Manhattan Midnight Monster Strikes Again (Question)

Story by FievelJ on SoFurry

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#1 of Manhattan Midnight Monster Strikes Again

Thunder echoed through the trees, and off the buildings of the large city which Fievel lived in, another strike of lighting, and them more thunder echoed from building to building. This certain crack of thunder found little Fievel's ears. Fievel opened his eyes, but at first just laid there. "Ta, Tanya?" He rolled over toward her, but did not see her. Hr got up, and then had a better look. "Tanya, where are you?" Fievel got up. "No, not again." Fievel walked about some, looking for his sister. "Oh Tanya, where are you?" Fievel walked out into the hallway. He walked into the bathroom, but there was no one in there. He checked papa's room, neither mama or papa was in there. It felt almost like that time, that the cat with a mousetrap tongue tried to get him. It seemed like quite awhile ago, as he searched for just anyone being around. He even searched Denny's room, even though he wasn't suppose to be in there during the night. It wasn't that Denny did things with Fievel. Well. Everyone knew they done things anyways. Fievel roamed outside, where he found empty streets. There wasn't a cat in sight, for a change. Most times, he had to worry about at least one single cat... but then Tiger was usually pretty close anyway. But there was plain nobody around. There wasn't even any humans, as he started roaming toward the candy store. Why Fievel roamed there, he didn't know. The doors were locked, seemed like no surprise though. Fievel felt like he would pee on himself soon, as he wondered toward the gate to the rest of the city. The one which that reporter had been watching awhile back. The same one which they'd went through back around the time of The Midnight Monster. There was no one there, to even stop Fievel from going through. It was actually opened. It seemed to be the only door which was actually opened. Fievel's steps up the stairs, were a little shaky, as he was rather nervous. He got to the other side, and noticed, that there wasn't a thing moving over here either. He moved swiftly toward The Daily Nibbler. For some reason, Fievel figured, if he was going to get any answers, that he would find them there. Fievel walked around some, looking for? He just didn't know. "So now what? Do I print out a paper?"


"Oh shit, what was that? It wasn't my stomach." Fievel started shaking, starting to get downright scared now. "Grrrrrowll" the growling came again, as Fievel was holding his young crotch, with both paws. "Who's there!?" Fievel had a tear running down the right side of his face, as he was slowly working toward the door, to leave The Daily Nibbler. "I am the new, Midnight Monster." it said, as it showed itself. It looked like some ugly cat, as Fievel now started running across the street, back down toward the gate. The monster whom actually talked to Fievel, chased after him. It reached out longer then normal paws, as Fievel entered the gate, and went through it as fast as his legs could carry him. The monster somehow slipped through the gate, even though the thing appeared to be larger then the gate. Fievel had damp pants, as he was losing droplets of pee. "Somebody Help Me!" he said with a loud voice, but nobody came. Fievel ran toward home, but was up against a corner, before he could make it there. Now he screamed at the top of his little lungs. He looked for a direction to run, but there just wasn't a direction for Fievel to go, which the monster couldn't get him. "AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Fievel screamed out loud, pissing his entire bladder as he did. He also woke up still screaming, waking everyone up, soaking down the bed too. Tanya jumped up, and out of bed, as her pajamas were already unfortunately already wet. Fievel had that full a bladder. It didn't help, that he had no pajama bottoms on, and was sleeping on his side, toward his sister. She was almost as wet as Fievel was, as she stood, shaking her head. "Tanya, you might as well take the spare room, and then change into something." suggested papa.

"Papa, could you turn around please?"

"Yes Tanya, actually, I'll go back to my room." Tanya stripped soon after, and then placed on clean and dry pajamas. She changed in front of Fievel, like she didn't even care. And then she went to the guest bedroom. Fievel soon changed too, as mama grabbed up his peed in wet things. "Well Fievel, your bed is all wet, want to go sleep with Denny tonight?" Fievel acted excited. "Yeah mama."

"Don't you's two be doing anything... okay?"

"Yes mama."

"Fievel I mean it. Don't be having sex."

"Oh mama."


"I wont. Please, don't worry." Fievel went into Denny's room.

I was just laying there, when Fievel came in. I hadn't been asleep, as I had woken up. No, for some reason, it wasn't Fievel who woke me. I was actually awake before he started screaming. I did somewhat wonder what was going on, when I heard my buddy screaming like that. I threw back the covers in front of me, and then waited for Fievel to lay down. He laid down back against my front, and then I flipped the covers back, and over Fievel too. I placed my right arm around Fievel, on the outside of the covers. "Are you okay?"

"Oh Denny, I dreamt the Midnight Monster was back, and it was after me."

"Oh Fievel, well you're safe now."

"It was. You see. It was some sort of giant cat this time."

"Well Fievel, at least you are now safe in my arms." I said. "Are, are we gonna fuck?"

"You mama said you weren't suppose to, didn't she?"

"What if she did. You are not going to listen, are you?"

"Fievel, we're going out all day tomorrow, and we'll have some time then."

"Are you sure Denny?"

"Trust me Fievel, I'll find some places, we'll be able to find places to do it." I placed my right arm under the covers. I reached around a bit, and succeeded in finding Fievel's penis. "Wait a minute, mom said not to."

"True, she said no sex. Did she say, no paw jobs?"

"No, but I already changed my clothes, this would make a mess."

"So. Let it make a mess." I pressed myself to reach his crotch with my left paw as well, even though my left arm was underneath Fievel. I managed too. And then using both paws, I toyed with the pajama bottoms, which mama and papa made him place on. I worked at pulling his penis out of the hole in his pajamas, as well as his underwear. I managed too, as I now toyed with his penis, encouraging it to become erect for me. "Now you won't make a mess of your pajamas."

"Yeah but, I'll make a mess of your blanket."

"Oh Fievel, don't you worry about that." I told him, as I began masturbating his penis with my right paw. Fievel began groaning in orgasm shortly after. My body got excited by Fievel's body, as my crotch got itself erect. But this night, it was all about giving my buddy a paw job. There's just something special about receiving a paw job, by someone else. And this night, it was Fievel's turn to receive one. Fievel moaned, as I sped up my pace, massaging his balls with my left paw as I went. I started moving my body, so as to rub my penis against Fievel's butt, through our clothes, as I masturbated him. I almost couldn't help it. Masturbating mah-buddy was just turning me on that much. "Oh Denny, if you keep that up, you are going to mess up your pajamas."

"Well Fievel. If I do, I do." I continued rubbing myself against Fievel, as I sped up my pace slightly on Fievel's penis. Fievel started moaning more constantly, as I worked on causing his body to ejaculate it's fluids. Whether or not it actually had milk in it or not. Fievel tried to say something, but it came out all garbled, as his body went into even stronger orgasm. I felt as though there was a droplet of precum hanging from my penis, as I rubbed against my buddy. Fievel himself had precum hanging from his penis, I felt it on my fingers of my right paw, as I continued to masturbate his penis. "Oh Denny, I am going to cum."

"Oh Fievel, just cum then, all over mah-blanket." I said, as I felt my own underwear getting wet with my cum, as I shot mine before Fievel spit his. My pants were all slimy, as I continued to masturbate Fievel's penis, Fievel groaning even harder, as he soon spit his load, all over my fingers... and some going onto my blanket. I licked the young boy's cum from my fingers, liking its flavor. "So Fievel, we'll be doing more tomorrow."

"Will we?"

"I promise Fievel, we will."

"Are you going to fuck me?"

"Hm,. Well Fievel, you could always fuck me." I whispered back. "How could that work?"

"I can show you more then one way, which we could make that work. For now though, lets sleep."

"Uh, okay Denny." Fievel and I both closed our eyes, as we dozed off to sleep.

Morning came a little too fast in ways, as Tanya was all excited by something which was printed in the Daily Nibbler. It had to do with a new Midnight Monster. This new one resembled a cat more then the original one did. Mice were scared, and for some reason, so were some of the neighborhood cats. Tiger was somewhat worried too, we found this out, on our way out. For some reason, when we were getting dressed, Fievel placed on a diaper, as he placed on his navy pants and red shirt. I too placed on a diaper, of my size, as I just wanted to be just like him. We went to the kitchen, and to the kitchen table soon after. It was now that we learned about the new Midnight Monster, terrorizing mice up and down the street. "Oh this is worse then before, and I don't believe that dog is involved this time." Said mama, as she looked at the Daily Nibbler. "It's probably just exaggerated mama."

"Why would they do that for!?"

"For ratings mama, they do a lot of it, all just for ratings."

"All that, just to sell a paper!?"

"Yes mama. They'll exaggerate almost anything, just to sell more papers." Fievel and I were playing footsies under the table, as we nibbled at our seeds and fruits. "Would you two just eat!?" Suddenly asked mama, as we dug into our breakfast then. We said little, as Tanya explained to mama, that this monster was probably just exaggerated. "Well in any case, you bring Fievel and his friend with you today." Said mama. "Oh mama, must I really?"

"Yes, and don't argue about this." Fievel and I finished our breakfast, as they kept discussing this, the cat like creature. As they discussed this, and before we all left, I wondered somewhat, why it was going after cats too. I couldn't wonder for too long though, as Tanya suddenly said. "Lets Go Guys!" Fievel and I got up, and then followed Tanya out of the door. We walked up the street, and towards the gate. Nellie Brie was waiting for us. "So, what exactly are you up to Denny?" She asked, not saying anything to Tanya right away. "Wait, you two know each other?" asked Tanya.

"Yes we do. We met awhile ago, as I had first got married. We became friends shortly after. Mind you, just friends, as Denny wouldn't have it any other way, even if I were available."

"Oh I see. I think.. He's gay?"

"Yes I'm gay, why else do you think I am not interested in such a pretty gal?"

"Oh. Sorry, I didn't mean nothing by it."

"Eh. That's okay Tanya, I am over reacting anyway."

"Well. Are we going to get moving, or what?" asked Fievel.

"Yes bud, I guess that's a good idea. So how's it going anyways?"

"Oh Nellie, I am so worried about this new monster."

"Oh? Well you shouldn't be, it'll probably just end up like last time."

"Oh Nellie I hope so." said Fievel.

"Well I hope so too Fievel." I said with a wink, "Nellie, is there somewhere where Fievel and I can be alone?" I asked a little nervously.

"Well Denny, we're picking them a little young aren't we?"

"Oh Nellie, I won't hurt him."

"You had better not hurt my brother."

"Something tells me he won't Tanya. And yeah, just follow along, and I'll show you a few places, where yous two can be alone."

"Well he better not." said Tanya.

"Oh Tanya, there's no way in hell, I would hurt your brother." I said.

"Yeah well, don't break his heart either."

"You don't have to worry about that either, I would never break his heart."

"Well you better not."

"I promise Tanya, I will never break Fievel's heart." And I meant every word I said, as I truly meant, that I wouldn't break Fievel's heart. "Well guys, this is a good place, for you to break off, and go your separate ways. Up this alley, there's many hiding places, where's you and Fievel can be alone." said Nellie. "Oh Nellie, thanks for showing us somewhere to go." I said.

"Yes Nellie, and we're not going to take too long."

"Well, better not take too long, as you are supposedly at work with us."

"We won't." I said. We hurried down the alley, and found some boards we could easily hide beneath. There was actually some things there, which use to be used as a home. But by the looks of it, the mice which occupied the space, were long gone. But it was well enough built, that it hadn't fallen apart. "I have to pee, how's about you Fievel?"

"I do somewhat anyways."

"Well we both have a diaper on." I said.

"What if we pee our diapers soaked?"

"Well that would be fun, but it might be even more fun, to pee each other's diaper soaked." I paused. "what the hell is that?"

"What? Oh wait. Yeah I hear it, it sounds a little like heavy breath... oh no, it's not the mon, monster, is it??"

"Ahm Fievel, you better calm down, and then have a look at who it really is." said Denny, as he turned around, eyes closed at first. He nervously opened his eyes. "Tiger!!"

"You guys really move fast for mice."

"Oh Tiger, you really scared us, at first." I said.

"Sorry for that guys. I could always go."

"Of Tiger, please no... don't go anywhere." I said.

"I agree, please stand as our guard."

"Am, yeah okay Fievel. I don't know you well Denny, but I'll still be on guard." said Tiger.

"Thanks Tiger. And I will not harm Fievel, I promise."

"That's okay Denny, I trust you. Only because Fievel trusts you."

"Yes Tiger, you can trust Denny." said Fievel.

"I'm going to stand over there." said Tiger, as he moved to a position, where he could still keep watch, but that he also wouldn't really see what Denny and Fievel were doing. He knew one thing for sure, and that was, that they were probably going to pee on each other.

"So Fievel, we're alone, in a matter a speaking."

"Don't worry, Tiger won't peak."

"Well that's good. Here, pull out your diaper, and down some, so that I can pee in it Fievel."

"Yeah okay. Here Denny, and then how do I direct my pee?"

"Hold your penis with one paw, and then hold onto your diaper with the other paw. Like this." I showed him.

"What if I get an erection?"

"Well just try not to, for a little while Fievel."

"Okay Denny, I'll try." Fievel pressed to piss a little, as I hadn't really said start. But I didn't mind, as he actually did a pretty good job of peeing into my diaper. He suddenly stopped, after starting to piss. "What are you stopping for?" I asked, as Fievel was shaking a little. "don't be so nervous." I told him.

"Ah, why don't you pee first Denny, and then, I'll follow you."

"Yeah okay Fievel, I'll try."

"Denny, I thought you said to try not to be erect?"

"I did didn't I? I'm sorry Fievel, I can't help it when I'm around you."

"Well then just try?"

"Oh don't worry, there's still a way, just pee up, and then direct the stream as such." I pissed, allowing the stream at first to hit the outside of Fievel's diaper, but then the rest I managed to piss into his diaper. Fievel peed, following me, as he peed his bladder into my diaper, also hitting my penis some as he went. I did the same to Fievel, as Fievel's penis came up, as he had to do the same as me by the time he was finishing peeing. We were both erect now, as Fievel reached out, and then grabbed at my penis. He had to hold me with both paws, as I was so big for him. He enjoyed though, holding my penis, and fiddling with it. I reached out, and then started fiddling with Fievel's penis, as I knew he would enjoy this. Fievel groaned some, as I immediately started masturbating his penis. Fievel did his best to masturbate mine, as he admired my larger then his penis. "Are you going to try to place it up my bum hole?"

"Oh Fievel, now that is up to you."

"Well we done it before."

"Yeah I know Fievel, but I could always take yours this time."

"I don't understand how that could work."

"Trust me Fievel. All you would have to do is lay back, and then I sit on you. I can shove your penis in me that way."

"Nah, cant you just fuck me again?"

"Well if that's the way you want it. I won't argue with someone I love."

"Hold me Denny."

"Which way my love."

"Front side first, and then slide that large thing in my poopy hole."

"Oh. Well okay then."

"You seem slightly disappointed." said Fievel.

"Well yeah, I just wanted to see if I could get your penis in me."

"Well if I don't cum, we could always try that then?"

"Oh Fievel, we could always just cum more then once in a short time."

"Well, we are mice, and that is possible."

"I could always try to place something in you Denny." suddenly said Tiger. "You mean, at the same time I fuck Fievel, you'll stick something in me?"

"Yeah, but the problem is, what I could stick up you... and I just don't know."

"Well are you still biting your nails off?"

"Yes Denny I am. Are you suggesting placing one of them up your ass?"

"Yes Tiger, that's what I was suggesting. Try your pinky."

"Yeah okay, I just hope I don't hurt you."

"Bending over now, just try to be gentle."

"Wait, you want me to do this, before you fuck Fievel?"

"Yeah, because something in my anus, can be an erection killer. But if I get one after you place it in my anus, then I can still get myself erect, to fuck Fievel."

"Am. And you are okay with this Lil Fieve?"

"This isn't the first time we have done this."

"But Fievel, that doesn't answer my question."

"Yes I am fine with it." said Fievel.

"Come on Tiger, I am bent over, and ready for yeah." I said.

"Fine. I really do not think I should be doing this though. I mean, helping you to do things with Fievel."

"Oh Tiger, it's okay, really it is." said Fievel.

"Well okay, here goes Denny." Tiger pressed his sanded down claw against my anus, at first, it didn't penetrate, and then, it slid in, almost too fast, as I grunted hard in pain. "Oh no, are you okay Denny?"

"Yeah Tiger, just barely. Okay Fievel, back yourself up against my front side." I stood slightly more upright, as Tiger managed to keep his soft rounded claw in my anus. Fievel did a bit of the work, as he rubbed his ass against my crotch, getting me excited and erect. I directed my penis into Fievel's ass, and soon found his anus. I pressed some, as Tiger managed to keep his soft rounded claw in my anus. I pushed a little harder, beginning to dry penetrate Fievel's anus some. "The-that's it Denny, fuck my ass." I pressed a little harder, penetrating Fievel's anus further. "I am fi-Fievel, eh, pressing in further." I said. I looked behind me, and as Tiger moved his claw around in me a bit, he began to masturbate. I moved in and out of Fievel some, and as I did, Tiger's sanded down claw went in and out of me. It was quite large, I found it a challenge to actually take it, as I fucked Fievel. Fievel was enjoying being fucked, as he masturbated as I moved a little faster. He was moaning constantly, as he was going into orgasm. I moaned too, as I was going into orgasm, pressing and pulling, in and out of Fievel's ass. "That's it Ti, Tiger, stretch my ass."

"I just hope I am not hurting you."

"Oh Tiger, da-don't worry about that."

"But I am. As I, Nnn, masturbate. I am also doing my best to direct it at your butt."

"Oh Tiger, you'll bury me."

"Oh, sorry. Should I aim somewhere else."

"Oh no Tiger, bury me in it. I'll just do my best to eat my way out... if it's that thick."

"Well okay then Denny, I'll just direct my stream at you too."

"Wait Tiger, we'll be soaked, and it might,," ehh, he's already peeing." oh never mind."

"Sorry, I just get more horny when I pee."

"That's quite alright Tiger, at least our clothes are hanging elsewhere." I said.

"Oh Denny, that makes me wanna pee." said Fievel, as he pressed hard, but couldn't go.

"That's okay Fievel, we peed our bladders, it doubtful we would have to go already." I said.

"Could you try to pee anyways?"

"But Fievel, if I pee, it'll go in you."

"I know Denny, and I wouldn't mind feeling that." Tiger peed a little more, as he made a puddle underneath the house we were in. I pressed to try to pee up Fievel's anus... surprising enough, I did have to pee some, as I pissed right up Fievel's anus. "Oh Denny, that feels so good."

"Yeah, well that's good Fievel." I groaned in orgasm, as I said it. "Oh Denny, I am soon going to cum." Fievel moaned as he said it.

"Eh Nnn, guys, I am soon going to cum, and it'll be all over you two." said Tiger, as he moved his rounded claw about in my ass. I moaned and groaned, as I went into two kinds of orgasm at one time. I felt that I would spit my load up Fievel soon, as I pressed trying to pee just a little more. As I did though, I somehow managed to press some poop past Tiger's claw. He had them sanded down, so at least, it wasn't cutting me up inside. I probably wouldn't be doing this, if Tiger's claw were sharp. It felt good at the same time, as it was causing me to wanna cum. "Ga-guys, I am ga, cumming." said Fievel, as he came a puddle onto the bed, which he was leaning his paws on. The only one who wasn't in the Use-To-Be, house, is Tiger. Tiger would never have fit, as it was a house for mice. In short, it was mostly just a bedroom, and nothing else. One big room, which mice use to live in. it was plenty of space, for us to stand, and fuck though. We would've laid down, if Tiger hadn't gotten involved. "I'm going to squirt it guys." said Tiger with a groan, as he done so, all over my small mouse butt, and all over my head. Fievel's head, dripping down his back. My back. Mine and his legs. As Tiger spit a few more times, I moaned, and moved a little faster. I spit shortly after, as I spit like 6 times. Not that anyone would notice, but mine was probably leaking out of Fievel... as I somehow went through another full orgasm, and then spit six more times. Panting, I pulled out of Fievel. Tiger pulled his claw from my anus, and as he did, everything in my intestines fell out... or at least I was pretty sure that's what happened. "Your poop tastes very interesting." said Tiger.

"Tiger? What are you doing?"

"It was all over my claw, when I pulled it out."

"Yeah but Tiger, who says you needed to eat it?"

"No one Denny, I just sort of... did. Relax, it just tasted a lot like nuts."

"That's probably because Fievel and I has been consuming a lot of nuts lately."

"Yeah Denny, a few too many though, if you ask me." said Fievel.

"Yeah well mah-lover buddy, we can't afford cheese." I said.

"Bummer. Yeah, that is true."

"I better clean you guys up... come out here." Said Tiger. Tiger carefully licked off Fievel and I, as we were soon clean enough to place back on our clothes. We left our diapers on the floor of the abandoned mouse house. We moved quickly then to the News Paper, (The Daily Nibbler.) Tanya was actually waiting for us, as we arrived.

"So guys, that took you some time."

"Yes MAM!" I said, smart ass like."

"Oh shut up Denny, we need you two to go to this address. Mama and papa are waiting for you."

"But I thought we were suppose to spend the day here?" asked Fievel.

"There's been a change of plans. Mama and papa wants you two to help them over at the carnival."

"Yeah okay Tanya." I said.

"See you later Sis." On our way out, Tony joined us, as the three of us headed down to the carnival.

"Tony, could the three of us fool around sometime soon?" I asked, as we weren't there yet.

"That's up to Fievel, although, that'll feel a bit funny." said Tony.

"It'll feel funny?"

"Yes Denny, I just don't ever remember doing anything with Fievel before."

"Oh Tony, it'll be great, if we do something with each other." said Fievel. Before we knew it, we were at the carnival, and helping mama and papa with special mouse food. It was somewhat fun, but a lot of work too.


Yasha, Fievel Jr's Closet.

Yasha, Fievel Jr's Closet. Yasha woke, finding her diaper still dry. She crawled over to the unlock switch on her crib, and them managed to unlock it. She took her time, to crawl down the side of her crib, since she didn't want to make a sound, if...

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Weekend At Michael’s Place. (Bunny Tales. 3.) Part 3 Sunday.

Weekend At Michael's Place. (Bunny Tales. 3.) Part 3 Sunday. Morning sun found my eyes, as Johnny never moved. I looked over Johnny some, before I shook him awake. He looked up at me, and then smiled. "Good morning Michael." "Good morning...

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Weekend At Michael’s Place. (Bunny Tales. 3.) Part 2 Saturday.

Weekend At Michael's Place. (Bunny Tales. 3.) Part 2 Saturday. I laid somewhat restless, trying to sleep, but having problems sleeping. I wondered some about the boys, were they sleeping, or up fooling with each other, one more time before bed....

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