Aquata Cove - Chapter 5

Story by Mirron Tenshi on SoFurry

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Aquata CoveChapter 5: Smells Like Fish   Adam sighed as he looked up at the black ceiling, resting

his head on his hands. For the 7th night in the row, he hasn't been

able to sleep. He didn't need to check his cellphone to know it must be after

5am by now. The first week is always the hardest to deal with. He keeps

thinking about Merrick, how long it's going to be before he can see him again,

trying to plan what to do next time. Just like always, he feels like the month

just rolled by, and he didn't make as much as he could out of it. There are

several things he wanted to do with Merrick this time, but he got too

distracted with the sex, cuddling, play, trying to come up with reasons as to

why he's gone for nights.  "I swear," He mumbled, "I had less trouble when I was in the

closet." Adam took a deep breath, and groaned. He heard some light

pitter-patter, before his bed's weight shifted, followed by a pair of soft,

furry pads pressing onto him. "Rrrowrrr." Through the darkness, Adam saw the fluffy cat

hop onto his chest. He chuckled as he ran his fingers through the soft fur. "Hey there, Roxas," He said as he scratched behind the

purring feline's ears, "What're you doing in HERE? Shouldn't you be bothering

Yuri right about now?" "Rrrooowwr." The cat mewed as it purred, and lightly patted

Adam's stubbly chin.  Adam huffed before he slowly got up, "Alright alright,

c'mon," Roxas quickly stepped off his body, and hopped off his bed, and ran out

before he could get out of bed.  Wearing only his boxers, the man made his way through the

dark, with the light of an electric Harry Potter wand. He looked to Yuri's

room, to find that her door is closed. Must be a test tomorrow. There's only

one reason why Roxas would go into Adam's room in the middle of the night. Adam changed direction, and headed for the kitchen. As soon

as he set foot onto the cool tile, he felt a brush of soft fur pass onto his

shin. "Rrowrr! Eerrrorr! Rrowrrr!" Roxas meowed persistently as he

kept rubbing himself between Adam's legs. He chuckled as he bent over to pick

up the cat's dish, and reached up on top of the refrigerator to grab a can of

FancyFeast Turkey Dinner. He pulled at the tab, thus peeling the metal lid off

of the stout can. Taking a spoon, he cooped the gravy-soaked meat cubes into

the bowl, before placing it at its usual spot. Roxas immediately ceased his

mewing and rubbing, and ducked his head in to start eating. This is usually

Yuri's job, as Roxas is her cat, but Roxas usually gets HER up to feed him, but

once in a while, he paws at Adam when Yuri's door is closed. Adam sighed as he tossed the dirty spoon into the sink, but

picking up another one from the drawer. He then opened the freezer door, and

took out his box of marshmallow swirl chocolate ice cream, and closed it behind

him before sitting on a chair at the table. He opened the ice cream box, and

scooped up a dab of icy chocolate with a white swirl. He held it out for a sec. "Here's to late night meals, little buddy." Adam then

slurped up the ice cream from the spoon.  Suddenly, a light switched on, followed by a sleepy groan.

He looked to see a naked man walk drearily into the living room. Someone Adam

has never met before. Dark tan skin, slightly spiky black hair, tiny gold cross

and chain around his neck, tribal tattoos along his left thigh and right arm,

got a nice set on him between the legs, looks like a Latino pretty boy. Heck,

Adam has to admit, he'd sleep with him if he wasn't with Merrick, and Adam

isn't really into guys with tatts. "Morning." Adam said. The guy looked up, and jumped in

surprise. "WHOA! Haahh!!" He jumbled, and toppled onto the couch. He

grabbed a nearby couch pillow, and pressed it over his crotch, "Wh-Who the hell

are you?!" "I live here." "Ah s-shit, man, I'm sorry!" The guy said, clasping the

pillow against his junk, "I swear, I'm not a burglar!" "Yeah, I kinda figured from the lack of ski-mask. Either

that, or you're an eccentric burglar." Adam said as he scooped up some ice

cream and took it into his lips. "Dude, I'm not!" "Dude, relax, you'll wake up the whole island." "Fuck, sorry man. Jamal said I could raid the fridge if I

got hungry." Adam nudged his spoon towards the fridge. "Sure, help yourself," Adam chuckled, "And you can lose the

pillow, you got a nice pair on you." "Oh, uh... Ok." The guy then got up from the couch, and tossed

the pillow aside. As he walked over, Roxas turned his head, and then abandoned

his food when he came in, "I'm Nicolas, by the way." He said, offering a hand,

which Adam casually shook. "Adam." Nicolas then went to the fridge, and dug around for

a few items, and got a couple of slices of bread. Adam TRIED not to ogle him,

but it's hard not to check out a hot naked man in person. He couldn't help but

look at Nicolas's tan backside, especially the tribal red rose tattoo that went

from his hip to his back, and specially his ample butt. Damn, his skin is as

flawless as Merrick's. Jamal REALLY has good taste in men, AND women, sometimes

at the same time.  Soon, Nicolas finished making a sandwich, and took a bite

out of it. His brown eyes glanced over Adam, shifting up and down, as if

checking him out. "... So... S'long's we're both awake... You wanna..." He pointed at

himself, then at Adam, "I mean, I always got an extra rubber, jus'in case."

Adam scoffed, and smiled. "I would, actually, but I already got a pretty boy of my

own" "Aw, a hopeless romatic, huh?"  Nicolas said with a grin, "Me, I'm not really lookin for a

boyfriend. I'm just in for the sex." He said as he then took out one of my cans

of raspberry cream soda, and took a sip "... Just out of curiosity, you and Jamal

are roommates, right? You guys ever... ?" Adam chuckled. "I thought about it once or twice, but it'd just get too

weird." He chuckled again, as the naked Latino guy walked to the table, and sat

his bare rump down. "So tell me about yo boyfriend. He hot?" Adam smirked, "Oh yeah, he is. You look a lot like him,

actually." Nicolas smiled, as if flattered. Fuck, even his smile is as cute as

Merrick's. "Heh, Really?" "Yeah. 'Cept he's white, blonde hair, and blue eyes."

Nicolas giggled as he ate his sandwich.  "Damn, for a second, I thought you were cumin on to me." Adam snickered at him, "Yeah, sorry. Got the same ass

though. You're a bit bigger than him though. No, I mean, BIGGER, you know."

Nicolas looked down, and chuckled. For a slender build, he does have a thick

package on him.

"Well," The nude guy said as he walked out of the kitchen with his sandwich, "I

won't get between you and him, but uh..." He gave a sexy grin, and nodded his head,

"You two ever split, look me up, hot shot~" Adam grinned and chuckled. "Ah, get out of here," He said to the laughing dude, being

sure to give him a playful spank as he went. When Nicolas was back in Jamal's

room, Roxas cautiously crept back into the kitchen, and returned to his meal.

This isn't the first time Adam ran into one of Jamal's 'dates'. It doesn't

happen often - usually Jamal is discrete about his dates, as this house have

thick walls - but it's always nice to see a guy, but sometimes it's a woman,

which Adam can do without seeing nude.  Adam finished off the rest of the ice cream that was left in

the box, threw it away, and went back into his room, where he crawled into bed,

and soon dozed off. --- EHHH EHHH EHHH EHHH Came the obnoxious ring of the alarm clock. Adam's hand came

and aggressively meshed his fingers onto the button to shut it off. He groaned

as he groggily pulled himself out of bed, and dug his drawers for some clothes. Soon, Adam pulled the zipper to his thin jacket up, just as

he walked in, and chuckled. At the open door, Jamal and Nicolas were kissing

slow and deep. Nicolas is wearing a stripped blue and white shirt with a red

leather vest, and tight jeans that really complimented his figure, while Jamal

is  Nicolas broke the kiss,

smiling, "Thanks for the awesome night, man. AND the awesome morning~" "Yeah, you know it, lil' Nicky." Jamal said, in his low,

deep, charismatic, tone. "Lets meet up again sometime~" Nicolas said as he held up a

paper card, which Jamal took. "Anytime, anywhere, Nick." Nicolas chuckled as he looked

aside. "Hey Adam!" "Hi." Nicolas then turned, and walked out the door. Adam

chuckled as he went into the kitchen to grab a couple of poptarts, not

bothering to put them in the toaster. "You and Nick know each other?" Jamal asked. "Yeah, bumped into him last night. He's got a nice ass." "Yaw, man, ya'll ain't got ta tell me!" Jamal said with a

grin and laugh, "He gotta nice mouth too! Boy loves dick!" Jamal ran up to the

kitchen counter, "Yo, so Yuri told me ya got sum picthas of yo bo." "I showed her a week ago, where were you?" "Kept forgettin', man. So can I see 'um? So I know he ain't

imaginary?" Adam checked his phone, and then put back in his pocket before

striding towards the door. "Maybe later. Right now, I gotta get to work." "Aight, man," Jamal said as he went to get something to eat,

"Ya know you the only gay I know who actually likes the smell of fish, right??"

Adam laughed out loud as he walked out the door. He walked onto the gravel, and picked up his black motorbike

that was lying against the wall of driftwood. After mounting his bike, it gave

a turn of a key into the ignition, and charged up after a few rumbles, and he

moved off of the property, and onto the sandy/dirt road. Some people prefer

cars, Adam found it more manageable to learn to ride a motorcycle, or

motorbike, more like, as he does not have the accessories for a cycle, just as

leather, helmet, or creepy tattoos. He rode the bike along the road, until he rode onto his

destination: lined with boats on many posts, several tall docks, clusters of

small-town shops and restaurants, a few old men throwing lines into the steep

water below. The entrance gate is depicted with two large, tall, ornate

seahorses that have seen much rain and age from the discoloration of the

copper, and a metal, blue banner at the top that reads: The Kele-Kolika Pier.  Adam loves this place. Back when he lived in California as a

little boy, his parents used to take him to Redondo Beach Pier. This place

doesn't exactly have a mini indoor carnival like Redondo does, but Adam's

out-grown it at least... Well, he wouldn't mind if Kele-Kolika got a

Tilt-A-Whirl. Soon, Adam drove over to the Ocean Fish-House, where he

works - a large, blue building with fish designs painted along the walls, and a

logo depicted as a fish-symbol in a bubble-like circle. He chained up his bike,

and turned on the electric current onto a few of the selected links (a trick

Merrick taught him), and went to clock in. He put on his black logo cap, a pair

of tight, thick, elastic, puncture proof rubber gloves with rough yet supple

hand prints on the underside, tall rubber boots, and an apron/vest jacket with

the logo on the back of it. "Hey, Adam!" Said Captain, calling out in his gruff voice.

Old, thick with a pot-belly, and burly, with a scraggily beard, wearing an eye

patch with a few scars on his face and arms, wearing a hat and trench coat, he

could be described as a modern pirate - hence the nickname - by appearance,

that is. Professionally, he is by the book, punctual, and a stickler for

directions. "Captain," Adam replied. "Yur workin a cart today - you and all the other fishboys.

We got an over shipment of lobsters, and we need to get rid of 'em!" "And the bad news?" Adam said, picking up the assigned

clipboard. "No breaks, one lunch, and no fishin till we get rid of

these red claws, and that'll take a day and a half!" The seemingly grump old

man said. "Jeez, how many lobsters did we get???" "Enough to make the hippies keep bitchin about over-fishin'.

I'm gonna need to call in a few contacts outside the pier to unload some of

them. Now git drivin'! I gotta keep bandin' more of those red bastards!" He

said with a grumble as he picked up a bag of rubber bands to put on the lobster

claws. Rough around the edges, but he rarely gets this grumpy. Adam then went over to one of the lined up Fish-House carts

  • which resembles a golf cart that's been spray-painted deep blue and green,

with the logo put on the hood, and a 350 gallon, square glass tank on the back

  • and drove it to the outside dock, where there was a ramp that connected the

warehouse to the dock, and onto the pier. Adam drove it up to the large ship

that was docked onto the warehouse. He hopped out, and walked onto the ship,

and looked down onto six, huge tanks, that are crawling with dark red,

crustasious creatures. "Holy SHIT!" Adam said. "Holy shit is right," Said Captain, "Now git goin'. I like

that ya come early, but I ain't expectin' ya to wait around for the other

fishboys." "Yes, Captain." He said as he took a vacuum hose from the

back of the cart, and connected it to a mechanism to the tank, and clicked it

into place. He then threw the other end into the ocean, and turned on the

machine. Whirling into life, the water started to pour into the tank from the

vacuum. He waited for the water to fill a the tank halfway, before shutting it

off, sealing off the tube to the machine, and put the hose away. Adam then walked back up to the ship, and picked up a long, metal

pole with a caged, box-like structure at one end of it, and a handle and

trigger at the other end. With the large tool, he dipped it into the tank.

Carefully, he scooped the lobsters into the crate pole, and went back to the

cart. He dipped the writing crated into the smaller tank, and opened it to let

the lobsters drift down. He repeated until the cart's tank is at capacity, and he

hopped back into the cart, and drove away, slowly. "Hey, Phil." He said as he

waved at a coworker, who is also driving one of the carts. At most, the carts go up to 10 miles an hour, but the

fishboys, as Captain calls his employees, have to be careful about just how

fast they go, as to not splash the water around or disturb the fish or

crustatians he's delivering. As he drove down the road towards the Claws & Hammers

restaurant, Adam started to think about talking about the pier with Merrick.

He's always wanted to take Merrick here, but Merrick refuses to go anywhere

where there are humans.  'Do merpeople REALLY think humans are THAT bad?' Adam

pondered, 'He did say contact with life on land is strictly forbidden, but I

wonder why merpeople are so afraid of humans. Gotta wonder, what happened

between them.' He chuckled as he pulled in at the small hub, 'Guess that just mean

I'm that special to him.' Adam hopped out of the cart, with his clipboard, and knocked

on the glass door. In minutes, the manager of the eatery answered him, "Good

morning, I have one shipment out five of lobsters." "Oh, good! We're fresh out since last night!" He said as he

took the clipboard, and signed it below his shipment order.  "Alright," After putting the form aside, Adam drove the cart

to the back side of the restaurant, and unloaded the lobsters. The next hour

was spent going back and forth the Claws & Hammers and the warehouse until

all five orders were delivered. Adam received a $5 tip, and drove back to get

the next shipment. -5 Hours Later- "Good work, fishboys!" The grouchy manager said, as the

other employees were undressing their uniforms and storing their equipment into

their lockers, "Didn't sink as hard I thought. But we didn't get out as much as

we should've. Tomorrow, the trucks are comin' in to take up some lobsters, so I

expect the same routine tomorra, while I handle the trucks." He then adjusted

his hat, "Now, I'm probably wastin $300 here, but go a head and take home 3

lobsters each if yur interested. Buckets are next to the tanks, and heaven help

ya if they ain't returned by next week. Otherwise, good night, good luck, and good

riddance. See ya'all tomorrow, fishboys!" With that, the pirate man walked off.  Soon, Adam is securing his bucket of 3 lobsters to his bike,

and went riding back home. --- "I brought dinner!" Adam called out as he entered the house. "Oh sweet! What is it?" Yuri said as she paused her game on

the PS3. "Lobster!" Adam said as he put the Ocean FishHouse bucket on

the counter. "... Wha?!" Yuri said as she got up, and looked. "When can we

afford lobster???" "The FishHouse got an over-shipment. Wall-to-Wall lobsters!" "Awesome. I'll make my biscuits." Yuri said as she got her

apron on. "Cool. I'll get make the water," Yuri laughed as Adam got

out the pot. Nothing like cooking with Yuri for a nice, surprise dinner. This

is one of Adam's favorite things since she moved in with him. It reminds him

of... Well, it just reminds him.  ---  "Mmm-MM!" Jamal said as he set down a disembodied, bright

red claw, "Yo, man, THIS is why you work at a fish place." He had gotten home

from his job as a barkeep at a local danceclub that host exotic dancers, both

male and female, right in the middle of the dinner preparation. It's not like

they were strippers, but they DO dance on poles, but they wear strange,

artistic costumes, in hopes of training for different dancing careers. Jamal

mostly likes the job because half the time, he gets lucky with one of the

dancers or customers. "Lucky break your boss let you take home some of the

inventory." "Yeah, but he probably wasn't supposed to," Adam said as he

wiped the melted butter off his mouth with a napkin, "So, please don't say

anything." "I won't say nuthin if you won't, man."  Bleep bleep bleep The dark male dug into his pocket, and

checked his pager. "Ah, dat's me. I gotta go." "Whaat?" Yuri asked, "Jamal, you just got here." "I'm taking double shifts this week, Yuri," Jamal said as he

put on his leather jacket, "Besides, there's this one honey with a pink

flamingo costume, and I think she digs me." He said with a grin. Yuri huffed

and rolled her eyes. "Got it. See you tomorrow." "See ya, Yuri! Later, Adam! Awesome Lobster, y'all, I'M

OUT!" He said as he grabbed his keys, and went out the door. "Good lord, he just got laid last night." Adam said as he

popped a piece biscuit in his mouth. Yuri turned her head, and scoffed. "He did? I was in my room all day yesterday, when did he

bring someone over?" "Beats me. Must've been when I was in the shower; yesterday

at work, we received a shipment of salmon. Thing is, all of them were dead. And

evidently, almost 3 weeks old." "Oh god..." Yuri placed a hand over her thin brow, as she

smirked, "Yeah, we pretty much had to carry them to the dumpsters,

but we couldn't use the carts, so we had to carry them in cardboard boxes. Now,

I carry heavy stuff over my shoulder, and the bottom of the third box I was

carrying was already moist-" "Oh my gosh, here we go..." Yuri said with a chuckle, "I can

already see it." "And I JUST got to the dumpster, I lifted the box UP,"

Yuri's eyes widened as she covered her mouth, "And the box caved on me, and

spilt rotting fish guts and juice ALL over me!" Yuri laughed out loud,

crouching a bit as she muffled her laughs, "All over my hair, got in my shirt,

pants, just about everywhere." Yuri huffed and giggled, trying to calm herself,

"Yeah... And then Captain comes along..." "Oh God no! Hahaha!" Yuri laughed again. "So I'm standing there, soaked in rancid fish juice, and he

walks by me, doesn't even LOOK at me, without skipping a beat, he points a

pencil towards me, and goes, 'That's gonna need tarter sauce'." Yuri burst out

laughing. "Hoh God, no way, heheheee!" "So I took a guess, and just kept going. As soon as I got

home, I showered for an hour! ..." Adam pulled his sleeve back, and took a few

deep sniffs from his arm, before jerking his head back, and clearing his

throat. "STILL smell it, ulgh!" Yuri giggled as she got up and picked up the

dishes.  "Hehehe, well, I'll take care of the dishes, and you see

about getting that fish off you." "Kay. I'll be right back to help clean up." "Bitch, please, you know I'll be done by then." Yuri said,

still smiling like mad and snickering.  ---  Adam sighed as he flopped into bed, ready to try and attempt

to go to sleep. He brought his forearm to his nose, and sniffed his arm again,

"... LITTLE better..." He huffed as he laid back. He can still remember Nicolas from before, how as soon as he

told him to lose the pillow, suddenly, he was all chill. God, he looks so much

like Merrick. Adam felt a stirring in his boxershorts. The more he thought

about that sexy Latino, the more he pictured Merrick. He started imagining

Merrick panicking, and covering his privates with a pillow, and then coming

into the kitchen to make a sandwich, and then asking him if he wanted to... "Mmmmhhh~..." Adam, smiled as he bit his lower lip, his hand

stroking the thick tool in his underpants. Instead of turning him down, Adam would answer him but

getting up, and coming to kiss that blonde cutie. It wasn't as strange to

imagine Merrick standing, especially when they start making out, right into the

kitchen. Then Merrick would turn Adam around, and bend him over the table, and

hold him down, and... Adam pulled down his boxers, and kicked them off. He reached

under his nightstand, and picked up his dildo, and a bottle of KY. He popped

the tab open, and poured the slick all over the fake dick...  ---2 Years Ago---  Adam sat there, naked on a heated rock. He's been sitting

there, baking in the sun, waiting for Merrick to show up. He rolled his head

down, and then spotted a movement under the clear water. He smiled as he

recognized the movement of the fishy tail. Merrick splashed his head up, and

smiled happily, "Adam!" His gills closed themselves to allow him to breath the

air. "There you are, babe!" Adam squatted down, and helped

Merrick out of the water, grunting as that long, blue tail flourished from the

surface, "Erf! I swear, you drop 20lbs when you dry up!" Merrick smiled as he

was pulled out, lying onto the large, hot rocks. "Ow! A-A-Adam! It's too hot!"  "O-Ok, babe, hang on!" Adam then ran over to his backpack,

and went to retrieve a large towel. He rapidly laid towel down, and placed the

merman onto it. Merrick sighed as his tail wilted in relief. He can still feel

the intense heat coming from the stone, but the Adam's thick cloth made it more

bearable. "There we go. That's it..." The merman rolled onto his front and looked up, smiling.

Adam smiled back as he knelt down, and kissed his lips. He rubbed against

Merrick's scaly forhead, "... I missed you, sweetheart..." He muttered. Merrick put

his webbed hand onto Adam's solid, warm arm.  "I missed you too, Adam..." Merrick grunted as he squirmed a

little. "What's wrong, Merrick?" "It's still hot..." He whined. He had already soaked the

towel, and the rock is heating up the moisture. "Well, here..." Adam then shuffled himself onto the towel, and put the merman on

top of him. Merrick giggled as he was put onto the nude human. Merrick put his

hands onto Adam's hairy chest, and nuzzled him.  The sun is very hot today. So hot, that Merrick's body dried

promptly. It wasn't long before Adam's bristly legs feel the slick fish tail

part into a pair of flawless legs, his hand gliding up, just as Merrick's gills

morphed into ears, running his fingers into his hair.  Adam's hands felt on and around Merrick's body, warm from

the bright rays. His hand felt and cupped one of those ripe, round buttcheeks.

Adam smiled as he lapped his lips against Merrick's cheeks as he felt Merrick's

member stir against his thigh. "Mmmm..." He smiled as he felt Merrick nuzzle and kissed his

neck, "... I can REALLY use a good pounding, babe..." He said. "Hmm?" Merrick mumbled as he ground against the human. "Ya know..." He rubbed himself against the other, feeling his

own penis swell up. He lift his head, and brought his lips to Merrick's ear, "I

want you to fuck me hard..." Merrick blinked as he looked at Adam. He looked

down, and then back at him, and blushed harshly. "I-I-I don't- Huh??" Adam chuckled as he kissed Merrick's

semi-gapping mouth. "I'm feeling kinda subby today, and you've never really

mounted me since we've gotten together." Adam's hand moved down, and started

stroking Merrick's hard tool. Merrick moaned and curved his back as Adam

wrapped his hand around it, and gave it a gentle squeeze, "Aaadaaamm..." He

blushed as Adam rubbed his cock against his own manhood. "I need you dick inside, babe..." Adam muttered as he became

more invasive with his roaming hands along Merrick's body. "A-Adammm" Merrick founded harder and harder to talk,

feeling so horny, "I... I don't know how..." Adam felt a sting of disappointment. He ceased for a moment,

making this a tad awkward. "... I..." Merrick looked aside, and started to move away, "I'm

sorry-" "N-No, no," Adam said, "It's ok... It's ok, babe~" Adam tried

lowering his tone, talking in a low voice, just as Jamal always does, as he

goes to kiss Merrick's neck. He knew it worked magic in seconds, because

Merrick untensed, smiling as he closed his eyes, loving the feeling of those

lips on his neck. He still is determined to have that dick in his ass. Adam traced a line of gentle kisses along his neck, slowly

rubbing his lips along Merrick's tender, smooth flesh, up to his petite ear,

nibbling ever so slightly at his earlobe. "Just lay down... Rest back, and I'll

take good care of you..." Merrick bit his lower lip as he nodded. Adam scooted to the side, to allow Merrick to lay his

beautiful body down onto wet, warm towel, his 7inch dick standing up on end.

Adam slowly sat on Merrick's lap, pushing his cheeks against the hard dick.

Merrick smiled as Adam drew his head down, and kissed Merrick's pink lips.

Merrick's hands rubbed, and felt along Adam's back as the other male put his

hand under Merrick's head, while feeling along his shoulder. As he nuzzled and

nibbled the blonde make, he rubbed his rear end against Merrick's throbbing

cock. The grinding served well in elevating Merrick's excitement, getting

harder against Adam's anus. "A-Adam..." Merrick cooed, "It feels so... Ahhh..." Adam smiled as

he rose his lower body up a bit, feeling the head of the merman's penis traced

along his sack, and along the crevice of Adam's rump. Merrick's fair cheeks

went pink as he felt his dick touch along Adam's ass, and feel him push on a

certain spot. Slowly, Adam pushed his hips down onto Merrick's rod, spreading

his sphincter around the emerging dick. "Ohhhhh yeah..." Adam's wang twitched as it seeped precum as

he eased his butt down, until he sat down onto Merrick's groin. Merrick moaned

out as his dick was enclosed in moist warmth. Adam leaned down, and kissed

Merrick's neck again, "You like that, sweetheart?" He flexed his ass, and

elated a weak mewl from the other male. Merrick closed his eyes, and groaned on

bliss. "Ohh, Adam..." Merrick's hands felt Adam's rugged hips, moving

to feel those meaty buttcheeks. Adam then rose up, making Merrick gasp and arch

his back. He could feel his dick spurt a glob of precum inside Adam's innards

as he moved up, until the edge of the head framed his asshole, before going

back down. Merrick moaned again as his member pushed deep inside of Adam again.

"Oh Adam... !" His fingers dug into those fuzzy mounds, squeezing and rubbing

Adam's bottom like mad. Adam grinned as he undulated his hips, making Merrick moan

out more and more as he fucked himself on his lover's dick, his anal muscles

massaging every inch of the merman's rod. "AhhH! Ahhh! Oh, Adam- AHhhh~~~"

Merrick moaned more and more, enough for him to curl his toes, bend his legs,

squirming as Adam rode him nice and easy. "Fuck... You feel so amazing inside me..." Adam moaned as he

rolled his hips, wrapping his head around his own dick as he that member

stirred around inside him. As Adam ground his butt against him, Merrick's hips began to

push up. Adam grunted and moaned out, "AhhhH! Oh yes!" Merrick's lower body

moved down, and pushed up again, pushing against a good spot inside of Adam,

"Yeah, that's what I want~" Merrick gripped Adam's hips as he started humping

his pelvis up into the human, "Oh yeah, THERE we go~!" Adam gapped and moaned

as Merrick started to push himself up and down, "Fuck yeah! Right there!"

Adam's hand became a blur on his dick, masturbating as his lover drove his tool

up hard against Adam. Merrick moaned weakly one second, and loudly the next as he

slapped his pelvis over and over again. "Adam," He moaned, "Adam..." "Oh fuck," Adam said as he jacked himself rapidly, "Cum in

my ass, baby... Cum inside me..." "Adam... Ahhh... Ahhhhh!" Adam then pushed his ass down, and

flexed his anus to pull at Merrick's penis. From there, Merrick just lost it,

"ADAAAAHHH!!!"  ---2 Years Later---  "Umf! Uhh! OHH yeah.., !" Adam laid there, breaking a light

sweat, as one hand stroked his dick, while his other hand pushed the electric

penis deeper into him. "Oh God, yes!" That dildo twirled around inside him,

pushing around his sensitive tunnel, "Oh fuck, almost there~!" He moaned weakly

as he thrust the artificial member into him, "Ohh! Oooohhhh! Ohhhhh!" His toes

curled as he dropped his head back, and gapping his mouth and groaned out as he

felt a hot squirt jump out of his rod, and splat several stripes on his face,

then on his chest, and dribble on his abs. Adam panted as he carefully drew out the wriggling toy,

switching it off, and let it drop to the floor. He smiled as the satisfaction

washed over him, still thinking of his fantasies of Merrick forcing him against

the table, and making hot, sweet love to him. Come to think of it, Merrick pretty much just assumed the

bottom position. Adam is more of a switch though. Half the time, he feels

subby, and he wants Merrick to fuck him hard, but then that cute face contorts

in awkward shyness. 'That's ok,' Adam smiled to himself, 'That's just the next

thing I'm gonna have to teach him, right after I teach him to walk.' Without remembering to wipe the cum off of himself, Adam

felt himself drift off, easier than he has been able to sleep all week.

Aquata Cove - Chapter 6

Aquata CoveChapter 6: Leadership  Adra Merrick soon made it to the pod of merfolk, with Adra Savarna holding onto his shoulders on his back. He swam around the merpeople, waving his tail up and down as he glided along, until he assumed his place,...

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Aquata Cove - Chapter 4

Aquata CoveChapter 4: Life At Sea Over the sea's horizon, the canvas of deep blue gradually seeped through bleak orange. The warm aura soon birthed a bright yellow peak. The light touched the trees, scanned the rock, and illuminated a vague rainbow on...

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Young Love - Chapter 19

Young Love Chapter 19: Festival By: Mirron Tenshi About half a day later, the plane has flown across the country; from Seattle, Washington to Miami, Florida. Mark slept soundly in the small, blue cushioned seat he'd been sitting in for the...

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