Dreaming of Nightmares (Ch. 5)

Story by Khaesho Scorpent on SoFurry

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#9 of Child of the Sands

Ch. 5, in which Kalokin literally mind fucks Shou. Hide the children, the impressionable, and pretty much anyone else who might not approve, because it gets... excessive. Shouyousei still belongs to herself, and all other characters still belong to me. Please do not steal.

Please comment! Please? Even if you're reading this months after it was posted and you know it's halfway through the story, I would love nothing more than to see every reader leave a trail of comments across every chapter.


A lot of small things changed. The tone, the phrasing, and the impressions given from most of the interactions have been subtly altered. Really it's just minor foreshadowing and molding your subconscious.

When speaking internally, Kalokin still uses Italics, but Khaesho now uses Bold. Should help to cut down on confusion.

At the end of Kalokin's endurance, I made a few critically important changes to what happens in the moments just before he falls asleep. It makes the next chapters make a little more sense, but it also hints at something you haven't found out... an entity doesn't live for four thousand years without collecting a few skeletons in his closet. Those of you at home keeping score might want to pay close attention to it.

Aside from that though, I made the same cleaning as I have been. I removed the discrepancies, tightened the grammer, yadda yadda yadda.

Shouyousei's eyes refocused as he claimed her mouth with his, and she lost any chance to ponder what had just happened. His exact words were lost to her... but she remembered. Beautiful. She was beautiful, and he didn't want her to change. She believed him, and for the first time in years, she felt there was truth in that statement. Tilting her head just slightly, her lips parted and her tongue swept against his lips. Needy little whines escaped her, and he kissed her a moment more before pulled away again, though he did not go far. His tongue slid down beneath her chin, and then he dragged it up the line of her jawbone, brushing her ear as it cleared her head. His hand reached down a bit farther, and he poked forwards with just the tips of his claws, delicately tickling between her legs. He untwisted himself from around her body, re-arranging her so that she knelt atop his coils. His erections poked between the tantalizing fork of her legs, and he moved his hand to her front, rubbing his scaly fingers across her the petals of her sex.

Heat suffused her body, warming her insides as the sun warmed her fur. She tilted her head back, twitching beneath his warm tongue. She gasped softly as his claws tickled found her lips, and his gentle touch started a fire in her loins. She reached out to grip at him before her attention turned to his erections. Her tongue swept her muzzle, and then she was leaning down and towards him. Using that flexibility that she had displayed earlier to bend her body and wrap her maw around one of his hard, spike covered erections. Her tongue swept over his barbed length, licking and tasting his flesh.

Then she pulled back, shivering as his spines tugged at her tongue. His erections rubbed against her leg as her juices gathered, wetting his fingers when he teased her clit. With a soft groan, she rolled her hips, pressed towards him to rub the length of her slit against his flesh.

"K...Khaesho..." It was a breathless murmur, as she turned her head and looked at him. With an uncertain shyness, she added. "K-Kalokin..."

"Yes?" Kalokin's voice issued from the air, just above and behind Khaesho's right shoulder, but Khaesho cut him off with a wave.

"Remember," he said softly, "This is nothing new for him. If you want though, I can... convince him, to sink into the recesses of my mind. He won't like it, and he'll make me pay him back for it later, but we would be as alone as we can get."

Not wanting to distract her, he stopped his teasing and held her close. He could feel her heartbeat drumming out a quickening rhythm as he encircled her in his arms. He raked his claws against her scalp, scratching deep in a way that made her shiver. There was a dark blush across her face, before she shook her head some, glancing aside.

"N-no... I don't... I don't mind it..." It was a strange thing for her to admit, but her scent ripened. The husky note of her arousal was clearer than ever. She leaned back into him, pressing in close and groaning at the light scratching. It felt good, her ears twitching just slightly and her eyes half lidded. His hand in her hair felt wonderful, claws piercing through her hair to drag comfortingly at her scalp. There was a wag of her tail before she squirmed and rolled her hips just slightly. "N-now that I am aware of it... I... it is... exciting..."

Kalokin laughed internally, so that only Khaesho could hear it, but he at least recognized that now would be a bad time to tease her. Exhibitionism may have been taboo in Civilization, but serpents were far more open minded about lust. Kalokin shared the cultural difference with Khaesho, who smiled comfortingly.

"As you wish. Do you have any... sspecific requests? Any wild fantasies you would like to try? You indulged my desires last time, it is only fair that you have your turn."

There was a darker blush on her face now, as she squirmed a little bit. She had to think for a moment about how much should she share, what should she say. Looking anywhere but into Khaesho's face, she murmured softly.

"I am... remarkably submissive for a wolf... I enjoy being dominated... being controlled." An ear twitched, and she glanced at him, before she looked away quickly once more. "T-the idea of... being hypnotized... by you is..."

She shuddered, with a little moan that she couldn't control. Khaesho simply kept scratching her scalp for a moment. That had surprised him. He wasn't the violent type, nor the aggressive type, and he couldn't easily see himself convincingly trying to dominate her. Really, he'd outright asked what she wanted, which was about as far from domination as you can get.

_ Kalokin? What do you think? _

I think we need to fuck her, STAT.

_ You know what I mean. _

You heard her, she wants to be hypnotized, she wants someone to control her. Look her in the eyes and I'll pull her into my mind. I'll show her a good time, just like she wants, and you can enjoy her body in the meantime. She'll be spiritually and physically helpless, that should do it. I'll make sure she can feel everything you do, in addition to everything I do. The helplessness of not being able to even speak should count, I think. Sound good?

_ Yes, but... are you sure you can... what about your control? _

Relax. It'll be fine, besides, she wants this.

Khaesho sighed in defeat before he looked at Shou. He opened his mouth to ask her permission to surrender her to Kalokin, but the crafty deity neatly intercepted his words and clamped his mouth shut.

You can't ask her permission! That would ruin the point! Trust me, submission and domination fetishes aren't all too uncommon, and I've been around for a while. I know what her kind likes. Trust me.

Every time you say that, I feel a chill run down my spine. If you're sure though...

Khaesho lay fully down on his back, pulling Shou with him to keep her face near his. He stared deep into her eyes, and as she watched, his eyes seemed to swirl, ever so slowly. It might have been an illusion, caused by the chaotic patterns, but it made her want to look deeper, to make sure that his eyes either were or weren't spinning. Something flashed in their silver and blue eyes, and the bright colors seemed to expand, swallowing her. He looked at her and pulled her down... down... down... down to where the colors all but swallowed her mind. Then, the silver and blue swirls deepened, shifting, until she was falling through the blue sky crossed with white clouds.

She came to an abrupt halt, alone atop a sandy desert hill, deep into Khaesho's mind, in the corner where Kalokin made his residence. She was naked still, and the twisting winds rubbed fine sand against her fur in ways that felt almost like a gentle caress. The hot sun beat down on her, scorching in its intensity. It was far, far hotter than she should have been able to comfortably tolerate, but rather than cook her flesh on her bones, the heat sank into her blood, warming every ounce of her as her body sang with joy from the heat. Shou gasped softly as her ears folded back and sand caressed her body. She felt like she was on fire, but every part of her burned only with need. She tried to speak, only to find that her words made no sound, and then she heard his voice for the first time. He had created illusions to mimic his voice before, but that was outside, in the physical world. Here, she was deep in his soul, and she turned to face the deity as he spoke.

"Ah, ah, aaahhhh. You may speak only when spoken to."

Kalokin's voice was slightly derisive and more than a little mocking. His tone was coarse, almost violent, like rough winds grinding a carcass down to bones, and she shivered to be the target of such strength. Kalokin appeared a pureblooded Diamondback Rattlesnake, the race of Naga who ruled the deserts and a species of snake instantly recognizable by their namesake diamonds and rattles. The vertical black slits of his eyes gleamed dangerously from blue spheres that literally leaked fire. She fell to his knees before him; just the weight of his eyes alone had her burning with desire. This was a god before her, and her place was on her knees before him. His voice dripped with danger; malice and lust slid from his tongue like deadly venom.

"I'm sure you have lots of questions, and I'm feeling nice, so I'll even answer a few of them. The first few times he hypnotized you, he did it on his own. He didn't want me... interfering, for whatever reason. You're 'here' because this time, I hypnotized you. This is my mind, not his, and we are going to have such fun."

Every time he opened his mouth, she saw the flash of his pearly white fangs, and the power in his voice sent a spike of fear and arousal down her spine. He watched her shiver, drinking in more than just the sight of her trembling before him. Shou stared at Kalokin, eyes wide with awe and reverence. As she watched his long coils slide effortlessly over the scorching hot sands, she found that her affection for Naga had grown. They were exotic, and she wanted to explore them all the more, wanted to learn their scales, and coils. Struggling to pull herself out of her daydreams, she stared at Kalokin and swallowed hard. Kneeling before him, she shivered despite the heat; the glimpse of his fangs and that edge of danger pushed her lust higher. The idea of this all powerful god having his way with her pushed her arousal far past the point that it overrode whatever fear she might have had at what he would do. She tried to open her mouth, but this time, even that attempt failed; her jaw stayed softly closed and she remained mute beneath his wicked laughter.

"To answer your next question... No. He can't save you. Better than that, he doesn't even know you need saving. All he knows is that I was going to give you what you wanted, and that he should enjoy your body in the meantime. Can you still feel him? I think you should. He's going to fuck your limp body while I enjoy fucking your soul."

Though her body was limp, Khaesho kissed her again, coming to enjoy the faint chill of mint on his lips. Shou felt quite peculiar; she could feel Khaesho's scaly lips against hers, feel his tongue tickling the back of her throat, but she could also feel the desert sands brushing her face, and if she hadn't known which was real, she wouldn't have been able to tell the difference. Khaesho had laid her out on his coils, and was licking at her, lubricating both her cunt and her ass for the violation that was soon to occur. It felt odd and confusing, but more to the point, the sands' soft caress only served to accentuate Khaesho's scales against her fur, and both god and mortal were doing a fine job of driving her arousal higher. Her tongue swept over her maw, and she groaned with a mixture of lust and confusion. Then she felt Kalokin's firm hand yanking on her chin, bringing her face around to stare into her eyes. Her breath was coming in quick pants, eyes were half lidded, glazing over just slightly as she pressed into his touch. While she'd been distracted, Kalokin had closed the distance between them, and he gripped her chin with one hand while he reached between her legs.

"Now... I can't really enjoy this if you're silent the whole time, so I think I'll let you beg. Tell me mortal. Do you know Regret?"

No gentle tickling here, he shoved two fingers right into her, and she could distinctly feel both Khaesho's tongue and Kalokin's fingers writhing inside of her. Her body tightened, spasming and squeezing around his fingers, and the proof of her arousal immediately coating his fingers, dripping down and wetting her fur. Excitement burned her core, and she was groaning in desire. Her head tilted back, throat exposed in a show of submission as she rolled her hips towards his hand, riding his fingers.

"Please... ah gods... please Kalokin..." Then her voice softened, reverent and needy. She fell into the role of true submission with ease, especially as she knew this situation, knew that he was a God. "Please My Lord... a-ah... I... I do not know regret... use my body... use me for your pleasure!" There was more than a spark of defiance, of neediness, of wanting to be taken. "Kalokin..!"

She moved much as she could, reaching up to grip at him so she didn't slip further in the sand, or fall. She wrapped her arms around him and clung to him as her legs went weak, trembling from the lust that poured through her. His voice was sharper than a serrated blade, and he hissed with more than just little savagery. She was exotic, something he did not yet know, and he wanted to take his time enjoying her.

"That's good. That means I get to teach you."

Without warning, he lunged forwards, sinking his fangs into her neck. She yowled, jerking violently, but she melted against him as she felt the fangs. The fangs weren't real, none of this was. Strangely enough, it didn't hurt, but this deep in Kalokin's soul, everything was symbolic, even if it wasn't real. Soon though, all she could feel were the fangs, Khaesho's gentle tongue, and Kalokin's rough fingers as they both pleasured her. His fangs twitched, and then he was injecting... something directly into her body, directly into her mind. Whatever it was, it burned all the way to her toes, and filled her with an arousal and need that was powerful to the point that it could not exist in the real world, only in the careful confines of Kalokin's prison. The aphrodisiac pushed all thoughts of resistance to the edges of her mind, and she came around his fingers just from the feeling of need surging through her blood. As the orgasm surged through her, Kalokin yanked his fingers from her cunt and neatly bound her arms at the wrists with his magic, pulling her arms high above her head until she hung from her restraints. With a similar spell, he spread her legs, locking them into place with glowing manacles. One last binding wrapped around her tail, hoisting it high into the air, pulling it just enough to dance on the line between arousing and painful. She was on her knees, hanging from the magical bindings while Kalokin still pushed more of the aphrodisiac through his fangs and into her body. Her maw parted and she howled panting rapidly as the violent orgasm ripped through her. Her muscles rippled and clenched down on nothing, so that rather than satisfy her, it left her feeling empty, yearning for more. Her tongue trailed down just a little as her saliva gathered. Her body twitched and her back was bowed, whining when she felt her arms bound, struggling to try and move, only to realize that soon he had her legs spread. She was gasping, saliva dripping towards the sand as her head hung a little bit. Whining in need, she bucked her empty hips in want. She was well and truly bound, unable to move or resist, and the only thing protecting her swollen folds was a thin sheen of lubricants.

Her orgasm surprised Khaesho, that much was sure. She came hard and fast without warning, and he felt a twinge of jealousy that whatever it was Kalokin was doing, she sure seemed to be enjoying it. The jealousy faded quickly, replaced by happiness; Kalokin was doing him a favor, really, and he could share in the god's arousal somewhat. They both got to have fun, and Khaesho pushed such jealousies from his mind as he took the sticky fluid from her orgasm and wiped it down to her asshole. With her cum smeared across her entire rear, Khaesho replaced his tongue with his fingers, smearing her lubricants across her puckered ring before slowly pushing his fingers into her tight anus. He alternated between rubbing his twisting tongue again her pussy and pushing his black, scaly fingers into her ass, and he distracted her such that she almost didn't hear Kalokin speak.

With a sucking sound not unlike a cock being pulled from a freshly fucked cunt, Kalokin finally removed his fangs from her neck. He'd given her back her power of speech, but she couldn't do anything but gasp at the burning need she felt. She wanted something, anything, wanted him to fuck her brains out, to wildly rut against her and keep going until they both collapsed. She opened her mouth to beg, only for Kalokin to ram one of his thick, spiked dicks into her maw. He fucked her mouth roughly, tilting her head back so that the last inches of his cock pushed down into her throat as he hilted himself against her lips on each thrust. As his flesh pistoned in and out of her, she gagged, making violently wet noises as he rammed his dick down. She should have been choking, suffocating from the lack of air, but once again, little things like asphyxiation held no sway here. Her eyes rolled back and closed as she swallowed and sucked eagerly, tugging against his spines with her tongue, gagging around him as her spittle and his pre leaked from the edges of her mouth. His second hemipene lay slapped against her throat with each thrust, rubbing against her collarbone as it smeared pre into her fur with every movement.

"Now... Let me see what I've got to work with..."

He pushed his head down, laying on his back beneath her dripping cunt. Her ass was high in the air and her fluffy tail was higher; she was completely exposed to his critical eye.

"No, no, this won't do at all! Much too tight, she'll never have a hope of taking me. Let's see what I can do..."

He lubricated his fingers in her dripping cunt, then turned his attention to her puckered tail hole. He pushed one finger into her tight ass, then a second, then all four. He pushed slowly, stretching her out until he got to his knuckles. He toyed his thumb against her dripping folds to slick that too, then wrapped his other arm around her waist, bracing her. He pushed hard, forcing her ass wider as his hand slowly slid in past the knuckles. One his hand cleared her once-tight ring, his arm slid forwards half a foot, and she felt like he was reaching all the way into her stomach. She clenched reflexively, muscles tightening down around the scaly intruder, and Kalokin chuckled softly.

"Good muscles, great ass. I got lucky with this catch. Now, let me see about her other hole..."

Good muscles was an understatement, her ballet had given her exceptional muscles, tightened and squeezing. He chuckled softly as he felt her gripping his arm, and he prepared to repeat the treatment with her slick cunt. His hand got up to the knuckles, and again had trouble pushing further. Annoyed, he wrapped his coils around her and pulled, shoving his entire hand into her pussy. He pushed both arms into her as far as he could, but they quickly bottomed out. Her thighs were slick, the fur soaked and wet as she rocked her hips a little bit and whined around him. The action caused her tongue and throat to squeeze and vibrate, and then she was moaning when she felt his fingers. It was enough that soon she was making swallowing motions around his dick. Trying to milk him, trying to take him deeper, trying to please him more, trying to steal his thoughts as effectively as he had stolen her own.

"As I suspected, not nearly deep enough to please a god. Alright Shouyousei... how about a little magic trick?"

Her body reacted to her arousal and his hands, milking around him as she was driven once more towards the edge at the feeling of his scaly arms violating both of her holes. She gasped around his dick, and sucked more eagerly. She pinned her ears back and her thighs trembled. He could see her quivering, the muscles under her coat twitching with need. His fingers writhed within her and her insides twisted, and suddenly she had another foot of space for Kalokin to thrust his arms into. It was biologically impossible; He'd have been inside her chest by this point, but Kalokin didn't have to play by the rules. The gargling around his dick changed slightly in tone, and he thought she might be trying to say something. With a sick squelch, he pulled his cock from her mouth.

"What is it, mortal? Speak up!"

She only barely managed to gasp, to beg. "Fuck me..! F-fill me... g-gods above, please! K-Kalokin..! A-ah use m-me, b-breed me.. f-fuckin' hell please j-just fuck me..!" Her voice was hoarse, roughened from the treatment, but with every word she spoke her arousal soared higher still. It was painful in its intensity.

In response, he stopped what he was doing, and slowly pulled his arms out of her. He started with his left, and the long exit made a noise like pulling a stone from thick muck. She squelched and slurped every inch, and when his fist finally cleared her gaping cunt, his arm was absolutely dripping. The right arm came next, and thought her dry ass made no such sounds, she still felt every inch of the sculpted muscles on his arm before his fingers cleared her puckered tail hole. She was whimpering now from lust and from need, and Kalokin circled around to stare into her eyes with his burning blue orbs. When he pulled free of her, she howled her need, desperate for him not to stop, not to leave her so empty and aching as she whined with desperation.

"Dear mortal... it almost sounded like you gave me an order. That is _NOT_how this works. You will beg, and plead, and pray for me to give you what you so desperately want, and then you will hope that I am feeling generous enough to give it to you. Is. That. Clear?"

Just to torment her further, large feathers appeared, and immediately began to tickle her. Once danced its tip into her gaping ass, another was immediately soaked by her pussy, and countless more tormented the pads on her feet, her nipples, her ears, and just about anything else sensitive that they could reach. She screeched, unable to handle the sensations, panting and pleading mindlessly in hopes of him pushing those wonderful arms back inside of her. It was torture and pleasure at the same time, and it left her mind blank.

"Ah'm not... ah'm beggin'... please... please, oh god, something, anything, please."

She hadn't intended to give him an order. Perhaps she was just bad at begging? Or perhaps Kalokin had simply been looking for an excuse. As the feathers tortured her sensitive body, she gasped and yowled as it hardened her nipples further and made her slender body ache with want. He tormented her like that for only thirty seconds, but it seemed like an eternity to her aching form. She alternated between gasping for breath and laughing, occasionally punctuated by moans of pure need. Once he felt she had suffered enough, the feathers vanished.

"It is good for you to know your place. Your body pleases me, and I am feeling gracious."

With that, he shoved his other, unused dick into her throat and resumed face-fucking her, jamming it so far back that several inches of it went down her throat when he pushed all the way it. His first cock, no longer stuffed inside her warm mouth, lay across the top of her muzzle, smearing saliva and pre across her face and hair. Each thrust caused his hanging meat to shove forwards, tip sliding to smear the stick mess through her hair. Shou struggled to bring her thoughts into alignment, managing only enough coherent thought to resume sucking Kalokin's dick as best she could as he rammed it down her throat. Her body quivered slightly as she glanced at him, and she whined in need. She writhed, struggling against her bonds, trying to break free enough to put even just one finger into her soaked sex, but she managed only a whimpering sound of mindless need as she swallowed around him. Sucking, and closing her eyes as she did her level best to please him, to perform her job well, and Gods above was she trying hard. Her sucking and swallowing had gone from needy to downright worshipful, and Kalokin smiled as she heaped such blatant praise against his thick cock.

While she continued her sloppy work, he wound his head around her body until his face was level with her soaked cunny. He licked his mouth with anticipation before he carefully stretched his mouth. He reached into his mouth to manually flex one fang with his fingers, and then, he carefully pushed his fang into her vagina. Oddly enough, his fang felt a little cold, but perhaps they only felt cold because of the relative inferno of heat in her cunt. She could feel its dagger tip tickling her, dangerously sharp, and she resisted the impulse to squirm, knowing she would only impale herself. After some moments, Kalokin pushed just a tiny bit harder, and the tip of his fang just barely broke her sensitive flesh. She strangled a moan as his cold ivory penetrated her, writhing as it sent her over the edge again.

More of his aphrodisiac dripped through the scratch in her tunnel, not nearly as much as before, but injected directly into her cunt it felt ten times as powerful. She screamed around the cock in her mouth and suffered a second orgasm, even more powerful than the first. Kalokin yanked his fang back once again denying her satisfaction, but when the veritable flood spurted from between her legs and into his mouth, it sent him over the edge too. He jammed his dick all the way down her throat and came like a fire hydrant, spewing his thick seed directly into her stomach. The dick "left hanging" lay across the top of her head, and his frantic humping shoved its tip into her dark grey mane. Cum flowed from it like water from a faucet, turning her beautiful hair into a sticky, matted mess of musky seed. Still more flowed, fully saturating her hair until his cum flowed down her shoulders to puddle in the small of her back. Spooge flowed from both his dicks in a torrent, and she couldn't even hope to swallow it all. She did her best to swallow as much as she could, but she quickly coughed and gagged as yet more of his cream overflowed out of her mouth, splattering downwards to soak her breasts until his breeding batter dripped from her nipples in thick clumps. Kalokin maneuvered his head up so that he could see the upper half of her torso absolutely smothered in his essence, and cackled violently to see her so debased as to be coated in his cum. Slowly, inch by inch, he pulled his spiked meat from her throat, watching the way his jizz leaked from the corners of her mouth. When he finally pulled free, her juices dripped, her body twitched, and she was coated in his spunk. Covered in it, she felt it slickening her fur, her face, and dripping from her mouth as she panted. She struggled against the bonds that held her wrists, wanting to grab him, to hold onto him, to force his dicks into her and finally satisfy her, but all her efforts failed to free her. She struggled to catch her breath as she was splattered with his cum, looking down at him, and panting. Her body burned, ached, and she arched her back, whining with desperation.

"Oh, I did enjoy that. Tell me mortal, how do you feel?"

"P..please... more.."

"I guess that's answer enough. Now that you're ready, I need to prepare myself. A moment, please."

Before her eyes, his cocks, already large, began to swell until they reached truly massive proportions. She was sure that there were Horses, even Dragons that were less endowed than he was, and just the thought of what was sure to come next had her quivering. Her eyes widened as she stared at him; there was no way he would manage to fit inside her body, even with the magic he had worked on her insides. Though it was just an illusion of the mind, she doubted that he would be able to force those massive lengths within her; they would fill her completely! There would be no room left inside of her. Despite that, she was excited, her body burned, and she wanted it. She began to whine for it, still reduced to inarticulate pleading. Her ears pinning back, a pleading noise escaped her as she rocked her empty hips in desperate want.

In the back of her mind, she felt Khaesho still having his way with her, enjoying her physical body, but the arousal and lust Kalokin gave her were vastly above any physical sensation that leaked into their desert. Kalokin curved his head around her torso twice before ducking between her legs. He then doubled back and spiraled up her body, which had the end result of rubbing his entire form across her cum soaked fur, smearing it across both of them. He ended up wrapped entirely around her, cocks rubbing aggressively against the fur of her stomach as his torso lay across her back. With his weight added to hers, the pressure on her wrists started to become painful, but since broken wrists were in no way arousing, he supported her chest and shoulders with more of his magic. He whispered into her ear, tickling its depths with his tongue as he did so.

"This might hurt just a bit. Don't try and take it silently, either, I like it when they squeal."

For a moment, there was the crystal clear thought that she needed to be careful of damaging her body, but it wasn't her body, it was all in her head, right? She couldn't be sure, everything mixed so beautifully together that she lost sight of reality. The brush of his breath and his tongue against her ear had her gasping, and rather than lean away, she tilted her head to the side, exposing her throat to him as she whined.

He reached around her torso to grab two handfuls of her breasts, and he squeezed them, lathering his seed into her fur. Hands smeared with his cum, he reached down and stroked himself a few quick times before he pulled himself back the long distance he'd need to get his cocks into place. He pushed in slowly, steadily, inch after inch of his swollen red flesh disappearing into her needy body. Further, deeper, until it seemed that her fears would soon be realized; even with his alterations to her illusory body, she wasn't deep enough. As he luxuriated in the feeling of her soft flesh sliding over his hulking meat, he hissed, a dangerous, almost bladed sound full of possession and ownership. Halfway down, he whispered into her ear again.

"You... are... MINE!"

She felted possessed, owned, and it was a feeling that burned her from within. His unnaturally large cocks pushed the petals of her sex apart, forcing her wide as he smoothly pushed deeper. A screaming howl escaped her as inch after glorious inch sank into her, and her juices dripping down his length as she whined in want. Then his words rolled through her mind, and her eyes rolled back. He rammed in the last half in a single, violent stroke, and she screamed as her body stretched, trying desperately to make room for the massive intruders. His fangs grazed her neck again, just a few drops, just enough to send shivers through her, twisting her senses until she took delicious pleasure from the dull pain. Finally, she was filled, completely, and the sensation of simply being filled and stretched, combined with the fresh dose of aphrodisiac almost sent her over the edge again. She was fighting it though, trying to last longer, and Kalokin misinterpreted her struggles.

"You know... at first, I was just going to fuck your brains out, and leave you in an exhausted pile for Khaesho to clean up later. Now, though? You really thought yourself worthy of sharing an orgasm with me? Now, I'm going to take my time, and REALLY enjoy this. After all, you still haven't learned your lesson, have you?"

Before she could answer, he sank his fangs back into her right shoulder, all the way up to the roof of his mouth, and started pushing a steady stream of the aphrodisiac into her already exhausted mind. Fangs firmly latched in place, he fucked her, sliding his titanic members in and out of her body with such force and friction that she came and didn't stop. Her mind was wrapped in the drug now, and her orgasm came hard and fast and kept rolling without stopping. Just when she thought the pleasure could increase no more, a fresh wave hit her and set her screaming again. Her mind was blank, all but empty from the force of the pleasure flowing through her, and all she could do was writhe and scream in pleasure.

He fucked her savagely, rutting like an animal without even a hint of control. He slammed his erections home again and again, until her throat hurt from the screaming and her muscles trembled from exhaustion. Still, he fucked her, and spots danced before her eyes as she wavered on the brink of unconsciousness. There was no control, not in him, nor in her. And her body arched, rocked against him, and then she felt him deeper than was physically possible. He held tight to her soft, helpless form, enjoying the feeling of absolute power, until even his control lapsed. With a screaming hiss that shook the illusory world they inhabited, he shot his load into her body. Almost immediately, she filled to overflowing, and his cum began to backwash out, but he didn't stop. Right through his orgasm, he kept fucking her; each withdrawal made new space to fill and each plunge sent his seed spurting out of her in a wave. The ground beneath them depressed slightly, forming a basin that caught every drop that leaked out, until she knelt in a veritable pool of his cum. It filled her body so full that cum was causing her belly to round just slightly. Could she get pregnant from sleeping with a deity? It was a thought that flitted across her mind and vanished. The shackles binding her vanished, and she collapsed all but boneless into that puddle of cum. She lay there, sprawled out and gasping softly as he kept her corked full with his cocks. A needy little whine escaped her, and she panted softly.

Apparently, even a God's endurance had limits, and after his second earth shattering orgasm, Kalokin seemed to have reached his. He unwound himself from her, eyes losing focus from exhaustion that he hadn't felt in centuries. He left his massive cocks inside of her, as he rested, just for a moment. As she panted beneath him, Shou managed to struggle a few words from her tortured vocal chords.

"N-not... not worthy... b-but... y-you didn't s-say... I c-could cum... b-before you... g-good girls a-are... supposed to... wait..."

Exhausted, her eyes closed, and she slumped in the cum puddle and slipped into empty, dreamless darkness. Despite the barely contained violence, despite the roughness and savagery - she felt no fear of Kalokin. He had expected her fear, had tried his best to drive a little terror into her heart, but she didn't fear him... not at all. Something deep inside of him clicked, and his brown scales shaded into black as her calm, dreamless sleep angered and intrigued him in equal measures. No fear... did she even know who he was? Of course she didn't... but it was the first time anyone could make such a claim in a long time. Either way... he couldn't just let her leave... Happening upon an idea, he too the cum she lay in and spread it over her body, massaging her to work it deep into her fur. She had been well splattered before, but now he ensured that every inch of her was well and truly soaked in his essence. The effort of it exhausted him further for reasons he couldn't explain, and as he finished this final act, he collapsed atop her with his body trailing behind him on the sandy dunes. He could feel a great weight dragging at him, a fatigue unlike any he had ever known. Just a little rest would fix him... just a little relaxation

Hilted inside of Shou's mind, Kalokin lost his grip on reality and fell through the inky black. For the first time in a thousand years, the self-proclaimed god of thieves fell asleep.

Khaesho did not have the endurance of a god, and neither was his mind captive like Shou's. He'd fucked her while she lay limp, no doubt there, but it felt... wrong. Indecent, almost, even if it was what she wanted. He may as well have just asked Kalokin to give him an illusion; it would have amounted to about the same. As his lover and his companion remained deep in their own passions, it fell to him to carry Shou's twitching form up the mountain and back to his caves. He made slow progress, burdened both by her weight and by his substantial meal, and all the while she continued to cry out in the midst of passion. He could admit it to himself now, he was jealous of whatever it was Kalokin was doing that could make her writhe so. Kalokin would likely tell him all about it though, and more. The god could share his memories with his vessel, when he chose to do so, and Khaesho felt it likely that he'd want to share these, if nothing more than to gloat and re-live the moment again.

Just inside of the entrance they'd used earlier, Shou began to scream, loud enough that Khaesho quickly had to pull from Kalokin's energy to cast a dampening spell, for fear that the odd hiker might hear her. It wasn't a pained noise, nor was it fearful, rather, it sounded so full of pleasure and lust that he almost got hard again just hearing it. Eventually, she tapered off into silence, and he felt Kalokin finally release her mind back to her body. She was limp as fresh meat, and he was more than a little concerned about her. He prodded Kalokin to ask him what had happened, only to find something he'd never felt before; Kalokin was asleep. Not just the trance that he occasionally went into, he was in fully unconscious, completely unresponsive sleep. That worried him more than anything.

There was nothing he could do about it now though, and he felt his eyelids begin to droop as his body yearned to join them. Whatever drug Shou had told him to chew had numbed his mind, and he had to force himself forwards, trying to make the safety of his caves before he fell asleep. Outside, with the bright shining sun, it had been relatively easy to stay awake. Now that he was in the dark caves, even with a will o' wisp of light, he felt his head grow heavy as he longed to coil up and sleep. With a titanic effort, he managed to make it to the pool they'd bathed in earlier that day before he collapsed in an exhausted pile. They both stank of blood, and dried cum, but there was a certain contentedness in his exhaustion that he hadn't felt since he was a hatchling, spending long days chasing his friends in the sun. He pulled his coils into a sloppy spiral around her and joined them in sleep's soft embrace.


Backstory: Child of the Sands originally started out as a spur of the moment Role Play between myself and [![avatar?user=331015&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?user=331015&character=0&clevel=2)...

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Dry Eyes, Cold Hearts (Ch. 10)

Morning was harsh, blisteringly hot as Belluosus's burning glare baked the land to a crisp. The wood was stacked high for Saccularius's funeral pyre, and a great feast was in the last stages of preparation. Kage slept uneasily, and woke with a start...

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The Brightsoul's Grace (Ch. 4)

The soft silence reigned for only a few minutes before they shook off the pall that had fallen over them. "sSo, tell me, Shouyousei. What about you? I've told you my life sstory, where do you hail from? What drivess you into the untamed wilderness,...

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