, than anyone like him. I might even be worse." "You might be as bad as him, or even worse that's true. But did you plan to do that to him? Did you do that to him out of jealousy and spite? Did you do that to him because he had something you didn't have because of your own hard headed stupidity?" the girl asked her mouse friend."Paul did, he raped Zoe out of jealousy of his own brother, because Ralph had a cute girlfriend and he was making out with her and planning on having sex with her on this cruise. Paul doesn't have a girlfriend, even though he's got the hots for a girl that thinks he's as hot as Zoe thinks Ralph is. Because he's too thick headed to ask the girl out. Those are his reasons for what he did. But it's not your reason is it?", Daisy paused a moment before continuing."No it's not, when Lilly came in and asked what happened you said you thought you could punish him, punish them all. You said that you were no better than he was, no better than any of them that used you. I'm not going to ask about any of that. If you ever want me to know you'll tell me yourself, maybe. Otherwise it's none of my business. But don't compare yourself to my youngest brother. He didn't shed a single tear when he got caught by Ralph doing what he was to Zoe. You did..." Daisy fell silent, uncertain of what else to say, if there even was anything else to say. Cecily still shivered with the thoughts that ran through her head, "I don't know Paul, or even Zoe for that matter, I had no connection to either of them or what happened other than what I heard at the dinner. Hi reasoning, though flawed was still deeply connected to him, Zoe, and Ralph. I have nothing here. What I did, no matter what I used to justify it, should never have happened. I had no real reason to chose Paul, he was convenient, like I was for so many others. If it was not him, it could have been anyone. And if you... If i didn't stop then, what would stop me from doing it again? What will stop me if I was in the same situation? It scares me to know what I am capable of... to even think of what I might have done to a defenseless fur? And I don't know for sure I wouldn't do it again. The control, the power over him... I enjoyed..." She trailed off as tears rolled from her

eyes. "Is that the same reason you wanted to draw me nude? To have that kind of control over me? Is it the reason you made out with me? If it is just tell me, I don't want to be a puppet for anyone, I won't be a puppet for anyone. Not even for you Sisy, it doesn't matter how much I... I just won't do it," she said her voice trailing off as she stared at the wall across from her, hiding her face from the mouse as much as she could. "I... I don't know." Cecily said unsure of what she was feeling. "I..I like you, and I wanted you to kiss me, but... I've never done anything like that before. I don't know why I did it." She tried to look up at the moose girl, "But I don't think I could do it again, it scares me... I don't know any more... I don't want to hurt anyone. And I don't want to hurt you." She looked back at the floor, " Maybe... maybe I should just go." "No, I'd hate for you to mess up Lilly's good mood again today, you stay, but i need some air now. You have to decide what you want out of life Sisy, and what you want from me. When you make up your mind let me know..." Daisy said, rising to her paws and speaking to her mother. "Mom, I'm... I'm gonna take a walk, I need to think some things over, I'll be back later," before walking out the door, closing it behind herself. Cecily sat for a moment as she watched the moose girl leave. She was filled with conflicting thoughts as the events of the past four days ran through her head. She thought through the evening, the emotion and draw she felt for Daisy, she was warm, soft, comforting. She had thought through, imagined and dreamed of the moose girl. She was obsessed with her. But was it the same compulsion that drove her to attack Paul? A bitter taste rose in her mouth with the thought of the moose boy. She was sickened by the thought of him, by the thought of what she had done to him. She felt nothing but disgust toward him. Could she even face Daisy knowing what she might do? "Daisy." she whispered just loud enough for the liger to react. Lilliana looked over at the mouse and tilted her head toward the door with a smile as she mouthed the words, 'don't give up yet.' Cecily jumped to her feet and ran out the door after the moose. She

stopped in the hall unsure which way she went, and yelled out her name, "Daisy!" before she turned to run for the elevators. Enchantment of the Seas July 13, 2013 11:15 pm Ships Hallway Lilliana had felt a job well done with the panda and moose family. She had left the remaining trio in the state room  enjoying their cake and Ice cream. Her concerns had shifted back to the young kangaroo mouse. The past four days she had seen a joy and energy  in her that was rare. Lilliana had hoped that the events of the day had not destroyed that small piece of happiness the mouse found with the moose. The two seemed out of sorts, as the evening went on, each leaving the room before the celebration began. The liger was now  trying to calmly look for the moose mouse pair. Cecily had left her backpack behind when she left, and now Lilliana was worried about her without a method of contact. She had searched most of the halls of the ship looking for her adopted daughter and was now prepared to move to the upper decks. As she stepped out  into the rain on the pool deck she saw Cecily as she sat, soaked to the bone, knees hugged to her chest. How long had the small mouse been sitting there? She walked over and sat by her. "I love the rain. It's like it comes to wash away all the dirt, leaving behind a clean world." Lilliana said as she put her arm over the shoulders of the mouse. "So many things go wrong, and get lost, but it can all be washed clean." "No... no it can't. Not everything can be fixed, Lilly. I really fucked up this

time." She looked over at the liger beside her, "I raped a boy and ruined the only friendship I had. I think she's scared of me. I don't blame her, I am scared of myself." "That was not you, that did that to Paul. That was the the dark side of you that is in all of us. It is the part of us that we, ourselves, fear more than anything the world can throw at us." Lilliana said as she looked down at the mouse, "That part of us only gets darker and more frightening the more we are hurt. And you, My little  Squeaker, have been hurt a lot, by a lot of  people, and some of those were ones you trusted. I know it all scares you, the thought of what you can do. But you have to remember one thing. You are not that  darker person. You are Cecily Silvana Fargo, the sweetest, shyest, cutest mouse I know. Even when the bad parts creep to the surface, you were able to see it, and step back." Cecily buried her face in her knees, "No.. I wasn't. If Daisy had not come in... I like what I was doing, if made me feel good... Lilly, I can't do this any more. I can be the one to help others when I can't even help myself." "No one can do it alone, Squeaky, that's why you have us. And no matter what happens we will always be by your side." Lilliana said, as she pulled the mouse closer, both now drenched in rain, "You are now one of the Dark Riders, and our motto fits you  just as well as it fits the rest of us. We are each our own worst devil, and now you have seen yours face to face. The thing we need to do now is look her in the eyes and take charge of her. Even the dark side of us has its  uses, but you can't let it use you, and that is what happened today. It creeped to the surface and took hold of an opportunity to  wreak havoc on your life, and that of  the boy. Now you have seen her and know what she is like. You'll  be better prepared for when she  stirs again." "But... what about Daisy?" the small mouse asked as she looked up at the liger again. Lilliana looked back with a smile, "That girl was more worried about you than her own brother. I think she is just as confused right now as you are. She has a lot going on from what I can see. Her two brothers  have both come into situations none of

them were ready for, and that moose girl I saw tonight was not the same one I saw at the dinner three days ago. She has  something going on and I think you are part of it." She looked up into the rain and shook the mouse, "What do you want to do about her?" Cecily rested her chin on her knees, "I don't know. I really like her. But then  this cruise will end and we will never see each other again. For the first time I actually want to be with someone, and I know I can't. She is going to go home with all her friends and family in  a few days, And I am going home with you, but we don't even know where that is yet." "Well, it looks like we got a lot of thinking to do tonight, don't we?"  Lilliana stood up and reached  her paw down to the mouse, "What do you say to going in  out of this rain and taking a bubble bath? While we just think though all the things our future holds,. And maybe that girl friend of yours will give you a call after she has time to clear her head." Cecily stood and took Lilliana's paw in her own, "But... What if she doesn't call? What is she really hates me and what I did, and never wants to see me again?" "Well, Lets take this all one day at a time and see where things go. Give her a little space then try and talk to her again." As they walked back into the hall Lilliana continued, "who knows, maybe you can be friends still, Susan, Alex and I have been friends  for years and almost never been in the same location. And if you really do like her and she likes you, there's always vacation." Cecily managed a weak smile with the encouragement  from Lilliana. 'Maybe I haven't destroyed everything yet. Maybe I can still have at least a friend.' she thought to herself.

Cecily sat in Lilliana's lap leaning against her in the bubble filed tub. SHe held the small droid phone in her paw typing out and deleting message after message. Lillian looked

down at her, "You going to send it, or just wear out the screen tapping on it?" Said the  prodding of the liger she finally hit the send button, passing the message to the one person she wished to look in the eye, but feared seeing. [00:00 Cecily:  Daisy, I am sorry. I never meant to use you or hurt you. I don't want you to do anything you don't want to. But, I don't want to lose you as a friend. I Like being around you.] [00:01] Cecily: But if you never want to talk to me again, I understand. [00:20] Daisy: I said what I had to say. I told you you had to do two things. You have to decide what you want out of life Sisy, and what you want from me. Until you can answer those I don't know if we even can be friends. [00:21] Daisy: I don't want to lose you as a friend either. But I have to know exactly where I stand, exactly where we stand Cecily. Until then, I think we both need some time to think it over. [00:25] Cecily: OK.

10 Reaching Out

Enchantment of the SeasJuly 14, 20138:15 amStateroom #8096  Daisy lay across the bed staring at the ceiling, her worries about watching Paul and keeping him out of trouble lifted. Her father had the boy safely hidden away deep in the bowels of the ship...

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06 Dinner with the Family

Enchantment of the Seas July 10, 2013 7:30 pm My Fair Lady Dinning Room            Lilliana walked up to the hostess podium . She was dressed in a black sleeveless, form fitting dress, the skirt stopped just above her knees. the outfit was completed by...

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05 Destracted

Enchantment of the SeasJuly 10, 2013GymFreddie had been feeling better since talking to Lilly.  He knew that he'd probably never see them again after this cruise was over, but he couldn't help but get attached to them.  Their company filled a hole in...

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