O Sonho de Untitled

Story by Yure16 on SoFurry

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A silly story to go with the picture I drew once.

    Acordei naquela manhã ensolarada sem saber onde eu estava. Eu estava deitado na grama e tinha uma árvore ao meu lado, mas o pedaço de terra que sustentava a mim e a árvore flutuava sobre as nuvens. Levantei-me e bati a poeira do meu pelo, embora tivesse mais grama que pó. Olhei a árvore, que nem era tão alta assim. Eu não a reconhecia. No meu pulso estava o meu sino de gato, preso por uma coleira que funcionava como bracelete. Eu podia ver as nuvens movendo-se ao meu redor e ao redor da árvore.    Foi quando notei outros pedaços flutuantes de terra gravitando ao meu redor... ou estaria eu a gravitar ao redor de algum deles? Eles passavam perto o suficiente para que eu pulasse para um deles. Pulei sobre meu próprio pedaço de terra e não senti-o tremer. Parecia sólido, então os outros talvez fossem tão sólidos quanto.    Aventurei-me a pular de pedaço em pedaço, cada pedaço sendo sólido como o primeiro. Eu cortava as nuvens com meu movimento. Até que, de repente, as nuvens na minha frente abriram-se, revelando uma torre em ruínas, que descendia do céu à terra. Os blocos de terra gravitavam ao redor dela. Eu poderia entrar pela janela, mas talvez não fosse uma boa ideia: o lugar aparentava estar caindo aos pedaços. Tijolos faltavam, outros estavam mal colocados, nem sequer havia pintura. Olhei para cima e não pude ver até onde a torre ia. Não me atrevi a olhar para baixo.    Daí pulei. Me agarrei à janela e entrei sem maiores problemas. O local era escuro, mas finos raios de luz entravam pelas brechas nas paredes. O chão era mal-acabado, acidentado e longe de ser plano.    Comecei a andar ali, meus passos quase não faziam som nas pedras do piso. Daí notei uma silhueta movendo-se perto de mim. Virei para olhar e vi Untitled.    "Untitled?", perguntei, movendo-me até ele. Ele permaneceu parado, me olhando com sua expressão neutra de sempre. "Que fazes aqui?", perguntei. Ele, claro, não respondeu, apenas piscou. Que bobo que sou; Untitled é "mudo".    "Não temos tempo a perder, meu colega felino; não confio na estrutura desta torre.", falei e arrastei-lhe de sua ataraxia pela pata. Enquanto andávamos pela torre, observando os detalhes da estrutura moribunda, chegamos à uma passagem que dava para uma longa escada espiral. A escada tinha paredes dos dois lados, portanto só era possível prosseguir e voltar.    E então descemos. Parecia que a escadaria nunca iria acabar. Descemos o que pareciam ser quilômetros de escadas, pausando a cada quarenta minutos para descansar. Finalmente, chegamos ao fim das escadas, à uma sala ampla e cheia de colunas que sustentavam o teto. Uma forte luz vinha da saída.    Eu e Untitled andamos até lá, mas, no caminho, duas sobras andaram à saída e lá ficaram de pé. Deviam ter nossa idade, julgando pela baixa estatura.    "Machos não são

bem-vindos", falou uma das sombras. A luz por trás delas diminuiu, as sombras dissiparam-se gradualmente. Eram duas fêmeas. Uma gata laranja de listras pretas vestida em trapos e uma gata laranja de listras vermelhas vestida num robe branco, como se pertencesse à alguma casta religiosa.    "Vocês devem permanecer aqui; Vitória não vos quer por perto.", falou a mais elegante. A outra gata, contudo, permanecia em silêncio.    "Mas nunca!", gritei, embora minha fralda tivesse subitamente ficado mais quentinha, "Não obedecemos ordens de desconhecidos!". "Ah, mas você me ouvirá...", falou a mais elegante, seus olhos brilhando uma luz azul. Súbito, meu corpo foi jogado para trás por uma grande corrente de ar. Me choquei contra a parede e alguns tijolos caíram por cima de mim. A última coisa que ouvi foi: "Somos Samanta e Júlia, as novas adições ao exército de Vitória. Tema-nos."    O sonho então terminou. Untitled acordou, assustado. Ele sentou-se no berço e olhou para os lados. Ele logo me notou dormindo ao lado dele, minha fralda ensopada enquanto em dormia praticamente nu chupando uma chupeta. Ele suspirou de alívio e deixou o berço, andando até a escrivaninha na mesma sala. Ele abriu a janela, para que o luar iluminasse o local. Ele então começou a redigir uma carta para que eu lesse ao acordar, relatando o seu sonho. Talvez, o sonho tivesse algum significado...    Terminada a tarefa, Untitled voltou ao berço e tornou a dormir.    I woke up in that sunny morning without knowing where I was. I was laying on the grass and there was a tree by my side, but the piece of ground that supported the tree and I floated above the clouds. I got up and shook the dust from my fur, although there was more grass than dust. I looked at the tree, that wasn't really that tall. I couldn't recognize it. My cat bell was on my wrist, tied by a collar that worked as bracelet. I could see the clouds moving around me and around the tree.    It was when I noticed other floating pieces of ground gravitating around me... or was it me gravitating around one of them? They floated close enough for me to jump on one of them. I jumped on my own piece of ground and didn't feel it shake. Felt solid, so maybe the others were as solid.    I ventured to jump from piece to piece, each piece being as solid as the first. I cut the clouds with my movement. Until, suddenly, the clouds opened themselves in front of me, revealing a ruined tower, that descended from the sky to the ground. The blocks of ground gravitated around it. I could enter through the window, but maybe it wasn't a good idea: the place seemed to be falling apart. There were missing bricks, misplaced bricks, it wasn't even painted. I looked up and couldn't see how tall the tower really was. I didn't dare to look down.    Then I jumped. I clung to the

window and entered without major problems. The place was dark, but thin light rays entered through the cracks on the walls. The floor was badly damaged, unstable and far from being plain.    I started to walk there, my steps made almost no sound on the floor stones. Then, I noticed a silhouette moving close to me. I turned to look and saw Untitled.    "Untitled?", I asked, going towards him. He stood there, looking at me with his usual blank expression. "What are you doing here?", I asked. He, obviously, didn't answer, just blinked. How silly I am; Untitled is "mute".    "We have no time to waster, my feline fellow; I don't trust this tower's structure", I said, pulling him by his paw from his apathy. While we walked through the tower, watching the details of the moribund structure, we arrived at a path that gave to a long spiral stairway. The stairs had walls at both sides, so you could only go forward and back.    And then we walked down the stairs. It looked like it would never end. We walked down what seemed to be kilometers of stairs, pausing at every forty minutes to rest. Finally, we met the end of the stairway, to an ample room full of columns that sustained the ceiling. A strong light came from the exit.    Untitled and I waked towards the exit, but, on the way, two shadows walked towards the exit too and there they stood. They most likely were as young as us, judging by their stature.    "Males aren't welcome", said one of the shadows. The light behind them slowly diminished, the shades over them dissipated gradually. They were two females. A black-striped orange cat dressed in tattered shreds and a red-striped orange cat dressed in a white robe, as if she belonged to some religious cult.    "You must remain here; Vitória doesn't want you two around her.", said the most elegant of the due. The other cat, though, remained in silence.    "But never!", I shouted, even if my diaper had suddenly gone warm, "We don't obey orders from strangers!". "Ah, but you will listen me...", said the most elegant, her eyes shining with a blue light. Suddenly, my body was thrown back by a powerful air current. I hit the wall and some bricks fell over me. The last thing I heard was: "We are Samanta and Júlia, the new additions to Vitória's army. Fear us."    The dream then ended. Untitled woke up, scared. He sat in the crib and looked around. He soon noticed me sleeping beside him, in drenched diaper while I slept almost completely nude sucking on a pacifier. He sighed in relief and left the crib, going towards the desk in the same room. He opened the window, to allow the moonlight to make things clearer. He then began writing a letter I could read upon waking up, telling his dream. Maybe, the dream had some meaning...    Finished the task, Untitled went back to the crib and fell once again asleep.

An accident.

The day's work was over. Percival came home after his shift, wondering what had happened. He had already been in contact with the fantastic wildlife of the underground, but never with such intensity. As he walked through the square, he saw Mimo...

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Magical bear.

The exploration would finally begin. The group members were all properly fed and prepared. Supervisors suggested that those who were unarmed should go to the storage and grab some weapons and of course flash-lights. Percival and Guino catched lanterns...

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Kaio (EN-GB).

I did not have a good day. I woke up that night with a very full bladder and stood up in the crib to lower the bars. I left the crib and went to the other crib, poking the cub that slept there, a white cat with black stripes. - Wake up, bitch - I told...

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