A Debunked Theory P2

Story by Noxxycat on SoFurry

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Podcast story for FA: Kwandry FA: Kenson and FA: Dragonien

This is part two. :3

Kenson grinned down at a comparatively tiny red panda. "Gosh, you're so teeny! I could just pick you up and squeeze you! Actually.. I think I will!" The cheetah giggled, stooping down. Kwandry darted indoors, heart racing as he dove under a table. For a moment, he thought he was safe.. That is, until a horrible hollow groaning came from the very framework of the house. The red panda poked his head out from beneath the oak dinner table, just in time to see the ceiling shake, sprinkle crumbles of dust and debris, and then altogether lift right off his home! "Don't hide, big brother! I just wanna play with you!" Kenson could hardly hold his giggles back. He neatly deposited the roof down on the lawn, keeping it in one intact piece. Once that task was finished, the enormous cheetah turned back to his friend's roofless house. "Hm.. Where'd ya go?" He tilted his head, reaching in, beginning to move furniture around, with a ridiculous ease. A couch that normally took two people to lift was moved about by a single finger! Kwandry watched from beneath the table, which Kenson hadn't touched yet. A mix of conflicting emotions clouded his head. Fear, and confusion, but also fascination and awe. After all, Kenson shouldn't have existed at that size. Every scientific law contradicted the giant cheetah's existence. How was he still breathing? Why wasn't gravity crushing him against the earth's surface? Kwandry was torn out of his scientific musing, as the spotted hand was replaced with a foot. It was set in the middle of his living room, crushing a small coffee table and a dark leather couch, flattening them with mind boggling ease. "I guess I'll just have to crush every piece of furniture, 'till I find a little red panda!" Kenson called out, once again falling victim to a fit of gleeful giggles. Kenson was true to his promise; he slowly and deliberately crushed each piece of furniture he could find. He crushed chairs with his heel, tables with his sole, and small appliances with his toes. In a matter of minutes, Kwandry's living room was an apocalyptic scene. Everything was crushed, broken, or flattened. Everything except for a round dinner table, of course. The red panda was terrified now. Primal fear gripped his mind, in an icy vice grip. When the table began creaking, however, was when he was pushed over the edge. A defense system was activated; one he never knew he had. The defense mechanism? Growth. Kwandry barely noticed it at first. Slowly, the table began to feel like it covered less of his body. The crouched red panda hardly fit beneath the once spacious dinner table! His tail swished out from beneath it, his feet and hands both stuck out, and even his head ended up bumping into the hard wood. Kenson blinked, noticing how the red panda's body was growing altogether. The cheetah's foot no longer seemed as immense as it once was, in comparison to the red panda. He could only watch as Kwandry grew rapidly. "Oh geez.." He murmured, lifting his foot out from inside of the house. He was just in time, too; Kwandry's thigh had reached that spot. Kwandry kept his eyes squeezed shut, unaware of what was happening to himself. He felt tingling, almost as if every part in his body had fallen asleep at once. It was a strange feeling, no doubt. Furniture debris was pushed out of the way, as the cluttered living room was forced to make space for the growing creature. Kwandry, unaware of the strength that growing had bestowed upon him, stretched his legs out. His feet blasted through the front of his house, and his heels tore right into the ground, leaving two jagged gouges in the soft earth. Kenson lifted his foot out of the house, and took a couple

of earthshaking steps back, asphalt cracking beneath his feet. "Uh.. Kwaaan..?" He squeaked out, clutching both hands to his chest. The panda already seemed as large as Kenson, if not a couple of feet taller. "Just so you know, I wasn't going to hurt you or anything! I just wanted to give ya a good scare!" The cheetah nervously giggled out, continuing to watch the once tiny creature, as he hit another rough patch in his growth, and demolished another couple of walls with his arms. Kenson's growth had been spontaneous, but nothing like this. "Nnf.." Kwandry groaned quietly. His head throbbed, and he felt as if someone had just smacked him with a metal bat. The red panda remained in a sprawled position. His house was completely broken apart. Instead of being flattened and crushed inward, it had exploded outward and showered the surrounding area with chunks of wood, concrete, and metal. Also, unlike Kenson, Kwandry was around one hundred and ten feet. When standing, the top of Kenson's head reached the red panda's nose. Kwandry finally opened his eyes, which were previously screwed shut. Slowly, hesitantly, he sat up. Rubble and debris fell from his

back, falling back down to join the rest of the broken pieces of house. "Uh.." He began, staring down at the wrecked space of land that he now took up. He was at a loss for words; who wouldn't be? Minutes ago, he was hiding under a table, but now, he was sitting upon the remains of his house. "I totally didn't expect that..!" Kenson piped up, inching closer to the formerly tiny red panda. "You're still growing, too! Not as much as before, but.. Still!" A nervous giggle escaped the cheetah, as he reached a hand out, offering to help Kwandry. Kwandry, who was currently the same size as his spotted friend, reached out and gripped the hand, getting back up to his feet. "Ah, heh.. No hard feelings, right big brother?" Kenson squeaked out. "Repercussions will come later, but for now.." Kwandry grinned, and playfully pounced on the cheetah. As they hit the ground, the very

earth itself shook. The impact of the two giants caused the pavement to shatter, sending a shower of asphalt chunks, outwards from where they had landed. "Gotcha." The red panda snickered out, before rolling off of Kenson. The simple act of rolling resulted in various houses ending up crushed and wrecked! The two giants lay side by side; Kenson with his arms behind his head, and Kwandry with both hands folded on his chest. "Bet you're having too much fun to be upset now, riiiight?" The cheetah grinned, and nudged the red panda's side. Kwandry simply chuckled and rolled his eyes, responding with "Yeah, yeah.. Lucky you." "Y'know what we -should- do, though?" Kenson slowly sat up, and dusted debris out of his fur. Before the other giant could inquire, the cheetah continued. "Remember that one sector of the city that was scheduled for demolition?" A grin spread across Kwandry's face. "We should help the city with that." He murmured, as he followed the cheetah's movements, and eventually stood back up. Assorted debris crunched and crackled beneath his feet, as he wiggled his toes and dug them into the wreckage. "Mmh.. Oh, sorry. Nothin' like the feeling of crunchy concrete, asphalt, and wood, beneath your toes." "I stopped holding my urges back a looong time ago." Kenson giggled out in reply, pressing his foot down on a small piece of housing that hadn't been reduced to chunks. "Anyway..! Let's get goin', before it gets dark. It's not fun if you can't see what you're crushing." "You still remember where the district is, right?" "Thirty stomps west, of course!" ... Various sounds rumbled through the city. Crashes, crunches, booms, and shatters. If not for the occasional gleeful giggle, people would've mistaken the noise for an earthquake. An earthquake that only affected the uninhabited part of the city, scheduled for demolition. Strange, indeed. "Kwandry, watch -this-!" Kenson called out, before performing a belly flop on a series of small, one-story buildings. The ankle-high buildings were annihilated instantly, as the cheetah 'remodeled' them. The feline rolled around in the wreckage, emitting a happy chirp as another couple of stores were shattered and reduced to dusty rubble. "I'm a wrecking ball!" Kwandry chuckled and stuck his tongue out at the rolling feline. "Mass destruction is nice and all.. But what about -this-?" The red panda turned around, motioning to a fifty foot office building. Considering that Kwandry himself was around a hundred feet tall, the building only reached up to his thighs. It was a rather wide building, too, but it was merely the width of the giant's foot. Regardless, he raised a foot up high, and cautiously set a toe onto the flat top of the office. He gradually increased pressure, and his toe broke through concrete and bent metal. "See? Nice and slow." He practically purred out, continuing to lower his foot, breaking through office floors at a steady rate. Most of his foot ended up within the building, without breaking through the outer walls. "And now, the grand finale.." Kwandry murmured, as he skillfully slipped his foot back out of the building; there was a gaping hole in the very middle of the ruined structure. Kwandry grinned, took a step back, and then leaped into the air. Both of his feet smashed down onto the office structure, and crushed it like a tin can! The force of the double stomp ended up completely wrecking the building, leaving nothing but a dusty foundation. It aptly matched the other uninhabited blocks. ... A bright red dragon sat at an oak desk, scribbling away on a formal looking document. "You're charging an awful lot for demolition." He grumbled under his breath. "We're da only crew with the equipment, mista mayor." Replied a burly pitbull. He was grinning from ear to ear, obviously pleased about the large sum of money he was going to receive. "So's, ya wanna sign right down 'dere, and we'll get to work, mayor Hitsume."A horrible groaning and creaking came from above the two. The building itself shook, jarring the pen out of the dragon's hand. "W-wha..!" He gasped out, as the roof was torn right off the top of the city hall. Dust and rubble rained down from above, showering the mayor and the construction worker. "Too late, 'cause we already did it!" Chirped out a monumental cheetah, his head looming into the small square room. "We'll take half of whatever you were going to pay him." Added a slightly larger red panda, who tapped on the window outside of the office. "A-ah.. Y-yeah. Sure..!" The dragon choked out, still staring up at the face of the giant cheetah. He hastily reached into his dust-covered desk, and tugged out a check. The mayor hastily scribbled an amount on it, and held it up. The little paper was taken between the tips of two of the cheetah's claws, and just like that, the pair of giants stomped right off. "Job stealin' jerks." Grumbled the worker,

apparently unfazed. He stomped right out of the office, leaving the mayor to collect his thoughts. ... "I think, uh.. Pittsburg has a block or two scheduled for demolition!" "Well, we know where to go next..!"

Gone Viral

A malicious snicker left the bat's mouth, as he opened up a small ziplock bag, and emptied its contents- assorted micros- out onto his desk. Nox grinned, tapping a finger onto each little creature, and counting them. "Three. Good, you're all here."...

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Sore Loser

"Three.. Two.. One..! Ready or not, here I come!" A mustard colored Kirin giggled out. He slowly turned around, no longer facing the white wall of his kitchen. His sapphire blue and emerald green eyes scanned the dining room, looking for a distinct...

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A terrified squeal filled the air, as a little cat was plucked out of a small plastic package. Two enormous fingers held the feline, testily squeezing at its waist. "Yes.. You'll do nicely." Came a deep voice. Its owner was a monochromatic bat; none...

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